On the Bay Magazine Fall 2013

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Fall 2013

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Home Improvement & Style From dĂŠcor to technology, bring your home up to date!

Water Levels 2.0 Which way forward?

Autumn Adventures

10 things to do before the snow flies

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In thIs Issue features 17 WATER LEVELS 2.0: Which Way Forward? Grassroots groups and charitable organizations are building momentum, garnering public support for restoring water levels in Georgian Bay and putting pressure on governments to fund a solution. Whose approach will win the day, or can they work together toward a common purpose? By JaNEt LEES

28 Loft Living an old schoolhouse in downtown Collingwood is transformed into condos while preserving the building’s heritage. By JuDy RoSS

41 The Smart Home New technology puts everything at your fingertips. By MaRC HuMiNiLoWyCz

51 Decorating for the Season 10 tips for winterizing your décor.


By JuDy RoSS

56 Autumn Adventures 10 things to do in Southern Georgian Bay this Fall. By aLLiSoN KENNEDy DaviES

75 Viva Italia! Stayner’s osteria vitto serves up an authentic italian dining experience. By EMiLy WoRtS

81 Openings Southern Georgian Bay continues to offer unique shopping and culinary experiences, along with new service providers to meet every need. Here’s the latest on new business openings as well as business transformations including new owners, moves and major


renovations. More great reasons to shop local! By JaNEt LEES

Departments 6

From our Editor


From our Readers


Fence Posts, by Dan Needles






Gallery of Realtors


Showcase of Fine Homes

101 Reader Buying Guide 102 Looking Back

41 ON THE COVER: Doug and Noelle Wansbrough and sons Luke, 13, and tyler, 11, enjoy panoramic views of the Beaver valley from the top of old Baldy. PHoto By DEREK tRaSK


What will your legacy be?

Volume 10, Issue 3 Pub li sher

Jeffrey Shearer jshearer@onthebaymagazine.com eD i TO r

Janet Lees janet.lees@me.com ArT D i recTO r

Holger Meiche AD min . , c i rculATi O n AnD PrO D ucT iO n

Cindy Caines AD verT i si n g D esi gn

Tara McLellan PrO O freAD er

Anita Hunter cO n Tri b uTi n g W ri Ters

Nancy Falconer, Marc Huminilowycz, Allison Kennedy Davies, Janet Lees, Dan Needles, Cecily Ross, Judy Ross, Emily Worts cO n Tri b uTi n g P h O TO grAPhers & i llusT rATO rs

Shelagh Armstrong-Hodgson, Laura Bifano, Allison Kennedy Davies, Nancy Falconer, Richard & Christa Galloway, Derek Trask

r egi O nA l ADverT i si n g sAles

705-444-9192 Shauna Burke sburke@onthebaymagazine.com Patti Bowden pbowden@onthebaymagazine.com

inf OrmATiOn AnD rATes fO r n ATi O nA l AD verT i sers


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On The Bay

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On The Bay is published by On The Bay Magazine Inc. 4 issues per year and distributed by Canada Post to the majority of households and businesses in Wasaga Beach, Collingwood, Nottawa, Craigleith, Glencairn, Thornbury, Clarksburg, Ravenna, Markdale, Meaford, Mulmur Hills, Creemore, Duntroon, Stayner, Glen Huron, Dunedin, Kimberley, Singhampton and Flesherton. The magazine is also distributed to hotels, resorts, developer showrooms, realtor offices, and to members of private ski and golf clubs in the area. On The Bay is also available for purchase at the following fine stores:

Crow’s Nest Books & Gifts (Collingwood) Curiosity House Books (Creemore) Subscriptions outside the distribution area are $25.95 per year for 4 issues (including HST), payable by cheque or credit card. No part of On The Bay may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent of On The Bay Magazine Inc. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher, editor or staff of On The Bay Magazine. Letters to the editor are welcome: jlees@onthebaymagazine.com Publications Mail Agreement No. 40943009 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: On The Bay Magazine Suite 201, 186 Hurontario St., Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 4T4 Tel: 705-444-9192 Toll-free: 1-888-282-2014 Fax: 705-444-5658 Printed in Canada by Ironstone Media.



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F r o m

Water Levels &

Acid RAin The surprising parallels


nother story on water levels? You might well be asking yourself that question. On The Bay has been covering the issue of declining water levels in Georgian Bay since our second edition back in 2004, with several articles since then. Our interview with Mary Muter of the Sierra Club and Restore Our Water International (ROWI), published in our last edition (Summer 2013), received by far the greatest response. The most common comment I received was that people were finally starting to understand the issue – and to realize that something can be done. So why are we publishing yet another water levels article in this edition of On The Bay? Simple: we want to keep the momentum going. Because nothing will happen without the public getting involved. Don’t believe that? Well, I’ve got two words for you: Acid Rain. As it turns out, the publisher of On The Bay, Jeff Shearer, was the volunteer president of the Canadian Coalition on Acid Rain (CCAR) for most of the 1980s. Like the water levels issue, acid rain was a man-made problem that initially had plenty of naysayers, from those who said it was not a problem to those who claimed nothing could be done about it (President Ronald Reagan famously said acid rain came from the trees). “Canadians knew of it; Americans didn’t know anything about it at all,” recalls Jeff of those early days. “We had just begun to hear about lakes that had atrophied because of acid rain and the flora and fauna that were being affected. We had to foster an understanding that this was not an issue that was solely Canada’s problem or solely the U.S.’s problem. The issue was initially raised by Canadians and then grew to include American groups once we hired lobbyists – who incidentally were called ‘white hats’ because they weren’t lobbying for corporations; they were working for citizens’ groups.” As credibility on the issue of acid rain started to build, the CCAR received some sage advice: “We were told government can’t take this on by itself; it has to be a citizens’ group that raises public awareness and demands changes from both governments,” notes Jeff. “That’s


On The Bay

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o u r

E d i t o r

identical to the water levels issue; it’s not Ottawa lobbying Washington to do something, it’s the Sierra Club and ROWI and the Georgian Bay Association and Georgian Bay Forever and Stop The Drop who are pushing governments to do something.” The water levels and acid rain efforts had similar beginnings, each starting with a handful of grassroots affinity groups. “After five years, the CCAR had 58 groups, was the largest environmental organization in the country and represented over two million Canadians. With 40 million people living around the Great Lakes, I think the water levels issue has the potential to grow, and perhaps there’s going to be a need for a water levels coalition of as many groups as the acid rain coalition had, representing millions of people and not just a few organizations.” While CCAR began by simply raising awareness, it wasn’t satisfied with just pushing the governments to find the answers. “With the help of experts, we were advocating a number of fairly specific solutions depending on who the polluting industry was,” says Jeff. “But ultimately it was the legislators who had to pass strong environmental legislation, first in Canada and then eventually in the U.S. In 1990, amendments to the U.S. Clean Air Act were passed, with the objective to cut C02 emissions in half. That’s rather ironic, because if we could raise the water levels half as much as we’ve lost, we’d all be pretty happy.” With so many different groups involved, the CCAR worked hard to ensure that no single group held sway over the others. “All of the groups gave the CCAR the mandate to solve the problem,” says Jeff. “There was bickering and some disagreement, but there really weren’t major factions as there currently seem to be on the water levels issue. That said, by the time the water levels battle is another year older, everybody might be coming together to agree on a step-one and a step-two solution.”

“We have the potential to do something important over the next 10 years. But it will take citizen pressure groups to create political will and government support to actually do something.” Jeff sees these as “early days” for the water level battle. “With acid rain, the problem had been around for 10 years before the Canadian Coalition on Acid Rain was founded. It had been growing for 10 years, just as water levels has. We have the potential to do something important over the next 10 years. But it will take citizen pressure groups to create political will and government support to actually do something. And these citizens’ affinity groups won’t be all just cottagers; there are 50 categories of people that are affected by low water levels. They all need to be involved. They all need to come together. “We need to start the fix soon, and it should be whatever is the least expensive, the least politically complicated, that will have some positive impact. We have to start the process, and we shouldn’t try and start it by mitigating the entire Great Lakes problem. We should try and start with something that will actually work and is affordable.” If groups of concerned citizens can stop the rain, surely we can all come together to stop the drop. ❧


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From Our

ReadeRs Re: 10th YeaR of Publishing Congratulations to you and your staff on your very successful 10 years ...You deserve thanks as the committed leader and impetus for On The Bay. We are so fortunate to have such an accomplished publisher in Collingwood. You are a real asset to the community as a businessman, a community leader and as a friend. We look forward to every magazine to read about the issues and the


On The Bay

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celebrations. It is always difficult to “recycle” any of the issues ... we might want to show an article to a visitor or look up something you have highlighted. sue and Carl Vasey

Re: sPonsoRshiP On behalf of Bleu Venue Events I would sincerely like to thank you for the sponsorship you provided for the Backyard Glam Tour held July 5 – 7, 2013. The events would not have been a success without the generous support you have provided us and we deeply appreciate it. Deborah lalande, event Coordinator Paul Day, sponsorship

Re: the summeRization of southeRn geoRgian baY, summeR 2013 Thank you again for highlighting our club in your latest issue of OTB. We really enjoyed the article and the photos. If you could make one correction re the spelling of our member’s name, Donna Walc (page 72). margot allan, Craigleith tennis Club

Re: Yes We Can!, summeR 2013 If we humans would stop tampering with our planet trying to improve and exploit it, perhaps catastrophes like this wouldn’t happen. Janet gibson Last night I attended the meeting Restore Our Water International in Owen Sound. Copies of your magazine, On The Bay, were distributed to participants. The article, “Yes We Can!” gives an excellent summary of the content of the evening’s presentation. Thank you for this excellent article. I will be sending it to many people who were unable to attend the meeting, in hopes that we can fulfil the vision of “Yes

We Can!” That by circulating this informative article many, many voices will help to put pressure on the governments to act quickly. Julie Rice Congratulations to everyone at On The Bay who contributed to the powerful article YES WE CAN! What a wonderful gift you have given to the Southern Georgian Bay community in celebration of your 10th year of excellence. Indeed it is an article that will resonate with and motivate many of the millions of people who live in proximity to the shores of Lake Huron, Lake Michigan and the St. Clair River, as well as Georgian Bay. It should be given wide distribution. Mary Muter, chair of the Great Lakes Section of Sierra Club Ontario, has a wealth of knowledge and insight into the extent of the ever-diminishing record lows in the levels of the middle Great Lakes and Georgian Bay: the causes; the ecological, environmental and economic consequences; and some practical first steps towards partial remediation. Janet Lees has organized Ms. Muter’s information and analysis in a very readable presentation that hammers home the essential points with authority. It is must reading for everyone who cares about the Great Lakes and the Ontario economy. The construction of compensation sills in the St. Clair River to offset some of the damage of dredging, erosion and abuse would represent significant progress. And the price tag of $200 to 300 million dollars is trivial relative to the damage that has been done over the past forty plus years and that, left unaddressed, will continue to accumulate for years to come. Deservedly, when a flood – like that which unfortunately recently afflicted Alberta – occurs, governments jump to attention with bundles of cash and compassion. The Alberta government has pledged a billion dollars

the great

to start with more to come; and the federal government has indicated that it will be generous too. But the silence of this same federal government in even acknowledging the Great Lakes crisis, let alone helping to address it, is deafening. In my view, as a professional economist, the accelerating middle Great Lakes water level deficit is a major crisis, in depth and breadth. It too must be addressed with compassion and cash by all three orders of government. Just ask store and marina owners in Honey Harbour, Ontario or Leland, Michigan or commercial boat owners in Ludington, Michigan or Parry Sound. I would like to be as optimistic as Mary Muter that working with the U.S.

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Army Corps of Engineers and educating and putting pressure on Washington decision-makers will lead to timely approval of and funding for the speed bumps in the St. Clair River, but I am not. In my opinion, the obstructionist make-up of the U.S. House of Representatives and the inertia of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers spell doom for timely action in that country. In Canada, mayors in our region have demonstrated real leadership in working together to take their case to Ottawa. But there it sits and sits. The answer lies in intense, bottom-up advocacy and political action. That is why the On The Bay Article is so important - as an educational and advocacy tool. We must act to ensure that our local MPs, MPPs and especially our local ministers give this major crisis the high priority it must have. Groups like Restore Our Water International (ROWI) and Stop the Drop must collaborate closely with each other and with us. The ROWI website says it best: Our grandchildren thank you. trent Gow

RE: opENiNGS, SummER 2013 Just a quick note to say thank you for the lovely write up in your Spring issue about my business, Petals in Thyme in Wasaga Beach. I can’t tell you enough how much this has done for my business. I still have people coming into my shop and upon asking them where they found me, many mention On The Bay magazine. One lady who is from Toronto even came in with my article and photograph cut out of the magazine to show me! It is a true testament to your magazine with regards to your reader/fan base. I also love how well the advertising I placed in your magazine is working - my phone continues to ring as a result! May you continue the wonderful work you do, writing the inspiring and educational stories I look forward to reading every quarter. Abigail Hitchens pFD/proprietor petals in thyme, wasaga Beach


O n2013_DCTaylor_09_outl.indd T h e B a y Fa l l 2 0 1 31 Docket No.

File Name

RE: Not HERE, Not Now, Not EvER! SummER 2011 Melancthon, Amaranth and Grey Highlands share a common theme with a number of other townships in Ontario these days. People are fighting to hold on to all held dear to most of us; good health, safe homes and united and cooperative communities. Thanks to an indifferent provincial government that, for some reason, still falsely claims to take care of industry overstepping and harming people, wind turbines continue to be built and operated too close to homes. The Ministry of Environment is not doing it’s job. Some have been trying to get relief from the torment of turbine noise for years to no avail. People have been forced to leave family homes in order to regain health, some by simply abandoning them, some by paying exorbitant legal fees to get fair market value and others by quietly selling for whatever they could get. A minor number of people in each community have signed leases allowing massive turbines, transmission lines, roads and transformer stations into once peaceful and healthy rural living. A few landowners who made a bad investment in Melancthon have become no more than leaseholders making a few bucks, hoping to recoup money from a Chinese state-owned company, money lost on a so-called community wind project of 49 giant industrial turbines. They recoup their loss at the loss to all others in the area. Some landowners in Amaranth make a few bucks as neighbours there are also driven from beloved homes, some still living like gypsies by leaving home at night in order to be able to sleep properly and farming out kids and livestock so they are away from the ill effects. If the turbines don’t keep the landowners up, their conscience should. In Grey Highlands, Mike Crawley, president of the federal Liberal party and AIMGEN, IPC, GDFSuez collects his money from turbines that spilled over into Grey Highlands from Melancthon as at least 28 families report difficulty

8/30/2013 12:00:30 PM

because of the turbine noise and infrasound. And, no, to date the Ministry of Environment isn’t helping them either. All three areas echo the problems being reported in most if not all other areas in Ontario and worldwide as these larger industrial wind turbines invade our countryside, our health, our home value, our pocketbooks and our democracy. There is nothing to champion for wind turbines. They are hurting people. They are making home values drop like a rock. They are contributing to our skyrocketing Hydro bills. They are a huge burden to our energy infrastructure and they are not remotely close to producing the energy the wind industry claimed they would. This industry calls the money it uses to bribe and hush even more opposition, a ‘vibrancy’ fund or ‘donation’ to boost the community. Do you really think they do this out of the goodness of their heart? Give me a break. To any who even consider accepting this money, council or community group alike, remember what it represents. Remember the people who’ve been devastated. Don’t take it, or, if you already have, give it back. It’s tainted. Lorrie Gillis, Grey Highlands

Where do you stand on the issues? Do you have any comments, suggestions or additional information in response to any of our stories? Don’t be shy! We’d love to hear from you! To submit your letter to the Editor, go to www.onthebaymagazine.com and click on “Have Your Say.” Comments will be published in an upcoming issue of On The Bay. We reserve the right to edit for style, content and space considerations.

Har r y J. Dolan


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F e n c e

P o s t s

A Country PrACtiCe True confessions from the 9th Concession



illustration by ShELAGh ArMSTrONG-hODGSON

hen you decide to keep animals for food production, there are a number of elective medical procedures you are expected to perform without professional assistance. Tail docking, de-worming, vaccinations, emetics, soporifics, foot treatments, colon irrigations and holistic Shiatsu massage are part of the small farmer’s stock in trade. We are all genial quacks with well-stocked dispensaries and shelves sagging from the weight of books with titles like Common Sheep Diseases: Treatment and Cures. Sheep and chickens have an alarming instinct for self-destruction, especially in the middle of a holiday weekend. The shepherd and poultry man must be on call 24/7 to respond to emergency trauma with either a suture or a shovel. My wife and I had a dream. We were going to live a quiet life in the country surrounded by softly clucking hens and gentle sheep, all of us working in harmony with nature. But it turns out the natural world is a very violent place. Coyotes roam the fields at night, hawks patrol the skies by day. Livestock must be held in protective custody behind razor wire and highvoltage fences for their own protection. Even so, violence often breaks out within the prison population itself. I had a trio of hens that did not play well with others. They hived themselves off from the rest of the flock and took up residence on the sheep pen door. Chickens are cliquey and prickly creatures that are quick to take offence. “Pecking order” is a phrase we use today to describe the unpleasant quality of life in an insurance company or a church group, but it originated from the study of life in the henhouse. Professor Schjelderup-Ebbe, the Norwegian zoologist who coined the phrase, said “defence and aggression in the hen is accomplished with the beak.” Anyway, the breakaway sect of chickens soon differed among themselves on some question of doctrine and came to blows. Before long, the little grey hen had a bloody patch on the top of her head. So I decided to give them away to a friend who had just purchased one of those elegant mail-order henhouses

on wheels and needed a starter flock. I thought maybe a change of scenery would snap them all out of their funk. At dark I snuck into the sheep barn, snagged the three hens and popped them into a cage overnight. The next morning when I delivered the birds, my friend knelt down to look in the cage and recoiled in horror. “What on earth happened to that chicken?” she cried. I looked more closely and realized the little grey hen hadn’t just been pecked ... she had been scalped ... by her two closest friends. What to do? I took the hen home and went to the garden shed for a shovel. “No, no!” my wife protested. “She’s my favourite hen. We can fix her.” My wife is descended from a long line of practical farm people who glance at a suffering chicken, smack it on the head and get on with their day. But that gene somehow skipped her generation. So while she held the hen on the kitchen table I cleaned it up with antiseptic solution, pulled the flap of skin back up to the crown and put five neat little sutures in her forehead using dental floss. Then we set her down and she walked back to the barn. That night she settled back on her usual perch alone on the sheep pen. Apart from the little tufts of dental floss sticking out of her head, she looked pretty good. I gave her a couple of aspirins and told her to call me in the morning if there was any change. The next day she came to the veranda for breakfast as usual. When she turned her head, I saw that I had put a little too much tension on one side and her left eyebrow was now pulled up in a pronounced arch that made her look like Gloria Swanson. Gloria is now eight years old and still lives with the sheep, although this is a poor practice because sheep will pick up a virus from bird droppings if they can’t find any other way to do themselves in. But there’s something about Gloria that appeals to me. She is a Dissenter, a Party of One, the last member of the True Church. The expression on her face is wary, alert and extremely sceptical about everything, including the medical profession. ❧

On The Bay

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is already rich in year-round activities and amenities. And just for

there’s a world of things to do. From skiing to golfing, cycling to hiking – it’s all

Windfall residents, there will be a barn-inspired, architecturally striking but

within walking distance or a short scenic drive. Surrounding historic villages

unpretentious structure in the heart of the community, simply called

offer quaint art galleries and restaurants, with major retail and healthcare

The Shed, as a year-round social gathering place for all ages.

services in nearby Collingwood, and the longest freshwater sand beach in the world just down the road in Wasaga Beach. But to many, the most

CONNECTED TO NATURE Running through the heart of Windfall

inspiring aspect of Windfall will be the always present mountain views.

is a Green Belt, connecting trail systems to neighbourhoods, that walkers, cyclists, cross country skiers and snowshoers can follow

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to cross the community from end to end. Over thirty percent of Windfall

modern day interpretation of Georgian Bay cabin, cottage and chalet

has been dedicated to preserving nature with its abundanceof

design – a spirited dialogue between old and new. These are homes for all

wildlife corridors, sensitively restored wetlands, streams and ponds,

seasons – efficient, beautifully designed and constructed, and available in a

parklands, a Sugar Maple forest and a nature preserve.

variety of floor plans to suit every lifestyle.

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Which Way ForWard? Grassroots groups and charitable organizations are building momentum, garnering public support for restoring water levels in Georgian Bay and putting pressure on governments to fund a solution. Whose approach will win the day, or can they work together toward a common purpose? by Janet Lees


t’s been a long battle, fraught with frustration, political intrigue, personal agendas and scientific scrutiny, but after more than 10 years of naysaying in some quarters, there’s finally some consensus and forward momentum in the fight to restore our water. Citizens, groups and government agencies are now willing to admit there is a problem – record-low water levels in lakes Huron/Michigan and Georgian Bay aren’t just a “blip” that will resolve itself – and the push is on for governments in Canada and the U.s. to intervene to keep our water from draining away. a number of different groups and organizations are ramping up their efforts, all passionate about the issue and all trying to effect change. that said, there are differing voices and priorities among the various groups, and it’s unclear whether the often polarized factions will be able to form a united front, or for that matter which voices truly represent the interests of the communities around Georgian Bay. On one side are those who advocate restoration – putting submerged

sills or weirs into the bottom of the st. Clair River to slow down the outflow caused by sand and gravel mining, massive dredging in the 1930s and 1960s and resulting erosion. On the other side are supporters of ‘multi-lake regulation’ – including control structures in the niagara River. those who support the st. Clair solution see multi-lake regulation as a drastic, costly and overly aggressive measure involving intense governmental control of water levels in all of the Great Lakes – with dire environmental consequences. Meanwhile, those arguing for the ‘niagara solution’ see the st. Clair option as a short-term measure that doesn’t go far enough and doesn’t mitigate against climate change or other factors. then there are those who don’t advocate any particular solution, arguing it’s up to governments and their experts to figure it out. It’s a complicated issue with strong opinions on all sides. Is there any middle ground? Or is there room for all of the different voices to be heard without … well … muddying the waters?

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“The objective long term is to influence governments and individuals to take long-term effective action to restore and support water levels on the Great Lakes. The short-term objective is engaging people at their different levels and different ages to get informed, get involved, and get heard.”


Colin Dobell, executive director, Stop The Drop

Taking it to the People The newest organization to join the fray is the aptly named Stop The Drop, a grassroots, non-profit campaign spearheaded by Colin Dobell. The effort, aimed at engaging the public, has surpassed its goal of recruiting over 20,000 members by the end of the summer to pressure the provincial and federal governments into taking concrete action to reverse the decline in Great Lakes water levels. The group’s tools include a website, www. stopthedrop.ca, which contains information, a “community portal” and an online survey, as well

as a one-on-one public information campaign at local events, and getting the word out through large billboards, signs, and radio, television and print ads. “The objective long term is to influence governments and individuals to take long-term effective action to restore and support water levels on the Great Lakes,” explains Dobell. “The short-term objective is engaging people at their different levels and different ages to get informed, get involved, and get heard.” The first phase for Stop The Drop is getting people to say, “I care” – so far the group has garnered over 20,000 electronic signatures to its online petition. The next step is to break down the demographics,

“to show that this isn’t just an isolated pocket of rich Georgian Bayers, because a lot of people think this is all a problem manufactured by a bunch of rich Georgian Bay cottagers,” says Dobell. “We need to be able to say here’s how many of them there are, here’s how fast they’re growing, here’s the age range, here is the range of how they use the Bay – boaters, cottagers, permanent residents, campers, hunters/anglers and down the list – and where they use the Bay. There are a lot of people, not just one pocket.” The survey also gathers respondents’ postal codes, “so we know where they vote,” says Dobell. “And we’re going to send the petition to your municipal leader, we’re going to send it to your provincial leader, and we’re going to send it to your federal leader. What we’re starting to see, having already started doing the maps, is that there are some people in Windsor, there are some in Hamilton, and Guelph, and Niagara Falls. So all of a sudden the entire caucus starts to realize this isn’t just a Georgian Bay problem. Because up until now it’s been very convenient to say, ‘it’s just those five members of parliament; let’s go bitch to them.’ What we hope to show is that this is a Southern Ontario problem and in fact probably an all Ontario problem.” Besides strengthening the message, the other purpose of mapping out the demographics is to enable individuals to connect with other concerned citizens in their area and possibly form groups or combine their efforts to communicate with their member of parliament, says Dobell. However, he adds he realizes some people may not go that far. “There is a hierarchy of engagement. Some people might say, ‘I’m just delighted to find that other people care, too.’ That’s a start. And there are lots of people like that. They’re not ready to go and spend time or

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money. And then above that there are people who say, ‘Maybe I should learn a little bit about this.’ And then above that there are people who say, ‘I’d like to actually learn how to talk about this so I can be heard.’ And then there are people who say, ‘I want to go out and help.’ Our real mission is to take everybody in, recognize where they are and then engage each one of them in activities that help them move up the chain.” Stop The Drop does not advocate a particular solution to the water level issue, and Dobell says that makes the group more inclusive and puts the onus on government scientists to come up with the answers. “We don’t advocate this versus that. We advocate pressure. It’s not acceptable to do nothing,” says Dobell. “The image I use is when JFK said in 1960, ‘by the end of this decade we’re going to put a man on the moon,’ nobody said to him, ‘what kind of rockets are you going to use?’ He was reflecting the will of the people, so when he said that he was saying, ‘this is where we’re going to be taking leadership and we’re going to be putting money behind it’ and then the scientists fell in underneath and they developed technology that didn’t even exist when he said that. Imagine if either Baird or Harper stood up and said, ‘we take this really seriously, and we’re going to figure out how to solve this problem by the end of the decade, and we’ll do whatever it takes to get it fixed.’ Boy, would that ever be cool, and we wouldn’t have to argue anymore. I think that’s conceivable.” Dobell says he also wants to keep people engaged over the long-term. “The issue is how do you keep a sense of direction, of accomplishments, of milestones, that let people engage and feel like they’re getting somewhere, but don’t make it an all-ornothing thing, because suppose the government said we’re going to do this and it’s going to take us 10 years, then everyone would go back to sleep again. They might just say, ‘okay, it’s done.’ “We are going to have to live with much more variable, much more unpredictable, much more dramatic levels. Regardless of what the solutions are, each community needs a plan to deal

Send The Message To Governments! As this issue of On The Bay went to press, Restore Our Water International (ROWI) was set to launch a new website (www. restoreourwater.com), which will allow users to simply click to send a letter directly to your MP and/or MPP. Below is the content of the letter to federal governments, followed by the letter to Ontario MPPs.

What is needed from governments? Restore Our Water International is asking both the U.S. and Canadian governments to seek a permanent solution to the lower water crisis on the upper Great Lakes, including the following immediate actions: 1. Push the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to reevaluate necessary compensation in the St. Clair River for all past dredging, sand/gravel mining and erosion; 2. Push Congress to authorize the USACE to assess potential compensation measures to provide at least 20 inches of water level restoration to lakes Michigan-Huron and to construct the best remedy for the current crisis; and 3. Promote water level restoration for lakes Michigan and Huron as a key component of the currently funded Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.

What is needed from the Ontario government? Restore Our Water International is asking the Government of Ontario to become fully engaged in seeking a permanent solution to the low water crisis on Lakes Michigan, Huron and Georgian Bay including the following immediate actions: 1. Promote water level restoration for Lakes Michigan/Huron/Georgian Bay as a key component of Government of Ontario policy and actions. 2. Support the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to initiate a re-evaluation within the next year of proposed structures in the St. Clair River to compensate for past dredging, sand/gravel mining and erosion, and work with the USACE to undertake a review and update of past Environmental Impact Studies and permits. 3. Support the US Congressional authorization to allow the USACE to assess a full range of compensation measures to provide at least 20 inches (50 centimetres) of water level restoration to Lakes Michigan and Huron. 4. With support from Premier Wynn, Ministers Bradley, Orazietti, and Murray, and from other Lake Huron and Georgian Bay MPPs, publicly endorse the IJC’s 2013 advice to solve the St. Clair River excess flow problem, and work with U.S. federal and Great Lakes States politicians to achieve the necessary restoration of water levels.

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“Public education and lobbying are expensive; they are incredibly expensive, but we know enough about it to know it’s not going to happen without U.S. support. So we’re now figuring out our next visit to Washington.” Mary Muter, vice chair, Restore Our Water International

with potentially long-term or unpredictable low water levels. How do you get those people to come together in the community and make a plan to deal with it? This is a problem that won’t go away overnight, and we need to work together on a number of different levels to deal with it.”

Lobbying Governments Another group that is engaging the public is Restore Our Water International (ROWI). Stressing ecological impacts, ROWI held multiple public meetings and events in communities around Georgian Bay throughout

the summer, and continues to talk to interested groups about the issue of water escaping through the St. Clair River. It’s a man-made problem with a man-made solution, argues ROWI: placing structures in the St. Clair to compensate for the increased outflow and restore what has been lost through human intervention. ROWI’s position has a great deal of support, not to mention an existing agreement for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to install compensation structures in the river such as the IJC has now advised. ROWI is now focusing on educating and lobbying governments, and because of its bi-national clout, it has the ear of both the Canadian and U.S. governments

and agencies. In addition to briefing all of the relevant Ontario ministries and the Premier’s office, ROWI chair Roger Gauthier and vice chair Mary Muter have met with U.S. House of Representatives and Senate leaders, and with engineers from the USACE. Gauthier, himself a retired USACE senior hydrologist, recently sat on a panel on water levels in Milwaukee hosted by the Great Lakes Commission. The three-day event also featured presentations by the International Joint Commission (IJC) and the Healing Our Waters Coalition. “The panel that Roger was on generated more discussion than anything else on the Great Lakes Commission’s agenda,” says Mary Muter, adding, “the executive director of the U.S. National Wildlife Federation’s Great Lakes office, Andy Buchsbaum, said to me, ‘Mary, I learned a whole lot in that panel, and I’ve known about this for a while, but wow.’” Getting the Canadian government on board is key, but the real stumbling block is the U.S. government with all of its complexities and competing interests. “Right now there are some lines in the Canadian budget for money for this. There’s also a new [U.S.] house transportation bill that’s just been announced, and we may go down to Washington to those hearings simply to get this included as a budget line,” says Muter. “People need and want to know that structures can go in the St. Clair River responsibly in consideration of both downstream and upstream conditions with co-benefits for fish habitat. Without that information, we will never be able to get Americans to support restoration.” ROWI has also hired renowned American lobbyist Gerry Sikourski – the former U.S. senator who took the acid rain legislation through Congress – to work the U.S. government channels. Muter describes Sikourski as “brilliant” and “totally behind restoration in the St.

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Clair River” – however, at a rate of $800 per hour, the cost of his lobbying efforts will be high. Sikourski’s law firm, Holland & Knight, has pledged to provide matching pro bono work worth up to $10,000 per month. Muter says ROWI is hoping to raise between $5,000 and $10,000 per month to cover Sikourski’s fees. “Fundraising is definitely a challenge for us,” says Muter. “Public education and lobbying are expensive; they are incredibly expensive, but we know enough about it to know it’s not going to happen without U.S. support. So we’re now figuring out our next visit to Washington.” Like Stop The Drop and Restore Our Water International, Georgian Bay Forever (GBF) also plays a public education role. However, GBF is not involved in advocacy or lobbying due to its status as a charitable organization, says executive director David Sweetnam. “We try to stay away from political activity; activity where we would go out and actually tell people what we think of a particular government program or policy or regulation, etc.,” explains Sweetnam. “Expressing our opinion to the public … isn’t something we do. We just try to inform the public in a balanced way as to what the issues are and what the real science is behind those issues so that the public discussion can be an informed one. “Our role is not advocacy. Our role as some would think of advocacy, is actually defined as charitable activity. So I don’t have to register as a lobbyist to go and request or meet with any elected representative or government official on either side of the border, Canadian or U.S., and express to them in sensible, wellconsidered opinions, our take on a particular issue or topic or piece of legislation or opportunity. We do that, which some might call advocacy because we’re talking to political leadership, but it isn’t. It’s defined for us as pure charitable activity because it works to the

“We realized that in order to give this issue some real legs, we were going to have to change the framing of this discussion away from protecting fish and fish habitat and towards protecting the economy and the impact on the economy.” David Sweetnam, executive director, Georgian Bay Forever

public’s benefit; it works to increase and improve the level of understanding of our elected officials. What we wouldn’t do is go out and wave placards outside and say ‘this is what you should be doing.’ “It has to be defensible; we have to have the ability to prove our position. It has to be based on the best available science and in balanced and considered opinions, and it has to be fair. We can’t skew the information to only prove our point; we have to come out with a balanced report that says, ‘here’s the pros, here’s the cons, here’s the science that suggests that this would be the best way forward.’ “ It’s a fine line, and one that ROWI and others dispute.

Georgian Bay Forever’s latest effort is an economic impact study, which Sweetnam admits is somewhat outside the GBF’s mandate. “We thought an economic impact study was a little bit outside our scope as an aquatic ecosystem organization, but we realized that in order to give this issue some real legs, that we were going to have to change the framing of this discussion away from protecting fish and fish habitat and really towards protecting the economy and the impact on the economy,” says Sweetnam. “We realized nobody else was actually out there

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“The St. Clair is clearly a great place to start. Is it the be-all and end-all? I can’t tell you. The rear-view mirror is to just fix what mankind has screwed up, and yes, that’s probably a good place to start, but I’d like to also see the government look out in time and be a bit more proactive.” Bob Duncanson, executive director, Georgian Bay Association

talking about the economic impacts of declining water levels in the Great Lakes right now. So we approached the Mowat Centre at UofT, and the Council of the Great Lakes Region, and they actually got excited about the project and agreed to take it on as their first binational project. So we are funding the study that is in process right now.” The study will examine the impacts on a variety of different economic stakeholders, including municipal water takers, power generators, shipping, manufacturing industries, food processing and agriculture, as well as First Nations fisheries and social impacts. “We’re trying to come up with hard numbers, not soft numbers,” says Sweetnam. “Soft numbers would be,


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‘what is a wetland worth as far as providing services to the environment goes?’ And that’s a really soft number that you can get into a lot of arguments over. What we wanted were very hard numbers – real numbers that you couldn’t argue with. So if a ship has to take 25 per cent less cargo because it just can’t go down that deep, there’s a real, hard number to that; you can figure out exactly what that cost is. So those hard numbers we felt would be substantial on their own, even without the softer numbers, without the social costs or trying to value water from a spiritual perspective.” The economic impact study, due out in early 2014, will be fully peer reviewed, says Sweetnam, adding, “It will be a report that will actually inform and be useful

in furthering the decision-making process.” However, some question how credible the report will be, given that GBF recently named Rod Jones, president and chief executive officer of Canada Steamship Lines, to its board of directors, while Robert Lewis-Manning (president of the Canadian Shipowners Association) and Kirk Jones (vice president for sustainability, government and industry affairs, Canada Steamship Lines) are on the study’s steering committee – the only direct industry representatives on that committee. Sweetnam argues that shipping has a vital role to play, and an obvious stake in ensuring water levels are restored, as ships now have to be ‘light loaded’ in order to navigate the diminished water levels of the Great Lakes. However, Mary Muter argues that the shipping industry is only concerned with the depth of the water in the navigation channels, not the impact of water levels on the surrounding shorelines or on wetlands fish and wildlife. “They’re two very different agendas,” asserts Muter. “Canada Steamship Lines is aggressively lobbying for their solution, which is to blast the St. Mary’s River, and maintain depths there because that’s their only pinch point, and they couldn’t care less about where the water levels are along the shoreline. We know they’ve got a lobby firm in Washington and they are pushing very, very hard.” Sweetnam maintains that the economic impact study will be unbiased. “We’re dispassionately trying to come up with a balanced report that shows the impact.”

Is There Any Common Ground? The Georgian Bay Association, which represents more than 20 cottagers’ associations on the east

and north shores of Georgian Bay, supports GBF’s economic impact study and sits on its steering committee. Despite close ties to GBF, the GBA appears to be taking an approach similar to Stop The Drop – pressuring government to act rather than advocating specific solutions. “We’re far more focused on getting the governments to give the mandate to their chosen experts to fasttrack a solution,” says the GBA’s executive director, Bob Duncanson. “What we’re asking our government to deliver is a healthy historic range of water levels. How they get there is going to be their decision and their decision only. Quite honestly, at the end of the day it doesn’t matter a whit what these other organizations have to say other than that they’ll inform whoever the government appoints to come up with a solution.” He adds, “The St. Clair is clearly a great place to start. Is it the be-all and end-all? I can’t tell you. The rear-view mirror is to just fix what mankind has screwed up, and yes, that’s probably a good place to start, but I’d like to also see the government look out in time and be a bit more proactive.” GBF’s Sweetnam says his organization is not taking an either-or approach to finding a solution. “We are saying you need to look at both – look at St. Clair, but also look at the Niagara River because data shows that if you’re going to put one new structure in, it should be in the Niagara River. If you’re going to put two in, then put them in the Niagara and the St. Clair. But if you’re only going to put one structure in, it should be in the Niagara River.” ROWI’s argues the opposite position, saying its solution is aligned with two key recommendations from the International Joint Commission (IJC) to the Canadian and U.S. federal governments, one

recommending that the governments undertake further investigation of structural options to restore water levels in Lake Michigan/Huron by 13 to 25 centimetres (about 5-10 inches), and the second recommending that multi-lake regulation not be pursued at this time. “GBA and GBF are confusing the issue,” says ROWI’s Muter. “These two organizations are advocating for a solution to the problem that is untenable. Their solution would require locks and dams be constructed at the head of the Niagara River costing at least $3 billion dollars. This option has been consistently refuted by three prior International Joint Commission studies because of adverse economic and environmental impacts throughout the system. ROWI, in distinct contrast, is advocating for underwater sills in the over 60 feet deep eroding sections of the St. Clair River to offset prior dredging and erosion problems, costing no more than $300 million. This solution can be sold in the United States.” Everyone we interviewed for this story agreed that there is strength in numbers, and a cohesive approach has a much better chance of garnering the political support – and bi-national government funding – that will be necessary before anything can be accomplished. Whether the various factions can set aside their differences and work together remains to be seen.

Where Do You Fit In? It’s unclear whether the various groups will be able to agree on viable solutions to declining water levels, or whether polarity and competing interests will water down or confuse the message to government and the public. It’s up to the

individual to decide whose efforts to support. No one solution is likely to combat the ongoing effects of climate change on our water levels, but there is at least one solution that will mitigate the man-made issues and restore our shoreline to some semblance of normalcy until long-term measures can be implemented. One thing is sure: nothing will happen without public pressure. So get informed, get involved and make your voice heard!

Have Your Say! Where do you stand on this issue? Which group(s), approach(es) or solution(s) do you support, and why? To write a letter to the editor, go to www.onthebaymagazine. com and click on “Have Your Say!” ❧

Get InvolveD!

Whether it’s signing petitions, sending letters to your political representatives, volunteering or cutting a cheque, the following organizations need your support to make things happen! Stop the Drop www.stopthedrop.ca Georgian Bay Forever www.georgianbayforever.ca Restore our Water International www.restoreourwater.com the Georgian Bay Association www.georgianbay.ca Or, link directly to the above sites through On The Bay’s website at www.onthebaymagazine.com.

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Living An old schoolhouse in downtown Collingwood is transformed into condos while preserving the building’s heritage story by Judy Ross photography by deRek TRask


hen the owners of this loft-like condo climb their wide staircase with its carved newel posts, they love the fact that school children once raced up and down these same stairs and slid down the gleaming curved banister. The well-preserved maple stairways (one for the ‘girls’ door and one for the ‘boys’ door) are part of a thoughtful restoration of the former duke of Connaught school. This historic brick building in downtown Collingwood, with its charming vintage details, now contains four spacious two- and three-bedroom condos. and the spirit of its earlier life is very much in evidence.


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Fourteen-foot-high ceilings draw the eye upward to the original pressed-tin ceiling. Also original are the narrow plank maple floors in what was once a classroom.

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Worth Coming Home To

Above: Newly landscaped courtyard spaces replace what was once the divided ‘girls’ and ‘boys’ playgrounds. A new iron fence and brick pillar complete the handsome heritage look. Right: intricate brickwork was restored over the glass sunburst design transoms on the windows and doors. the solid wood entry doors open to a dramatic two-storey foyer with the original schoolhouse staircase.


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e first heard about this project from our Toronto neighbour, who was skiing here last winter,” says the owner of this loft unit. “When he saw the building he called us and we came up the next day and bought within a week.” The couple had been looking far and wide for a four-season lifestyle town; plus they wanted to live centrally so they could walk to everything. The Duke Lofts was the perfect solution. The approach to the building is clearly divided, with a central walkway and entrances on two sides to access two different units. There are two more units in the annex at back. Greg Knight of Knight Developments, along with FAD architects from Parry Sound, masterminded the restoration. “We are still not sure which side was for the boys and which for the girls,” says Knight, “but in those days the children were separated in the playground as well, so we have created two garden courtyard spaces in the front yard.” On first entering the two-storey foyer of this unit you see two sleek road bikes hanging from a sculpture-like rack. The owners love biking and have found the area to be a haven for road cycling. They joined the Collingwood Cycling Club and regularly bike to Creemore for breakfast. Also in the foyer, across from the maple stairwell, is a row of old school lockers with original orange paint. “My daughter, who helped us with the interior design, said if we live in a school we must have lockers,” laughs the owner, adding, “we found these on Queen Street in Toronto.” Their second-floor condo opens to one huge west-facing room that contains living, dining and kitchen areas under a soaring 14-foot ceiling. Natural light spills in from tall double-hung windows on three sides. Centred between two banks of windows is a bump-out with flat screen TV and horizontal gas fireplace. Venting the fireplace became an issue because an

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Source Guide In response to reader requests, On The Bay has compiled this guide to businesses where the homeowners purchased the items seen in the photographs.

Safety is always in



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DINING AREA Cherry wood chairs and table Michael Fortune of Rosewood Studio, Lakefield, Ontario Cabinet (cherry and Australian lacewood) Michael Fortune, Rosewood Studio, Lakefield


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Top LefT: The hallway leading from the guest bedroom suite to the living area has eightfoot-tall doors and oversized baseboards. BoTTom LefT: original art by Toronto painter michael Adamson brightens the space over the built-in counters in the living room.

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outside vent would detract from the building exterior. Instead they used an interior duct, left it exposed, put up a matching one for symmetry and painted them both grey. At either end of the long interior kitchen wall there is a hallway leading to a bedroom and bathroom; at one end is the master bedroom suite and at the other, similarly laid out, a guest suite. There is a third small bedroom at the top of the stairwell, which the owners plan to use as an office. Because they bought when the unit was still under construction, the couple was able to customize much of the interior. They expanded the dimensions of the kitchen to include a square-edged 16-foot-long quartz island and added a bank of counter-height storage along the north wall. “We didn’t want to obstruct any of the windows,” says the owner, “so we kept everything low.” Clearly the project was fun for everyone involved, if challenging at times. “Heritage can be a nightmare,” asserts Knight, who lives in a heritage home in Markham, “but the end results are fantastic.” Vintage details like the pressedtin ceiling (which was refurbished by removing years of paint layers), eightfoot-tall doorways and original narrow maple floorboards give the space charm but, still, it was not easy creating warmth in such a vast space. For the owners it was a chance to repurpose things from their Toronto townhouse and seek out new pieces that suit the crisp minimalism of the building. Being cautious not to “fill it with too much stuff,” they sourced the perfect pieces of art and sculpture along with fun things like the school lockers. The husband was put in charge of lighting and “spent hours on the internet” seeking out unique fixtures. “We probably spent more time on lighting than anything else,” he admits with a smile, “but I think it was worth it.” He found a LED specialist and his lighting choices include a long thin LED tube suspended by wires over the kitchen passageway and a series of

Right: the owner made the fabric-covered headboards in the master bedroom and in this guest bedroom. the grey striped blanket is from Au Lit in toronto and the painting is by Wolf Kahn. Left: the master bathroom’s serene palette is enhanced by porcelain flooring and marble countertops.


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Clearly the project was fun for everyone involved, if challenging at times. “Heritage can be a nightmare,” asserts Knight, who lives in a heritage home in Markham, “but the end results are fantastic.” LED lights tucked behind the crown moulding, situated so that they highlight the pressed metal ceiling at night. In the foyer an unusual canoe fixture is also wired with LED lights. Over the dining table a dramatic long-armed sconce reaches out from the wall to brighten a simple tray arrangement of shells, coral and stone. “But,” he admits, “lighting can be difficult and I have made mistakes. The wattage in our bathroom isn’t bright enough. I didn’t allow for the 12-foot ceilings.” The brick building has had many transformations since it began as a oneroom schoolhouse in 1884 named East Ward school. It was expanded in 1902 to Left, CLoCkwise from top: A strip of LeD lights inside the metal cove molding highlights the tin ceiling at night. the owners, both cycling enthusiasts, bought the bicycle parts tray from the reCYCLer in Goderich. the cherry dining table and chairs were custom made by designer michael fortune. riGht: the original schoolhouse staircase is lit by a unique fixture made by tim richards of south street Boatbuilders in southampton.

On The Bay

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The brick building has had many transformations since it began as a one-room schoolhouse in 1884 named East Ward School. the existing Romanesque Revival style building. It was then named Duke of Connaught in honour of Queen Victoria’s third son, who became Canada’s governor general. In latter years an unattractive addition was put on the north side and it became a fitness centre owned by the Town of Collingwood. When the town wanted to sell, Knight Developments came up with a plan that would save the heritage building. Knight’s concept included putting an annex at the back with two additional condos still in keeping with the old school aesthetic. Today, with all but one of the four units sold, the building is coming back to life. For Greg Knight it has been a positive experience with plenty of support from town council and local heritage groups. For the owners it has been a wonderful adventure. “We are still settling in and there are plenty of things to do,” says the owner, “but we feel at home here. Our favourite place to sit is right here in the middle of the sofa. From here we see nothing but treetops and can watch the weather pass over the ski trails at Blue Mountain … it’s like country in the city.” ❧ ABOVE: The sitting area anchored by a custom carpet is kept minimal to showcase the architecture. All the windows were made to match the originals at a Mennonite workshop in St. Jacobs. RighT: The 16-foot quartz island separates the kitchen and sitting areas. A thin tube of LED lights hangs from the ceiling to illuminate the space.


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Smart Home New technology puts everything at your fingertips


With this one remote, the Lockhart family runs the entertainment system throughout their home.

story by Marc HuMinilowycz photography by ricHarD Galloway

n the classic 1968 Peter Sellers movie, The Party, a bumbling indian actor gets into mischief with electronic technology at the extravagant home of a Hollywood movie producer. During the course of the evening, he playfully vocalizes gibberish over the wholehouse intercom, triggers fountains to spew at inappropriate times and activates moving walls and furniture, creating chaos and making for great comedy.

On The Bay

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Dean and Anne Lockhart had their 24-year-old Collingwood home wired to control audio and video in different rooms.

“We’re very pleased with the work. Nothing looks out of place and the fit and finish are fantastic. We used to have three or four TVs working independently. Now one remote controls everything.” This high-tech home was likely inspired by a Walter Cronkite TV show from a year earlier, titled The 21st Century, in which the venerable journalist explored the wired home of the future (it’s worth viewing – available on YouTube). Amazingly, much of the emerging technology predicted in 1967 – such as multi-room audio, 3D TV, home automation and round audio speakers – is mainstream today, albeit more sophisticated. For one, the desk-sized central command console has been replaced by a simple touch-screen control panel about the size of a tablet. Catering not only to the very rich, but also to the other 99 per cent of the population, the “smart home” industry in North America has skyrocketed from an estimated $1.3 billion in 2007 to well over $10 billion today. Virtually every automated device and system you can imagine is available or in development. Welcome to the second decade of the second millennium, when the “wired home” is a reality. Inside your home, sophisticated thermostats can sense your heating and cooling preferences and automatically program themselves to adjust the temperature accordingly. Blinds close automatically during the day to keep


On The Bay

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the house cool and at night for privacy, opening quietly in the morning while your bathroom floor warms up. A wireless HiFi system plays “all the music on earth” in any room. Outside, keyless entry systems read the fingerprints of your family members (and up to 99 other people) to lock and unlock doors while triggering appliances and devices inside the home. When you’re away from home, security systems interact with home lighting to give a lived-in look. Programmable sensors send you a text or email if they detect water, power outages or excessive temperatures inside. Strategically installed surveillance cameras monitor different parts of the house, allowing you to go online to see what’s going on. Best of all, you can control virtually everything remotely from the comfort of your sofa or when you’re away, via Internet, Wi-Fi, smartphone, tablet or laptop. Sounds great; I’m in, you say – but what about the cost? And how do I wire my older home for all these amazing gizmos without the hassles of major construction? Fortunately, you don’t have to be Bill Gates or build a home from scratch in order to

Collingwood Estate


nimaginable, a 30 acre executive estate hobby farm located in the Town of Collingwood. Seconds to Olser Brook golf and skiing, Blue Mountain golf and skiing, local shops and fine dining. This breathtaking property has it all. The charming stone home with winding concrete drive is set on a spectacular setting with the Black Ash Creek, forest, native perennial landscaping, gazebo, stream/waterfall, groomed trails for riding/walking/cross country skiing, etc. The completely functional equestrian area has been carefully designed for ease of use with paddocks and electric fencing that can be re-configured. Horses have plenty of room to roam and relax with an outdoor shelter and barn. The upper level of the barn has been fully finished to a massive office with outstanding views the length of the property. The fun has just begun with the US Open rubberized tennis court with night sky compliant lighting and California corners; salt water swimming pool; pool house with sauna; hot tub and a secluded log cabin. A naturalists dream with unprecedented location. Call today for more information on the zoning and future use for the property as well as details on the income producing solar panels.


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ABOVE: Jake Marchildron one of Huronia’s security specialists sorts wires before installing them.

upgrade to the latest in home security, automation and audio/video technology. And you don’t need to go far to get it, either. Huronia Alarms has been at the forefront of residential and business life safety products and systems in the Southern Georgian Bay region (and beyond) for over 40 years. Successfully managed by the Thorburn family since 1993, the company has solidified its security business over the years. (It was a security provider for the G8 Summit in 2010.) At the same time, Huronia added audio-video and other Fa l l 2 0 1 3

Wired For Comfort Wired For Comfort

Smart wiring and home automation Whole home audio/video Home lighting control systems Electronic shade and drapery control Security systems and monitoring

Th o r n b u r y 51 9. 59 9. 2969 re d b r i ckg ro u p.ca Rob Thorburn Jr. shows off some of the wiring involved in a current Huronia Alarms project. Once finished there will be in excess of 2,000 wires measuring over 20,000 feet controlling everything from the entertainment system to security.



home automation products and services, and opened its flagship location with state-of-the-art demo/showroom at 284 Pretty River Parkway in Collingwood. “We invite people to make an appointment to come to our showroom and to see and experience the amazing technology that’s available to them right now – like window treatments, automated lighting, HVAC controls, home theatre, surround sound systems, background music, cameras, and even landscape audio” says Cam Posch of Huronia. “It’s all here. As custom integrators, we listen to our customers’ needs and budgets, and point them in the right direction, leaving headroom for their future requirements.” Technology doesn’t have to be expensive, says Huronia vice president Rob Thorburn. For example, a nifty device called the Nest Learning Thermostat – designed for iPad and available through Huronia – learns your heating/cooling preferences, reads the outside and inside temperatures and humidity, calculates how quickly your house heats and cools, and controls your entire HVAC system. Hook into the Internet, and you can schedule the device remotely. The result: a comfortable home and significant energy savings. The cost? About $250. Simple home automation systems, which control lighting or music only, can be affordable. As with most technology, however, more capability and complexity means more cost, with a variety of systems and price points available. A popular system installed by Huronia, simply called “g!”, has plenty of smart features. Personalized to fit specific user lifestyles, it offers everything from simple family room control to whole-home management and remote monitoring by way of an easy-to-use, elegantly-designed touch screen at home or via iPhone, iPad, laptop or PC with an Internet connection. The ultimate g! package is impressive. It allows users to control lighting, music, home theatre, security system, indoor climate, video monitoring, favourite photos, lawn irrigation, pool and spa. A messaging feature allows the family on the go to stay in touch via separate mailboxes and even old-school hand-written notes, always accessible via home touch screen or the Internet. Although various WiFi (wireless) home automation systems are available,



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#206532 Hwy 26, Meaford, ON

T: 519-538-2000

Hours: Mon - Fri: 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.


#206532 Hwy 26, Meaford, ON

T: 519-538-2000

TOP: Cam Posch is the custom audio-video expert at Huronia Alarms.

Hours: Mon - Fri: 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.


On The Bay

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ABOVE: Finished wiring is neatly put away and awaits a covering.

Huronia recommends hard-wiring for maximum performance, especially in new home construction. “You’d be silly not to invest in wired infrastructure when building a home,” says Rob Thorburn. “We recommend CAT6 cable in every room to accommodate all the plug-and-play devices that you want to network.” With existing homes, Thorburn emphasizes that his company’s technicians, possessing many years’ installation experience, are highly skilled at retrofitting wiring. “We inspect your home, analyze it and figure out what we can do,” he adds. Huronia customer Dean Lockhart recently had his 24-year-old Collingwood home wired to control audio and video in different rooms. Granted, the house was undergoing significant renovations at the time, but it still required Huronia staff to “fish wiring to all the rooms.” The installation consisted of two separate A/V systems – one on the main floor and one for the lower level – including TVs, DVDs, audio and speakers, with a control centre on each floor conveniently operated by a universal remote. Fully automated alarm and fire detection systems were added at the same time. “I’m not a technical guy, but I was completely comfortable with Huronia’s recommendations,” says Lockhart. “We’re very pleased with the work. Nothing looks out of place and the fit and finish are fantastic. We used to have three or four TVs working independently. Now one remote controls everything.” Huronia’s Posch admits that hard-wiring is not always possible in some existing homes, although he reveals that other technology is, or soon will be available. In some cases, a network connection may be configured through a home’s existing cable. And “ethernet over powerline,” utilizing adapters plugged

Simple home automation systems, which control lighting or music only, can be affordable. As with most technology, however, more capability and complexity means more cost, with a variety of systems and price points available.

into household electric plugs to create networks out of electrical wiring, is fairly new technology that is not yet mainstream. Then there is WiFi, which creates a wireless network in your home, allowing you to surf the web or control home automation devices from anywhere in and around your home. While convenient, Posch advises that wireless is more complicated, not as secure and not as fast as wired, citing recent broadband research indicating that microwaves and other home appliances can interfere with download speeds, reducing them by 30 per cent. At the other end of Collingwood, with a gorgeous showroom located at 15 Balsam Street, Scott Lovegrove of Georgian Audio Video has been catering to local audio- and video-philes for 25 years. A keen music enthusiast, he describes how audio has changed over the years, and keeps evolving. “Compared to the digital music that first emerged years ago, today’s digital audio is truly high fidelity – and high performance,” says Lovegrove. “Compressed digital audio formats of the past [such as the iPad and other MP3 devices] limited the fidelity and quality of music. Today’s audio equipment is far advanced, and it does a great job with Internet audio streaming.” He explains that digital-to-analog converters (DACs), built in to integrated pre-amplifier brands like Rotel and Bryston, can be added to any unit to create warmer, richer sound. Lovegrove maintains that storing music in computers and iPads is “passé.” Streaming audio and video over the Internet is quickly taking over. “With cloud Internet storage (such as Apple iCloud) allowing you to access files anywhere, it’s no wonder that video and record stores are disappearing,” he says. For those wanting the ultimate home music experience, Lovegrove gives an enthusiastic thumbs-up to the epitome of wireless audio technology – the Sonos system. “It’s earth shaking!” he exclaims. “The most entertaining, easily adaptable Internet-based product on the planet.” Through the Internet, Sonos manages and plays personal digital music collections as well as Internet music


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services (such as SeriusXM and Pandora) and thousands of free Internet radio stations, allowing you to stream “all the music on earth” to any room in the home wirelessly via Wi-Fi. The beauty of the system is that existing stereo, home theatre components and powered speakers can be hooked up to Sonos Connect devices to render the equipment wireless and enjoy music throughout the house – even a different song in every room, if the listener so chooses. And, there is no remote. The system is controlled with a smartphone, tablet or computer. According to Lovegrove, control is everything, and simpler is better when it comes to home technology. As its name implies, Georgian Audio Video specializes in home entertainment. The showroom is a fantasyland – spacious and impressive, with a huge selection of the latest in TV, HiFi, home theatre equipment and furniture, including surround systems, sound bars, overhead TV projectors and screens. Much of the equipment is adaptable to existing homes, with knowledgeable advice to match. In addition to offering the latest in home audio, video and home theatre, Georgian Audio Video also sells and installs home automation technology such as Control4, a complete system that lets users monitor and manage indoor temperature, lighting, security, home theatre and more. For anyone building a new home, Lovegrove recommends not spending a fortune on cabling and wiring for the future. “A lot of it is not required, and ends up never being used,” he says. “Leave that to the experts. They know best.” With so many home high-tech options available today (and many more in development), it is just as easy to be overly impressed as it is to get overwhelmed by the technology. When considering a smart upgrade to you home, it is important to establish your needs and wants, your home’s possibilities, your budget, and your technology comfort zone. Fortunately, most of today’s A/V and home automation systems are designed

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Scott Lovegrove of Georgian Audio Video runs the Sonos wireless audio sytem on his iPad – which he calls “the most entertaining, easily adaptable Internet-based product on the planet.”

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Through the Internet, Sonos manages and plays personal digital music collections as well as Internet music services and thousands of free Internet radio stations, allowing you to stream “all the music on earth” to any room in the home wirelessly via Wi-Fi. with simplicity in mind. And local companies like Huronia Alarms and Georgian Audio Video have the knowledge and expertise to make recommendations and guide you every step of the way. What’s next? According to our local experts, in the very near future, refrigerators will create recipes based on the food ingredients you have inside. Your bathroom mirror will display today’s weather and news headlines as you shave. Thermostats will respond to real-time utility rates. You will receive text messages when washers and dryers finish their cycles or if a door or window in your house has been opened. Video conferencing will be available at home. Walter Cronkite would be very impressed. ❧

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Fall is here: Take the family out to see the beautiful leaves in the Georgian Bay area.

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Decorating for the SeaSon 10 tips for winterizing your décor story by Judy Ross photography by ChRista GaLLoWay


s we pack up the patio furniture, put away the garden tools and bid farewell to the breezy days of summer, it’s time to also look inward and rethink our décor. Living as we do in a four-season part of the world it’s difficult to have a style that works both summer and winter. By making a few subtle updates we can cosy up our home and be ready for the colder days and longer nights ahead.

ABOVE & RIGHT: Warm colours and fluffy textures in cushions and throws along with wood accented accessories can help make the transition to winter from the lighter, cooler fabrics, colours and artwork used in the warmer months (far right).

Before On The Bay

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ABOVE & RIGHT: Tables can easily go from summer (right) to winter (above) without having to change furniture or tableware. Candles, accessories and centerpieces do all the work.

For some homeowners, a complete transformation takes place and storage lockers are used to contain the off-season inventory. Cotton slipcovers are removed from upholstered pieces, area carpets put down to brighten bare floors, and summery blinds exchanged for heavier draperies. However, such dramatic measures are not necessary. After discussions with decorators and home interior store owners, we have come up with their top 10 ideas for switching your summer look into something that will make you feel snugly ‘at home’ all winter long. And these are ideas that don’t require storage lockers … just a keen eye and a wish for change.

1. Change Your Accessories Reaccessorizing is a simple and inexpensive way to redecorate. Summer vases of freshly cut perennials can be replaced with fall berries, pine branches and stalks of coloured leaves. Check out the Kuwa African Willow branches at At Home Interiors in Collingwood. These come in bright red, turquoise, black, brown and bleached. Fill a tall urn and use the branch colour as a starting point for a grouping. Colour blocking or clustering will give the eye something to focus on.

2. Replace Your Scented Soaps And Candles In summer a fresh flower-scented breeze blowing through the house may be all you need to keep the air fresh, but in the fall you can create a homey atmosphere by choosing potpourri, soaps or scented candles that infuse the house with subtle hints of cranberry, pine or apple.


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3. Create A Feeling Of Cosiness Fill your sofa with plump accent pillows covered in knit textures and blanket prints. It’s easier if you start with neutral upholstery on your principal pieces. Change the accent colours to deeper hues. Use luxurious throws – a soft cable knit throw draped across the chair arm is an invitation to curl up with a book. Look for floor cushions like the popular kilim-covered cubes that add extra seating and can be grouped around the fireplace or coffee table.

4. Add A Shaggy Rug Shag carpets are popular again (or retro if you remember the ’70s) because they add instant warmth and texture. Sometimes a new area carpet can be

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the starting point for your winter colour scheme. Terase Art and Home in Thornbury carries a good selection of area carpets in a range of sizes, prices and colours.

5. Inject A Wintry Feel With Some Deeper Colours One easy way is with new placemats, napkins and candles on your dining table. Start with a richly coloured fall/winter centerpiece (densely packed with evergreen, pinecones, berries, dried hydrangeas) and use that to pick up the accent colours for your tableware.

6. Use Lots Of Candles And Candlesticks

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The reflective quality of crystal, silver, mercury or glass candlesticks add a welcome shimmer of light when the weather outside is dark and nasty. Invest in some of the new and improved battery-operated candles that are so realistic they flicker like flames caught in a breeze. Choose ones with timers,





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ABOVE & LEFT: A few small changes can make all the difference in a bedroom. Keeping the same furniture, artwork and bedding and picking up different colours in the accent cushions and accessories can make the transition from summer to winter. Again, it’s all about warmer colours and softer textures.

arrange them in groupings of different sizes (on the mantel for instance) and set them to come on at dusk.

7. Change Your Bedding Keep complete summer and winter sets for your bedroom since there is no easier way to change the mood. In summer use light coloured matelasse coverlets and white or cream sheets. For winter, add colour and layer the bed with extra plush blankets or cable-knit throws. Farrow Arcaro Design (FAD) in Collingwood has a full-size bed set up for display and plenty of sample swatches so you can mix and match sheets, duvet covers, toss cushions, and blankets.

8. Move Your Art Sometimes a painting has been hanging on the same wall for so long you forget it’s there. Your eye just glazes over it. If you’re shuffling things around to get ready for winter, try making changes with your art … it can give you a whole new appreciation for what you already have.

9. Provide A Wintry Welcome Welcome mats and door wreaths are the first things your visitors see when they enter your home. Change these to reflect the season. You can also create your own season-appropriate wreath at one of Panache Design’s workshops.

10. Transform The Powder Room Switch up the look by changing dishes of seashells for pinecones and berries, change hand towels to darker colours and use soaps that have wintry scents like cinnamon and orange. By making simple and inexpensive changes like these, you can warm up your home’s décor for the chilly months to come. ❧


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(l-r) Skylar Trask, Peter Vassbotn, Holly Samson, Michelle Vandenacker, Ashley McKibbon take in the view of the Beaver Valley from the Bruce Trail near Old Baldy.


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Adventures 10 things to do in Southern Georgian Bay this fall story by Allison Kennedy dAvies


here’s something truly magical about fall in southern Georgian Bay. The autumn leaves meet the sparkling waters of Georgian Bay putting on an amazing show for hikers, cyclists, day-trippers and sightseers alike. Country roads are free from summer traffic, local hotspots are just a little bit quieter, and the daytime temperatures are absolutely perfect for being outside. To complement that perfection, businesses in southern Georgian Bay have been hard at work giving visitors even more reasons to flock to the area. “There’s been a great emphasis on building up the shoulder seasons,” explains Jeffrey schmidt, executive director of Regional Tourism organization 7, which covers Bruce, Grey and simcoe counties. “it’s quite important to tourism in our region. We’ve all been working on extending the season and making local businesses more viable and more profitable. it really is a commendable goal.” it is indeed a commendable goal … and one that residents and visitors to southern Georgian Bay reap the rewards of daily. Whether you want to take in the fall colours from the top of the escarpment, fill your basket with fresh produce at a local farmer’s market or enjoy talents of an incredibly rich community of local artists, it’s all here. so go, ahead, fill your calendar with fall adventures and experience the autumn splendor southern Georgian Bay has to offer.

Much like cycling, hiking in the region is also amazing during the fall months. sweat-free, bug-free and peaceful, there are some awesome southern Georgian Bay hikes that will reward you with beautiful views of the bay, Beaver valley and the fall colours. Few locals spend more time on the trails than Free spirit Tours’ Jennie elmslie, so we asked her to choose her top three fall hikes. old Baldy, located in the Beaver valley near Kimberley, made the list. At old Baldy, the niagara escarpment face is 152 metres high, offering you an amazing view of the Beaver valley below. Turkey vultures and Buteo hawks cruise the updrafts along the escarpment and there are both long and short hike options that go to the lookout along the same route. you can also return via the McKirk side Trail. elmslie’s second choice was the Pretty River side Trail, which she says more than lives up to its name in the fall. This 5.1-kilometre hike begins at the snodrifters Parking lot on Grey Road 31. A short but steep hike gives you a beautiful view of the valley and nottawasaga Bay. Follow the trail to sundown lake and enjoy your picnic on the dock before hiking back to your car. Also on elmslie’s don’t-miss list is the Cascade Trail at Blue Mountain Resort. This three kilometre up-and-down hike begins at the south Base lodge of the resort. The trail heads up the mountain, climbing man-made steps, crossing several bridges and offering views of beautiful waterfalls. Reward yourself with a stop at the top to catch your breath and take in the panoramic views across Georgian Bay before heading back downhill. For another amazing fall option, follow Grey County’s waterfall tour. visit Hogg’s Falls, indian Falls, inglis Falls, Jones Falls, McGowan Falls, Walters Falls and Weaver Creek Falls. For detailed information on each waterfall hike, visit www.visitgrey.ca and look for the waterfall tour.

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Photo Derek trask

1. Hike the Bruce Trail


Activities Georgian Hills Vineyard offers plenty of wine tasting opportunities perfect for a fall outing.

Photo Christa Galloway

At Georgian Hills Vineyard, they’re not shy about setting goals. With the mission of establishing a sustainable winery and vineyards in the Beaver Valley and the long-term goal of developing a successful wine industry in the Georgian Bay region, simply put, it’s a great time to be wine enthusiast in Southern Georgian Bay. Georgian Hills Vineyard is situated at Victoria Corners in the beautiful Beaver Valley. With talented winemaker Lindsay Puddicombe at the helm, there are many great ways to visit Georgian Hills. In the spring and fall, take part in a Paddle and Wine-Tasting organized by Free Spirit Tours. In the winter, pair your wine tasting with a snowshoe at the vineyard or an après ski wine and cheese tasting. The vineyard offers a “perfect pairings” tasting that will help you learn to pair Georgian Hills wines with local food offerings. The Simply Sampling experience lets you get right down to business, or opt for a Wine and Cheese Tray Tasting, a Sweet Indulgence Tasting or indulge in Victoria’s Country Platter. Coffin Ridge is another popular winery in the region. Located closer to Owen Sound in the town of Annan, the Coffin Ridge tasting bar welcomes the public during regularly scheduled hours. Come and try the local wines by the fireplace or trek into the vineyard with a Vintner’s Picnic of local favourites.

3. Explore Local History

Fall is also a great time to explore the rich historical resources Southern Georgian Bay has to offer. From the Collingwood Museum to the Craigleith Heritage Depot, the Sheffield Black Cultural Museum and the Meaford Museum in the immediate area and Grey Roots Museum and Archives, Simcoe County Museum and Sainte Marie Among the Hurons slightly further afield, your options for learning about local history are vast. Just outside the downtown core, you’ll find the Collingwood Museum. With a $2 admission by donation fee, visitors will learn about Collingwood’s ship building history and 150 years of marine heritage. The nearby Craigleith Heritage Depot is a great place to learn about the history of the Town of the Blue Mountains. Admission is $3 per adult, $2 for seniors and children over 5 or $6 per family. Children under five are free. Located just off Highway 26 west of Collingwood and east of Thornbury, the Sheffield Black Cultural Museum tells the story of the earliest black pioneer settlers in the area. Further west of the area, the Grey Roots Museum and Archives features travelling exhibits, an outdoor historic village as well as permanent local history connections. The Simcoe County Museum in Midhurst features five indoor galleries and 16 outdoor heritage buildings. North of the area, Sainte Marie Among the Hurons offers another unique historic experience. Visitors can marvel at a world that existed over 370 years ago. This historical reconstruction teaches visitors about cultural contact, determination and survival in the 17th century when European and Native culture first met. The site’s Thanksgiving Harvest Festival is worth the trip. If historical heroes are of interest to you, a visit to the Billy Bishop Museum in Owen Sound takes you through the boyhood home of the World War II flying ace, with exhibits chronicling his life and commemorating Canadian aviation and military history.


2. Sample a Local Winery

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The whole family will enjoy the Craigleith Heritage Depot Community Interpretation Centre, showcasing our area’s unique cultural, natural and industrial history.

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Photo RichaRd Galloway

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One of the most memorable ways to see the fall colours and enjoy a crisp autumn day is from the water. There are several beautiful canoe routes in the region that are accessible during the autumn months. The Beaver River is a popular route that winds its way from Kimberley to Thornbury. The upper section of the Beaver, from Kimberley to Heathcote, can be paddled year round. Park at the access point on Grey Road 13 and leave an extra car at the Heathcote access. This 20-kilometre paddle will take you most of the day so pack snacks ‌ and binoculars as you’ll often see ducks, owls, snapping turtles, muskrats and maybe even white-tailed deer. On a recent paddle, we saw a nesting bald eagle on this stretch of the river. The Nottawasaga River is also a great fall paddling option. Locally, Free Spirit Tours offers some great Nottawasaga options out of their Wasaga Beach location. Visit www.freespirittours.com/summer/paddlingnottawasaga to learn more. The river is fairly flat in the Wasaga Beach section, making it an easy paddle up or downstream. You can put in at Schooner Town, Klondike Park or Hammelville, paddle as long as you like and return to your car. Overnight trips are also possible with camping options along the way at the Nottawasaga Conservation Authority and the Edenvale Conservation Authority.

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Photo Allison Kennedy dAvies

For Recreation

Activities Lukas teVelde organizes the fresh produce at his family’s Twin Creeks Organic Farm stand at the Meaford Farmer’s Market.

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5. Visit a Local Farmer’s Market

There are few meals as satisfying as the one you cook with ingredients fresh from the farmer’s market. In recent years, as the buy local mantra has spread and the idea of embracing a 100-mile diet has grown popular, farmer’s markets have become local meeting places that offer not only amazing fresh food but also a true sense of community. Whether you live in Southern Georgian Bay or you’re just visiting, there’s a farmer’s market near you. Most markets run from late spring until Thanksgiving weekend, but a few, such as Owen Sound and the Keady Livestock Market, operate year round. If you’re looking for a mid-week option, the Keady Livestock Market is open Tuesday mornings from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. This market offers much more than fresh fruit and vegetables, with over 200 vendors showing up in the summer months. Clarksburg also offers a mid-week market, open on Wednesday’s from 3 to 6 p.m. in Lion’s Park until October 9. Weekend markets abound. Meaford’s kicks off on Friday afternoons from 3 to 7 p.m. under the Rotary Pavilion at the Harbour Complex. Collingwood’s market runs Saturday mornings form 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Second and Pine Street Municipal Parking Lot. Just down the road, the Creemore Farmer’s Market also runs Saturday mornings from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. until Thanksgiving at the Station on the Green. Further afield, the Owen Sound Farmer’s Market runs Saturday mornings from 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. With an indoor component for some vendors, the market is open year round with a meat, fish and dairy counter indoors. Farmer’s markets bring farmers together in one location to sell their wares. But there are also dozens of individual farm markets throughout the area selling field-fresh produce, baked goods, preserves, pickles and other treats. Many, like Grandma Lambe’s in Meaford, are open year round. Others, like Goldsmith’s Orchards in Thornbury, stay open until late November. Even once the snow flies, you can still find local fare at The Market between Thornbury and Meaford, and the 100 Mile Store in Creemore.

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6. Follow the Apple Pie Trail

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Fall is apple harvest season and with Grey County’s role as the largest apple producer in Ontario, there’s no better time to visit area orchards. One great way to experience the apple harvest is to take the Apple Pie Trail. With 32 businesses spanning Collingwood, Thornbury, The Village at Blue Mountain, Craigleith, Beaver Valley, Clarksburg, Meaford and Owen Sound, the Apple Pie Trail brings together the best of Southern Georgian Bay. Awarded the 2011 Ontario Tourism Culinary Experience Award, the Apple Pie Trail celebrates the region’s rich apple-growing tradition. With unique apple-inspired treats featured at every stop, you can enjoy a caramel apple latte at the Espresso Post in Collingwood, a Red Prince Apple Pie at the Thornbury Bakery, pick up some pork and apple sausages at Blue Ridge Meats or order some sweet potato gnocchi with caramelized apple at Azzura in Collingwood. Add some adventure to your tour by combining your culinary treats with outdoor activities. A self-guided “Pedal and Paddle Tour” and a “Paddle and Wine Tasting” option can be booked through Activity Central at Blue Mountain, or choose the Kolapore Springs Wilderness Adventure Tour and add a day of trout fishing to your apple adventures. Not looking for exertion? Experience apple country with Chef Tarlo’s custom cooking classes at the Collingwood Cooking School. Learn how to bake – and take – the perfect apple pie, apple crepes, apple cake and apple strudel. Call the cooking school directly at 705445-9003 to book your spot.

Activities Hit the Apple Pie Trail and try one of Grandma Lambe’s famous pies.


scratch and sniff

Photo RichaRd Galloway

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Activities Sennen Yapp pedals through Pretty River Valley.

7. Pedal Past The Fall Colours

Photo Allison Kennedy dAvies

As we’ve all seen in recent years, Southern Georgian Bay has become a mecca for cyclists, and fall is definitely the prime season for cycling in the region. Cooler temperatures make battling your way up those Beaver Valley hills a more enjoyable experience, and area roads are generally quieter than in the summer months. Blue Mountain’s Centurion event has already capped the road biking season, but Blue Mountain Resort’s downhill and cross-country trails remain open on weekends until Thanksgiving. Three Stage and the Kolapore Uplands trails are also a beautiful ride as the colours change. If you’re new to planning a ride in the Southern Georgian Bay area, there are plenty of great resources for pre-planned routes. The Collingwood Cycling Club offers GPS friendly routes on its website at www.collingwoodcyclingclub.ca/routes, while www. visitsoutherngeorgianbay.ca and www.visitgrey.ca also list several local routes complete with descriptions and distances. Looking to plan a multi-day trip with some Bed & Breakfast support? Check out www. cyclebnbsouthgeorgianbay.com. Link towns together and have your luggage waiting for you at your B & B after the day’s ride. For the ultimate in simple cycle adventures, hit the Georgian Trail and ride ‘til you’re tired. No matter if you’re a hard-core cyclist or just a recreational rider – breathe in the fall air and enjoy!


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1:06 PM

Activities Head Scarecrow Marilyn Morris is passionate about Meaford’s Scarecrow Invasion Festival. This year’s theme is Scarecrows love the circus.

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Fall festivals in Southern Georgian Bay are on the rise. With a combination of old classics and new festivals making their debut in 2013, there’s plenty to see and do around the region this fall. One of the region’s classic fall festivals is the Meaford Scarecrow Invasion and Family Festival. Meaford worked its way into the Guinness Book of World Records with this tradition, which sees the town completely taken over by handmade scarecrows. With whimsical scarecrows festooning the telephone poles, lounging outside local businesses and taking to the streets in the annual Scarecrow Parade (October 5 at 6 p.m.), this is a fun fall festival for the whole family. Meaford also hosts the annual Apple Harvest Craft Show on the same weekend, October 5 and 6. Another hugely popular local festival is the Apple Harvest Festival. Slated for Thanksgiving weekend and taking place at locations throughout the Village at Blue Mountain and Thornbury, this is a great opportunity to celebrate the harvest and see the autumn sites. With apple trivia and history, face painting, scavenger hunts, a pancake breakfast, horse and wagon rides and more, this festival offers a perfect opportunity to get out and experience the Blue Mountain area. The Harvest of the Arts festival runs in downtown Collingwood over the Thanksgiving weekend as well. In conjunction with the final Farmer’s Market of the year, the festival features performing and visual arts presentations. On October 26, Downtown Collingwood hosts its Black Harvest event – a spooky celebration complete with witches, warlocks and goblins taking over the town. Children can enjoy face painting, activity centres, a costume contest and treats for all.

Photo Allison Kennedy dAvies

8. Fabulous Fall Festivals

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On The Bay

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Activities Southern Georgian Bay is home to many talented artists. Matt Houghton’s gallery, Art by Houghton, is located on Hurontario Street in Collingwood and features many local scenes.

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Southern Georgian Bay is home to an incredible number of talented artists, and autumn is a popular time for studio tours in the area. With that said, there are other options for discovering the work of local artists – by following the local Art Map, visiting local galleries or joining a long-standing studio tour. A quick visit to www.artmap.com will give you a year-round guide and map to eight pre-planned trails of art studios, art galleries and art exhibitions in Bruce, Grey, Southern Georgian Bay and Manitoulin Island. Both the “Into the Beaver Valley Trail” and the “Southern Georgian Bay Trail” wind their way through this area with go-at-your-own-pace routes. You can pick up a printed copy of The Art Map at local tourist information centres. Located on Hurontario Street in Collingwood, The Blue Mountain Foundation for the Arts is a hub for local artists. With designated gallery space, the Foundation programs monthly exhibitions as well as hosting community talks, musical performances, poetry readings and more. The Creemore Festival of the Arts runs Oct. 4-6, while the annual Blue Mountain Tour of the Arts takes place over Thanksgiving weekend (October 12-14). For more information, visit www.tourofthearts.com and www.phahs.ca. Local galleries include Art by Houghton, Bright’s Gallery at Blue Mountain, The Mad and Noisy Gallery in Creemore, The Loft Gallery in Clarksburg, The Red Canoe Gallery in Clarksburg, The Black Dog Gallery at Terase in Thornbury, and The Waterfront Gallery with artist Michele Clarkson in Collingwood.

Photo Allison Kennedy dAvies

9. Experience Our Artists

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10. Enjoy the Fall Fishing Season

Photo Derek trask

Whether you’re an avid fisherman or just like to watch the spectacle, fall is an amazing season to experience the region’s fishing culture. From late August to late October, there are excellent fish viewing opportunities at the Thornbury Fishway as the adult spawning Chinook salmon make their way up river. If you can’t make it to the fish ladder in person, you can (believe it or not) watch a webcam of the fish moving up river. Installed by the Ministry of Natural Resources, the camera is also used to collect data and count the number and type of species moving upstream. Check it out at http:// www.biotactic.com/bravo/index10.htm. Fall is also a great time to fish for salmon. You’ll often see fisherman lining the banks of the Beaver River below the damn to the mouth at Georgian Bay. Good fishing opportunities can also be had upstream of the Clarksburg Dam. Fly-fishing has become increasingly popular in the region in recent years. Be sure to check the Ministry of Natural Resources website at www.mnr.gov.on.ca. In the Creemore area, the Mad River and Noisy Rivers are two hidden gems for anglers. While both rivers are fairly calm, they contain several pools that provide great trout habitat. Where the Mad River flows through Devil’s Glen Provincial Park, there’s a steep-sided gorge and beyond that the river transforms into a shallow stream offering great brook trout fishing. The Noisy River offers great flyfishing opportunities with many productive pools along it’s route. If you’re looking to get out on the Bay to fish, there are several charter operators in the area. U Catch’em Charters based in Meaford runs charters on Georgian Bay until October. To book a fishing charter, contact Jeff Brattain at 1-866-538-5333. Salty Dawg Sportfishing also offers charters for Chinook salmon until October in the Collingwood Area. Contact Dan at 705-444-7601. For those looking for a more guided experience, check out Kolapore Springs Fishing Adventures. A full or half day adventure in the 6,000-acre Kolapore Uplands includes a hatchery tour, fishing on the 20-acre private lake, hiking and a shore lunch. To book call 705-606-1377.

Plan your Autumn Adventure

Don’t pack away your gear yet! Fall in Southern Georgian Bay is one of the best times to get out and explore. There’s plenty of time to squeeze in one more paddle, one more hike or one more daytrip before the snow flies. Get out and explore! ❧ Dave Hodgetts spends a peaceful fall day fly fishing on the Beaver River – a great way to unwind.


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Viva Italia!

Stayner’s Osteria Vitto serves up an authentic Italian dining experience


story by Emily Worts photography by richard GalloWay

he literal translation of the italian name osteria Vitto is ‘tavern food’ – or, as Wikipedia defines it, a place serving wine and simple fare. and this is exactly what you will find in the heart of stayner at this young restaurant whose doors opened last February. the word tavern in canada conjures up a different image than a rustic taverna you might find on the back streets of a small italian village,

but the underlying concept is the same: hearty food in a relaxed atmosphere with friendly service. at osteria Vitto (oV) guests are welcomed by owner, Bruno cohen, whose family hails from treviso in Northern italy. at 23, cohen may look a bit green to be heading up such a risky venture, but he knows the business well and he capitalizes on his youth, harnessing boundless energy and enthusiasm.

ABOVE: The atmosphere at Osteria Vitto is ‘modern Italian,’ with chairs and banquettes upholstered in colourful fabrics printed with images of wine labels, Italian comics and travel postcards. INSET: Co-owners Bruno Cohen (left) and Adam Barone, who is also the chef, met while working at a popular Thornbury restaurant. On The Bay

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ABOVE, CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Chef Adam Barone makes the pasta fresh in-house; braised beef ravioli with cremini mushrooms, leeks, butter and sage; greens with fennel, radish, orange, candied walnuts and citrus thyme dressing; limoncello granita dessert.

Cohen’s mother was once the owner of the popular Thornbury restaurant, Sisi’s on Main, and Cohen clocked a lot of hours under her tutelage learning the ins and outs of this demanding business. “It’s in the blood,” admits Cohen. He shows us to our seat – which, like every other in the restaurant, is upholstered in colourful fabrics printed with images of wine labels, Italian comics and travel postcards. Once seated my eyes are drawn to a blackboard listing classic Italian cocktails like the Bicicletta spritzer or the Italian Mojito (maybe not so classic but made more Italian with the addition of Prosecco). I opt for an Italian spritzer made with Aperol, Prosecco, fresh orange and mint. I don’t often order cocktails – I’m more of a beer and wine drinker – but this hits the spot. My husband, John, orders a Negroni – a mix of Campari, Gin and sweet Vermouth. A paper bag of breadsticks and warm baguette arrives with nutty olive oil and a touch of balsamic. John and I sip on our cocktails and relax. I can actually see his shoulders drop away from his ears as he starts to unwind. For a moment we feel like real grownups, far, far away from our young children and all the other demands of life. Old black-and-white television shows play soundlessly on the wall over the open kitchen while subtle music and the hum of other diners fills the room.



Our server, Bri, doesn’t rush our menu decisions and her enthusiasm about the food is reassuring. Whatever we choose, we will love, she assures us. She raves about the calamari, claiming it’s the freshest she has ever tasted. I prefer my calamari grilled, but decide to try the ‘OV’ version. This calamari is marinated for a number of days and is breaded fresh to order before it is flash fried. I have to agree with Bri: the calamari is melt-in-your mouth fresh and very tasty. The chili aioli with lemon is a nice touch. My only complaint is there is too much of this fried treat. We do our best not to let any go to waste, but in the end we have to admit defeat. John enjoys a delicious Caesar salad, rich with garlic and anchovy. Through the window of the open kitchen we can see chef and co-owner Adam Barone, a confident and focused presence in the kitchen. At Osteria Vitto, the open kitchen allows diners to watch meal preparation from the comfort of their seats. Pizza dough awaits manipulation on the counter and pots boil in anticipation of home-made pasta. Barone, like Cohen, is first-generation Canadian, but unlike Cohen his family comes from Sicily. “I would go there in the summer and cook in my grandmother’s kitchen,” reminisces Barone. “I became interested in cooking when I was four or five. My grandmother and I would make sauce very early in the morning and it was so delicious. I wanted to know how she was able to do this with just tomatoes. “I didn’t venture far from the kitchen after that.” After more ‘formal’ training at Humber College, Barone travelled to Amsterdam, then back to Italy to help in restaurants owned by relatives before ending up at Sisi’s, where he met Cohen. “This is a big risk and a big adventure,” admits 30-year-old Barone, “but between us we have 20-plus years of experience.” My cocktail has run its course and I decide to try the house wine. Osteria Vitto has a very accessible wine list in addition to a cellared collection of bottles. OV’s house wines (two varieties of red and one white) are imported consignment On The Bay

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varieties and are served by the ounce. I have never seen wine served by the ounce before, and I think it’s brilliant. “Some people, like my mother, don’t like a heavy glass of wine,” says Cohen. “She will order a 6 oz. and follow with a 3 oz.” John and I each order a 6 oz. glass and sit back to rest between courses. Everything from the pasta to the pizza dough is made in house at OV (including the gluten free options). I order fresh tagliatelle with meatballs. I love fresh pasta and rarely find the time to make it at home. The meatballs are a delicious and spicy blend of pork and beef. The tomato sauce is perfectly simple. “This is a family recipe. Instead of using dried breadcrumbs we soak fresh bread in milk. It’s sort of a North-meets-South meatball,” he says of this calling on traditions from different areas of Italy. Like other items of their menu, both traditions of cooking are represented. John orders veal Marsala. Barone has chosen a sweeter variety of Marsala, which adds a nice element to the dish. The veal is pounded, dredged in flour, pan fried and topped with rich Marsala and mushroom sauce. My wine runs out before my pasta and I just need a little taster to get me to dessert. Because I can, I order a 2 oz. glass of wine, finish my pasta and wait for my limoncello granita dessert. This is the perfect ending; so tangy and refreshing. The granita cleanses my palate and feels as if it is helping me digest this rich and comforting meal. Osteria Vitto may be a young restaurant with young owners, but it is quickly gaining a following. Friday nights feel more like a kitchen party, with familiar

“I became interested in cooking when I was four or five. My grandmother and I would make sauce very early in the morning and it was so delicious. I wanted to know how she was able to do this with just tomatoes. “I didn’t venture far from the kitchen after that.”

just the facts

faces moving from table to table chatting and catching up. Cohen and Barone are also targeting the family crowd with a pizza party Monday nights and a free kid’s meal with an adult meal on Thursday nights. On Wednesdays you can enjoy your own wine with a $1 corkage fee, and on weekends OV puts on a mean brunch. Starting this fall the restaurant will be hosting cooking classes on Wednesdays for 10 people at a time. For $25 you can learn how to make pasta with a sauce, then enjoy a meal and a glass of wine. There is a lot going on at Osteria Vitto – all in the name of bringing people together to enjoy good food at a great price and perhaps a tasty cocktail to go along with it. ❧

Osteria VittO

Location: 7304 Highway 26, Stayner Contact: 705-428-9998 www.osteriavitto.com Style: Casual Italian Dining Owner/Chef: Bruno Cohen, Adam Barone Price Range: Mid (Cost of dinner for two with shared dessert, cocktail, wine, tip and tax: $120) Seats: 40 upstairs/36 downstairs Hours: Wednesday - Monday 4-10 & Sunday Brunch at 11-3 , closed Tuesday


On The Bay

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Southern Georgian Bay continues to offer unique shopping and culinary experiences, along with new service providers to meet every need. Here’s the latest on new business openings as well as business transformations including new owners, moves and major renovations. More great reasons to shop local! by Janet Lees


photos by RichaRd GaLLoway

ABOVE: Christine Pritchard (left), owner of Habitat Interiors, and head designer/manager Monika Lorimer at the Thornbury store. On The Bay

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On The Bay

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Glow Hair Studio & Gallery Angela Donnelly considers herself an artist first, a hairstylist second. “I got into hairstyling through art,” says Donnelly, a master colourist and Montrealtrained hairstylist. “Our concept is a creative one – hair is our canvas, and colouring and scissors are our tools.” She adds, “Customer service is number one. We work with the client to choose colour that works with the skin tone, and a cut that enhances the face shape. We work as a team; it’s not one hairstylist per client – you have a whole team who will work with you.” Glow also offers corrective colouring, Japanese hair straightening, makeup and esthetics. There is even a mobile wedding service that will do it all on-site on the big day. Makeup lessons are available, and Donnelly plans to offer “ladies’ evenings” where women will learn hair and makeup tips from the pros. The hair studio is also a gallery, with local artists displaying their work. “People may not go to a gallery, but everyone gets their hair done, so it’s a great way for artists to show their work,” says Donnelly, who also owns a hair studio in Sudbury but now lives in Southern Georgian Bay. Open Tues. 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Wed. 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sat. – Mon. by appointment. 16 Bruce St. N., Thornbury 226-665-4569 (GLOW)

Habitat Interiors Owner Christine Pritchard describes this interior design, furniture and décor business as “a one stop shop for anything interior.” The store carries furniture, lighting, upholstery, artwork, carpets, accessories, bedding, tableware and hardware. Head designer and manager Monika Lorimer offers personal consultations on everything from décor to flooring and window coverings, to entire room construction. “We do the plans and the drawings, and we have a contractor or people can use their own contractor,” says Pritchard. Habitat also carries its own upholstery line, manufactured in Canada, as well as Four Seasons casual custom furniture featuring solid wood frames, down fill and durable, easy-to-change slipcovers. Customers can sign out items to try in their home before purchasing. The store also has large carpet and textile samples to ensure a good match with your décor. Open Tues. – Sat. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sun. 12 – 4 p.m. 54 King St. E., Thornbury 226-665-5550 www.habitatinteriors.ca

Inside Elements Lindsay Herbert is a travelling interior design consultant specializing in window treatments. Herbert carries Hunter Douglas and Maxmar window coverings as well as drapery fabrics and hardware such as drapery poles and finials. In addition to window treatments, Herbert can help with slip covers, pillows, bedding and area rugs. “I don’t have a showroom, so everything comes with me,” says Herbert, who has worked in interior design for 12 years. “I have lots of samples, so everything is very touchy feely.” Herbert’s in-home consultations also include colour and redesign, artwork and home staging. “I offer shopping services where I can go shopping for accessories for clients, and I can do drawings and floor plans,” she says. Herbert moved to Clarksburg from Calgary, where many of her window treatment clients were interior designers, “because a lot of designers don’t do window coverings. I also get a lot of referral business from designers.” Any time, by appointment. 705-888-8630 www.insideelements.ca

Mountain View Stables Horses are heart and soul of this new business, which offers everything from riding lessons to pony rides, trail rides and boarding. Owner Melanie MacLachlan says the focus is on natural horsemanship. “We don’t use any of the old style horse breaking at all,” she explains. “The way we look at it, the horses are our partners, not our workers.” Mountain View offers Western and English lessons for children and adults, with many of the standard bred horses rescued from racetracks and “repurposed.” The stable is also home to a Shetland pony and a larger pony perfect for children. Private lessons are by the hour, with group lessons and day camps planned for future. “The trail rides are phenomenal,” enthuses MacLachlan. “We go out through the meadows, cross a couple of creeks, and there are views of deer, foxes, eagles, falcons, hawks and turkeys.” MacLachlan has 33 years’ experience with horses, from competing in barrel racing and calf roping out West to working at racetracks. She also owns a dog training business in the area, Companions for Life Canine Training, which trains house pets, seeing eye dogs, companion dogs and protection dogs. Open 7 days a week, 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Trail rides Wed. – Sun. (prebooking required). 302 Grey Rd. 21, Blue Mountains 705-445-8544

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COLLINGWOOD The Brick Collingwood The Brick has taken over the former Foley’s Furniture location on Highway 26 in Collingwood. This franchise store of the national furniture and appliance chain carries a wide range of furniture, appliances, electronics and mattresses. “We have some entry level product, but most of our product is very high quality at a reasonable price because we have the national buying power,” notes general sales manager Jon Russell. “We carry more of a high-end product at a really good price.” The store offers financing on all sales, and delivery throughout Southern Georgian Bay. “Our in stock position is 86 per cent, and we have five national distribution centres, so we can normally deliver purchases to your home within three to seven days,” says Russell. “We’re able to turn around the orders and get it to people very, very quickly.” Open Mon. – Thurs. 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., Fri. 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. 10216 Hwy. 26, Collingwood 705-444-6341 www.thebrickcollingwood.com

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Julie A. Ford Professional Corporation Julie Ford has opened a public accounting practice specializing in ownermanaged businesses. Ford, who holds an MBA and is a certified general accountant and certified financial planner, provides accounting services, tax planning, bookkeeping, business and financial advice. Ford, who was born and raised in Collingwood, has been in public practice for 18 years for other firms and decided it was “time to grow as a professional and offer the services in the manner that I want to client.” She adds, “I like to provide a high level of service and value to my clients and this allows me the opportunity to do that. For my clients, accounting is a necessary evil – regardless of the kind of business they get into, they likely didn’t get into business to enjoy the accounting end of things. I let them concentrate on their business, and I can then give them the assurance that the accounting end is being looked after.” Ford says her goal is to become a trusted advisor, providing peace of mind and financial wellbeing to her clients. “I partner with my clients – they’re not alone with it; we partner together in the accounting and finances,” she explains. “I prepare financial statements, prepare and file the necessary tax filings, help them understand their finances,

Dr. Robert McCoppen Family Dentistry Offering Cosmetic and General Dental Services to meet the needs of the entire Family. • Located in Downtown Collingwood • Welcoming new patients • Dental Emergencies Seen Promptly

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ABOVE & RIGHT: Angela Donnelly is taking an artistic approach with her new Glow Hair Studio & Gallery in Thornbury.

plan for the future and help them retain as much of their hard earned dollars as possible. I love helping people.” Open Mon. – Fri. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 7 Ste. Marie St., Collingwood 705-445-8493 www.julieford.ca

Morton Home Inspection Greg Morton brings a wealth of experience – and ethics – as a professional engineer to his new home inspection business. “Every time I sign a piece of paper, that iron ring hits the table and reminds me that I have to be lawful and ethical in everything I do,” he says. Morton conducts pre-sale and pre-purchase inspections that meet the requirements of the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors (OAHI) and the Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspector (CAHPI). “We provide a report to the client that outlines our findings,” says Morton. “The report includes lots of pictures – it’s a digital report with hyperlinks that take you to a site that provides more information. There is also a link to a site that gives a ballpark cost in American dollars.” Each inspection is tailored to the client’s technical knowledge and interest level. “I’ll do an inspection without the client there, but I really enjoy dealing with the client, because a home – especially a first home – has a lot of considerations in terms of how long things last with and without proper maintenance.”

Business Announcement Gaviller & Company llp Chartered Accountants are pleased to announce that Laura McCrae and Alex Jackson have recently completed their Chartered Accountant (CPA, CA) designation! Laura successfully passed the CA examinations and completed the practical experience requirements after receiving her Honours Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Guelph and a Diploma in Accounting from Wilfrid Laurier University. Laura has been with the firm since 2010.

Laura McCrae, CPA, CA

Alex successfully passed the CA examinations and completed the practical experience requirements after receiving his Bachelor of Accounting Honours degree from Brock University. Alex has been with the firm since 2009, where he started as a co-op student and was hired on full time in 2012 after graduating. Born and raised in Collingwood, Alex has also been involved in community activities including volunteering for Collingwood Minor Hockey. Laura and Alex are available to provide auditing, accounting and taxation services to businesses, individuals, not-for-profit organizations and municipalities.

Alex Jackson, CPA, CA

Gaviller & Company llp is a regional chartered accounting firm with more than 40 staff and offices in Collingwood, Meaford, Owen Sound and Walkerton. For over 60 years Gaviller & Company llp has provided a full range of professional services to its clients.

115 Hurontario St., 3rd Floor Collingwood, 705-445-2020 www.gaviller.com

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On The Bay’s



7th Annual

Salute to Grassroots Heroes Grassroots Heroes

Call for NomiNatioNs!

10 People Who

Do you know someone who goes above and beyond their everyday jobs or basic volunteerism to make a difference in our communities?

Made An Impact in 2007

Snowboard Stars Making it as a pro

Designers Do Christmas Easy ways to create the holiday home of your dreams

Trailblazer Harold Culham

Please visit www.onthebaymagazine.com to submit your nomination by October 7th.

Morton says his aim is to protect his customers. “My approach is professional, friendly, communicative, and from what I’ve been told, I keep everything in perspective. Even if I find a major issue I’ll explain what it means.” By appointment 7 days a week 11 Slalom Gate Road, Collingwood 705-818-1541 www.mortonhomeinspection.com

TRANSFORMATIONS Business moves, ownership changes and major renovations Andrew’s Copy & Print Centre

Exams, Excellence & Eyewear Book your appointment online or call us today! 705.429.3937 www.beacheyecare.ca

Andrew Heidman has moved his copy and print business to a larger location, continuing to offer digital print services ranging from one photocopy to 5,000 printed business envelopes, brochures, etc. Heidman says he plans to add new print and copy equipment in the near future. Open Mon. – Fri. 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. 191 Hurontario St., Unit 4 705-446-1114 andrewscopycentre.com

C. E. McMahon CGA Professional Corporation Certified General Accountant Elaine McMahon has moved her offices from First Street to Ste. Marie Street in Collingwood. Services include bookkeeping for small business, personal and corporate business consulting, year-end corporate files, financial statement preparation, assistance with business start-ups, government agency reporting, business consulting, and training in accounting software. Open Mon. – Fri. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 249 Ste. Marie St., Collingwood 705-293-1016

Cheers! Make Your Own Wine This ferment-on-premise wine store has moved to a new location in Wasaga Beach. Owners Sanjay and Kathy Kapoor offer a wide variety of red and white wines by Glad Hatter as well as specialty wines such as port, sherry and Vidal ice wine. Customized labels are available for special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and baptisms. Open Tues. – Fri. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. 1344 Mosley Street, Unit #4, Wasaga Beach 705-429-8419 www.georgianbayselect.com/cheerswine

The Feminine Touch A long-time fixture in Collingwood’s downtown core, this lingerie shop has relocated just down the street from its former location, with an updated look, greater accessibility and larger change rooms. The store carries bras, lingerie, hot flash wear, bed and bath products, jewelry, and Clinique skin care and makeup. Brands include Chantal, Fitfully Yours, Calvin Klein and Spanx. Open Mon. – Sat. 9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. 43 Hurontario Street, Collingwood 705-445-7033

Grist Mill Winery “It’s the most seamless transition of a sale ever,” says Dane Nielsen, who worked for Grist Mill Winery for five years before purchasing the make-your-own-wine business from its former owners. “We’re keeping the name and the location – nothing has changed,”


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Come in and get to know us. says Nielsen, who owns the winery with his wife, Jessica Walker. Customers simply select a style of wine, sprinkle the yeast to start the fermentation, and come back to bottle their wine. Everything else is handled on-site. For those wanting more involvement, Grist Mill also sells supplies and kits to make your own wine at home. Open Tues. – Sat. 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 235313 Grey Rd. 13, Kimberley 519-599-7979 www.gristmillwinery.com

Travelworld of Collingwood Travelworld has moved from its longtime location in Collingwood’s Blue Mountain Mall to a new storefront on Hurontario Street. Owner Mary Ann Winterton says the business has expanded to offer more education as well as cruises, package holidays, European packages, air, rail and insurance. Travelworld is also a destination wedding specialist and a Disney specialist. Open Mon. – Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. 191 Hurontario St., Unit 5, Collingwood 705-445-6370 www.travelworld.ca


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Collingwood Fire Department The town’s fire station has moved to a brand new, state-of-the-art facility on the corner of High and Third streets in Collingwood. Fire Chief Trent Elyea said the original plan was to have two fire stations at opposite ends of town, but in the end it made more sense to build one large new fire station at a central location. “We’ve got a nice clean shot out of here in almost any direction,” said Elyea, adding, “we control the traffic lights with our trucks, so that opens up and frees the traffic and allows us to move through a lot faster.” There are six firefighters on shift at any one time, with a minimum of four that can respond to emergencies. In addition to Elyea and deputy fire chief Ross Parr, there are a total of 24 firefighters, 12 volunteers and two fire prevention officers, an administrative assistant and custodian working out of the new station. “It doesn’t look like a fire hall, and that’s what we wanted,” says Elyea of the building’s innovative design. “We wanted something that would fit Collingwood – stone, glass, chalet style – there over 300 windows in the building.” Available all hours for emergency calls. Business hours Mon. – Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 45 High St. (corner of Third St., across from Home Depot) 705-445-3920 (in emergency dial 911)



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Goldsmith’s Orchard The Oakley’s have purchased Goldsmith’s. Kyle Oakley and fiancée Debby Gregory, along with Kyle’s parents Brad & Teresa Oakley, now operate the market on Highway 26 in Thornbury. The Oakleys have been growing apples since 1984, expanded into other vegetables and fruits three years ago and opened a seasonal tent farm market to sell their produce. “We were just looking for the next evolution of our business and where we could take it,” says Kyle. The Goldsmith name will remain on the building, and the business retains the same staff and carries the same delicious pies. “The only thing that’s slightly different is that we’re bringing in the produce we grow on our own farms to supplement the already great products,” says Kyle. “We’re adding our own additional recipes to the bake shop and bringing in additional products, but the freshness and quality people have come to know Goldsmith’s and Oakley’s for will remain the same.” Open Sun. – Fri. 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. from Mother’s Day weekend until end of November. 207600 Hwy. 26, Thornbury 519-599-3246 ❧

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2 0 1 3

OctOber 19 Martha Wainwright Meaford Hall With a hugely impressive voice and an arsenal of powerful songs, Martha is a beguiling entertainer and a refreshingly different, new force in music. Alternative/ rock/pop. Performance at 8 p.m. Tickets $38. www.meafordhall.ca

On The Bay Magazine is your one–stop information centre for upcoming cultural, artistic and entertaining events throughout Southern Georgian Bay. Please note: all events are subject to change. To confirm times and for event details, please contact the organizers as indicated. For a full listing of upcoming events, go to www.onthebaymagazine.com.

aRT & aNTIQUES SHOWS September 25 – OctOber 27 21st Annual Juried Photo Show Blue Mountain Arts Centre, Collingwood This year’s categories are: Street Photography; What Water Means to Me; Photography on the Edge; and iPhotography. Opening reception and awards presentation September 29, 1 – 3 p.m. www.bmfa.on.ca OctOber 4 – 6 2nd Annual Creemore Festival of the Arts Various locations, Clearview Sponsored by the Purple Hills Arts and Heritage Society and Canadian Heritage. Presenting an impressive lineup of arts, music, dance and craft offerings. Friday & Saturday, 7 am - 10 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. www.phahs.ca OctOber 13 Johanne Landry Loft Gallery, Clarksburg Johanne has come all the way from Gaspé Peninsula with her exhibition of new paintings. Reception from 2 – 5 p.m. www.loftgalleryart.com NOvember 2 – JaNuary 3 Grey County Artists Christmas Gifts Art Show Grey Highlands Library, Flesherton This small but exclusive show featuring original fine art paintings and unique handcrafted gifts is a great place to pick up that special Christmas gift. 519-924-9977 NOvember 23 – December 8 Square Foot Show Loft Gallery, Clarksburg Approximated 400 paintings all 12” x 12” and all priced at $144. Opening night is great fun as people rush in to grab their favourite paintings quickly. No previewing. www.loftgalleryart.com

MUSICal PERFORMaNCES OctOber 10 Replay: The Beatles Roxy Theatre, Owen Sound Canada’s most authentic, exciting and compelling Beatles tribute. Other tribute bands wear the suits and play the songs, but none have The Beatles’ aura and magnetism

like Replay. People have said they actually felt they were watching The Beatles. Tickets $35. Performance at 7 p.m. www.roxytheatre.ca OctOber 12 Bee Gees Tribute: Stayin’ Alive Gayety Theatre, Collingwood Stayin’ Alive is the quintessential tribute band to the Bee Gees, capturing the excitement of live performance and the tender subtleties of the human voice. Performance at 8 p.m. Tickets $26.55 plus HST. 1-888-353-3203 www.gayetytheatre.com OctOber 17, NOvember 28, JaNuary 16 Rockabilly Saloon Series Roxy Theatre, Owen Sound Salute your inner hillbilly with our newest series, featuring hours of amped-up high octane roots music guaranteed to gratify carefree cowpokes, roots rockers and hipsters alike! This series showcases the best rockabilly acts from Hogtown and beyond with boundary-breaking musical mayhem! Tickets $20 each show. Performances at 7:30 p.m. www.roxytheatre.ca OctOber 18 Marc Jordan & Jane Siberry Roxy Theatre, Owen Sound Juno award-winning singer/songwriter Marc Jordan celebrates his 13th album with songstress Jane Siberry. This memorable evening features these internationally acclaimed artists sharing the stage with their band, their songs and their stories. Performing new material and favourites, this unique, collaborative performance is not to be missed! Performance at 8 p.m. www.roxytheatre.ca OctOber 19 Lily Frost and By Divine Right Gayety Theatre, Collingwood Singer-songwriter Lily Frost occupies a very special place on the Canadian music landscape. With eight albums to her credit, she blends elements of rock, jazz, tango, film noir, French chanson and swing. Centred around the psychedelic songwriting of José Contreras, By Divine Right’s lineup was ever evolving. Performance at 8 p.m. Tickets $26.55 plus HST. 1-888-353-3203 www.gayetytheatre.com

OctOber 26 The Sweetest Sounds Gayety Theatre, Collingwood A dynamic evening of story and song brought to life through the greatest music composed for the Broadway stage in the last 100 years, as performed by a quartet of Canada’s brightest musical theatre performers. Performance at 7:30 p.m. Tickets $35 - $85. www.theatrecollingwood.ca NOvember 2 Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Tribute: Full Moon Fever Gayety Theatre, Collingwood Full Moon Fever is the ultimate tribute to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers’ legendary sound, enjoying tremendous success for over a decade. Performance at 8 p.m. Tickets $26.55 plus HST. 1-888-353-3203 www.gayetytheatre.com NOvember 29 Holiday Concert Marsh Street Centre, Clarksburg A traditional dinner followed by a holiday concert. This event coincides with the lighting of the Clarksburg Christmas tree. The Marsh’s gift to the community, with dinner by donation. www.marshstreetcentre.ca 519-599-7837 NOvember 29 – 30 Blue Christmas Roxy Theatre, Owen Sound Simmering seasonal cheer with Peter Irwin & Jailhouse Rock for another Blue Christmas. Sway the night away to seasonal hits, some pop/rock favourites and gospel Grey County style. Don’t forget your mistletoe! Performances at 7 p.m. www.roxytheatre.ca NOvember 30 Jully Black Meaford Hall A force to be reckoned with, the Canadian born triple threat (singer/songwriter/ performer) loves to share her talents and has an enthusiasm for music that is unparalleled. R&B. Performance at 8 p.m. Tickets $45. www.meafordhall.ca December 1 Songs of Season Meaford United Church The Goldenaires concert will be performed under the direction of Jennifer Potter. Musical guests TBA. Tickets $12 adults, $5 children under 12. www.goldenaires.ca December 6 John Lennon Tribute: Shine On Gayety Theatre, Collingwood Each of the musicians in Shine On are renowned artists who lead their own acclaimed projects, and it is a testament to the artistry of the project that all are thrilled at the prospect of recording and touring together. Performance at 8 p.m. Tickets $26.55 plus HST. 1-888-353-3203 www.gayetytheatre.com

Lease From

FaIRS & FESTIvalS OctOber 10 – 12 Elmvale Fall Fair Midway, farm animals display, dog show, antique & stock tractor pull and much more. www.elmvalefallfair.com OctOber 12 – 14 Apple Harvest Festival Blue Mountains There’s no better way to spend Thanksgiving weekend than surrounded by the fall colours. Enjoy free activities including live music, all things apple, buskers, hiking, biking and fall driving tours throughout Clarksburg, Thornbury and Blue Mountain Village. www.bluemountainvillage.ca NOvember 1 – 3 Shri Fest Blue Mountain Village A three-day celebration of yoga life with noted yoga teachers Deb Neubauer and J-P Tamblyn-Saboo. See musicians and artists unite in tranquility. Whether you’re an avid yogi or just getting started, this is your event. www.bluemountainvillage.ca

MaRKETS & BaKE SalES OctOber 12 Art Chair Silent Auction Farmers Market, Downtown Collingwood Painted by local artists and on display through the downtown core, our 24 Muskoka style ‘art chairs’ have been the talk of the town all summer long. Silent auction bidding starts at noon and will close at 1 p.m sharp. Chairs must be taken home and paid for immediately by cash or cheque. www.collingwooddowntown.com OctOber 12 Baking Contest & Sale Marsh Street Centre, Clarksburg All contest entries must contain apples, pumpkin or even both. Four categories are open pastry, open other, junior (under 14) and commercial. All entries must be in by 9 a.m. for judging. Winners will be announced at 11:30 a.m. followed by the sale. www.marshstreetcentre.ca 519-599-7837 NOvember 16 Mistletoe Bazaar Ravenna Hall A holiday showcase of local arts, crafts, baking, jewelry and other original selections. Door prizes and raffle draw. Cash only, please. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. holly_mck@hotmail.com NOvember 30 Holiday Craft Sale Grey Roots Museum, Owen Sound Over 25 local artisans and craftspeople will display a wide range of handmade items available to purchase. Also enjoy refreshments, holiday music and a family movie at 2p.m. Regular admission rates apply. 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. www.greyroots.com December 7 Christmas Market Marsh Street Centre, Clarksburg Local artisans, crafters and small business people will display and sell unique, local gifts. The youngsters will have their own shopping

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option with a special Children’s Shoppe where elves can help them choose gifts for Mom and Dad. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. www.marshstreetcentre. ca 519-599-7837



OctOber 12 – 14 Harvest of the Arts Downtown Collingwood Celebrate the bounty of the harvest at the last Farmers Market of the season. Enjoy music and activities for the entire family. www. collingwooddowntown.com

OctOber 5 Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Collingwood A playful opportunity for men to raise awareness in their community about the serious causes, effects and remediation’s to domestic violence. In support of My Friend’s House. www.inherheels.ca

OctOber 26 Hobgoblin Frolic Grey Roots Museum, Owen Sound Put on your costume from 1 – 4 p.m. for a fabulous Halloween celebration with lots of fun. Takes place in Moreston Heritage Village so please dress for the weather. Regular admission rates apply. www.greyroots.com OctOber 26 Black Harvest Downtown Collingwood The tradition of Halloween and the Black Harvest Festival continues with witches (and warlocks) of the ‘Wood’ taking over the town. Face painting, children’s activity centres, children’s costume contest and treats for all the little goblins. www.collingwooddowntown.com

HEALTH STARTS AT HOME The VON Adult Day Program is a not-for-profit charitable organization that provides community based health care and support services in Collingwood and surrounding areas. Our program is designed for adults who are frail, socially isolated or living with a debilitating disease such as Alzheimer Disease or related Dementias.

OctOber 26 The Little Malt Shop of Horrors Marsh Street Centre, Clarksburg This trick-or-treat alternative offers games, kid-friendly food and spooktacular fun for all. www.marshstreetcentre.ca 519-599-7837 NOvember 16 Sugar Plum Fair Beaver Valley Community School, Thornbury Our largest fundraiser with a magical day for the entire family. Kick off your Christmas shopping with the vendors market, silent auction and seasonal greenery available. Children will be entertained by crafts and activities. Santa will be available for photos. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. www.surgarplumfair.ca

(705) 444-2457 fiona.behan@von.ca www.von.ca









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NOvember 23 Christmas Launch Downtown Collingwood Downtown will transform into a wintery playground with dazzling holiday lighting installations, seasonal winter magical banners and a day filled with unique signature events. Visits with Santa’s reindeer-in-training, living Christmas windows, nighttime parade and lighting of the town’s Christmas Tree. www.collingwooddowntown.com NOvember 30 – December 31 Frost Frenzy Blue Mountain Village The holidays are a magical time in the Village with carolers roaming the streets, fireworks Saturday evenings, horse & wagon rides and visits with Santa. www.bluemountainvillage.ca December 1 FUNderland RecPlex, Wasaga Beach 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Breakfast with Santa until noon. www.wasagabeach.com December 4 & 8 – 10 The First Christmas Story First Presbyterian Church, Collingwood The Promise of Christmas. Come and enjoy a musical and dramatic celebration of the birth of Christ featuring a Children’s Choir, The First Story Choir and Women’s and Men’s Choruses. Tickets are free but required for admission. Available week of November 25 at the church from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Performances at 7 p.m. each evening and 3 p.m. on Sunday. www.firstprescollingwood.com

SANTA CLAUS PARADES Distribution Early December To advertise, contact Patti Bowden, 705 444 9192 x23 pbowden@onthebaymagazine.com


On The Bay

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Shauna Burke, 705 444 9192 x22 sburke@onthebaymagazine.com

December 7 Creemore, 1:30 p.m. Meaford, 6 p.m. Stayner, 10:30 a.m.

NOvember 16 Owen Sound, 10 a.m. NOvember 23 Collingwood, 5 p.m. NOvember 30 Markdale, 1 p.m. Wasaga Beach, 2 p.m.

OctOber 5 RUN Collingwood The newest half marathon winds its way through the historic harbor town of Collingwood and the open countryside with spectacular views of the Niagara Escarpment. In support of Collingwood G&M Hospital. www. bluemountainvillage.ca OctOber 5 Under the Harvest Moon RecPlex, Wasaga Beach In support of the Collingwood G&M Hospital, hosted by Georgian Circle Family Restaurant. Tickets $50 and include a prime rib dinner, prizes, DJ and dancing. Door open at 6 p.m. 705-429-2773 OctOber 12 Market Day Beaver Valley Community Centre, Thornbury Children’s books, toys and games, clothing, sporting goods, housewares, jewelry, Halloween costumes & Christmas items. 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Pancake breakfast from 8 – 11 a.m. All proceeds to support Beaver Valley Outreach. www.bvo.ca NOvember 7 Fall Fling Benefit Fashion Show Beaver Valley Community Centre, Thornbury A fundraiser for the Clarksburg Cat Shelter. Presenting fashions from local stores. Enjoy seeing your neighbours from Lora Bay as models and perhaps find your Christmas outfit. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for a decadent dessert and coffee/tea. Show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets $20. 519-599-2186

TOURS OctOber 12 – 14 Studio Tour Blue Mountains Area Artists in Craigleith, Kimberley, Thornbury and Clarksburg invite you to enjoy this free selfguided studio tour. In its 18th year, local well established artists open their studios to the public and will be there to answer questions about their work, what inspires them and in some cases, demonstrate their craft. 519-599-3999 www.tourofthearts.ca NOvember 7 – 10 Gaslight Tour Collingwood “Launching a Legacy” captures the spirit and tradition of shipbuilding with stories about life in the shipyard and the Great Storm of 1913, the White Hurricane, the worst storm in Great Lakes history. Tickets go on sale September 29. www.gaslight-productions.com NOvember 16 Christmas at the Beach Wasaga Beach Presented by Kinette Club of WasagaBeach. 12th annual home tour, tea room, artisan’s show & sale. Tickets $20, available after Nov. 1. 705-429-7957 NOvember 30 Christmas House Tour Collingwood Area Sponsored by Trinity United Church. Seven beautiful homes, old and new style, each decorated to suit its décor. Tea room and crafts at the Church. Tour passports with map are only $20 and available at the church. 705-445-3901 www.collingwoodunitedchurch.ca

EDUCATIONAL & WORKSHOPS Music and Movement Classes for Toddlers

St. Georges Anglican Church, Thornbury Children will have fun chanting and singing, moving to the music and participating in musical games. Cost $90 per six week session. Thursday’s at 10 a.m. www.brendabeattiemusic.com OctOber 8 Disability Matters Recplex, Wasaga Beach Discussion Series – An overview of the programs and services available for people with disabilities and your rights under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. 6 – 7:30 p.m. www.breakingdownbarriers.ca OctOber 24 Free Lifestyle Health Seminar Leisure Time Club (Room 3), Collingwood Presenting Dr. Terry Willard, PhD. Using his newly revised detoxing cookbook, Terry will guide you on how cleansing and cooking with nutritional superfoods can give you more energy, stamina and a whole new outlook on life. 6:30 – 8 p.m. Pre-register by October 18. 705-446-3030, suzie@goodhealthmart.com, www.goodhealthmart.com NOvember 26 Disability Matters Recplex, Wasaga Beach Discussion Series - Disability Tax Credit and RDSP Information. 6 – 7:30 p.m. www.breakingdownbarriers.ca

THEATRE OctOber 25 Murder Mystery Gayety Theatre, Collingwood BigTime Murder Productions provides an entertainment experience for everyone to take part in and enjoy. They’ve built a great reputation by producing action-packed shows full of comedic chaos, involving show-goers as aspiring sleuths and even as hilarious suspects. Show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets $30.97 plus HST. 1-888-353-3203 www.gayetytheatre.com NOvember 6 – 9, 13 – 16, 20 – 23 Les Miserables Roxy Theatre, Owen Sound The story of Jean Valjean, who breaks parole after serving 19 years for stealing a loaf of bread. His story and that of the vengeful policeman who pursues him, is interwoven with Valjean’s adoption of an orphaned child. Against the backdrop of the people’s revolution, it is a tale of the soul’s capacity to transcend unimaginable human suffering. Performances at 7:30 p.m. www.roxytheatre.com NOvember 7 – 9 Murder on the Rerun Marsh Street Centre, Clarksburg Presented by Thornbury Community Theatre. A comedy by Fred Carmichael. Shows each evening at 7:30 p.m. and also at 2 p.m. on Saturday. 519-599-6785 or tctheatre@bell.net NOvember 8 Children & War Meaford Hall This Remembrance Day event features stories, music and drama, focusing on children’s experiences with war. A one act play by Stephanie Miller set in the occupied Europe during WWII. Performance at 1 & 7 p.m. Tickets $10. Veterans and students free. www.meafordhall.ca NOvember 16 The Little Prince Theatre Collingwood Studio, Collingwood Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s classic tale appeals to the child in all of us. A crashed airplane pilot in the Sahara Desert, quirky cosmic characters and a little Prince from outer space will delight the imaginations of audiences when this group takes an inspirational journey through the galaxy. www.theatrecollingwood.ca NOvember 21 Wingfield’s Inferno Meaford Hall A devastating fire at the Orange Hall in Larkspur leaves it a smoldering ruin. Walt Wingfield leads the charge to get it rebuilt, but lighting a fire under his fellow committee members proves a daunting task. It is courage they lack or is it the devil in the details? Show at 8 p.m. Tickets $32. www.meafordhall.ca

December 6 The Frantics Roxy Theatre, Owen Sound Famous for their CBC radio show, Frantic Times, and their “4 on the Floor” TV series, The Frantics are also happily responsible for the creation of Mr. Canoe-head – Canada’s aluminum-headed crime fighter – as well as Bill from Bala and Marvin the Mole and other classic skits. Their particular brand of insanity is best served live! Show at 8 p.m. www.roxytheatre.ca

On The Bay Magazine is pleased to donate this space to a deserving charity or non-profit in our community. For more information, please contact Jeffrey Shearer, Publisher, at (705) 444-9192.

December 6 Robin Hood & The Golden Arrow Meaford Hall Come and join Robin’s band of merry followers into the Sherwood Forest for an adventure! A local cast of all ages performs this magical, theatrical community event. Presented by Kids in the Meaford Hall. Performance at 1 & 7 p.m. Tickets $15 adults, kids 13 and under free. www.meafordhall.ca

LECTURES/READINGS OctOber 7 The Wexford and 100 years since the Great Storm of 1913 Leisure Time Club, Collingwood Paul Carroll, author and historian will tell of his search of the ship, the Wexford, and of the Great Storm known as Black Sunday. 7 p.m. Cost $3, CDHS members free. www.historicallyspeakingcdhs.ca OctOber 26 Georgian Bay Reads Meaford Hall Five defenders representing five Georgian Bay Libraries debate which is the best of the Canadian books. 7 p.m. A lively, fun events and tickets are free. www.meafordlibrary.on.ca NOvember 4 War Time Experiences Leisure Time Club, Collingwood Personal accounts with Don Wilcox, curator of the Collingwood Legion Museum, along with members of the Legion. 7 p.m. Cost $3, CDHS members free. www.historicallyspeakingcdhs.ca NOvember 5 European Discovery Grey Roots Museum, Owen Sound Natives and Europeans first contact: struggle was inevitable. How Europe paid for its future industrial growth on the backs of the Natives of North America. 2:30 p.m. Regular admission rates apply. www.greyroots.com NOvember 12 French vs. English Grey Roots Museum, Owen Sound Why is there still tension between us? Where did it begin in our history? Why did the French stay in Canada after 1763? Where do we go from here? 2:30 p.m. Regular admission rates apply. www.greyroots.com NOvember 19 The Canadian Identity Grey Roots Museum, Owen Sound British? American? Melting pot or fruitcake blend? How has our history shaped our character? 2:30 p.m. Regular admission rates apply. www.greyroots.com NOvember 26 From Nationhood to Present Grey Roots Museum, Owen Sound Explore the hot button issues about why we confederated and how we began as a layer on the international stage. 2:30 p.m. Regular admission rates apply. www.greyroots.com


services and some of our local ome For Life volunteers are free services such as friendly truly making a difference visiting, were wait listed. in the lives of seniors in South So we put our heads together Georgian Bay. We have an and the magic happened! exciting update since you last We asked our read about us in On volunteers if From our volunteers: they would The Bay’s “They are a wonderful be interested spring issue. couple and a pleasure to in being a We shared be around. You can tell friendly visitor, a with you the they appreciate the visits gardener, a handy philosophy very much. They would like their grass cut when man, a grocery behind the required but it was fine shopper or a light Home For Life today, maybe in about 5 housekeeper. Program: To days. I fixed a couple of That’s when the help seniors lights in their kitchen that Home For Life deal with the were going on and off.” program really hurdles they kicked into gear. face so they can continue to live in their own We now have volunteers doing homes. Once we met with many what they enjoy and only as often as their time permits. Our of the seniors, we discovered volunteers are truly making a that although it was easy to identify what was needed, many difference in the lives of the of them could not afford the seniors in our communities.

WATCH FOR MORE EVENTS IN OUR NEXT ISSUE! Please submit events for December, January & February by Friday, November 8, 2013. These events will appear in our winter issue. On The Bay Magazine reserves the right to choose which events will be listed and to edit submissions for style and length consideration. On The Bay Magazine is not responsible for errors or omissions. Visit www.onthebaymagazine.com to watch for the latest listings or to submit your event.

If you are a senior with needs or know a senior in need DIal 211. If you are interested in hearing more about helping a senior, it’s easy, DIal 211. On The Bay

Fa l l 2 0 1 3



Walk to Craigleith!

Mountain Ridge


Fully Furnished

Unique & Private

Fabulous Chalet in Exclusive & Desirable Community. 4+ Beds, 4+ Baths...VIEWS.....OF SKI HILLS!

Shuttle to Beach, and views from living area w/ walk out to mountain view deck. Luxury 1700 sq ft. 4 bed / 3 bath.

Price Reduced by $50,900. Outstanding kitchen with huge centre island, granite , 3+3 Beds, 3/1 Baths.

Nestled amongst trees, 3 bed, 2 bath chalet, gas heat, central air, backs onto Georgian Trail.

Contemporary 3 bed, 2 bath bungalow, over-sized garage. Quiet dead end location. Numerous upgrades.

$614,000 MLS® 20134069 Call Zig Glogowski* 705-888-3080

$294,900 MLS® 20133360 Call Sheila Shepherd* 705-441-6085

$699,000 MLS® 20130233 Call Rick Crouch** 705-443-1037

$419,000 MLS® 20130179 Call Rick Crouch** 705-443-1037

$674,900 MLS® 20134054 Call Rick Crouch** 705-443-1037

Spectacular Setting

Views at Snowbridge

Arrowhead At Blue

Blue Mountain Chalet

Boardwalk Collingwood

Private 5 acres with pool spa & gorgeous landscaping. 5 bedroom, with double garage & studio.

Overlooking Monterra golf & Georgian Bay. View Blue Mtn. Shuttle Bus & Pool. Turn Key!

VIEWS of Blue! 3 bdrms + loft, 3.5 baths, great room, family room, shuttle bus to slopes.

Literally across the road from the ski hill. Over 4000 sq ft, five bedrooms plus loft.

Steps away from Georgian Bay and minutes to Collingwood and Blue Mountain. Four bedrooms plus den.

$1,495,000 MLS® 20133875 Call Mardy van Beest* 705-441-4706

$324,900 MLS® 20133366 $479,000 MLS® 20133721 Call Mardy van Beest* 705-441-4706 Call Mardy van Beest* 705-441-4706

$849,000 MLS® 20125159 Call LeeAnn Matthews* 705-446-8688 $329,900 MLS® 20133294 Call LeeAnn Matthews* 705-446-8688

The Ridge Estates

Charming Farm House

True Contemporary!

Total Privacy!

3+ Acres, 4 Beds

Striking Georgian styled home offers stunning views of the Bay and a breathtaking sunset from the chef’s kitchen.

Beautifully transformed for modern living in a tranquil country environment on Epping Side Rd.

Spectacular Acreage. Hard to find combination of a beautiful home on a fantastic view parcel of land. Must See!

Fabulous Cape Cod style home surrounded by nature and just minutes to Town.

Private oasis minutes from Collingwood, vegetable gardens and 2 ponds. Ideal family home

$1,295,000 MLS® 20130810 Call Karen E. Willison* 705-888-0075

$1,499,000 MLS® 20134182 Call Ian Hawkins** 705-446-5136

MEAFORD: 519-538-5755 THORNBURY: 519-599-2136 COLLINGWOOD: 705-445-5520 Not intended to solicit properties currently listed for sale

$1,595,000 MLS® 20132658 Call Holly Stone* 705-888-5775

$324,900 MLS® 20132545 Call Doug Beaumont** 705-606-1046

$499,999 MLS® 20133049 Call Christine Smith** 705-888-0201

PERSONAL I PROFESSIONAL I PROGRESSIVE REAL ESTATE SERVICES * Sales Representative ** Broker *** Broker of Record

Doug Gillis Broker


Direct: 705.444.3853 | doug@douggillis.ca














Top 100 RE/MAX Agents in Canada 2011 and January to May 2013.

$1,495,000 Total sqft

102 Stone Zack Lane Blue Mountains 6 Bed | 3.5 Bath| 4055

$2,099,000 Total sqft

184 Alta Road Blue Mountains 6 Bed | 4 Bath| 4700

$1,750,000 Total sqft





$195,000 to $375,000 Peaks Bay The Blue Mountains

Registered waterfront development



$1,295,000 Total sqft

315734 3rd B Line Grey Highlands 5 Bed | 4 Bath| 4284

14 Ronell Crescent Collingwood Commercial/Industrial Area

Total sqft



649 Hurontario Street Collingwood

Prime location with excellent exposure

144 Craigleith Rd Blue Mountains 6 Bed | 3.5 Bath| 5384

Total sqft













Total sqft

37 Glen Rogers Collingwood 3 Bed | 2 Bath| 2015






Total sqft


236059 13 Grey Road Grey Highlands 4 Bed | 2.5 Bath| 2500

Total sqft





128 Aspen Way Blue Mountains 4 Bed | 4 Bath| 5227

627492 Grey Road 119 Blue Mountains 4 Bed | 4.5 Bath| 6483



4 Pebble Beach Court Collingwood 3 Bed | 3.5 Bath| 2814




$869,000 Total sqft

796551 Grey Road 19 Blue Mountains 6 Bed | 4.5 Bath| 3866

$1,199,000 Total sqft

108 Carmichael Crescent Blue Mountains 6 Bed | 3.5 Bath| 5200

$695,000 Total sqft

Lot 6 Ellis Drive Blue Mountains HST Included



122 Fawcett Lane Blue Mountains 5 Bed | 3.5 Bath| 4300


Don’t see your dream home?


97 Conservation Way Collingwood 3 Bed | 3 Bath| 1284

$399,900 Total sqft

124 Brooker Blvd Blue Mountains 4 Bed | 2+1 Bath|1637

four seasons realty limited, Brokerage 67 First Street, Collingwood


Total sqft

Scan to view all my mobile-ready listings. For additional photos and details of all my listings visit






CLAIRWOOD Demands The Best & Our Clients Love Us For It! SMALL brokerage…BIG success. We are, by choice, a boutique brokerage always on the cutting edge. Our REALTORS® are not just a desk fee. We invest our time and effort in you……hands on and one-on-one, respectfully and generously.

YOU are the author of your own success. Make no mistake! We set the bar high. Those at Clairwood who practise dedication, hard work and a commitment to excellence are very successful and have continual growth. Repeat business is earned, not a given. Our brokerage consistently ranks among the top for the highest volume of business per capita in our board area.

Do It RIGHT!...Achieve success! At Clairwood, we pride ourselves on doing it right. Real estate done right is not easy….. we don’t take the easy way. We cross our t’s and dot our i’s every step of the way. Why? Both our clients and our REALTORS® deserve the best. If you want to be at the top of your game, you need to know how to do it right. “OK” is not good enough.

We CHALLENGE you to make a CHANGE! If you are up to the challenge and can appreciate a brokerage with this business model, that works with you and for you, then YOU are READY for a CHANGE. It’s time!!! Take that step to become a Clairwood REALTOR® today!


Stunning Ski Chalet

Starter Home/Investment

Eugenia Cottage

5 brdm., 2 bath, 2,236 sq. ft. $500,000 Emma Baker** - 705-444-3989

3 bdrm., 1.5 bath, 1,123 sq. ft. fin. $129,000 Emma Baker** - 705-444-3989

3 bdrm., 2 bath, 1,587 sq. ft. $199,900 Emma Baker** – 705-444-3989

3 bdrm., 1 bath, 1,200 sq. ft. $475,000 Aggie Davidson* - 705-441-4711

Post & Beam on Acreage

Ground Floor Waterfront Condo

4 bdrm., 3.5 bath, 3,690 sq. ft. fin. $995,000 Gerry McIntyre* - 705-888-5033

3 bdrm., 2 bath, 1,470 sq. ft. $549,900 Gerry McIntyre* - 705-888-5033

Cranberry Cutie

Spectacular Home

2 bdrm., 2 bath, 883 sq. ft. $144,000 Rose Marie Feaver** - 705-446-5204

4 bdrm., 4 bath, 6,600 sq. ft. fin. $849,000 Helen Lightbody* - 519-477-1144

Country Retreat Close to Skiing

Turnkey in Lighthouse

4 bdrm., 2.5 bath, 4,000 sq. ft. $1,095,000 Karen Poshtar* - 705-443-0351

4 bdrm., 3 bath, 1,686 sq. ft. $359,900 Michael Maish* 705-606-5814

Waterfront Cottage

Walk to Craigleith Ski Club 5+2 bdrm., 4+2 bath, 6,000 sq. ft. fin. $1,379,000 Sherry Rioux** - 705-443-2793

Ski In, Ski Out 4 brdm., 3 bath, 3,600 sq. ft. $1,550,000 Sherry Rioux** - 705-443-2793

Welcome to Clairwood!

Executive Waterfront

Short Commute to Collingwood

3 bdrm., 3 bath, 2,050 sq. ft. $499,000 Sherry Rioux** - 705-443-2793



“I was ready for a change! Clairwood is my choice as the brokerage I trust. Trust me to be your choice to help you with your real estate needs." Anne S. Young* 705-994-2566

"Hard work, personal service, and attention to detail - that's why I chose Clairwood. Call me for a fresh perspective on buying, selling or renting your home." Michael Maish* 705-606-5814

3 bdrm., 2.5 bath, 1,683 sq. ft. $299,999 Cheryl Weatherall* - 519-373-6664

















Follow our blog at clairwoodrealestate.com Like us on COLLINGWOOD






TT O O LL LL FF R R EE E 88 77 77 .. 44 4455. .77008855


w w w.c h e s t n u t p a r k .c o m 2010 HERITAGE AWARD WINNER


$1,999,000 Stunning circa 1860 stone farm house radiates charm with 21st century amenities. 4 bedroom / 4+1 baths. 100 acres, pond, 360° views. MLS® 20134786

$1,995,000 Stunning custom 6400 sq. ft., 5 bedroom, 6 bath home. Fabulous gourmet kitchen, gated entry, outdoor pool, 3 garages, so much more!

Dave Armstrong* 905.713.9414

Our international network includes 950 offices in 47 countries. Office 705.445.5454

John M. Kacmar**/ Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968






$575,000 Walk to the Clubhouse from this unique and stunning 3 bedroom 4 1/2 batrooms upgraded condo including recreation center with indoor pool, exercise room & library.

$334,500 A all brick 4 bdrm, open kitchen/dining area, master w/ ensuite & sitting rm. Lower level -family rm, 3 pc bath, laundry & space for possible 5th bdrm. Private backyard.

$549,000 Unparalelled open concept waterfront condo value with many upgrades. Elevator, garage, indoor/ outdoor pools, tennis, near shops, golf, skiing.

$539,000 3 bedroom condo townhome in the popular “Woodlands” with stunning mountain view, 2 decks, 2 car garage. Open concept.

$529,900 Beautiful vista. 4 bedrooms 3 baths, office with view, main floor family room, formal dining, large kitchen, pool. Updated-hardwood, carpet and freshly painted.

Sue Mallett*705. 444.7181

Laurie Westlake*705.446.7747

Sue Mallett* 705.444 .7181

Maggi Olson* 705.444.3342

Jen Scholte** 705.444.4949






$499,000 Century home, wraparound porch, country kitchen with island, spacious living/dining rms, 4 season sunrm, hrdwd flrs, 3 bdrms, separate studio, perennial gardens.

$499,000 3 bedroom/3 bath renovated top to bottom bungalow with walkout lower level. Sophisticated country feel and finished to an impeccable standard.

$498,000 Double lot 2 min to Osler, 5 minutes to Blue Mountain. 4 bdrms, 3 baths, wd flrs, granite, 2 fireplaces, recreation room, family rm & deck with hot tub views of ski hills.

$449,000 Nestled on the Escarpment minutes to Lora Bay, stunning landscape/views - 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, open concept Great Room/ dining/kitchen. B&B potential.

$479,000 Waterfront. Fabulous views, lots of living space! 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2238 sq ft on three levels. 35 ft Morning Slip incl. Fantastic indoor/ outdoor amenities.

Laurie Westlake*705.446.7747

Barb Thompson* 705.441.4777

Sue Mallett *705.444.7181

Ron Picot* 705.446.8580

John M. Kacmar**/ Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968






$439,000 Great location. Large lot 83ft x 188 feet. 4 bedrooms, 2.5baths, Family Room with hardwood floors, large kitchen with access to expansive deck/landscaped yard.

$419,000 Fabulous bungalow/loft ON A PREMIUM LOT overlooking Cranberry Golf Course! Main floor master with 5 piece ensuite. Contemporary decor.

$399,000 This home has a wide and deep private lot in an ideal Thornbury location. Charming 3 bedroom, 2 baths with many upgrades while keeping the character.

$325,000 2+1 beds,2 baths. 2000 finished sq ft. Attached garage plus huge detached 2 storey garage/workshop w/ heat & water, lg deck. Fronts onto fields & backs onto forest.

$319,999 2 storey home on spacious lot in Honeywood. 3 bedrooms. Master with ensuite. Views to north and south of Mulmur countryside. Attached double garage.

Brendan Thomson* 705.606.1270

Shelly Paul** 705.888.0225

Meredith Cudney* 705.446.8436

Barb Picot 705.444.3452

John M. Kacmar**/ Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968






$319,900 Spacious ground floor, fully furnished 2 bedroom, 2 bath end unit in quiet location but close to amenities.

$315,000 Pretty 2 bdrm, 2 bath upper level condo- beautiful waterfront views. Open concept living/ dining/ kitchen area features hardwood floors & gas fireplace.

$299,900 Victorian farm house close to Devil’s Glen! 1.5 acres. Newer roof/septic/siding & new enclosed porch. 3 large bedrooms, loft area, double garage.

$299,000 Walking distance to downtown and Sunset Point. Spacious/ contemporary kitchen. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. Hardwood, marble and slate flooring throughout.

$289,900 2 bdrm resort home shows to perfection! A true 4 seasons destination, ski, golf, bike, dine, outdoor pool, shuttle to Blue Mountain Village.

Meredith Cudney* 705.446.8436

Paige Young* 705.241.2433

Ellen Jarman* 705.441.2630/ Maggi Olson* 705.444.3342

Abbey Westlake-Peycha* 705.888.5695 Laurie Westlake* 705.446.7747

John M. Kacmar**/ Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968






$289,000 Spacious 3 bedroom bungalow, separate 2 car garage on 1 acre of rolling terrain in Thornbury school district. Minutes to ski hills and to town.

$219,900 2 bedroom, 2 bath mountainside Val-d’Isere model, 1272 square feet. Ski in/out, close to Village and area amenities! Fully furnished.

$639,000 The ultimate 5 bedroom, 4 bath chalet, steps from Craigleith Ski Club. 2 wood burning fireplace, sauna, furnished, hot tub, mud/ski tuning room.

$549,000 4 Season chalet minutes to ski slopes. Open concept living/ dining/upgraded kitchen. Hardwood birch flrs, woodburning fireplace, expansive decks.

$54,900 Well priced & well located. 1 acre lot is partially cleared & lined with spruce trees. Great neighbours on either side and gorgeous views both to the north & south.

Ron Picot* 705.446.8580

Meredith Cudney* 705.446.8436

Ellen Jarman* 705.441.2630

John M. Kacmar**/ Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968

John M. Kacmar** / Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968

Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage

Sue Mallett*

Maggi Olson*

Shelly Paul**

Barbara Picot*

Ron Picot*

Sandee Roberts**

Jen Scholte**

Mike Scholte**

Brendan Thomson*

Barbara Thompson*

Laurie Westlake*


Abbey Westlake-Peycha*

Sales Representative **Broker

Carol Whyne*

Paige Young*


www. che s t n u t p a r k . c o m


Our international network includes 950 offices in 47 countries. Office 705.445.5454



$2,899,000 Stunning custom home with 180° panoramic views. 167 foot frontage, 5000 sq ft open concept, 5 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, gourmet kitchen, woodburning fireplace.

$2,495,000 Spectacular 45+ acres. Magnificent views of Bay & surrounding countryside.With the coach house - almost 7000 square feet of finished living space.

Ron Picot* 705.446.8580

Judy Crompton** 705.444.9312






$799,000 Impressive 5 bdrm home. Well treed lot backing onto green belt/hiking trail. Oversized garage, ski tuning room. Quality throughout.

$1,750,000 Perched on the hill between Craigleith & Alpine Ski Club, ski in to 6 beds, 5 baths over 5,600 sq ft of custom built stunner with massive views! MLS® 20134572.

$1,699,000 Luxurious modern 5,000 + finished sq. ft. Peaceful country setting on prestigious cul de sac. A must view for the discerning buyer looking for WOW factor.

$1,650,000 Stunning Contemporary home, Private southern exposure, 1km to Creemore, 4 bdrms/4 baths, sauna, 3 fireplaces, pond and geo thermal. Grand light filled spaces.

$1,649,000 Unique, custom, contemporary home on 100 acres. Over 4000 square feet, 6 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 2 Rumford woodburning fireplaces, custom kitchen.

Sandee Roberts** 705.446.7775

Ilse Ayers**

Cheryl MacLaurin * 705.446.8005

Ron Picot* 705.446.8580

Paige Young* 705.241.2433 Judy Crompton** 705.444.9312












$1,495,000 Extreme privacy, 6 bedrooms 3 1/2 baths, and 6 minutes to Thornbury shops. A perfectly stunning retreat on the Beaver River.

$1,450,000 Exquisite timber frame, 3817 square feet, double lot at Blue, 4 bedrooms/4 bath, 2 fireplaces, bar, Caesarstone, main floor master, triple garage.

$1,400,000 222 feet on the bay with private beach and dock. 4,400 square feet with 180 degree views. 3 fireplaces, hot tub, garage, decks, 4 bedrooms, 4 baths.

$1,195,000 Picturesque 49.32 acre property with 4 bedroom/4 bath Great Lakes Timber Frame home. Landscaped pond & forested area. It’s heaven!

Sue Mallett* 705.444.7181

$1,199,000 Stunning custom home. 6000 sq. ft, 6 bdrms, 3.5 baths, gas fireplace/built-in cabinets, gourmet kitchen, 2 main flr masters, main flr office w/private entrance, professional landscaping.

Barb Thompson* 705.441.4777

Sandee Roberts** 705.446.7775



$1,250,000 Custom built 1 year ago, situated on one of the finest stretches beach on Southern Georgian Bay. Gourmet kitchen, fin.lower level, master w/ walkout to 2nd storey deck.

$1,100,000 Timber frame, 4300 sq.ft, 6 bedrooms/4 bathooms, loft, hemlock flrs, 2 fireplaces, main floor master, finished walkout, steam shower, double garage.

Jen Scholte** 705.444.4949

Anita Lauer* 705.446.6446


$1,095,000 Stunning 5000 sq.ft. open concept chalet, 5 bdrms, 4 baths, gourmet kitchen, inground saltwater pool, 2 gas FPs, double car garage. Abbey Westlake-Peycha* 705.888.5695 Laurie Westlake* 705.446.7747

John M. Kacmar**/ Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968

Barb Picot* 705.444.3452



$989,000 BUNGALOW, 2400 sq ft nestled among trees, 3 bdrms, 2 baths, radiant heated floors,vaulted ceilings, gourmet kitchen, gas fireplaces, beach house.

$899,000 Panoramic views. 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, walk out lower level, master suite, tweed decking, private lot, open concept, vaulted ceilings.

Barb Picot*705.444.3452

Jen Scholte** 705.444.4949






$899,000 Elegant & beautifully appointed. 5 bdrms/5 baths, Antique hemlock and slate floors, gourmet kitchen. Heated floors in bathrooms. Spectacular views & privacy.

$859,000 Unique open concept design by “Rainmaker” offering custom wood craftsmanship, 6 bedrooms/ 4baths, 2 fireplaces.Close to skiing, beach, golf and shops.

$779,000 Spacious home minutes from Blue Mountain. Over 4000 sq ft, 4 bdrms, 3.5 baths, open concept Great Rm/ dining/ kitchen. Main flr master. Fabulous in-ground pool.

$724,900 Rainmaker built home, inground pool/ hot tub, 2 AC. wooded lot. 5 bedroom, stunning antique brick wood burning fireplace, Main floor master with ensuite!

$699,000 Designed/built by Black Tusk Development Group. Thoughtful design elements include a fabulous double sided stone & timber wood burning fireplace.

Shelly Paul** 705.888.022

Sue Mallett* 705.444.7181

Ron Picot* 705.446.8580

John M. Kacmar**/ Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968

John M. Kacmar**/ Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968






$699,000 Well below appraised value, mins to Thornbury & The Peaks, 20 acres+, 5 bedroom stately home + 40 X 80 shop, 2 ponds, pool, garage! A deal! MLS® 20133573

$694,500 Timber frame home with 5 bdrms, 3.5 baths, 3000+ sq ft,open concept living/dining/kitchen, 2 gas fireplaces, professional landscaping, detached double garage.

$649,000 Spacious chalet at Osler Bluff Ski Club. 5000 square feet, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, impressive stone fireplace, Geo-thermal, A/C, large treed lot.Walk to ski hills.

$639,900 Open concept main chalet, 6 bedrooms, 2 spa-like baths, fabulous kitchen, sauna, attached income producing chalet with 5 bedrooms, pretty bath. Walk to the village.

$639,000 Functional 4 bedroom home with oversized kitchen, open concept living, stone gas fireplace, hardwood floors and hot tub.

Sandee Roberts** 705.446.7775

Barb Picot* 705.444.3452

Ron Picot* 705.446.8580

Laurie Westlake*705.446.7747

Ellen Jarman* 705.441.2630 Maggi Olson* 705.444.3342

Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage

Dave Armstrong**

Ilse Ayers**

Diana Berdini**

Gail Crawford*

Judy Crompton*

Meredith Cudney*

Helen Dixon*

Charity Fleming*

Read Hilton*

Keith Hull**

Ellen Jarman*

Sales Representative **Broker


John Kacmar**

Anita Lauer*

Cheryl MacLaurin*

Rob McAleer*

Helping you is what we do. 705.444.1420

Trinity Realty



Brokerage, Independently Owned & Operated






Impressive 5 bdrm family home w/ self-contained in-law apt.

Charming 4 bdrm 3 bath home. Brand new magazine worthy inside. Space for everyone.

Newly built 6 bdrm 4 bath home perfect for growing families. www.thepropertymom.com

4 bdrm 3 bath home w/ 1 bdrm self contained apt. Separate workshop. Steps to the Bay.


Elegant 5 bdrm 3 bath w/ in ground pool. Prof. landscaped. tours.photolink.ca/103393

Built in 1866, this home reflects the charm of the Victorian Age. tours.photolink.ca/113478

Sandy Shannon** 705.445.7833


$1,050,000 John Kirby* 705.441.0117

Cheryl J. Morrison** 705.444.1420


$519,900 Dana Calder* 705.441.3607

$594,000 Sara White* 705.828.6202

$429,000 Debbie Bunston* 705.444.2925







Custom home on Monterra Golf Course. Perfect for entertaining. http://vimeo.com/70878922

New custom 3 bdrm 2½ bath bungalow to be built. Just steps to trails & golf. Private location.

Beautiful home to be designed in Lora Bay w/ 2 bdrms 2 ½ baths. Choose your own finishes.

Spacious semi-detached home w/ 3 levels 4 bdrms & 3 ½ baths. myhomes.thevirtualtourcompany.ca/7517

Bright open concept 2 bdrm 2 bath condo unit. Enjoy the pool, tennis courts & clubhouse.

Better than new 2 bdrm 2 bath end unit loaded w/ upgrades. tours.photolink.ca/113749

$1,129,000 Deb Saunders-Chatwin* 705.443.2191

$619,000 Stan Reljic* 705.888.5124

$669,000 Linda Murphy* 705.351.1420

$580,000 Greg Syrota* 705.446.8082

$154,900 Stan Reljic* 705.888.5124

$314,900 Larry Reid* 705.443.2351








A view from every room in this 4 bdrm 3 ½ bath home w/ many custom features.

14.5 acre horse/hobby farm follows bio-dynamic practices. 5 bdrm 3 bath home.

Beautifully designed/maintained open concept chalet-style home w/ 4 bdrms 3 ½ baths.

4 bdrm 2 ½ bath home/chalet w/ large eat-in kitchen & walkout to deck. Close to town & ski hills.

249 acres of land with streams & great views. Farmhouse boasts 5 bdrms, screened porch & pool.

Beautiful home w/ 4 bdrms in the Admiral school district. tours.photolink.ca/133463

$595,000 Lori Rawn* 705.446.8233

$749,999 Lori Rawn* 705.446.8233

$489,000 Tara Parsons* 705.888.8272

$329,900 Fran Webster* 705.444.9081

$3,950,000 Melanie Moss* 705.888.1578

Leslie Pocklington* 705.446.4850







3 bdrm 2 bath end unit is only steps away from Georgian Bay. tours.photolink.ca/108203

Live & play in this 2 bdrm 2 bath condo. Great for entertaining. Close to town, golf & skiing.

Fantastic upscale Cranberry condo with 2 bdrms 2 baths. tours.photolink.ca/135645

1 bdrm loft style apt in the historic Sidelaunch building. tours.photolink.ca/127083

Executive home w/ 3 bdrms 3 baths where you may boat from your home to the Bay.

Open concept bungalow w/ 2 bdrms just minutes to the beach! Fully renovated. Move in ready!

$339,000 Rosanna Balloi* 705.606.0267

Jennifer Ridsdale* 705.888.4636


$179,000 Larry Reid* 705.443.2351

Jennifer Ridsdale* 705.888.4636


$459,000 Connie O’Shell** 705.444.3154

David MacLatchy* 705.888.1390







Full ¼ acre town lot. Currently offers two 1 bdrm apts & 1 bachelor apt. Close to amenities.

Beautiful 3 bdrm home in central Collingwood. Many upgrades. tours.photolink.ca/117379

Century brick home w/ 4 bdrms, large eat-in kitchen, sun porch & attached garage on a double lot.

Comfortable 4 bdrm home waiting for your decorating ideas! Lots of backyard space!

Beautiful piece of land between Stayner & Creemore. Perfect place to build your dream home!

Be your own “Lord of the Hollow”. Build your dream home! Mins from Meaford & Thornbury.


$279,900 Jenna Davis* 705.888.6365

$289,500 Valerie Scott* 705.606.0955

$180,000 Melissa Cairns* 705.888.0860

Rebecca Cormier* 705.888.5100


$97,000 Todd Corradetti* 416.806.9169

Barbara McCowan** 705.443.9784

Rosanna Balloi*

Tara Parsons*

Debbie Bunston*

Melissa Cairns*

Leslie Pocklington*

Dana Calder*

Lori Rawn*

Rebecca Cormier*

Larry Reid*

Stan Reljic*

Todd Corradetti*

Jennifer Ridsdale*

Jenna Davis*

John Kirby*

Deb Saunders-Chatwin*

* Sales Representative

** Broker

David MacLatchy*

Valerie Scott*

*** Broker of Record

Barbara McCowan**

Sandy Shannon**

Greg Syrota*

Cheryl J. Morrison**

S. Dale Tkatch***



Melanie Moss*

Fran Webster*

Linda Murphy*

Connie O’Shell**

Sara White*

SiLver GLen PreServe Fabulous three bedroom town home minutes from Collingwood and Blue Mountain. This modified and upgraded Slopes model features a functional kitchen, stainless steel appliances, hardwood flooring, open concept living/dining area and large windows boasting views to the forest behind. This home is available for ski season! $270,000

CrAnBerry BunGALoW Rare one bedroom Clarksburg model. Enjoy feeling tucked away, surrounded by gardens and trees, with two private patios to enjoy. Features include vaulted ceilings, wood burning fireplace, stainless steel appliances, two full bathrooms, walk in master closet and lots of storage. Cranberry is a great location, close to town and recreational amenities. $124,900

Showcase of Fine

HOMES For updated information and realtor links go to www.onthebaymagazine.com and click on SHOWCASE HOMES

ew N

WALk To BLue MounTAin This chalet will create family memories for years to come. Literally across the road from the ski hill, taking advantage of escarpment views and a short walk to Village amenities. More than meets the eye, with over 4,000 sq.ft., five bedrooms plus loft, five bathrooms, games room, hot tub and sauna area. $849,000

e! ic Pr

GreAT vALue in CoLLinGWood Three bedroom semi detached home, close to downtown Collingwood and Sunset Point Park. Updates include kitchen and bathroom renovations, outside siding & trim, plumbing, flooring, gas fireplace, appliances and more! Gas fireplace economically heats most of the home. $154,900

2012 LeeAnn Matthews Sales Representative Cell (705) 446 8688 HomesofBlueMountain.com Facebook.com/ILoveCollingwood

Locations North, Brokerage Office (705) 445 5520 Fax (705) 445 1545 330 First Street Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 1B4


one of a KInD ProPertY

aUtHentIC LoG HoMe


Ranch bungalow on well treed,ravine lot. Open concept

Brick home on 5 acres of potential development land,

Ever dreamed of owning your own authentic log home,

Georgian Bay waterfront chalet in Craigleith. Cathedral

w/3 bdrms, 3 baths, main flr laundry rm., bonus bdrm

suitable for 10 estate lots. Close to Craigleith, Alpine Ski Club

here is your chance. Located 1 mile west of Georgian

ceiling, hardwood flrs. 3 bdrms, 3 baths, whirlpool

above garage w/ensuite. Hardwood flrs, granite counters

& Georgian Bay Golf Club. 2,850 sq.ft. w/4 bdrms, 3 1/2

Peaks Ski Club, 1/2 mile to Georgian Bay Golf Club w/

tub in master ensuite, in-floor radiant heat, walk-out

& wood burning f/p. Neighborhood offers tennis courts

baths; granite counters,1 lrg wood burning & 2 gas burning

deeded access to the beach on Georgian Bay. Chalet

bsmt. Water views from 2nd level picture windows.

& walking trails. Close to Alpine & Craigleith Ski Clubs &

f/p’s, pine flrs & 2nd floor family rm. Main fl. master. bdrm.

has 3 bdrms, 2 full baths, wood burning f/p & large

Wraparound deck w/stone steps to the beach. Close

Georgian Bay Golf Club. $995,000 MLS®#20134453

Many recent upgrades. $1,975,000 MLS®#20133989

family rm. w/pool table. $479,000 MLS®#20133602

to skiing & golfing. $649,900 MLS®#20133375

faBULoUS VIeW ProPertY

SIerra WooDLanDS, PHaSe 1

VIeW ProPertY

15 aCre HoBBY farM

Located in Craigleith on a quiet cul-de-sac. Perfect chalet

3 bdrm, 3 bath townhome backing onto a private green

Country side split home w/views of Georgian

Custom built home, 9 ft. ceilings, reclaimed barnwood

for a ski family or a quiet place to retire & enjoy mother

space. Living rm has vaulted ceilings with a gas fireplace.

Bay located on 2 acres. 4 bdrms, 2-1/2 baths,

hardwood floors, slate floors & a total of 5 bdrms. Att’d

nature. 4 bdrms, 2 1/2 baths. Reverse floor plan w/cathedral

Hardwood flrs, granite counters & custom kitchen. Huge

2900 sq.ft. of finished space. In-law suite, propane

garage, heated workshop, bank barn, 2 walkouts to patio area

ceiling & open concept design. Brick, wood burning f/p &

deck off the living rm. Oversized double car garage with

gas f/p, cork floors in kitchen. Outdoor gazebo &

off living rm. Landscaped gardens, fire pit, hot

floor to ceiling glass windows in the living room. Dbl. car

inside entry. Just minutes to Alpine Ski Club & a short walk to

pool, extensive landscaping, & fire pit. Only 3 mins to

tub. Large family/media rm., exercise rm. Top of the

garage w/inside entry. $599,000 MLS®#20132556

Craigleith Ski Club. $495,000 MLS®#MLS®#20130899

Georgian Bay Club. $585,000 MLS®#20130392

line Geothermal heating & cooling. $1,200,000

Brad Williams Broker Direct 705-444-4646 Office 705-445-8500 Ext. 227 www.bradwilliamsrealtor.com brad@bradwilliamsrealtor.com

four seasons realty limited, Brokerage 67 First Street, Collingwood 705.445.8500 Ex. 227 On The Bay

Fa l l 2 0 1 3



EXCEPTIONAL MONTERRA HOME ON DOUBLE LOT! No expense spared in design, build and décor – truly ONE OF A KIND 5,000 sq. ft. ranch home with 24 ft. soaring stone f/p, 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths. Professionally landscaped private lot w/expansive decking& custom cabana. “Brentwood” design kitchen – open concept entaining living area. Asking $2,195,000

JUST MOVE IN Beautiful home in downtown Meaford with 7 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths. Large living room with gas f/p separate dining room and new sunroom additon out the back. This home is perfect for a large family or a home business. Walk to everything. Asking $464,900

BEAUTIFUL NIPISSING RIDGE BUNGALOW HOME!! Pride of ownership is evident throughout this executive home. 5 bedroom, 3 bath with tiered decking onto private treed lot. Kitchen w/granite, master w/ensuite, finished lower level – lots of room for guests and family. Great floor plan!! Asking $695,000

LORA BAY DESIGNER HOME – UNSURPASSED VALUE!! Beautifully detailed 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home backing onto golf course. Hardwood floors, stone fireplace, gourmet kitchen w/high end appliances, main floor master - STUNNING finishes throughout – lower level ready for you to design. $639,000.00

CLEARVIEW TOWNSHIP Custom Built brick home with Country elegance sitting on 12 acres only minutes to Collingwood and Wasaga Beach. 3,723 sq. ft. of living space, plus a full unfinished basement. Also offers a separate entry to a stairway to the partly finished loft area above the garage which would make a great in-law suite. Great living & entertaining space, indoors and out. Beautifully designed gourmet kitchen with loads of cupboards and granite countertop, built in appliances. Main floor master with a huge 6 piece ensuite. Very bright, open layout. Cathedral ceiling in the living room with a beautiful fireplace. In floor heating in the kitchen , eating area, 2 bathrooms and mudroom. Walkout from the eating area to a covered patio area, perfect for entertaining. Attached 3 car garage with two inside entries. There is also a `Control 4 Smarthome` computer system that can run the home. Lovely pond, 75’ x 200’ x 20’ deep with natural clay and a 10’ x 12’ dock. The list goes on and on. This home will `WOW` you from the moment you walk in the door. $1,150,000.00 MLS® #:20132832

Susan Boadway

Broker Masters Hall of Fame Cell: 705-446-8427 Broker of Record Office 705-428-4500 Cell 705-444-3294 lsweel@rogers.com

Millenium Inc.

Marilyn Douglas

Leo Weel,



Broker 519-599-3300 Masters Hall of Fame Cell: 705-444-9497 sue.marilyn@propertiesofbluemountain.com Virtual Tours at: www.propertiesofbluemountain.com

Re/Max Clearview Inc. Brokerage “Independently Owned and Operated”

nt ro f er at W

Luxury Living At gEorgiAn BAy goLf CLuB Custom built 5 bedroom home just steps to the award-winning Georgian Bay Golf Club on a quiet street. Stunning outdoor living w/a wrap-around stone deck, screened-in porch & private hot tub deck. Great Room has soaring cathedral ceilings, panoramic wall to wall Bay views & opens onto the chef’s kitchen with Viking appliances & a large island - built for those who love to entertain. This could be your private oasis! $2,899,000 MLS®#20133423

KoLAPorE CABin in tHE Woods Immersed in nature, this incredible ‘cabin in the woods’ is a beautifully furnished 6 bedroom, 4 bathroom rustic retreat situated on 5 acres & surrounded by 2,500 more of protected Kolapore Uplands. A welcoming weekend home for any family. You’ll feel right at home in the inviting open concept kitchen/dining with 19th Century Welsh cabinets, Corian countertops & antique gateleg table; walk out to a spacious screened in porch perfect for summer entertaining. $1,595,000 MLS®#20133913

Andres Paara, Broker 705 441 3245 andres@royallepage.ca Karen E. Willison, Sales Representative 705 888 0075 kwillison@royallepage.ca



On The Bay

Fa l l 2 0 1 3

Locations North, Brokerage Office 877 / 705 445 5520 Fax (519) 599 5036 Collingwood, Thornbury, Meaford

57 MADELINE DRIVE, COLLINGWOOD A Magnificent Waterfront Chalet! This custom home is built on a prime, elevated lot with sweeping views of Georgian Bay from practically every room and features a sandy beach with a boardwalk. Cathedral ceiling in Great Room with a massive 12 ft. height - stone fireplace, custom milled ash floors throughout dining room, Great Room, dinette, kitchen with granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances in kitchen. Master bedroom with lovely ensuite, huge walk-in closet & a private, roofed patio with mountain view & hot tub. Media room with projector TV, billiards room has full wet bar. The list just goes on & on. $998,000 MLS®#20133609 Serge Crespy Real Estate Broker Mortgage Broker Direct 705-445-0606 crespy@rogers.com Derek Crespy Real Estate Broker Direct 705-441-0112 crespyd@rogers.com

four seasons realty limited, Brokerage 67 First Street, Collingwood 705.445.8500


ReadeR Buying guide For more information, link directly to Our Advertisers at www.onthebaymagazine.com ACCOMMODATION



Cranberry Resort Page 62

Wayne Dziedzic Custom Upholstery Page 88

Cedarport Window & Door Centre Page 40 Collingwood Clear Choice Pools & Spas Page 40 Concrete FX Page 39 Hanover Kitchen & Bath Gallery Page 45 Huronia Alarms Page 19 Keven Ferry Construction & Renovations Page 40 Kitchen Painters Page 35 Knights’ Home Building Centre Page 46 Limestone Ridge Construction Page 88 PR Antique Products Page 49 Premier Kitchens Page 48 South Gate Cabinets Page 40 Thornbury Clear Choice Pools & Spas Page 59 Wrightway Renovations Page 44

Waterside Retirement Lodge Page 85

ANIMAL/BIRD/PET SERVICES Blue Mountain Veterinary Services Page 87 Dogs We Love Page 71 Invisible Fence Page 40 Mountain View Stables Page 88 Stayner Pet Centre Page 88 The Tack Shoppe Page 62 Tip to Tail Grooming Page 39


FASHION/JEWELRY Appeal Boutique Page 50 Cora Couture Fashion Boutique Page 70 D.C. Taylor Jewellers Page 10 Echo Trends Page 68 Elaine Dickinson’s Fashions Page 71 Evolution for Men Page 59 Leuk bij Hermas Interiors Page 68 Shoe Tree Page 39 The Tack Shoppe Page 62 Zazzys Page 83



Dean’s Carpet One Page 20 Georgian Design Centre Page 40 Meaford Carpets & Interiors Page 39 PR Antique Products Page 49

A Sign of the Times Page 59


Meaford Hall Arts & Cultural Centre Page 39 Meaford Museum Page 82

Blue Mountain Honda Page 89 BMC Rentals Page 50 Kubota Page 13 Walker’s Small Motors Page 70

Currie’s Farm Market Page 76 Goldsmith’s Orchard Market Page 59 Ontario Natural Food Co-op Page 63 T & K Ferri Orchards & Apple Market Page 76



Abbott Design Page 55

C & G Solid Wood Furniture Co. Page 59 Home Furniture Appliances Page 54 Macdonald’s Furniture & Appliances Page 18 Orangeville Furniture Page 104 Smitty’s Fine Furniture Page 30 The Rusty Star Page 32

Black Tusk Development Group Page 48 MacPherson Builders Page 26 Patrick B. Coulter & Associates Page 46 Porter Skelton & Associates Page 33 Royal Homes Page 47 Third Line Homes Page 49 Van Strien Developments Page 88

CHILDREN’S SERVICES Dance by Design Page 69 Oxford Learning Page 50 Pretty River Academy Page 87

COMMUNITY/BUSINESS SERVICES 97.7 The Beach/Bayshore Broadcasting Page 22 A Sign of the Times Page 59 Andrew’s Copy Centre Page 50 Collingwood BIA Page 77 Collingwood G&M Hospital Page 4, 65, 87

HEALTH/BEAUTY/FITNESS Bayside Wellness Page 50 Brubacher Foot Comfort Page 82 Camelot Salon & Day Spa Page 50 Georgian Bay Cosmetic Clinic Page 83 Glow Hair Studio & Gallery Page 59 Good Health Mart Collingwood Page 69, 71 Scandinave Spa, Blue Mountain Page 68 Stuart Ellis IDA Page 83 The Northwood Fitness Club Page 7

Meaford Chamber of Commerce Page 39 Town of Collingwood Fire Prevention Page 40 VON Adult Day Program Page 90

ENTERTAINMENT/RECREATION Apple Pie Trail Page 23 Dance by Design Page 69 Meaford Hall Arts & Cultural Centre Page 39 Mountain View Stables Page 88 Roxy Theatre Page 64 Theatre Collingwood Page 50 Wasaga Beach Home Tour Page 62

Windstone Real Estate, Brokerage Page 52


REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS Blue Fairway (MacPherson Builders) Page 26 Eleven Bay Street Page 34 Far Hills Thornbury Page 73 Lora Bay (Reid’s Heritage Homes) Page 16 Silver Glen Preserve (Sherwood Homes) Page 80 Summit Shores Page 74

Blair Garden & Landscape Design Page 88 Concrete FX Page 39 Elizabeth Blooms Garden Design Page 82 Hackstone Landscapes Page 61 Landmark Group Page 37 Maxwell Garden Centre Page 60 The Grounds Guys Page 49 Tyler Spiers Design & Build Page 32 Willowstone Plant Heathcare Page 76

Windfall Page 14, 15


Copper Blues Bar & Grill Page 78


Barebirch Page 53 Blue Mountain Antique Market Page 59 Chantale & Co. Page 60 Décor Design Page 40 FAD Farrow Arcaro Design Page 46 Georgian Christmas Page 54 Georgian Design Centre Page 40 Habitat Interiors Page 59 Inside Elements Page 33 Kitchen Painters Page 35 Leuk bij Hermas Interiors Page 68 Living Lighting Home Décor Page 40 Petals in Thyme Floral Design Gallery Page 60 Salnek’s Window Fashions & Accessories Page 9 The Rusty Star Page 32 Wasaga Beach Decorating Page 40

Maple Leaves Forever Page 84

Alexandra’s Wood Pile Page 88 Blue Mountain Concierge Page 33 Blue Mountain Vacuum Page 40 Environmental Pest Control Page 88 Expert Carpet Care Page 39 Morton Home Inspections Page 88 Storage Zone Page 40

Reliance Yanch Heating and Air Conditioning Page 21

Home for Life Page 91 Kinette Club of Wasaga Beach Page 62

Sixty One Thornbury Page 8



Royal LePage Trinity Realty Inc., Brokerage Page 98 Royal LePage Trinity Realty Inc., Brokerage Melanie Moss Page 43


Beach Eye Care Page 86 Collingwood Dental Centre Page 86 Comly Eye Care Page 76 Dr. Dina Ghobrial Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Page 70 Dr. Hammond, Raymond & Cation Optometrists Page 82 Dr. Robert McCoppen Family Dentistry Page 83

Design Office Zen Page 59

Re/Max Four Seasons Realty Ltd. Doug Gillis Page 93 Re/Max Four Seasons Realty Ltd., Brokerage Serge Crespy & Derek Crespy Page 100 Re/Max Four Seasons Realty Ltd., Brokerage Todd Brooker & Harry Dolan Page 11 Royal LePage Locations North Realty Inc. Chris Keleher Page 36 Royal LePage Locations North Realty Inc., Brokerage Page 24, 25, 92 Royal LePage Locations North Realty Inc. Karen Willison & Andres Paara Page 100 Royal LePage Locations North Realty Inc. LeeAnn Matthews Page 99

BDO Canada LLP Page 64 C.E. McMahon CGA Page 69 Gaviller & Company LLP Page 85 RBC Dominion Securities, Geoffrey Belisle Page 2 Waddingtons Art Auctions Page 65

Windrose (MacPherson Builders) Page 26

RESORTS Blue Mountain Resort Page 5, 67 Cranberry Golf Resort Page 62

RESTAURANTS Bistro 26 Page 78 Cranberry Resort Page 62 Osteria Vitto Page 65 The Flying Chestnut Page 79 The Huron Club Restaurant & Bar Page 79 The Smoke Page 79

SECURITY/AUDIO/VIDEO Georgian Audio Video Page 31 Huronia Alarms Page 19 Red Brick Property Solutions Page 45

TRAVEL Expedia Cruise Ship Page 65 Expo Cruises & Tours Page 103 Marlin Travel Page 50 Secondary Ownership Group Page 88 Travelworld Page 50

REAL ESTATE Century 21 Millennium Inc. Brokerage Susan Boadway & Marilyn Douglas Page 100 Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage Page 96 & 97 Clairwood Real Estate Corporation Brokerage Page 94 & 95 Re/Max Clearview In., Brokerage Leo Weel Page 100 Re/Max Four Seasons Realty Ltd. Brad Williams Page 99

WINDOW FASHIONS Ashton’s Blinds, Draperies & Shutters Page 48 Décor Design Page 40 Inside Elements Page 33 Knight’s Home Building Centre Page 46 Meaford Carpets & Interiors Page 39 Salnek’s Window Fashions & Accessories Page 9 Shades & Shutters Page 55 Wasaga Beach Decorating Page 40 On The Bay

Fa l l 2 0 1 3


B a c k

Photo courtesy of the Grey roots ArchivAl collection

L o o k i n g

apples &

Artillery A

t first glance this photo, taken near Vail’s Point between 1942 and 1945, looks like a family frolicking on their farm. That could be half right: while we were unable to identify the people in the photo, it was indeed taken on a Meaford family farm – the Clark family homestead is in the background. And yes, that’s a military tank in the photo. The Clarks, along with many other families who had lived on and farmed the land in the northernmost areas of St. Vincent and Sydenham Townships, some for generations, were required to move in 1942 to make way for the Meaford Tank Range. With Canada involved in WWII, the land had been deemed to be most suitable for


On The Bay

Fa l l 2 0 1 3

a new training base to prepare soldiers for fighting with armoured tanks and heavy equipment. Many of the landowners felt the government wasn’t offering enough money for their properties, and were told that if they did not sell, the government would simply take their land. Farmers were required to vacate their land by late September, forcing them to leave with their apples still on the trees, as it was too early to harvest the fall varieties. The Meaford Tank Range continues to operate on the same land today. For more on the Meaford Tank Range story, check out the virtual exhibit at: www.greyroots.com. ❧ Source: Grey Roots Museum & Archives

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Begin your African adventure with a 3-night hotel stay in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania located right on the Indian Ocean shores. Next day take a city tour with lunch. The following day enjoy a relaxing day by the pool or the beach or once there, you may take an optional full day excursion with lunch to the exotic spice island of Zanzibar. The next morning we embark the most luxurious train in the world, Rovos Rail’s `Pride of Africa`, we will depart from Dar es Salaam on this epic safari through Africa traveling a distance of 6,103 kilometers journey that will take 15 days. Guests will board at the Tazara Railway station the beautifully rebuilt Edwardian Train and travel in the footsteps of such illustrious adventurers as Livingstone, Speke, Stanley, Burton, Selous. Lord Delamere, Blixen and Finch-Hatten. This epic 15-day train journey travels through Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and South Africa and is one of the most famous train journeys in the world. Starting in Tanzania, the train leaves the bustling station of Dar es Salaamand passes through the Selous Game Reserve – the largest on the continent and a vision of timeless Africa. Travel through the Rift alley and witness spectacular scenery as the train negotiates the tunnels, switchbacks and viaducts of the escarpment. After passing the Tanzania/Zambia border – almost the midpoint between Africa’s two Great Rift Valley lakes – guests can enjoy a bush walk at Chisimba Falls before crossing the mighty Zambezi for an overnight stay at the colonial Victoria Falls Hotel. The train then travels through Botswana to the Madikwe Game Reserve for a two-night stay at a five-star lodge, then on to Pretoria, the capital city of South Africa. The journey will then take guests through the diamond-mining town of Kimberley and the historic little village of Matjiesfontein before this magnificent journey ends in Cape Town. End your African adventure with a 4-night stay at a luxurious 5-star Table Bay Hotel located right at the center of Victoria & Alfred Waterfront. Enjoy local city sightseeing with cable ride to the Table Mountain, full day at the Cape Peninsula where the Indian Ocean meets the Atlantic Ocean and a full-day visit to the Cape Winelands with special meals and local wines. This is a trip of a lifetime, an authentic African adventure!





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