Truth Vs Myth: Oklahoma SNAP Benefits

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• The easiest way to apply for SNAP benefits is online. Click “Apply for Benefits” at • Call (405) 487-5483 to apply by phone. • Find income guidelines & materials needed to apply for SNAP at • Initial & renewal applications can take up to 30 days to process. All applications are screened for expedited eligibility. • In the same month, one cannot participate in both FDPIR (Tribal Commodity) & SNAP.


“I cannot receive SNAP benefits because I own property.”

SNAP benefits are placed electronically on the Access Oklahoma Card on the 1st, 5th, or 10th of the month.

This material was funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Education grant to the ONIE Project. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Full non-discrimination statement can be found at :

“It takes too long to sign up & process paperwork.”

Learn the truth to help you & your family get the assistance you need with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.

I cannot receive SNAP benefits because I own property (ex: home or car).

I will have to sit in the DHS lobby all day to apply for SNAP benefits or see my caseworker.

Everyone receives the same amount of SNAP benefits each month.

The property you own is not taken into consideration when determining eligibility. Certain expenses such as mortgage & other costs can be used to determine benefit amount.

The easiest way to apply or renew SNAP benefits is online at You can also call to schedule a phone interview at (405) 487-5483. Most cases are approved for 1 year at a time.

Almost every household is different when it comes to the amount of SNAP benefits received. The amount of SNAP benefits can vary depending on household size, income, living costs & other factors.

If I move I will lose all my unused SNAP benefits.

To receive continuous benefits, I will have to go back to the DHS office every month.

Tell your caseworker your new address & living costs as soon as possible. If you move out of state, your Access Oklahoma card can be used in your new state.

Because I am paid in cash, I cannot apply for SNAP benefits. You can be paid in cash. If your employer will not provide proof of your income, your caseworker will use the best available information to decide your income.

I cannot use my SNAP benefits to purchase plants or seed.

You may use SNAP benefits to purchase any plant or seed that will produce food.

There is a 6 month review, but it can be completed online. When it is time for you to renew your benefits, a notice will be mailed to you with instructions on how to re-apply. This review is not a new application.

It takes too long to sign up & process paperwork to receive SNAP benefits.

All applications are screened for expedited eligibility. A regular SNAP application should be processed within 30 days.

An adult must have legal custody of a child in order to receive SNAP benefits for that child.

I can’t use coupons when using my SNAP benefits.

Even without legal custody, as long as the child lives in your home the child can be included in your household. Your caseworker will discuss who can be included in your food benefits household during your interview.

You may use coupons issued by a manufacturer or store, but sales tax may need to be charged on the amount discounted by coupon (not the cost of the food itself).

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