Freya stanley the greatest knight outcomes

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Final OutcOme Freya Stanley

SiR William MaRshall The Peerless Knight and ‘Sir Lancelot’

YOung King Henry The ‘Present Day’ King Arthur

Richard The LiOn Heart Richard I

YOung Capetian Queen MaRgaritte

EVALUATION AND CONCLUSION In all honesty I am proud of what I’ve managed to both create and bring together in my final piece. When I went into this final stage, I was scared that I won’t meet my deadline let alone create anything of value, or even inspire the emotion of pride. However with much tribulation and encouragement here I am, at the end and lots to show for it. Now my only big experience with digital art previously had been in the pathway stage; illustrating ‘The Brave Little Tailor’. Beyond that my experiences and knowledge are rather limited. The reason why I so desperately wished to learn and be able to use digital art effectively is because it is the medium of which the majority of games are now designed on. I own a wide variety of concept art books of which nearly all have their art done on tablets. I won’t lie, I wish I had more time to learn and correct my work as I went along. I wanted to hand in something spectacular that would compare to the professionals that I aspire to be like one day. However I had neither the time nor the skill to perform such a feat. I’ve learnt and incredibly amount about anatomy, facial structure, facial lines and mouths [my weakest feature by far]. Colour and painting horses, which I have to admit I’m still not stellar at, but all in due time. I would have liked to have spent more time on Henry II and Eleanor’s faces but that was not to be as I started them far too late to get any serious work done on them. Overall I’m very pleased with my main character, the man who inspired it all; William Marshall. His initial concept took me weeks. I hummed and harred over his look and eventually 5 weeks in changed it - using the first look as my foundation for the second. His armour kept changing until I settled on a design that I felt was both practical as well as impressive enough for a man of his stature and calibre. To reiterate, I am happy with my work - not over the moon, but oddly satisfied. I worked hard and pressed myself into trying to learn as much as I could. These skills will stand me in good stead and therefore I am satisfied, not only in my work but also in my achievement; I feel it’s fair to say I’ve tried as hard as I can, and I hope my work reflects that.

SOFTWARE[S]; Photoshop CS5 Sketchbook Pro OTHER MATERIALS; Black Ink & BrushPen Drawing Pencils and Pens RESOURCES All information and inspiration was gather from Thomas Asbridge’s ‘The Greatest Knight’

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