OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
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June 2010
The Messenger Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency, 130 Malcolm Road, Guelph, ON, N1K 1B1
June 2010 www.ontariosheep.org
Tel: 519-836-0043
NEWS RELEASE GOVERNMENT INVESTS TO HELP ONTARIO SHEEP PRODUCERS PROSPER Ontario sheep producers can look forward to enhance genetic improvement services as a result of a $275,000 investment by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. The government funding will support the Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency in its enhancement and delivery of the Ontario Sheep Flock Improvement Program. It will also support the Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency in its collaboration with the Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock, Le Centre d'expertise en production ovine du Québec and other sheep organizations to develop Canadian genetic improvement services as well as a made-in-Canada linked sheep information system. “Having the latest technology will help Ontario’s sheep producers grow and expand their markets,” said Carol Mitchell, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. “We are pleased to support them in their efforts.” “This will give Ontario sheep producers access to state-of-the-art flock improvement services and allow them to take advantage of genetics to produce the type of lambs that consumers want,” says Markus Wand, chair of the Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency. QUICK FACTS
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The Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency (OSMA) represents all aspects of the sheep, lamb and wool industry in the province and works to improve the sector through development activities, producer education, promotional campaigns, consumer education and public awareness. The Sheep Flock Improvement Program is a genetic improvement program designed to assist Ontario purebred and commercial sheep producers in the evaluation of potential breeding stock and to provide a measure of the comparative productivity of ewes in the flock. Ontario Sheep Statistics: o There are approximately 3,600 registered sheep farms in Ontario. o On January 1, 2009, there were 215,000 sheep and lambs on Ontario farms. o Ontario represents 30 per cent of the nation’s breeding flock. o There are 103 provincially-registered plants processing lamb in Ontario and five federally-registered plants. This represents 52 per cent of the nation’s processing capacity. o Farm cash receipts for sheep and lambs in Ontario in 2008 were $46 million.
**Questions can be directed to the OSMA General Manager, Murray Hunt – manager@ontariosheep.org**
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July 21 August 24, 25 October 13
Conference Call District 4 Face-to-Face
BOARD MEETING – June 23 The OSMA Board met on June 23 and covered the following business: §
The General Manager updated the Board on details for the transfer of SFIP from OMAFRA to OSMA. The press release announcing the transfer is included in this Messenger. Number of animals going to slaughter in Ontario is about 14,000 head below previous years. Exact reasons are not known but could include retention of ewe lambs on farms for breeding purposes and few animals coming to Ontario from other provinces. The loss of income for OSMA has resulted in the OSMA Board adjusting it’s budget. The expense side of the 2009-2010 budget are on target. The General Manager presented preliminary estimates for the 2010-2011 budget. The Board, over the next two months, will be considering and deciding on the budget. Working with the Canadian Co-operative Association the Board and staff have done an analysis of Board operations, Board effectiveness and training needed. At this time the Board is planning to include in the 2010-2011 budget funds for training. Jennifer McTavish, CSF (Canadian Sheep Federation) Executive Director, updated the OSMA Board on plans and programs provided by CSF. The Board supported sending two representatives to Alberta, July 16, for an Electronic ID
June 2010
Workshop and discussions on linking all sheep databases in Canada. The Board approved applying to two funding programs for support for: website development/marketing (OMIF – Ontario Market Investment Fund) and education programs (AMI – Agricultural Management Institute). The Board accepted the offer from OMAFRA to use OSMA as a pilot for ways for provincial organizations (i.e. OSMA) to work more closely with districts. The Board received a short update from the Predation Team. More details will be available for the July Board meeting.
OSMA’s 25TH ANNIVERSARY This year marks The Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency's 25th Anniversary Year. We will be highlighting all four Ontario Sheep News throughout this year with articles and reminisces of the past. We will also be focusing on the event at our Annual General Meeting in October. If you have any information or memories you would like to share, please contact us at the office by email general@ontariosheep.org or calling the office at 519-836-0043 Ext. 27.
OSMA STRATEGIC PLAN Copies of the Strategic Plan and Direction can be obtained by contacting Jennifer Johanson – 519-836-0043 or email - admin@ontariosheep.org
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June 2010
DWAYNE ACRES RECOGNIZED BY THE ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL HALL OF FAME The induction ceremony was held in the Gambrel barn at County Heritage Park in Milton on Sunday June 13, 2010.
OSMA is working with its partners in the Ontario Agricultural Sustainability Coalition. At this time OASC is developing extensive facts on commodity costs of production and trade implications of a revised Agri Stability Program.
OSMA SCHOLARSHIP This year’s OSMA Scholarship awards the amount of $500.00 to any student attending their first or second year of a university, college or apprenticeship program in the fall of 2010. This year we are looking for the best essay submitted on any one of the two topics. The submissions must come to the OSMA office with postage dating no later than Friday, September 3rd, 2010. Your name will be removed from your essay before being judged. This keeps the submissions anonymous. The winning selection will be notified on or before Friday, September 17th, 2010. Here is some more information: Requirements Applicants must have a Parent/Guardian registered as an OSMA producer as of April 30th, 2010 and be attending their first or second year of a university, college or apprenticeship program in the fall of 2010 (not limited to agriculture). Applicants must be 21 years of age or younger. For a complete list of requirements and to apply, download the form found on the homepage of www.ontariosheep.org or contact the OSMA office.
OSMA congratulates Dwayne and the entire Acre’s family. The dedication of this family to sheep improvement is exemplary.
Help foster new interest in working with livestock The veterinary technology degree is a two-year college program that covers topics such as animal handling, data entry and records management, nutritional management, nursing care, surgical assistance, laboratory procedures and medication administration. Most veterinary technicians (VTs) are employed in small animal veterinary clinics, pharmaceutical sales or medical research. However, some are employed in large animal or equine veterinary clinics where they may go out to farms to perform calf dehorning (with lidocaine block), vaccinating, ultrasound, bandaging, ovulationsynchronization and milk sample collection for culture, in response to directions from a veterinarian. Unfortunately colleges with veterinary technician programs have decreased their large animal teaching
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger components over the past decade. There is inadequate exposure to farm animals or management in most programs. Without exposure to practical experience with livestock, few VTs will develop an interest in an agricultural career path. A large variety of livestock farms employ VTs as herdspeople. VTs are excellent at keeping records and giving extra care to young, sick or injured animals. The Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food are compiling a list of farms throughout Ontario who would accept a VT for either a paid or volunteer position. The list would be provided to veterinary technicians and technician students within the province. In most cases the VTs will have limited farm experience, so farm staff should be willing to teach production and management practices and common disease problems and treatments. Terms and length of the position would be negotiated between the owner and the student. If interested please contact Kathy Zurbrigg, OMAFRA, with your name, address, phone and/or email and commodity type. Kathy Zurbrigg (phone) 519-846-3418, (fax) 1-888602-6911, Kathy.zurbrigg@ontario.ca
UPDATE ON MAEDI VISNA Due to the CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) no longer subsidizes the Maedi Visna program, testing costs have gone up. OSMA is working with the University of Guelph to find lower costs for testing. Unfortunately, testing will not go back to $2.50 per blood sample as it was in the past. Special thanks goes to Dr. Paula Menzies for her assistance in this matter.
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Starting this summer OVC (Ontario Veterinary College) and OMAFRA will be carrying out two projects: 1) Johne’s Disease – prevalence, risk and impact in small ruminant dairy industries and 2) Q-Fever – prevalence in small ruminants and farm workers. Further details can be obtained by contacting: Jocelyn Jansen – 519-846-3414 or Jocelyn.jansen@ontario.ca
RFID TAGS MANDATORY The Federal Government has committed to have National Traceability Programs in place by December 31, 2011 to allow for the tracing and tracking of products and food animals from farm to consumer. To meet these requirements for a national traceability system, CSF has voted to adopt mandatory RFID tags. Further details can be obtained by contacting: CSF at 519-824-6018 or info@cansheep.ca
OSMA WORKING FOR YOU Please see the March issue of Ontario Sheep News on page 32 for an update on what OSMA is doing for Producers.
UPCOMING EVENTS OSMA AGM & PRODUCER EDUCATION DAY This year's Producer Education Day and AGM will be held at the Holiday Inn in Guelph on October 29th and 30th.
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger In addition to our regular program, we will be celebrating OSMA's 25th Anniversary Year. We hope many of you decide to attend. Producer Education Day – Friday October 29th Theme “Business Management for the Sheep Producer” Friday Daytime Session (includes 2 breaks and a hot buffet lunch) is $25.00 Friday Lamb Banquet Meal (3 course meal with 2 bottles of complimentary wine) - $45.00 OSMA AGM and Economic Workshop – Saturday, October 30th Cost includes Hot Buffet Breakfast, Break, Hot Buffet Lunch, and the Workshop Voting Delegates – No cost Non-Voting Delegates - $25.00 For more information: - See the Ontario Sheep News June Issue - OSMA Web Site – www.ontariosheep.org - Email: admin@ontariosheep.org - Call the office – 519-836-0043
ETHNIC HOLIDAY INFORMATION August 11: Islamic Holiday – Start of Ramadan – Weaned market lambs 60-80 lbs. are preferred. Not older than 12 months September 9: Jewish Holiday – Rosh Hashana Forequarters from weaned lambs 60-110 lbs September 10: Islamic Holiday – Eid ul Fitr – Lambs between 60-80 lbs. live weight and goats are young weighing between 50-70 lbs. Males preferred and it is important that the animal be without blemishes
November 17: Islamic Holiday - Eid ul-Adha Festival of Sacrifice - Traditional lamb is a yearling although large market lambs and older sheep are also used. Age is the main concern and weight is ideally between 60-80 lbs. Animals must be blemish free. For some this means the animals are healthy, no broken horns, open wounds or lameness. For
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others, it should not be castrated nor have even a torn ear. November 17: Hindu Holiday - Dasara / Navaratri - Females are not usually acceptable for this holiday. The size of the carcass varies. December 2-9: Jewish Holiday – Chanukkah – The meat preferences are lambs 30-55 lbs. live weight, milk fed and fat prepared by Kosher method of slaughter. Look for more information in the OSN March Issue And on OSMA website
ONTARIO FORAGE EXPO 2010 Wednesday July 7th, 2010 10:00 a.m. at the family farm of Evert Veldhuizen, Veldale Farms – 714617 Middletown Line, RR 4, Woodstock, ON “Witness The Latest in Quality Hay Making Equipment” This major event will present a wide array of demonstrations and activities related to the forage industry. It is co-sponsored by the Ontario Forage Council and Oxford County Soil & Crop Improvement Association. - Watch the major equipment companies demonstrate forage machinery in side by side field trials - Listen to Key note speakers on forage related topics - Visit with forage and forage related trade show exhibitors Everyone Welcome – No admission for the farming community For more information or an interview: Ray Robertson, The Ontario Forage Council 1-877-892-8663 info@ontarioforagecouncil.com
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GROWING FORWARD Participating in the growing forward business development for farm businesses program can help achieve business goals in such areas as Food Safety and Traceability, Business Development, Environment and Climate Change, and Biosecurity. By taking part in this program a producer may be eligible to receive up to 50% cost share funding towards travel, tuition and textbooks. In order to participate in this program a producer must attend a Growing Your Farm Profits (GYFP) Workshop. This free two-day workshop will help a producer develop an action plan, review farm management practices, help organize goals for the future, identify resources and build on business strengths. For more information: - See Ontario Sheep News – June Issue or www.ontariosoilcrop.org/en/programs/gyfp091.htm Schedule of Course Offerings, 2010 County
August 10 and 17, 2010
Walkerton, lunch provided Jayne Dietrich 519-367-5930
July 6 and 13, 2010
Lois Sinclair 519-357-3146
July 20 and 27, 2010
Shelley McPhail 613-256-4011
December 7 and 14, 2010
Rita Vogel 613-275-1753
July 6 and 13, 2010
Micheline Begin 613-679-8867
July 20 and 27, 2010
Vankleek Hill
Micheline Begin 613-679-8868
August 10 and 17, 2010
St. Isidore (French)
Micheline Begin 613-679-8869
December 8 and 15, 2010
Glen Smith 613-628-2987
August 24 and 31, 2010
Barbara -Ann Glaude 613-984-2398
ONTARIO SUFFOLK SHEEP ASSOCIATION – 4 TH Terminal Sire Ram Sale Saturday July 24th, 2010 1 pm at Carson’s Sales Arena, Listowel - Including registered Suffolk Ewes and Commercial Suffolk Sired Ewe lambs - Performance tested and genotyped for Scrapie resistance - Excellent rams for the Commercial Breeder For Information or Catalogue contact: - Glen Porteous at Home 519-794-4549 or Cell 519-270-9214 - Grant Preston at 519-923-6341
Registration Contact
Registration Contact
SHEEP SALE August 21. 2010 at 1 pm Hoard’s Station Sales Barn (near Campbellford) Supported by OSMA District 8 Auctioneer : Brad Denure Purebred and Commercial Mature/Yearlings/Lambs Male and Female Sellers and Buyers needed Entry forms available from: Elwood Palmateer : 613-968-8698 or Chris Byford : 613-476-2380 Forms are to be completed and sent to Elwood by July 24 with the catalogue available August 7.
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger Lunch available on day of sale Accommodations in area: § Campbellford River Inn, 352 Front St. N- 705653-1771 or 1-800-984-6665 § Waters Edge Inn, 149 Queen St, Campbellford, 705-653-4470 or 1-877-838-3343 Other hotels in Belleville or Trenton § Plenty of room for campers on premises
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depredation NOW!!, using long pasture rotations to beat the parasite cycle and finishing lambs on turnips. Featured also is Phil Smith from Sutton, Ontario (www.rideausheep.com) along with Jack Kyle (OMAFRA). They will be presenting Phil's experiences with pasturing his dry ewes on corn silage plants for extended fall grazing and a rest period for his permanent pastures. Limited space available, the cut off date for ticket purchases will be August 1st 2010 or when sold out.
Advance ticket sales available only by Phone: Steven or Lisa Ernewein (519) 392-8624
August 26 to 29th, 2010 Daily from 9 am to 5 pm Shepherd’s Crook Farm on Lorneville Road just outside of town, Woodville, Ontario
Over a hundred Border Collies and their owners. The team’s task is to negotiate a small flock of sheep through and around a pre-determined set of gates, then separate selected sheep from the group and place them in a holding pen. For more information visit www.cbca-championships.com
WESTERN ONTARIO LAMB PRODUCERS ASSOC. (WOLPA) SHEEP SEMINAR DAY August 28, 2010: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Location: Walkerton Community Centre (Arena). Cost: $30.00 per person includes a catered lunch. Western Ontario Lamb Producers Association (WOLPA) with support from Grey-Bruce Sheep Farm Business Management Association are having a sheep seminar day Featured keynote speaker will be Janet McNally from Hinckley, Minnesota (www.tamaracksheep.com). Topics: her pasture lambing experiences, managing ewes and pastures during the lambing period, cutting $16.00 per ewe from the budget, 6 things to stop
September 1 & 2, 2010 – Grand Valley Two day Course sponsored by the Large Flock Operators and OMAFRA – limited to 20 participants. NOTE: This program targets people in the planning cycle for an expansion plan in their sheep enterprise to large scale, commercial scale infrastructure. Workshop is intended to give ideas, show latest concepts, test out participant’s ideas and examine relative costs. For more information and to register: Call: 877-424-1300 or visit www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/livestock/sheep/200 81211.htm
OUTDOOR FARM SHOW September 14 – 16, 2010 Canada’s Outdoor Park, Woodstock, ON Open Daily 8:30 am to 5:00 pm The Outdoor Farm Show is featuring Sheep and Goats on all 3 days of the Show.
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger Please take time to visit the OSMA booth in the Sheep Coverall. Some show highlights: - Sheep & Goat Pavillion – Find industry speakers, breed associations and equipment companies in the Multi-Shelter Greenhouse. Talks will cover sheep & goat management and innovations. - RFID Tag reading demo – See how these scanners and related technology can effectively track small ruminants using a handheld device rather than stacks of paper. - Sheepdog Demo – Viki Kidd has over 25 years of dog handling experience and is a skilled sheepdog trainer. Viki will share her knowledge on effectively using dogs to herd & manage sheep flocks - Grober Young Animal Development Centre – Showcasing live Lamb Research trials. Grober has been conducting research at the Woodstock site since April and lambs have been studied for growth, nutrition and housing. For more information: - 1-800-563-5441 - info@OutdoorFarmShow.com - www.outdoorfarmshow.com
STRATFORD FALL FAIR September 16-19 Agri Plex in Stratford Friday 2-5, Saturday 10-5, Sunday 10-2
INTERNATIONAL PLOWIN G MATCH September 21 – 25, 2010 Location: St. Thomas, ON For more information: www.plowingmatch.org (t) 519-631-1234 or 866-976-2010 Email: admin@plowingmatch.org
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SHEEP & GOAT BREEDING STOCK SALE – Commercial & Registered Saturday, October 16, 2010 12 Noon at Keady Livestock Market Featuring: - Meat and Dairy Sheep (for breeding purposes) Rams – Ewes – Lambs - Meat and Dairy Goats (for breeding purposes) Billies – Nannies – Kids Prerequisites: - Pre consigning by Tuesday, October 14 is a must for this catalogued sale, as we are looking for quality stock to supply our sheep and goat producers with good breeding stock. - No culls will be accepted in this sale - Consignments accepted on a 1st come 1st served basis - Dispersals are encouraged although small or large consignments are welcome To consign or for more information: - Call - 519-934-2339 - Email – keadylivestock.com
DISTRICT EVENTS Important Information about District AGM's: Every year, there is to be elections for the District Executive. Last year there was a resolution at the AGM by District 1 that not all Executive members be replaced every year (2 positions one year and then the other two position the alternate year). It was left to each District to decide if this option would work best for them. In addition to that, there will be an election for Provincial Directors at the following District AGMs: 2, 5, 8, 11. At each AGM, a delegate selection for the OSMA AGM has always taken place. This year, the OSMA staff will be accepting names from producers to be
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger delegates in their District starting on Monday, July 5th. Those names will be forwarded to the Secretary of each district. In the event that there are too many producers wanting to be delegates, a vote will take place to select the delegates at the District AGM. All delegate names must be submitted to the OSMA office no later than Friday, September 17th, 2010.
District 1:
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District 4: September 21 – DISTRICT 4 AGM August 24 - District 4 will be hosting the OSMA board for a farm tour (Black Walnut and Qualitysheep.com) and a BBQ at Ashlawn Farm of George, Nancy and Chris Kyle. More information will be available in the district newsletter next month or call Chris Kyle at 519-632-7602
August 21 - Farm tour - Leaving Coldstream at 8:00 September 2nd - DISTRICT 1 AGM at Coldstream – Guest Speaker General Manager Murray Hunt
District 5: August 25 – DISTRICT 5 AGM at the Thatcher Farm – 5727 5th Line, Eramosa
Congratulations to Cedarview Farms, Ken & Laurel Van Ewyk, who were one of the Regional Award Winners for 2009 Agri Innovation Award.
There will be an election in District 5 for Provincial Director. Please plan to attend.
Meetings are usually held the first Thursday of every month at Coldstream Community Centre, just north west of London, Ontario at 8:00 PM.
If you have any questions, you can call Bert Nieuwenuis at 519-941-0479 Andrew Gordanier at 519-925-6502
For further details or a full list of upcoming events please see our website OSMA_district_1.tripod.com Or phone Marlene Raymond at 519-683-6635
District 2: September 16 – DISTRICT 2 AGM
District 6: August 25 (Tentative) – DISTRICT 6 AGM 7:00 at Church's Farm supplies
District 7:
There will be an election in District 2 for Provincial Director. Please plan to attend.
August 6–8: Market lamb class at Fenelon Falls – Leslie Dyment is arranging Aug 26-29: CBCA Championships (Canadian Border Collie Assoc. Championships)
District 3:
September 1 – DISTRICT 7 AGM – Guest Speaker, General Manager Murray Hunt
Victoria County Sheep Producers.
Regular Meetings: Third Thursday of each month in Rostock at the Perth Agricultural Building
July - BBQ at farm TBA August - no meeting September - tentative tour to Orangeville large flock operators.
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger Evening meetings start at 7:30 in the lower boardroom, OMAFRA Lindsay. Membership is $20 per farm per year. Contact: Rebecca Parker Phone: 705-277-1711 Email: middlekingdom@sympatico.ca
District 8: August 6 – 8: 8 am - 6 pm - Kingston Sheep Dog Trials at Grass Creek Park (on Hwy2). For info check www.cityofkingston.ca and follow recreation links
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There will be an election in District 11 for Provincial Director. Please plan to attend.
OSMA REACHING OUT Anyone with questions or ideas for OSMA to consider are encouraged to send an email to admin@ontariosheep.org. Staff will acknowledge receipt and attempt, in a timely fashion, to provide an answer or comment.
September 20 – DISTRICT 8 AGM – Guest Speaker OSMA Chair, Markus Wand
There will be an election in District 8 for Provincial Director. Please plan to attend.
District 9:
September 17 – DISTRICT 9 AGM
Chris Kennedy & Markus Wand
Judy Dening & Fraser Hodgson
Research/ Development
Colleen Acres, Chris Kyle, & Mark Lenover
Allan Burn & Neil Mesman
Dennis Fischer & Andrew Gordanier
Chris Kennedy, Markus Wand, Judy Dening, Allan Burn
District 10: Aug 21 – BBQ & Social - 3:30 pm at Gary Lapier’s Rocky Hyland Farm, 10261 Hwy 43, Mountain, ON Please confirm attendance with Colleen Acres by Aug 13. Sept. 8 – DISTRICT 10 AGM – 7:00 pm at Leahurst House, Kemptville College
For more information on activities in District 10, please contact Colleen Acres, District 10 Prov. Director at 613-826-2330.
District 11: September 9 – DISTRICT 11 AGM , Guest Speaker is General Manager, Murray Hunt
DISTRICT COMMITTEE’S To see a complete list of your district committee’s please visit OSMA website: www.ontariosheep.org
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It is important for Ontario Sheep to have current contact information for all sheep producers in order to keep you up to date on current events. • •
Do you have a new email address Have you moved
Please contact us by calling 519-836-0043 or emailing: admin@ontariosheep.org
June 2010
August and September is District Annual Meeting time. Plan to attend. During the next year OSMA will be offering support for districts in both education and organization.
If you have ideas for OSMA to consider for initiatives to create value for sheep farmers please send them to: Ruth Gilmour 519-836-0043 ext. 27 or general@ontariosheep.org
Ontario Sheep
Invitation – Producers, industry partners and anyone or organization interested in serving the Ontario Sheep Industry are encouraged to contact either OSMA Directors or the office with ideas, comments, questions or suggestions that may be beneficial to Ontario Sheep as it carries out its mandates.
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INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COMMITTEES 2009/2010 Standing Committees
Governance Committee: Andrew Gordanier *, Chris Kyle, Judy Dening, Murray Hunt Audit Committee: Fraser Hodgson *, Colleen Acres, Neil Mesman, Members at Large – Jason Emke, Jennifer Peel Research Committee: Chris Kennedy *, Mark Lenover, Fraser Hodgson, Colleen Acres By-Law and Regulations (Ad Hoc): Allan Burn *, Neil Mesman, Chris Kyle, Murray Hunt ___________________________________________________________________________________
External Representatives 2009 – 2011 President Council: Markus Wand CFFO: Dennis Fischer OLPC: Murray Hunt OFPMC Sheep Advisory Committee: Will be determined at a future date Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF): Andrew Gordanier *, Mark Lenover, Dennis Fischer Ontario Agricultural Commodity Council (OACC): Andrew Gordanier, Murray Hunt Farm Innovation Program: Murray Hunt Predation Leaders : Chris Kennedy (OFA), Dick Kuiperij (CFFO) Toronto Stock Yard & Land Development Board: Allan Burn Royal Agricultural Winter Fair (Sheep Committee): – Chris Kyle, Lene Band (elected 2009 - 2011) Environmental Representative: Chris Kennedy National On-Farm Food Safety Working Group: Murray Hunt Provincial On-Farm Food Safety: Murray Hunt Sheep Flock Improvement Program Advisory (SFIP) Committee: Bob Comfort, Bill Duffield, Wayne Oosterhoff and (elected 2009 – 2011) John Steele, Rebecca Parker, Scott Prudom Ontario Federation of Agriculture : Chris Kennedy, alternate Judy Dening HomeGrown Ontario Steering Committee: Murray Hunt OSMA 4H Ontario Scholarship Committee: To be determined
Agricultural Adaptation Committee, Red Meat Seat: (shared with Ont. Veal on a 2 year rotation): Judy Dirksen from OVA for the term Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2010.
* Lead Director
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First Place ‘HTCh Burnt Mountain Toby in winter’ by Kyle McDonnell, Goderich
Third Place ‘Crow Hill Corriedales’ by Craig Dyment, Cameron
Fifth Place ‘Evening Chores’ by Lene Band, Georgetown
Second Place ‘It’s Just Snow’ by Johanna Ramaker, Clinton
Fourth Place ‘Baaaa’d Blizzard’ by Janice K. Marshall, Woodstock