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Resource Directory
–––––– Home i mpRovement/Home moD iF iCAtion –––––– warmwise: au D i T s & rebaTes weaT herizaT ion programs
Funds are offered to income-eligible homeowners, especially low-income persons, the elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, and high residential energy users in Dauphin County, to reduce energy costs.
–––––– Home Le SS Se RviCe S –––––– b e T hesDa m is sion – m en’s shelTer women & ChilD ren’s shelTer harrisburg Cen Ter for peaCe an D Jus T i Ce h elp m inis Tries ...........................................................................
(866) 956-0308
(717) 425-7643
(717) 257-4440
(717) 257-4447
(717) 233-3072
(717) 238-2851 m en Tal h ealT h i nTelle CTual Disabili T ies (mhi D) (717) 780-7050 shalom h ouse
–––––– HoSpiCe Se RviCe S ––––––
(717) 232-3482
Provides comfort and support to patients and their families when a life-limiting illness no longer responds to cure-oriented treatments.
Homeland Hospice
Homeland Hospice provides the highest level of care and support at the end stages of life while serving as a compassionate resource for families. 2300 vartan Way, Suite 270, Harrisburg, pA 17110 (717) 221-7890 www.HomelandHospice.org
See our ad on page 8.
–––––– HoSpitALS –––––– e ncompass Health
Providing a higher level of rehabilitation for recovery from an illness, injury, or surgery. Services include physical, occupational, and speech therapy.
175 Lancaster boulevard, m echanicsburg, pA 17055 (717) 691-3700 www.encompasshealth.com/mechanicsburgrehab
See our ad on page 10.
–––––– HotLine S ––––––
Supportive living allows individuals with intellectual disabilities to live with independence and dignity with the assistance of a caring and experienced staff. alleghenY valle Y sChool .................................................... (717) 566-3267 ke Ys Tone h uman servi Ces Cen Tral pennsYlvania (717) 541-8322 m erake Y (717) 238-6161 pennsYlvania m en Tor (717) 657-2073 volun Teers of a meri Ca: supporT ive l iving (717) 236-1440
–– Reti Rement Living (See Reti Rement Living o ption S) –––––––– Hum An Se RviCe S –––––– aCT 150
• pennsylvan Ia WaIver progra M s • Waivers offer an array of services and benefits such as choice of qualified providers, due process, and health and safety assurances.
(717) 787-8091 h ome and community-based program for people with physical disabilities. To be eligible you must be able to choose and supervise your care worker(s), manage your own finances, and manage your own legal matters. aD ulT auT ism waiver (866) 539-7689 provides long-term services and support to the specific needs of adults age 21 or older with an autism spectrum disorder (asD). aging waiver (Transi T ione D To Communi TY h ealT hChoi Ces) ....................................................................... (888) 753-8827 a long-term living program that provides older pennsylvanians the help they need to live independently in their homes or community. ai Ds waiver (800) 922-9384 f or individuals 21 years of age or older who have symptomatic hiv disease.
CommCare waiver (877) 550-4227 f or individuals with traumatic brain injury (Tbi).
Communi TY living waiver (717) 787-1870 provides community participation support, education support services, assistive technology, benefits counseling, home accessibility adaptations, and more for individuals with autism and i D ages 0-no max age, and individuals with DD ages 0-8.
Consoli DaTe D waiver for i n D ivi D uals wi T h i nTelle CTual Disabili T ies (800) 692-7462 f or individuals with an intellectual disability. Designed to help them live more independently by providing a variety of services that promote community living. i n D epen D en Ce waiver (Transi T ione D To Communi TY h ealT hChoi Ces) ........................................................................ (800) 692-7462 f or adults with severe disability. may help them live or remain in the community and live as independently as possible. life (living in D epen D en Ce f or The e lD erlY) program (844) 824-3655 a federal program that helps adults 55 and over meet their healthcare needs in the community. n ursing h ome Transi T ion (nh T) program ...................... (800) 833-5196 obra waiver (877) 550-4227 o p T ions program
The nhT was developed to assist and empower consumers who want to move from a nursing facility back to a home of their choice in the community. nh T provides the opportunity for individuals and their families or caregivers to be fully informed of all long-term service and support options.
Covers services available for pennsylvania residents age 18–59 with severe developmental physical disability, helping them to remain as independent as possible.
(717) 299-7979 an array of community-based long-term care provided by the a rea agency on aging to help consumers function at optimal level while remaining in the most appropriate setting. pennsYlvania i n D epen D en T e nrollmenT broker ........... (877) 550-4227 a contracted statewide entity that facilitates and streamlines the eligibility/enrollment process for applicants seeking services. person/familY Dire CTe D supporT waiver
(800) 692-7462
Designed to help persons with developmental disabilities live more independently in their homes and communities and provides a variety of services that promote community living, including self-directed service models and traditional, agency-based service models.
–––––– i nFoR m Ation AnD Re Fe RRAL ––––––Con TaCT h elpline – harrisburg........................................... (717) 652-4400
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
Commissioners Mike Pries, George Hartwick, and Chad Saylor Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging provides services to older adults who reside in Dauphin County and are age 60 or older.
Serving Dauphin County
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
Commissioners Mike Pries, George Hartwick, and Chad Saylor
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging provides services to older adults who reside in Dauphin County and are age 60 or older.
Serving Dauphin County
2 South Second Street, Harrisburg, pA 17101 (717) 780-6130 www.dauphincounty.org info@dauphinc.org
See our ad on page 16. –––––– m e D iCAiD –––––– patriot Home Care
Patriot Home Care provides waiver services. We will get you through the entire process. We work with state insurance companies.
Serving Dauphin County .......................................................... (717) 798-9008 info@dauphinc.org
2 South Second Street, Harrisburg, pA 17101 ........................ (717) 780-6130 www.dauphincounty.org www.patriothomecare.org .............................. mstehman@patriot-hc.com
See our ad on page 16.
See our ad on page 12.
–––––– m e D iCAL e quipment & SuppLie S ––––––
–– m entAL He ALtH (See Di SAbi Lity Se Rvi Ce S) ––
–––––– pHAR m ACy ––––––• lYkens dial 911.
–––––– Re AL e StAte Se RviCe S ––––––
Lane Ryan Auctions
Helping you ethically and creatively navigate the process of property in transition.
Serving Dauphin County (717) 489-3030 www.laneryanauctions.com
See our ad on page 4.
–––––– RetiRement Living optionS ––––––
• contI nu I ng care retIre M ent coMMun ItI es • These communities offer a comprehensive package of services tailored to individual needs, abilities, and preferences as residents grow older, offering all levels of care.
Homeland Center
Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, hospice, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff.
1901 north Fifth Street, Harrisburg, pA 17102 ........................ (717) 221-7900 www.HomelandCenter.org
See our ad on page 8.
• de M entIa care FacI lItI es/un Its •
They are specialized areas or freestanding facilities that offer a sensitive environment that better meets the dementia residents’ needs.
Homeland Center
Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, hospice, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff.
1901 north Fifth Street, Harrisburg, pA 17102 ........................ (717) 221-7900 www.HomelandCenter.org
See our ad on page 8.
• nursI ng & re HaB FacI lItI es •
These facilities offer skilled nursing care and rehabilitation services. Other services generally offered are therapeutic, recreational, and social activities.
Homeland Center
Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, hospice, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff.
1901 north Fifth Street, Harrisburg, pA 17102 (717) 221-7900 www.HomelandCenter.org
See our ad on page 8.
• personal care HoM es/un Its • These homes/units provide shelter, meals, supervision, and assistance with personal care tasks, typically for older people or people with physical, behavioral health, or cognitive disabilities who are unable to care for themselves but do not need nursing home or medical care. Inspected and licensed through the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare.
Homeland Center
Homeland Center offers beautiful personal care suites, skilled nursing, hospice, rehabilitation, and dementia care, all delivered by highly competent and compassionate staff.
1901 north Fifth Street, Harrisburg, pA 17102 ........................ (717) 221-7900 www.HomelandCenter.org
See our ad on page 8.
–––––– SenioR Cente RS –––––– patriot Home Care
Great places to meet for social interaction and cultural and recreational activities. They are places to make new friends and maintain relationships with old friends. Due to the pandemic, please check website for hours of operation and online programs.
–––––– SenioR Se RviCe S ––––––
Patriot Home Care provides waiver services. We will get you through the entire process. We work with state insurance companies.
Serving Dauphin County .......................................................... (717) 798-9008 www.patriothomecare.org .............................. mstehman@patriot-hc.com
See our ad on page 12.
–––––– Se RviCe oRgAniz AtionS ––––––
A club of professional or businesspeople organized for their coordination of and participation in public service.
–––––– SuppoRt gRoupS ––––––
A group of people whose members exchange emotional and practical support, share ideas, and provide each other with information.