Warwick Ahead - Newsletter #13

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Warwick Ahead Newsletter #13 - December 2015

Bringing £1M to Warwick Estate over at least 10 years to make a lasting and positive difference to the community.

New Look Newsletter We have expanded the Warwick Ahead newsletter into more pages and have also increased the circulation from 1500 to 2000.

We aim to deliver the newsletter to all homes on the estate, but you can also pick up a copy of it at The Warwick Community Shop on Pinewood Place, or the Addy. If there are any other shops or places that would keep a few copies please let us know for future editions. The newsletter is to inform residents who live in the Warwick Ahead area what is going on and being funded through the estates £1 million. There are lots of opportunities to get involved and have your say on what you think should be happening to make the area a better place to live.

The newsletter can give you a flavour of whose involved and what’s going on. But remember Warwick Ahead Big Local is around for at least another 7 years so and all decisions on what happens with the funding and the projects are decided by residents. All residents are invited to the annual Warwick Ahead Christmas Party. This is a chance to find out more about Warwick Ahead and enjoy festive celebrations with your local friends and neighbours. There’s a lot on for kids and all the family so we hope to see you at the Addy for some Christmas fun!

Your Community Board

Each year residents or volunteers who help on the estate can stand to be elected onto the Warwick Ahead Community Board. The elections happen in March at the AGM. The Board meet monthly and decide the priorities for the Warwick Ahead Community Plan and oversee the organisations/ groups who are tasked with running them. The current membership of the Warwick Ahead Community Board are:

Elected Officers

• Sheila Hutley......... Chair Person • Matthew Poxon..... Vice Chair • David Turpin.......... Secretary • Sylvia Earle........... Vice Secretary

Voted Members

• Gail Merrifield • Wendy Abbott • Christine Martin • Abby Kennedy • Gill Cook • Doreen Zacarow • Tony Fort • Dan Wake • Becki Jones • Cllr Graham Stokes • Hazel Richardson • Angela Jordan

Organisations and groups delivering (delivered) projects for the Community Board in 2015

• Old Quarry Adventure Playground • Warwick Community Group • One to One Development Trust • Run Riot Group • Knottingley Angels • Warwick Neighbourhood Watch • Wakefield Well Women’s Centre & Leeds Mind • White Rose and Leeds City CreditUnions • NOVA • Osgoldcross Forum • Trust of Conservation Volunteers • Groundwork

Warwick Ahead Community Board Meetings

This is an elected group of residents who are guiding the Warwick Ahead project, also in attendance are organisations who support the project. ANY resident on the estate is welcome to attend these meetings or stand for a place on the Board Dates for meetings: • Mon 14th Dec.................. 10am • Mon 25th Jan................... 10am • Mon 22nd Feb.................. 10am • Mon 21st March AGM...... 6pm


Creating a pride of place and a more positive image for the estate

Community having more control and confidence to manage their own enterprises e.g. shops, transport, environment

Greater employment opportunities and legitimate ways to make money – a wealthier estate More people in work and getting the right benefits and opportunities

A friendly and happy community where people smile and care for their neighbours

With lots of things for people of all ages and needs to do

A cleaner and safer estate

News from the Addy Addy Luncheon Club Every Thursday

• 12.00pm – 2.00pm • £4.50 for 2 course meal • Transport Available • Please contact Holly Corbett if interested

01977 670953

Welcome to the team

Matthew Poxon is working as Playground Assistant at the Addy for the next 6 months.

for the elderly, assisting in planning and preparation of projects, attending meetings, office duties and helping maintain the building.

The job is funded by the Talent Match programme and managed by the Old Quarry Adventure Playground.

The Addy are enjoying supporting Matthew in his progress, development and training as Playground Assistant.

His role involves helping out on play sessions, providing a desirable service

It’s wonderful to have Matthew on the Addy team!

Dog training

Dear Warwick residents, Would you be interested in coming along to the Addy for dog training lessons/ dog group? The more people showing an interest means that there is more of a chance of this happening. Looking forward to hearing from all dog lovers in the Warwick area and having some fun and games with little dogs, big dogs, new dogs, old dogs. Please e.mail me at sylviaearle51@yahoo.co.uk with your details. Thank you, Sylvia.

Youth Parliament

The UK Youth Parliament (UKYP) energises young people aged 11-18 years to use their voice to help their community. Bobby-Lea Poxon (15) attends De Lacy Academy has applied to become a candidate for the 2016 elections. Here she is with her 5 sponsors Please ask your children, friends and relatives to vote for her in February at their school or college if they are aged 11-18 years of age ... Warwick Ahead would like to wish Bobbi-Lea lots of luck in her election campaign.

Warwick Community Group - Pinewood Place MacMillian Coffee Morning

Well done to Becki Jones and Warwick Community Group for hosting a coffee morning to raise funds for MacMillian Cancer Support. £103.60 was raised and some delicious cakes were baked and enjoyed! Becki Jones is this newsletters STAR VOLUNTEER

Whats on at The Community Shop What: Art Classes Mondays When: 12pm – 3:30pm, every Monday

What: Coffee morning Wednesdays When: 11am – 1pm, every Wednesday What: Monthly Diabetes Club. When: 10am – 12pm, first Tuesday of every Month What: Craft club: learn how to make your own cards, sew, knit or if you have a skill pass it on When: 10am – 12pm, third Tuesday of every Month

Pleased to announce...

Photo: Sue Bird with Becki Jones, Christine Martin and Gail Merrifield

Report on Big Local Training Day ‘Building and Spaces’ - Sheffield Written by Gail Merrifield, David Turpin and Carol White The day was about buildings, hubs and premises. Three of us attended the event in Sheffield. We went on the train from Knottingley to Sheffield. These Big Local days are paid for by Big Local so you have no expenses to pay out, they will reimburse you for refreshments, breakfast and fares between stations. This particular day, all groups had met before so this was a conclusion meet. The groups travelled from Ramsey, Sheffield, Birmingham, London and Knottingley. We all had one thing in common, buildings whether it be obtaining, sustaining or owning a building. It was a good networking opportunity and also time to trouble shoot ideas. Lunch was provided which consisted of chilli or curry and lots of different cakes and fruit (all to tempt us to put weight on.) The day in general was great, we networked and learnt a lot about other areas and where their Big Local partnerships are at. Warwick Ahead are seen as one of the leading groups which is always a positive.

the winner of the sweepstake was Craig McKinlay. The answer was 576 spots on a picture of a cake and he guessed 575 which was the nearest answer. He won £30.

Big Local Training Day – ‘Making Decisions as a Group’ – Doncaster Three residents; Gail, Dan and Becki all attended this course. “I love going on these Big Local courses and seeing where everyone from the other areas are in their Plans and what they are doing with their million pounds. We learn about all sorts and its good fun” There’s lots more course coming up – any resident is welcome to attend.

Save the date: get involved! Neighbourhood Watch Meeting.

Environment Group Meeting.

Neighbourhood watch is all about making your community safer and everyone is welcome. Tuesday 7pm 15th December The Addy

The Environment Group is a sub group of the main Warwick Ahead Community Board, it looks at environmental concerns on the estate and everyone is welcome. Monday 10am 30th November The Addy

Warwick Wellbeing

Warwick Wellbeing offers FREE courses and groups to all Warwick Estate residents.

The Relax and Chill group is on every Thursday from 1 – 3pm at The Community Shop. We are also offering a variety of different workshops on a Monday from 9.30am – 11.30am. These cover things like assertiveness, communication skills and confidence building. If you would like to come along to any of the sessions or find out more please ring Sue on 07590046522.

Can You Help Spread the Word? Volunteer opportunities with White Rose & Leeds City Credit Union. We are looking for volunteers to support us in an exciting new opportunity in the Warwick Estate Community Shop, Pinewood Place. Are you enthusiastic and motivated and able to give a few hours of your time? Do you believe in fair banking for all? Like to build up your customer service skills to help get back into work? Great opportunities for further training and development.

A chance to create a successful service, supporting your local community.

If you would like to know more, please contact Jane Kettlewell at Leeds City Credit Union on Tel:07920 116 138 email: jkettlewell@leedscitycreditunion.co.uk Or simply call into the shop on a Friday and speak to Jane about it. What: Credit Union: Bank accounts opened, loans (subject to criteria), savings accounts and more. When: 9.00 to 4.00pm, every Friday

Introducing your new Warwick Ahead Community Worker

Hi All

My name is Carol White and I am your community development worker employed by Nova and funded by the Big Local from Warwick Ahead. I have worked in this field for over 25 years. Working at Barnardos and Gingerbread locally, regionally and nationally as a Community Development Worker. Also I have taught in Adult Education as a Computer Literacy Tutor for 12 years in conjunction with working as a youth worker for 27 years. If that wasn’t enough I have been a community activist and volunteered work with older people and set up and run voluntary youth groups for Gateway, Mencap. I’m married with one son and all three of us gave always supported our community. I have a diploma in IT, degree in Youth Work & Community & Education plus my PGCE teaching qualification. I am looking forward to work in Simpsons Lane/ Warwick Estate. My vision is to help all residents (1500) to become active citizens in their Community and I’ve met some fantastic volunteers and workers already who are dedicated to the groups and projects they are up and running. If you are interested in looking for support, employment, volunteering or training please do not hesitate to contact me. My work mobile is 07753456548 and I’m working from The Addy and The Community Shop ....

Please drop in and have a chat. Everyone has made me feel very welcome and I’m determined to work hard for you over the coming years.

See you soon, cheers


Carol White (left) with Teresa Corr, Becki Jones and Casey Lindsay Photo by The Portrait Side Show for Game 4 Health Project – One to One Development Trust

Visit from Chief Superintendent Warwick Estate had a visit from Chief Superintendent Simon Whitehead where with PCSO’s Aaron Riley and Richard Shaw he heard about Warwick Ahead from Board Member Tony Fort and Community Caretaker Craig McKinley Chief Superintendent Simon Whitehead said ‘Warwick is a completely different place since I worked here in 1994 as a PC, there is some great stuff happening’

Community Employment Advisor Update Community Employment Advisor Support

WDH has three Community Employment Advisors working across the district:

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Julie Srivastava (Wakefield and surrounding areas); Shabana Yousaf (Normanton, Featherstone and the South East of the district); Sarah Aucott (Castleford, Airedale, Pontefract and Knottingley).

Contact details: 07776 245824 saucott@wdh.co.uk They currently run 14 Work Clubs across the Wakefield district at various libraries and community centres and also offer one-to-one appointments as needed. They are able to work with any individuals aged 16 years or over living within a WDH property, or who are registered with Homesearch. Support is tailored to individual needs, but could include: • • • • • • • •

compiling CVs and writing cover letters; using online job search sites and email; finding appropriate job opportunities; interview techniques and preparation; filling in application forms; accessing training or volunteer opportunities; referral and signposting to specialist provision;and disclosing gaps in employment positively.

The Warwick Wheels Community Transport Project is run by Osgoldcross Forum for Warwick Ahead. With a local driver, there is a 16 seater minibus available for local groups and residents to use. So if you fancy planning a Christmas Shopping trip with friends, your community group, want a birthday outing or a visit to a local pantomime then contact Osgoldcross Forum to see how you can use the bus and what the charges are. Its guaranteed that it’ll be cheaper than commercial hire or taxis.

Tel: 01977 607242

Work Clubs Locations (East):

Pontefract Library Mondays 1pm to 3pm Airedale Library Tuesdays 9 am to 12 pm Knottingley Library and Sports Centre Tuesdays 1 pm to 3 pm Five Towns Resource and Technology Centre, Castleford Wednesdays 9 am to 12 pm St Mary’s Community Centre, Pontefract Fridays 9.30 am to 11.30 am

Message from Knottingley Angels The girls have had a very productive few months, but without the funding from Warwick Ahead these events wouldn’t have happened. We have recently got new kits they are red, black and white. The girls love their new kits and never fail to make comments on them and post selfies on snapchat Facebook and Instagram. Thank you Big Local from All the Knottingley Angels

Warwick Ahead On Social Media Warwickaheadonline @WarwickAhead

Pointless Destruction Acacia Walk Park The more the community can join together on projects like Warwick Ahead the more unified we can become against incidents like this.

On the evening of 21st October the train in children’s park was set alight. It’s very unfair that a few mindless people wreck what is there for the rest of the community. If you have any information on this please see your neighbourhood policing team.

There is a Neighbourhood Watch Group on the estate – if you would like to join the group or look at developing another group where you live please ask the local PCSOs or come to the next NW meeting Tuesday 7pm 15th December The Addy Photos kindly shared by Dave Turpin

Seeking Photos

This map shows the boundary for the Warwick Ahead area. We are gathering good quality landscape photos to use on the Facebook Page and website. Or do you have any old photos of Simpsons Lane Estate (before it was called Warwick). Please email info@onetoonedevelopment.org full credit will be given. Have your Say – If you have any ideas or comments on Warwick Ahead please let us know we would love to hear from you!

Email us info@onetoonedevelopment.org or drop it into the Addy

The next newsletter deadline is Friday 5th February please send any information to info@onetoonedevelopment.org

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