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Resource Directory
–––––– He ARing Se RviCe S –––––– b e TTer h earing i ns T i TuTe (202) 449-1100
Cen Ter for i n D epen D en T living of Cen Tral pennsYlvania (800) 323-6060; (717) 731-1900 (TTY) h earing loss a ssoCiaT ion of a meri Ca (301) 657-2248 m iracle-e ar Dauphin
With over 1,500 locations, we strive to bring our customers leading-edge technology and hearing solutions that improve lives, relationships, and communities.
910 n . River Road, Halifax, pA 17032...................................... (866) 955-6791 www.miracle-ear.com/HalifaxpA ....... listentolife@hearinginstruments.net naT ional a ssoCiaT ion of T he Deaf (301) 587-1788 o ffi Ce for Deaf & harD of h earing (800) 233-3008; (717) 783-4912 ( v/TTY) o ffi Ce of voCaT ional rehabili TaT ion, bureau of b lin D ness & visual servi Ces ............................ (717) 787-7500; (717) 787-1733 (TTY) pennsYlvania soCie TY for T he aDvan Cemen T of T he Deaf (psaD) (717) 344-7205 pennsYlvania Training & Te Chni Cal a ssis Tan Ce (paTTan) (717) 541-4960
See our ad on page 7.
–––––– Home CARe/Home HeALtH Se RviCe S ––––––
Medical and nonmedical services to qualified individuals in their home or in another community-based setting. Pennsylvania requires that all home care agencies and registries be licensed.
Homeland HomeCare and Homeland HomeHealth
Homeland’s expert team is dedicated to providing a continuum of at-home services … from non-medical personal assistance to skilled nursing, cardiac care, and rehabilitation in the comfort of your home. 2300 vartan Way, Suite 270, Harrisburg, pA 17110 (717) 857-7400 www.HomelandatHome.org patriot Home Care
See our ad on page 8.
Patriot Home Care provides waiver services. We will get you through the entire process. We work with state insurance companies.
Serving Dauphin County .......................................................... (717) 798-9008 www.patriothomecare.org .............................. mstehman@patriot-hc.com v isiting Angels Living Assistance Services
See our ad on page 12.
Medical and nonmedical services to qualified individuals in their home or in another community-based setting. Pennsylvania requires that all home care agencies and registries be licensed.
4607 Locust Lane, Harrisburg, pA 17111 .................................. (717) 652-8899 www.visitingangels.com ............................................... ndsaia@comcast.net