2021 Beef Farmers of Ontario Annual Report

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ONTARIO BEEF MARKET DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BY JIM CLARK | CEO, Ontario Beef Market Development Program As with most organizations, 2020 began

numbers of slaughter cattle stabilized since

Beef. Ontario Corn Fed Beef has been

with a heightened sense of optimism within

2012. Since that time, we have also seen

the market-leading brand of Canadian

the Joint Marketing Committee. The new

a steady decline in imports, while Ontario

beef in Japan since its entrance to that

Ontario Beef Market Development Program

production’s share of consumption has

market in 2015, and it continues to see

was developed and approved, and our first

concurrently increased. This all provides a

tremendous growth. This year’s event was

year of implementation began in January

strong rationale for the increased marketing

also the initial launch of a second brand

2020. The new program provides Ontario

efforts we have undertaken.

of Ontario beef in Japan: Ontario Heritage

beef farmers with a clear path forward with a defined market development strategy featuring clearly defined objectives and comprehensive market indicators and performance measures to demonstrate

Ontario beef featured in key trade events in domestic and international markets

60,000 influential Japanese retail industry delegates annually and is the priority retail trade event in Japan.

In January, we partnered with Canada

Many other high-profile events in key

Beef to host several Ontario beef-branded

export markets that we had planned for in

I want to thank the committee members,

programs at the Restaurant Canada show.

2020 were cancelled due to the pandemic.

Rob Lipsett, Jason Reid, Craig McLaughlin,

This event provides Ontario-branded

Markets affected include Vietnam, Taiwan,

Jack Chaffe, Dale Pallister and Mike Conlin,

beef suppliers with access to national

Philippines and Singapore. As these

for their willingness to provide strong

foodservice customers and suppliers and

markets reopen, we will be in a strong

leadership and direction to the strategy.

the opportunity to showcase their products

position to re-engage with the established

in a high-priority industry event that attracts

relationships developed in each market.

return on check-off investment.

The strategy was developed to support growth for branded Ontario beef by supporting established brands in the local market, supporting the development of new Ontario beef brands, and expanding

over 20,000 industry delegates. Having Ontario beef brands represented in our national pavilion provides a high level of profile and credibility.

Promotional events in key export markets Many of our high-value export markets

our marketing efforts into key international

Ontario beef was also represented at the

continue to be severely affected by the

markets to continue to drive demand for

Japan Supermarket Trade Show in Japan

pandemic. The United Arab Emirates and

Ontario cattle. By specifying Ontario cattle

in February in collaboration with Canada

the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are both

in these brands, the market essentially eliminates a portion of imported beef as a supply option since it is not open for substitution. Increased demand for local cattle benefits all sectors of the cattle supply chain. We have seen the impact of the increased share of our domestic market. After several years of steady decline, we have seen Ontario fed slaughter volumes and inventory

Angus Beef. This event attracts over



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