2 minute read
2023 Dauphin County
presented by in partnership with Dauphin County area agency on aging
———— Thanks To our sponsors ————
A Message from the Board of Commissioners
Dear Friends:
We had some fun in 2022, right?
We hope you had a healthy and happy year, and let’s look forward together to a prosperous 2023. Please know that your Dauphin County Commissioners support you and will continue to do all we can to make your daily lives easier and more enjoyable.
The commissioners are pleased to offer you this 2023 Dauphin County Resource Directory, an extensive listing of services and opportunities available to adults 50 and over, caregivers, and persons with disabilities.
This handbook was designed to help make things easier and more convenient for you, so please give it a look and keep it on hand; it can be a reliable and valuable tool! It is important that we all stay up to date on what is happening – and what is available – in our communities.
A wealth of information and guidance is within. From information about adult daycare and home care services to volunteer opportunities and Medicare, this wideranging directory is designed to improve your quality of life.
For adults ages 60 and over: Dauphin County’s Area Agency on Aging also offers a variety of resources and programs, including one-on-one counseling services for Medicare enrollment, food vouchers to farmers markets, elder-abuse protection and investigation, and much more. For more information about these programs, call the agency at (717) 780-6130 or visit www.DauphinCounty.gov.
In addition to these services, On-Line Publishers will host its annual 50plus EXPO in Dauphin County on April 11 at the Hershey Lodge. It’s another great opportunity to learn about programs in our area and to speak directly with service providers. Visit www.50plusexpopa.com or call (717) 285-1350 for more information.
Let’s keep enjoying life and navigating the trials and tribulations together. We wish you and yours the very best as you continue in your journey.
Mike Pries Chairman Chad Saylor Vice Chairman George P. Hartwick III Secretary
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–––––– ADvoCACy ––––––Organizations that promote the health, dignity, rights, and quality of life of seniors and the disabled.
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Consumer proTe CT ion (800) 441-2555
Dauphin Coun TY a ssis Tan Ce o ffi Ce (717) 787-2324
Disabili TY righ T s pennsYlvania (800) 692-7443; (877) 375-7139 (TDD) harrisburg Cen Ter for peaCe & Jus T i Ce ...........................
233-3072 nami Dauphin (717) 233-1164 o ffi Ce for Deaf
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ApAR tment S (See Hou S ing o ption S) ––