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Resource Directory
–––––– ARe A AgenCy on Aging ––––––
Provides aging services, information on financial aid, and local benefits programs in Dauphin County.
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
Commissioners Mike Pries, George Hartwick, and Chad Saylor Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging provides services to older adults who reside in Dauphin County and are age 60 or older.
Serving Dauphin County
2 South Second Street, Harrisburg, pA 17101 (717) 780-6130 www.dauphincounty.org info@dauphinc.org
See our ad on page 16.
–––––– ASSi Stive te CHnoLogy/Devi Ce S ––––––
These technologies and devices can make the lives of seniors and disabled individuals easier.
The arT hri T is f oun DaT ion
(404) 872-7100 o ffi Ce of voCaT ional rehabili TaT ion, bureau of b lin D ness & visual servi Ces (800) 622-2842 pennsYlvania a ssis T ive Te ChnologY f oun DaT ion ........ (484) 674-0506; (888) 744-1938 (TTY) re CYCle D e quipmenT e xChange program (reep) ......... (215) 204-5974; (800) 204-7428 uCp of Cen Tral pa (717) 737-3477 u ni Te D spinal a ssoCiaT ion .................................................... (718) 803-3782
–––––– AuC tion Se RviCe S ––––––
Lane Ryan Auctions
Helping you ethically and creatively navigate the process of property in transition.
Serving Dauphin County .......................................................... (717) 489-3030 www.laneryanauctions.com
See our ad on page 4.
–––––– CARe ASSe SSment Se RviCe S –––––– v isiting Angels Living Assistance Services
Looks at a person’s needs and works with them to find the best methods to provide care, support, and specialized services.
Looks at a person’s needs and works with them to find the best methods to provide care, support, and specialized services. 4607 Locust Lane, Harrisburg, pA 17111 ................................. (717) 652-8899 www.visitingangels.com ............................................. ndsaia@comcast.net
–––––– CARegive R ASSi StAnCe ––––––
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
Commissioners Mike Pries, George Hartwick, and Chad Saylor Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging provides services to older adults who reside in Dauphin County and are age 60 or older.
Serving Dauphin County
2 South Second Street, Harrisburg, pA 17101 (717) 780-6130 www.dauphincounty.org info@dauphinc.org
See our ad on page 16.
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging
Commissioners Mike Pries, George Hartwick, and Chad Saylor
Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging provides services to older adults who reside in Dauphin County and are age 60 or older.
Serving Dauphin County
2 South Second Street, Harrisburg, pA 17101 ........................ (717) 780-6130 www.dauphincounty.org info@dauphinc.org
See our ad on page 16.
TransiTions Made e asy!
• Nervous about how to sell or dispose of items?
• Anxious about selling your home?
• Don’t know what you’re treasured items are worth?
• Worried about how you’ll move items to your new home?
• Don’t know who to trust?
Honesty, Integrity, and Success
you can count on l ane r yan auctions to be there every step of the way. We’ll donate or dispose of items, sell saleable items, get top dollar quickly for your Real Estate, and send you a check.
TransiTion! Lane Ryan Auctions | 717.489.3030 | www.laneryanauctions.com
Name: Phone:
Name: Phone:
Name: Phone:
FRequently CalleD numbeR s
Dailey Funeral Home
We provide traditional funerals, cremation services, pre-planning services, and celebrations of life to the local community.
South 28th Street, Harrisburg, pA 17103 .......................... (717) 233-1933 www.daileyfuneralhome.com ............. contact@daileyfuneralhome.com m usselman Funeral Home & Cremation Services
See our ad on page 9.
Since 1895, we have provided traditional funerals, on-site cremation services, pre-planning services, and celebrations of life to the local community.
324 Hummel Avenue, Lemoyne, pA 17043 (717) 763-7440 www.musselmanfuneralhome.com info@musselmanfuneral.com
See our ad on this page.
–––––– DentAL Se RviCe S ––––––
Y wCa Domes T i C violen Ce servi Ces
–––––– e me RgenCy –––––– a me ri Can re D Cross of T he susquehanna valle Y (717) 234-3101
Dauphin Coun TY Crisis i nTerven T ion (717) 232-7511; (888) 596-4447
Dauphin Coun TY e mergen CY m anagemen T agen CY (717) thank you for utilizing the Resource Directory
If you would like copies for your organization, please call: (717) 285-1350