BFO has also partnered with Dairy Farmers of
In late 2019, BFO, with the assistance of the
is researching biomaterials for bale wrapping
As anticpated, cows and heifers were
Livestock Research Innovation Corporation
that could replace the use of plastic, which
moved into the new cow-calf research
(LRIC), initiated a research call for the 2020-
BFO hopes will help address past resolutions
facility in Elora early in 2020. The pastures
2023 BFO research program. We received
around plastic bale wrapping.
have been increased from 160 acres to 400
23 letters of intent from applicants. Following the letters of intent, BFO received 12 full proposals that were presented to the BFO Research Committee for deliberation. From there, 10 projects were selected that focus
The “BFO Research Investment Strategy” was reviewed and revised for the first time since 2014 with input from the Beef Cattle Research Council, the BFO Research
Ontario Beef Research Centre
acres, allowing for more rotational grazing system research on site. The animals started utilizing the new pasture system in Elora in June last year.
on the following BFO priorities:
Committee, and the BFO Board of
The new feedlot barn, which has a capacity
Directors. The updated strategy, which can
of 288, is expected to be completed and
• Environmental sustainability (5)
be found in the research section of BFO’s
ready for use in the fall of 2021. The barn
• Animal health and welfare (4)
website, will help guide BFO’s research
will have 96 more head available than the
• Antimicrobial use, resistance, and
investments for the next four years (2021
older beef feedlot. The new feedlot facility
to 2024).
includes equipment to collect individual
alternatives (2) • Forages (2)
feed intake data on the animals.
• Other (nutrition, feed efficiency, and production process) (2) • Food safety (1)
Ontario on two projects. One of the projects