On The Bay Magazine Fall 2011

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Fall 2011

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Living the


Unique local businesses fulfill a passion for young entrepreneurs

Home & Style

Renos, green homes, dĂŠcor and more!

Andrew Angus, CEO of Switch Video

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In thIs Issue features 12 The New Entrepreneurs

Determined to live and raise their families in Southern Georgian Bay, these imaginative young (and young-ish) entrepreneurs are using their skills and interests to create unique businesses that add richness to the fabric of our community. By JanEt LEES

22 A Passion for Ponies

Jenna Ponzo has turned a lifelong love of horses into a thriving local business. By JanEt LEES

26 Sumptuous Shipyards

this spectacular waterfront condo in Collingwood’s Shipyards development proves that condo living can have a custom feel. By JuDy RoSS

38 Green Living

Earth-inspired living using eco-friendly materials that don’t make you sick. By JuDy RoSS

48 Cuckoo for Kitchens

an old-school country kitchen gets a sleek and stylish makeover, the latest of seven kitchen renos for a part-time Clarksburg couple.



55 Stunning In Steel

Metal can add a whole new dynamic to your home décor. By nanCy FaLConER

65 Welcome to the Club


Collingwood’s Huron Club is a relaxed and inclusive dining experience. By CECiLy RoSS

69 Openings

Some of the latest new businesses in Southern Georgian Bay worth checking out. By JanEt LEES

Departments 6

From our Editor


From our Readers


80 Events 81 Marketplace 82 Gallery of Realtors 90 Showcase of Fine Homes 93 Reader Buying Guide 94 Looking Back

ON THE COVER: Local entrepreneur andrew angus, founder of Switch Video in Collingwood, with one of the claymation figures used in the company’s animated videos, produced for Fortune 500 companies around the world. Photo by Richard Galloway


Volume 8, Issue 4 Pub li sher

Jeffrey Shearer jshearer@onthebaymagazine.com eD i TO r

Janet Lees jlees@onthebaymagazine.com ArT D i recTO r

Holger Meiche AD min . , c i rculATi O n AnD PrO D ucT iO n

Cindy Caines AD ve rTi si n g Desi gn & PrO D ucT i On

Bruce Brigham, Pamella Branch PrO O freAD er

Anita Hunter cO n Tri b uTi n g W ri Ters

Scott Birke, Christine Cowley, Nancy Falconer, Marc Huminilowycz, Janet Lees, Cecily Ross, Judy Ross, Emily Worts cO n Tri b uTi n g P h O TO grAPhers & i llusT rATO rs

Nancy Falconer, Richard & Christa Galloway, Allison Kennedy, Derek Trask, Wendy Webb r egi O nA l ADverT i si n g sAles

705.444.9192 Cheryl Armstrong carmstrong@onthebaymagazine.com Shauna Burke sburke@onthebaymagazine.com

inf OrmATiOn AnD rATes fO r n ATi O nA l AD verT i sers

Please contact Lori Mitchell at 613.920.1232 bigcountrymagazines@cogeco.ca On The Bay is published by On The Bay Magazine Inc. 5 issues per year and distributed by Canada Post to the majority of households and businesses in Wasaga Beach, Collingwood, Nottawa, Craigleith, Glencairn, Thornbury, Clarksburg, Ravenna, Markdale, Meaford, Mulmur Hills, Creemore, Duntroon, Stayner, Glen Huron, Dunedin, Kimberley, Singhampton and Flesherton.

Mommy and Daddy have a soft bed and

The magazine is also distributed to hotels, resorts, developer showrooms, realtor offices, and to members of private ski and golf clubs in the area. On The Bay is also available for purchase at the following fine stores:

a gi-normous tub. My tub is littler, but that’s because I’m littler. I like the kitchen the best – because that’s where the cookies are. Grandpa sits in the big chair by the fireplace to read me stories. But most of all, I like my house because it’s mine…it’s the only one like it.

Cherché House of Design (Thornbury) Crow’s Nest Books & Gifts (Collingwood) Curiosity House Books (Creemore) Downtown Bookstore & Café (Owen Sound) Gone Hollywood Video (Wasaga Beach) Subscriptions outside the distribution area are $31.95 per year for 5 issues (including HST), payable by cheque or credit card. No part of On The Bay may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent of On The Bay Magazine Inc. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher, editor or staff of On The Bay Magazine. Letters to the editor are welcome: jlees@onthebaymagazine.com Publications Mail Agreement No. 40943009 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: On The Bay Magazine Suite 201, 186 Hurontario St., Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 4T4 Tel: 705.444.9192 Toll-free: 1.888.282.2014 Fax: 705.444.5658 Printed in Canada at Ironstone Media.

Visit a Royal Homes Model and Design Centre today www.royalhomes.com

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On The Bay

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F r o m

o u r

E d i t o r

were journalistic in nature. This page in our magazine, like the editorial and op-ed pages in newspapers, is and will always be an opinion page, reflecting the views of my Publisher or myself. The fact that we hold these views should not mean that we are not balanced in our handling of journalistic articles.

Photo by John Knox

Some readers also had trouble distinguishing between the Publisher’s message, which was a straight opinion piece, and the articles, which were journalistic in nature.

Opinions Welcome!


hen we published our Summer issue with its eight-page package on wind turbines, we expected to receive mail responding both positively and negatively. We were not disappointed. In fact, we received the largest response to any single topic in our eight years of publication. We are always thrilled when readers engage with On The Bay to tell us what they think. It confirms for us that our magazine is not only well read, but highly relevant in the lives of our readers. We love that. Sparking a reaction, both pro and con, is what good magazines should do, especially magazines that see themselves as champions of their communities. This is exactly the kind of community discourse we were trying to advocate for in our articles about the turbine issue. We would like to thank everyone who sent letters sharing their reactions and opinions. We have published all of those letters, both positive and negative, in this issue of On The Bay (with the exception of one writer who asked us not to print her letter). As you will see, the response was pretty evenly weighted on both sides, with just one more negative letter than positive. Nevertheless, the readers that chided and berated us for our coverage deserve a reply and some explanation. In hindsight, we now realize that publishing a photo of me, my Publisher, Jeff Shearer, and Conservative leader Tim Hudak on the page containing Jeff’s message was ill advised. Hudak was at our offices for an interview relating to the story, but perhaps the photo created the impression that On The Bay has a Conservative agenda, and it set the stage for some to read the package of articles that followed with that perceived political bias in mind. (The truth is that as of this writing, I have never voted Conservative in any election, while Jeff has been a staunch Liberal for over 30 years). Some readers also had trouble distinguishing between the Publisher’s message, which was a straight opinion piece, and the articles, which


On The Bay

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Whether because of the assumption of partisanship or for other reasons, several letter writers felt that the package of articles I wrote was not adequately balanced. As a working journalist and editor for 23 years, I found this charge particularly distressing. I went back to the stories and pored over them to ensure that the “other side” was represented. It was. I outlined both the Liberals’ and the wind industry’s arguments in the main story, and provided a sidebar giving each party’s position on the wind issue. In journalistic terms, ‘balance’ does not mean giving equal weight to every stance. Particularly when it comes to advocacy journalism, which this magazine practices, ‘objectivity’ does not necessarily mean neutrality. In practice, this idealistic concept of objectivity is nearly impossible to apply – newspapers inevitably take a point of view in deciding what stories to cover, what the ‘angle’ of the story will be, which sources they quote and how they edit those quotes, while investigative news shows like “60 Minutes” and “W5” routinely take a point of view in their coverage of complex and contentious issues. A couple of readers argued that if we have problems with wind turbines, we should put forward an alternative. It’s not our job to find a clean, safe, workable, efficient energy solution for Canada. It is our job to inform and educate our readers about a potential threat to our community. The purpose of the articles was to identify the serious downsides and possible health and environmental consequences from 500-foot turbines, to advocate for a democratic process in determining where those turbines will go, to suggest that Southern Georgian Bay is not the best place for industrial wind development, to show that there is a significant level of local opposition to these developments, and to clarify the politics of wind that will play a role in the provincial election on October 6. We will continue to take an advocacy position on any issues that impact the lifestyle and enjoyment of Southern Georgian Bay, as well as the health and wellbeing of those who live here. We will also continue to present differing viewpoints in our journalistic articles. And we will continue to welcome your letters, in the strong belief that every opinion has the right to be heard and respected. By the time you read this, the election will be over, and we can only hope the winning party will embrace community debate as openly. ❧

It’s easy to be a NIMBY regarding new ideas and it’s hard to think about the big picture and to think about long-term solutions. But this is precisely what we must do. No good ever comes from getting complex issues mired in politics. Politicians are good communicators and nice to people that stroke their egos, but I would not trust them to do the “right” thing if they had to think hard or especially if they had to act against the interests of their financial backers. mac P.S. I very much like your magazine and appreciate the content about our area. I look forward to reading each issue.

From Our

ReadeRs SUMMER 2011

RE: Not HERE, Not Now, Not EvER! SummER 2011 Editor’s Note: See my message on page 6 for a response to some of the letters below.

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It was very discouraging reading the articles in On The Bay about wind turbines. There are so many things wrong with the way the Liberal government has shoved this situation down our throats. I thought we lived in a democratic country but we now find ourselves, both those who are pro and anti wind turbines, faced with a battle to regain our right to the democratic process. The Green Energy Act may have some very redeeming features but we have NOT been given a chance to participate in the implementation. The Liberal government has lost sight of the fact that we the people voted them into power and that they have to answer to us. They work for us and they report to us. It is not a dictatorship! We need a government that is mindful of this concept and give the people of this community the right to have a say about what happens to our land and our homes. Jill Stevenson

Sweet & Natural

Cooking with local sweeteners Local baker Heath Needles

You painted a very one-sided story about the “rural opinion” Turbine on wind energy. You Showdown The politics of wind worked hard to make the reader think that all Under The Bay history Exploring our sunken people in rural Ontario The Pub Experience dislike wind energy. You are simply … Very wrong. Can I infer therefore from your piece that it must be true that all rural people in Ontario are in favour of oil-based energy? Or maybe rural people only want hydro and are willing to dam and flood their valleys to get it? Or maybe rural people only want nuclear energy? You are simply… Very wrong. Your article seems to direct us to think that the issue is a political issue, that all Conservatives dislike windmills and all Liberals love them. You are simply … Very wrong. When you write articles in such a slanted way you insult your readers who can think and decide for themselves. I happen to be one reader who may be Conservative or Green or Liberal or NDP … Depends on the people and the issues of the day … But I know that global warming and renewable energy are not political issues, they are environmental issues. Old solutions to the demand for increasing energy are not sustainable and are harmful to future generations quality of life. Current and future generations of rural and urban Ontarians need more and evermore energy. Where will it come from? Dirty oil from The tar sands? So, I for one, welcome renewable energy in any form and am willing to pay a premium for it so that future generations can live in a world as least as clean as I experienced. Unlike some people you referenced in the piece, I care much less about energy profits leaving the country. I care much more that our kids can get good clean energy jobs so they can live as well as most of us retired people have. I care much more that global warming is going to bring far more harmful affects to our rural landscape than the sweep of windmills. So, I ask you to write another story on this subject and find out what what people who favour renewable energy think. Also, please forward a copy of this to [John] Laforet as he needs to get a grip on reality. Dave macDougall (mac), living in a rural area near meaford Editor’s Note: I responded to Mr. MacDougall’s letter and let him know we would publish it in this issue of On The Bay. Below is his reply. Thank you for taking the time to give me a chance to air an alternate point of view. Too often I read what seem to be one-sided views on complex subjects. But I think the issue of global warming and renewable energy is one of the most important issues of our time. We owe it to future generations to get it right.

Bit of a disappointment to see our trusted On The Bay giving Tim Hudak such in-depth stroking. There’s no question he’s telling turbine objectors exactly what they want to hear, and no question that this is a fine way to win seats. What is questionable is the level of cynicism he brings to the matter, and the likelihood of him actually doing anything. Why do we continue to hold such faith in the promises of politicians when time after time – and hasn’t this become just a total cliché? – they almost never perform? And while Mr Hudak may talk a good line, he is not a nice man. Two days after police attacked citizens’ civil rights at G20, with absolutely no


NOT HERE, NOT NOW, NOT EVER! That’s the message local citizens are sending to wind developers and the Ontario Liberals, as grassroots groups gear up to make wind turbines the hot-button election issue for rural voters. As McGuinty ignores community protests, Hudak promises a moratorium on new wind projects, and long-time Liberals are vowing to vote Conservative to save their communities, their health and their property values. by JANET LEES

photography by RICHARD GALLOWAY

Clearview residents took to hay wagons recently in a wind protest ‘parade’ from Clearview Nurseries on Hwy. 91 (near the site of eight proposed turbines) to the Stayner Community Centre, where the company that wants to erect the giant structures was holding an open house.







information, he wrote that, “I proudly stand behind the men and women of our police services.” As minister responsible for the Niagara Parks Commission – no turbines there! – he ignored allegations of commission impropriety. And he refuses to be forthright on his stance on abortion funding. He thinks “Buck-a-Beer” constitutes solid policy initiative – kind of as though he’s the Rob Ford for Ontario. So sure, let’s lap up what he has to say on turbines, but let’s also be clear: we’re going to have to deal with the whole man if he gets in, including his way of conducting himself. To which, protecting ourselves, we ought to say: Not here, not now, not ever. Peter Ferguson, Kimberley

On The Bay

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In the name “Ontario Green Energy Act,” the “Green” does not stand for environmentally sensitive, it stands for wasted money that the consumers of Ontario are forced to finance through exorbitant rates paid to the wind turbine companies. According to an article printed in the National Post, this past May Ontario wind producers generated 284,000 megawatt hours of electricity for which they received $135 per megawatt. The average price for electricity in May was about $25 per megawatt. The wind often blows at periods of low electricity demand and the province is forced to sell off the surplus at below market price to Michigan, Minnesota, New York and Quebec at below market prices. The loss on this sale in May totalled $38 million. Multiply that by the years that the McGinty government has guaranteed the high price that they will pay the wind turbine producers. Guess who makes up this shortfall? None other than you and me, the consumers of electricity in Ontario along with the general taxpayers in Ontario. Buy for a $1 and sell for $0.25 leaves a nice “profit” for the consumers to cover. This Green Energy Act is something we should question as participants in this fall’s election prior to marking our ballots. We cannot afford the high price of wind-generated electricity when we have one of the most efficient atomic energy plants in Bruce Power. Think nuclear, not wind. Ross Klopp, Collingwood

ISSUES Kevin Ellwood of the group Preserve Clearview speaks to the crowd of protesters at the Stayner Community Centre, many wearing special T-shirts making their position clear.


What local community groups are doing to fight turbines, and their new political role as the provincial election draws near by JANET LEES photography by RICHARD GALLOWAY


’m sitting in the Stayner Community Centre among 250 area residents of all ages, watching a movie called “Windfall.” It tells the tragic tale of Meredith, New York, where some residents signed secretive deals allowing wind companies to build 400-foot-tall turbines on their properties, only to realize the health effects, environmental impacts and dangers to wildlife and people were not worth the scant money they were being paid to “farm” the wind while huge multinational corporations reaped the profits. The movie features long segments of mega-turbines rotating in the wind while emitting a low hum and a crazy-making ‘whomping’ sound. Other scenes show interiors of homes where residents and pets can’t escape the ‘strobing’ effect of windmills casting long shadows as they turn in the sun.





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On The Bay

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Sixth St.

Phil Macdonald

Lindsay Macdonald-Brooks

Matthew Macdonald


I know that On The Bay has run a number of stories on the wind turbine issue. I want to tell readers about my first-hand experience with living near turbines in Corbetton, a small village north of Shelburne. In 2008 my wife and I went to the East Coast for a vacation. We were only gone for 16 days. When we left, we left open fields, chirping birds and a peaceful country existence. We returned and were more than surprised to find wind turbines erected

Worn-out residents describe ill health effects, from headaches to sleep disturbances to heart palpitations. But the point that really hits home is the sad reality that wind has divided the residents of Meredith, pitting neighbour against neighbour and the town against its local council. When the movie ends, there is a hush in the crowd, then some people applaud, obviously torn between the desire to appreciate the quality of the film and the inability to praise the grim situation it illustrates. It’s a reality that is playing out in communities across Southern Georgian Bay. A handful of local landowners have agreed to allow multinational wind companies to plant turbines on their properties, within only 550 metres of the centre of the nearest dwelling, while local councils are left powerless by the provincial government’s Green Energy Act and neighbours are left to retaliate with creative, drastic and sometimes costly measures. “We want our communities back; we want our friends back; we want our neighbours back,” laments Lorrie Gillis of Grey Highlands, where several wind projects involving 63 turbines are in various stages of development. Plateau Wind Inc. is planning 18 turbines, 11 in Grey Highlands and the other seven in Melancthon. “There’s so much cloak and dagger,” says Gillis of this project. “As far as we know they don’t have their conservation plan yet, they don’t have their road use agreement yet – and yet, they’re going ahead anyway.” She adds some desperate residents have even resorted to stealing hydro poles to make their opposition known. Another project that appears to be moving forward involves four massive wind turbines on the east side of Lake Eugenia. Again, the local community is in the dark about the details. “We’re not sure what they’re calling themselves these days and we’re not sure who the principals are,” says Larry Close, who heads up the Preserve Grey Highlands Citizens Alliance. The Alliance enlisted the support of the municipality, which refused to sign the road use agreement to allow Plateau Wind onto the site. “Plateau Wind argued they had a statutory right to use the roads; they went to the OEB (Ontario Energy Board), and the OEB decided they can use the roads,” says Close. The municipality has now gone to divisional court claiming that the Energy Board did not have jurisdiction to hear the appeal. “The OEB can hear cases involving transmitters and distributors in disputes with municipalities, but Plateau Wind is licensed only as a generator.” The case is still before the court. Close’s group has also applied to divisional court to have a judicial review of Plateau’s certificate of approval on the grounds that

Poplar Sideroad

Nottawa 36/37 Sideroad

in the fields around our home. The nearest one is 660 meters away. There are about 20 turbines around us. I didn’t mind the looks of them. I didn’t mind how close they were to us until they started up in the Fall. That’s when I came to realize that the wind turbines were affecting me. My life is totally disrupted. I’m living proof that turbines affect people. In the morning there is a flicker in the house and in the yard from the turbine blades. It’s like having a strobe light pointed at us. We used to have a train go by in the village. You heard it and then it went away. The turbines never go away. All too often it sounds like a low-flying jet constantly over our house or a train that never goes away. The noise intensity changes depending on wind direction but the worst noise is at night. After the turbines started up I soon noticed that many nights I was being awakened from the noise and was unable to go back to sleep again. I was very tired going to work. I close my windows, run my air conditioning and turn up the TV to try to block the turbines out. I can’t be outside for very long because the noise and pressure coming from turbines gives me headaches and pain in my ears and down my neck. I suffer muscle aches and cramping. I’m exhausted, I’m stressed, I’m angry. Even when the turbines aren’t running, I know they are there, I know they will start again soon and I know what that will mean to my existence. I can phone the police if there is excessive noise coming from a neighbour, but I can’t phone them about this. The Ministry of the Environment did not return my call. The Township of Melancthon was no help. I was dismissed and felt like I had no rights anymore. I’ve been called a complainer, crazy and was even told that it didn’t matter what was happening to me because it meant others could turn on their TV. We’ve done nothing but we are portrayed as the guilty party. It seems the turbines are above the law. It used to be pleasant to be at home. There is no peace anymore. Coming home from work I see the turbines in Melancthon all the way from Primrose

and I just want to turn around and go the other way. I wish I didn’t live here anymore, but where do I go? Where will turbines go in next? Do I have to live in town to avoid them? My view is nothing but these windmills anymore. I try not to look at the turbines as I’m driving down the road but it’s like I’m in a dark tunnel that I want to get through and can never get out of because I have to live in them. There are four homes for sale in my village now. I know one neighbour complains privately about being kept awake by the turbines. I believe most don’t want to complain for fear of not being able to sell their home – their way of escaping what this place has become. Even if these homes can be sold, selling price will be way down. The wind company should have to come in here and buy these homes for what they used to be valued at. They’ve put us in a terrible position. Expropriation of my house would have been kinder than living like this. I decided to put “Stop the Wind Turbine” signs up on my house to make people aware of the problems these things are causing, possibly saving someone else the grief of buying a house and being trapped here. I would not want to see another family, maybe one with children, move into this. It’s not pleasant to live near turbines. I went away from here for a ride on my bike today. I felt so good and refreshed! It was a warm, sunny day so when I got home, I worked outside for a little but had to retreat inside because the pressure and headache returned … Brent Green, Dundalk, Ontario “Comment is free, but facts are sacred ... The voice of opponents no less than that of friends has a right to be heard. ... It is well to be frank; it is even better to be fair.” So wrote C.P. Scott, editor of Britain’s Manchester Guardian continued on page 76…

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Noelle Wansbrough of Pedal Pushers at the recent Centurion event in The Blue Mountains. Wansbrough trained several women to compete in the race, and herself placed 171st overall and third in the women’s category out of 942 riders in the 100-mile course.


On The Bay

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The New Entrepreneurs Determined to live and raise their families in Southern Georgian Bay, these imaginative young (and young-ish) entrepreneurs are using their skills and interests to create unique businesses that add richness to the fabric of our community by Janet Lees


opening photo by aLLison Kennedy

n a quiet, tree-lined street in central Collingwood, in a 100-year-old heritage home with an inviting wrap-around porch, a team of animators, marketers and writers creates high-tech videos for companies around the globe. nearby, a pair of cycling enthusiasts helps riders improve their skills and gain the confidence to explore and compete anywhere on the planet. in Creemore, a non-profit business teaches children about water stewardship while providing much-needed rainwater harvesting systems to schools in Uganda. in thornbury, a couple roasts and sells the premium coffee they grow on their farm in Zimbabwe. and near Meaford, a farmer lovingly plants and harvests hops used to brew greattasting world-class beer. What do all of these local businesses have in common? a visionary entrepreneur with the inspiration and drive to turn a passion into a living. these are the “new entrepreneurs” – many of them surprisingly young – who are building unique businesses not just to make money, but to do what they love while enjoying the quality of life and the work-life balance southern Georgian Bay has to offer. in the process, they are bringing the world to our door while showcasing our community to the world. in his book, “the Rise of the Creative Class,” economic development guru Richard Florida focuses on Boomers and Gen-Xers whose economic function is to create new ideas, new technology and new creative content. this group, he argues, shares common characteristics such as creativity, individuality, diversity and merit. “the key to economic growth lies not just in the ability to attract the creative class, but to translate that underlying advantage into creative economic outcomes in the form of new ideas, new high-tech businesses and regional growth,” writes Florida, adding regions that attract lots of creative talent are also those with higher levels of “quality of place.” “that’s because location choices of the creative class are based to a large degree on their lifestyle interests.” across our region, economic development departments and organizations are embracing Florida’s theory, working to encourage the creative class to set up shop here. Many see it as the perfect fit for those seeking quality of place, lifestyle and

opportunity. “Quality of life definitely drives economic development in this area,” says Lisa Kidd, communications and economic development coordinator for the Blue Mountains. “the incentive is the natural surroundings. People are searching for balance, and the quality of place, natural capital and human capital all combine to bring a highly educated and skilled population here.” the influx of 30-somethings and 40-somethings wanting to raise their families in the relative safety and recreational lifestyle of this four-season paradise means more highly educated people are moving here prior to retirement. since we can no longer rely on large industries to provide jobs, going it alone is often the best – and sometimes the only – option. in turn, the region benefits from a wider range of businesses than might otherwise be found in a community this size. “small communities are built on small businesses,” says tillie Macdonald, general manager of the Centre for Business and economic development, a notfor-profit based in Collingwood that provides loans, support, mentoring and counselling to entrepreneurs throughout southern Georgian Bay. “in a small community you have to create your own job.” there is certainly no shortage of people starting businesses in the region – the retail, restaurant, building, landscaping, health care and service sectors are brimming with bright, creative, dedicated entrepreneurs. But there are also those who step outside the conventional to build enterprises that are truly unusual. in most cases, it starts with a dream and a passion. turning that passion into a business is where the true creativity lies.

Pedal Pushers not many people outside of the tour de France can say they cycle for a living, but noelle Wansbrough and Jill Vale have figured out a way to have their ride and make money, too. “i get paid to go for bike rides,” says Wansbrough, 42, an élite cyclist with over 15 years’ experience in competitive cycling and bike tours throughout north america and europe. “i almost feel guilty because i’m enjoying it so much.”

On ThE Bay

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Photos by RichaRd Galloway


Switch Video

ABOVE: Andrew Angus and his team at Switch Video produce animated marketing and training videos for some of the world’s largest companies. TOP: Claymation figures are created by hand, then posed and photographed to produce some of Switch’s videos, while others use traditional animation.

The business, called Pedal Pushers, offers personalized road and mountain biking clinics to all levels of riders looking to improve their bike handling skills while exploring challenging on and off-road terrain in Southern Georgian Bay and Muskoka. There are also “Diva Day” clinics that include an optional visit to the Scandinave Spa for recovery and rejuvenation after the ride. When Wansbrough moved to Collingwood from Whistler in 1998 to be closer to family, she thought her cycling would suffer. “I was so depressed to move out of Whistler because I thought that was where I wanted to live for the rest of my life,” she recalls. “I thought we’d come to Collingwood for a few years and go back to Whistler, but this area has grown so much and the biking for sure is comparable to out west.” She met up with Vale, a former university friend and also a competitive cyclist, and in 2007 the two began talking about starting a business running road and mountain biking clinics. “We didn’t know if we could make a business out of it, but we thought, ‘we’ll try,’ ” recalls Wansbrough. “For our first road clinic we had 26 women, all training for a triathlon up in Muskoka. It was such a success, word of mouth spread and now we have avid supporters.” Today, Pedal Pushers caps its clinics at eight riders “so that everyone gets a certain amount of attention.” While the road clinics are open to all, they tend to attract female riders aged 30 to 60. “It is a somewhat male-dominated sport,” notes Wansbrough, “but more and more women are getting into road racing, and they don’t want to show up on a group ride with 20 guys. There’s definitely an intimidation factor.” If something is easy, we say, “it’s like riding a bike.” That may be true of a leisurely


ride, but serious cycling involves physical fitness, technique and efficiency. Gearing, ascending and descending are key. Getting comfortable riding in a group is also important for anyone wanting to ride competitively, and to this end Pedal Pushers conducted several group clinics and private training sessions preparing women for the recent Centurion ride in the Blue Mountains (over 3,000 riders competed in the Centurion this year, choosing between a 50-mile or 100-mile course). “It’s very gratifying for me because I love to see women get into the sport and not be intimidated,” says Wansbrough. “I get a big thrill out of seeing women respond to the sport, seeing them improve.” With increasing numbers of female cyclists, Wansbrough’s plan for Pedal Pushers is “to just keep growing it.” She adds, “More and more families are moving here, so the timing for this business is just perfect.” In the off-season Wansbrough has found another entrepreneurial pursuit that ties in with her Pedal Pushers business, as the Canadian and east coast U.S. sales rep for Sheila Moon Athletic Apparel. “It’s great because it’s a business I can do from home and it also parallels my Pedal Pushers business,” she says. “There’s a lot of cross-marketing between the two – when I’m talking to dealers they will put my Pedal Pushers business as a link on their website, and when I do ladies day ski shows I sell Sheila Moon samples and also promote Pedal Pushers clinics.” Wansbrough also sells EA Mongolian Cashmere through private shows and ski club shows, as well as a private line of athletic apparel called Dude Girls. She says combining clothing with cycling is the perfect fit. “I’m so lucky to have a business doing what I love to do, and I never thought I’d be able to do this,” she marvels. “I was always trying to figure out ways to be able to do something where I could have the flexibility to work from home and not be away from the family for long periods of time.” Not surprisingly, her sons, 11-year-old Luke and 9-year-old Tyler, are both “totally into cycling,” racing mountain bikes and competing in road events like the Centurion. Says Wansbrough, “I say to my kids all the time, ‘you guys are so lucky where you live.’ ” And lucky to have a mom who has figured out how to ride her way to success.

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Andrew Angus’s boyish grin belies a sharp entrepreneurial mind and a highly creative spark. In just three years, the 32-year-old has built Switch Video from a one-man operation into a global leader in the production of explanatory videos with 25 employees. With a degree in international development studies and only one business course under his belt (although he started his first business at the age of nine), Angus became fascinated by the communication capabilities of video in our hightech, online world. “People decide whether to leave a website within eight seconds,” he explains. “If there’s a video, chances are they’ll watch it and if it’s 90 seconds or less they’ll watch a significant portion of it. “The brain science tells us that if

Today, Switch produces animated videos for Microsoft and other Fortune 500 companies, and was itself named the sixteenth fastest growing company in Canada according to the Profit Hot 50 ranking. you read something or hear something, you’re stimulating your auditory sense and you’ll remember 10 per cent after 72 hours. But if you stimulate both your audio and visual sense as with a video, you’ll remember 68 per cent 72 hours later.” Angus started out doing training videos and was moderately successful. Then fate intervened. “I had the opportunity to go from doing internal training videos for Home Depot to doing marketing videos,” he recounts. “I hesitantly jumped on that opportunity, and three weeks later I was pitching to Microsoft to do a video for them.” Today, Switch produces animated videos for Microsoft and other Fortune 500 companies, and was itself named the sixteenth fastest growing company in Canada according to the Profit Hot 50 ranking. Its two-year growth rate at the end of 2010 was 562 per cent, having produced more than 250 videos for more than 175 clients


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*Rendering is Artists concept

Photo by RichaRd Galloway

ABOVE: John Millar of Tin Roof Global with some of the children who attended his summer camp. The kids learn about other cultures and global issues including water stewardship, and proceeds from the camp go to help fund much-needed rainwater collection systems in Uganda.

Tin Roof Global in 14 different countries (in six languages, no less). “We have 4,000 people who have contacted us looking for a video,” says Angus, lamenting, “It has taken off both greater than my wildest expectations and my ability to meet the demand.” Given the scope and growth of the business, the big question is: why Collingwood? Angus is quick with his answer. “I grew up in Toronto, and wanted to live here because it’s gorgeous. Also, when I was working in Toronto I was networking with people whose parents have places up here, and those parents are the people who own the companies I want to have as clients, so there was really no reason to be in Toronto. “It is easier to stand out as a company doing cool work in a smaller place.” The other advantage to starting his business in a small town was that “we saw our market as not being Ontario or even Canada … it forced us to sell to the world.” And sure enough, 90 per cent of Switch’s revenue comes from outside Canada, with only one local client (Blue Mountain Resorts). Switch’s offices, located in a heritage building near the Collingwood Library, are fully wired for doing business globally, and much is accomplished through web conferences and online sales. Yet juxtaposed with the high-tech and fast-paced nature of the business is the enjoyment Angus insists on providing for his employees. Twice a week, the team goes hiking on the Cascade Trail at Blue Mountain, twice a month there is a company-paid lunch and once a month the group goes out for a beer on Switch’s tab. “If you add up the hours of all these things, that’s still a quarter of the time spent commuting in Toronto,” Angus reasons. “It just makes sense to have healthy, relaxed employees – the creativity and teamwork are worth the time and expense.” Angus looks forward to continuing to grow his business in Collingwood while encouraging others to take his lead and locate here. A recent post on his blog says it all: “I am psyched that in 2011 I can enjoy the small wonders and slower pace of living in a smaller community, but still blaze a path in the business world by walking the walk and working in the cloud.”


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Creemore’s John Millar is passionate about water – conserving it, providing it, respecting it, and most of all, not taking it for granted. Armed with a BA in international development and an MA in international non-governmental organizational policy, Millar never saw himself as “gravitating towards entrepreneurialism” – or, for that matter, being able to have a global impact from such a small community. Yet he’s found a way to combine humanitarianism and business while making a difference both here and abroad. His non-profit company, Tin Roof Global, “brings the local to the global,” working with elementary and high schools throughout Southern Ontario to teach young people about water stewardship, youth leadership and international development. Tin Roof also operates summer camps where children explore what kids in other parts of the world do for fun and learn about natural and cultural wonders. Camp proceeds are then used to purchase water harvesting systems for schools in impoverished Uganda. “Water is fundamental to our lives and it’s fundamental throughout the day,” explains Millar, “yet we take it for granted, especially in Canada where water comes from our taps. “We need to understand the threats to our water supply from over-consumption and pollution, and learn to take care of water as a finite resource. We encourage youth to go home and ask their parents about rainwater harvesting systems, encouraging their parents to use a rain barrel to capture water.” While rainwater harvesting systems here are used mainly for watering lawns and gardens, in Uganda such systems can mean the difference between a five-kilometre hike to a dirty water source and clean drinking water for an entire village. “It becomes the water source for the whole community,” says Millar, noting that the systems Tin Roof installs hold 10,000 gallons of water. “We’re able to bring a water source right to the school; the school then becomes a hub for the community, and the students aren’t walking two or three hours a day to get their water – they’re going to school and getting their education. “That’s a huge spin-off – the quality of the water rises and the health and education levels of the students rise as a result.”



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9/20/11 10:37:34 AM

Photo by RichaRd Galloway


ABOVE: David and Amy Wilding-Davies ship Ashanti coffee from their farm in Zimbabwe to Thornbury, where they roast and brew it in their downtown café. They also have a wholesale operation roasting and packaging the coffee for restaurants, specialty shops and grocery stores.

Collingwood Downtown offers a huge array of specialty and local food shops, plus a world-class selection of restaurants. Best of all, everything is within strolling distance. Throw in an open-air farmers’ market every Saturday and supporting your local economy has never been easier or more delicious!

Visit collingwooddowntown.com for all the details. Be part of your community. Join us on Facebook for photos, video, event listings and other updates: facebook.com/collingwooddowntown

Tin Roof currently employs four staff – two in Uganda and two in Canada. While the company receives some government funding, it relies heavily on private and corporate donations and on 75 volunteers across Southern Ontario. “It’s a very rewarding journey but it’s a challenging one,” says Millar. “Funding is always a challenge – a lot of times in meetings or discussions the solution to problems and challenges we may be facing comes down to funding.” While the terms “entrepreneur” and “charity” may seem to be at odds, Millar, at 35, is proving that running a non-profit requires the same levels of creativity, ingenuity and drive as running a for-profit business. “You have to run a non-profit organization like it’s a business or you’re not going to last very long,” he declares. “There are so many commonalities between the non-profit world and the for-profit world and we try to incorporate a forprofit business model into our operations – you need a great brand, you need great marketing, you need a business plan, you need to understand your competition and the market you’re entering into.” And you need to plan your growth according to your resources. “A lot of very excited people are involved and coming to the table with great creative ideas, and my job as the executive director is to help channel those resources toward one idea at a time and not get to a point of overcapacity because we’ve taken on too many ideas.” By partnering with communities, schools, corporations and the University of Guelph, Millar hopes to build on the foundation he has established to turn his unique vision into a thriving organization, while raising two young sons in this beautiful area (full disclosure: Millar’s wife, Emily Worts, is a freelance writer for On The Bay Magazine). “I’ve been pleasantly surprised that it is possible to do something like this in Clearview Township in the Georgian Bay region,” he says. “I’ve always been one of those people whose happiness has a direct relationship with my sense of community, and the sense of community that we’ve found both in Duntroon and in Creemore has been phenomenal.”

Ashanti Coffee For David & Amy Wilding-Davies, the journey toward starting a business in Thornbury started in Zimbabwe. David was an Olympic equestrian and the pair lived in Kimberley while he travelled the world teaching riding and competing in equestrian events. On one such trip, he fell in love with Africa, and in 1999 the pair bought a coffee plantation in Zimbabwe to fulfill David’s longing for the life of a farmer. “It wasn’t until a few years later that we started to think


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there might be a market back here,” says Amy. They shipped green coffee beans from their African farm to a warehouse in Vancouver, selling to specialty coffee houses, but they continued to farm full-time until 2005. That’s when the political situation in Zimbabwe heated up, eventually forcing them off their home farm along with 4,000 other white landowners. “We felt it was better not to live there for the safety of our family,” says Amy. “We still had two other attached farms working, but decided it was better to let them operate under the radar, so we came back here in 2006.” They wanted to stay in the coffee business but now had to figure out a way to make a larger income from a smaller yield of coffee beans. They shipped some of their stored coffee from Vancouver to Thornbury, bought a roaster and started Ashanti Coffee Enterprises Inc., selling packaged roasted coffee to restaurants and stores. They also set up a café in downtown Thornbury, where they roast, brew and serve their coffee along with locally made treats and light lunches. Today, Ashanti sells its coffee to restaurants and specialty grocers throughout Southern Georgian Bay, and the Ashanti brand is available in Sobey’s grocery stores province-wide as well as high-end food emporia in the GTA such as Pusateri’s, Highland Farms and Whole Foods. The wholesale operation recently moved to a larger location in Thornbury with a new, state-of-the-art roaster. But while wholesaling is responsible for much of the business’s growth and success, it’s the café environment that has captured the Wilding-Davies’ hearts. The Thornbury café has become a popular local hangout, and Ashanti will soon open a second café on First Street in Collingwood. “We never saw ourselves as shop keepers,” laughs Amy, “but it’s such a pleasure to stand in the shop for a few hours each morning and talk to your neighbours.” Adds David: “We really wanted to create the full experience from the farm to the cup. When we opened the café in Thornbury a lot of people said, ‘it will never work; Thornbury is too small,’ but it turns out it’s the perfect size. “It’s great to be part of such a resourceful and supportive community.” The family now lives in Clarksburg and remains very involved in the local horse world. David is on the advisory board of Cedar Run Horse Park and the selection committee for the national equestrian team, while daughters Olivia, 12 and Kate, 5, are competitors on the equestrian circuit (oldest son Max, 14, goes to school in Zimbabwe). David and Amy often marvel at the turn their lives have taken back to Southern Georgian Bay, and wonder if they would have ended up here regardless of the political meltdown in Zimbabwe. “We always thought it would be fun to do something that would tie the farming and retail,” says David. “We probably would have done this eventually, it just would have been much later.” Local coffee drinkers are glad it was sooner.

The Hop Farm “Insanity, pure and simple,” Nicholas Schaut laughingly responds when asked what made him decide to grow hops in a tiny corner of his 80-acre farm just outside Meaford. Then he gets serious, talking about the shortage of high-quality organic hops (there are fewer than 15 acres of hops growing in Ontario), the intellectual challenge of growing them (hops are a highly dense monoculture crop) and the unique nature of hops (they are perennials that grow as a vine, like grapes, but reach heights of over 20 feet). “The first blush is the intelligence and the creative nature of these plants,” he continues, “but beyond that, the community of people.” The community to which Schaut refers isn’t just the local community, but the wider community of beer makers, who currently comprise the market for his organic hops. “Beer is a relaxing and celebratory drink, and now with the craft brewing industry it’s very involved with food and community in a way that it hasn’t been for years,” Schaut explains. A longtime organic farmer, Schaut, 50, and his partner Monique were operating a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program north of Shelburne when they decided to move northward three years ago. They found a piece of land near Walter’s Falls that called to them. “The land perhaps picked us,” muses Schaut. “It’s exceptionally beautiful, protected by the Escarpment, with remarkable biodiversity. For 100 years it was owned by the Marshall family and had only been farmed by hand up until about 20 years ago. It’s surrounded by conservation lands with old growth forest – Marshall Woods – and we believe in treating the land with the respect it deserves.” Schaut had already done some research on growing hops, and devoted one acre of his new property to creating a hops orchard – a complex process that involves constructing 18-foot-tall trellises made from high-tensile aircraft cabling, wooden posts and braided coconut twine. It’s capital-intense to start off, costing $10-15,000 per acre to develop (“you can’t just throw seeds in the ground; you have to purchase roots, which are expensive”), but once the vines are in place they grow back year after year, with yields increasing as the crop matures.


Experience Collingwood Downtown in a whole new way this fall. Our Harvest of the Arts – visual, performing, culinary and more – is second to none. And it’s all happening in your downtown. Visit collingwooddowntown.com for all the details.

Farmers’ Market Artisan Markets Art Galleries and Shows Lamp Post Art Tour Whiskeylicious Culinary Experience The Gaslight Tour – Whiskey & Wickedness Theatre, concerts, shows, films, children’s entertainment …. and much more! Be part of your community. Join us on Facebook for photos, video, event listings and other updates: facebook.com/collingwooddowntown

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This year, Schaut sold his entire harvest to Charles McLean Ales of Durham and Great Lakes Breweries in Etobicoke. Now he’s planning to add another three-acre hops orchard, with the goal of eventually having his entire farm devoted to growing hops and possibly barley for malting. “Craft brewing has a remarkable future in this area,” declares Schaut. But he also envisions hops being used in ciders and other “sophisticated non-alcoholic beverages.” “There are so many possibilities, we need to have people who are willing to work outside the convention and explore these new options. It just takes creativity and ingenuity to make it happen.” Schaut fits the profile of the type of business Meaford wants to continue to attract under its new economic development strategy, says Laurie Mitchell, the town’s economic development and communications officer (a brand new position for the municipality). “We have identified four strategic business sectors for investment attraction: agri-business, tourism,

retail, and ‘green’ business,” says Mitchell. “People like Nicholas Schaut are the cornerstone of our strategy.” However, she adds even more important than attracting businesses is retaining them, and entrepreneurs need to make use of all of the available resources to ensure success in these tough economic times. Those resources include the Small Business Enterprise Centre. Based in Collingwood and funded by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the centre provides advice and consulting to new businesses in Collingwood, The Blue Mountains, Wasaga Beach and Clearview. It is also completing a regional labour force development strategy to ensure that new and growing businesses like Switch Video have access to qualified employees. “We have more jobs in Collingwood than we have labour force,” says the centre’s manager, Gillian Fairley, noting that 39 per cent of the region’s labour force is imported. “In order for our employers to grow within

Resources for Entrepreneurs Thinking of starting a business? Already in business but need help? You don’t have to go it alone. Our region offers a surprising breadth of resources and support services for entrepreneurs. Here are links to some of them: Blue Mountains Economic Development www.thebluemountains.ca/doing-business.cfm Centre for Business and Economic Development http://centreforbusiness.ca/ Clearview Township Economic Development www.clearview.ca/economic-development Meaford Economic Development www.meaford.ca/business/investment-attraction.html Town of Collingwood Economic Development www.investcollingwood.com Small Business Enterprise Centre www.enterprisecentre.ca/ Wasaga Beach Business www.wasagabeach.com/business.index.gk


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our communities, they need a quality labour force.” Estimates are that for every job created in a particular business there are four jobs created by the ‘ripple effect’ of that business’s impact on the local economy, so labour will continue to be an issue as the region expands its business base. Switch Video’s Andrew Angus agrees that the only way his business will continue to flourish in its current location is by having access to a wide pool of potential employees. “Our goal is to bring American dollars into the community that wouldn’t get here any other way, to pay local employees with that money and to use part of it to enhance the community,” he maintains. With the right resources and forward-looking economic development strategies, our region will continue to attract committed entrepreneurs like Angus, Schaut, Millar, Wansbrough and WildingDavies, and to give them the tools and people they need to build audacious, creative, thriving businesses in Southern Georgian Bay. ❧

There are also plenty of business organizations that can help with networking and support, from local chambers of commerce to Rotary clubs. Collingwood Chamber of Commerce www.collingwoodchamber.com Blue Mountains Chamber of Commerce www.bluemountainschamber.ca/ Meaford & District Chamber of Commerce www.meaford.ca/meaford-a-district-chamber-of-commerce.html Stayner Chamber of Commerce www.staynerchamber.ca Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce www.wasagainfo.com/ Rotary Club of Collingwood www.clubrunner.ca/Portal/Home.aspx?cid=193 Rotary Club of Collingwood-South Georgian Bay www.clubrunner.ca/Portal/Home.aspx?cid=194 Rotary Club of Wasaga Beach & Area www.wasagabeachrotary.ca/ Rotary Club of Meaford www.meafordrotary.ca/ Thornbury-Clarksburg Rotary Club www.tcrotary.ca/

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Passion for Ponies

Jenna Ponzo has turned a lifelong love of horses into a thriving local business by JAneT LeeS


photography by Wendy WeBB

s Jenna Ponzo stands watching three of her “babies” frolic in the barnyard, every inch the proud parent, it’s hard to believe this petite 22-year-old has six more on the way. One spirited youngster kicks up his heels and runs pell-mell over to Ponzo on gangly limbs, stopping awkwardly and sidling in for an apple treat. Ponzo strokes his Justin Bieber-like forelock and whispers words of love and encouragement. It’s a magical moment between a horse and the woman who is responsible for bringing him into the world. Soon Ponzo will say a tearful goodbye to her little one, sending him off to a new family she hopes will love and care for him. Ponzo’s business is breeding Welsh, sport and British riding ponies – one of only a handful of hunter pony breeders in Southern Georgian Bay. Part geneticist, part matchmaker, part midwife, part teacher, her goal is to give another little girl the greatest gift she received as a child – her very own pony.


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“My mom always jokes that my first word was not ‘mom,’ it was ‘pony,’” says Ponzo, who has been riding since she was six and is herself an accomplished competitor on the hunter-jumper circuit. “I know what it was like to have that pony you could do everything with and that you loved more than anything, and I’m so happy to be able to give that kind of joy to another little kid.” And yes, the stereotype is true – chances are, that little kid will be a girl. Ponzo started breeding Welsh and sport ponies in 2004, but “really got into it” in 2007, buying a few more ponies and learning all she could about breeding for the hunter ring. Today, what began as a passion has grown into a full-fledged business, Crown Ridge Farms, operating from her parents’ farm on the southeast end of Collingwood. Ponzo’s parents own the 100-acre property, the neat black barns with grey roofs, and the outdoor arena where the ponies first learn their manners in hand and under saddle; Jenna owns the business and the horses – 14 breeding stock

including four stallions and nine brood mares, plus “one filly that I’ve kept to get started under saddle and breed and then eventually sell.” The three show-quality foals born this past Spring will soon be ready to break, train and sell. Ponzo, herself no bigger than most 13-year-old girls, teaches the ponies how to be gentle and easily handled. “I’m small, so they get used to someone small handling them,” says Ponzo. “They’re going to be kid ponies eventually, so they have to be kid friendly. They have to have a calm, quiet disposition. A lot of that comes from their pedigree, especially the dam [mare]. All of my breeding stock are very nice, quiet horses.” (Even the stallions are surprisingly friendly and calm, as evidenced during my recent visit to Crown Ridge Farms with photographer Wendy Webb for an On The Bay photo shoot. The diminutive Ponzo posed with each of the four stallions as the majestic animals stood calmly, occasionally stamping a hoof half-heartedly or gently nuzzling Ponzo’s face. The foals were even more pliable, submitting to a variety of poses as readily as seasoned models.) The stallions, of course, are the key to the breeding operation. Ponzo prefers to breed her horses the old-fashioned way, using natural “live cover” – a method that wouldn’t be safe if the stallions were hyper or mean. She also provides stud services for other people’s horses, both by having mares come to the farm for “live cover” and sending her stallions out for semen collection leading to artificial insemination. “We take them to Guelph for a ‘spa day’ and they come back all relaxed and happy,” she chuckles. Currently, six Crown Ridge mares are pregnant, so next Spring promises to be a busy time for Ponzo. She is “hands-on” with every aspect of the business, including delivering the foals. “With horses, they never deliver on time – they can foal as late as 25 days after their due date,” explains Ponzo. “I am familiar with the mares and their personalities, and when something is different with them I watch them like a

Part geneticist, part matchmaker, part midwife, part teacher, her goal is to give another little girl the greatest gift she received as a child – her very own pony.

hawk. I sleep in the barn until the foal comes.” She admits she has the vet on speed dial just in case, but so far she has never needed to make an emergency call. After every successful delivery, there is a sense of joy and relief. “When the foal comes out and it unfolds and puffs up, you just can’t believe that that foal came out of that mare,” she marvels. “It’s a miracle; I know it sounds cheesy but that’s the only way to describe it. I always say it’s like Christmas in Spring – I get no sleep and I’m grumpy but once it’s over it’s all worth it.” When she’s not delivering ponies, Ponzo is showing them – one stallion and one baby have qualified for the Royal Winter Fair in November. She tries to ensure that the ponies she sells will also be shown. “It’s all about reputation,” she explains. “Once you have a good reputation that you have nice ponies and they are going to win, you can make money.” And Ponzo is making money. Although she still works part-time at a recreation centre, she envisions that her business will continue to grow. “We’ve been selling everything we have for sale,” she says, adding she has already met all of her threeyear business goals. “Obviously the economic times are not great right now, but considering what they are the business has been doing really well.” She hopes to expand, possibly adding more stalls and a larger arena. But she plans to keep the breeding stock under 20 ponies, at least for now, because that way she can continue to give them all “the handling they deserve.” And she wants to continue doing it all herself. “It’s not work when you love it,” she exclaims. The only hard part, she says, is sending the foals off to their new homes, often in the U.S. “It’s like saying goodbye to your children forever. When you load them on the trailer and say goodbye you think, ‘I’m losing one of my babies.’ But it is a business, and I wouldn’t be able to stay in business if I kept them all. Plus I know they’re going to accomplish something and they’ll have a kid to love them, and that’s why I got into this in the first place.” It’s clear Ponzo is living her dream, building a business while passing along her passion for ponies. ❧

ABOVE: Jenna Ponzo of Crown Ridge Farms breeds Welsh, sport and British riding ponies. She delivers each foal and teaches it proper manners under hand and under saddle before selling it to a deserving family as a child’s first show pony. On The Bay

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Photos by NaNcy FalcoNer, Derek trask & richarD Galloway





Home Improvement & Style

Our homes reflect who we are, so home

transform your home into a personal style

improvement is as much about your unique

statement, from customizing a condo or

personality as it is about bricks and mortar.

transforming a kitchen to making your

On The Bay Magazine presents this special section filled with ideas on how to

home eco-friendly or adding hand-wrought metal accents to your dĂŠcor.





The sweeping view from a top floor retreat is one of the many stunning features in Anne Lockie and Fred Promoli’s Shipyards condo.


On The Bay

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ShipyardS This spectacular waterfront condo in Collingwood’s Shipyards development proves that condo living can have a custom feel by Judy Ross

photography by deRek TRask


ho in this area hasn’t watched with interest as the development at the old Collingwood shipyards slowly came to life? as new buildings emerged and landscaped walkways edged the waterfront, who hasn’t also wondered what it would be like to live there? “It’s fabulous,” according to anne Lockie, who occupies a prime corner unit townhouse with views of both the ski hills and the grain elevators. “It has worked out better than I’d ever hoped.” she and her husband Fred Promoli On The Bay

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Above: Sheila britton of Sheila britton Design is responsible for much of the customized look. Here, she paired fabric-covered chairs with a mahogany dining table for a more casual look. below: A kilim-covered ottoman from At Home Interiors in Collingwood pulls together the colour scheme in the great room.

With 4,000 square feet spread over four floors, the house is spacious yet surprisingly intimate. “took a leap of faith” and bought their unit based on plans when there was nothing but a hole in the ground. They did know that Fram Building Group had a great reputation and were impressed by a similar Fram project on the waterfront in Port Credit. “The builders specialize in low-density waterfront development and believe in creating old-time neighbourhoods where you can walk to things and meet people on the street,” says Lockie, who left a banking career and midtown Toronto house “happily behind” to embrace this new Collingwood lifestyle. “We have everything we want here. We can walk to Loblaws and Starbucks, visit friends, get easily to the ski hills and bike trails – and we’re closer to the water than some people are at their cottages.” The couple’s Shipyards home was two years in the making and, with the help of friend and designer Sheila Britton, who became involved in the early stages, it acquired a custom look that distinguishes it from a standard builder home. Buying from a plan, rather than a finished home, allowed the Lockie and Promolis to make changes along the way. Although they chose many of the standard builder upgrades, they also made structural changes and had the kitchen and bathrooms completely redesigned and made to order. With 4,000 square feet spread over four floors, the house is spacious yet surprisingly intimate.


On The Bay

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iangle Community

ian Tr An Open Letter To The Georg

activities a great report on hospice d de clu in y’ Ba e e Th n two of our ‘Clients’. Th to The winter edition of ‘O ce en fer re lar cu rti pa , with r, Janet in the Georgian Triangle rsonal comments of Edito cent personal pe ry ve e th g din clu in response to this article, back’ AND increased donations AND my re Lees as well as other ‘feed to write this letter. e journey, has prompted m r second executive direcou s wa ia lor G s. ar ye had a wife of 50 As it turned out Gloria e, I just lost Gloria, my s. ar ite aw Su e n ar to u ew yo N of y sie r an Su m r As as time passed, all of ou eer, particularly in ou , nt ism lu vo tim e op tim al g iti in lon e a pit as es ll tor as we phoma. D ped for rm of non-Hodgkin’s lym dealing with a terminal situation. While we ho fo e siv es gr ag ly lar cu rti w pa , realized that we were no family (Gloria included) to be. Gloria wanted, as all do, to die at home. t goal. some remission, it was no s able to achieve this final ent wa ia lor G s, m ste sy t or in early April, Gloria sp edical and CCAC supp , m ed e de tiv In or . pp ng su tti ry se l ve r ita sp ou nursin a ho Thanks to rs in similar situations die ere she received excellent care from the dedicated same he ot y an m as y ck lu s wa e th She l, wh or in our G&M hospita ending their final days on 16 days on the medical flo had several friends and acquaintances, who were a position or level of care to allow in ing staff. At this time, we nts, like Gloria, were terminal BUT were not the other terminal patients agreed tie an pa oman care to Gloria d ey, and that a residential hospice floor. Candidly, these ye ve ga o wh s, rse nu e rn of th them to die at home. All was not an appropriate place to end ones life jou or flo l ends. that an active medica ich to leave family and fri wh in ce pla r tte be h uc m would be a ity. Our End of Life (EOL) facil er op pr a s ed ne ity ely at er ur community desp s ago. You, the commun O ar . ye ite ve wr -fi I ty at en th t tw e ex m nt so co nations It is in this its inception dicated to this goal since ort of our annual dinner, our ski day, regular do k we de en be s ha ice sp ho al loc pp in onstrated through your su ike for Hospice that you support hospice. We th t, we or that we serve, have dem H pp st su fir r al enal pledges to ou always need annu and recently your phenom illion to build a six bed facility and while we will d do the trick; or perhaps one ul m at the $100,000 level wo cause, this is a tremendous opneed to raise some $2.5 rs no do 25 : ple am ex r nt Fo now need to up the ante. nt as a family legacy. Indeed for such an importa our Georgian Triangle Commuto ou ice am rv ll se d needed person giving the fu ide a really meaningful an ov pr d an ’ ck ba ve ‘gi to portunity they nity for years to come. friends and neighbours as We r ou r fo ide ov pr we re better! d. The ca opinion, to move forwar mmunity. We need to do It is time, in my humble ey should be an attribute that defines us as a co rn prepare for their final jou Life facility. of the desperately need an End rstar.net (445-1365) or de un th o@ m ne ro d, at elf ase contact us. Mys glan Street, Collingwoo ple Ra t, 49 es at ter in us e it m vis so or ks ar 5) sp 55 m (444-2 If my plea orgiantriangle@rogers.co ge ice sp ho at ce ffi O T G H Ontario, L9Y 4X1 Respectfully,

Ron Emo


b-site at www.hospice t HGT please visit our we


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Above: bloomsbury Fine Cabinetry of Toronto custom-built the kitchen using Farrow & ball paint for the cupboards and richly veined granite for the island. RighT: The open-ended pantry offers plentiful storage and acts as a walkway between the kitchen and dining room.

One design decision was to create a pantry walkway between the kitchen and dining room. With its beadboard walls and plate rails it recalls an old fashioned butler’s pantry found in some vintage cottages. Only the espresso bar and wine fridge update the image.


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Four sets of stairs, albeit grandly handsome circular ones, weren’t the couple’s first choice for a retirement home. But there is an elevator, a builder-offered option, which they’re glad to have and which proved an enormous help when they were moving in. From the vast underground garage and parking (with room for four cars) they access a lower level that houses Promoli’s office and plentiful storage. Promoli takes part in many four-season activities and spent his career teaching outdoor education. One of his requirements for their house was lots of storage space for outdoor gear. “The builder understood that people who move here have

The best views in the house are from the top-level retreat, a corner nook with giant windows that offer a panoramic view of the entire waterfront. At any time of day there is something to look at. lots of outdoor toys,” laughs Lockie, pointing out the array of kayaks, hiking boots, skis, golf bags, bikes and snowshoes. The most significant structural changes took place on the second floor, which was reconfigured from two bedrooms and two bathrooms into a master bedroom suite with separate ‘his and her’ bathrooms and dressing rooms. Lockie’s bathroom, a wonderfully calm space done in muted grey and white tiles, runs along one side. Long and narrow, it has a deep soaker tub at one end and leads to her sumptuously spacious dressing room, a woman’s dream with built-ins, full-length mirrors and


LEFT: The circular staircase rises up four levels to the top floor guest suite. The house also has an elevator, an option offered by the builders, Fram Building Group. ABOVE: An oversized wall clock fills the space between windows in the airy top floor.

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ABOVE: The cabinetry in Lockie’s dressing room and throughout the house was done by Gordon Construction from Ravenna. RiGhT: All the shutters in the house, including this master bedroom, are from Shades and Shutters of Collingwood. BELOw And BOTTOm RiGhT: Lockie’s luxurious ensuite bathroom opens to both her dressing room and the master bedroom.





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Above: The setting sun casts golden light on the waterfront houses at the Shipyards.

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cushioned window seats. On the opposite side of the second floor and also accessed from the bedroom is Promoli’s more masculine, dark-wood walk-in closet, bathroom and laundry room with a dog grooming station for Wilson, their 13-year-old Havanese. The couple loves the fact that their bed faces west with a view toward their favourite place in winter – the cross-country ski trails at Scenic Caves. The best views in the house are from the top-level retreat, a corner nook with giant windows that offer a panoramic view of the entire waterfront. At any time of day there is something to look at – sailboats breeze by, rowers are out practising, swans nest in the calm offshore inlet, and cyclists round the corner heading to the Georgian Trail. In winter, even when the winds are howling, the views are dramatic while inside it’s warm and cosy. “This top floor is primarily used as a guest suite with two bedrooms and a small kitchen facility,” says Lockie, sitting on one of the cushy leather chairs that face the water, “but Fred and I often come up here just to watch the sunset.” A circle motif on the windows gives the illusion of a ship’s porthole and mirrors the circular sitting platforms on the landscaped walkway below. When the couple first came up to this area during the construction they decided to raise the floor level of the retreat up one step so they could sit and have an unobstructed view out the windows. As the building neared completion and design decisions had to be made, Lockie credits her designer friend Sheila Britton with much of the success. “There were so many choices,” she says, “and Sheila would meet with the builder and the builder’s designer and narrow down options before bringing them to me.





Below: The couple enjoys tooling around on Promoli’s prized Harley.

I was still working in Toronto at the time so this was a great help.” One design decision was to create a pantry walkway between the kitchen and dining room. With its beadboard walls and plate rails it recalls an old fashioned butler’s pantry found in some vintage cottages. Only the espresso bar and wine fridge update the image. Throughout the house a palette of soft greens, blue-greys and caramel subtly echo the views of sky, water and hills. Every window has an unobstructed view, most of them involving water. While the Lockie/Promolis imported many pieces of their city furniture, they changed some to suit their more easygoing lifestyle here. They opted to do without a formal living room and created comfortable, casual seating spaces in the great room opposite the kitchen. In the large many-windowed room originally designed as a living/dining space they put their huge mahogany table and surrounded it with less formal fabric chairs and upholstered benches. “On winter nights, when we entertain, our guests sit at this table and look out at the lights on the ski hills at Blue Mountain,” muses Lockie, thinking back to last winter. “It’s quite magical – some of our city friends didn’t understand why we were moving here – but after sitting here, they get it.” For Lockie and Promoli the purchase of this Shipyards condo before it was built took a leap of faith, but the final result was worth the risk. They now enjoy every season in their customized home and all the planning, decisions and details of the building process are but a distant memory. ❧ On The Bay

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Earth-inspired interiors use eco-friendly materials that don’t make you sick


Living by Judy Ross


photography by RichaRd Galloway

f late, the quality of the air in our indoor environment has become more of a health concern than the pollution in our outdoor atmosphere. Thousands of untested chemicals are used in building materials and, due to energy conservation regulations, new buildings need to be sealed tight. in some cases this produces a toxic stew that is making people sick. luckily, awareness of this situation is growing and many dedicated individuals are coming up with

solutions – some of them right here in southern Georgian Bay. doug Miller is one person who is both aware of the need for change and passionate enough to have done something about it at his farm near Meaford. Miller loves to tell the improbable story of how he ended up at heroncroft Farm. “we moved from the u.K., from central london to the wilds of sydenham!” he laughs, “and all because i met the owner of Thornbury’s dam Pub on a plane and he told me about this fabulous area.”

LEFT: Millers’ property is being returned to its original function as a mixed farm. The red studio building, designed and built by Tim Singbeil, was sited on the property to maximize solar heat and power.

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ABOVE: A small wood stove supplements the hot water pipe heating system. Local woods were used in the cabinetry and wall boards. The loft has a railing made of dogwood.

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In the Millers’ green office/studio, Durisol block was used for the walls, American Clay for the interior finish, concrete for the floors, mineral wool for the outside insulation, and PaperStone for the countertops.

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n truth, he and his wife, Margot, were planning to return to Canada after years of running his business (GlobeScan, a public opinion research and polling company) from London. This area may have been a complete unknown but, once they came and had a look around, it didn’t take long for the Millers to see its charms. After purchasing the property with its 1860 farmhouse, the Millers wanted to add a studio/office building. They contacted Tim Singbeil (a builder committed to green building) to create an eco-friendly space that could function as a meeting place, a video conferencing centre, a guest house – or, as Singbeil now calls it, “a room for all reasons.” Since its completion, the adobe-looking building has been used for art openings, author readings, off-site gatherings for Georgian

TOP: The minimal interior of Doug and Margot Miller’s 880-square-foot office/studio building features all-natural materials like American Clay walls, a glazed concrete floor and white cedar ceiling. ABOVE: All interior materials are eco-friendly, including the PaperStone countertops made from recycled paper and used in both the bathroom and the kitchenette.

College, Meaford council meetings – and “one heck of a family wedding.” But, most important, it is a model for a passive solar building and green technology. “This was a great opportunity for me to experiment.” explains Singbeil as he enthusiastically points out the 880-square-foot building’s green features and adds that he always feels different here – it feels healthy, partly because there is no air exchange system. The space breathes naturally. Creating this intriguing passive solar structure for the Millers allowed Singbeil to incorporate the materials and green building technology to which he is now so committed. And, because the Millers are such involved clients and have given him access to the building he continues to monitor the systems. Singbeil had his own reasons for wanting to build green. After he began having violent headaches and feeling nauseous every time he entered his woodworking shop, he concluded that chemicals in the wood finishing products and paints were creating poisonous air inside the building. “If the environment you’re working in is making you sick, it has to be a sick environment,” offers Tim, a cabinetmaker and builder for over 30 years. “I was worried because I had young people working with me and I knew that their health was likely to be affected too.” Now that his woodworking shop is clean and green, Singbeil is no longer concerned about the health of the young people who work there. One product that became a saviour for Singbeil and his workers is Osmo, a natural wood finish from Germany that is made from vegetable oils and has replaced the chemically based urethanes that he once used. “It’s a fantastic product that gives wood a waxed finish, like French polish. It is so nice to work with – and I can now go to my shop and not worry about having headaches and feeling nauseous.” While he was researching healthy wood finishing, Singbeil also revisited On The Bay

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ABOVE: The Miller studio has become a role model for passive solar technology and sustainable building practices.

“This was a great opportunity for me to experiment.” explains Singbeil as he enthusiastically points out the 880-square-foot building’s green features and adds that he always feels different here – it feels healthy, partly because there is no air exchange system. homes he had been involved in renovating or building 25 years previously and found they were deteriorating and filling with mold. He found that these houses, with their vapor barrier seals and manufactured air quality, end up like tightly closed envelopes with very little air exchange. As a result, they become gas chambers with trapped toxins and they can be breeding grounds for mold. Understandably, Singbeil began to question some of the traditional building practices that led to these problems and changed his direction in order to become a specialist in building energy-efficient homes that provide a healthy living environment “and are also beautiful in design.” Today, Tim and his wife Jan are inspiring advocates for healthy homes, green building practices and the conservation of natural resources. And they don’t just talk the talk. They have already built two 1500-square-foot ‘green’ homes for clients and are about to build their third. They also own and operate EcoInhabit (www. ecoinhabit.com), a vast emporium in a converted barn on Hwy. 26 near Meaford that is filled with green products and building materials, as well as Tim’s finely crafted wooden furniture and earth-friendly items like colourful outdoor chairs made from recycled milk jugs.


On The Bay

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EcoInhabit stocks products for cleaning, bathing and body care as well as natural cosmetics, all of which can become part of anyone’s existing lifestyle. But it’s their home building products that are the most innovative and their biggest sellers. People who are interested in this, offers Jan, “usually do lots of research and then find us online. In fact, all our building clients found us on the web.” Another favourite destination for people seeking healthy alternatives is The Environment Network, a non-profit organization in downtown Collingwood. Like EcoInhabit, it has a comprehensive web-site (www.environmentnetwork.org) as well as a shop with ethically made and eco-friendly products – baby clothing, toys, body creams and household cleaning products that have been extensively researched for their ‘green’ qualities. There’s also a demonstration centre where workshops help people learn to live a greener lifestyle. “Everything we do is about keeping a healthy home and body,” says Michele Rich, the energetic and dedicated executive director who started the organization in 1993. “We do healthy home visits, we assess well water, we offer workshops on things like making your own cosmetics and cleaning products and using rain water in your garden.” The Environment Network is a valuable, and sometimes


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ABOVE: Durisol Block is used to form the exterior walls in a house Tim Singbeil currently has under construction. Manufactured in Ontario, the wall system is made from recycled waste wood bonded with Portland cement.

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underused, resource in our community. As Rich says, “it sometimes takes a health issue to create awareness and we can help people to find solutions.” At EcoInhabit there is the same communal sense of ‘we’re all in this together’ that permeates the atmosphere. The Singbeils and their staff are fervent proponents of their products, which they set up in userfriendly displays. As they explain, “Many people have bad reactions to chemically-laced environments. It all depends on your tolerance level. For some people it won’t make a difference.” One of their popular products is AFM Safecoat, a VOC (volatile organic compound)-free paint that, according to Jan, was developed by a doctor 25 years ago for hospital walls. “People come to us specially to get this paint – it’s free of VOC [volatile organic compounds], not just low-VOC. The price is about the same as many top-of-the-line paints and it provides great coverage. It does take a little longer to dry because it’s chemical-free.” In their research into green building the Singbeils discovered Durisol block and this has become the literal cornerstone of their home-building practice. This wall-forming system has been made in Ontario since 1953 but began in post World War II Europe where it was used to rebuild housing when resources were scarce after the war. Made from recycled waste wood (100 per cent natural, clean lumber) these modular blocks are used to create walls. The wall forms are dry stacked and filled with concrete and reinforcing steel. It’s friendly to work with because it’s lightweight and easy to cut and nail. As Tim explains, ‘it’s the ideal building block for a passive solar house.” Durisol block also lends itself to easy application of interior and exterior finishes. One natural interior wall finish favoured by green builders is American Clay. It’s 100 per cent natural earth plaster that will bond directly to a variety of surfaces. With a range of over 40 earthtoned colours it is VOC-free and mold resistant – and it looks and feels beautiful, like the warm weathered walls of a Tuscan villa. In the Millers’ green office/studio, Durisol block was used for the walls, American Clay for the interior finish, concrete for the floors, mineral wool for the outside insulation, and PaperStone (made from recycled paper) for the countertops. There’s a 40-gallon hot water heater

in the loft with pipes running through the walls and floor. The building was sited eight degrees off south in order to capture and store the heat of the sun. Building features like these may seem a marvel of new technology here in Canada but, as Tim points out, “nothing is really new. A lot of the products come from Germany where ecological building methods have been standard practice for decades. We have a lot of catching up to do.” Another knowledgeable local is Robert Steller, a consultant in Thornbury who runs a full service environmental company, Breathing Easy Healthy Homes Consulting (www.breathing-easy.net). A building biologist, he studies the impact of the built environment on human health. He offers a complete assessment regarding indoor air quality and other indoor environmental aspects of your home or working place. Mold remediation, an increasing problem in new airtight buildings, has become one of his specialties. Asked if there is one thing any of us can do to improve the health of our living environment, the Environment Network’s Rich says, “get rid of plastic, especially in families with young children.” Her shop offers options like stainless steel containers for lunch boxes and non-plastic water bottles. “Plastics are full of dioxins,” she explains, “and very unhealthy.” Jan Singbeil of EcoInhabit has another suggestion: “Make your bedroom a safe haven.” As she points out, “We live in a hectic world, so when you have eight hours to rejuvenate, make that space as free of toxic activity as possible. We respond to our environment by the state of our health.” Her recommendations? Turn off all electromagnetic activity in the room, don’t have a radio next to your head and minimize off gasses by eliminating particle board and chemical-based finishes in your bedroom. Choose natural wood furniture. Get rid of wall-to-wall carpeting, which is often a cause of off-gassing, mainly from the glues (natural wool or fibre area carpets are a better choice). Open your windows to allow a natural exchange of air. And, most important, choose a healthy mattress. Many retailers are now offering healthy, dust-mite free and allergy friendly mattresses. EcoInhabit is a distributor for Sueno organic bedding products made in Ottawa. The healthy, comfortable rubber

Above: The eco-friendly house in early stages of building.


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Above And Left: tim and Jan Singbeil at the site of a new home construction. behind them are durisol blocks.

Today, Tim and his wife Jan are inspiring advocates for healthy homes, green building practices and the conservation of natural resources. mattresses covered with wool and organic cotton are naturally antibacterial and resistant to mold and dust-mites. They don’t require box springs and Tim makes handsome mattress foundations from solid wood in a variety of sizes. As awareness grows and we look for ways to improve our health and preserve our environment, more builders and tradespeople are looking to the future and interested in learning the techniques for ecological building. Here in Southern Georgian Bay we are lucky to have builders, retailers and organizations with determination and enthusiasm for green building technology. If the word keeps spreading we may catch up to our European counterparts in preserving our environment and building healthier homes. �


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ENERGY STAR® is administered and promoted in Canada by Natural Resources Canada. Used with permission. *Prices and specifications subject to change. See sales representatives for more details. E. & O.E. Rendering is artist’s concept. Sept, 2011.




On The Bay


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Cuckoo for

Kitchens An old-school country kitchen gets a sleek and stylish makeover, the latest of seven kitchen renos for a part-time Clarksburg couple by CeCily Ross

photography by DeRek TRask


f there’s one thing Jeanine Miessner loves, it’s renovating kitchens. in order to indulge in her hobby, she and husband Brian move every five years and to date they have completed seven kitchen renovations. “after we renovate, we just move on,” says the oakville resident. “i don’t know why.” Now, with the couple’s latest purchase, a 20-year-old custom-built “farmhouse” on the banks of the Beaver River near Clarksburg, the Meissners are hoping to stay put in the weekend retreat. This, their latest kitchen redo, was completed in July with the help of designer Barb Thorne of Corinthian kitchens in Thornbury. so far, Jeanine says she is content to “just sit here and watch the birds on the river,” something that wasn’t possible in the house’s original kitchen because of walls that blocked the view.


ABOVE: The old kitchen was small and somewhat cold, with a vinyl tile checkerboard floor and laminate countertops. LEFT: The new version features honey-coloured pine flooring, custom-built cabinetry, granite countertops and sleek stainless steel appliances.

On The Bay

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Ad ul t li f e s ty le home s f ro m






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The couple added a kitchen island with spacious drawers and removed the offending half walls that blocked the view and separated the kitchen from the dining area.


ABOVE: The view-obstructing wall between the original kitchen and dining room was removed to create an open space that lets the light shine in. TOP: The new kitchen island houses one of two dishwashers (the other is disguised as cabinetry near the fridge), which help with cleanup when frequent weekend guests come to visit.

ABOVE: Sliding doors from the new kitchen walk out to this airy country veranda, perfect for entertaining in the warmer months.

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On The Bay

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TOP: The butler’s pantry is a model of efficiency, with a prep sink and microwave plus more cabinets for extra storage. A full-length closet holds a stacked washer and dryer. MIDDLE: The large dining table is flanked by oversized ladder-back chairs and creamy slipcovered end chairs. BOTTOM: The softness of the tumbled marble back splash is offset by framed mosaic tile work on the wall behind the stove.

“There was nothing really wrong with it,” says Thorne of the formerly small but tidy room with its vinyl tile checkerboard floor and laminate countertops, “but it was very white and grey and cold. Jeanine wanted something with more of a country charm.” Now, honey-coloured pine in random-width boards has replaced the dated grey and white flooring. The couple added a kitchen island with spacious drawers and removed the offending half walls that blocked the view and separated the kitchen from the dining area. The countertops are a cheerful granite called Arctic cream, a light grey-green speckled with browns and blacks. “We have always had dark granite before,” Jeanine says, “but we love the lighter colour.” New custombuilt cabinetry from Corinthian has a weathered country look. The glass fronts on the cupboards give the room a lighter feel, while the tumbled marble back splash is softer looking than the usual glossy subway tiles. All the appliances came from Macdonald’s Appliances in Meaford. “They were amazing,” says Jeanine, who loves to cook and entertain on weekends. “The old kitchen did not have a dishwasher,” adds Brian. It’s his job to clean up after his wife’s kitchen adventures. So, to make his life easier, the couple added not one but two dishwashers, the first disguised as kitchen cabinetry near the fridge and the second, an apartment-sized Miele tucked into the island to handle the overflow from their frequent weekend guests. “Brian’s the cleanup guy,” says Jeanine, “and oh boy, do I make a mess.” The framed tile work on the wall behind the stove was Jeanine’s idea. She wanted “a wow factor” to offset the expanse of cream and white and “make it a little more interesting.” What looks like a handmade mosaic is simply a section of backsplash that Jeanine came across on one of her shopping forays.

The most cherished aspect of the renovation is the butler’s pantry in a small alcove off the main kitchen. There was an uninsulated tool shed stuck on the side of the house and the couple discovered it was structurally sound enough to incorporate into the overall design.


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“It’s got great bling to it,” notes Thorne, “and looks great when the room is lit up at night.” The dining area, though small, boasts large windows and a stellar view. Jeanine fell in love with the dining room table as soon as she saw it in a Torontoarea furniture store. Thorne sees her client’s choice as audacious. “The table is huge,” she says. “So are the oversized ladder-back chairs. But Jeanine pulled it off.” Somehow the room doesn’t look crowded and the end chairs, slip-covered in creamy white linen, complete the tableau. But the most cherished aspect of the renovation is the butler’s pantry in a small alcove off the main kitchen. “We basically ran out of room for all the appliances in the new configuration,” says Barb. There was an uninsulated tool shed stuck on the side of the house and the couple discovered it was structurally sound enough to incorporate into the overall design. Now the former shed has been transformed into a side entrance complete with a built-in wooden bench fashioned from an old piece of barn wood. A full-length closet houses a stacked washer and dryer. More cabinets and counters provide storage and accommodate the microwave oven and a small prep sink. A skylight lets in extra light. “That one little space does so many different things,” says Thorne. “It’s a laundry room, a cloak room, pantry, and a prep area for parties.” Jeanine agrees. “It has made a huge difference,” she says. She and Brian are delighted with their new kitchen. “It was quite remarkable the way they [Corinthian] rejigged it,” she says. “We’ve done seven kitchens and this was our best experience. They met their deadlines and their attention to detail was amazing.” The feeling is mutual. “Jeanine and Brian are wonderful to work with,” says Thorne. “I think kitchens are her inner passion. She has made this into a beautiful little sanctuary.” ❧ On The Bay

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*Prices and specifications subject to change. See sales representatives for more details. E. & O.E. Rendering is artist’s concept. Sept, 2011.


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Stunning in

Steel Metal can add a whole new dynamic to your home décor


story and photos by NaNCy FalCoNeR

etal makes a dynamic design resource. It’s versatile, eclectic and possesses a delicious paradox of qualities. It blends beautifully into the home as hand-wrought custom furnishings, partners neutrally with many other design elements like wood or glass, and in the hands of some talented local artists, takes centre stage on a wall or over a mantle as an arresting work of fine art.

“Nowadays metal goes with just about everything,” notes Collingwood interior designer Jonna Chalmers, of Jonna’s Rustic Refinement. She mixes custom metal pieces with her traditional rustic design for “a bit of an eclectic feel.” Injecting a clean-lined, matte metal and distressed pine coffee table into a traditional set-up of leather chairs and sofa “changes it up a bit,” she enthuses. “It gives it a little bit of a ‘now’ feel.”

ABOVE: Sparks fly from forge to finishing as red-hot metal is fired, hammered, stressed and beaten till it transmutes, at the hands of the artist, into a thing of beauty. Hand-wrought metal has an almost sensual patina that invites touch. Skot Lawrence’s steel bed and dining chairs reflect this subtle dynamic while adding an element of fresh original design.

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ABOVE: Lawrence’s hand-forged steel and Jacobean stained pine dining table with matching chairs create a balanced counterpoint to ‘too much’ of any one material in a room, while changing things up a little. Echoing a ‘ladder-back chair’ style, the stunning ensemble whispers eclectic and elegant. LEFT: Attention to the finest of detail delivers an artistic masterpiece of paradox. Petitjean’s brass table lamp suggests fluidity by its lines, in contradiction to the ‘fixedness’ of the medium, and malleability by its life-like petals and leaves, in stark contrast to the immutability of metal. A breathtaking example of this metal artist’s gift for artistic alchemy, it underscores the delicious tension of hard and soft, fixed and fluid, substance and luminosity.

Diversifying with metal guarantees a new dynamic. Suggestively fluid, softly patinated, yet innately solid and grounded, metal is beset with delicious contradictions. That’s part of its design strength and allure – it both soothes and challenges the senses. As a classic interior design element – a kind of subtle ‘fabric’ in the work-up of a home’s décor – it is also the perfect counterpoint to balance out ‘too much’ of any one element in a home. “A lot of houses up here have a lot of wood,” observes ‘hot’ metal artist Skot Lawrence of Desiron Custom Metal in Clarksburg, referring to the plethora of log and timber frame homes in the region. “They end up with wood floors and walls. People like metal because it breaks it up; it throws another element into a room.” Lawrence’s commissioned custom furnishings are popular with a discerning crowd. His pieces are not only functional, they’re arrestingly beautiful. Developing his own design style as a metal artist over the past 17 years, Lawrence has hit his stride in the home décor market with, among other of his original designs, unique custom beds, tables, chairs, coffee, tables, and fireplace screens. Alongside his long-time right-hand man Tom Wills, he creates “every piece one at a time” in his studio in Clarksburg. “Hand made by Tom and myself, they’re sturdy and last forever – for generations,” he states proudly noting that many of his creations become original heirlooms. As many ‘hot metal’ artists will confess, there’s a bit of the pyromaniac in


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Above: As a design element, metal partners beautifully with glass and wood. A steel and glass coffee table is used to ‘lift’ a traditional arrangement of sofas, chairs and carpet, adding an eclectic twist to a traditional layout. Left: At his anvil and armed with a hammer, artist Rene Petitjean shapes a piece of red-hot steel destined to be a baluster for a client’s railing. A stickler for detail and fine craftsmanship, his hand-wrought designs are sought after by architects and interior designers as well as discerning homeowners with an eye for the exceptional. bottom Left: most ‘hot metal’ artists confess to having a bit of the pyromaniac in them. bending blindingly hot steel fresh from the fire takes some strength, but the extreme temperatures keep the metal surprisingly malleable.

CSN_BlueMountain_ad.indd 1

08/09/11 3:33 PM

“Most people, when they start out, want to make the most impressive piece in the room, but really what you want to do, you want the piece to fit in so perfectly that it’s not noticed till someone looks at it and is blown away by its craftsmanship.”

the best of them. Fired, hammered, stressed, beaten, red-hot steel transforms into a thing of beauty under their talented hands. It’s a ‘violent’ process, as one points out, where sparks fly from forge to finish.


enowned Creemore blacksmith Rene Petitjean is more specific: “It’s a craft based on the fluid bending of hot metal.” His soughtafter delicately detailed and flowing metal ‘architectural fabrications’ are in perfect paradox to the medium. “Part artist, part engineer, part architect,” Petitjean’s finely wrought lamps, chandeliers, sconces, tables, fireplaces, gates and railings – to name just a few designs – add an upscale element of originality and On The Bay

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Top: This traditionally crafted steel bed by Skot Lawrence makes the perfect foil to a room’s wooden walls, floors and ceilings. The metal adds a dynamic in the space that kicks it up a notch and allows for flow and lightness while still exuding a grounded feel inherent to metal. Design-wise, its unique neutral colour goes with any palette. Sturdily built and hand made, the bed becomes an heirloom the instant it is slept in. Above: The medium of corroded metal makes a stunning statement as a work of art. “Solar Flare” hangs on a gallery wall in metal sculptor Michael pocock’s studio in Clarksburg. extraordinary in its textural qualities and subtle palettes, ‘rusted art’ over a mantle makes both an arrestingly beautiful showstopper and a great source of conversation.

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On The Bay

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fine artistry to some very distinctive home interiors across Canada. Fastidious about craftsmanship and design, he adds, “We’re at the sharp point of the stick. I won’t say things are perfect, but they’re near as close to being that way as can be. And that’s what’s expected from the clientele I deal with.” A hand-wrought chandelier of a cluster of apple branches with fruit is delicate, fluid, and achingly real – and the farthest thing imaginable from a perfunctory lighting fixture. Petitjean’s fastidious craftsmanship and design are also quietly echoed in a small but elegant bronze lamp that sits perched on a table in a corner of his studio. Its life-like iris motif is both visually breathtaking and sensually confounding in its delivery and manipulation, inviting the hand to reach out and run a finger along its petals. Working in tandem with a design team of architects, interior designers and builders, Petitjean’s approach, like that of the team, is that the “final product is the whole house.” “Most people, when they start out, they want to make the most impressive piece in the room, but really what you want to do, you want the piece to fit in so perfectly that it’s not noticed till someone looks at it and is blown away by its craftsmanship.” To fit in so perfectly to a room means scale is of paramount consideration when deciding on a piece. Petitjean’s work is pointedly designed to be in concert with the volumes and interior design colours of the houses they are commissioned for. “It’s important to choose the right size for the room,” agrees interior designer Chalmers, noting she commissions pieces to be “custom made both to size and finish” for her clientele. Preferring “either black or rusty colour” in keeping with her more traditional design focus, she notes, “As far as choosing bright or shiny metal, it goes better with a contemporary look.”





Above: The eye-catching fireplace at Lora bay Lodge reflects a unique process of corrosion that took artist Skot Lawrence years to develop. A riveting one-of-a-kind piece, the rusting process makes it uniquely original, as it never finishes the same way twice.

Though he works with steel, Lawrence eschews the shiny finish, preferring to leave some of the inherent ‘scale’ on the metal as “it makes it warmer, more interesting … it gives it its own look.”

Though he works with steel, Lawrence eschews the shiny finish (a process that is done by polishing), preferring to leave some of the inherent ‘scale’ on the metal as “it makes it warmer, more interesting … it gives it its own look.” Using only a clear finish on his home furnishing pieces – “nothing’s painted, there’s no faux finish” – leaves them with “a really unique neutral colour” which “goes with any stain, any colour, any upholstery, any bedding.” Employing an original texturing process that took him years to develop, Lawrence also created an arrestingly beautiful ‘rusted’ finish for a metal fireplace surround he designed and built for The Lodge at Lora Bay near Thornbury. A riveting one-of-a-kind piece of work, it exudes an extraordinary three-dimensional feel, intentionally suggestive of an old metal boiler. The finish process “makes it more unique especially with a rusted finish, because it never finishes the same way twice,” he notes. Local metal sculptor Michael Pocock also knows well how to use the attributes of the ‘rusting’ process on metal to its best design advantage. His stunning piece of metal wall art, ‘Solar Flare,’ currently hanging in his Clarksburg “Ironworks” studio, dynamically showcases the fascinating textures that

rust creates. Because rust is essentially a corrosive process, the piece exudes a uniquely textural, three-dimensional quality along with extraordinary, subtle layers of palette. It’s as if it were a moment in motion captured forever. Pocock’s studio is a walk-in showcase of his talents – everything is hand forged in a space that’s designed to feel like a home interior. A steel mesh cupboard behind the bar, a glass and steel table with ergonometric wood and steel stools, metal art on the walls, hand-wrought sculptures on the floor, eclectic chandeliers, two divine copper and steel floor lamps, sconces, guitar stands, hooks and hinges … it’s an interactive experience that abounds with ideas for using metal in home design. His sculptures range from iconic images of windswept Georgian Bay pines and classic nautical lighthouses to contemporary-styled cyclists, skiers, birds and animals. “People typically think of steel as hard. What my sculptures do is take something static and hard and give it a shape that is flowing and fluid and give it a bit of mystery.” Pocock’s uncanny ability to turn hard metal into kinetic forms – a life-size eagle designed to rest free-floating on an upright pole moves as if in the motion of On The Bay

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On The Bay

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TOP: Sparks fly as artist Skot Lawrence uses an angle grinder to finish a corner on a piece of steel. The process from forge to finish in metal design is not for the faint of heart or the weak of muscle. ABOVE: An outdoor installation puts metal sculptor Michael Pocock high up on scaffolding to hang his iconic ‘Georgian Bay Pine’ tree on the exterior of a client’s home. Scaled to fit the span of the wall space, Pocock installed two of his uniquely hand-wrought trees on either side, bringing interest and detail that incited delight on the part of the homeowner.


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flight with the slightest of air movement around it – underscores the paradox of the medium. Solid yet fluid, fixed yet moving, it is a graphic stand-alone piece that mesmerizes. In Pocock’s view, “a piece of sculpture should have a story that leads up to it, and a story that goes after it, that invite discussion and elicit debate.” A recent outside installation of two of his iconic ‘windswept’ trees on an external wall of a client’s house near Thornbury is a working example. The life-sized metal wall sculptures add interest, dimension, beauty, and the potential for conversation to an open expanse of space that would otherwise be ordinary blank siding. As stories go, his own story began at 17 as a blacksmith to racetracks. Nowadays, using traditional forge, hammer and anvil along with modern-day laser cutting machines, Pocock sets the sparks flying with a combination of state-of-the-art technology and timeless blacksmithing techniques. Even as far back as Roman times, blacksmiths have turned metal into a source of creative design as well as everyday functionality. A classic element of feng shui, it’s as ancient as glass. You can bend metal but it doesn’t break. You can beat it, fire it, hammer it and even corrode it into submission. No matter how you abuse it, it transforms into a thing of beauty. Versatile, eclectic, dynamic, alluring, metal can bring about a fabulous shift in the dynamics of your home decor. Change it up! ❧

For more information on these artists and their work, check out their studios and websites. Rene Petitjean

Skot Lawrence

Michael Pocock

Rene Petitjean Studio 195 Mill Street, Creemore (705) 466-5895 www.renepetitjean.com

Desiron Custom Metal Thornbury (705) 443-7254 www.desiron.ca

Ironworks Art & Event Centre 108 George Street, Clarksburg (519) 599-1066 www.ironworksandmore.com

clothing • shoes • bags • belts • jewels 38 Bruce St. S. Thornbury 519.599.5422 www.furbelowsfashions.com Open 7 Days

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The building that houses the Huron Club Restaurant & Bar at the corner of Pine and Second streets was built in 1880 and by 1914 had become a social club for Collingwood’s leading citizens.

Welcome to the Club Collingwood’s Huron Club is a relaxed and inclusive dining experience by CeCily Ross


photography by RiChaRd Galloway

hoever said “you can’t be all things to all people” apparently didn’t know about The huron Club in Collingwood. The historic building on Pine underwent extensive renovations last year and today it is fulfilling new owner ian duff’s vision of a dining destination where people can “come as they are and come often.” ian and his wife Joanne had retired early – he was an engineer, she was a pharmacist – and realized they wanted to “get busy again.” The naturally gregarious couple decided it would be fun to run a restaurant. despite the fact that the central Collingwood location (formerly the huron house restaurant) had been closed for six months, the duffs saw its potential. “we watched it for awhile and wondered how could a place in such a great location just sit there?” Finally they couldn’t stand it any longer and the neophyte restaurateurs decided to take the plunge. They spent two-and-a-half month renovating – a process that exposed

the interior brick walls, uncovered three working fireplaces and a bricked-in window. The ground floor office moved upstairs, making room for a larger main dining room. The facelift also revealed a little of the 1880s building’s history. workers taking down a wall came across a share certificate for The huron Club inc. dated 1914. The huron Club, duff discovered, was started as a social/service club by a group of Collingwood’s leading citizens of the day – ship’s captains, merchants and professionals. The group used the building, which had likely been built originally as a private residence, as a meeting place. The hardworking couple had a clear idea of how they wanted their new venture to work. “we recognized that we wanted to attract a broad range of ages,” says ian. The restaurant, which can handle 137 people downstairs and 60 on the patio, is open seven days a week from 11 a.m. to midnight. There is live music every day except Mondays and Tuesdays, including a

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AT LEFT, TOP TO BOTTOM: Owners Ian and Joanne Duff decided to take the plunge into the restaurant business after realizing they weren’t ready to retire. The menu, under the direction of chefs Geoff Kitt and Dave Knox (at right), is “traditional with a Mediterranean flair,” and features items like crispy calamari with plum ginger dipping sauce and mushroom ravioli with porcini broth and fresh pea shoots. TOP LEFT: Marlon Gibbons is one of several musicians who perform live from Wednesday to Sunday evenings, and there is a jazz brunch on Sundays. ABOVE: The “wall of wine” features selections from California, Oregon and the Niagara Peninsula. LOWER LEFT: The décor captures the historic flavour of the building.

interesting change from the usual mayo. The mushroom-filled ravioli, floating in an earthy and flavourful broth, came garnished with a tangle of crunchy, fresh pea shoots. For dessert, we shared a smooth and tangy lemon mousse, the ideal ending to an enjoyable meal. The service was friendly and professional. The dinner music (Frank Sinatra, Michael Bublé), serene and tasteful, and the décor (Oriental rugs, linen table cloths, moody lighting), struck the right balance between a night out and a home away from home. So far, Ian is more than pleased with his post-retirement project. “It’s been an education for sure, but it’s really worked for us,” he says, adding, “If you want to get busy, this is the way to do it.” ❧

The huron Club resTauranT & bar

just the facts

jazz brunch on Sundays featuring the likes of Wayne Buttery, Mike Tilka and John Haynes. “You can come and have dinner and dance, too, if you like,” adds Ian. Children are welcome until 9 p.m. and there is a kids’ menu. There’s even a dog’s water bowl on the patio for pet owners who want to stop in for a beer and a snack. And of course, there’s the food. Chefs Geoff Kitt and Dave Knox have created a menu that Ian describes as “traditional with a Mediterranean flair”, featuring such items as crab cakes with chili garlic aioli and Ontario lamb sausage with smashed new potatoes, red wine jus and chili mint sauce. A highlight that diners keep coming back for are The Huron Club’s Blue Plate Specials, served from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. On Monday it’s meatloaf with buttermilk mashed potatoes, mushroom gravy and seasonal vegetables. Tuesday is veal schnitzel night – more mushroom gravy, wedge potatoes and seasonal veggies. Wednesday’s special is spaghetti and meatballs with garlic toast and parmesan. And what would Sunday be without a traditional roast beef dinner complete with mashed potatoes, veggies and Yorkshire pudding? On the evening my partner and I dined at The Huron Club, we ordered off the menu. Caesar salad with house-made rosemary croutons, bacon and a creamy Parmesan dressing for him, followed by the chef’s special, a Dijon-panko encrusted beef tenderloin with smashed potatoes, fresh corn on the cob, zucchini and carrots. I had the crispy calamari with plum ginger dipping sauce and then mushroom ravioli with shiitake mushrooms, porcini broth and fresh pea shoots. We shared a bottle of Malivoire rosé from the Niagara peninsula. While we waited for our order, our server, Bianca, brought us a basket of fresh foccacia with olive oil and balsamic vinegar for dipping. The Caesar salad was huge and immaculately fresh. The crisp, spicy crust on the beef complemented the tender meat, which was cooked to a perfect medium-rare. It came with “smashed” potatoes, a house specialty, and the vegetable medley was fresh and in-season. My order of calamari was tender and ungreasy, the plum-ginger dipping sauce an

Location: 94 Pine St., Collingwood Food Style: Family dining, fine dining, lounge menu Owners: Ian and Joanne Duff Chefs: Geoff Kitt and Dave Knox Seats: 137 downstairs, 60 on the patio Hours: Seven days a week, 11 a.m. to midnight Price Range: Moderate (dinner entrees from $16 to $27) Reservations: Recommended for dinner Telephone: (705) 293-6677

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Southern Georgian Bay continues to offer new and unique shopping and culinary experiences, along with new service providers to meet every need. Here are some of the latest business openings worth checking out. by Janet Lees


opening photo by RichaRd GaLLoway

ABOVE: Irene McCombs shows off some of the high-end furniture and dĂŠcor items to be found at Eclectique Boutique, her consignment store located in a historic log cabin in Wasaga Beach. On The Bay

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The Ruffed Grouse Bistro Restaurateurs Stephen Lumree and Ron Matthews have transformed this former BBQ eatery into a bistro dining experience featuring fresh local meats, game, poultry and produce. Dinner entrées include quail, pheasant, and filet mignon wrapped with wild boar bacon. Rotating specials focus on exotic game and poultry such as duck, venison, caribou, elk and ostrich, but basic steak and potatoes is always available for the less adventurous palates. The lunch burger is fresh ground local beef (no fillers), topped with applewood smoked cheddar and wild boar bacon, served with shoestring potato frites. Breakfast options include “Wild Side” (two duck eggs, wild boar bacon, home fries, choice of bread), “Fisherman’s Special” (two eggs, Kolapore smoked trout, home fries, choice of bread), and for Sunday’s à la carte brunch, seafood crepes, quiches and a Benedict of the Day are added to the choices. Everything is made from scratch in house, including scrumptious desserts (the dessert menu changes seasonally). There’s even a selection of home-made ice creams in a rotation of flavours from pear and prosciutto to almond chocolate chip to Baileys. The restaurant is fully licensed, currently serving wine and beer with cocktails on the way. Reservations are recommended, particularly for large groups and Sunday brunch, as the restaurant only seats 30. Lumree and Matthews also operate Georgian Bay Catering, providing in-home or special event catering. Open Monday & Tuesday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wednesday to Sunday 7 a.m to 10 p.m. 161 King Street East, Thornbury (beside the Beaver Motel) (519) 599-3443 www.ruffedgrousebistro.ca



Waterfront home in Mariner’s Haven. 4,000 sq.ft., 5 bedrm, 5 bathrm, fully re-done, top to bottom - back to front. Fantastic views of Georgian Bay. Oversized deck and private double sided dock for ample water toys – right in your backyard! Renovations include: custom kitchen, 2 wood fireplaces, all bathrms, heated garage w/ski tuning room, and much more. A MUST see. MLS® 20114717 $1,659,000


Country living on 2.36 acres in a brand new Rainmaker Estate home. This home boasts a dream kitchen with s/s appliances, granite counters & soft close drawers. Living room has cathedral ceilings w/exposed wood beams & wood burning fireplace. Lower level entertains family room w/wet bar, as well as theatre room w/10’6 x 5’6 screen. This home is sure to impress. MLS® 20112816 $779,000


Panoramic views of the Bay from Meaford to Collingwood & beyond. This stunning 4,000+ sq.ft. home backs onto a wooded ravine. 6 bedrms, 4 bathrms, large & open kitchen, sunroom w/walkout to over 1,000 sq.ft. of deck space. Geothermal heating/cooling. Oversized 2 car garage w/inside entry. Sit back, relax, and take in the breathtaking views from your comfy chair. MLS® 20114303 $695,000 A Contemporary Masterpiece, An Exceptional Home, a unique residence of architectural distinction, that is craftsman built, finished to immaculate standards of decoration and design including infinity pool, tennis courts, amazing views. Call office for more information.


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Town & Country Gallery Renowned artists Howard Pain, Tony Luciani, John Capon and Kate Esplen have joined forces to establish this “contemporary art gallery with an international flavour” in the heart of Kimberley. “We have artists who are recognized nationally and internationally who have ties to the local community,” explains Esplen, adding the focus is on “art that makes you think; art with meaning; art beyond the strictly decorative.” The four owners are permanent artists whose work is featured in the gallery, and there is a rotating roster of guest artists, all with ties to Southern Georgian Bay. Discerning collectors can find everything from paintings and sculpture to graphics and one-of-a-kind jewelry. “It’s not the type of work that is readily available up here for the most part,” says Esplen. “It’s a Toronto style of gallery … we’re really geared more toward someone who is an art collector or wants to start a serious collection.” The historic building housing the gallery has been completely renovated. “It gives people a chance to see the artwork in a home type of environment and allows people to picture what art would look like in their home,” explains Esplen. Open Thursday to Sunday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Winter hours – weekends and by appointment 252310 Hwy. 13, Kimberley (705) 532-4163 www.townandcountrygallery.com

Wendy Webb Photography This new photography studio in downtown Clarksburg is the perfect complement to the lane of art galleries and antique shops the locals have dubbed ‘Artsburg.’ Owner Wendy Webb is proficient in all types of photography, from weddings to commercial. She has a full portrait studio where she can shoot pet, child and family portraits, or she can come to you. An avid horse person, she also specializes in equine portrait photography and is the official photographer for the Canadian Equestrian Team.



An accredited member of the Professional Photographers of Ontario and Professional Photographers of Canada, Webb is offering a free 4x6-inch Halloween portrait of children in costume shot with full studio lighting on October 30 and 31 (on a walk-in basis). She also offers “Enchanted Garden” portraits (children pose in a selection of costumes including princess, pirate, angel, fairy, etc. and Webb digitally adds magical fairy dust, glowing orbs and other enhancements to the photo) and the “Fall is for Family” package (a one-hour studio session or on-location family portrait session).



Dopey Kid Originals/The Studio By Dopey Kid When Danielle Atkinson was a child, her beloved grandfather called her by the pet name “Dopey Kid.” So when it came time to brand her businesses, Atkinson knew the perfect name. “The relationship was very special,” recalls Atkinson. “He really taught me the value of being a creative person, of being committed to creativity and imagination and committed to our planet and being socially and ecologically responsible.” Dopey Kid Originals is an eco-friendly toy store that specializes in activitybased toys, art/crafts, books, puppets, etc. – all of which have been selected for their positive environmental and social impact. “I researched for almost two years before I picked the brands and items we would carry,” says Atkinson. “In addition to dealing with companies that are sustainable, I want to make sure human rights aren’t being violated; that there is no child labour and that workers are being treated properly.” She has a special place in her heart for locally made products and works with a number of local artisans to offer a variety of items produced within 160 km (100 miles) of the store. “This not only reduces transportation, it also supports the local economy, and the items are unique,” says Atkinson. Based on the success of Dopey Kid Originals, Atkinson has now opened The Studio By Dopey Kid in a second Stayner location, where she conducts art classes, workshops, birthday parties, after school programs, story hours, summer camps, art classes and drop-in programs. The Studio also carries dance, gymnastics, cheer and figure skating wear for individuals and teams. Dopey Kid Originals – Open Monday and Tuesday noon to 5 p.m., Wednesday to Friday noon to 6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

d e s e r v e



Drs. Hammond and Raymond, Optometrists 460 Hume Street, Unit 1, Collingwood, L9Y 1W6 705-445-2970

Open Tuesday to Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment 186 Marsh Street, Clarksburg (226) 668 6005 www.wendywebbphotography.com



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7323 Hwy. 26, Stayner (705) 428-3390 The Studio by Dopey Kid – check website for hours and programs. 236 William St., Unit 4, Stayner (705) 888-3628 www.dopeykid.com

at ScenicCaves

Joy Who wouldn’t want a sweater that takes off 15 to 20 pounds? Not only that, you can even wear it upside down. The slenderizing sweater is just one of the lines Linda Parolin carries in her new women’s store, called Joy, on Stayner’s main street. Joy specializes in clothing from size small to size 4x, as well as jewelry and accessories. “I carry things that make you look slim,” says Parolin. “I have scarves that turn into a belt, a vest or a pareo; magic shawls you can wear 16 different ways; things that are different and that you can wear a multitude of different ways.” There are also purses, belts, ponchos and even stocking stuffers for the holidays. The jewelry, some of which is made by Parolin herself, includes stainless steel, sterling silver and costume pieces, adorned with shells, beads and pearls.

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Parolin has been in the area for 11 years and decided the time was right to make the leap into retail. “My love and passion has always been jewelry and fashion and accessories,” she says. “I named the store ‘Joy’ because I just wanted to be happy and I want my customers to be happy. Women come in and are not feeling very good about themselves, and they leave feeling great.” Open Tuesday to Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday noon to 4 p.m. 7272 Hwy. 26 (274 Main Street), Stayner (705) 517-2000

Collingwood Songbird Music Studio

Office Hours: Mon 10 - 7, Tues, Wed 8:30 - 5:00, Thurs 9 - 5:30 12 Second Street Collingwood 705.444.2668 • 1.866.544.4792


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Whether you want your child or teen to enhance their musical skills, or you’re keen to improve your own vocal performance or finally learn to play piano, Kimberley McGee-Jackson can help. A graduate of the University of Western Ontario’s Vocal Performance Program, McGee-Jackson has provided vocal coaching to recording artist and performer J.P. Smits, Canadian Idol contestant Mohanza Kelly, world champion Elvis tribute artist Stephen Kabakos and Toronto stage performer Belinda Poolay, among other aspiring songbirds. She also teaches beginner piano up to Grade 4 Royal Conservatory. She says about 75 per cent of her students are children and teens, with adults comprising the remaining 25 per cent. “The adults are so excited,” she notes. “There are some that have said ‘this is one of the things on my bucket list.’ They’ve always had a yearning to pursue



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ABOVE: Chef Stephen Lumree serves up local pan-seared pheasant with a peach reduction, accompanied by wild rice pilaf and seasonal vegetables, at the new Ruffed Grouse Bistro in Thornbury. For dessert, his home-made lemon and sweetened ricotta tart brulée with candied celery is garnering rave reviews.

private instruction and then life got busy and now they’re following up on it.” She adds some of her adult vocal students want to perform in their church choir or Sweet Adelines; others are in rock bands and want to improve their vocal range and power. For kids and teens, McGee-Jackson’s music studio fills a void left by cutbacks in school music programs. “The music curriculum has been downsized in most schools, so because of that parents can take their children out of school to have private music instruction, and in most cases the school board is willing to accommodate that request,” she explains. “In high school, if they complete their Grade 7 and Grade 8 with the Royal Conservatory it will count for their Grade 11 or Grade 12 music credit.” Lessons Tuesday to Thursday by appointment 19 Lynden Street, Collingwood (705) 293-1057 Search Facebook under “Songbird Music Studio”

Wasaga Beach Eclectique Boutique A new household furniture and home décor consignment store, Eclectique Boutique, has opened in the historic Muirhead log cabin in the heart of Wasaga Beach. The store carries high-quality, gently used furniture and household On The Bay

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accessories. “For years I’ve shopped second-hand and consignment for my own home and people have always been amazed,” says store owner Irene McCombs. Now, McCombs offers her finds for sale on two levels, with larger items on the main floor and smaller items from teacups to art, lamps and even jewelry on the second floor. “The response has been excellent,” says McCombs. “People are coming back regularly to check new items coming in.” Southern Georgian Bay is a treasure trove of high-end, barely used household items, what with the number of people downsizing, relocating from the city or simply changing their décor. “I have people come into my store and they think they’re in the wrong store because it all looks new.” Sellers can send McCombs photos of larger items or bring smaller pieces into the store. She will help settle on a price for the item, and the seller consigns it for a two-month contract. If the item has not sold within the first month the price is discounted 15 per cent. At the end of the second month the seller can choose to reduce the price further or take the item back – although McCombs maintains the situation is rare. “I think it’s happened twice so far – I’m very picky about what I bring into my store and I do know what is going to sell and what’s not going to sell.” The consignor receives 60 per cent of the selling price and Eclectique Boutique receives 40 per cent. Open Tuesday and Wednesday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday and Friday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 3091 Mosley Street, Wasaga Beach (705) 352-0351 www.georgianbayselect.com/eclectiqueboutique

NEW MODEL HOMES On The Bay presents new model home openings from real estate developers in Southern Georgian Bay.

Falcon Chase – The Estate Homes of Mair Mills The Bergamo model at Falcon Chase will be open for viewing beginning in late October. This 3,400-square-foot bungalow-loft detached freehold features openconcept design, quality finishes and breathtaking views to the neighbourhood golf course and Blue Mountain. A ‘standard’ estate lot at Falcon Chase starts at 70 feet wide. All of the 30 available models are fully customizable. Open Wednesday to Sunday noon to 5 p.m. or by appointment (beginning the fourth week of October). 43 Kells Cres., Collingwood (705) 445-8298 www.carandalehomes.com




Quality Engineered Roofing



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Stonebridge by the Bay The Belle Eau Claire model is a two-storey, three-bedroom townhome with a full bathroom on each level, as well as a main floor powder room. The model features a stunning two-storey great room and a gourmet kitchen with an island and eat-in area. The master bedroom is large with a walk-in closet and ensuite with separate tub and shower. Two large second-floor bedrooms have a shared bathroom. This model also has a two-car garage and a basement, which can be finished with a guest bedroom and bathroom, recreation room or hobby room. Open Monday to Friday noon to 6 p.m., weekends and holidays 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Southwest corner of Stonebridge Blvd. and Sandy Coast Crescent, Wasaga Beach (705) 422-0880 or 1-877-420-0880 (toll free) www.mystonebridge.ca



Windrose Valley The Breckinridge is the newest model available for viewing at Windrose Valley, the estate lot neighbourhood moments from both Collingwood and the Escarpment. The main floor of this 3,810-square-foot, two-storey, single detached model features a 25-foot vaulted great room ceiling, reclaimed hardwood and master suite. Upstairs there are three more bedrooms including guest suite, plus a large media room looking to the ski hills. Situated on a gorgeous 1+ acre lot, this home features top-of-the-line construction, craftsman quality finish details, thoughtful floor plans and architectural design by Gordon Stone, M.Arch.

A different genre each week!




Open Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 1 to 4 p.m. 8 Windrose Valley Blvd., Clearview (705) 444-7653 www.windrosevalley.com ❧

Changes Many local businesses are on the move. Wasaga Beach Decorating and Living Lighting have moved to 1 Market Lane (Unit 3) in the Stonebridge Centre, combining full-line decorating, lighting, window coverings and paint under one roof. Dr. John Miller has expanded his family dentistry practice to offer preventive, cosmetic and therapeutic dentistry. An additional 800 square feet has been added to the location at 12 Second Street in Collingwood, which houses a consultation room and treatment room. Tel: (705) 444-2668. CW and Company, which purchased Hilda’s Sewing and Alterations last Fall, has now moved to a new location at 44 Campbell Street in Collingwood, combining full-service sewing and alterations with CW’s uniform, silk screening and embroidery business. The main telephone number remains the same, (705) 444-2448, and there is a direct line for sewing – (705) 445-6877. Appointments are required for bridal; otherwise pop in any time from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday to Friday and 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturdays. Crozier & Associates Consulting Engineers has relocated to The HarbourEdge Building in Collingwood, 40 Huron Street, Suite 301. Tel: (705) 446-3510. Georgian College has moved its South Georgian Bay Campus to 499 Raglan Street in Collingwood, offering full-time programs, part-time courses and academic upgrading. Web: www.georgianc.on.ca. Investors Group Financial Services is moving in mid-October from its current downtown Collingwood location to 391 First Street, Unit 102 (next to Kelseys Restaurant).

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In the Village at Blue, Birch & Co. Zoot Alors! has a new owner, Julia Leslie. The store continues to carry men’s and women’s fashions from popular lines like Komarov, Scotch & Soda, Firetrap and Paige Jeans, plus new lines like Canada Goose, Jared Lang, Papillon Blanc from Montreal and GG Collective from L.A. Tel: (705) 446-1400. Human and animal chiropractor Dr. Angela Martin-King has joined The Fascinato Chiropractic Health Centre and Pain Clinic at 47 Nelson Street in Meaford. Tel: (519) 538-3700. She will continue providing mobile services to her equine patients and to any client requiring home care.

*Taxes extra. Early Bird pricing ends Nov. 1. Programs must have a minimum of six participants. Programs, rates and dates are subject to change without notice.

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On The Bay Magazine is pleased to donate this space to a deserving charity or non-profit in our community. For more information, please contact Jeffrey Shearer, Publisher, at (705) 444-9192.

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r e a d e r s

continued from page 11… almost 100 years ago. But On The Bay, in it latest edition, fell far short of measuring up to Scott’s journalistic ideal. Campaigning journalism is something we should all admire but it has to be seen to be fair. With On The Bay’s one-sided presentation, your articles were distinctly unhelpful in helping at least one of your readers reach a decision about wind turbines. A syndicated column from David Suzuki offering some strong counter-arguments to those that met our eyes in On The Bay can be found at: www.straight.com/article-402269/vancouver/david-suzukiwhen-it-comes-health-wind-power-blows-away-alternative If you can afford the few dollars it would cost to run it – or do the necessary editorial work that should have been done in the first place – for a follow-up, it might help your readers reach an informed decision in this controversy, and no doubt stop Mr. Scott spinning in his grave, even if he is generating some green electricity in doing so. Lee Lester First I must commend you and all the staff for the excellent articles, photography and overall promotion of this area. Generally I find a balanced presentation but unless I missed it, I don’t recall reading about the point of view that supports wind power. Without that, how does a person make a decision on a position on the topic? There are many in the area who are supportive but have no desire for confrontation with the passion of some opponents. It would be very helpful to have a balanced view presented Gail Andrews, Creemore I want to thank you so much for your recent issue of On The Bay Magazine. You brought such clarity to this controversial issue. Personally I have been shocked that our Township of Clearview seemed to be complacent about wind developers using the Green Energy Act to exploit our farmland, our people and our wildlife, in the name of a false ‘Green’ ideology such as wind power. To see and experience such a strong uprising of the ratepayers, who dared to publicly oppose this travesty and make a stand to protect our Township, restored my faith in democracy. I submit to you a letter published in the Orangeville Citizen Newspaper that pretty much tells the whole story of wind turbines and the danger they will impose on our economy for such a boondoggle (to read the above-mentioned letter, go to www.citizen.on.ca/news/2011-08-11/Mailbox/McGuintys_ vampire_economy.html). Keep up the good work getting the truth out. The wind industry and their house of cards is falling world-wide. It is not too late to save Clearview. Melodie Burkett, Stayner I was appalled when reading the articles on wind power as they were not only a biased view but a blatant political advertisement. [Publisher Jeff Shearer] wrote that most views presented in the magazine were balanced (I agree) but failed to mention that you rarely advertise, as you do here, for one political party. I agree that power is a controversial issue but until you can present alternatives, you ARE displaying NIMBYism. If you aren’t part of a solution, then you are part of the problem. Nuclear power, coal plants – don’t think you want them. You probably don’t like the look of the solar panels that are cropping up everywhere either. What electrical conveniences are you then willing to give up to reduce the need for more power? On The Bay is certainly encouraging growth and development in this region. With it will come greater demands for electricity. What is your solution? We are behind most countries in the world in power production methods and need to plan ahead to meet the demands. We are still digging out of the pit the Mike Harris Conservatives drove our municipalities into. A moratorium on this issue merely means not making a decision. Stopping off shore turbines to do a health impact study?? … really??? …easy way to not make a decision. At least the


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New Wasaga Beach Distribution

other parties are talking about it and have a plan. A Conservative party without a plan is a party not to be trusted. I will not be joining your parade. Lyn Mann, Beaver Valley Thanks for your Summer 2011 issue of On The Bay and the pieces dedicated to industrial wind turbines. The reporting certainly distilled the issues and choices facing our community. I thought your coverage to be absolutely outstanding, bringing a full historical perspective to the debate and culminating in the clear options voters have in the upcoming election. The positions of all four political parties are clearly set out. The face-to-face interview with Conservative leader Tim Hudak was very important, as in-depth coverage of this issue is so critical to our community. Mr. Hudak’s position is that a moratorium will be imposed, pending real studies, in order to get the health science, setbacks and economics right. The Publisher’s message, “Rethinking Nimbyism,” set the stage by reviewing the historical development of public opinion since 2004 when the Liberals introduced their highly controversial energy policies. We reflect back on the Premier’s stiff-armed, bulking and labelling of objectors as “NIMBYs,” followed by an alarming and somewhat dictatorial stripping away of the regulatory power of municipalities. We are reminded of our shock at that time and one of the lowest moments in Ontario politics. In 2004 the McGuinty/Smitherman Liberals must have counted on time and the usual complacency and innate gentle nature of Ontarians to wear opposition down and lull the controversy to sleep. The Janet Lees articles clearly and accurately describe how exactly the opposite has happened. There is an increasing tidal wave of anger, opposition and determination as Ontarians learn more about the negative health impacts and the absurd economics of the proposed projects. In my memory, Ontario has never seen such a divisive and cruel piece of legislation foisted upon us, setting neighbour against neighbour, and uninformed urbanites against a frantic and engaged rural citizenry. The voice we have right now is at the ballot box. Steve Headford

Extra copies of On The Bay are now available for sale at

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What in the world was going through your minds when you printed that palsy-walsy picture of publisher Shearer and editor Lees with Conservative leader Tim Hudak right there on your publisher’s page? I am not disputing your right to interview Hudak, or to take his picture, but the page you chose is inappropriate. Evidently, however, On The Bay has abandoned all pretence to editorial professionalism and journalistic independence. Now that your magazine has devolved into a mere mouthpiece for the Conservative Party, why don’t you just be open about it and print a Big Blue ‘C’ on the cover? It’s abundantly clear that you don’t like wind turbines. You inform us that an alternative meaning of NIMBY is “Next It Might Be You.” Cute. Here’s another suggestion: How about “Now I Must Become Involved”? To put it plainly, it’s high time you did some hard investigative work into the pros and cons of Ontario’s other major energy sources: nuclear power, natural gas, coal and hydro-electricity. You’re going to learn that they all have serious consequences of their own, whether on the economy, or the environment, or human health, or all three. In fact, the first thing you’re going to discover is that they’re all government-subsidized as well. In Ontario, private companies alone don’t build huge power plants, and they never have. Incidentally, I have long been following the rantings of Lorrie Gillis, John Laforet and Colin Huismans, and I have yet to find out what energy sources any of them prefer. They’re all terribly eloquent about what they don’t like, but strangely silent when it comes to addressing the underlying problem. Unless you are one of the very, very few who are entirely off-grid, you need to think about where those busy little electrons are actually coming from. It’s easy to organize four-kilometre-long parades against wind turbines and then go home to air conditioning and wide-screen plasma television sets. I acknowledge that the Liberals have made serious mistakes in their approach to renewable energy policy, but

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they are, at least, trying to address the issue. The unpleasant fact is that demand for power is rising steadily and conservation alone isn’t going to fix that. So here’s the fundamental question to all of you, beginning with Hudak: do you prefer nuclear, coal or gas-fired power plants? Be prepared to defend your choice, because it isn’t good enough to say, “wind turbines should go somewhere else.” That is no solution at all. Richard Griffith, Ravenna Thank you for your coverage of the wind energy issue in the summer edition of On The Bay. May I suggest that you cover both sides of the issue, as presently your magazine sounds like it is onesided and hardly “balanced and journalistic” as your publisher claims. Where are your interviews with the other political parties? Janet Findlay




sunken ship in Collingwood’s harbour? In August 2008, Tara Parsons, site manager at The Shipyards housing development in Collingwood, thought she might have spotted a sunken ship in the harbour area, several hundred yards northwest of Collingwood’s former launch basin. “We frequently take flights over the harbour and out over the Mary Ward wreck to look at different aspects of the Bay and take photographs,” explains Parsons. “Tim Debenham, our site superintendent, and I were flying over the site and I wanted to swing in over the harbour. As the pilot swung around, I noticed something under the water and I said, ‘Wait a minute. There’s something I’ve never seen before.’” The pilot dipped in and made three more passes while Debenham took photographs. The three agreed that the shape of the object from the air resembled the outline of a ship – they could make out what appeared to be the ribs of a ship’s belly and what looked like a mast. The bowed shape of it, tapered at each end, and its location just outside the entrance to the harbour, indicated the possibility of a sunken vessel. Eager to solve the mystery, the photographs taken from the air were immediately sent to the Collingwood Museum and also shown to a number of long-time residents, but initial enquiries yielded no clues. Finally, a conversation with former Collingwood resident David Vuckson, now a resident of Victoria, B. C., turned up immediate – and intriguing – results. It turns out that the mysterious sunken “vessel” is actually a gate

Mysterious “vessel” discovered at the bottom of Collingwood harbour

The west gate was 105 feet wide, with tapered ends and a wide steel belly. In its present state, the hatches that had once opened and closed are undoubtedly filled with sediment and seaweed creating an impression of a solid mass, hence the “sunken vessel” that Parsons and Debenham spotted from the air.


Seen from the air, the outline of the west gate of Collingwood’s original dry dock could easily be mistaken for a sunken ship. Photo: Tim Debenham, 2008.


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from the west dry dock of the former Collingwood shipyards. “It’s the west gate,” Vuckson exclaimed, “also called the #1 dry dock gate in my time. When you asked me about a ship I couldn’t for the life of me think what it might have been, so close to the shoreline. But then a story from my own past suddenly came back to me and it all made sense. I was born and raised in Collingwood. In 1963, I was a 15-year-old office boy working part-time in the shipyards. I asked George Williams, one of the pump house technicians, ‘What ever happened to the west gate you used to tie up at the dry dock?’ He told me it had been sunk ‘out there’ in the harbour. It was just a tidbit of history stored in my memory until now.” Further investigation through ship historian Skip Gillham and long-time residents Don Boone and Charlie Brough confirmed Vuckson’s story. But what exactly was the west gate and how was it used? Charlie Brough explains: “When a ship came in for repairs it had to be berthed in the dry dock and the water siphoned out so the men could work on it. The ship would pull in and then the gate, which was originally made of wood and iron, was closed behind it by means of a winch. There were no hinges: the gate slid into notches on either side of the dry dock and

the bottom of it rested on the concrete sill of the dry dock.” Vuckson explains how the dry dock worked: “After the gate was secured, the water in the dry dock was pumped out. Once the dry dock was empty, the pressure of the water on the opposite side of the gate held it in place. When it was time to refloat the ship, several men walked out onto the gate and using iron bars they cranked open several hatches in the gate, below water level. I recall how fascinating it was to watch the bay pour back into the dry dock.” Brough recalls repairs made to the west gate. “I remember working on it. The wooden hatches eventually got worn out and we replaced those timbers a number of times. Over the years some of the rotted timber had fallen down inside the hollow gate and it became too heavy; it didn’t float very well.” By the early 1960s, the wood and iron construction of the older gates had been surpassed by lighter, longerwearing steel. The worn-out west gate was dragged out and sunk, upside down, just beyond the entry to the harbour. In a day when such practices were not uncommon, the decision to sink the gate was undoubtedly less remarkable than it would be today. Throughout its long history, Collingwood’s shipyard tradition was a mainstay for employment both inside and outside the industry. “When the shipyard is working, Collingwood is working,” was a well-worn phrase for decades. But by the mid-1980s the worldwide shipping industry was in serious decline. In Canada, news broke that federal government contracts for Great Lakes ships, known as lakers, were at an end. The St. Lawrence

Photo from private collection of Herb Hall.


ABOVE: “Nearing the end of the 19th century, the dry dock, under the ownership of the Collingwood Steel Shipbuilding Company was a hive of activity, with six steam ships and a tug boat, the Reliance, under repair...by the early 1900s the larger ships of the new century had outgrown Collingwood’s once unequalled dry dock.” From Butchers, Bakers and Building the Lakers: Voices of Collingwood. In this photograph from the early 1900s, the original gate is visible behind the ship under repair in the dry dock.

Seaway was deemed too risky for military ships that would have no access to open water in the event of an attack. The final contract awarded to the Collingwood Shipyards was for the Sir Wilfrid Laurier, an icebreaker built for the Canadian Coast Guard Service, launched on December 6, 1985. On September 12, 1986, the last whistle of the Collingwood Shipyards—three long blasts and two short, the signal for a ship leaving port—ended 103 years of the town’s proudest tradition. The west gate was 105 feet wide, with tapered ends and a wide steel belly. In its present state, the hatches that had once opened and closed are undoubtedly filled with sediment and seaweed creating an impression of a solid mass, hence the “sunken vessel” that Parsons and Debenham spotted from the air. “I’m still intrigued,” says Parsons, when the solution to the mystery is revealed. “I enjoy snorkelling and I think it will be fun to just poke around and investigate that west gate. It’s a little bit of history that has come back to us.” Given this was the #1 gate, is there a #2 gate awaiting rediscovery? According to our sources, #2 gate from the east dry dock was eventually scrapped in Thunder Bay. Or so the story goes. ❧ ON THE BAY

RE: SunkEn HiStoRy, SummER 2011 I read with interest the article “Sunken History” in the Summer 2011 edition of On The Bay. Your readers may be interested to know that there are several ships sunk off the end of the Collingwood pier. In the 1890s there were at least three boats whose bones were laid to rest nearby. Possibly the most interesting vessel was the Baltic, which burned in a spectacular fire on September 5, 1896. The Baltic (originally known as the Frances Smith) visited Collingwood regularly between 1867 and 1895. It carried military supplies to the Riel Rebellion, navies for the construction of the CPR, Immigrants to the west and tons of supplies to the outposts between Collingwood, the north shore of Lake Huron and Lake Superior. On one of her last trips the Baltic transported dozens of citizens from Collingwood, Owen Sound and Meaford to the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893. The Baltic was soon tied up at the wharf at the foot of Hurontario Street and her boilers shut down and her furniture removed. Under very mysterious circumstances, the old girl caught fire and burned to the waterline. Within a few days she was towed outside the harbor and sunk. When the owners tried to claim the insurance, a major court battle ensued and was finally settled at the Supreme Court of Canada. Scott L. Cameron, owen Sound I was immediately intrigued with the aerial photograph of the sunken west gate discovered at the bottom of Collingwood harbour by Tara Parsons and Tim Debenham in 2008. As an avid snorkeller and scuba diver, I am always interested in local sites to explore during the warm, sunny days on Nottawasaga and Georgian Bay. The article by Christine Cowley that accompanied the picture in this summer’s issue of your magazine, however, made vague references to the exact location of the underwater structure. It starts off with a caption under the heading, which reads:



“Mysterious ‘vessel’ discovered at the bottom of Collingwood Harbour.” The article then states in the first paragraph, “... in the harbour area, several hundred yards northwest of Collingwood’s former launch basin,” and in the next paragraph, “... its location just outside the entrance to the harbour,” and “The worn-out west gate was dragged out and sunk, upside down, just beyond the entry to the harbour.” After several attempts at locating this historic structure both outside the launch basin in the harbour and just outside the harbour entrance close to the shoreline, I find it necessary to ask for clarification as to the exact location (maybe GPS) so I and others so inclined may be able to, as Tara Parsons put it, “...just poke around and investigate that west gate. It’s a little bit of history that has come back to us.” Rob Stephens, Collingwood

Re: CheeRS! SummeR 2011 Wow! Another great issue and thank you so much for including us. I did notice a wee error in the copy and Cheryl gave me your email address and suggested that I mention it to you. It states that we have 250 whiskies under the caption of the picture of my father playing the fiddle (great shot by the way). We actually have 592. Stephanie Price, The Dam Pub, Thornbury

Re: how SweeT IT IS!, SummeR 2011 I just wanted to thank you and your staff for the excellent coverage of Canada’s newest Superfood, KiKi Maple Sweet Water, in your Summer issue. The response from my group of friends, who I proudly show these articles to, was that this write-up was the best ever. The comments about your fine magazine were also all very positive. I have added a link to your magazine to my website and my main distributor the Ontario Nature Food Coop sent the link to all their FB friends. Keith harris, KiKi maple Sweet water


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Re: oPenIngS, SummeR 2011 We have just received the latest On The Bay and many thanks for the wonderful article that you wrote about our new store. Your magazine is so popular that we have to hide one copy to keep on hand. Lorraine mcDonald, Designs by Consign Thank you soooooo much for the wonderful introduction in your new issue. I am very grateful! Joyce Taylor, The waggin’ Tail Café

Re: ADDIng LIfe To DAyS, wInTeR 2011 Editor’s Note: We were saddened by the recent deaths of Lindsay Baginski and Damian Seipp, both of whom were featured in last winter’s articles about end-of-life care. All of us at On The Bay extend our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of Damian and Lindsay.

Where do you stand on the issues? Do you have any comments, suggestions or additional information in response to any of our stories? Don’t be shy! We’d love to hear from you! To submit your letter to the Editor, go to www.onthebaymagazine. com and click on “Have Your Say.” Comments will be published in an upcoming issue of On The Bay. We reserve the right to edit for style, content and space considerations.

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to experience CCI’s new state-of-the-art Renkus-Heinz array sound system, which will present Dan Hill’s music with incredible clarity and purity of sound. Tickets and information are available at www. georgianbayselect.com/jbgproductions or http://web.me.com/jbguy1/Dan_Hill_in_ Collingwood/Concert_Tickets.html or by calling (705) 444-4449.

On The Bay Magazine is your one–stop information centre for upcoming cultural, artistic and entertaining events throughout Southern Georgian Bay. Please note: all events are subject to change. To confirm times and for event details, please contact the organizers as indicated. For a full listing of upcoming events to December, 2011, go to www.onthebaymagazine.com.


october 29 Harvest Day Craft Show Trinity United Church, Collingwood 24 of the best crafters in the area. (705) 445-3901

November 19 Owen Sound November 26 Markdale Wasaga Beach


December 3 Creemore Meaford Stayner

october 15 Sweetwater Music Festival Jazz Legends Meaford Hall Join jazz legend Phil Dwyer along with Mark Fewer on violin and Jim Vivian on bass. Concert at 7:30 p.m. Silent auction and hors d’oeuvres. Tickets $100 with tax receipt. www.sweetwatermusicfestival.ca

December 4 Collingwood Feversham

ART/ANTIQUES SHOWS october 26 – November 19 Autumn Landscapes Meaford Hall Jason Alexander, a graduate of Ontario College of Art and Design, worked in advertising and taught painting and design before devoting himself full-time in 1993 as an independent visual artist. www.paintsjasonalexander.com November 2 – December 31 Winter’s Gift The Arts Centre, Collingwood Annual Christmas show showcasing our member artists and their vast talents in a wide variety of media. A special feature within the show will be the “One Foot Forward Show.” This is as silent auction where each painting will be available for purchase on December 8. www.bmfa.on.ca November 18 – December 4 Square Foot Show Loft Gallery, Clarksburg It’s time again for the semiannual Square Foot Show. All paintings are 12” x 12” and cost $144. (519) 599-5912 November 26 Jewellery Day Loft Gallery, Clarksburg Several local jewelers bring table’s and exhibit their jewelry for sale. (519) 599-5912 December 6 – JaNuary 7 Kerry Riley & David Johnston Meaford Hall Johnston has returned to painting after a career of teaching at Ryerson University. His images have been rendered in hard edge watercolour as well as silk screen but now the concentration is on acrylic painting with airbrush. Riley has been dabbling in the creative process since studying at Ryerson. History, architecture and nature inspire her images in drawing, photography and mixed media collages. www.meafordhall.ca


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october 21 Pavel Steidl Meaford Hall One of the most widely celebrated soloists of his generation. Steidl’s highly expressive performances of rare 19th century guitar literature on authentic instruments add a wonderful dimension to his already exceptional performances. 8 p.m. Tickets $32.50. www.pavelsteidl.com october 22 Wine & Roses Georgian Manor, Collingwood A swingin’ evening of dancing and fun. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres, prizes and spot dances. Cocktail attire. 8:30 p.m. Tickets $35. www.georgiansound.ca october 22 Tchaikovsky’s 5th and More OSCVI Regional Auditorium, Owen Sound Daniel Warren, guest Conductor. The fortieth season starts with “Manitoulin,” a piece reflecting the history of our area through the eyes of our local composer/teacher and allround musician, Richard Mascall. 7:30 p.m. (519) 372-0212 october 22 Goldenaires Meaford Hall The Goldenaires are a group of local women who have been sharing music and goodwill in and around Meaford for over 40 years. Their repertoire includes Celtic, secular, spiritual and contemporary, all sung in four-part harmony, accompanied by their own pianist and guest instruments. Performance at 7:30 p.m. Tickets $15. www.meafordhall.ca october 22 Dan Hill Collingwood Collegiate Institute A fundraiser for the Blue Mountain Watershed Trust, this concert is a combined event that offers not just music by a Canadian icon but support for the sanctity of the last remains of our natural heritage. The concert will give attendees the opportunity

November 12 Steven Page Meaford Hall Well-known co-founder of the Barenaked Ladies, Page has struck out on his own. 8 p.m. Tickets $40. www.stevenpage.com November 13 Kathryn Tremills Home Again Division Street United Church, Owen Sound A program of chamber highlights with leaders from the Georgian Bay Symphony. The famous Quintet joins Rimsky Korsakov’s brilliant take on Spanish music in a special small ensemble arrangement. 3 p.m. (519) 372-0212 November 19 Sue Foley & Peter Karp Meaford Hall “He Said She Said” is an inspired collaboration of original songs by Canadian Juno awardwinner Sue Foley and critically acclaimed singer/songwriter and “Blind Pig” artist Peter Karp. The show encompasses folk, jazz, flamenco & blues. 8 p.m. Tickets $30. www.hesaidshesaidproject.com November 23 John McDermott Meaford Hall International recording star and household name, McDermott is known as much for his successful musical career as for his accomplishments to veterans’ causes. He is a long way from the man for whom singing was a hobby just 10 years ago. 8 p.m. Tickets $50. www.johnmcdermott.com November 26 Dala Meaford Hall Dala is poised to bring its harmonies and fresh brand of acoustic pop to the world. Amanda Walther’s ethereal soprano voice blends seamlessly with Sheila Carabine’s velvety alto, creating lush harmonies that have become the group’s trademark. 8 p.m. Tickets $32. www.dalagirls.com December 2 – 3 Christmas Concert Trinity United Church, Collingwood A selection of Christmas music featuring selections of Handel’s Messiah, Fantasia and Christmas carols by Ralph Vaughan Williams, as well as other seasonal favourites. Tickets $20. www.coundinvestmentchoir.ca December 7 Christmas Concert New Life Brethren in Christ Church, Collingwood Singing and instrumental music for the entire family. All proceeds to Adopt-A-Family. 7 p.m. (705) 445-9308 December 7 & 11 – 13 First Christmas Story First Presbyterian Church, Collingwood Enjoy a musical and dramatic celebration of the birth of Christ featuring a children’s choir, a massed choir, a women’s chorus and a men’s chorus. Tickets are free but required for admission. www.firstprescollingwood.com

SHOWS/EXHIBITS october 15 – 16 Think Smart Show RecPlex, Wasaga Beach Our health, our environment. Vendors will

display products that will benefit health or improve the environment by reducing impact and saving you money. (705) 818-2010 october 31 – November 6 Out of the Cabinet: your Collections Exhibition Meaford Hall Everyone collects; therefore everyone is a curator. Experience the passions of those who collect bookmarks, rug hooks, toys and antiques. Everything is special; let us tell you why! www.meafordmuseum.ca

FUNDRAISERS october 13 Autumn Leaves GNE Fairgrounds Fashion Show Fundraiser. An evening of fashion, appetizers, music, fun, silent auction and some surprises. Featuring special guests and members of the Clearview Fire Department as models. Doors open at 7 p.m. Cash bar. Tickets $15. www.greatnorthernex.com october 22 Dan Hill Collingwood Collegiate Institute A fundraiser for the Blue Mountain Watershed Trust, this concert is a combined event that offers not just music by a Canadian icon but support for the sanctity of the last remains of our natural heritage. The concert will give attendees the opportunity to experience CCI’s new state-of-the-art Renkus-Heinz array sound system, which will present Dan Hill’s music with incredible clarity and purity of sound. Tickets and information are available at www. georgianbayselect.com/jbgproductions or http://web.me.com/jbguy1/Dan_Hill_in_ Collingwood/Concert_Tickets.html or by calling (705) 444-4449. october 22 Comfort for Kids Fundraiser Craigleith Ski Club Comfort for Kids is an organization whose mission it is to reach out to children, teens and their families in our community who live in environments where there is need to create a warm, comfortable sleeping space. This exciting fundraising evening will feature spectacular culinary offerings presented by Mark McEwan, an array of high quality live entertainment and an art focused silent auction. Famous artists such as Lorne Wagman, Rae Johnson, Harold Klunder, George McLean and many other talented Canadian artists have generously donated pieces. Gord Downie, of The Tragically Hip, has agreed to donate numerous signed Hockey Jerseys, albums and much more to this worthwhile cause. Tickets are $125 plus processing fees and are available online www.mycollingwood.ca/ Comfort_for_Kids.asp November 2 The Independent Living Challenge 2011 Annual Fundraising Campaign Royal Canadian Legion, Collingwood Participants will experience four different disabilities while accepting the challenge to complete everyday tasks at the “Through Other Eyes” Independent Living Challenge event. The sessions are taking place at the following times: 9-10 a.m., 10:30–11:30 a.m. and 1– 2 p.m. Fundraisers are asked to collect pledges from friends, family and colleagues. Registration is free to participants who raise a minimum of $100 in pledges. Participants who do not raise the minimum will pay a $25 registration fee. To register or for more information please call Andrea at 705-445-1543 ext. 300 www.breakingdownbarriers.org November 5 North East Grey Health Clinic Fundraiser Meaford Hall Featuring Robert Pilon and Friends. $125 with $75 tax receipt. www.meafordhall.ca

December 3 Emilie-Claire Barlow & the Unique Boutique Meaford Hall A Meaford Hall & Culture Foundation Christmas Fundraiser. Silent auction. 8 p.m. Tickets $40. www.mhcfoundation.ca

SPEAKERS/BOOK TALKS OctOber 17 Frank Kershaw Meaford Hall Frank Kershaw is an award-winning horticulturalist now teaching design at George Brown College and the Toronto Botanical Garden. Kershaw will give a presentation on the fundamentals of good garden design. 7 p.m. Cost $10. www.meafordhall.ca OctOber 20 Authors by the Bay Leisure Time Club, Collingwood Spend a memorable evening with two world-renowned Canadian authors: Merilyn Simonds, author of “The Convict Lover” and “The Holding” and Wayne Grady, author of “Tree: A Life Story and The Great Lakes: The Natural History of a Changing Region.” 7 p.m. Tickets $15. OctOber 22 Georgian Bay Reads Collingwood Public Library Bringing five local libraries to celebrate Canadian authors and communication between libraries in an event filled with lively discussion, good-natured competition and an enthusiastic audience. Each library chooses a defender and a book in hopes of convincing fellow defenders and audience members of their books’ merit in a live debate. 7 p.m. www.georgianbayreads.ca

OctOber 30 Gerald Caplan L.E. Shore Memorial Library, Thornbury Author, teacher, media commentator, and social and political activist with a lifelong commitment to African development, Gerald Caplan speaks on the Future of Africa from 1–3 p.m. (519) 599-6668

THEATRE OctOber 28 – 30 & NOvember 4 – 5 Into the Woods Duntroon Community Hall October 28, November 4 & 5 performances at 7:30 p.m. October 29 & 20 at 3 p.m. www.clearviewcommunitytheatre.ca NOvember 3 Wingfield Unbound Meaford Hall In his fourth season on the farm, Walt Wingfield tries to preserve the memory of the old rural community of Persephone Township by promoting the crumbling Hollyhock Mill as a museum site. But the locals say the mill is haunted. Undaunted by such superstitious fears, Walt sets out to prove there’s nothing to this curse business, with near disastrous results. www.wingfieldfarm.ca NOvember 3 - 6 Squabbles Marsh Street Centre, Clarksburg A comedy by Marshall Karp. Tickets $10. (519) 599-6785 NOvember 10 Women & War: Remembrance Day Meaford Hall Celebrating the roles of women during wars and recognizing how war has changed the lives of individual women. Featuring personal

stories, music and a one-act war-time drama. 8 p.m. Tickets $10. www.meafordhall.ca December 9 Kids in the Meaford Hall Meaford Hall Presenting the wonderful story of Alice in Wonderland. A zany show with hilarious actions, sure to entertain both young and old. 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets $15. www.meafordhall.ca

FILM OctOber 4, 11, 18 & 25 ’60s TV Nights Meaford Museum Celebrate the era of the ’60s as we watch favourite episodes from TV’s best shows. A different genre each week. Popcorn available. 7 p.m. Admission by donation. www.meafordmuseum.ca or contact Pamela Woolner, Curator at (519) 538-5974 OctOber 27 The Bang Bang Club Meaford Hall South Africa, 1994: Nelson Mandela has just been released from prison and tensions are steadily rising in the final bloody months of apartheid. Tribal factions backed by government wage bloody war on each other and the gunshots ring through the streets. In the middle of this are the Bang Bang Club – four young photojournalists who risked their lives to document the horrors occurring around them. Drama Rated R. 4 p.m. Tickets $10. www.meafordhall.ca

NOvember 17 The Company Men Meaford Hall The story of this film centres on a year in the life of three men trying to survive around corporate downsizing at a major company and how that affects them, their families and their communities. Drama Rated R. 4 p.m. Tickets $10. www.meafordhall.ca December 1 Oranges and Sunshine Meaford Hall This film tells the story of Margaret Humphreys, a social worker from Nottingham, who uncovered one of the most significant social scandals in recent times: the forced migration of children from the United Kingdom. Drama Rated R. 4 p.m. Tickets $10. www.meafordhall.ca

WATCH FOR MORE EVENTS IN OUR NEXT ISSUE! Please submit events for mid December to end of February by Friday, November 18. These events will appear in our Winter issue. On The Bay Magazine reserves the right to choose which events will be listed and to edit submissions for style and length considerations. On The Bay Magazine is not responsible for errors or omissions. Visit www.onthebaymagazine.com to watch for the latest listings or to add your event.

On The Bay

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To advertise, contact Cheryl Armstrong, Western Sales Manager at carmstrong@onthebaymagazine.com, or Shauna Burke, Eastern Sales Manager at sburke@onthebaymagazine.com Ph: 705.444.9192 • Fax: 705.444.5658



Wasaga Beach






With us, there’s always more to see. W NE



Contemporary style chalet with great living & entertaining NATURE LOVER’S space, indoors & out. 3050 sq. ft. with RETREAT 5 bedrooms, 3 ½ baths. Enchanting on 23 salt acres withpool, 2000' of Stunning back yardproperty with in ground water courtyard, Beaver River frontage; close to skiing, and incredible landscaping & 2nd level deck withgolfing unobstructed Thornbury. Unique & the beautiful views of ski hills.3600 sq. foot 3 bedroom, 2½ ® bath home, custom designed to MLS #20114727 $1,295,000 showcase Mother Nature.

Impressive Georgian Colonial style home on the banks of the Beaver River. 4000 sq. ft. of finished living space with 5 bedrooms & 4 bathrooms on 21 treed acres. Great outdoor entertaining area with screened-in gazebo, in-ground pool with large interlocking deck/patio area and pool house. Paved road, year round access. MLS® #20114261 $1,449,000




5200 sq. ft. custom chalet across from O Hill. Bright & open Large chalet backing onto ski hills. Two stone fireplaces, 7" plank great room, gourmet kitchen & separate dining area. Main flooring on main level and family room, heated floors in ensuite floor master, 6 bdrms, finished lower level. Beautiful and main floor bath. Professionally decorated and landscaped, six home/chalet built with family and friends in mind. bdrms, 4 baths, automatic sprinklers, large deck with electric ® MLS #20111289 $1,449,000 awning, and unobstructed views. MLS® #20113207 $1,149,000

MLS® #20100143 $1,295,000




Unique & inviting home with 118 ft. of waterfront on the shores of Georgian Bay. Custom designed 3840 sq. ft. home with 4 bdrms, 3 1/2 baths. Enclosed courtyard with wood burning fireplace, manicured lawns and beautiful landscaping. MLS® #20112647 $1,595,000

Custom chalet with incredible views from all rooms. 4000 sq. ft. home with many upgrades & great attention to detail. Heated garage - parking for 7 cars. MLS® #20113896 $899,000


Immaculate home/chalet on cul-de-sac with path leading to South Base Lodge. Open concept living/dining area with vaulted ceiling & fieldstone f/p. Reverse floor plan. Very well cared for home backing onto treed area with view of the Mountain. MLS® #20114194 $749,000




6100 sq. foot post & beam chalet with unobstructed view of Blue Mountain & Monterra golf course. Great room with wood burning f/p & 26’ vaulted ceiling. Master bedroom with walk-in closet, gas f/p, balcony & 5 piece ensuite. Located in Historic Snowbridge. Private heated community pool & shuttle bus to Blue Mountain Resorts. MLS® #20112058 $1,349,000

4300 sq. ft. ranch bungalow with 3 bdrms at the 12th tee of the Raven Golf Course. Main floor master, finished lower level. Attention to detail & superb craftsmanship throughout. MLS® #20113021 $749,000



Open concept 1900 sq. ft. 3 bedroom home on the shores of Georgian Bay with excellent views across the water. Sandy beach, 130 ft. of water frontage. Municipal water & septic bed. MLS® #20114818 $1,195,000


52 acre parcel with views over Beaver Valley & Georgian Bay. 4375 sq. ft. chalet with 7 bdrms & 3 baths. 2 exquisite wood burning fireplaces surrounded by fieldstone walls, large eat in kitchen with walkout to wrap around deck. Very private, well maintained property with year round access. MLS® #20114239 $749,000

www.douggillis.ca doug@douggillis.ca

Great ski chalet in the heart of Blue Mountain with view of the ski hills. Reverse floor plan with eat in kitchen, large living/dining area with a wood burning f/p & sliding doors leading out to deck facing the Mountain. 4 bdrms, 2 baths, 2400 sq. ft. Bright & airy chalet in move in condition. MLS® #20114855 $429,000


Stylish, open concept 3200 sq. ft. chalet. Total of 4 bdrms & 2 1/2 baths. Private, extra deep lot. Centrally located, walking distance to hills & Village. Clean and contemporary with many upgrades. MLS® #20114060 $749,000

Top 1%* of all RE/MAX realtors in Canada * January 1, 2011 - June 30, 2011



Extra large, premium building lot on sandy beach with great views over Georgian Bay & approx 187’ of water frontage. Existing 3 bedroom cottage with updated kitchen & fieldstone fireplace in living room. Municipal sewer & water. MLS® #20112430 $1,099,000



5 bdrm chalet located on dead end street at base of Blue ski runs on private treed lot. Kitchen with island, walk–in pantry, heated floor & high end appliances. Spacious master with 5 piece ensuite. Sauna, 3 w/o balconies & BBQ deck. Great layout for family & friends. Note: also licensed for B&B. MLS® #20113067 $849,000


100 acres of rolling land with 70 working acres, 50’ x 60’ metal clad barn & 1200 sq. ft. house. Adjacent to another 100 acre parcel of vacant land, also for sale (MLS® #20114834) MLS® #20114835 $589,000


Registered waterfront development across from Georgian Peaks Ski Club, nestled between the slopes and shoreline with great vistas of Georgian Bay & the Escarpment. Access to Georgian Bay. Lots range from $195,000 to $375,000




2870 sq. ft. 5 bedroom, 3 1/2 bathroom chalet on cul-de-sac. Open concept main level, master bedroom with 5 piece ensuite & walk-in closet, finished lower level. Fenced yard facing Blue Mountain with deck, hot tub & in-ground pool. MLS® #20114419 $579,000


2050 sq. ft. chalet with 3 bdrms on the 2nd level, including master with 5 piece ensuite and walk-in closet. Open concept main level. Fully finished lower level with family room, 4th bdrm and 3 piece bath. MLS® #20114021 $764,900


4 bdrm, 3 ½ bath home in Historic Snowbridge, backing onto 16th hole at Monterra Golf Course. Great room with wood burning fireplace, gourmet kitchen, fully finished lower level. Enjoy use of outdoor pool & shuttle to village/ski hills year round. MLS® #20114141 $879,000

four seasons realty limited, Brokerage 67 First Street, Collingwood



DEGREE VISTAS 100 360 AC & OVER THE TOP $2,800,000.Abutting the Bruce Trail w/unparalled views of The Peaks, Georgian Bay and the Beaver Valley.11,000+sq ft w/2dwellings+guest suite, 7 garages indoor/outdoor pools tennis. Sue Mallett* 705 444 7181

$3,395,000 6 BDRM, 4 ½ bath on 42 acres overlooking Georgian Bay. Radiant heat, main floor master, 4 f/p's, nanny suite, private swimming pond & Silvercreek. Minutes to amenities. Judy Crompton** / Paige Young* 705.445.5454

www.ScholteHomes.com WWW.JOHNANDDI.COM


$1,495,000 Stunning interior design, dramatic space, exquisite construction! Over 6000 sq ft., four bdrm, full, finished basement, triple car garage, geothermal heat system, 3.25 acres, fabulous view property! Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968

$1,345,000 Custom 6 bdrms/ 4 baths home. Within an enclave of finer homes, walking distance to the ski club, mountain views & backing on a conservation area. Expansive decking, hot tub, garage with workshop. Anthea White**705.446.8520

www.ScholteHomes.com WWW.JOHNANDDI.COM


$1,195,000 Make this wonderful Princeton Shores waterfront home your full time residence or enjoy it as a year round getaway. Beautiful 0.67 acre waterfront lot with channel for swimming and docking your boat. John M. Kacmar** 705.446.4152

$1,175,000"Prairie" design 4200 sq.ft. bungalow on 74X167 lot with main level master & loft+2drms w/ensuites. Family room with floor to ceiling stone fireplace & opening to 1200 sq ft deck with hot tub overlooking Craigleith ski hills. Sue Mallett* Direct 705.444.7181



$1,499,000 Gourmet kitchen, great room with vaulted ceilings, 6 bedrooms, 5 baths, recreation room with wet bar, multiple walkouts, slate, granite, marble. 6 acres and only 10 minutes to Thornbury. Sandee Roberts** 705.446.7775

$1,675,000 3600 sq.ft home w/ Wiarton Quarry stone, post and beam interior. Panoramic views best of the Beaver Valley, near Kimberley. 50 ac w/ 1 ac pond w/ stone waterfall. www.ReadHilton.com Read Hilton* 705.351.8100


COMMERCIAL BUILDING A MUST SEE! $1,495,000 Renovated home 2 mins from top of Blue. Magnificent dining area or outdoors on south or north deck, custom kitchen w/ seamless stainless counter & sink. Unwind outdoors in hot tub, or salt-water pool. Brendan Thomson* 705.606.1270



$1,295,000 Country elegance with views of Georgian Bay! 6 bdrm/4 baths home on 44+ acres, pool, spring fed pond, creek winds thru property, steel clad barn, w/ potential for 3+ horse stalls,gourmet kitchen. Anthea White**705.446.8520

SUMMIT VIEW ESTATES IMAGINE! $1,100,000 A 19+ acre property on the Beaver River with a landscaped pond complete w/ waterfall, cabana & gardens. Exceptional curb appeal in an enclave of finer homes. Great room with views over the valley. Anthea White**705.446.8520

$1,275,000 49+ acre features landscaped pond, maple, cherry & evergreens. Timber Frame construction w/vaulted ceiling, stone fireplace, deck overlooking pond. Significant attention to details, a treasured property! Anthea White** 705.446.8520

$1,000,000 Fabulous views of Georgian Bay. 2 stone fireplaces, 4 bdrm with 2 bdrm above new 3 car garage. Cedar Ridge membership adds deeded water access, private beach, docking and tennis courts! Meredith Cudney* 705.446.8436

COMMERCIALVIEWS G BUILDING SPECTACULAR $985,000 Overlooking the 18th hole of Raven Golf Course this home offers over 4700 sq.ft. finished space w/ 6 bdrms, 4 baths & full finished lower level. Floor to ceiling stone mantle, premium appliances, fixtures and integrated wiring. Steps to clubhouse & members lodge. Anthea White** 705.446.8520

COMMERCIAL ING ACREAGE CLOSE TOBUILDING THORNBURY $899,000 Stately home on 20 acres with pastoral views. Includes in-ground pool, spring fed swimming pond, and perennial & veggie gardens. 40x80ft industrial shop. Wonderful 4 season property & only minutes to skiing & golf. Paige Young, 705.241.2433

Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage

Ilse Ayers**

Diana Berdini**

Sales Representative*

Nora Black**

Judy Crompton** Meredith Cudney* Ryan Gardhouse*

Read Hilton*

Keith Hull**

Ellen Jarman*

John Kacmar**

Anita Lauer*


705.445.5454 www.chestnutpark.com

Charity Lakk*

Cheryl MacLaurin*

Sue Mallett*

393 First Street, Suite 100 Collingwood, ON L9Y 1B3








$979,000 93 ac. magnificent 3700sq.ft renovated farmhouse. Custom kitchen w/ restored barn beams, granite counters, hemlock floors, 4x8ft butcher block island 2 sunrooms, 2 fireplaces, garage & workshop. Charity Lakk *705.444.9690

$969,000 3000 sq. ft. home/3 car garage. Magnificent views of South Georgian Bay. Surrounded by 225 wooded ac on 1 side & 97 ac on other. Close to Oslerbrook & Batteaux Creek golf , Osler bluff & Devils Glen ski areas, 10 mins to Collingwood. Barb Picot* 705.444.3452

$929,000 Panoramic views of Georgian Bay the 18th hole of Raven Golf Club. Pride of ownership is evident throughout. Living room w/ soaring ceiling and finished with post & beam detailing. 3428 total sq.ft. Lrg sunroom overlooks gardens. Laurie Westlake* 705.446.7747

www.ScholteHomes.com CUSTOM BUILT HOME $799,000 Summit View Estates! Spacious 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath home on a private lot minutes to Georgian Peaks and Thornbury and area amenities. Spa ensuite with steam shower & heated stone flooring , kitchen with custom cabinetry & butlers pantry. Paige Young* 705.241.2433

360 DEGREE VISTAS PANORAMIC WATERFRONT $795,000 4 bdrm, 3+1 bath, prestigious penthouse at Admirals Gate. Watch the boats and sunsets from the oversized deck & enjoy the use of the seasonal inground pool and whirlpool. Custom kitchen w/ granite counters, Brazilian cherry flooring. Barb Picot* 705.444.3452

SUMMIT VIEW ESTATES SKIERS WANTED! $695,000 Equidistant to Craigleith & Toronto Ski Clubs & Blue. Tastefully decorated & offers everything a family needs. 5 beds/3 baths, den/office, family rm, lrg lot w/ oversized garage. For year round enjoyment, Craigleith has the summer club tennis courts & pool. Anthea White** 705.446.8520

COMMERCIAL BUILDING CREEMORE HILLS $899,000 Stunning Timber Frame set on 1.7 park like acres. Light filled Great Room with 24 ft vaulted ceiling, chef's kitchen, main floor master with ensuite, 5 beds, 3 baths, salt water pool, walk to Creemore. Cheryl MacLaurin* 705.446.8005

COMMERCIAL BUILDING LUXURY AND PRIVACY $675,000 Custom built 4 bdrm , 4.5 bath home on 57.5 acres atop the Niagara Escarpment. Enjoy views from every window plus immediate access to the Bruce Trail. Minutes to both Owen Sound & Meaford. Paige Young* 705.241.2433


COMMERCIAL BUILDING BUILD A VERY SPECIAL PROPERTY $899,000 In the Town of Collingwood with the feel of country. Approx. 300’ frontage on Silver Creek. 3 bdrms, 3 baths, main flr master & laundry. Lg deck w/ southern exposure overlooking creek. Oversized dbl garage. Judy Crompton** 705.444.9312

COMMERCIAL BUILDING SHIPYARDS /WATERFRONT $645,000 walk to fitness/spas ,restaurants, and shops from your 2229 sq ft 3 bathroom condo with full Georgian Bay views from every room $70,000+ in upgrades in this redesigned Ft William model Sue Mallett 705.444.7181 suemallett@chestnutpark.com

www.ScholteHomes.com WWW.JOHNANDDI.COM $639,900 Well designed, tasteful décor, 3 bdrm, 1724 sq ft., ground floor waterfront condo at Lighthouse Point. Enjoy the views from your patio. Take a stroll to the Rec Centre for a swim, workout or to meet friends. Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968

360 DEGREE VISTAS WWW.THEPICOTTEAM.COM $633,000 Legendary Log Home. 3000 sq ft. 2+2 bdrms, 3 baths, decks w/ views to ski hills and Georgian Bay, in-law capability w/fin basement, radiant heated floors in lower level. Min to Blue & private ski clubs . MLS® 20111565 Ron Picot* 705.445.8580



$599,000 Sensational custom built home! 4 bdrms and 3 baths. Kitchen features custom cabinetry, stainless steel appliances and breakfast bar. Great room, open concept dining room. Media/Family room, Jen Scholte**705.444.4949

$599,000 Built in 2010, this 1800 sq ft., 3 bedroom, 1.5 storey, Colonial Concepts Log Home sits on 43.47 ac and boasts a large pond, stocked with trout! Swim, hike, relax here in paradise! Close to Devil's Glen. John M. Kacmar** 705.446.4152

COMMERCIAL MULTI-SEASON PRIMEBUILDING LOCATION $597,000 Walk to lifts & Intrawest Village. Stunning views of Blue! 3694 sq.ft. large open concept living dining, kitchen, wood burning fireplace. Great for entertaining. Barb Picot*/Ron Picot* 705.444.3452 www.ThePicotTeam.com





www.ScholteHomes.com UNPARALLELED WATER VIEWS $579,000 “Lighthouse Point" dine on your Georgian Bay deck at your 2bed 2bth w/ many upgrades &offering garage, elevator, rec centre, indoor/outdoor pools, tennis &marina. Sue Mallett* 705.444.7181 suemallett@chestnutpark.com


360ELM DEGREE VISTAS 139 STREET $259,900 Attractive 2 storey home, 3+ bedrooms, 3 baths, reverse plan main living area and kitchen upstairs featuring vaulted ceilings, Open concept. Main floor family room, Slate floors and laminate flooring. Jen Scholte**705.444.4949




$535,000 Beautifully restored 19th Century home on 10+ac welcoming and inspiring! 75 ft diameter swimming pond,Fully renovated from top to bottom, kitchen, Main floor family room, fireplace, heated floors. Jen Scholte**705.444.4949

$487,000 Downtown core Collingwood. 2478 sq.ft., 4 bdrms, 2.5 baths, 1 gas,/ 1 wood burning fireplace, private back yard/deck, main floor master w/6 pc ensuite, attached garage. Very spacious. MLS® 20113170 Barb Picot 705.444.3452

$485,000 Located on a quiet Craigleith Street. Panoramic views of Blue from front deck. Feat. inc. 3+1bdrm, 3 baths , cathedral ceiling open to loft & perfect as lounge or home office. 2nd level feat master w/ ensuite. Keith Hull** 705.444.4855





www.ScholteHomes.com CLASSIC REGENCY $484,900 Red brick bungalow offering the charm of yesteryear with the upgraded comforts of today. Located in the “Heritage District”. Renovations galore. Main house has 3 bdrms, & 2 baths. Bonus 1 bdrm charming apartment with separate entrance. Sandee Roberts** 705.446.7775

360OF DEGREE VISTAS PRIDE OWNERSHIP $479,000 Over 4200 sq.ft of finished space with many upgrades in a very desirable neighbourhood .Premium lot that is private & professionally landscaped and fully fenced. Modern open concept family, dining, kitchen area w/ soaring ceilings. 4+1 bdrms, 3+1 baths Laurie Westlake *705.446.7747


VIEW ESTATES 4SUMMIT SUNSET COURT $399,900 Exceptional central Collingwood Sunset Point location. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, Hear the waves, enjoy a natural setting, in-ground pool, detached 1.5 car garage, full front porch four season sunroom, Jen Scholte** 705.444.4949

Barbara Pugh*

Shelly Paul**

Barbara Picot*


Ron Picot*

Sandee Roberts** Jen Scholte**

705.445.5454 www.chestnutpark.com

$395,000 From back laneway you enter onto the beautifully landscaped property w/ private courtyard. Main floor features separate living & dining w/ original woodwork, country kitchen, laundry, 3 pc. bath and 700 sq.ft. great room. Laurie Westlake* 705.446.7747

$389,000 Overlooking the 8th Fairway of Cranberry Golf Course, Bright and spacious principal rooms, featuring upgraded kitchen, windows, California shutters, 3 bedrooms, 2 w/ ensuite baths, gas heat, central air, double garage large deck. Laurie Westlake* 705.446.7747

New to QR codes? Visit www.chestnutpark.com/get-qr for a free QR code reader and to view all of Chestnut Park’s listings!

Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage

Sales Representative*



Helen Dixon*

Brendan Thomson* Barbara Thompson* Laurie Westlake* Anthea White**

Carol Whyne*

Paige Young*

Justine Deluce VP Operations

393 First Street, Suite 100 Collingwood, ON L9Y 1B3






m135 FERNBROOK www.ScholteHomes.com $384,900 Fully finished, bright spacious. With close to 4000 sq.ft. Eat in kitchen with centre island, main floor family room, separate dining room and 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. Numerous upgrades Full list available . Jen Scholte** 705.444.4949

www.ScholteHomes.com MODERN CONDO - TANGLEWOOD $289,900 Multi-level living – this condo is perfect for a couple or a family. 3 bdrms, 4 baths, large windows, wood flooring, cook's kitchen w/ island, granite counters , stainless appliances. Single car garage w/ inside entry. Close to skiing swimming, biking. Laurie Westlake* 705.446.7747




$379,000 Charming, one of a kind, Arts and Crafts style home set atop a hill in Clarksburg. Timeless touches, yet modern conveniences. 4 bdrm home with a self contained, 2 bdrm in-law suite in the basement. Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968

$359,000 Luxuriously renovated, raised bungalow on mature Maple St. 1322 of beautifully finished sq ft, feels as though you are in a new custom built home. Clean lines, designer flare. Open Concept, vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors. Shelly Paul** 705.888.0225

$329,000 Charming century farmhouse on 5 mature acres on the border of Collingwood & Clearview. 6 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2116 finished sq ft. Walking distance to the new Georgian College Campus. Shelly Paul** 705.888.0225


SUMMIT SUBDIVISION VIEW ESTATES CREEKSIDE TES $249,000 Open concept living, dining, kitchen – perfect for entertaining or family time together. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, hardwood floors, 9' ceilings throughout main level, ceramic flooring, gas fireplace, updated kitchen, whirlpool tub. Backs onto wooded area w/ trails. Laurie Westlake* 705.446.7747


$249,500 Upgrades throughout this 3 bedroom /2 bath home on a large in-town lot. Includes a single car garage with office/studio and stunning perennial gardens. Paige Young* 705.241.2433 Judy Crompton** 705.444.9312

$175,900 3 bdrm, 3 bath (inc main floor powder room) . Southern exposure to treed area facing Cranberry golf course. Expansive windows, 5 appliances, gas fireplace with brick surround and available turnkey. Ilse Ayers** ilseayers@chestnutpark.com

COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOCKHART SUBDIVISION $324,900 3 Bdrm, 2+2 baths, R2000 home designed w/ energy efficiency in mind. Open concept, kitchen, dining, family rm w/ beautiful oak-peg flooring & wood burning f/p. Spacious master with maple hardwood & ensuite. Salt water pool. Laurie Westlake* 705.446.7747

COMMERCIAL BUILDING COTTAGE ALTERNATIVES $125,000 - $699,000 Fully furnished. Turnkey resort homes in Blue Mountain Village. Use when you wish & when not, put them in the rental program and generate revenue. Just pack your bags and come enjoy the magic! Ellen Jarman* 705.441.2630

Thinking of Selling? AVAILABLE IN ALTA! Just finished and move in ready on a ski-in lot in Alta! 6 Bedrooms, 5 baths, over 5,000 sq ft of finished space.

$1,395,000 Call Holly Stone*

Interview us.

BEAUTIFUL 3 LEVEL BUNGALOW ON OVERSIZED LOT In Thornbury/Clarksburg. Great street, close to shops, school and library. 4 Beds, 3 bath, great for a family, with sunroom/walkout to private deck and lower level rec room.

$419,000 Call Julia Hinds*

BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT AT SUNNYSIDE BEACH Spectacular views over Georgian Bay and the escarpment. Private sandy beach for swimming, great depth for boating. 3 Bedrooms/2 bath, open concept living and dining. Bunkey/workshop close to the shore.

$509,000 Call Rod MacAlpine*

WICKED WATERFRONT IN LEITH Stunning value. 170 feet of waterfront flanked by Keefer Creek. Executive home, extensive decks and outbuildings. Must be seen!

$799,000 Call Dave Smith**

SKIERS PARADISE Walk to TSC, the North Chair or the Village. 5 Bedrooms, 4 bathroom round log chalet. Tons of space, loads of charm.

Offered at $745,000 Call Dave Armstrong*

GEORGIAN BEACH COTTAGE Cozy 2 bedroom retreat with open living area, wood floors, gas heat, private rear patio and large deck overlooking Georgian Bay.

WATERFRONT LIVING! Bungalow on great lot 85’ x 175’, municipal services, gas heat, central air, feature wood burning fireplace in spacious living area. Private treed setting and stone patio.

CRAIGLEITH LOG CHALET Steps to the Ski Club. Over 6,000 sq ft, six bedrooms, main floor Master, cathedral Great Room, recreation room with bar.

Offered at $369,000 Call Jim* or Sharon** Gray

Offered at $469,000 Call Jim* or Sharon** Gray


STUNNING ALTA OASIS At the base of Alpine Ski Club. 6 Bedrooms, 4½ bathrooms, 3 separate living spaces, stunning gourmet kitchen. The very best in “Mountain Modern” design.

Offered at $1,750,000 Call Des Von Teichman**

SOUGHT AFTER FOREST HOME Six bedrooms, gourmet kitchen, hot tub, minutes to The Blue Mountain and Collingwood.


Call Karen Willison* or LeeAnn Matthews*

Call LeeAnn Matthews* or Karen Willison*

RETRO-COOL This home combines majestic modern with “retro-cool”, architectural glass and reclaimed barn board. 5 Acres of privacy with awesome convenience for downtown Thornbury.

Offered at $975,000

Call Matthew Lidbetter*

Start on the web, that’s what buyers are doing.

www.locationsnorth.com Explore with us TM


Locations North Realty Brokerage Independently owned & operated

* Sales Representative ** Broker

Meaford & Beaver Valley 96 Sykes Street North 519-538-5755

Thornbury & Blue Mountains 27 Arthur Street (Highway 26) 519-599-2136


































Collingwood Collingwood

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Trinity Realty Inc., Brokerage Trinity Realty Brokerage Independently owned and operated

Independently Owned and Operated

Unique 100 Acre Farm

Minutes to Town Victorian brick farmhouse reproduction. 2 storey workshop.

Executive 3,000 sq.ft. home. Private air strip, hanger & shop.

$ 490,000

Beaver Valley

Singhampton Beautiful & historic. Updated, yet many original features.

104 acre estate with Bay views. 5 bdrm updated home.

Premium View Lot

View of Mountain

Upscale golf course community minutes to skiing at Blue Mtn. 3 bdrm, 2½ bath home. Large deck.

Stunning 6 bdrm 4 bath home is a must see!

$ 549,000

$ 665,000

$ 449,000

tours.photolink.ca/37443 Dean Raven* 705.309.4784

myhomes.360photo.ca/6834 Fran Webster* 705.444.9081

tours.photolink.ca/33818 Melanie Moss* 705.888.1578

myhomes.360photo.ca/6753 Greg Syrota* 705.446.8082

Rebecca Cormier* 705.888.5100

myhomes.thevirtualtourcompany.ca/6208 Dana Calder* 705.441.3607

Location! Location!

View of Ski Hills

Easy Access to Hwy

Rustic Charm

Country Chalet

Lora Bay

Well designed 5 bdrm home. Many custom upgrades!

Outstanding chalet, walk to the ski lifts & Village at Blue.

Just around the corner to Georgian Peaks Ski Hills!

This 3 bdrm chalet is close to Northwinds Beach & ski hills at Blue Mtn. Backs onto Georgian Trail.

Located 2 miles from the top of Blue Mtn, this 3 bdrm+den is perfect for the ski enthusiast family!

Private court setting, this building lot is an ideal location for that upscale home or weekend retreat! Enjoy the waterfront beach & golf course.

$ 1,700,000

$ 859,000 144ventureblvd.epropertysites.com Sara White* 705.828.6202



$ 489,000

$ 458,900

myhomes.360photo.ca/6839 Larry Reid* 705.443.2351

myhomes.thevirtualtourcompany.ca/2571 Beverly Raven* 705.309.4785

$ 259,000

$ 324,900

Annette Voss Lake* 705.717.3232

Chris Moffat-Lynch* 705.606.0850

$ 129,000 Ron Crocker* 705.443.7759

Fabulous Views

The Shipyards

Dockside Village

Lighthouse Point

Applejack End Unit

Beautifully appointed home in The Shipyards community. Underground parking & your very own elevator.

Enjoy the Waterfront Promenade with parks, trails & more. Lovely finishing in this 3 bdrm home.

Upgraded 3 bdrm condo is a short drive to ski hills!

Collingwood’s premier waterfront resort community. Ground floor 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo with patio.

3 bdrm condo is located close to skating arena, park, school, library & downtown Thornbury.

Waterfront Custom home views of Bay.

$ 450,000

$ 554,900

$ 299,000

$ 249,000

$ 153,900

myhomes.360photo.ca/6199 Rosanna Balloi* 705.606.0267

$ 849,999

Rebecca Cormier* 705.888.5100

Laura Sargeant** 647.999.9256

tours.photolink.ca/37929 Sandy Shannon** 705.445.7833

Janet Reljic* 705.888.8512

Debbie Bunston* 705.444.2925

McKean Subdivision

Desirable Community

Excellent Neighourhood

Great Investment

Stroll to Bay

Stunning Water View

Great 3+2 bdrm family home. Large eatin kitchen & separate dining room. Wonderful landscaped yard.

Charming 3 bdrm home recently built with Energy Star Built Rating for superior energy efficicency.

3 bdrm home is set on a large beautifully landscaped lot, large rear deck & oversized workshop.

With a little TLC you could transform this duplex. Walk to downtown Collingwood.

This 2 bdrm home boasts many recent upgrades. Large detached garage & fenced yard.

Steps to Bay from this newly renovated 2+1 bdrm home. Large patio & deck with views.

$ 749,900

$ 239,900

$ 329,900

$ 259,900

$ 149,900

$ 184,900

Larry Farrall* 705.606.0043

Leslie Pocklington* 705.446.4850

$ 219,500

Stan Reljic* 705.888.5124

Valerie Scott* 705.606.0955

Connie O’Shell** 705.444.3154

Garry Spencer** 705.444.4601

Central Collingwood

Parklike Setting

Mountaincroft Collingwood

Central Stayner



Historic century 4 bdrm home. Landscaped gardens.

Spacious 4 bdrm home boasts an open concept design.

Beautiful & bright 3 bdrm upgraded home.

Recently renovated 3 bdrm home is walking distance to shopping, school & the park.

Well kept 3 bdrm home with recent upgrades. Detached double garage/ workshop on landscaped lot.

This 3 bdrm home is a fabulous combination of Historic charm paired with todays modern conveniences.

$ 239,000

$ 425,000

$ 359,000

$ 524,000

$ 173,900

$ 229,000

myhomes.360photo.ca/5659 John Kirby* 705.441.0117

myhomes.thevirtualtourcompany.ca/6806 Cheryl J. Morrison** 705.444.1420

myhomes.thevirtualtourcompany.ca/6893 Larry Farrall* 705.606.0043

Bonnie House* 705.444.9323

Jennifer Ridsdale* 705.888.4636

Rosanna Balloi*

Dean Raven*

Debbie Bunston*

Lori Rawn*

Dana Calder*

Larry Reid*

Rebecca Cormier*

Janet Reljic*

Ron Crocker*

Stan Reljic*

Jennifer Ridsdale*

Larry Farrall*

Bonnie House*

Laura Sargeant**

John Kirby*

Valerie Scott*

Chris Moffat-Lynch*

Sandy Shannon**

* Sales Representative ** Broker *** Broker of Record

Cheryl J. Morrison**

Garry Spencer**

Greg Syrota*

Melanie Moss*

Connie O’Shell**

S. Dale Tkatch***

Lori Rawn* 705.446.8233

Leslie Pocklington*

Annette Voss Lake*

Fran Webster*

Beverly Raven*

Sara White*

ALL EARS... we are

listening to your every need!

DOWNTOWN MEAFORD 3 bdrm., 1 bath, 1052 sq.ft. Upgraded throughout, hardwood etc. $172,174

TANGLEWOOD 2 bdrm., 2 bath, 1030 sq.ft. One level, upgrades, garage & views. $214,811

CHALET NEAR THE PEAKS 6 bdrm., 4.5 bath, 4535 sq. ft. total Immaculate w/fabulous views! $669,000

WEEKEND RETREAT 4 bdrm., 2 bath, 2341 sq. ft. 95 acres, 2 barns, pool, tennis & more! $699,333

ATTENTION ALPINE SKIERS 2+2 bdrm., 3 bath, 4599 sq. ft. fin. Upscale bungalow w/all the bells & whistles. $1,299,000

LIGHTHOUSE GARDEN HOME 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 1326 sq. ft. Near pool & tennis w/garage. $289,000

SIERRA WOODLANDS 3+1 bdrm., 3.5 bath, 2700 sq. ft. fin. Granite, hardwood, double garage. $535,000

WATERFRONT W/BOAT SLIP 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 1605 sq. ft. Granite, hardwood, views to die for! $639,900

GEORGIAN PEAKS & GEORGIAN BAY CLUB 4 bdrm., 3.5 bath, 3690 sq. ft. fin. Views, designer finishes & walkout. $1,195,000

MINUTES TO OSLER & BLUE 4 bdrm., 3.5 bath, 4558 sq. ft. fin. Pool, views, triple garage. Must see. $899,000

LAKE EUGENIA WATERFRONT 4 bdrm., 2.5 bath, 3406 sq. ft. fin. Sand beach, post & beam, walkout. $1,275,000

SKI HILL VIEWS 4 bdrm., 2.5 bath, 2877 sq.ft. $$$$’s in upgrades, beautifully decorated $699,550

CUSTOM HOME ON 2.5 ACRES 3+2 bdrm., 3 bath, 4249 sq. ft. total Pool, workshop & potential in law suite $592,000

STARTER HOME OR SKI CHALET 3 bdrm., 1 bath, 1733 sq. ft. total Hardwood, open plan layout & stunning lot $264,529

BLUE SHORES ON POND 3 bdrm., 2.5 bath, 1665 sq. ft. Hardwood, gas f/p and many upgrades $448,737

VACANT LAND 49+ Scenic Acres in Meaford $399,000 2 Acre waterfront in Cedar Ridge $650,000 1.18 Acre across from Beaver River $169,000 ½ Acre backing onto Trail $199,900 CLOSE TO GEORGIAN BAY 3 bdrm., 1 bath, 1363 sq. ft. Stunning lot and well maintained home $188,259

SKI SEASON RENTALS Call for 2,3,4 bdrm. condos and chalets. Mountainside, country, we have it all! From $6000/season

360 VIEWS, ACREAGE, PRIVACY 4 bdrm., 2.5 bath, 3700 sq. ft. 20 Acres, pond, tennis & bay views. $949,000

ROCKYLN INN 8/9 bdrm., 3.5 bath, 4894 sq. ft. Geothermal, new roof, immaculately kept $724,730

60 Acres near Osler $210,000

ExecuTeamAdvantage.com Emma Baker, Sales Representative 705.444.3989

Christine Smith, Broker 705.888.0201

Sherry Rioux, Broker, SRES 705.443.2793 SellingCollingwood.com


ExecuTeam Advantage


41 Hurontario Street, Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 2L7

Showcase of Fine

HOMES For updated information and realtor links go to www.onthebaymagazine.com and click on SHOWCASE HOMES





3 bdrm. custom bungalow, open concept,

Private setting backing onto the Silver Creek. 5 bdrm.,

Custom built Colorado design 4 bdrm., 3 bath with

Custom designed bungalow on a 3/4 acre estate

center island in kitchen, cultured stone wood

3 bath multi-level custom design home with outdoor

open concept living. Vaulted ceilings, 3-way stone

lot in Craigleith. 3200 sq. ft., 3 bdrms. & large

burning fireplace. French doors opening to an

deck over looking the river, attached tennis court &

fireplace, fully finished lower level with media rm,

bonus room above garage. Minutes to all the area›s

expansive deck with fabulous mountain views.

hot tub, dbl car attached garage. Open concept living

exercise area & unique 800 bottle wine cellar. Excellent

amenities. Large eat-in custom designed kitchen,

$649,000 MLS #20110863

room with vaulted ceilings & wood burning fireplace.

location for Craigleith & Alpine Ski Club & Georgian

sunroom & Great Room, floor to ceiling gas fireplace

Close to ski hills & golf. $1,595,000 MLS #20114481

Bay Golf Club members. $999,000 MLS #20114582

& hardwood flooring. $799,900 MLS #20110149




Post & Beam. 7 bdrms., 5 1/2 baths, 7200 sq.

1.3 acre view property in Craigleith. Family or retirement

Custom built chalet. 4000 sq. ft. of living space,












chalet with 4 bdrms., 2 1/2 baths, reverse floor plan,

soaring vaulted ceilings in the Great Room, main floor

Georgian Peaks Ski Club, surrounded by green space,





double car attached garage, pond with waterfall &

master suite, stunning kitchen with granite counters.

great vistas of Georgian Bay & the Escarpment. Close

kitchen with hand carved cabinetry & granite

beautiful entertaining deck backing onto the escarpment.

6 bdrms., 4 baths, full finished lower level with large

to area’s amentities. Build your dream home at this

counters. Outdoor hot tub with seasonal views

Views of Georgian Bay. Located between Alpine &

family room. Located at the finest private golf club

private, fully serviced development with subdivision

of Georgian Bay. $2,495,000 MLS #20112199

The Peaks Ski Club. $629,000 MLS #20113640

in the entire area. $1,550,000 MLS #20112346

guidelines in place. $195,000 to $375,000.

Brad Williams Broker Direct 705-444-4646 Office 705-445-8500 Ext. 231 www.bradwilliamsrealtor.com remaxman@georgian.net


PEAK’S BAY development

On The Bay

Fa l l 2 0 1 1

four seasons realty limited, Brokerage 67 First Street, Collingwood 705.445.8500 Ex. 231



Beautiful custom blt. fully landscaped 5 bedroom, 3

Custom built 5 bedrm, 3 bath home w/inground pool

1/2 bath home w/open concept kit. with island. Living

& gardens in the heart of Thornbury. Open concept

room with cathedral ceiling & large windows to enjoy

living with cathedral ceiling & year round sunroom,

the vista. Master on the main w/ensuite. Fully finished

2 fireplaces, fully finished lower level, attached 2 car

lower level, attached 2 car garage.

garage. 2 1/2 acres separately deeded can be built on.

Asking $739,000

Asking $1,350,000.00

MILL CREEK RETREAT In the heart of Ravenna, a short drive to The Blue Mountains. Four bedrooms and over 6000 sq.ft. of high end home, including private gym and luxury kitchen. $1,950,000

MAJESTIC ALTA RIDGE HOME Six bedrooms, four bathrooms and 5500 sq.ft. of luxury and upgrades. Floor-to-ceiling windows in the great room, reclaimed hemlock floors, dumb waiter and steam room. $1,990,000




Custom built Post and Beam, 4 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath

Totally private and landscaped lot with 2 beach

home on 15 acres. Open concept design w/large

accesses nearby. Upgraded throughout from the

windows, gourmet kitchen, 2 fireplaces, walkout

insulation to the exterior - this 2 bedroom cottage will

lower level fully finished w/wet bar, sauna & family

be your refuge. Large decks front and back, custom

room. Asking $1,350,000.00

kitchen and windows, lovely wood floors – a true see

OLDE TOWN Steps to beautiful down town Collingwood. Upgraded bungalow loft, two bedrooms, three bathrooms, open concept living and double car garage. $435,000


PEACEFUL MONTERRA ESTATES Cathedral great room with views to the ski hills, three bedrooms, four bathrooms, minutes to The Blue Mountains and Collingwood. Large lot with mature trees, backing onto green space. $474,900

and buy property. Asking $379,900 Karen E. Willison, Sales Representative 705 888 0075 kwillison@royallepage.ca LeeAnn Matthews Sales Representative 705 446 8688 lamatthews@royallepage.ca HomesofCollingwood.com LocationsNorth.com

Susan Boadway

Broker Masters Hall of Fame

Marilyn Douglas

Broker ® Brokerage Masters Hall of Fame sue.marilyn@propertiesofbluemountain.com Virtual Tours at: www.propertiesofbluemountain.com 519-599-3300

SPECTACULAR ORCHARD BEAUTY AT BASE OF HILL Gorgeous rustic ambience in this prof. decorated and designed 4 bdrm chalet, across from the trail to V-chair at Craigleith. Extensive upgrades , over $200,000 spent with post and beam, 2 fireplaces, slate, plank hickory hdwd, heated floors, custom cabinetry etc. Furniture avail separately. 4000 sq. ft. of Whistler styled escape, pool & tennis avail. MLS #20114417 $885,000

ALMOST WATERFRONT Ideal location for skiers, golfers & water lovers. Steps to Georgian Bay & a short walk to Georgian Trail. 4 bdrms., 2-1/2 baths, 2 gas fireplaces, finished basement, spacious deck. Pine & ceramic floors.

$450,000 MLS #20114384

EXECUTIVE CLASS IN GEORGIAN MEADOWS Established Collingwood neighbourhood. Impeccably maintained and quality upgraded Essex model with sep. family room, 3 bdrms and office. Gorgeous maple hardwood main floor, exquisite custom kitchen/ stainless appl. Fin bsmt with infloor heat. Shows like a model home. MLS #20114997 $424,990

SKI SEASON RENTAL - BLUE SHORES Available Dec 10th - April 10th (dates are flexible). Turnkey. Tastefully decorated. Sleeping for up to 8 people, 2 Fireplaces, wood floors, fully finished basement, pride of ownership shows. Snow removal included! Utilities extra. Call Joan Malbeuf 705888-0663 direct or malbeufjm@rogers.com MLS

#20114195 $8000 + utilities

Jennifer Wootton Broker of Record 705-447-7601 jwootton@rogers.com Joan Malbeuf Sales Representative 705-888-0663 malbeufjm@rogers.com

174 High Bluff Lane Thornbury, On N0H 2P0 519-599-7034

OSPREY BLUFFS Luxury, Privacy & Location... over $80,000 in renovations completed. On the Niagara Escarpment. Private wooded property bordered by a provincial park. 5 bdrms., plus a loft, 2-1/2 baths, spacious living, dining, kitchen & family area spread over 2700 sq.ft. $549,500 MLS #20114667

Locations North Realty, Brokerage Office (519) 599 2136 Fax (519) 599 5036 27 Arthur Street (Hwy 26) Thornbury, Ontario N0H 2P0

ROCKLYN – 75 ACRES 2 storey red brick Victorian w/attached original 1870’s log cabin situated on 75 acres with the Rocklyn Creek thru back of property. 4 bdrms., 1-1/2 baths. Stainless steel appliances in new kitchen. Trails cut for cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, & close to Georgian Peaks, Talisman & Beaver Valley ski clubs. $599,900 MLS #20114566

TYROLEAN VILLAGE – GREAT INCOME PROPERTY Duplex. Each chalet has 7 bdrms & 2 baths, comes completely furnished, newer appliances, gas washer & dryer, newer kitchen cupboards. Corigan counter tops. Many upgrades. Very private rear yard, treed ravine, overhead lighting.

$759,000 MLS #20114378 EXTRAORDINARY PROPERTIES. EXCEPTIONAL RESULTS. Luxury Property Marketing

Jean Rowe, Sales Person Call direct: 705-444-4035 jean.rowe@rogers.com Virtual Tours: www.jeanrowe.ca

four seasons realty limited, Brokerage 67 First Street, Collingwood 705.445.8500 Ex. 233

On The Bay

Fa l l 2 0 1 1



1610 COLUMBIAN DR. Remarkable “House of the Waterfall”. 4,007 sq.ft. home on a deep water canal w/gulf access in desirable PGI. Lighted fountains, sauna, waterfall pool, spa & exotic fruit trees. Oversized lot. Many amenities. MUST SEE. MLS#C7027161 $692,000

25535 HERITAGE LAKE BLVD #20 New and never occupied first floor, lakeview, 3/2/2 carriage house in Heritage Lake Park. 1,890 sq.ft. with granite counters. Tile in wet areas. Clubhouse, fitness room, tennis courts, heated pool, walking paths, gated community. Ask about the Buyer Bonus!!

MLS#C7023377 $155,000


20 MACALLISTER STREET, COLLINGWOOD 103 FT. OF GEORGIAN BAY SHORELINE Located on lovely landscaped grounds! 5 bedrooms, 3 bath chalet with open concept living room w/ French Doors, oak floors, gas fireplace & gorgeous views of Georgian Bay! Master bedroom has cathedral ceiling, wood burning fireplace, huge ensuite, walk-in closet & a private balcony. Expansive lower, rear, & side decks, sauna, jacuzzi tub in main bath. Oversized double detached garage with separate workshop.

$599,000 MLS #20113830

Serge Crespy Real Estate Broker Mortgage Broker Direct 705-445-0606 Derek Crespy, Sales Person Direct 705-441-0112 Office 705-445-8500 Ext. 229

four seasons realty limited, Brokerage 67 First Street, Collingwood 705.445.8500

25588 HERITAGE LAKE BLVD Carefree living in this maintenance free 2/2/2 villa with den in Heritage Lake Park. Tile floors throughout except for carpeting in bedrooms. Neutral décor. Full hurricane shutters for all windows and doors. Beautifully kept. Shows very well. All Heritage Park amenities. MLS#C7026006 $137,500


33 OCEAN DRIVE PGI remodeled sailboat waterfront. 3/2/2/ home with brand new extras. Located 8 lots from the Harbor on Cobia Bay. Dock, seawall, hurricane impact windows and hurricane garage door. Seller financing possible.

MLS#C7010915 $299,000

Sharon L. Kerr, GRI, SFR, e-PRO Realtor® Direct: 941-286-7315 Fax 941-625-3653 Toll free: 1-800-466-9849 www.SharonKerr.com www.HeritageLakePark.com www.HarbourHeightsNeighbors.com

SUNSTAR REALTY, INC. MORRIS REALTY, INC. 1951-d Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte, FL 33948


SUNSET COVE COLLINGWOOD 2 units to choose from, both with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. One is 1250 sq.ft. with hardwood floors thru out. The other is 1160 sq.ft. with new carpet and paint. Both with water views, concierge, underground parking, games room and salt water pool. $219,900 to $244,900

THE ISLANDER – LIGHTHOUSE POINT 3 storey apartment style building with underground parking and elevator. Ideal for retirement living or recreational use. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1100 sq.ft. Unit nicely decorated and ready to go. The area’s finest facilities with indoor/outdoor pools, tennis & waterfront walking trails. Best value at $189,900

NOTTAWA 1800 sq.ft. beauty in the heart of Nottawa, only five minutes from downtown Collingwood. Quality construction by custom builder, double wall construction for extra insulation. Custom made cabinets, wood burning fireplace, and huge double car garage. Very few homes like this at this price level. $289,900

CRAIGLEITH WATERFRONT HOME – 65 FT. FRONTAGE Located virtually at the entrance to Blue Mountain, this is as close to Sea & Ski as you can get! 1600 sq.ft. home with partially finished basement, double car detached garage providing ample storage for all your needs. Compare the location to the pricing; you will see great value here. $629,900

BLUE SHORES! A PREMIUM WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT. Open concept living room, dining area & kitchen with vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors throughout, gas fireplace & walkout to gazebo over looking the water. Main floor master with ensuite bath, walk-in closet, garden doors to wrap around verandah. Main floor den with 4 piece bath, walk in closet & walk out to outdoor sitting area. Loft area has two bedrooms, plus Juliette balcony with view of Georgian Bay. Double attached garage, full unfinished basement. Featuring tennis courts, indoor & outdoor salt water pools, marina slips & a club house with numerous activities. Asking $939,000 VT: http://myhomes.thevirtualtourcompany.ca/6870 THE LINKS – SPACIOUS END UNIT View to ski hills. 4 bedrooms & den, 4 bathrooms, vaulted ceiling in open concept living/dining room. Custom kitchen with corian counters, breakfast bar & walk out to 2 tiered decking. Sunken family room with gas fireplace & walk out to deck. Master bdrm boasts a gas fireplace next to the soaker tub & separate shower. Guest bedroom with full ensuite bath. Double attached garage. Asking $368,900

VT: http://tours.photolink.ca/29227

Direct Line 705-445-7833 Sandra Shannon, Broker sandy@collingwood-realestate.com


On The Bay

Fa l l 2 0 1 1

Trinity Realty Inc., Brokerage Office 705-444-1420

Alan Ewing, Sales Person Cell: 705-444-9778 alspicks@georgian.net www.collingwoodhomes.org

Re/Max four seasons realty limited, Brokerage 67 First Street, Collingwood 705.445.8500, Ex. 249

ReadeR Buying guide For more information, link directly to Our Advertisers at www.onthebaymagazine.com ANIMAL/BIRD/PET SERVICES Pets Grooming Services Page 77 Stayner Pet Centre Page 57 Waggin’ Tail Café Page 64

ARTISTS/PHOTOGRAPHERS/ GALLERIES Alexander Art Materials & Supplies Page 21 Artist’s Den Jewellery & Art Page 21 Eclectique Boutique Page 82 Mad & Noisy Gallery Page 72 Meaford Museum Page 75 Wendy Webb Photography Page 82

AUTO REPAIRS/HEAVY EQUIPMENT Blue Mountain Collision Page 59 Kubota Page 95

Gaia Page 68

Nifty’s Page 57

Grey Heron Natural Designs Page 82

Salnek Window Fashions & Accessories Page 11

Joy… Find Yours Page 57

Van Allan Design Centre Page 31

Jennifer Wootton Real Estate Brokerage Jennifer Wootton & Joan Malbeuf Page 91

Shoe Tree Page 64


Lush Realty Inc. Page 70

Tingle Lingerie Page 70

City Stone Page 35

Re/Max Four Seasons Realty Ltd., Brokerage Alan Ewing Page 92

Nine Lives Boutique Page 57


Ecoinhabit Page 52

Meaford Carpets & Interiors Page 64

Steamatic Water & Fire Restoration Page 57

The Flooring Place Page 31

Thornbury Clear Choice Pools & Spas Page 68

Blue Ridge Meats Page 21

CW & Company/Hilda’s Sewing Page 82 Molly Maid Page 82

Charles Davies Custom Fine Furniture and Built-Ins Page 64

CHILDRENS SERVICES Angels & Rascals Page 68 Dopey Kid Originals Page 57 Evolve Eco-friendly Toys & Clothing Page 64 Oxford Learning Page 21

COMMUNITY/BUSINESS SERVICES 97.7 The Beach/Bayshore Broadcasting Page 81 Collingwood BIA Page 18 & 19 Collingwood G&M Hospital Page 58 Foodstock Page 79 Gas Light Tour Page 76 Hospice Georgian Triangle Page 29 Meaford Chamber of Commerce Page 64 Nature Conservancy Page 66 New Sun Design Page 68 Stayner Chamber of Commerce Page 57

ELECTRICAL/PLUMBING Beach 1 Electric Ltd. Page 44 Current Power Electrical Page 35 Nepsco Electrical & Plumbing Page 50

The Greener Cleaner Page 40

LANDSCAPE/GARDEN Landmark Group Page 7

Royal LePage Locations North Realty Inc. Page 86 Royal LePage Locations North Realty Inc. Karen Willison & LeeAnn Matthews Page 91 Royal LePage Trinity Realty Inc., Brokerage Page 88

Ormsby’s Garden Centre Page 64

Home Furniture Appliances Page 63

Riverside Landscapes Design & Build Page 59

Sotheby’s International Realty Max Hahne Page 45

Leon’s Furniture & Appliances Page 10

Willowstone Plant Healthcare & Arborist Page 30


Macdonald’s Furniture & Appliances Page 33 Wayne Dziedzic Custom Upholstery Page 40

MEDICAL/DENTAL PROFESSIONALS HEALTH/BEAUTY/FITNESS Georgian Bay Cosmetic Clinic Page 62 Georgian Bay Naturopathic Health Page 64 Good Health Mart Collingwood Page 71 Leah Ann Wright, Holistic Practitioner Page 40 Pamperme Day Spa Page 21 Scandinave Spa, Blue Mountain Page 77 Stuart Ellis IDA Page 62 T-Zone Health Page 57

Collingwood Dental Centre Page 60 Dr. David Redick & Dr. Nathan McLellan Family Dentistry Page 70 Dr. Dina Ghobrial Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Page 40 Dr. John Miller Preventive Cosmetic Therapeutic Dentist Page 72 Dr. Jon Perlus Dental Implant Surgery & Periodontics Page 74

Admiral Collingwood Place (Charis Developments) Page 15 Country Meadows (Parkbridge) Page 44 Far Hills Thornbury Page 43 Gates of Kent (Reid’s Heritage Homes) Page 54 Georgian Meadows & Silver Glen Preserve (Sherwood Homes) Page 47 Lora Bay (Reid’s Heritage Homes) Page 17 Meaford Haven Page 50 Pretty River Estates (Delpark Homes) Page 96

TruBalance Healthcare Inc. Page 72

Dr. Robert McCoppen Family Dentistry Page 63

Shipyards (FRAM Building Group) Page 5


Dr. Hammond & Raymond Optometrists Page 71

White’s Bay Page 24

Harrison Denture Clinic Page 77



Copper Blues Bar & Grill Page 73

Beach 1 Electric Ltd. Page 44 Current Power Electrical Page 35 Nottawasaga Mechanical Heating & Air Conditioning Page 41 Quest Geothermal Page 62

Spidermen Page 82



Home Buttons Page 82

BDO Canada LLP Page 79

Huronia Alarm & Fire Security Page 31

Avril Dell Pianist Page 82


Eco Adventure Tours Page 71

Storage Zone Page 82

Royal LePage All Real Estate Service Ltd. Chris Keleher Page 34

Foley’s Furniture & Appliances Page 35

ENTERTAINMENT/RECREATION Blue Mountain Resorts Page 2 & 75

Re/Max Four Seasons Realty Ltd., Brokerage Serge Crespy & Derek Crespy Page 92

Waggin’ Tail Café Page 64


Royal Homes Page 4

HOME SERVICES Blue Mountain Vacuum Page 21

Beach House & Urban Cottage Upholstery Page 34

Re/Max Four Seasons Realty Ltd. Doug Gillis Page 83 Re/Max Four Seasons Realty Ltd., Brokerage Jean Rowe Page 91

Candy Factory Page 21

Walkers Small Motors Page 75

Re/Max Four Seasons Realty Ltd. Brad Williams Page 90

Wrightway Renovations Page 53


OK Tire Page 30

Porter Skelton & Associates Page 30

Corinthian Kitchen & Bath Studio Page 68

Dean’s Carpet One Page 32


MacPherson Builders Page 8

Collingwood Closets Page 68

Coldwell Banker Trinity Realty Inc. Sandra Shannon Page 92

Bayswater Market Page 68

Scenic Caves Page 78

Beach House & Urban Cottage Upholstery Page 34


Charles Davies Custom Fine Furniture and Built-Ins Page 64

Artist’s Den Jewellery & Art Page 21

Chérche House of Design Page 36

Barb’s Clothes Closet Page 57

Designs by Consign Page 34

Diamond Studio Page 68

Drewhaven Town & Country Page 68

El Naturalista Page 60

Ecoinhabit Page 52

Elaine Dickinson’s Fashions Page 73

Garlan Stained Glass & Textures Glass Page 53

Evolution for Men Page 68

Kitchen Painters Page 53

Furbelows Page 63

Knit & Kaboodle Décor & Gifts Page 57

Stonebridge by the Bay Page 20

Simplicity Bistro Page 66 Sirena Ristorante Page 82


Gaviller & Company LLP Page 73

AM Roofing Page 74

Waddingtons Auction House Page 74

Enviroshake Page 74 Interlock Industries Page 52

REAL ESTATE Century 21 Offord Realty Ltd. Susan Boadway and Marilyn Douglas Page 91 Century Home for Sale Page 78 Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage Page 84 & 85

TRAVEL Expedia Cruise Ship Centre Page 21 Marlin Travel Page 21 Secondary Ownership Group Page 82

Clairwood Real Estate Corporation, Brokerage Page 87


Clairwood Real Estate Corporation, Brokerage Sherry Rioux, Emma Baker, Christine Page 89

Ashton’s Blinds, Draperies & Shutters Page 60

Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty Inc. Sharon Kerr Page 92

Salnek Window Fashions & Accessories Page 11

Meaford Carpets & Interiors Page 64 Shades & Shutters Page 36 On The Bay

Fa l l 2 0 1 1


B a c k

Photo courtesy of the friends of nancy island & Wasaga Beach Park

L o o k i n g

Woodsmen of



he lumber trade in Wasaga Beach was booming in the 1880s. Although unsuitable for farming due to its sandy soil, Wasaga had an abundance of trees. In the late 1830s and throughout the rest of the century, the logging industry would play an important role in the development of the area. The Nottawasaga River served as a natural route for timbers to be transported to the lumber mills. There were several mills up the river and larger mills across the Bay in Collingwood. As the industry flourished, in 1870 a man named John Van Vlack purchased 69 acres of land near the Nottawasaga River and became one of the area’s first permanent residents. He then paved the way for more intense settlement and the construction of a village, which grew around the Van Vlack property and was populated by millhands and other settlers. By 1896, a population of 70 resided in what was then known as Van Vlack. Much of the settlement


On The Bay

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at this time was connected to logging and the fishing industry. It was in this period that the first official use of the name Wasaga Beach occurred. During the division of lots in Sunnidale Township, one subdivision was named Wasaga Beach, which was derived from the word Nottawasaga. This name seemed to take time to come into popular usage – the Elmvale Chronicle continued to refer to this area as simply “the Beach” throughout the 1890s. As the century grew to a close, the logging industry dwindled after most of the larger trees were removed; however, there were still enough resources to maintain the Van Vlack mill until 1914. The settlement of Wasaga Beach was gradual, but began with John Van Vlack, early lumber camp workers, mill hands and their families, who worked hard to develop the beginnings of the present town. ❧ Source: The Friends of Nancy Island & Wasaga Beach Park.

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