Confirmatory Stage Illustration Carla Sanders
Animal Instincts
February 2016
March 2016
April 2016
May 2016
June 2016
Ideas/Plan research Mood board for inspiration Artist and warriors
Research History Review research Game character
Research – Initial ideas and Development/ sketching Researching costume and warrior movie Fabric choices
Costume research Character ideas and poses Experimental art idea Model sheet
Painting and ink techniques Final Pieces/complete all documentation
Achieved – plus more indepth research needed
Achieved – two final pieces in pen and ink, based on research
Animal Instincts – Timetable
Confirmatory Stage
Research and Development
DIPLOMA IN FOUNDATION STUDIES (ART AND DESIGN) STATEMENT OF INTENT 1. NAME: Carla Sanders 2. CANDIDATE NUMBER: 3809850 3. WORKING PROJECT TITLE: Animal Instincts 4. PROJECT AREA: Drawing and Illustration Section 1 PROGRESS AND ACHIEVEMENT THROUGH UNITS 1-7 Over the last eighteen months on this Diploma, I have learnt a lot about myself and my chosen career path. I have enjoyed trying out the eight exploratory stages at the start of the course, these let me experiment with different mediums I would not normally use. This taught me different techniques and skills which include line drawing, the process of design, research skills and the importance of time management and organizing skills. One area in which I’ve enjoyed expanding my skill base is line drawing and my pencil techniques has improved, I feel I am more accurate in what I draw and confident to put pencil to paper. I also learnt a lot about typography and which fonts should be used in certain situations, this again helped me improve my pen and ink skills. This self-awareness has led me to choose illustration and drawing for my final project. Section 2 PATHWAY CHOICES I first chose fine Art as my pathway stage but found the subject to emotive for me at this stage of my artistic development. I therefore changed to illustration which is my other passion. I always draw and create characters in my spare time, it has always been a calming experience. I have been inspired by Grayson Perry, who was born in my home town and feel empathy to him, as an outsider in this urban landscape, his 1
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illustrations have left a great impression on me. After visiting his creation “A House for Essex” I feel that I would like to bring a more personal approach to my art, even though I know that opening myself up will be difficult. Julie was his character that he designed a whole life story around but she was also the expression of what he feels an Essex women is or should be. Another major influence on me is Beatrix Potter, it combines both my loves of the Lake District and animals and as an illustrator she brings her stories to life. She gave animals very human characteristics not just with clothes but small changes of expression. I would like to bring this into my final project by pursuing the reverse, giving animal instincts to a human character. My title of Animal Instincts is relevant not only to my work but to the idea of humanity having animal traits, the darker side of humanity. This has become very relevant on the news at the moment with the treatment of the migrants in Calais, and the terminology of their camp as a “Jungle”, which is strong term associated with dangerous animals.
Section 3 FINAL MAJOR PROJECT AIMS AND REALISATION It is my intention for my final Major Project to create an in depth character with interesting and exciting armour and weapons. I will base the work on the Design brief I created. I will look at how characters have manifests themselves in films, games and literature, as well as all aspects of art and design. I will attempt to understand the fascination of this and how this has been portrayed historically and in more recent times in Art and Design. I will look at the work of artists such as John Howe, Rodney Matthews, Yoshitaka Amano, Tetsuya Nomura, Grayson Perry and Beatrix Potter. I will also look at the Witcher series, and the film 47 Ronin. I will also look at Japanese and Scottish History, and see the juxtaposition between the two. After collecting this information, I will study the poses and demeanour of my character through many manifestations and analyse my findings. I will then create my character which will involve drawing and some photography for a primary source when drawing. I will look at relevant landscapes, and different animals for my characters personality. I will keep notes through this final piece as a personal log of how I feel about each stage and how I can improve. Section 4 EVALUATION
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During the whole project I will look at the skills I have improved on and those new ones I will discover. I am keeping a log and will evaluate the project as I go along, as time management was a major concern in the pathway stage I will keep a track on how many hours I commit to each area so that I can keep to the deadline, this will also allow me to evaluate the actual project and to see if I am following the direction I have set myself.
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Research and Development
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Research and Development
Bibliography For Carla Sanders 2016 Books and Suppliments "The Art Book." (Phaindon, London. 1997). Hawksley, L. "Essential Pre Raphaelites." (Paragon Books, London, 2001). Smith C, Jansen A. "Myth and Magic, The Art of John Howe." (Harper Collins, London, 2001). Matthews, R. "In Search Of Forever." (Paper Tiger, Surrey. 1985). Matthews, R. "Last Ship Home." (Paper Tiger, Surrey. 1989). Perry, G. "Playing To The Gallery." (Penguin, London. 2014). Courthion, P. "Impressionism." (Harry N Abrans, New York, 1977). Moorcock, M. "Elric At The End Of Time." (Paper Tiger, Surrey. 1987). Day, D "Tolkien The Illustrated Encyclopedia." (Mitchell Beazley, London. 2002). Kidd, T. " Other Worlds." (Impact Books, Ohio, USA. 2010). Barber, B. "The Complete Book Of Drawing." (Arcturus, London. 2012). Games Workshop Design Studio. " Warhammer Wood Elves." (Games Workshop, Nottingham. 2013). Sapkowski, A. "The Witcher Series." (Gollancz, Poland. 2008). Websites National Portrait Gallery. Victoria and Albert Museum. HonoreDaumier. Tate Gallery. 49
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www.loc.govrr/mopic/pubdomain.html Magazines Metal Hammer Imagine FX. White Dwarf. Artists Daily. Films and Games Conan The Barbarian. 47 Ronin. The Lord Of a The Rings Trilogy. Peter Jackson. The Hobbit Trilogy. Peter Jackson. The Stars Wars Collection. Lucas Films. The Vikings. TV Series. American Horror Story. TV Series.