Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency, 130 Malcolm Road, Guelph, ON, N1K 1B1 www.ontariosheep.org Tel: 519-836-0043
Inside This Issue
“Is It That Time Of Day” Taken by Camron Murphy
Board Decisions / Actions AGM Follow up Programs Religious & Ethnic Holidays General Interest Programs / Workshops Upcoming Events District Information Other District Organizations OSMA Reaching Out
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
November 2012
NEXT SCHEDULED BOARD MEETINGS Face to Face Board Meetings November 28
BOARD MEETING – October 10 OSMA will be contributing $5,000.00 to the All Canada Classic in 2014. The funds will be used to secure the venue and OSMA staff will be responsible for the tradeshow and education portion of this event. The Governance Committee has reviewed our By law document and has sent it to our lawyer for review and comments. KPMG has been appointed as our auditor for the coming year. The Board accepted the audited statement as presented by the Finance and Audit Committee.
The Board reviewed the proposed OSMA budget for the 2012/2013 year. OSMA will continue to contribute to the Genetic Evaluation work being done at the University of Guelph. Our commitment is $10,000 for the next 3 years. Two new directors have joined the Board of Directors. We welcome Marc Carere from District 7 and Andrew Harrison from District 10. The OSMA Board had an update from Jennifer MacTavish executive director of the Canadian Sheep Federation. The CSF budget and tag fee were discussed at length.
AGM FOLLOWUP The resolutions concerning the CSF tag fees generated significant discussion at the AGM. We intended to have a more indepth discussion and financial implications during the presentation of the 2012-13 budget, but unfortunately ran out of time. The board will discuss the issue at the November board meeting and provide producers with more information in the near future. Bill Ingratta
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
November 2012
NEW YOUNG FARM LOANS FOR CANADA Young and beginning farmers will find it easier to start and grow their farm businesses with the help of a new $500 million loan program, introduced by the federal gov't and FCC. This new loan offers qualified producers who are under 40 years of age loans of up
to $500,000 to purchase or improve farmland and buildings. For more information on the FCC Young Farmer Loan, visit www.fcc.ca/youngfarmerloan
RELIGIOUS & ETHNIC HOLIDAY’S For more information on the Holidays please click the link below to go to the OSMA website: Religious & Ethnic Holidays - http://www.ontariosheep.org/ - Market Information – Market Reports
Get the latest market information directly to your smart phone. The app lets farmers make marketing decisions on the go. See the September 2012 issue of
Ontario Sheep News for instructions to download the app to your Smartphone.
We want to hear from you
OSMA's Predation-Wildlife Committee is interested in hearing of concerns you may have with compensation for predator kills. The province has recently made some major changes to the process of compensation for predator damages. The committee has heard unconfirmed reports of problems with the
implementation of the new regulations. Please let us know if you have encountered problems with the revised compensation program. Email your comments to Jennifer at admin@ontariosheep.org
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
November 2012
UPDATE ON HOW TO OBTAIN A PREMISES ID Premises Identification Numbers can be obtained from the Provincial Premises Registry (PPR) now operated by approved service provider Angus GeoSolutions Inc. (AGSI). The PPR is the only official provincial registry for obtaining Ontario Premises Identification Numbers for agri-food businesses. Premises Identification numbers issued before April 1, 2012 are still valid.
Obtaining a Premises Identification Number for your agri-food business is an important step towards traceability in Ontario. To register your premises or update your information, please contact AGSI: Online: www.ontarioppr.ca By phone: 1-855-697-7743 (MY PPR ID)
WEB PORTAL HELPS BUSINESSES SAVE TIME The online portal provides quick and easy access to over 5,000 services and information from all levels of government, allowing small business owners to focus on creating jobs and competing in the global economy. ONe-Source for Business helps business owners: http://www.serviceontario.ca/business
find information about funding and grant programs
create a virtual briefcase to securely access saved information at later date
complete and submit forms online, eliminating the need to mail them in
find customized information about the permits and licences they need.
PROGRAMS - WORKSHOPS CANADIAN AGRICULTURAL LOANS ACT (CALA) PROGRAM The CALA program builds on and replaces the previous Farm Improvement & Marketing Cooperative Loans Act (FIMCLA) program. The CALA program is a financial loan guarantee program that provides farmers easier access to credit. Farmers can use these programs to establish, improve and develop farms.
For more information click on the following link:
Canadian Agricultural Loans Act (CALA) Program > Programs and Services or http://www.agr.gc.ca/index_e.php - Choose programs & services – Choose alphabetically then choose Canadian Agricultural Loans Act (CALA) Program.
LIVESTOCK AUCTION TRACEABILITY INITIATIVE (LATI) The Livestock Auction Traceability Initiative (LATI) will provide contributions to assist primarily in the alteration of animal handling structures, which will enhance traceability capabilities at high-risk, high through-put sites where animals from different herds co-mingle.
For more information click on the following link: http://www4.agr.gc.ca/ - Choose programs & services – Choose alphabetically then choose Livestock Auction Traceability Initiative
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
November 2012
GROWING FORWARD A commitment by Canada's federal, provincial and territorial government that supports the development and implementation of best practices in four key areas: 1) 2) 3) 4)
Environment and Climate Change Business Development Food Safety and Traceability Biosecurity
For more information: Call 1-888-479-3931; e-mail growingforward@ontario.ca Or visit their website by copy and paste of the following link: http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/about/growin gforward/2011-index.htm
AGRIWEBINAR – LEARNING WITHOUT LIMITS Presented by The Canadian Farm Business Management Council. Date
November 7/12
Mario Dumas
FCC Presents: Top 3 ratios you need to know for your farm business
Dumas Leduc, CA Inc
This webinar will show you three simple ratios that will help you evaluate and improve the efficiency and liquidities of your farm. It will assist you in targeting where adjustments need to be considered.
Andrew Campbell
#FarmerLove - Why Social Media Is Critical to Your Farm's Success
Fresh Air Media
Everyone has heard about Facebook, YouTube and likely a dozen other social networks by now. We'll look at some of the most popular sites and find out how a farmer can use it as a news source and information resource. On top of that, we'll look at the growing importance of agriculture advocacy in a world where critics to our industry are only getting louder at the same time that a consumer is so desperate for information they'll listen to anyone
November 12/12
November 19/12
November 26/12
December 3/12
David Kohl
The Wild World of Global Economics
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Welcome to the wild world of global and domestic economics with “black swans” or unusual events around every corner. Dr. Dave Kohl, Professor Emeritus in the Agricultural & Applied Economics Department at Virginia Tech will discuss the major game changers influencing the agriculture landscape along with a quick tour of the economics of the world and how it is influencing land values, commodities, and input costs. What are the top challenges facing the agricultural industry in the next five years
Elaine Froese
Farming's IN-Law factor
Seeds of Encouragement
Elaine Froese , certified farm family coach, encourages farm teams to have courageous conversations about the bull in the middle of the room, the Undiscussabulls ™ Visit www.elainefroese.com/contact to sign up for her “in-laws” focus group she is creating. Share your story with her, in confidence.
Jane Eckert
Internet Marketing: Just About As Important As a Tractor!
Eckert Agrimarketing
Today’s agritourism operators have to know much more than how to achieve success in planting and cultivating crops and tending to animals. Your success often depends on how well you are able to market what you grow and raise, especially if your farm is entering the direct marketing business. This webinar will include an overview of the “new” marketing basics as well as examples of using Smart Phones to market your farms.
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger January 28/13
November 2012
Tarrah Young
Is Community Supported Agriculture for you?
Green Being Farm
Community Supported Agriculture is a revolutionary system of food distribution that benefits both farmer and consumer, ensuring fair returns for farmers and promising the pinnacle of freshness and quality for consumers. While common practice overseas, CSAs have only recently begun to gain mainstream acceptance in North America. Initially considered a system for small scale agriculture, CSAs are now operating that serve 1000+ members. Learn about the fundamentals of CSA as well as the myriad
Visit the website to access over 100 archived webinars, and to subscribe to their mailing list. Website: http://www.agriwebinar.com/
FARM CREDIT CANADA Register now for the FCC Forum near you Learn how leadership, curiosity and transformational thinking can benefit your operation Vaughan November 27 Kingston November 29 London December 13 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. (lunch is included) Speakers include: General Rick Hillier; Amanda Lang; Martin Latulippe
Reserve a place at this free event today for you, family, friends and business partners. www.fcc.ca/forums 1-800-387-3232 _______________________ Where do you want your operation to be in five years? Do you know how to get there? For information on upcoming workshops visit: www.fcc.ca/workshops or call 1-888-332-3301
ONTARIOFRESH.CA Ontariofresh.ca 2.0 is now live on the web! Launched as a beta site in November 2011, Ontariofresh.ca has grown to over 1,200 registered industry professionals. The website serves as a valuable economic tool among food service businesses and food producers to help meet the growing demand for Ontario food. In a survey conducted among Ontariofresh.ca members in early 2012, 20% of respondents had made connections and half of those reported sales resulting directly from the website.
The new, optimized version of Ontariofresh.ca website allows local food buyers and sellers to search for products, announce the availability of seasonal products, and post contract opportunities by using a sophisticated search function. Connecting buyers and sellers of Ontario food, Ontariofresh.ca is a vital tool in finding new business partners to meet the growing demand for local food. You can register your business’ profile at http://www.ontariofresh.ca/ or by calling 1-888-2499399 or 647-426-8420.
ADVANTAGE ON-FARM FOOD SAFETY WEBINARS The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) will be hosting 9 webinar sessions on Good Agriculture Practices for your farm, available at no cost. Using Food Safety to Market Your Products Make your food safety practices work for you in the marketplace. Understand how keeping your customers informed about the food safety efforts you have made can benefit your business. Webinar -
Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 12:00 pm (noon) – 12:40 pm Manure, Compost and Compost Teas Identify what is required to create or maintain a good growing base for your agri-needs. This workshop will outline Good Agricultural Practices when using manure and compost teas, demonstrating proper implementation for better soil, growing for tomorrow. Webinar Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 12:00 pm (noon) – 12:45 pm
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger Getting Started in Food Safety Learn how to identify the role food safety plays in farming operations; analyze the associated risks and what good agricultural practices are and how they apply. This module will also explain the resources OMAFRA has to offer to help reduce your risks. Webinar –Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 12:00 pm (noon) – 12:45 pm 3-2-1 Assessment of Your Farm Operation for Food Safety Asses your present farm practices for food safety and develop an action plan to ensure your
November 2012 operation is meeting the best practices. This module is interactive and uses computer resources to assess your risks. Webinar -Thursday, February 28, 2013, 12:00 pm (noon) – 12:45 pm Register online at http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/food/foodsaf ety/producers/webinars.htm Registration closes the day before each workshop. A confirmation email will be sent following registration with the workshop teleconference/webinar details.
UPCOMING EVENTS For more information on any upcoming event please visit the OSMA website at: Events (http://www.ontariosheep.org/Events.aspx)
ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR Nov 2 – 11: Details at http://www.royalfair.org/
OMAFRA SHEEP SEMINAR “Show Ewe the Money”, Profitable Flock Expansion. For more information or to register contact OMAFRA’s Agriculture Information Contact Centre, 1-877-424-1300 or email ag.info.omafra@ontario.ca or visit the website at http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/livestock/she ep/20091110.htm
November 13, 2012 – Atwood Elma Memorial Community Centre 8:45 am – 4:00 pm November 15, 2012– Napanee Napanee Lions Community Hall 8:45 am to 4:00 pm
Sheep Infrastructure Workshops December 5-6, 2012 - Lindsay/Peterborough area Two-day course which is targeted toward people in the planning cycle for building large, commercial-scale infrastructure as part of an expansion plan in their sheep enterprise. Participants will be sent home with some good ideas and the need to examine more options before committing themselves on any capital project. The Workshop includes stops at several commercial-sized operations that are using some of the concepts covered, which will allow participants make informed decisions on expansion.
http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/livestock/she ep/20081211.htm *This training opportunity is eligible for cost-share funding through the Growing Forward Business Development for Farm Businesses program. For more information on program requirements, please visit http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/about/growin gforward/busdev.htm or call 1-877-424-1300.
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
November 2012
Grey Bruce Farmers Week 2013 January 3 – 9 – Elmwood Community Centre, Elmwood (# 38 Queen St. West) January 3 – Dairy Day January 7 – Beef Day January 4 – Goat Day January 8 – Ecological Day January 5 – Sheep Day January 9 – Crops Day January 6 – Horse Day/Youth & Adult For more information call 519-986-3756, email info@greyagservices.ca or go to http://www.greyagservices.ca/grey-bruce-farmers-week.html
Note: For further information and details about your District please contact your District Secretary
District 1:
District 4:
Please contact your District Secretary for date and location of your next District meeting
Last Saturday of every month: Breakfast at 9 am at Devine’s in Jarvis. Join us for sheep chat, good people and good food.
Dec 6: Christmas meeting and pot luck at Wyoming Church Contact: District Secretary: Michelle Prudom at 519-845-3998 or District 1 Website: OSMA_district_1.tripod.com
District 2: Meetings usually held the 1st Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm. For more information contact Glen Porteous at glenporteous@hotmail.com Contact: District Secretary - Kyle Harrison 519334-3928
District 3: Contact: District Secretary - Neil Mesman 519504-3089 or email: neil.mesman@me.com
Contact: District Secretary - Sharon Petheram; 519443-5844 or email: petherdale@gmail.com
District 5: Meetings are usually last Wed. of every month, Location TBA Contact: District Secretary - Lene Band phone: 905-877-2969 e-mail: lhband@hotmail.com
District 6: Contact: District Secretary – Grant Cowan phone: 705-436-2236 or e-mail: gcowan@gtcnet.ca
District 7: Contact: District Secretary – Donna Aziz phone: 905-852-9252
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
November 2012
District 8:
District 10:
Contact: District Secretary – Linda Huizenga phone: 613-477-1393
District 10 Website: www.osmadistrict10.ca/
District 9: Contact: District Secretary – David Bentley phone: 613-256-1628
Contact: District Secretary – Gary Lapier phone: 613-989-2792
District 11: Contact: District Secretary – Debra Garner Email: bill.debgarner@gmail.com phone: 705-563-2761
OTHER DISTRICT ORGANIZATIONS Victoria County Sheep Producers. Third Wednesday every month starting at 7:30 Sunderland Co-op Boardroom at Oakwood Location Membership is $20 per farm per year. Contact: Doug Walden - 705-324-7478 Southwestern Sheep Farmers Formerly known as Middlesex Sheep & Lamb Producers
Chair – Wendy McGowan, 519- 657-5197, Vice Chair – Geraldine Pennings, 519-764-2455 Secretary/Treas – Marilyn Walker, 510-287-5637, Grey Bruce Sheep Management Club Location: Grey Gables in Markdale Western Ontario Lamb Producers District 2 and 3 area Ontario Suffolk Sheep Association
OSMA REACHING OUT OSMA Website – www.ontariosheep.org Have you visited OSMA’s new website yet. If you haven’t, please take a moment to check it out. The following are just a few of things you will find. About Ontario Sheep - Messenger Programs, Services - OSN Market Information - Locators – Lamb, Guardian Animals, and Breed Sheep Production Information - Lamb Nutrition and Recipes Current Initiatives - Virtual Farm Tour Research Projects - Links and Videos News - Kids Corner Events
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
November 2012
HELP US KEEP YOU INFORMED To keep you up to date on current events by phone and email please make sure that we have your current information. TELL YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND NEIGHBOURS TO UPDATE THEIR INFORMATION Contact us by calling 519-836-0043 or emailing admin@ontariosheep.org
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
November 2012