K1X BWA Collectionbook

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b. w. a - ba l l e r s w i t h at t i t u d e the k1x spring 2006 c o l l e c t i o n r e p r e s e n t s r u n & g u n c a l i f o r n i a basketball and was c o n c e i v e d to r e m i n i s c e t h e day s o f n oto r i o u s rap group „n.w. a “ , „ b oy z n t h e h o o d “ a n d „ l a k e r “ s h o w t i m e . the collection feat u r e s t r i ba l a s w e l l a s g ot h i c i n f l u e n c e s a n d reps the timeless los a n g e l e s r a i d e r s c l a i m : r e a l m e n w e a r b l ac k .

k1x – nation o f h o o p. g r o u n d e d i n ba s k e t ba l l li f e s t y l e s i n c e 1 9 9 3 . the k1x brand ( s p o k e n „ k ay- o n e - e x “ ) e v o lv e d n at u r a l ly f r o m t h e acknowledged ba s k e t ba l l & s n e a k e r s p e c i a l i s t s to r e „ k i c k z “ (munich, germ a n y ) a n d t h e t r a i l - b l a z i n g i n t e r n e t s i t e w w w. k i c k z . c o m . building an o w n b r a n d wa s a l o g i c a l c o n s e q u e n c e f o r a n e x p e r i e n c e d company with a v i s i o n a n d a n e d g e . at k1x, almos t e v e ry p o s i t i o n, f r o m c e o to d e s ig n e r , i s p l ay e d b y active baller s, m a k i n g n i c h e e x p e rt i s e a n d u n c o m p r o m i s i n g authenticity t h e c o m pa n y s ’ f o u n dat i o n. r a i n - m a n - l i k e at t e n t i o n to basketball - s p e c i f i c d e ta i l s a r e a q u e s t i o n o f h o n o u r . s o p r e m i u m functionality a n d f r e s h u r ba n s t y l e s at „ ba l l e r s 4 ba l l e r s “ p r i c i n g define every k 1 x p r o d u c t. k1x defines it s e l f a s ba s k e t ba l l l i f e s t y l e b r a nd, t h e f i r s t to simultaneous ly e m p h a s i z e o n - c o u rt a n d o f f - c o u rt c l ot h i n g. b e c au s e a basketball p l ay e r w i l l a lway s b e a ba s k e t ba l l p l ay e r , w h e t h e r o n court, in the c l u b o r at h i s m o m s. t h e p r o d u c t r a n g e c o n s i s t s o f various shoes, h i k i n g b o ot s, t e e s, s u i t s, j e r s e y s, s h o rt s, c a p s, h at s, sweatshirts, h o o d i e s, s o c k s, j ac k e t s, c a p s, ba ll s, j e a n s, bag s a n d various other ac c e s s o r i e s. A lways remem b e r : p l ay h a r d, d o n ’ t e m ba r r a s s o u r p r o d u c t s.


they call him „hollywood“ coz of the lightning crossover and winning smile, mos def. as pee gee of the back2back „k1x ballers with attitude“ nba basketball challenge champions, this a-list entertainer is used to dazzling sell-out crowds.

gin n juice full zipper hoody

lightweight urban hooded, k1x new era 12 panel cap


mike baron is one smooth operator, like sade on weed. so just because you don‘t really notice him until it‘s too late, doesn‘t mean he won‘t light your ass up proper. put your lighters up.

b.w.a. parka, k1x new era b.w.a. cap

b.w.a. fidel cap, buckle tee

gothic polo, sweat set

national anthem suit

left coast basketball sleeveless, sweat set, b.w.a. micro mesh park short, ultimate league ball mk3, strictly business

b.w.a. air mesh jersey

stars n shine bandana reversible set

hardwood game ball mk4, sweat set, b.w.a. wifebeater doughboy sweatshort, strictly business

hardwood game ball mk4, b.w.a. sleeveless, league short mc, strictly business

waffle noh longsleeve


noyel is team manager of the k1x - ballers with attitude and runs a tight ship. his astounding pull with the females is surpassed only by his gritty hustle. a man for all seasons.

stars n shine bandana reversible set

sweat set, dice tee mk2, official playground ball mk3

k1x new era bandana cap, b.w.a. kingsize tee, waffle noh longsleeve

let me ride hoody, b.w.a. wifebeater, doughboy sweatshort, tour bag, strictly business club selecao wifebeater, say what? denim sweatpant

crispy clean tag kingszize tee


e.t. took the crimson tide to the elite 8 before going overseas as 21ppg journeyman. but whether in denmark or germany, this silent assassin will always be straight alabama.

k1x new era bandana cap, b.w.a. wifebeater, doughboy sweatshort, chiefglider b.w.a. mid, thug passion suit


look up „hip hop“ in websters and you will see this aggro dj scowling at you. inthepaint (p1) & pacha (ibiza) resident. somebody scream.

cronic crewneck, cronic sweatpant, club selecao

k1x new era bandana cap, gothic polo, doughboy sweatshort, chiefglider b.w.a. mid pimp suit, run and gun sleeveless, b.w.a. micro mesh park short

lightweight urban hooded

gothic polo, waffle noh longsleeve

gothic logo kingsize tee, b.w.a. kingsize tee, doughboy crewneck sweatshirt


the „italian stallion“ is an alley-oop monster. all arms and elbows, bobso has been the bruising anchor in the paint for the k1x streetball champions since day one. from 93 til infinity.

gothic polo, summer breeze tag hoody

b.w.a. fidel cap

run and gun truckercap

dynamike truckercap

fingaz truckercap

new era b.w.a. cap

48 inch truckercap

fingaz truckercap

b.w.a. fidel cap

dynamike truckercap

run and gun truckercap

small ball truckercap

new era bandana cap

new era bandana cap

new era 12 panel cap

new era 12 panel cap

l1d cap

l1d cap

l1d cap



strictly business

strictly business

chiefglider b.w.a. mid

lazy layup

lazy layup

club selecao

club selecao

look ma, no shoe laces

look ma, no shoelaces


hoops africa trucker, freetown nylon down snorkle, wifebeater

Strictly business

look ma, no shoe laces

new era check it out cap

Want beef truckercap

bbq tag truckercap

new era check it out cap

check it out visor

hummingbird truckercap

bbq tag truckercap

check it out visor

barb wire tee


dynamite tee

check it out kingsize tee

las vegas sleeveless

check it out classic polo


BBQ TAG sleeveless

lazy sunday polo, bbq tag truckercap

lazy sunday polo, lazy sunday short, chiefglider b.w.a. mid

bbq truckercap, bbq tag sleeveless, denim cargo short

check it out extra layer short


meet the inventor of the defensive stance and suicide sprints. did we mention the stanford chest pass? work ethic straight from the chinese laundry. and then some.

dynamite tee, check it out extra layer short, official playground ball mk3


brian who? brian jones! this cali point guard broke steve nash‘s assist record at the university of santa clara and now leads the bremerhaven icebears into battle. bj leads the german league in dimes, of course.

check it out wifebeater, check it out extra layer short, check it out kingsize tee (ärmel abgeschnitten), check it out bball short


if anyone was breastfed with street cred, it‘s gotta be berlin b-boy dean dawson. this mc‘s intensity on stage and on court is cathartic. player for life.

check it out classic polo, say what? denim sweatpant

check it out wifebeater, check it out extra layer short


we have actually never seen a-man in action but desperately needed a model for our „l“ samples. but even if his post-up is questionable, it is hard to argue with the fact that he got game. just ask your girl.

check it out truckercap, check it out sweatjacket, check it out sweatpant, chiefglider b.w.a. mid

check it out classic polo


this microwave energizer got mixtape handles that‘ll make you go „hmmm“. get too low on d and he‘ll embarrass you. actually, scratch that, don‘t matter what you do, he‘ll find a way to make you look like a goalpost. you do not want this defensive assignment. period.

check it out sweatjacket, check it out sweatpant, check it out wifebeater


like a cat on a hot tin roof. always slick, always in motion. this kid from rochester, ny, now delivers „oohs“, „aahs“ and „whatthefucks?!“ for the giessen 46ers.

check it out wifebeater, lazy sunday short, chiefglider b.w.a. mid


e’s game got juice like a truckload of tropicana and the balls of a poodle. but what came first? his reckless drive to the hole or the gold grill? makes no difference now, does it?

check it out visor, check it out kingsize tee, Check it out bball short


all you can drink from the fountain of youth styles featuring three football championship rings and a mut named busta. this londoner defensive lineman got gunz like lord tariq and peter at a smith&wesson convention. don’t step unless you brought your a-game. even then, you may wanna give it a second thought.

check it out visor, check it out wifebeater, lazy sunday short, chiefglider b.w.a. mid

hoops africa trucker, freetown nylon down snorkle, wifebeater

lazy sunday polo, lazy sunday short, chiefglider b.w.a. mid, check it out wifebeater, check it out bball short, bbq tag tee, strictly business

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