Warwick Ahead - Newsletter #15

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Warwick Ahead Newsletter #15 - Spring 2017

Bringing ÂŁ1M to Warwick Estate over at least 10 years to make a lasting and positive difference to the community

Celebrating three years! We have reached the end of the first three years of the Warwick Ahead Community Plan and we are now taking stock of what we’ve achieved, reviewing it all and planning forward for the next stage of the project.

Within the first three years there were twenty projects delivered by eleven organisations or groups. Some amazing work was achieved and this newsletter shows you some of what we have been doing. Well done to everyone who has worked so hard to deliver the outcomes laid out in the Community Plan 2013-2016. The Community Board has been undertaking a review. This review process has been owned and driven by residents supported by their Community Development Worker and their Big Local Adviser. The work has involved holding a series of events and activities to engage with residents including the Tenth Anniversary Celebration of the Community Shop. This alone attracted almost 400 residents and was opened by the local MP Yvette Cooper. Members of the Board met regularly to manage the consultation, to review in detail past projects, and to scrutinise past and current expenditure. The work involved and the commitment of residents to do this has been impressive. The consultation involved a visit to every single household on the estate (over 2,700 properties). In June and October 2016, the Board undertook training at Northern College. The aim was to look at the learning outcomes, impact and measurement.This included a

focus on planning, monitoring and a review of the original Community Plan so that everyone could understand what had gone before and plan effectively for the future. The outcome of this was a refreshed Mission Statement (see page 7), a clear consultation strategy and questionnaire to be used on the estate to gather feedback. The purpose of the consultation is to inform as many residents as possible of the work and to check that the refreshed Mission Statement remained in line with the wishes of the estate, refreshing the priorities for action to achieve it. We look forward to sharing with you our celebration of the first three years and the vision for the next stage of the Community Plan.

Community Plan Phase 2 2017 Onwards

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letter from Our Chair

On 20th March 2017 Warwick Ahead held its Annual General Meeting at the Community Shop in Pinewood Place. A new Community Board was elected, the Chair Person was re-elected and Officer positions filled.

The New Community Board:

Hello Residents of Warwick Estate. My Name is Tony Fort and I have been Chair of Warwick Ahead Now for 12 Months. I would like to inform the people on the estate this great opportunity for us all to make difference. We have a fantastic volunteer group of people but we could do with a few more, especially people with skills that could help us achieve what the residents would like to see. The Community Board and I have a vision of using our own skills to create jobs for people on the estate with a Community Enterprise Scheme. This will keep the money in the community and not for personal gain. You are of course very welcome to come and be a part of this whenever you feel ready to do so. At the time of the writing this newsletter we have £459,545 funding left at our disposal to spend on the estate. We don’t have any direct access to the cash, or hold any. All our projects are described in the Community Plan. The budgets for this are carefully looked after by our Locally Trusted Organisation, NOVA. So please come and help us spend YOUR MONEY wisely. Updates will be sent to you all at least twice a year hopefully. 2

Tony Fort

Officers 1. Chair Person – Tony Fort 2. Vice-Chair – Hazel Richardson 3. Secretary – Ruth Stead 4. Vice-secretary – vacancy 5. Treasurer – vacancy

Members Gail Merrifield Christine Martin Doreen Zacharow Gill Cook Gail Chatterton Lynn Ward Yvonne Haigh Emma Probert Danni Whitworth a Over half Daniel Wake unds million po Lee Jordan Angela Jordan Beryl Kirkham Tyler Palin-Kerry – Youth Rep



Representatives of organisations who attend the Community Board: Big Local Rep – Tony Herrmann NOVA Chief Executive – Ian Cockerill NOVA / Warwick Ahead CD Worker – Carol White WDH Area Manager – Jo Smith WDH Engagement Officer – Claire Secker WDH Estate Manager – Helen Woodcock WMDC Strategic Communities Manager Wakefield East – Alison Bird Knotttingley Ward 9 – Cllr Graham Stokes

Positive Stories

Over the last three years Warwick Ahead has run a lot of different projects. Here are a few showing what’s been achieved.

Warwick Community Group Knottingley Angels

The Knottingley Angels are a Cheer-leading Troup set up by two mums in the early days of Warwick Ahead. The group have benefited from funding to help them travel to perform at places like Rugby Leagues, Magic Weekend. The young people have benefitted from having specialist coaching and costumes. They are now running as a sustainable group having recently secured funds from other sources. Contact Michelle Poxon on 07711 961539

This group of volunteers has come on from strength to strength since the beginning of Warwick Ahead. They have increased their capacity of engaging people by using the shop as a venue for: Job club, Digital Angels, crafts group, befriending project for older people, coffee mornings, Warwick Ahead meetings, WEA courses like De stress the natural way (increasing self-esteem and confidence), KnitWits, Create n Make, Neighbourhood Watch Drop In, POUCH and Credit Union. Over 2895 people have been into the Shop. The Shop also run Table Top sales, run a Christmas Fayre and to ensure that the Estate Seaside Trip runs every August. The Shop also houses desk space for the Warwick Ahead Community Development Worker. Working with other Partners, the Community Group has now become sustainable without Warwick Ahead Funds. Contact Warwick Community Group on 01977 672 726

Run Riot

Based at the Addy, Run Riot was set up as trial project for parents with children who have additional needs. Weekly sessions are facilitated by staff who have helped, support and develop the needs of the group. The group are now very established and are running without Warwick Ahead funding. Contact The Addy on 01977 670 953 3

FINANCIAL REPORT Funding spent and commited by Warwick Ahead Big Local - 20 February 2017

Funding spent and committed by Warwick Ahead Big Local - 20/2/2017 TOTAL

Year 4

Plan 2013 - 2016 Returned


Jul 2016

One to One Development Trust


The Addy (NOTE 2) Events

£212,859 £11,700


£177,115 £11,700

Warwick Community Group





Warwick Neighbourhood Watch







Osgoldcross Forum (W. Wheels) Takings returned (50%) NOTE 3


Leeds City Credit Union



Leeds Mind



The Conservation Vounteers (NOTE 4)






Total for this period


Jan 2017


£32,208 £3,726 £1,546

£18,400 £20,000





£47,755 -£1,546



Total spent by August 2016




Total approved after August 2016: Total spent & committed


1. Figures do not include any 5% addition paid to LTOs - (not from the £1M) 2. Addy totals include Knottingley Angels, Caretaker, Lunch Club, Run Riot, 2. Addy totals include Knottingley Angels, Caretaker, Lunch Club, Run Riot, Addy improvements and Costs Partnership Costs Addy improvements and Partnership 3. Takings in Bus shared 50% 3. Takings in Bus shared 50% 4. Some money may still be returned 4. Some money may still be returned 5. CD worker post current contract from April 2016 to March 2018 * 1. Figures do not include any 5% addition paid to LTOs - (not from the £1m)

5. CD worker post current contract from April 2016 to March 2018


Some of our current projects that you can get involved with

• Vanguard befriending project working with older people • Young people and the environment


To March 2018


Warwick Ahead Chair Person M 07598 406416 E warwickahead@outlook.com

Carol White

• Furniture recycling project

Community Development Worker M 07577 897214 E carol.white@nova-wd.org.uk

• Credit Union

Ian Cockerill

NOVA (Warwick Ahead Locally Trusted Organisation) Telephone 01924 367418

£103,056 *(NOTE £539,655

Positive Stories


Community News Project

Neighbourhood Watch

At the end of Warwick Ahead’s 3 year plan, Neighbourhood Watch have achieved much with their financial help. C.C.T.V. Cameras in Pinewood Place are now working, thanks to WDH for standing the cost. C.C.T.V. Cameras on Cherry Tree bungalows are now reinstated and working thanks to Warwick Ahead - Big Local for funding this project. The cameras will be maintained for 7 years. Junior Neighbourhood Watch had funding to revitalise the Lanes and make them more usable. This project took 2 years to complete but was successfully achieved. Funding for Cherry Tree bungalows Christmas Dinner meant we could take between 45-50 elderly residents out for a festive meal. Those not able to attend were given a tin of biscuits. Bungalow Bash going from strength to strength and although last summer the weather was unkind to us Hazel Garth stepped in and saved the day with approximately 89 people enjoyed the afternoon.

Eleven films have been created throughout the project with different groups documenting different stages of the Community Plan. These have involved over 500 people including an important film project at Simpsons Lane School teaching the children film-making and animation skills. The children were also involved in contributing their ideas for the future of the Estate. One to One Development Trust have also produced 15 newsletters (22,500 copies) distributed round the estate. Due to demand the circulation and size of the newsletter increased from 1000 per edition to 2000, and went from 4 pages to 8. One to One created the publicity for 12 events/meetings and have produced the logos and design of all the Warwick Ahead publicity material. One to One developed and maintain the Warwick Ahead website. Over the three years One to One has delivered training in social media, presenting on camera, interview techniques, writing press releases and social media has been run for residents. All the films and newsletters are freely available on www.warwickahead.co.uk Contact Judi Alston on 07901 686 142

Neighbourhood Watch going well and growing slowly we now have over 30 signed up members from all corners of the Estate, but a warm welcome awaits anyone wishing to join us. Contact Hazel Richardson on 07831 169 404


Positive Stories Continued...

Credit Union Community development worker

The Community Development worker post is managed by NOVA. After working on the estate for the past 18 months the recruitment of volunteers and the addition of courses and clubs has provided an increase of activity on the Warwick Estate. Questionnaires that some volunteers and myself delivered and collected from every household have provided information on the common problems that residents face and their solutions. By working in partnership with the Council, WDH, Age UK, Neighbourhood Watch, Warwick Community Group, our local Cllrs, community groups and the Police, this has helped WA Partnership Board to devise a plan to make Warwick a safer and cleaner estate. If you want more information you are welcome to attend Warwick Ahead Partnership meetings or drop into the community shop in the Square for a chat Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Contact Carol White on 07577 897 214


The Credit Union was set mid-way through the first three years of the Community Plan. Based one day a week every Friday in the Community Shop the service is delivered by Leeds City Credit Union. A worker is on hand to provide advice, help with saving and offer low cost loans to residents. Debt and door step lenders are a big problem on Warwick Estate and the Credit Union project offers residents a confidential, alternative. In exactly 2 years of the project the Credit Union have made 106 loans to people on the estate of £62,409 (the interest of this is £12,830 whereas if the same amount was borrowed from a door stop lender the interest would be £59,882 so potentially residents going with the Credit Union have collectively saved £47,000 interest charges from Door Step lenders). If you want advice, please call into the Shop on a Friday or contact them directly: www.leedscitycreditunion.co.uk Telephone 0113 242 3343

Luncheon Club

The Luncheon Club was a Warwick Ahead pilot project run by the Addy for Over 55’s on the Estate that really took off. Help was given with transport to bring elderly members from the community in. As well as getting a beautifully cooked three course meal and round of bingo in return for a small contribution, the Luncheon Club put on special meals for Christmas, Valentine’s Day and other occasions. The Luncheon Club provides a great social environment for elderly residents of the Estate. Contact The Addy on 01977 670 953


We are a community led organisation funded by the Big Local Lottery Fund. As volunteers we are working to improve the Estate by prioritising:


Young People Seen & Heard The Warwick Ahead Community Development Worker was asked by the Warwick Community Group secretary Mary Gladman to attend a meeting at Morrisons with the PCSO’s about anti-social behaviour. After meeting the 30 young people who have caused a nuisance, a session in the Warwick Community Group Shop was set up in partnership with the CD worker and the Involving Young People Project (WMDC) for 8 weeks to find out exactly what young people are saying and to make sure they were listened to. They produced a report that brought amazing outcomes. •

Multi Agency Youth response was set up that consisted of the statutory and voluntary groups who work with young people that also included our local Cllrs Graham Stokes, Glen Burton and the Mayor Harry Ellis Successfully WMDC gained funding from the Community Safety Partnership for activity,

youth workers, lights, CCTV cameras, toilets, fencing to be built at the top of the estate.

Letters wrote by the Chair of Neighbourhood Watch to Leader of the Council, Police Commissioner, WDH and other chief execs about the need to address the ASB on the estate which was addressed has brought positive activities onto the estate for the young people.

Youth forum to give young people a voice to be fed back to the Neighbourhood Watch meeting, Network meeting & Youth Service.

Young person nominated on the WA Partnership Board

To conclude the young people are now an integral part of the processes in place on the Estate and have become active citizens.


The Big Local Area Map

This map shows the boundary of where the ÂŁ1M Big Local funding is spent.

Yvonne Haigh

Lynn Ward

Taking on a new role as a treasurer

Looking after all the parents in Pouch

Have your Say – If you have any ideas or comments on Warwick Ahead please let us know we would love to hear from you!

Craig Mckinlay

Always lending a hand

Ruth Stead

Dedicated commitment to the questionnaires

Thank You Warwick Ahead Stars For Great Effort!

Pauline Gill Nothing too much trouble for her!

Cut this out and return it to the Community Shop or email warwickahead@outlook.com This is the last newsletter produced as part of the Community Media Project. We hope you have enjoyed the 15 newsletters! If you would like to find out more about the first 3 years of Warwick Ahead please visit www.warwick-ahead.co.uk Thank you very much for your support. - One to One Development Trust

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