Spring 2014
w w w . o n t h e baym ag az i n e . c o m
$5 .9 5
Real Estate & Development
Backyard Living Taking the indoors, outdoors
What’s selling, where, and who’s buying? Custom Home Trends
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IntHiSissue features 15 Slow & Steady that’s how local realtors describe the resale home market in Southern Georgian Bay as it continues to slowly edge towards a balanced market, fuelled by demand for our four-season recreational lifestyle and the number of empty nesters, retirees and
even young families wanting to buy a little piece of Paradise. by Janet Lees
27 Catch-22 New home developers need sales to get their projects off the ground, but potential buyers don’t want to wait. by Janet Lees
36 New Homes On The Bay is pleased to present our annual guide to active new home developments in Southern Georgian Bay.
45 Building Dreams Custom home building in Southern Georgian Bay continues on a grand and elaborate scale, although a trend towards smaller, well-designed residences is taking root. by marc HumInILowycz
56 Touches of Whimsy this artistic and quirky backyard serves many practical purposes. by JuDy ross
68 Life After Dark Lighting adds romance to backyard spaces and extends their use long after the sun goes down. by JuDy ross
76 The Great Outdoors transforming the humble backyard into glammed-up outdoor rooms. by JuDy ross
87 Purely Delicious Collingwood’s Pure Food Bar makes healthy, raw food that explodes with flavour. by emILy worts
93 Openings Southern Georgian Bay continues to offer unique shopping and culinary experiences, along with new service providers to meet every need. Here’s the latest on new business openings as well as business transformations including new owners, moves and major renovations. More great reasons to shop local! by Janet Lees
68 Departments 6 From our Editor 8 From our Readers 12 Fence Posts, by Dan Needles 95 Marketplace 96 Events 99 Gallery of Realtors 107 Showcase of Fine Homes 109 Reader Buying Guide 110 Looking Back
ON THE COVER: A white rocking chair is framed by whimsical cow paintings by local artist Sue tupy, adding a playful and personal touch to an outdoor deck.
pHoto by Derek trask
Volume 11, Issue 1 P ub l i s h er
Jeffrey Shearer jshearer@onthebaymagazine.com eD iT Or
Janet Lees janet.lees@me.com A r T D i r ecT Or
Holger Meiche ADmin . , c i r cul AT iO n A n D P r OD ucT iO n
Cindy Caines A Dv er Ti s i n g Des i g n
Tara McLellan P r OOf r eA Der
Anita Hunter cOn T r i b uT i n g W r i Ter s
Nancy Falconer, Marc Huminilowycz, Janet Lees, Dan Needles, Cecily Ross, Judy Ross, Emily Worts cOn T r i b uT i n g PhO T Og r A P h er s & i l l us T rA T Or s
Derek Trask, Shelagh Armstrong-Hodgson, Kristie & Brenden Woods
reg i O n Al A Dv er T i s i n g s Al es
705-444-9192 s h A un A b ur k e
sburke@onthebaymagazine.com PAT T i b OW D en
in fO r mATiOn An D r A T es f Or n A T iO nA l A Dv er T i s er s
www.bigcountrymagazines.com On The Bay is published by On The Bay Magazine Inc. 4 issues per year and distributed by Canada Post to the majority of households and businesses in Wasaga Beach, Collingwood, Nottawa, Craigleith, Glencairn, Thornbury, Clarksburg, Ravenna, Markdale, Meaford, Mulmur Hills, Creemore, Duntroon, Stayner, Glen Huron, Dunedin, Kimberley, Singhampton and Flesherton. The magazine is also distributed to hotels, resorts, developer showrooms, realtor offices, and to members of private ski and golf clubs in the area. On The Bay is also available for purchase at the following fine stores:
crow’s nest books & gifts Collingwood curiosity house books Creemore kimberley general store Kimberley Subscriptions outside the distribution area are $25.95 per year for 4 issues (including HST), payable by cheque or credit card. No part of On The Bay may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent of On The Bay Magazine Inc. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher, editor or staff of On The Bay Magazine. Letters to the editor are welcome: jlees@onthebaymagazine.com Publications Mail Agreement No. 40943009 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: On The Bay Magazine Suite 201, 186 Hurontario St., Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 4T4 Tel: 705-444-9192 Toll-free: 1-888-282-2014 Fax: 705-444-5658 Printed in Canada by Ironstone Media.
www.onthebaymagazine.com 4
On The Bay
Spring 2014
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AttrActed “trends, like horses, are easier to ride in the direction they are going,” wrote John Naisbitt in his groundbreaking book, Megatrends, published in 1982. This issue of On The Bay reflects a number of related trends that have been gaining traction over the past 10 years. First is a trend we identified in our very first issue of On The Bay in 2004 – which we dubbed “NORCs and NATS.” Whereas in the previous 10 to 15 years Southern Georgian Bay had been attracting mainly retirees to live here full time – leading David Foot, in his seminal book, Boom, Bust & Echo, to identify our area as a “Naturally Occurring Retirement Community” (NORC) – we noticed that the demographic tide was beginning to shift towards thirty-something professionals, entrepreneurs, artists and those able to work from home at least part of the time, who were drawn to Southern Georgian Bay for the lifestyle, recreation and natural amenities. Our publisher, Jeff Shearer, branded this trend Naturally Attracted Thirty-Somethings (NATS). Fastforward 10 years, and the NATS trend has become a major driver in new and resale home sales in our region. In researching our annual analysis of the local real estate and development markets, I was struck by the fact that every source I interviewed – over 15 in all – referenced the thirty-something and fortysomething demographics as key to our slow but steady recovery from the economic challenges our region has been facing since 2008. Instead of waiting until retirement, young working professionals with and without families are finding ways to make their part-time and full-time homes here in Southern Georgian Bay. Some are buying new homes and condos; others are purchasing resale homes; and still others are building custom homes that suit their needs and lifestyle, now and for years to come. This is good news not only from an economic standpoint, but from a cultural one as well: a greater demographic spread makes our area more vibrant, more creative and more progressive. (Just take a look at our Openings section in any issue of On The Bay to see the many new stores, restaurants and service businesses that are springing up to serve this growing and diverse population.) With more people of all ages moving here, our area has morphed from a winter getaway into a truly four-season playground, which in turn continues to draw more residents from the city and from cottage country to enjoy the year-round beauty and range of activities on our doorstep. And, now that people are here in the spring and summer as well as the
On The Bay
Spring 2014
winter, they’re looking to entertain not only in their homes, but in their backyards as well. As you’ll see in this issue, some local residents are going all-out to create outdoor spaces that are as spectacular as they are inviting, for their families and guests to enjoy in the warmer months. Even those of more humble means (like me) will come away from this issue with creative ideas for relaxing and entertaining outdoors after an especially long and arduous winter.
This is good news not only from an economic standpoint, but from a cultural one as well: a greater demographic spread makes our area more vibrant, more creative and more progressive. You’ll read about many other home-related trends in the following pages, from new building materials to ‘green’ living to automated homes straight out of The Jetsons. Where are these trends taking us? Towards a dynamic, vibrant and multifaceted community where we all, regardless of age or economic status, share a love of this wonderful place nestled between majestic mountains and crystalline waters, which we are lucky enough to call “home.” ❧
From our
ReadeRs Life in Georgian Bay is quite wonderful.
Editor’s Note: Editorially, On The Bay strives to appeal to all who live in Southern Georgian Bay, regardless of income. In every issue, we publish articles by professional writers about local people who are making a difference in our communities, local issues that affect all of us, and outdoor activities that are free for everyone to enjoy. We also regularly feature articles about health and wellness, and local (free) services for seniors such as Home for Life and Hospice. On The Bay does not ‘trade’ ads for editorial, nor do we publish ‘advertorial’ – ads disguised as editorial. The ads that appear in On The Bay are purchased by the advertisers, and those advertisers have full control over the content of their ads. So, for those on a fixed income, enjoy our editorial content, which is not trying to sell you anything, but simply inviting you to celebrate life in our wonderful region.
RE: GRassRoots HERoEs, WintER 2013 A most sincere thank you for the wonderful article in On The Bay! You truly captured my world of autism in your writing! You can add your name to my list of angels and the people who nominated me, as this article will reach others in the community who are dealing with autism, directly or indirectly. The information in the article will hopefully spark an invitation to either come to our support group and/or come and dance at our 2014 fundraiser. Also, a thank you to the photographers … great photo! Once again, thanks so much for this opportunity to get a message of hope out there! sheri Bulfon, Collingwood
Your magazine is quite wonderful. But it is mostly geared to the wealthy. Is there a way you could appeal to those of us who live on a fixed income? Many live on or under the poverty line and we would love to hear about the wonderful things that would apply to us. I understand that advertising pays for the magazine and that may be the reason for the spiffy ads. Denise Meesters, Collingwood
Thank you so very much for the excellent write-up in the Grassroots Heroes section of the current edition of On The Bay. What an honour to have been selected, and how nice to hear such nice things about me – wow, me! Friends far and wide are calling to congratulate me, what a wonderful Christmas present! sylvia Bray, Wasaga Beach
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Re: Mindful eating, WinteR 2013
Re: WateR levels 2.0, fall 2013
There is a book published in 2006 titled “The China Study” authored by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and described as “the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted and the startling implications for diet, weight loss and long term health.” I recommend this book to all your readers. It is very readable, the studies behind the recommendations are scientifically peer reviewed; the author’s goal is to inform, not to become rich and the reasons described why the recommendations therein (there is only one key recommendation) are so under publicized are astounding but, on reflection, sadly predictable. The book is locally available at the Collingwood library and Crown’s Nest Bookstore and at major bookstores elsewhere. george fleming, Craigleith
Editor’s Note: As a follow-up to the many articles On The Bay has published relating to declining water levels, we received a follow-up email and news release from Mary Muter. For more information, go to www.restoreourwater.com. Last week while I was in Washington at Great Lakes Days meetings, president Obama made the announcement we have been waiting for: funding for the U.S. Army Corps to begin their re-evaluation of St. Clair River compensation design (see below). While I was in Washington, several key people told me that this would not have happened without our education efforts in Washington. We now have the right person – Roger Gauthier, a retired hydrologist from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers –heading up Restore Our Water International and we are in direct communication with the key Corps staff and congressional and Canadian federal offices. Yes, it can be done, and we have the strongest international team to convince governments to do it. We must do this for our children, grandchildren and all the wildlife that depend on the Great Lakes. Mary Muter, chair, sierra Club of Canada great lakes section and vice chair, Restore Our Water international
sierra Club Canada applauds Obama administration’s investment in Restoring Michigan-Huron and georgian Bay Water levels After 50 years of failing to complete the terms and conditions of a U.S./Canada agreement to compensate for the loss of water from Lakes Michigan-Huron and Georgian Bay due to navigation dredging in the St. Clair River, president Obama’s administration has started to act. Last Tuesday, the U.S. president approved a modest amount of funding for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to re-evaluate its past compensation designs in light of current knowledge and technologies.
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Spring 2014
readerMaIL The president’s funding will get the process started. The Corps’ engineering analysis should take up to three years to complete. “The Great Lakes Section members have been working on this significant loss of finite water from the upper Great Lakes water for over 12 years. This announcement is a testament to the persistence and sc ientific expertise of a small group of dedicated volunteers to finally get our governments to act,” said John Bennett, national program director for the Sierra Club Canada Foundation. “I applaud their efforts. This announcement would never have happened without their tireless work.” While the last twelve months’ ‘blip’ of extraordinarily high precipitation and extreme cold winter has provided some relief to the upper Great Lakes, water levels on Lakes Michigan and Huron/Georgian Bay are still about 13 inches below their long-term average. Meanwhile, the other Great Lakes are at (or above) their longterm averages under similar conditions. “This disparity cannot be allowed
to continue and we are pleased that president Obama understands that,” continued Bennett. “We now need to hear from our prime minister. Canada needs to play a greater role in protecting the Great Lakes and moving the long overdue bi-national agreement for compensation measures in the St. Clair River to completion.” Decades of human alterations to the St. Clair River, including dredging and subsequent river bottom erosion, have increased the outflow from Lake Huron and further deepened the river at some locations to be over 60 feet deep. Ships only need 27 feet to pass when they are fully loaded. “The loss of wetland and fish habitat, as a result of the last 12 years of critically low water levels, is unacceptable. The exposed shorelines have been taken over by the invasive plants including Phragmites australis and Eurasian Milfoil whose very dense growth provide little habitat for fish and wildlife,” said Mary Muter, chair of Sierra Club Canada’s Great Lakes Section and the vice chair of a new binational group known as ‘Restore Our Water International,’ which has pushed for the Obama administration to act. “We know that compensation measures can be deployed in the St. Clair River in an environmentally responsible manner, with full consideration of both upstream and downstream interests,” Muter added. ❧
Where do you stand on the issues? Do you have any comments, suggestions or additional information in response to any of our stories? Don’t be shy! We’d love to hear from you! To submit your letter to the Editor, go to www.onthebaymagazine.com and click on “Have Your Say.” Comments will be published in an upcoming issue of On The Bay. We reserve the right to edit for style, content and space considerations.
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
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Real estate in action!
Wood Up True confessions from the 9th Concession by Dan neeDles
illustration by shelagh armstrong-hoDgson
We have an old neighbour named Oscar who claims that up to the age of 12 he thought his name was “Get Wood!” He showed me the side of the house where he and his father piled cordwood in four rows six feet high every fall. That was generally enough to get them through till spring, but he still remembers hauling a dead tree up to the front yard one April when they misjudged the length and ferocity of a Canadian winter. Like a lot of the neighbours, Oscar gave his cookstove away to a hunt camp 20 years ago and installed an oil furnace in the basement. He put a little propane stove in front of the bricked-up fireplace and hung the axe over it as an antique decoration. Virtually all of the neighbours did the same, but my romance with wood heat continues to burn steadily, outlasting all other flirtations. I had a few flings with electric baseboards, air-to-air heat pumps, ceramic heaters and high-efficiency this and that. But they all proved to be expensive disappointments and none of them handed out the fierce, bone-warming heat of a masonry stove feeding on chunks of dry maple and beech. On a farm with fencerows and five acres of bush, wood is basically free. Oscar himself would say, “It’s like money from home.” Of course, you don’t count the wear and tear on the chain saw, the tractor or the truck, and never mind the weeks of bone-headed labour to haul three bush cords up to the house. What else does a writer have to do? My sons are both keen outdoorsmen. They’ve been handling wood for the stoves here at the farm since they were toddlers, but they don’t go out to the bush with me anymore if they can avoid it. If they do pick up an axe it’s more likely to throw it at a target on the barn wall than use it to knock slabs off the outside edge of a block of maple. If I press the issue, they say, “You shouldn’t be chopping trees down, Dad. Think of the biomass!” I think of biomass all the time. Sometimes I wish public schools taught mathematics with the same effectiveness they teach recycling and
On The Bay
Spring 2014
endangered species. Whenever I suggest a day in the bush I hear a chorus of, “Woodsman, spare that tree! Think of the biomass!” And they go back to their Xboxes to whack some more Orcs. Biomass is humanity’s oldest fuel and it still makes up something like 75 per cent of the world’s renewable energy – three times as much as solar, wind and all other renewables combined. I know it’s bad for the air, but at least it’s CO2 neutral, isn’t it? Wood only releases the carbon sucked up while the tree was growing, so the net effect on the climate is zero. “Not so,” they say. “That’s just bad accounting, Dad. The tree grows over 75 years and you burn it up in a few weeks. Large-scale biofuel projects have been a complete disaster for the planet.” But I’m not large scale. I’m a dot, an insect, a tiny insignificant fleck of dust, and the forest hardly notices I’m here. Besides, I like it. I enjoy the feel of wood chips flying out of the saw, the smell of dead leaves and moist earth underfoot. My excuse for going to the bush may be the firewood, but I’m also there to sit and visit in silence with the masses of purple violets and pink herb Robert. Like the coyote I only go after the sick and the wounded – trees with a bad lean or a rotten centre, dead elms and desiccated ironwoods shaded out by the tall basswoods. These are also the most dangerous to fell and they test my nerve and make my heart race, which is always a good thing for a man my age. I lie awake the night before, plotting the precise angle of the cut and the shortest line of escape. Songwriter Bruce Cockburn mangled an old philosophical riddle when he sang, “If a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear?” But his question is still relevant. In my experience, if a virtual tree falls in conversation on the Internet, thousands will hear and object violently. But when a real one crashes in the bush, chances are you will be the only one present and you will have to lug it home all by yourself. ❧
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Slow &
Steady That’s how local realtors describe the resale home market in Southern Georgian Bay as it continues to slowly edge towards a balanced market, fuelled by demand for our four-season recreational lifestyle and the number of empty nesters, retirees and even young families wanting to buy a little piece of Paradise by Janet Lees
On The Bay
Spring 2014
“The big story in 2013 was the strength of demand in the Western District along the south shore of Georgian Bay, where sales topped the 1,800 mark for the first time ever. The Western District saw 1,845 homes sold in 2013 – a new annual record, at eight per cent above 2012 levels.” Wayne Cornfield, Southern Georgian Bay Association of Realtors
While the Toronto real estate market continues its breakneck pace, our local market is seeing more slow and steady growth. The reason? For most, purchasing a home here is discretionary – those looking for a second home, and even those looking to retire to Southern Georgian Bay, don’t have to buy and can afford to take a wait-and-see approach, or hold out for just the right home at just the right price. However, local realtors are seeing an increasing trend towards young families moving to the area, thanks to a new take on the age-old ‘three Ls’ of real estate – lifestyle, lifestyle, lifestyle. “Since a large part of our market is fueled by discretionary purchasing, I would say that the better economic outlook in general is having a positive impact on the local real estate market,” said Desmond von Teichman, broker of record for Royal LePage Locations North. “Many people don’t HAVE to buy up here, they WANT to buy up here. Before they make a big decision like that, they look at external factors such as their stock holdings and RRSPs.” Andres Paara, also of Royal LePage Locations North, agreed that the slow but continued improvement in both the Canadian and U.S. economies is gradually giving potential buyers a greater level of comfort to act on their plan to buy a recreational, semi-retirement or retirement property, or make their next move to their next home. “With the market slowly headed to a balanced market and with fewer properties available than in previous years, the discretionary and slowto-take-action buyers may be more motivated to pull the trigger on a purchase,” explained Paara. “We are seeing more young families buying recreational properties again, as well as the about-to-be retired and retired moving from the GTA to our region to enjoy the active four-season lifestyle our region provides. Our region continues to be a steady slow, but continued, growth region. Slow and steady is, in my opinion, better that sharp spikes and dips.”
The Numbers Home sales in Southern Georgian Bay hit a new record in 2013. “Resale housing demand was strong overall in 2013, with all sales recorded via the association’s MLS system reaching their highest annual level in six years,” said Wayne Cornfield, president of the Southern Georgian Bay Association of Realtors. “Residential sales recorded
On The Bay
Spring 2014
through the MLS system came in at above average levels in 2013.” Overall, 2,683 homes were sold in 2013, up 2.8 per cent from 2012 and above both the five- and 10-year averages. Monthly sales outperformed those of 2012 for nine out of the 12 months of 2013 and came in close behind 2012 number in the other three months. As this issue of On The Bay went to press, the first quarter report for 2014 was not yet available, but the year was off to a disappointing start due mainly to extreme weather that kept both visitors and potential buyers away in January and February. “Travel conditions were often hazardous and many properties remained snowbound, affecting access and the ability of potential buyers to fully appreciate the outdoor components of the landscape of properties, to say nothing of the willingness of property hunters to venture out into the winter storms to view listings and keep their scheduled appointments,” noted Barb Thompson of Chestnut Park Realty. “It is difficult to pinpoint and quantify the impact of any one factor on market trends, but property sales did continue to lag behind last year’s pace, which was compounded in part by a lower inventory of available properties. February sales were 3 per cent behind last year, and yearto-date figures remain 14 per cent behind last year’s pace. Despite the ‘polar vortex’, sellers were able to bring out 428 new properties on the market, which was 6 per cent more than last year. That was not enough to make up for January’s shortfall in new supply.”
e a sT vs. WesT While our area lags behind the still-booming Toronto market, the good news is that we are significantly outperforming neighbouring towns to the east of the Georgian Triangle. In 2013, two real estate boards merged to form the Southern Georgian Bay Association of Realtors (SGBAR), which now serves a huge region from Meaford to Midland. The new association represents two very distinct markets – the Western District and the Eastern District. The Western District includes Wasaga Beach, Collingwood, Clearview Township, The Blue Mountains, Municipality of Meaford and Grey Highlands, while the Eastern District encompasses Midland, Penetanguishene, Elmvale, Port McNicoll, Victoria Harbour, Coldwater, Port Severn, Honey Harbour and Tiny, Tay, Springwater, Oro-Medonte, Severn and Georgian Bay Townships.
Stunning custom timber frame 6,000 sq ft home on a ravine lot in prestigious Nipissing Ridge. 5 bedrooms + office, 4½ bathrooms, gourmet maple kitchen, hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, finished basement, pool & hot tub. On the shuttle route for Alpine & Craigleith Ski Clubs this is one not to be missed.
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“The big story in 2013 was the strength of demand in the Western District along the south shore of Georgian Bay, where sales topped the 1,800 mark for the first time ever,” said the SGBAR’S Cornfield. “The Western District saw 1,845 homes sold in 2013 – a new annual record, at eight per cent above 2012 levels.” In contrast, annual home sales in the Eastern District totaled only 838 units, down six per cent from 2012. “That is a little below average from the standpoint of recent history, which has seen activity bounce around roughly in the 800 to 900 range since 2008.” Pulling out the six key areas of the Georgian Triangle (Collingwood, Clearview, Blue Mountains, Wasaga Beach, Meaford and Grey Highlands), residential sales were up 3.87 per cent in 2013 over 2012, suggesting some stability in the marketplace, noted Marg Scheben-Edey, broker with Remax Four Seasons Realty in Collingwood. “Within those areas, almost 59 per cent of all the residential sales took place in Collingwood and Meaford, which suggests demand is still strongest in the full-time, local resident market.” But while the Western District is generally a stronger market, it also has the capacity to be more affected by weather conditions, and that is exactly what happened in January and February this year. “Significantly reduced sales activity during the first two months
Bal ancing the Marke t The terms ‘buyer’s market’ and ‘seller’s market’ are often bandied about, but the true definition of those terms relates to supply and demand, reflected in the sales-to-listing ratio (the ratio between the number of homes sold and the number of new listings entering the market). “Our sales-to-listing ratio is on the climb,” noted Andres Paara. “We started 2013 at below 20 per cent and ended the year at almost 33 percent. The lower the number, the more of a buyer’s market we are in. As the number climbs closer to the 45 to 55 per cent range, we approach a balanced market (equally favouring the buyer and the seller). This also is reflected in that we are enjoying a greater number of sales of properties and fewer number of listings year-over-year.” While overall, our region may be inching toward a more balanced market scenario, Marg Scheben-Edey cautioned that the sales-to-listing ratio can vary greatly in individual communities. “We have micro markets in the Georgian Triangle and it is very important to consider your own market individually,” said SchebenEdey. “For example, the year-end residential sales-to-listing ratios in Collingwood and Clearview are over 40 per cent and in stable market
“Since a large part of our market is fueled by discretionary purchasing, I would say that the better economic outlook in general is having a positive impact on the local real estate market. Many people don’t HAVE to buy up here, they WANT to buy up here. Before they make a big decision like that, they look at external factors such as their stock holdings and RRSPs.” Desmond von Teichman, Royal LePage Locations North
of 2014 in the Western District clearly illustrates the difference in market dynamics between east and west due to the impacts the winter recreational market has on real estate in this area,” said Cornfield. “While we have experienced one of the snowiest and longest ski and snowboard seasons in recent years, adverse weather conditions, an abundance of snow, and frequent road closures, especially on weekends, have adversely impacted property showing activity and subsequent sales.” On the positive side, if weather was the culprit for slow winter sales, the arrival of spring could start to see a turnaround. “As spring approaches, we anticipate robust market conditions to prevail, thus helping to make up some of the shortfall in sales activity felt through January and February,” said Cornfield.
On The Bay
Spring 2014
territory – neither a buyer’s nor seller’s market – whereas the Town of Blue Mountains at a 30 per cent ratio is still solidly in buyer’s market conditions.” In the Beaver Valley and Grey Highlands, another micro market, a shortage of listings is balancing out the market somewhat, but is offset by choosy buyers, said Helen Lightbody of Clairwood Real Estate in Kimberley. “Usually we have a limited supply of properties, and the buyers are pretty specific about what they are looking for and there is never a rush to find it.” Another factor keeping our market in check is the discretionary nature of not only home purchases, but sales as well. “While the market still favours the buyer, we are seeing a trend towards balance, and again, the oddities of a discretionary market come in to play here,”
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“A tighter market means more buyers competing for fewer properties, which inevitably pushes prices up. That appears to be playing out in the Georgian Triangle, but fortunately the area has for the most part been able to contain price increases to a measured and sustainable rate.” Anita Lauer, Chestnut Park Realty said von Teichman. “Just the same way some buyers don’t need to buy, they want to buy, some sellers don’t need to sell, they want to sell.” With higher sales and fewer active listings on the market in 2013 versus 2012, there was a slight bump in prices overall. However, Anita Lauer of Chestnut Park Realty notes that price increases in 2013 were moderate. “A tighter market means more buyers competing for fewer properties, which inevitably pushes prices up,” explains Lauer. “That appears to be playing out in the Georgian Triangle, but fortunately the area has for the most part been able to contain price increases to a measured and sustainable rate.” The bottom line: buyers can’t necessarily expect to buy at a ‘fire sale’ price, and sellers can’t necessarily expect to make a killing on selling their home.
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
How Prices stack UP The average residential sale price for the area in 2013 was $332,953 compared to $320,525 at the end of 2012. “This amounts to only a 3.9 per cent increase, which bodes well for affordability – one of the key
underpinnings for the ongoing health and stability of the Georgian Triangle real estate market,” said Lauer. According to the SGBAR’s Cornfield, the largest percentage of 2013 sales – 44 per cent – was in the $200,000 to $349,999 price range. Homes priced under $199,999 accounted for 30 per cent of sales, and about 24 per cent of homes sold were priced at $350,000 to $499,999 – 16.1 per cent increase in sales over 2012. “The upper end market is active, with 25 sales in the $800,000 to $999,999 range, and 31 sales over $1 million,” said Cornfield. However, while the ‘luxury’ end of the market impacts the total dollar volume, it actually represents a very small percentage of sales. “It is worth noting that almost 90 per cent of all sales in our region on the MLS system are in the under $500k price range,” says Andres Paara. “Only 10 per cent of the sales are greater than $500k.” The high end of the market – homes priced at over $1 million – is especially challenging, said Paara. “There are quite a lot of properties available for sale in that bracket and a very limited number of buyers compared to the lower price ranges,” he noted, pointing out that less than 1.5 per cent (31) of all MLS-listed properties sold in 2013 sold for over $1 million dollars. This has a particular impact in the Blue Mountains, which tends to have a higher number of homes priced over $1 million. “We did notice that when the sales in the high end of the market were lagging through the first two quarters of 2013, the municipality of the Blue Mountains’ average sale price was also lagging,” said Paara. “As the year came to a close and the high end of the market sales caught up and surpassed the sales numbers of 2012, so did the average sale price in the Blue Mountains, ending the year at 6.3 per cent higher than the previous year.” The low end of the market also has its challenges, noted Claire Weston of Royal LePage Trinity Realty in Stayner. “The most challenging price range is the $150-200,000 category in our area,” said Weston. “Everyone wants ‘move-in ready,’ and usually when homes are priced under $200,000 for a two- to three-bedroom home, there is a lot of work.” So far in 2014, despite an overall reduction in sales year-to-date, upper end home sales continue to remain bullish, says SGBRA’s Cornfield. “Whiles sales under $200,000 are down 14 per cent with sales in the $200-$350,000 range off by 25 per cent, sales between $400-$500,000 have almost doubled so far this year,” said Cornfield. “Similarly, sales between $500-800,000 are up 80 per cent while sales between $700800,000 have tripled in the first two months of the year, with six properties sold compared to just two in 2013.” Regardless of price category, all of the realtors On The Bay interviewed cautioned sellers against over-pricing a home. Today’s buyers are savvy, and do their homework. They are likely to know how one home stacks up against another, and what the price should be based on location, age of the home, and features. While emotions tend to run high, sellers have to be realistic – just because you love your home doesn’t mean someone else will, nor will they be willing to pay a premium for your happy memories. “As always, the market is VERY price sensitive,” said Scheben-Edey. “Less than 40 per cent of homes listed for sale actually sell, and this is often due to over-pricing.”
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MLS condo sales were 374 in 2013 compared to 1,356 single family home sales – less than 30 per cent of the market. “However, to add context, 374 condo resales is the most condo resales ever recorded in our area,” said von Teichman. “Condominium ownership is on the rise practically everywhere in this country. I don’t imagine this market will be any different.” However, Paara sees the condo market as more challenging, again
On The Bay
Spring 2014
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in part due to the discretionary nature of many condo purchases. “The condo market represented approximately 21.6 per cent of total sales in 2013 and 21.3 per cent in 2012, between the freehold single family and the condo sales. Very little change year over year, and I expect the same trend to continue.” While a little over 20 per cent of all residential sales in our area are condos, in Collingwood and the Blue Mountains, condos represent a whopping 40 per cent of all residential sales, “so they are a significant driver in our market,” said Scheben-Edey. She adds, “Analyzing the condo market is almost impossible as it is made up of several micro markets – investment, recreational, in-town, older, newer; basically sales are up marginally in 2013 versus 2012 in pace with the single family market. Prices have softened and the big challenge in this sector has been rising condo fees, aging units and special assessments, which are increasingly common for the unplanned repair or replacement of major common elements.”
Demogr aphics 151 Hurontario St., Collingwood (705) 444-5155 2236 Bloor St. W., Toronto (647) 436-3744 53 Market Place, Stratford (519) 271-1515 807 2nd Ave. E., Owen Sound (519) 371-5155
Retired and semi-retired boomers continue to be attracted to Southern Georgian Bay for the active four-season lifestyle and services our region offers. However, other demos are also starting to play a bigger role in our local real estate market. “We are seeing more families transitioning to have their home/ principal residence in our region and buying a pied-à-terre in the city,” said Paara. “This is often made possible as a result of the ability for the income earner in the family to retain their city career and income by working ‘virtually’ for two to three days a week from their home here, thanks to the internet and other technology, and only going into the city for a couple of days per week.” He added more buyers are trading in their Muskoka, summer-only use properties and opting instead for four seasons, year-round use in our area. Scheben-Edey added that in her practice, she is seeing an “unprecedented number” of clients wanting to buy investment property in the area. “Everything from income units to renovate and flips to recreational condos in rental programs. People are trying to leverage their assets.” Max Hahne, broker with Sotheby’s International Realty, said he is also seeing investors looking to buy in Southern Georgian Bay – particularly foreign investors. “The currency advantage over the Canadian Dollar is placing Canadian real estate at the forefront for international investors,” said Hahne. “We are seeing a definitive increase in inquiries from foreign buyers in the last six months.” Having a more diverse mix of potential buyers bodes well for the future of real estate in our area, accorting to Scheben-Edey. “People talk about this area being a retirement community and to some degree, that is a force in our market. We also, however, have investors, second home buyers and, I’m seeing a growth in affluent young families exiting the city to raise their families here. I think we’ll see more of that.”
Looking ahe aD For 2014, the outlook remains positive, if cautiously so. “There are so many factors to be weighed in a discretionary market that can impact us,” said von Teichman. “Continued low interest rates and positive economic outlooks could be good macro indicators for us. On a local level, the excellent winter and super skiing could be great for the market. More people up north enjoying themselves means more potential buyers. On the negative side, might the declining Canadian dollar erode consumer confidence
On The Bay
Spring 2014
“Our sales-to-listing ratio is on the climb. as the number climbs closer to the 45 to 55 per cent range, we approach a balanced market (equally favouring the buyer and the seller). this also is reflected in that we are enjoying a greater number of sales of properties and fewer number of listings year-over-year.” andres Paara, Royal lePage locations North and make people put off a decision to buy up here? Perhaps.” But while some people may be holding off on a purchase, our region remains in high demand due to its many amenities, recreational opportunities and relaxed lifestyle. “We continue to see a premium being placed on proximity to amenities associated with lifestyle,” said von Teichman. “While this is not unique to our area, its importance seems to be amplified.” He sees some of the trends we saw in 2013 continuing this year. “I expect to see an increase in sales over $1 million, and the firming up of prices in tighter markets such as the Collingwood sub-$250,000 category,” he predicted. “As the year rolls on, I think we will start to hear more about new condo project starts and sales as inventory tightens. “I expect that prices will change in pace with inflation, and we will see a general strengthening of our real estate market as consumer confidence grows.” Paara concurred. “I hear often from people visiting and recreating in our area about their dream and desire to move to and enjoy our area. As such, I expect our real estate markets to continue to develop and be strong for many years to come.” ❧
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Development NEWHOME
New home developers need sales to get their projects off the ground, but potential buyers don’t want to wait
by Janet Lees
hen times were good, those thinking of ‘buying new’ in southern Georgian Bay could put their money down and be enjoying their new home within a year. However, the past few years have seen several developments stalled or mothballed, and as a result today’s buyers are gun-shy about committing to purchase a new home based on builder’s plans, only to have to wait two years or more before the shovel even breaks ground. On the flipside, developers are no longer building homes ‘on spec,’ secure in the knowledge that a buyer will show up. and most builders have to sell a certain percentage of homes in a new development before they can even get financing to begin.
ABOVE: Charis Developments is in the final stages of turning the former Collingwood Library into condos with detached garages. The project sold out quickly, due to demand for downtown living space along with quick turnaround time.
On The Bay
Spring 2014
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
“We are certainly seeing a trend toward more personalization of the homes that are being purchased, especially when it comes to kitchens,” says Linda Brown of Grandview Homes. It’s a Catch-22 that is continuing to create challenges in the new home market locally, as many buyers opt for resale homes or custom homes rather than put their money down on a development that may take years to materialize. “New home sales, as I see it, continues to struggle, especially with the recreational use buyer,” says local realtor Andres Paara, who represents Summit Shores across from Georgian Peaks Ski Club. “With the commencement of the recession, several new developments were unable to move forward on their original timetable. Our recreational buyers are preferring to buy something that they are able to start using immediately and are often not interested in the ‘when and if’ part of a new development and/or the whole process involved through a build.” In Summit Shores, says Paara, “there are currently 13 freehold single attached and semi-detached homes under construction. We are getting very good interest from buyers, but most are providing us with their contact information and asking us to get in touch with them when the homes are either very near completion or completely ready to move
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in. Some have clearly stated ‘when you can hand me the keys to move in I will buy.” “I expect this trend to continue. Most recreational buyers don’t want to wait any number of years for them to enjoy.” As a result, developers are having to step up their marketing to attract wary buyers, promoting competitive pricing, upgrades, customization and amenities in an effort to get more prospects through the door. Says Diane Runcieman of Franton Homes, the builder behind Pretty River Estates in Collingwood: “I think prospective new home buyers can expect fair prices, very good quality, their choice of amenities, and builders are always offering deals and incentives; just make an offer!”
Enjoy direct access to Georgian Bay and unobstructed views of the Georgian Peaks ski hills.
ABOVE: There is a trend towards more personalization of new homes, with buyers purchasing additional upgrades, especially when it comes to kitchens such as this one at Mountaincroft by Grandview Homes.
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Downtown DemanD The conundrum is especially evident in downtown Collingwood, where two large developments – the Shipyards and Admiral Collingwood Place – have been put on hold indefinitely. Demand for downtown living is still strong, but potential buyers are leery of having to wait … and wait. In contrast, two smaller downtown projects had a fast turnaround and sold out quickly: the former Duke of Connaught school, which was turned into loft condos, and the former Collingwood Library, which is in the final stages of its transformation into six townhome-style condos. “They essentially sold themselves, which I think speaks to the demand in downtown Collingwood,” says Steve Assaff, the developer on the Library project. Assaff originally had the building leased to a retirement home operator, and when that fell through he decided to turn to residential use. Decision made, he moved quickly, and buyers had no
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Spring 2014
“With our after-sale upgrade program, buyers at Blue Fairway are averaging $50,000 in upgrades,” notes Russell Higgins, president of MacPherson Builders. “So whether it’s expanded stone surrounds or upgraded countertops, people are prepared to pay the extra money to get what they want.”
On The Bay
Spring 2014
problem purchasing a home they would be living in within a year. Assaff is also the developer of the Admiral Collingwood Place development on the site of the former Admiral School in downtown Collingwood, which was held up for years while the town dickered over the height of the building, and is now on hold. He says three of the purchasers of the Library condos were people who had put their money down on Admiral. “We gave them first opportunity before it went public,” he says. Assaff says the demand is evident, and having more people living downtown would create a thriving downtown core. “I certainly believe, as evidenced by the Library project, that there is a big demand for downtown living,” he maintains. “To sell 12,000 sq. ft. of condominium space downtown so quickly – it just speaks to the downtown location. And it also helped that people could see the building and knew it was there. It wasn’t just a hole in the ground and an artist’s drawing on a showroom wall.” Assaff is still hopeful that the Admiral project will become a reality, but when he finally got approved to launch the project two years ago, after years of wrangling with the town, buyers had lost faith in the project. “It was because of the negativity,” he says. “People just did not have the confidence in the project going forward because of too many false starts. We happen to believe there is a big demand
for [Admiral Collingwood Place], and I think it would be a crying shame if downtown does not get this building at the end of the day. It would animate the downtown, having people walking around all day long spending money.”
What Buyers Want While downtown is suffering from a lack of development, subdivision-type developments are having some success, thanks largely to developers listening to consumer demands and giving buyers what they want. “We are building homes for the recreation market, not for the first time buyer. So for active adults, they want bungalows with a loft, main floor masters and in many instances, finished basements to accommodate extra bedrooms for visiting family and friends,” says Russell Higgins, president of MacPherson Builders, which is developing Blue Fairway and Windrose Estates, both in Collingwood and recently completed the Orchard subdivision at Blue Mountain. “The other stream is the young family looking for a recreation RIGHT: Blue Fairway, a project by MacPherson Builders, sits adjacent to the Atoka golf course at Cranberry, and close to the Georgian Trail. Today’s buyers are looking for proximity to amenities rather than paying extra for on-site pools and clubhouses.
Development 2014_DCTaylor_03_outl.indd 1 Docket No.
File Name
On The Ba y S p r i2:17:04 n g 2 0PM 14 3/10/2014
property where the emphasis is on having a great entertainment area and also plenty of bedrooms. At the Orchard, all of our buyers wanted a great room with fireplace as a standard feature so that people could literally gather around the hearth. And I would say that two-thirds of the houses there had finished basements, in large part to accommodate more bedrooms.” More and more, developers are offering a mix of townhome, semi-detached and detached homes, to appeal to the different market segments. The focus is on quality, design and high-end fixtures, because that’s what buyers want. Many builders are offering incentive packages, bonus upgrades and higher-end fixtures as ‘standard,’ but buyers still want a custom look. “With our after-sale upgrade program, buyers at Blue Fairway are averaging $50,000 in upgrades,” notes Higgins. “That’s not to say we don’t start with high standards, because we do. But what you have to bear in mind is that a lot of our customers are buying their third or fourth home, and for some it may be their last. So whether it’s expanded stone surrounds or upgraded countertops, people are prepared to pay the extra money to get what they want.” Linda Brown of Grandview Homes agrees. “From a builder point of view, we are seeing home buyers adding a lot more upgrades, even though our standard features are exceptional,” she says. “We are certainly seeing a trend toward more personalization of the homes that are being purchased, especially when it comes to kitchens.” In addition to customization, buyers are also looking for amenities. In some cases the amenities are on-site – from golf
LEFT: The homes at Pretty River Estates off Poplar Sideroad in Collingwood are targeted to young families, active retirees and families investing in a second home close to town, schools and Collingwood’s extensive network of trails.
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
courses to clubhouses and pools – but some buyers don’t want to pay extra monthly fees for on-site amenities. That’s where location comes into play. “Today’s new home buyers want pools, golf and such but know that those items come with increased costs,” says Franton Homes’ Diane Runcieman. “With so many public amenities located throughout the area, it is usually only a short drive for residents to get to the amenities of choice and use them on a pay-as-you-go basis.” Proximity to Blue Mountain, Georgian Bay, the Niagara Escarpment, the Georgian Trail system, and local golf courses each have their attraction for a specific type of buyer. MacPherson Builders’ Blue Fairway project, for example, backs onto the Atoka golf course at Cranberry. “At Blue Fairway, you can also get on the Georgian Trail and you can be in town in five minutes, or you go the other way towards Meaford for almost 30 kilometres,” says Higgins. “For our MacPherson at Windrose Estates site, it’s all about proximity to the ski hills as it’s situated right next to Osler Bluff. Because these are really the main draws for our buyers, we don’t see as much of a demand for onsite amenities and we are also mindful of keeping condo fees reasonable. Yes, people want nice landscaping and they want to be sure the site is maintained properly. But our buyers are more interested in investing in their homes as opposed to a big clubhouse with an indoor pool, which could really drive up monthly costs.”
Who’s Buying There are three distinct demographics interested in purchasing a new home in Southern Georgian Bay: retirees and empty nesters looking to downsize, families looking for a weekend getaway, and working professionals who are able to work locally or work from home at least part of the time. “We’re really seeing three divergent trends. An even stronger active adult buyer segment is coming up – people in their mid-50s or older that are now empty nesters and looking to downsize and relocate to an area such as Collingwood,” says Higgins. “The other trend we’re seeing is families where the husband and wife are in their 30s and 40s with kids between the ages of five and 15 looking for a weekend vacation property. To a lesser extent, we’re also seeing professionals in their 30s and 40s whose jobs are less dependent on location that are moving up here.” The different demographics have different needs, both in terms of the type and size of home, and in terms of timeline, adds Higgins. “Unlike most of the projects in the GTA, it’s not all about generating high volume sales within a short period of time. Here it’s all about having patience and not trying to rush things along. With our purchasers – especially with our older buyer or people purchasing a million-plus home – the sales cycle is a lot longer. People don’t just come into the showroom and buy on the spot. They need time to mull things
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
over and get to know the area. Eventually they will come around, because the lifestyle will sell itself. It’s a bit different with the young families looking for a vacation property because they want to be here now so they can pursue whatever outdoor sport happens to be their passion.” For those looking to buy a new home, chances are you can find the right home, at the right price, in the right location, and customize it to suit your needs and taste. Developers are more willing than ever to work with buyers and give them what they want, knowing they have the option of building a custom home or buying a resale and turning it into their dream home. In terms of timing, the developers who are able to market successfully and get their projects under way quickly will have the best chance of attracting buyers. Southern Georgian Bay has much to offer in terms of lifestyle and recreation, and for that reason developers are op t imis t ic a bo ut t h e future. But today’s buyers have choices, and will only choose a new home if it fits their lifestyle needs and won’t keep them waiting too long. “Buyers are always looking for the most house for their money and in our area there is something for everyone: condos for seasonal and retirees, quality starter homes for first-time buyers, bigger more elaborate homes for move-up buyers and some exceptional high end properties. The spring market will show us what buyers are looking for this year, but I expect we will see good numbers across the spectrum,” says Franton Homes’ Runcieman. “[Developers] must keep on top of trends, look at changing demographics, keep tabs on who is looking for what, and then be ready to go forward with the right product.” ❧
On The Bay
Spring 2014
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
Homes On The Bay is pleased to present our annual guide to active new home developments in Southern Georgian Bay
Blue Mountains Far Hills Thornbur y Developer: Siljon Far Hills location: 30 Beaver Street, Thornbury Stage of Development: Completed # of UnitS: 87 units in total comprising 39 townhomes (24 sold) and 48 condos (28 sold) with indoor parking amenitieS: Pool, tennis courts, clubhouse, walking distance to downtown and trails
On The Bay Magazine is pleased to donate this space to a deserving charity or non-profit in our community. For more information, please contact Jeffrey Shearer, Publisher, at (705) 444-9192.
Hope Haven Therapeutic Riding Centre is a registered nonprofit organization that offers tailored programs to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities in our communities.
ABOVE: MacPherson at Windrose Estates, at the corner of Osler Bluff Road and Sixth Street in Collingwood, features single family homes on large estate lots priced at $949,990 to $1.14 million.
Price range: Phase 1 & 2 townhomes range from $290,136 - $434,900, condos range from $259,000-$299,900. Phase 2 townhomes priced at $157 per sq. ft. TargeT MarkeT: A mix, from the weekend crowd and young families to retirees; 75 per cent full time or about to be TelePhone: 705-445-5454 eMail: anita@themoviegals.com, barb@themoviegals.com WebsiTe: www.themoviegals.com
Lora Bay locaTion: Lora Bay Drive, north side of Highway 26, approximately 4 km west of Thornbury, 7 km east of Meaford sTage of DeveloPMenT: Masters Collection, Cottage Collection and Clubhouse Collection aMeniTies: The Golf Club at Lora Bay; 60 per cent of the site is ‘green space’ with deeryards, wildlife corridors, nature preserves and two miles of the Georgian Trail ideal for hiking or biking. In winter, 7 km of groomed cart paths at The Golf Club at Lora Bay are ideal for cross-country skiing or snowshoeing. The Lodge at Lora Bay is a recreation/meeting space, a children’s play area, library and gathering/meeting spot. Also available to all residents is an indoor pool and fitness studio. Future plans include additional commercial spaces and tennis courts. The beachfront is perfect for picnics, swimming, volleyball, fishing, kayaking and canoeing. Price range: Cottages Collection priced from $375,100 at time of printing, subject to change (1,210 to 2,163 sq. ft). Masters and Clubhouse Collection priced from $479,900 at time of printing, subject to change (1,202 to 2,903 sq. ft). TargeT MarkeT: Active, retired Boomers (‘Zoomers’) and families TelePhone: 1-226-665-0180 or 1-877-696-8984 WebsiTe: www.lorabay.com
Hope Haven is a world full of opportunity that leads to the development of lifelong skills and experiences that build confidence, positive feelings of self worth and success. The horse embodies power, spirit and achievement. For our riders, the horse represents an opportunity to discover their own freedom and to expand their potential. Our CanTRA-accredited facility provides a purposeful and safe environment where our riders can explore their abilities and enjoy the success of reaching objectives that are tailored to their individual skill level.
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Spring 2014
The Residences of Peaks Bay Developer: PB Holdings Limited location: Hwy. 26 across from the Georgian Peaks Ski Club, between Collingwood and Thornbury, The Blue Mountains Stage of Development: Building permits available # of UnitS: 15 registered and fully serviced lots in Phase 1. Total of 24 lots available. (10 sold) for single family dwellings, 7 residences built to date. amenitieS: Beachfront access price range: From $195,000 to $375,000 per lot target market: Second residences, retirees, professionals, families. telephone: Doug Gillis 705-444-3853 email: doug@douggillis.ca WebSite: www.peaksbay.ca
Ridge Estates Developer: Ridge Estates Land Corporation location: On the Escarpment, south on Camperdown Rd., The Blue Mountains Stage of Development: Registered and fully serviced # of UnitS: 42 lots for custom homes, choose your builder (12 sold) amenitieS: Park, bonfire seating, gazebo, trails, streams, views and nature preserve. Towns of Thornbury and Clarksburg. Camperdown Development Area public water access. price range: From $149,000 to $385,000 (lots averaging 100 foot frontage and up to 1-1/2 acres), bay views, golf course and natural preserve lots, escarpment views. target market: Active retirees, professionals, families and members of the Georgian Bay Club and/or Georgian Peaks Ski Club. telephone: Karen Willison, sales representative 705-888-0075, Andres Paara, broker 705-441-3245 or Royal LePage Locations North brokerage, 1-877-445-5520 email: kwillison@royallepage.ca, Andres@royallepage.ca WebSite: www.HomesofCollingwood.com
Schoolhouse Ridge Developer: Fifthshire Homes location: Lakeshore Road East at Grey 19, The Blue Mountains Stage of Development: Draft Plan Approval # of UnitS: 9 models on 9 lots (2 sold) amenitieS: 5 Minutes to Northwinds Beach, 5 Minutes to Blue Mountain, Craigleith, Alpine and Georgian Peaks Ski Clubs, 10 minutes to several golf courses price range: from $789,900 to $999,900 for 1,850 to 2,750 square feet. (Prices include lot premiums and walkout basements on select models) target market: Ideal retirement homes; all models are bungalow styles with main floor master bedrooms telephone: 705.446.0010 email: edpakstas@gmail.com WebSite: SchoolhouseRidge.com
Summit Shores Developer: Losani Homes & Mountainview Homes location: Hwy. 26, The Blue Mountains, across from Georgian Peaks Ski Club Stage of Development: 13 Homes under construction, 9 more homes to be built commencing spring 2014 # of UnitS: 22 single attached and semi-attached price range: Starting from the $300,000s (3 models, from 1,613 to 2,200 sq. ft.) target market: Adventure seekers, skiers, snowboarders, city dwellers looking for a second home by the mountains, outdoorsy people, beach goers, hikers, bikers, affluent purchasers
On The Bay
Spring 2014
Village Estates at Blue Developer: Skyline Resort Communities locaTion: Blue Mountain Village sTage of DevelopmenT: Now Selling # of UniTs: 9 exclusive residential building lots flanking the 18th fairway pond of Monterra Golf Course. Owners will have the opportunity to select the custom home builder of their choice. ameniTies: This special enclave of Village Estates offers stunning views to the Mountain and golf course all within steps to the vibrant amenities and activities located in the heart of the Village price range: Prices start at $259,900 including HST. Average lots have approximately 60’ frontage with up to 140’ depths with some unique pie-shaped lots TargeT markeT: Families, professionals, retirees and anyone seeking a cachet mountain home or chalet with the privacy that comes from a single family home as well as proximity to the Village, slopes and golf Telephone: Windstone Real Estate, 1-888-990-9120 email: info@windstonerealestate.com WebsiTe: skylinecommunities.com
Telephone: Andres Paara, broker 705-441-3245 or Karen Willison, sales representative 705-888-0075 or Royal LePage Locations North brokerage, 1-877-445-5520 email: andres@royallepage.ca or kwillison@royallepage.ca WebsiTe: SummitShores.com and AndresandKaren.com Correct
#206532 Hwy 26, Meaford, ON
T: 519-538-2000
Hours: Mon - Fri: 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Windfall Mountain Homes Developer: Georgian International locaTion: Across the road from Blue Mountain Resort and adjacent to Scandinave Spa, The Blue Mountains sTage of DevelopmenT: Currently Constructing Phase 1 and taking reservations for Phase 2 # of UniTs: Initial collection of 37 detached homes in Phase 1 with the addition of 58 detached and semi-detached homes being offered in Phase 2 ameniTies: Location adjacent to Blue Mountain Resort and Scandinave Spa; distinctive architecture; 35+ acres of trails, parks and preserved green space; a barn-inspired year-round clubhouse with swimming pool called The Shed price range: Semi-detached homes starting from the mid $300,000s. Detached bungalows from the mid $400,000s. Bungalows with lofts and two-storeys from the low $500,000s TargeT markeT: Families, retirees and secondary homeowners, aged 35 to 60+, looking for a primary residence, weekend retreat, recreational home or secondary investment Telephone: 705-445-0440 email: info@WindfallAtBlue.com WebsiTe: www.WindfallAtBlue.com
KNIGHTS’ T: 519-538-2000 Bring Your Windows to Life! #206532 Hwy 26, Meaford, ON
Hours: Mon - Fri: 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
#206532 Hwy 26, Meaford, ON
T: 519-538-2000
Hours: Mon - Fri: 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Collingwood Balmoral Adult Lifestyle Village Developer: Black Ash Enterprises Inc locaTion: Harbour Street and Hwy 26/Balsam St., Collingwood sTage of DevelopmenT: Draft plan approvals have been received. Developer expects to break ground in the 3rd Q of 2014. # of UniTs: 93 Bungalows and TownHouses; 140 Condominiums; 59 Seniors Rental apartments; 110 Suite Retirement Homes (0 sold). All homes will be one floor (bungalows and townhomes), with optional lofts; full basements and 50 per cent of the bungalows will have two-car garage ameniTies: 12,000-sq.-ft. clubhouse/recreation facility with indoor pool and 30,000-sq-ft. medical/commercial centre price range: Semi-detached bungalows $350,000 (1,300 sq
#206532 Hwy 26, Meaford, ON
T: 519-538-2000
Hours: Mon - Fri: 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sun: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. On The Bay
Spring 2014
ft.); townhouses $275,000 (1,000 sq. ft.). Condos: one bed – $160175,000 (700+ sq. ft.); one bed + den $195-220,000 (875 sq. ft.); two bed $250-275,000 (1,100 sq. ft.) TargeT MarkeT: Adults 55+ and retirees Telephone: 705-446-1119 Thomas Vincent eMail: balmoralvillagecollingwood@gmail.com WebsiTe: www.balmoralvillagecollingwood.com
Blue Fair way Developer: MacPherson Builders Limited locaTion: Hwy. 26 and Cranberry Trail East, Collingwood sTage of DevelopMenT: Townhomes under construction # of UniTs: 11 bungalow townhomes with lots remaining in current phase (5 sold) aMeniTies: Backs onto golf course price range: $344,900to $514,900 (1,458 to 2,234 sq.ft.) TargeT MarkeT: Retirees and families Telephone: 705-293-2201 or 705-446-7601 eMail: Jennifer@macphersonbuilders.com WebsiTe: www.bluefairway.ca
Dwell @Creekside Developer: Devonleigh Homes Inc. locaTion: 1 Chamberlain Crescent, Collingwood sTage of DevelopMenT: Building is ready for occupancy with 90-day closings # of UniTs: 35 midrise condominium units aMeniTies: Amenity room, interior mailroom, interior storage space, surface parking, exterior bicycle storage price range: 1 bedroom suites start at $209,900; 2 bedrooms start at $250,900; 3 bedrooms start at $346,900 TargeT MarkeT: Single professionals, retiring/downsizing, outdoor enthusiasts Telephone: 705-444-0555 eMail: collingwood@devonleighhomes.com WebsiTe: www.devonleighhomes.com
MacPherson at Windrose Estates Developer: Osler Bluff Estates Inc./MacPherson Builders Limited locaTion: Southeast corner of Osler Bluff Road/Grey Road 19 & Sixth Street, Collingwood sTage of DevelopMenT: All lots are building permit-ready # of UniTs: 37 1-2+ acre, single family detached estate home lots remaining price range: $949,990 – $1.14 million TargeT MarkeT: Recreational and/or principal residence in an exclusive enclave of estate lots Telephone: 705-293-2201 or 705-446-7601 eMail: jannifer@macphersonbuilders.com WebsiTe: www.windroseestates.ca
Mountaincroft Developer: Grandview Homes locaTion: Corner of Poplar and High streets, Collingwood sTage of DevelopMenT: Launched Phase 3 in fall 2012 # of UniTs: 83 detached, single-family homes in Phase 3; mix of bungalows, raised bungalows and two storeys on 35- to 50-footwide lots aMeniTies: Phase 3 is a quiet crescent with several homes backing on to future park or trees. Close to Georgian Trail system. Future community park is part of the development plan price range: 2 Storeys – $264,990 (1,270 sq. ft. Georgian model on a 35-ft. lot) to $498,990 (3,650 sq. ft. Wendover model on a 50ft. lot). Bungalows –$314,990 (1,350 sq. ft. Grange model on a 40-
On The Bay
Spring 2014
Pretty River Developer: Briarwood Homes locaTion: Hurontario Street & Poplar Sideroad, Collingwood sTage of DevelopMenT: Semis, bungalows, 2-storey designs. Townhomes have now been released. aMeniTies: Gated community, Collingwood Trail price range: $250,000 to $485,000 (1,040 sq. ft. to 3,001 sq. ft.). Townhomes starting at $239,990 TargeT MarkeT: Professionals, families, retirees Telephone: 705-293-3311 eMail: prettyriver@rogers.com WebsiTe: www.briarwoodhomes.ca
Prett y River Estates Developer: Liberty Developments (Builder: Franton Homes) locaTion: 14 Robertson St., at Poplar Sideroad and Portland St., Collingwood sTage of DevelopMenT: Model home open, all lots fully serviced and ready to go # of UniTs: 15 fully detached 2-storey homes on 32.5 ft. lots and one almost 40 ft. lot (0 sold) aMeniTies: No on-site amenities; close to trails, grade and high school, YMCA, several minutes’ drive into downtown Collingwood price range: $ 289,900 to $ 329,900 (1,353 – 1,856 sq. ft.) TargeT MarkeT: Young families, active retirees, families investing in quality second home Telephone: 705-293-1548 eMail: diane14@rogers.com WebsiTe: frantonhomes.com
Silver Glen Preser ve Developer: Sherwood Homes Ltd. locaTion: Silver Glen Blvd., off Hwy. 26, Collingwood sTage of DevelopMenT: Phase 7 # of UniTs: 2-storey condominiums and bungalow townhomes aMeniTies: Future recreation centre, pool, splash pad, walking trails price range: From the $270s at time of printing, subject to change. (1,359 to 2,260 sq. ft.). TargeT MarkeT: First-time homebuyers, empty nesters, investors, seasonal/recreation homes Telephone: 705-446-2685 eMail: gdickson@heritagehomes.com WebsiTe: www.sherwoodhomesltd.com
Meaford Gates of Kent Developer: Reid’s Heritage Homes locaTion: 6 Russet Drive between Centre Street & Union Street, Meaford sTage of DevelopMenT: Phase 3, bungalows with loft-style townhomes aMeniTies: Nestled near the southern shores of Georgian Bay, surrounded by orchards with hiking and cycle trails, fishing and waterfront camping nearby price range: From $244,900 (985 – 1,556 sq. ft.) at time of printing, subject to change.
ft. lot) to $417,990 (2,150 sq. ft. Gregory 3 model on a 50-ft. lot) TargeT MarkeT: Ranging from young families to retirees Telephone: 705-444-0333 eMail: mountaincroftcollingwood@gmail.com WebsiTe: www.grandviewhomescollingwood.com
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wBwl uwe. b l u eMmo uo nu tnati na i n c o n c i e r g e . c o m On The Bay
Spring 2014
TargeT MarkeT: First-time home buyers, empty nesters and growing families Telephone: 226-662-0051 eMail: lking@heritagehomes.com WebsiTe: www.reidsheritagehomes.com
Meaford Haven, a Three-Seasons Community™ Developer: Natura Contracting locaTion: 848 Sykes Street North, Meaford (south of Hwy. 26, west of Bay-Vue Motel, in western end of town) sTage of DevelopMenT: Draft plan of subdivision approved. Currently selecting builder(s). # of UniTs: 400, including 320 in cluster bungalows and low-rise apartments, plus retirement residence aMeniTies: Clubhouse. price range: Apartments starting at $149,000 TargeT MarkeT: Retirees 50 and up. Apartment units appeal to those looking to live in a smaller place. And when they need more care and attention, retirees can move into the retirement residence without leaving their neighbourhood – and their neighbours. Telephone: 1-855-230-4200 eMail: lifeblooms@meafordhaven.ca WebsiTe: www.meafordhaven.ca
On The Bay
Spring 2014
Owen SOund
waSaga Beach
Cobble Beach
Blue Water
Developer: Georgian Villas Inc. and Reid’s Heritage Homes locaTion: Located on the scenic Georgian Bay, Georgian Bluffs ON (10 minutes from downtown Owen Sound) sTage of DevelopMenT: Phase 2 - Luxury Townhomes, Single Family homes and building lots # of UniTs: 100 (40 Sold) aMeniTies: Plunge Pool, US Open-style tennis courts, luxury Nantucket-style inn, clubhouse, Vichy Spa, gym, driving range, sand beach, 260-ft. day dock, Sweetwater Restaurant, and 14 km of natural hiking trails groomed for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in the winter (amenities already built) price range: Townhomes from $349,900, bungalows from $398,900, bungalofts from $449,900, or buy lots to build your own home starting at $149,900 including a golf membership. New in 2014: luxury townhomes starting at $373,900. TargeT MarkeT: Year-round living, carefree cottage or empty nester lifestyle Telephone: 1-877-781-0149 eMail: sales@cobblebeach.com WebsiTe: www.cobblebeach.com
Developer: Berkley Homes locaTion: On the shores of Georgian Bay, 9102 Beachwood Dr. (formerly Hwy. 26), Wasaga Beach sTage of DevelopMenT: Completing phase 2, construction underway # of UniTs: 115 homes on 50-foot lots (98% sold). Single family dwelling two-bedroom raised bungalows, some waterfront, can be purchased with lofts ( most waterfront models include lofts) aMeniTies: Common element clubhouse with outdoor pool and hot tub, fully equipped exercise room, library and social room. price range: Two-bedroom raised bungalows: 2 inside lots remaining from $329,990 to $399,900 (1,220 sq. ft. to 1,910 sq. ft.). Waterfront lots from $549,990 to $679,990 (1,423 to 3,370 sq. ft.). Some models include lofts. Several inventory homes available for viewing. TargeT MarkeT: Mix of retirees and professional families enjoying full-time and part-time living Telephone: 705-422-0448 eMail: bluewater@berkleyhomes.ca WebsiTe: www.berkleyhomes.ca
Developer: Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities Inc. location: 2275 Klondike Park Road, Wasaga Beach Stage of Development: Phase 1 & 2 completed, now selling phase 3 & 4 # of UnitS: 160 townhomes (130 sold). Adult townhome community amenitieS: Outdoor heated pool, new recreation centre, and private 9-hole Par 3 golf course price range: 1,200-sq.-ft. one-level homes with two bedrooms and two full bathrooms starting at $175,355 and a New 1,600-sq.-ft. loft model starting at $195,950 amenitieS: Maintenance-free lifestyle target market: Retirees 50+ telephone: 705-422-2486, 705-429-5996 or 1-866-877-1109
Park Place Developer: Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities location: Wasaga Beach Stage of Development: Phase 6A and Phase 6B # of UnitS: 153 bungalows and semidetached for Phase 6 project. 56 in current phase being built (42 sold) amenitieS: Clubhouse with indoor salt water
pool, exercise room, sauna, library, games room, large woodworking shop and craft area price range: Bungalows from $184,500 (1,173 sq. ft.) to $204,900 (1,404 sq. ft.) plus HST, less rebates. Semi-detached will be in the $190,000 range, tax in and rebates out (1,248 sq. ft.) target market: Retirees telephone: 1-800-516-9399 email: parkplace@parkbridge.ca WebSite: www.parkbridge.ca
Stonebridge by the Bay Developer: Stonebridge Building Group Inc. location: Main & River Road, Wasaga Beach Stage of Development: Phase 5 homes are now for sale with construction starting this spring. Phase 5 will offer double-car garages in some models. # of UnitS: 353 freehold, bungalows and two-storey villas (Phase 1-4 are sold out, and Phase 5 is 70% sold out) amenitieS: Pool & cabana, 2.1-km on-site walking trails, private waterfront, private beach clubhouse with lounge and fireplace, 22.75 acres open space parkland and ponds, extensive landscaping and boulevard tree lined streets, plants, steps to Town Square, walk to shops and services, as well as the world’s longest freshwater beach, Wasaga Beach. The
adjoining Stonebridge Town Centre hosts free weekly concerts in the Music Pavilion, as well as Wasaga Beach Blues. Community events such as Snowman Mania, Santa’s Castle, Canada Day festivities with an amazing fireworks display and fun for all ages and local fundraising events are held in this vibrant, friendly neighbourhood. price range: Starting at low $200,000s. target market: Move-down, cash-out, empty nester and young families telephone: 705-422-0880 email: margaret@mystonebridge.ca WebSite: www.mystonebridge.ca
Countr y Meadows
Wasaga Meadows Developer: Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities Inc. location: 40 Theme Park Drive Stage of Development: Phase 1 # of UnitS: 92 townhomes (6 sold) amenitieS: Only steps to the beach, shopping and local restaurants. Maintenancefree lifestyle (snow removal and lawn care) adult townhome community price range: 1,200-sq. -. one-level homes with two bedrooms and two full bathrooms starting at $174,900 target market: Retirees 50+ telephone: 705-429-5996 or 1-866-877-1109 ❧
On The Bay
Spring 2014
Photo courtesy of stone custom homes
Building Dreams
Custom home building in southern Georgian Bay continues on a grand and elaborate scale, although a trend towards smaller, well-designed residences is taking root by Marc HuMinilowycz photography by Kristie & Brenden woods ABOVE: Stone Custom Homes built this feature wall in a waterfront home at Peaks Bay. The unusual mix of illuminated rough sawn lumber over vertically laid stone gave this a more upbeat/modern feel. On The Bay
Spring 2014
CustomHomes CustomBuilders
ABOVE & LEFT: James Schneider of Jasper Design currently lives in this custom home at Windrose Estates, which he designed. The home features the latest in automated technology.
hile the new and resale home markets showed strong results in 2013, perhaps the most significant indicator of the health of Southern Georgian Bay’s real estate market is the ongoing number of buyers choosing to build high-end custom homes in our region. Some are opting to build their dream home on serviced residential lots, while others are building on the waterfront or in the countryside. Whatever the location and lifestyle, local architects and custom homebuilders are keeping busy making dreams come true. On The Bay recently interviewed four local designers and builders to learn about the latest trends in custom homes – size, design, techniques and clientele. Unanimously, all agreed that their primary clients are urban baby boomers and younger families building modern homes to accommodate their active lifestyles now and for generations to come.
Demographics “There is no question that our clients are primarily retirement age. This may be their second or third residence, but here is where they plan to settle,” says James Schneider of Jasper Design. “They have worked their whole lives, and now they’re doing it right with their new homes here, using the most up-to-date materials, techniques and technology available.” Jasper Design is currently working on four properties in Wasaga Beach, including an ultramodern riverfront home and two beachfront properties: a Craftsman-style new build and a major renovation of a 1990s home.
On The Bay
Spring 2014
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There is a reason our name is WrightWay!
Photo courtesy of stone custom homes
A home contractor with over 35 years experience.
ABOVE: Porcelain tile that mimics wood and other finishes is a trend shown in this innovative contemporary fireplace by Stone Custom Homes.
Painting & Decorating Additions • Kitchens Bathrooms • Basements Decks/Fences Windows & Doors Roofing - fascia, soffits, etc. All renovations
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
William Brown of Black Tusk Development Group has noticed a similar trend in his clientele. “Our current projects are driven by winter weekenders,” he says. “Their homes, used as a gathering point for family and friends, will become more permanent residences over time.” Brown does, however, see the beginning of a trend to smaller, well-designed homes. “Some active baby boomers nearing retirement are downsizing to suit a new lifestyle that includes more travel and adventure,” explains Brown. “They still want a home with all the comforts they’re used to, but they’re also looking for a space that’s easier to maintain and can be closed up quickly when the travel bug bites. Then there is the cost factor. A smaller home frees up capital from the sale of an existing home, which can be directed towards other interests.” Jasper Design agrees that some baby boomer clients prefer to scale down their custom home plans. Although there is an initial intent to downsize, the company sometimes encourages clients to slightly increase the size of their home to accommodate their needs, recommending energy-saving techniques such as efficient heating/cooling, extra insulation and LED lighting to keep their energy costs down. Describing her company’s custom home projects as “multi-generational,” Holly Stone of Stone Custom Homes sees a demand towards larger homes from many of her clients, who wish to accommodate three generations of family. Recent Stone Custom Homes projects include a retirement property in Evergreen Estate, a 7,000-square-foot family chalet at Peaks Bay, a large contemporary home at Craigleith Ski Club and a retirement property in the Ridge Estates. “In some cases, it’s baby boomers building for their children and grandchildren. In other instances, it is the children building to accommodate their parents and grandparents,” says Stone. “Their ‘away’ properties provide the greatest opportunity for family time across the generations.”
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ABOVE: The Jasper Design home includes the Elan-G home automation system which remotely controls and monitors – on an iPad via WiFi and Internet – security systems and cameras, heating/cooling, lighting and whole-house audio/video.
Custom Trends Local designers and builders note four main trends in custom home design in Southern Georgian Bay:
1. Home Size • Large and elaborate homes with plenty of room to accommodate family and friends. • The beginnings of a shift to smaller, well-designed homes appealing to active seniors wishing to downsize and simplify.
2. Design • Great rooms and large windows – to open the space and connect to the outdoors. • Symmetrical kitchens and ergonomic bathrooms as home focal points. • Larger gear rooms – to accommodate growing list of outdoor and adventure gear. • Detail and personalization: dramatic roof lines designed to achieve a sense of grandeur; unique entrances with feature walls; unique design touches that tell a story and reflect personal values. • Good planning with spaces designed for specific uses.
3. Building Materials/Techniques • Natural stone and porcelain tile. • Vinyl windows making a comeback. • Steel roofs. • Composite/recycled products for decking, exterior siding and roofing • Organic, low-toxin adhesives, paints and stains • Bone Structure – new steel-frame building system that claims “no waste, no nails, no interior walls.”
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4. Technology • Energy efficiency: in-floor (radiant) heating - electric or hot water; geothermal heating/cooling; energy recovery ventilation; LED lighting. • Home intelligence: remotely-controlled security, heating/ cooling, lighting, music, etc. (See “The Smart Home,” Winter 2013).
15 Balsam Street, Unit 3 Collingwood, ON L9Y 5H6
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Spring 2014
Doctors of Optometry Are Your Single Source for Vision, Eye Health and Eyewear Needs! Optometrists are your primary eye and vision health doctors. An eye exam is more than just an eye chart - it is a complete, comprehensive examination of your eye health. Call our office at 705-445-2970 to book an appointment. New patients welcome! Check out the great selection of eyewear in our dispensary! Exclusive area representatives of VANNI eyewear. Drs. Hammond, Raymond and Cation, Optometrists 460 Hume Street, Unit 1, Collingwood • 705-445-2970
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
ABOVE & LEFT: Doug Abbott of Village Builders says custom homes are getting larger and more elaborate, with dramatic roof lines and more use of natural stone, as in this 8,000-square-foot project in Glen Huron.
Whether it is boomers or younger families opting for a custom home, all of the builders and designers interviewed agree on one point – that their clients are, for the most part, design-conscious consumers who know what they want in their dream home in Southern Georgian Bay. Taking their cues from home shows and home décor magazines, they are well-educated on the latest building products and design features. What are the essentials that custom home clients are looking for? Open concept with ‘great rooms,’ abundant windows, luxurious and functional bathrooms and kitchens, and energy-efficiency remain popular choices, but other features are trending. These include larger ‘gear rooms’ to accommodate and organize a growing assortment of leisure equipment, as well as unique design touches – such as dramatic roof lines and entrances with ‘feature walls’ – that ‘tell a story’ and reflect personal values. And most clients want good planning with spaces designed for their specific uses. At the top of clients’ custom home wish lists, according to local designers and builders, is the comfort, efficiency and convenience offered by the latest in home technology. Energy-saving options such as in-floor (radiant) heating, geothermal heating/cooling, energy recovery ventilation and LED lighting are still very much in demand. Doug Abbott of Village Builders, whose recent projects include large custom homes in Glen Huron and Peaks Bay, observes that clients are spending more than ever before on modern HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems offering superior energy efficiency through state-of the-art technology. He notes that intelligent ‘Nest’ thermostats, which learn personal heating/cooling preferences and control entire HVAC systems, are “all the rage.”
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Spring 2014
CustomHomes CustomBuilders
Topping the list of technology must-haves are ‘intelligent home’ systems with an array of automated devices which, among other things, remotely control and monitor – via WiFi and Internet – security systems and cameras, heating/ cooling, lighting and whole-house audio/video (On The Bay recently featured this trend in an article entitled “The Smart Home” in our Winter 2013 issue).
On The Bay also asked local designers and builders how important environmental/green building materials and practices are to their clients. Jasper Design’s Schneider makes the point that many energy efficient home features considered ‘green’ several years ago – such as energy recovery ventilation, ICF (Insulated Concrete Form) foundations and super-insulated walls and ceilings – are now mainstream in residential construction, making today’s homes “20 to 30 per cent more efficient than they used to be.” Schneider adds that his company utilizes several green building practices on site, such as the use of water-based stains and adhesives, recycled paints and a comprehensive recycling program to divert waste from landfills.
On The Bay
SprinG 2014
Photo courtesy of stone custom homes
Going Green
TOP: Gord Stone of Stone Custom Homes in front of the unique fireplace at a contemporary Craigleith chalet his company recently completed. ABOVE: A rolling barn door and walls of painted ripped pine boards give this mudroom of a Peaks Bay home a rustic yet modern look. Today’s buyers want larger gear rooms to accommodate their outdoor and adventure gear.
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Developed by:
Business Announcement Gaviller & Company llp is pleased to announce that Janet Currie has recently been appointed as the Executive Managing Partner of the firm. Janet joined Gaviller & Company llp as a staff accountant in 1987 after graduating from the University of Waterloo. She then attained several designations: Certified Management Accountant (CMA), Chartered Accountant (CPA, CA) and Certified Financial Planner (CFP). Janet became a partner of the Collingwood office in 1999 and provides advice to a variety of business owners and not-forprofit organizations. Janet has volunteered in the community for many organizations including the Collingwood & District Information Centre, the Collingwood Chamber of Commerce, the Centre for Business & Economic Development and she is a 20 year member of the Collingwood Kinette Club. She also is a member of the Professional Conduct Committee of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario.
Gaviller & Company llp, a regional accounting firm of over 40 staff, has offices in Collingwood, Owen Sound, Meaford and Walkerton. The firm has been providing accounting, tax and business advice for more than 60 years.
115 Hurontario St., 3rd Floor Collingwood, 705-445-2020 www.gaviller.com
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
Photo courtesy of stone custom homes
Janet Currie, CPA, CA, CMA, CFP
ABOVE: Feature walls are all the rage, such as this one by Stone Custom Homes, featuring illuminated stone work and reclaimed wood.
Homeowners are becoming more accepting of the additional up-front costs of ‘green’ construction in exchange for reduced operational costs and long-term benefits to the planet. Black Tusk, for example, recently toured the show home of a large Toronto developer showcasing 40 eco-friendly features considered significant. “At the end of the tour, we realized that we had already adopted about 90 per cent of these features in our day-to-day design/build practices years before,” says Brown, whose current projects include a ski chalet at the base of Blue Mountain, a smaller ‘better-built’ bungalow in Lora Bay and a revitalized red brick farmhouse. While Stone Custom Homes considers green building a very important component, Holly Stone notes it is often one of the first things customers delete when working within a budget. “We can only be successful with green initiatives when they are in simpatico with traditional building costs,” she explains. “For example, it is difficult to convince a client to move to a geothermal heating system that is more than double the cost of a traditional HVAC system.” Nevertheless, Stone is eager and willing to build green whenever a client decides that the additional costs involved will help to reduce their carbon footprint. This spring, the company will begin construction of a DWELL sustainable prefab home on the shores of Lake Huron designed by architect Joel Turkel, whose creations were included in Time Magazine’s Green Design 100. Stone Custom Homes is also a designated builder for Bone Structure, a state-of-the-art steel frame building system that claims assembly “as easy as a Meccano kit,” with no interior walls, no nails and zero waste. Southern Georgian Bay continues to experience steady growth in real estate activity, fuelled in large part by urban weekenders wishing to permanently escape the city for a more fulfilling life on our shores and
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Photo courtesy of Black tusk DeveloPment GrouP
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ABOVE: William Brown of Black Tusk Development Group says his company has been incorporating eco-friendly features for years, adding more and more of today’s custom home buyers are willing to pay the additional up-front costs of ‘green’ construction in exchange for reduced operational costs and long-term benefits to the planet.
“Some active baby boomers nearing retirement are downsizing to suit a new lifestyle that includes more travel and adventure,” explains Brown. “They still want a home with all the comforts they’re used to, but they’re also looking for a space that’s easier to maintain and can be closed up quickly when the travel bug bites.” in our hills and valleys. Some buyers are opting for homes in the region’s many attractive residential developments. Families are turning to local designers and builders to help them build modern and elaborate custom homes created for generations to come, while baby boomers are beginning to seek simpler custom alternatives to accommodate travel and adventure into their lifestyle. ❧
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Spring 2014
Cow paintings by Sue Tupy line the outside wall of the house. Rocking chairs from Habitat Interiors. LEFT: A wheelbarrow full of apples sets the stage for this whimsical garden, which borders an apple orchard. Staged by Cathy Lane of Panache Design Works. Art pieces by Sue Tupy.
On The Bay
Spring 2014
of This artistic and quirky backyard serves many practical purposes stories by Judy Ross photography by deRek TRask
On The Bay
Spring 2014
THOMAS P. MERRIFIELD JASON S. COWAN NICOLE M. VAILLANCOURT Tel: 705 446 2000 Fax: 705 446 1044 47 Hurontario Street Collingwood, ON L9Y 2L7 Web: www.bmclawoffices.com
decor and event management cathylane@panachedesignworks.ca 705.446.2422 www.panachedesignworks.ca
TOP: Dining poolside with inexpensive tableware from Canadian Tire feels like less of a picnic and more of a true home dining experience. ABOVE: Reclaimed barn wood serves as a base for the countertops at the pool house grill area.
On The Bay
Spring 2014
The partners and staff of BDO Collingwood are pleased to announce that Colin MacKay, BBA, CPA, CA has recently joined our office in the position of manager. Colin has expertise in audit and accounting services in a wide variety of sectors and in auditing information systems of various companies. “I first joined BDO Edmonton as a CA student in 2007 and spent six years working with the firm in the Edmonton office. Both my wife and I are from the Georgian Bay area and wanted to move back closer to home. We are avid outdoor enthusiasts, so Collingwood is the perfect place. I am excited to have the opportunity to continue my career with BDO Collingwood and look forward to building strong, lifelong relationships with my clients and the members of this community.” BDO is a national accounting and advisory firm, but our strengths remain firmly
202 − 186 Hurontario St we serve. We welcome Colin to the office and look rooted in the communities 202 − 186 Hurontario St Collingwood ON forward to his future contributions. Collingwood 705 445 4421 ON 202 - 186 Hurontario St. 705 445 4421 www.bdo.ca 705 445 4421 www.bdo.ca www.bdo.ca
BDO Canada LLP, a Canadian limited liability partnership, is a member of BDO a UK company limited by guarantee, and forms BDOInternational Canada LLP, Limited, a Canadian limited liability partnership, is a member of part the international BDOanetwork of independent member firms. BDO is BDOofInternational Limited, UK company limited by guarantee, and forms the brand for the BDO network and each of themember BDO Member Firms.is part of thename international BDO network of for independent firms. BDO the brand name for the BDO network and for each of the BDO Member Firms.
Shades & Shutters
his country garden, nestled among apple orchards and soft rolling hills, is so full of personality it gives new meaning to the idea of ‘having fun with your outdoor space.’ But it wasn’t always this way. “When we first saw the property there was nothing there,” says Rob Vogel, of Vogel Landscape Group, the landscape architects on the project. “The old barn building (now the pool house) was there and the house itself, but in between was just overgrown grass.”
Hanging art outdoors not only adds colour, but is also a playful alternative to putting in more plant materials. At the time, Colin Grant of Porter Skelton was working with the owners on the home’s interior, so he became involved with the garden renovation, lending it the same quirky sense of design. “Colin knows that I like things a little off-kilter,” laughs the owner, “so I didn’t want a manicured, orderly outdoor space. I wanted it to seem like part of this beautiful natural setting. And because I don’t have the greenest of thumbs, it had to be low maintenance.” The defining feature is the large (25- by 50-foot) swimming pool. The
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
owners wanted a natural looking concrete pool, but the cost exceeded the budget. So Vogel and his team came up with an upgraded vinyl pool that looks like concrete at half the price. The dark blue liner and stone edging give it a pond-like appearance and, rather than a diving board, a couple of stacked boulders (found in the adjacent forest) serve as a jumping-off point. At the heart of the garden is a sunken sitting area bordered by rustic stone walls and an immense outdoor Rumford fireplace. A wood-burning
Unlike interior spaces where rooms can be shut off from one another, backyards are more open, so you need to find ways to draw your eye from one space to another. pizza oven is tucked into a niche of the stone wall. “We collected the stones to build this outdoor living room from the ruins of an old barn,” says the owner, who loves to work with salvaged materials. “That’s why it looks as if it’s always been here.” With such an intriguing backdrop, Cathy Lane of Panache Design Works was the perfect person to do the outdoor styling for this garden as part of last summer’s Backyard Glam Tour, sponsored by On The Bay Magazine.
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Spring 2014
Business Announcement Baulke Augaitis Stahr llp is pleased to announce that Tracy Fleischmann has been called to the Bar and has joined the firm as a lawyer. Having articled for Baulke Augaitis Stahr llp, Tracy is excited to be staying with the firm, where she will maintain a broad legal practice in Family law, Estate law, Real Estate, Business law, and litigation matters.
Tracy Fleischmann, M.B.A., J.D., Barrister & Solicitor, Notary public
Tracy brings business experience to her practice of law, with an MBA and a previous career in Commercial Banking in Toronto. She is pleased to welcome new clients to the firm.
Baulke Augaitis Stahr llp 150 Hurontario St. Collingwood, ON l9Y 3Z4 (705) 445.4930 www.collingwoodlaw.com
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
Source Guide
When Experience & Negotiating Skills Matter
On The Bay was the media sponsor of the Summer 2013 Backyard Glam Tour, organized by Bleu Venue Events in Association with Landscape Ontario. Following is a list of the local suppliers who participated. Their work is showcased in the backyard photos in this issue of On The Bay. LANDSCAPERS Garden Holistics Inc. Gordon J. Leece Landscapes The Landmark Group Vogel Landscape Design & Consulting Group Ltd.
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Cranberry Mews
ABOVE: Outdoor dining on the back deck offers easy access to the kitchen. TOP LEFT: Outdoor lanterns from Canadian Tire light the stairway. BOTTOM LEFT: Complementing this natural outdoor space, a large rusty metal pinecone sculpture by Floyd Elzinga lies on the ground, offering the perfect scale and an added note of whimsy.
On The Bay
Spring 2014
“We collected the stones to build this outdoor living room from the ruins of an old barn,” says the owner, who loves to work with salvaged materials. “You have to be sympathetic to the already existing bones of the garden,” explains Lane. “In this case, the owners and Rob Vogel had done the groundwork and created a very fanciful setting. I just had to enhance it.” Unlike interior spaces where rooms can be shut off from one another, backyards are more open, so you need to find ways to draw your eye from one space to another. One way is to use colour keys – features in similar colours that lead you through the space. Another design trick is to “cosy up the outdoor spaces.” This makes the place looked lived in and accessible. “When there’s a pool, I like to add baskets of rolled-up towels,” LEFT: The fanciful iron fence was inspired by the architecture of Gaudí in Barcelona. RIGHT: Reclaimed stone and wood play a big role in this backyard living space designed by Vogel Landscape Group.
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
ABOVE: Fat Boy hammocks from Habitat Interiors add vivid pops of colour.
“I didn’t want a manicured, orderly outdoor space. I wanted it to seem like part of this beautiful natural setting. and because I don’t have the greenest of thumbs, it had to be low maintenance.”
On The Bay
Spring 2014
BELOW: Stone pathways will eventually be edged by thick easy-care foliage.
says Lane, “or put colourful straw bags around. Otherwise a backyard can look empty and not very user friendly.” Hanging art outdoors not only adds colour, but is also a playful alternative to putting in more plant materials. Lane mounted large oils of farm animals by Clarksburg artist Sue Tupy on the walls of both the house and the pool house. Because the garden was styled as part of the Backyard Glam Tour, the art was temporary, and taken inside in case of rain. “I normally wouldn’t put expensive art like this outdoors,” admits Lane, “but you could get the same effect by hanging glass-free reproductions on canvas.” Sculpture in the garden also lends an unexpected element, and many artists are creating works specifically for private backyards. To complement this natural outdoor space, a large rusty metal pinecone by sculptor Floyd Elzinga lies on the ground, offering the perfect scale and an added note of whimsy. Continuing the ‘salvaged’ theme are the old barn door on the pool house and the cedar rail ties mounted vertically (these are intended to look like an old-fashioned rain barrel, serving practical use as a privacy screen for the outdoor shower. In the end the true test of a backyard is not so much how it looks, but how it’s used and whether it’s enjoyed. For the owner of this joy-filled garden it turned out to be just what she had hoped. “Last summer we had about 30 guests for a weekend reunion,” she recalls, “and we spent all our time outside. We had hot tubs, swam in the pool, dined outside and then, after a full day of activities, we gathered around a roaring fire in the fireplace for a late night drink. It was magical.” ❧
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By day the long, deep pool is well used by the children of the family. At night it becomes a wonderful party space with a kitchen in the outdoor cabana at one end and, at the other end, a cosy sitting area around the fire feature. “The key to outdoor lighting,” says Gary Nordeman of The Landmark Group, “is to keep it concealed and subtle.”
On The Bay
Spring 2014
Lighting adds romance to backyard spaces and extends their use long after the sun goes down stories by Judy Ross photography by deRek TRask
On The Bay
Spring 2014
“When clients spend a lot of money on landscaping, they understandably want to increase the time that they spend outside, so the natural solution is to put in some beautiful lighting.”
hat good is a room without light? Our indoor spaces function around the clock because of lighting, and we create a mood by our choice of electrical fixtures. The same can now be achieved outdoors. Recent changes in lighting technology have made it possible to have a backyard that comes to life after dark. It’s quite a stretch from the days when outdoor lighting meant beaming a 100-watt floodlight onto the backyard deck. “When clients spend a lot of money on landscaping, they understandably want to increase the time that they spend outside, so the natural solution is to put in some beautiful lighting,” says
Gary Nordeman of The Landmark Group, which designed and installed many of the gardens on last summer’s Backyard Glam Tour, sponsored by On The Bay. “There are many new lighting products that allow us to transform our gardens and enjoy being outdoors long after the sun goes down.” As Nordeman points out, the big advance is low-voltage and LED lights. Low-voltage lights are only 12 volts compared to household lighting at 120 volts, so it’s safer and the wires just need to be dug six inches into the ground. With low-voltage LED lighting (rather than incandescent), you pay more upfront but the operating costs are lower and the lights will last a lifetime.
ABOVE: A mix of outdoor lighting includes low-voltage LED lights, lanterns hanging from the pergola and hurricane candle lamps. All the lighting and landscaping was done by The Landmark Group. Outdoor furniture and accessories from Habitat Interiors in Thornbury.
On The Bay
Spring 2014
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
LED lights have long-lasting bulbs that use a tiny amount of electricity, and a few well-placed accent lights can make a huge impact. Outdoor lighting, as demonstrated in the accompanying photos, can be divided into three different categories. One is task lighting, which includes small work lights to illuminate a barbecue or outdoor cooking area, or for reading at night. Then there is safety lighting, often surface-mounted downlight placed strategically for walking on paths, around a pool or down stairs. The final category is more subtle and is used to create nighttime ambiance by accenting trees and shrubs, or highlighting sculptural
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ABOVE: A waterfall made of limestone slabs is lit for nighttime drama in the garden of this home on the Lora Bay Golf Course. Gordon J. Leece Landscapes designed the Zen-like space, including adding uplights in the surrounding grasses and shrubs. BELOW: A heron sculpture sits amid tall grasses, which form the main structure of the garden. Concealed low-voltage lighting is used throughout.
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Spring 2014
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
or architectural features. These accent lights are usually uplights, which are concealed in some way, perhaps between two rock slabs, at the base of a tree, or hidden behind a dense shrub. “The key,” explains Nordeman, “is to hide the source of the light. In many of the gardens we do, lights are everywhere but you don’t actually see any of them.” Lights are positioned to avoid direct eye contact. Hiring an expert helps you decide what and where to light … and to avoid the trap of overlighting. A little light goes a long way. What makes these backyards interesting is the contrast between the darker and lighter areas. These expansive outdoor spaces with separate living areas are designed for family fun and for lavish entertaining. They have pools romantically lit for ambiance, waterfalls that provide a soothing background noise, fully equipped outdoor kitchens, plenty of dining and sitting areas with cushioned seating, and almost all have some form of fire feature which allows everyone to stay outside even on chilly nights. It’s hard to imagine a better setting for a summer evening. These alluring outdoor rooms have been made possible because of advances in lighting technology and furniture design. They have also changed the way families use their country homes. “We are a family of skiers” says Fred Losani, whose grand weekend home close to the Georgian Peaks Ski Club was initially intended as a winter house, “but once we landscaped the backyard and put in a lap pool and a cabana with a kitchen, we enjoy the house just as much in the summer. We wouldn’t have used it very often in summer without this investment.” LEFT: The Landmark Group installed this fire and water feature in a backyard near the Georgian Bay Club. A gas line below the surface of the water ignites to add both visual interest and warmth.
“The key is to hide the source of the light. In many of the gardens we do, lights are everywhere but you don’t actually see any of them.” Lights are positioned to avoid direct eye contact. With outdoor rooms being the hot new thing in home design, the changes in what can be achieved outside have been remarkable. “The most impressive thing in our backyard is the technology,” marvels Losani. The Landmark Group designed and created his outdoor space and installed all the lighting and the most up-to-date electronics. “Everything is remote controlled by my iPhone.” adds Losani, “I can put down the automated shutters on the pool cabana, turn on the lights, and open up the pool, all from my phone on the drive north.” Who would have thought that possible even 10 years ago? ❧
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Spring 2014
OutdOOrLiving Two oversized umbrellas offer shade at the pool. Garden designed by The Landmark Group. Chairs from Habitat Interiors, Thornbury.
The Great
OutdOOrs Transforming the humble backyard into glammed-up outdoor rooms stories by Judy Ross photography by deRek TRask
ntil recently the backyard represented work – a place where the grass had to be mown, the flower beds had to be weeded … and if we were lucky we got a few minutes to sit on the deck on a sunny afternoon. Much has changed. With our short summer season we want more time ‘outside’ to enjoy our outdoor spaces. Most of us want less mowing and weeding, and more relaxing. and we’re finding that outdoor rooms can be just as much fun to furnish and decorate as any room inside the house.
On The Bay
Spring 2014
On The Bay
Spring 2014
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877-H2O LAWN • 705-428-4608 ABOVE: Paths meander through the meadow-like backyard planted by Garden Holistics Inc. Hardscapes by Nathan Stewart of Escape Designs. Teak furniture from Squire John’s. RIGHT: This dining room is one of many outdoor living spaces by The Landmark Group created in this backyard.
lmost everyone considering a backyard makeover thinks low maintenance,” says Lynn Barnes, owner of Gordon J. Leece Landscapes, the firm that designed two of the backyards that overlook the Lora Bay golf course. Barnes says the first request of almost every client is easy care. Just like fashion, landscaping goes through trends, and today’s trend is low maintenance. “Everyone is so busy,” notes Barnes, “they just want
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
Just like fashion, landscaping goes through trends, and today’s trend is low maintenance. to enjoy their outdoor spaces, not work in them. We think of them as Zen landscapes that offer serenity. They are very easy to live in. We often put in a water feature for the calming aspect. And then instead of lawns we use lots of structured gravel and stone.” Privacy is another key to enjoying outdoor rooms. Unless your backyard is out in the countryside or backs onto a forest, a privacy screen of some kind may be necessary to create an outdoor room you will want to use. A lattice fence with fast growing ivy is one option. Clumps of
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Spring 2014
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Spring 2014
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ABOVE: A huge Rumford fireplace is the main attraction in this walled outdoor room. Furniture from Canadian Tire. LEFT: Artwork by Sue Tupy on the pool house wall adds a touch of whimsy. Tableware from Canadian Tire. Styling by Panache Design Works. BOTTOM LEFT: At night the sitting room is warmed by an outdoor fire built into the stone table.
“Everyone is so busy, they just want to enjoy their outdoor spaces, not work in them. We think of them as Zen landscapes that offer serenity.” B AR LEY STR AW emerald cedars can provide an instant green fence. Ornamental grasses have become a mainstay of garden design. Some of the new varieties like Giant Silver Grass can grow to be 10 feet tall. “Ornamental grasses are very popular because they’re so easy,’ notes Barnes. “We used a lot of them in the gardens at the Lora Bay Club to screen the sitting areas from passing golfers.” The big revolution in outdoor living comes from major changes in the furniture industry. Not long ago our choices were limited if we wanted furniture that could be left outside in all kinds of weather. Almost everything would either rot, rust or get moldy. The only options were teak or cedar chairs, folding aluminum chaises with crisscrossed nylon mesh, or heavy iron tables and chairs. And cushions were out of the question before the invention of true weather-proof outdoor fabric.
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
Now, new materials like resin allow designers to create wicker-look furniture that is more durable and fade resistant than real wicker. It comes in many styles and it doesn’t rust. Then there’s the new plastic lumber made from recycled plastic milk containers and fashioned into Muskoka chairs, benches and patio tables. It’s eco-friendly, it looks like wood, it brings
The biggest change is that comfort has come to outdoor furniture in the form of ‘cushioned’ sofas, chairs and sectionals that are the equivalent of indoor furniture. a rainbow of colours to the backyard, it can be left out all year, and it’s heavy enough that it doesn’t blow away. “The best thing is that prices have come down for outdoor furniture,” says Christine Pritchard, whose retail store, Habitat Interiors in Thornbury, supplied furniture and accessories for LEFT: MS Designs styled this Zen-like backyard with a sitting area next to a water feature. Furniture from Habitat Interiors. RIGHT: Wicker-like furniture made of resin and covered in outdoor fabric can be left outside all season. Styling and furniture by Terase Art & Home.
On The Bay
Spring 2014
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Spring 2014
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
many of the homes on last summer’s Backyard Glam tour sponsored by On The Bay. “Now you can get good quality at reasonable prices. Even the high-end companies have introduced certain lines that may not have a custom look and may only come in two or three colours, but they are affordable.” So many new products allow us to create amazing outdoor rooms. Carpets provide a colourful anchor for an outdoor sitting area and are now made from materials that can be left out in the rain. Greatly improved batteryoperated candles can be placed on tables or in hurricane lanterns, put on timers and left outside. And, finally, the biggest change is that comfort has come to outdoor furniture in the form of ‘cushioned’ sofas, chairs and sectionals that are the equivalent of indoor furniture. This comfort is possible because of new outdoor fabric that will never weather or fade. Being able to add light and heat has also allowed us to extend the usage of our outdoor retreats. Patio heaters have come down in price and are more effective and less obtrusive. Fire pits, outdoor hearths and high-tech fire features add both warmth and an attractive glow to outdoor settings. And cooking outdoors is no longer restricted to the barbecue – outdoor grills and pizza ovens, not to mention complete kitchens, make backyard entertaining a breeze. With summer on the horizon there is lots to consider if you want to get full use of your backyard this season. ❧ LEFT: This three-season room is walled on two sides, with screens and doors on the other two sides. The outdoor furniture is offset by a decidedly indoor-style chandelier. RIGHT: A covered patio makes a great place to relax and unwind. Colourful artwork sets off the clean lines of simple yet comfortable all-weather furniture.
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Spring 2014
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Collingwood’s Pure Food Bar makes healthy, raw food that explodes with flavour by Emily Worts photography by KristiE & BrEndEn Woods
pring is detox season and as the body prepares itself for the abundant local harvests of fresh produce, appetites transition from winter cravings for hearty stews and heavy breads towards something lighter. “it’s a time when your body naturally detoxes,” says Jacqueline Graham, co-owner of Pure Food Bar in Collingwood. “it’s time to give your body a rest.” Unlike many other area restaurants, which suffer from a spring lull between the winter and summer seasons, this is a very busy time of year for Pure – most likely because there is nowhere better to enjoy a great meal while letting your body, and digestive system, rest than in this small, sparsely decorated raw food restaurant. Pure’s large front windows flood the restaurant with natural light. i meet a friend for lunch in a window seat and she greets me with two quick sneezes; she is fighting a cold. We have come to the right place. the food at Pure isn’t just delicious; every bite is a mouthful of good health. my friend chooses a juice called Blood infusion made with chlorella – a sea vegetable which is a complete protein and high in iron and chlorophyll.
“it’s basically like a blood infusion,” says Graham of the drink. this juice also has acerola cherry, high in vitamin C, to help absorb the iron, and some sparkling apple juice for taste. Feeling boosted by one of the first sunny days we’ve had in a long time, i choose a tropical Bliss smoothie made with rare organic coconut meat, Valencia orange, cashew, banana, honey, almond-coconut milk and vanilla powder. the drink is meaty and the coconut – frozen in situ in thailand (to avoid formaldehyde commonly used to preserve coconut for long-distance travel) – tastes like it’s been hand-picked especially for me. the taste of vanilla is strong, pure and decadent, thanks to the use of vanilla powder rather than the extract. i slowly enjoy my shake, which transports me to warmer climes and sandy beaches. it is a delicious treat and tastes indulgent enough to be dessert. As we peruse the eclectic menu, Bob marley croons from speakers above. “We want this to be a fun experience,” says Graham. “We want to offer something people don’t make at home.” the menu, created by Graham and her husband, sam Buob, mimics the
ABOVE, L-R: The Spring Rolls are made with marinated shiitake mushrooms, carrots, mint and zucchini vermicelli in a coconut-mango wrap, and served with a no-peanut sauce. The classic mushroom and nut burger comes with all the fixings: marinated onion, tomatoes, Bubbies pickles, lettuce and homemade mustard and ketchup. On The Bay
Spring 2014
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
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ABOVE: The ‘noodles’ in the Truffle Pasta are zucchini, mixed with arame and fresh herbs in a white truffle ‘cream’ sauce, served with a side salad. Even the nachos (behind) are completely vegan – the corn flax chips are topped with guacamole, cashew coconut sour ‘cream’, salsa, fresh vegetables and ground nut meat. BELOW: Healthy drinks include Blood Infusion Juice (left), made with chlorella – a sea vegetable that is a complete protein and high in iron and chlorophyll – and acerola cherry for vitamin C. The Tropical Bliss Smoothie (right) contains rare organic coconut meat, Valencia orange, cashew, banana, honey, almond-coconut milk and vanilla powder.
ABOVE: Owners Sam Buob (left) and Jacqueline Graham with sons Leif, 5, and Waverly, 2.
There is nothing conventional about how these items are prepared. Nothing is cooked, everything is vegan, and almost all the ingredients are organic. menus of more conventional restaurants with burgers, nachos, wraps and pasta. But there is nothing conventional about how these items are prepared. Nothing is cooked, everything is vegan, and almost all the ingredients are organic. You won’t hear the clanging of pots being whisked from flaming stoves or the incessant hum from overhead fans coming from the open kitchen. Five dehydrators, with nine shelves each, are the kitchen’s workhorses. Whether it’s a coconut-mango wrap, a macaroon, or almond-chili lime chips, the dehydrator is packed with creative combinations of ingredients, slowly transforming in texture to make a raw menu possible. Every single item, from the mustard to the zucchini pasta, is homemade. The grind of the Vitamix (a super-charged blender with a lawn mower engine) can be heard every few minutes turning cashews into ‘cheese,’ whizzing tomatoes into soup, and grinding nuts into ‘meat’. The only other tools you will find in this kitchen are a juicer, a collection of really good knives, a food processor, a couple of mandolins, loads of refrigeration and an espresso machine that not only makes a mean latté with almond-coconut milk (it’s vegan, too), but whose steam wand is also used to heat soups like smokin’ tomato, miso or mushroom vegetable, so they can be served warm but are still considered raw.
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Spring 2014
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ABOVE: Everything is made in-house. To make the apple juice used to flavour many of the smoothies, organic apples from Creemore are run through a heavy-duty blender, then squeezed through a burlap bag.
We order our starters – spring rolls and nachos – and watch people come and go to the take-out counter, ordering power juices and shakes. Two types of juices are made daily with various combinations of kale, spinach, celery, cucumbers, apples, ginger, beets and carrots. Served in mason jars, they last five days and are great for people who are fasting, says Graham. “There is a day’s worth of nutrition in one jar,” says Graham. “People see it as their booster for the day. Then they can eat whatever they want after that,” she jokes. The service is appropriately relaxed. No one is uptight or frenzied, and I find myself decompressing in the bright space. “Everyone does everything,” explains Graham of why Pure’s staff are so
Every single item, from the mustard to the zucchini pasta, is homemade. Celebrate the Release of Forbidden
Boutique Winery
our canned hard apple cider Saturday May 17th 11am-6pm Festivities will include a performance by the MacKenzie Blues Band, a pig roast and samples of our dry artisanal cider.
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
relaxed. “The person serving you also made the crackers and the milk (which is made from blended coconut, almonds and vanilla powder and then strained through a sieve).” The spring rolls arrive and are a mix of marinated and fresh vegetables along with ‘vermicelli’ noodles made from zucchini. The wrap is dehydrated coconut and mango and is akin to fruit leather. The hint of fresh mint and the light no-peanut sauce add a burst of flavour. The nachos, made with corn flax chips, guacamole, cashew sour ‘cream,’ salsa and ground nut ‘meat,’ are delicious. The sour cream is rich and tangy and I wonder how it is made here in a vegan restaurant. “We start with cashew and coconut meat and blend it with lemon juice,” says Graham. “Then it ferments on top of the espresso machine for an hour, bringing out the sour flavour.” It is amazing how Buob and Graham’s creativity and knowledge have brought this food to life. We could probably end our lunch here, but our curiosity and
OSTERIA V TTO feel good food
Brass Transit • March 21 Hobson’s Choice|–705.428.9998 A Victorian Suffragette Comedy • A Main Street Stayner Poets on a Hot Tin Roof • April 24 www.OSTErIavITTO.COM 18 Wheels • May 28-31, June 4-7 John Landry • June 13
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ABOVE: Pure’s latté is vegan, made with almond-coconut milk and served with a macaroon ‘baked’ in a dehydrator, not an oven. The chocolate ganache cake (rear) is also vegan and ‘raw,’ made with coconut meat and raw cacao sweetened with maple syrup, on an almond and maple sugar crust.
fascination with this different type of food encourages us to explore the menu a little further. We choose the Liberator Burger and the Truffle Pasta. The purple burger (there are some beets in there) contains mainly mushrooms and nuts. Its thin ‘bun’ is a mixture of nuts and seeds. What really makes this burger stand out is the combination of homemade condiments, especially the mustard. This sweet mustard uses mango as its base, with mustard seed, cashew and apple cider vinegar adding additional flavour and texture. “This is the most popular item for people who are here for the first time,” says Graham. “It is the most traditional.” The Truffle Pasta might be my favourite item we have tried today. With the help of a mandolin, thin ribbons of zucchini become noodles, cradling a rich dairyfree cream sauce with fresh herbs, nori and the unmistakable flavour of truffle oil. Our hour-long lunch date has come to an end. My friend must get back to work but I stay and linger over a cup of Red Honey Bush tea. I ask my server to pack up a slice of chocolate ganache cake (made with coconut meat and raw cacao sweetened with maple syrup, with an almond and maple sugar crust) for a late afternoon treat. For now I am completely satisfied and satiated here in my sun-drenched seat. ❧
just the facts PuRe Food BaR Location: 10 Keith ave., unit 104a, Collingwood (Cranberry Mews) StyLe: Casual Raw Food dining owner/chef: Jacqueline Graham and Sam Buob SeatS: 12 inside/12 on patio hourS: daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Price range: Mid (Cost for a very large lunch for two with specialty drinks, starter, main, dessert and coffee: $100 including tax and tip) LicenSed: Yes contact: 705-445-9990 webSite: www.purefoodbar.com
MARCH 21 Partial proceeds donated to:
HOBSON’S CHOICE April 3-5, 9-12 A Victorian Suffragette Comedy
April 24th
featuring Windsor Poet Laureate Marty Gervais and Owen Sound Poet Laureate Terry Burns
18 Wheels May 28-31, June 4-7
A mini-musical for truckers and cowboys.
Landry June 13
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On The Bay
Spring 2014
Whatever the season, Blue Fairway is the reason. Whatever your passion, it’s just a stone’s throw from Blue Fairway, Collingwood’s premier golf community from MacPherson Master Builders. Choose from luxury bungalow loft townhomes crafted by the award-winning builder of The Orchard at Craigleith. Collingwood and The Blue Mountains have it all: golf, boating, biking, skiing, hiking and fine dining. Don’t miss your exclusive opportunity! Treat yourself to the gift of luxury in Ontario’s only true four season playground and you could be moving in this summer!
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southern Georgian Bay continues to offer unique shopping and culinary experiences, along with new service providers to meet every need. Here’s the latest on new business openings as well as business transformations including new owners, moves and major renovations. More great reasons to shop local! by Janet Lees
â?§ photography by Kristie & Brenden Woods
ABOVE: Charles Brand has opened Appealing Environments Rock Shop on Hurontario Street between Third and Fourth streets in Collingwood, selling crystals, gems, rocks and minerals in addition to global fair trade art. On The Bay
Spring 2014
Appealing Environments Rock Shop
This new store on Collingwood’s main street sells rocks. But not just any rocks – these are beautiful crystals, gems and minerals that are as appealing to the eye as they are healing for the body and mind. The store’s owner, Charles Brand, has been importing and exporting stones for almost five years over the Internet, and recently decided to expand into retail. “I have a passion for the beauty that Mother Earth creates in crystal form,” said Brand. “They look good, they feel good in your hand, they are items of beauty. They also have meaning, and energy. There is a science behind that energy.” Each type of rock is symbolic and some were talismanic – for example, aquamarine was historically given to mariners to ensure safe passage. “I try to help my customers understand the meaning and the story behind the stone, as well as the science of it.” The store carries unique Canadian stones that are in high demand worldwide, as well as stones and artwork imported from Brazil, India and Africa. Open Mon. – Sat. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. 179 Hurontario St., Collingwood 705-293-2820 www.appealingenvironments.com
Georgian Health Foods
With a successful store in Wasaga Beach, Georgian Health Foods recently opened a second location in Collingwood’s Cranberry Mews. “Customers were coming from the Georgian Triangle region, looking for quality supplements, foods, sport nutrition and bodycare, combined with knowledgeable staff to help. We grew from a small 500-square-foot store to one that is 1,250,” said owner Ausra Hoffer of the Wasaga Beach store. “Drawing on the great prices and selection, we were constantly bombarded to move to the Collingwood region. We took the plunge and found a perfect spot in the Cranberry Mews.” Hoffer said the large store allows for constantly expanding product lines of health foods and nutritional supplements, as well as natural cosmetics. “Our staff is all accredited as nutritional consultants, with varying other aspects of training in different modalities.” Hoffer herself is a trained dietician, nutritionist, iridologist, reflexologist and herbologist. “Education was always an interest and passion and combined with alternative healing practices, I combined that into a career,” she said. “I felt that after my education, people were not getting better, but just managing their health conditions; my goal was to get to the root of the issue and get them better.” Hoffer said the new store will offer health and nutrition-related seminars down the road, to help educate customers about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Open Mon.-Fri. 9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 10 Keith Ave., Collingwood (Cranberry Mews) 705-293-4040 www.georgianhealthfoods.com
Rustic North Furniture
Jesse Beauchamp has taken a furniture-making hobby and turned it into a business, with the help of his wife, Danielle. The couple recently launched Rustic North Furniture, making and selling locally sourced wooden furniture from their property in Clearview Township. “We have 50 acres of mixed hardwood forest,” explains Danielle. “Jesse and his dad selectively and sustainably harvest the trees, and Jesse’s family also has a portable sawmill, so everything is done locally.” She describes the furniture as “very natural, with clean lines and a rustic, modern look. We use lighter stains so you can see the grain of the wood, and try to bring out any interesting aspects such as a unique patterned grain or knot.” She added the business grew just as naturally as the trees on the property. “Jesse growing up would build furniture with his father and watch him work, and I always had an interest in design,” said Danielle. “It started with Jesse building furniture for the house, and as people came over they noticed different furniture he had made and would ask him to make something for them.” Every piece is custom designed and built to order, including choice of stains and finishes. 4342 12th Sunnidale Concession, Stayner 705-817-1632 www.rusticnorthfurniture.wordpress.com
Santini Ristorante
This new restaurant in downtown Collingwood is serving up authentic Italian dishes, using fresh local ingredients combined with Italian imports (the flour for the pasta, for example, comes straight from Italy). Santini The Good Chef, a smaller, mostly takeout operation down the street, was such a success the owners decided to open a second, full-serve restaurant. Billed as fine dining with friendly service, simplicity and “a real taste of Italy,” the newly renovated main restaurant seats 90, while the banquet room at the back seats another 70 to 80, and a private room (with a fireplace) seats up to 14. Santini Ristorante’s menu features traditional antipasti, salads, and an extensive
On The Bay
Spring 2014
choice of Italian pasta dishes, from classic lasagna to spaghetti Bolognese to penne arrabiata. Fish, chicken, beef, veal and lamb are also prepared Italian-style. The pizza and calzone menu lists almost 25 combinations, all made in a wood oven imported from Italy. Every dish is made from scratch, to order, so special requests and dietary restrictions can be easily accommodated. Gluten-free and vegetarian options are available. The restaurant also offers take-out and delivery. Open Mon. - Sat. 11:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. 61 Hurontario St., Collingwood 705-443-8383 www.santini.ca
Third Line Homes
Two local couples are planning to build a community of healthy homes in Meaford, with the stamp of approval of home-building guru Mike Holmes. Tim and Jan Singbeil, owners of Meaford’s Ecoinhabit ‘green living’ store, have partnered with Mary Jo and Paul Osborn to build TerraceWood, a 25-home ‘boutique subdivision’ in the east end of Meaford designed and constructed to support health and wellness, optimize energy efficiency and minimize the carbon footprint. “These homes will be toxin free, mould resistant, fire proof, sound proof, and will withstand extreme weather conditions,” said Mary Jo Osborn. “People say when you close the door you can actually breathe the difference.” Third Line Homes has already built a number of individual ‘healthy homes’ throughout Ontario, garnering the attention of Mike Holmes, who has named the company a ‘Holmes Approved Builder.’ “This will be the first healthy home community and it will be a Mike Holmesapproved community,” said Osborn, adding TerraceWood will consist of single family homes in the 1,500-square-foot to 2,100-square-foot range. Architecturally designed by Blacklab Architects, the new development on Gordon Crescent in Meaford will feature “beautiful, simple, healthy homes” with an open floor plan and a “traditional, Ontario look with a modern twist,” said Osborn. Buyers will be able to choose a standard health package including healthy paints and finishes, or opt for a “full health package” that will include the healthiest of everything, right down to the beds. 121 Old Hwy. 26, Meaford (Ecoinhabit barn) 519-538-0777 www.thirdlinehomes.ca
TransformaTions The Loft Gallery
This popular Clarksburg art gallery has expanded into the former Red Canoe Gallery space, adding an extra thousand square feet to create an open-concept, 3,000-square-foot gallery displaying over 1,500 paintings by local, Ontario and Quebec artists. “We have at least half a dozen new artists,” said Phil McCormack, who owns the gallery with his wife, artist Debra Lynn Carroll. “We encourage people to take paintings home on trial – instead of just one, take two or three – that way you find out which one really does work better.” Local artist Kelly McIntyre has also joined the gallery as colour consultant. “She will work with people to help people determine what will work in their house, and she can also do paintings to coordinate with somebody’s place,” said McCormack. In addition to regular ‘meet the artist’ days and the ever-popular Square Foot Show in the fall, The Loft Gallery will run a series of art classes this spring to teach aspiring painters how to create a work of art that will complement their home. Open Friday & Saturday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. 183 Marsh St., Clarksburg 519-599-5912 www.loftgalleryart.com
Huronia Lock, Key & Safe
Huronia Alarms has acquired Blue Mountain Lock, Key & Safe. “We are very pleased that Roger and Kim Gagne have agreed to join the Huronia family,” said Kevin Leonard, president of Huronia Alarms. “The locksmithing services they provide for residential, commercial, industrial and property management customers was a natural extension of our security, fire and safety and home theatre wiring and installation businesses.” Added account manager Jaclyn Jones, “We do a lot of access control and we have a lot of customers who are looking for lock work. It’s a one-stop solution for security needs.” The business will continue to operate from its longtime location on Hurontario Street in Collingwood and will be moving to Huronia’s Collingwood office this spring. Open Mon. – Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. + 24-hour after-hour service 284 Pretty River Parkway, Collingwood 705-445-5318 www.bluemountainlocks.com ❧
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S p r i n g
2 0 1 4
The week will begin with the annual spring clean-up at Memorial Park on April 20, in partnership with the Friends of Memorial Park and end with a Reuse Fair on April 26 at the Meaford and St. Vincent Community Centre with some interesting activities in between. www.meaford.ca April 22 1st Annual Collingwood Community Clean Up Day Get involved and help keep Collingwood clean and beautiful by taking part. Gather together this Earth Day for a community-wide cleaning of Collingwood’s neighbourhood parks, trails, schools, and public spaces. Assemble a clean-up crew, identify an area that needs a quick tidy, and register your site with the PRC Department to receive supplies and garbage removal support. Don’t have a group or site in mind? Come to one of the clean-up locations where council members and municipal staff will be leading the litter removal efforts. www.collingwood.ca
On The Bay Magazine is your one–stop information centre for upcoming cultural, artistic and entertaining events throughout Southern Georgian Bay. Please note: all events are subject to change. To confirm times and for event details, please contact the organizers as indicated. For a full listing of upcoming events, go to www.onthebaymagazine.com.
Art & Antique ShowS
media including stained glass, sculpture, and paintings, all by local artists. www.collingwooddowntown.ca
April 1 – MAy 31 MCAA Juried Art Show Meaford Hall The Meaford Creative Arts Association is pleased to present its First Annual Juried Art Show, which is open to residents in Grey, Bruce, Grey Highlands and Simcoe counties. Receiving and registration on March 30 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Selected entries will be on display with a final reception and awards presentation April 5 from 2 – 4 p.m. www.meafordhall.ca April 2 – MAy 8 BMFA 34th Annual Juried Art Show The Arts Centre, Collingwood Ontario artists and artisans may submit two original works in any medium recently executed, not previously hung in the Juried Art Show, and submitted in person. Receiving: March 28 from 12 – 6 p.m. and March 29 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Opening reception: April 6 from 1 – 3 p.m. Awards presentation 1.30 p.m. www.bmfa.on.ca
MAy 18 – OctOber 11 Clarksburg (Lion’s Park) Wednesdays from 3 – 6 p.m. MAy 18 – OctOber 11 Flesherton (arena grounds) Saturdays from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Film April 14 The Invisible Man Galaxy Theatre, Collingwood Presented by Collingwood Cinema Club. A passionate period drama about the secret love affair of Charles Dickens and Nelly Ternan, a young performer of 17 at the beginning of the affair when Dickens was 45. Their secret, tumultuous affair inspired characters and
125 1 .99 0 Relax , it’s a N
April 17 Unfinished Song Meaford Hall A funny and uplifting story of Arthur, a curmudgeonly old soul content with his dull daily routine until his beloved wife introduces him to a spirited local singing group. This unexpected friendship and his discovery of music revitalizes Arthur’s passion for new adventures and shows us all life should be celebrated at any age. Cost $10. Shows at 4 and 7 p.m. Running time 94 minutes. www.meafordhall.ca
MAy 12 The Lunchbox Galaxy Theatre, Collingwood Presented by Collingwood Cinema Club. In Mumbai, more than 5,000 dabbawallas navigate the streets to deliver lunches to husbands at work prepared by housewives. This remarkable feat, without use of technology, out of seeming chaos, has been the subject of case studies in logistics and an article in Forbes magazine. It is claimed that there is only one mistake per 8 million deliveries. In this film one of the few mistaken deliveries brings together a
FROM 8.8 CITY / 5.8 HWY (L/100 KM) ∞
June 6 – OctOber 10 Meaford (Harbour Pavilion) Fridays from 3 – 7 p.m.
April 20 – 26 Earth Week, Meaford
MAy 17 – OctOber 13 Creemore (Station on the Green) Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
April 19 Eco-Friendly Earth Day Expo Maxwell Community Hall Find out how reduce, reuse, and recycle can be very attractive to everyone. A one-day vendor show, proving how second-hand is not second best, but a treasure. We have a very unique selected group of vendors offering earth friendly products. Swag bags to the first 50 visitors. Free admission, free parking. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. www.twogirlsmakingevents.weebly.com
April 16 Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead Gayety Theatre, Collingwood Director Joe Cross turns the camera on himself. 100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe is at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. With doctors and conventional medicines unable to help long-term, Joe turns to the only option left – the body’s ability to heal itself. He trades in the junk food and hits the road with juicer and generator in tow, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for the next 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe has one goal in mind: to get off his pills and achieve a balanced lifestyle. Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead is an inspiring film that chronicles Joe’s personal mission to regain his health. Live Music at 6:30 p.m. by Jason Redman and show at 7:15 p.m. Tickets $8 adults, students free. www.bethechangefilmseries.com
MAy 5 Like Father, Like Son Galaxy Theatre, Collingwood Presented by Collingwood Cinema Club. Kore-Eda’s film is a touching, low-key drama telling the story of two sets of very different parents whose worlds are turned upside down when they learn that their six-year-old sons were switched at birth. One family lives a very structured up-scale life in a modern Tokyo high-rise with their only child. The other easygoing family has three children and lives in a modest apartment above the family appliance shop. Tender yet powerful moments move the story along as the affluent father searches his soul to find his truth about what it means to be a father. The nature versus nurture theme is universal. Shows at 4, 6:30 and 9 p.m. www.collingwoodcinemaclub.com
MAy 17 – OctOber 13 Collingwood (corner of Second and Pine streets) Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. www.collingwooddowntown.com
Mid MAy – Mid Oct Art on the Street Downtown Collingwood This celebration of artists and artwork will enhance downtown Collingwood with art banners and the return of the popular art chairs. The art chairs will be displayed in several public spaces throughout the downtown core. The art banners will create an outdoor gallery of artwork of a variety of
FArmerS mArketS
April 15 Heritage Tree – Preserving Our Natural Past Grey Roots Museum, Owen Sound Join Edith George as she answers the questions: “What is a heritage tree?” and “Why is it important to protect them?” while also explaining the several categories of requirements in determining whether a tree is worthy of heritage tree recognition. She uses her neighbourhood’s 250 plus years-old great red oak as an example tree.2:30 p.m. www.greyroots.com
MAy 3 Frank Richter L.E. Shore Memorial Library, Thornbury Around the Blue Mountains – this exhibition features vivid watercolours of the Blue Mountains and surrounding area. 2 – 4 p.m. www.thebluemountainslibrary.ca
MAy 24 Collingwood Horticultural Society Annual Plant Sale Trinity United Church, Collingwood Perennials, annuals, shrubs, vegetables and lots of gardening advice home grown by our membership and ready for you to take home. Come early for best selections. No charge to attend. 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. davejanemccabe@gmail.com.
June 4 – 22 All That Blooms – Artists and Gardens The Arts Centre, Collingwood Gardens and their emerging blooms in spring take root in the month of June in the Westcott Gallery! Our passionate artists will bring a fresh mix of art inspired by the garden, its colours, textures and shapes. Come in and be delighted. www.bmfa.on.ca
April 12 Rachel Thomas & Shikha Sharma L.E. Shore Memorial Library, Thornbury The work in the exhibition includes a mix of painting, sculpture, and abstract drawing. The body of work strives to establish a personal and artistic interpretation of the covert nature of true identity. Opening reception from 2 – 4 p.m. www.thebluemountainslibrary.ca
MAy 10 Arbour Day Tree Sale Wasaga Beach Nordic Centre 9 a.m. – 12 p.m 705-352-1060
MAy 17 – 19 Blue Mountain Studio Tour of the Arts The Blue Mountains, Craigleith, Kimberley and Clarksburg Local artists invite you to enjoy a free selfguided tour, as they open their studios to show their works – iron and glass, textile art and jewelry, pottery, sculpture, painting, photography and much more. 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. www.tourofthearts.ca
scenarios in some of his most beloved novels and sustained his lust for life until his death in 1870. Shows at 4, 6:30 and 9 p.m. www.collingwoodcinemaclub.com
On The Bay
Spring 2014
HondaOntario.com Ontario Honda Dealers
Hwy. 26 East, Collingwood www.BlueMountainHonda.com
neglected housewife and a grumpy widower. The Lunchbox paints a nuanced portrait of life in Mumbai, weaving together themes of gender values, social class and age differences into its central love story. The film’s small moments have an enchanting impact. Shows at 4, 6:30 & 9 p.m. www.collingwoodcinemaclub.com
Musical PerforMances April 12 The Legends of Rock and Country Music Meaford Hall This tribute show features amazing live recreations of over 15 musical superstars including Sonny & Cher, Roy Orbinson, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, Tina Turner, Franki Valli, Tammy Wynette, Patsy Cline, Reba McEntyre, Phyllis Diller, Brenda Lee and Buddy Holly. There are over 80 costume changes and a spectacular sound and light show. Tickets $40. Show starts at 8 p.m. www.meafordhall.ca April 13 Corb Lund with The Strumbellas Meaford Hall Alberta-born honky-tonker Corb Lund’s songcraft covers it all. From a rustic retreat deep in the Rocky Mountain forest, “Cabin Fever,” Lund’s enthralling new album, evolved from a period of introspection and hard traveling. Just like the prolific Lund’s subjects run the gamut, so do the songs on the live-sounding long-player, ranging from rockabilly to Western swing, cowboy balladry to country-rock. And, of course, the occasional yodel. Tickets from $45.95. Show starts at 8 p.m. www.meafordhall.ca April 17 – 18 The First Easter Story First Presbyterian Church, Collingwood Join us for a wonderful journey of discovery as we tell the amazing story of our Christ, his love for us and of the gift of life everlasting, through music and drama. April 17 at 7:30 p.m. and April 18 at 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. www. firstprescollingwood.com April 26 Rolling Stones Tribute – Hot Rocks Gayety Theatre, Collingwood Canada’s number one Rolling Stones tribute – Toronto-based “Hot Rocks – The Rolling Stones Tribute Show”! The music, the costumes, the show! Features lead singer Bob Wotherspoon, North America’s most lookalike Mick Jagger – and he truly “Moves Like Jagger”! Performing all of the Rolling Stones’ greatest hits along with his band who look and perform remarkably like their Rolling Stones counterparts in every way – Keith, Ronnie, Charlie and Bill. Tickets $26.55 plus HST. 8 p.m. www.gayetytheatre.com MAy 2 The Sound Investment Community Choir – The Joy of Spring Trinity United Church, Collingwood Under the direction of John Wervers with accompanist Keiko Yoden Kuepfer, celebrate spring with the Sound Investment Community Choir featuring the music of Handel, Rutter and John Williams. Tickets $20. 7:30 p.m. www.soundinvestmentchoir.ca MAy 4 Goldenaires Women’s Choir Meaford United Church The Goldenaires Women’s Choir will perform their annual Spring Concert featuring African spiritual music. 2:30 p.m. MAy 9 A Musical Interlude Trinity United Church, Collingwood ChoralWorks was founded to present a programme built around choral masterpieces from a variety of composers from the middle ages to contemporary music. These works are complemented by popular music for a wide variety of audience appeal. The Spring Concert will feature the Vespers composed by W.A. Mozart as a well as ‘Feel The Spirit’ – a group of spirituals arranged by John Rutter that concludes with a rendition of “When the Saints”. The concert will end with a magnificent salute to Broadway superstar, Andrew Lloyd
Weber, featuring a medley extravaganza of 10 of his greatest hits including numbers from “Phantom of the Opera”. Tickets $20 adults, under 12 free. 7:30 p.m. www.choralworks.ca MAy 10 Elvis the Moments with Pete Paquette Roxy Theatre, Owen Sound Relive the music of Elvis Presley with international award-winning Elvis Tribute artist, Pete Paquette with Toronto’s finest, Rudy and the Angels Band. Tickets $39. 8 p.m. www.roxytheatre.ca June 12 Bob DeAngelis with Sax Appeal Jazz Meaford Hall As Toronto’s ultimate instrumentalist, Juno award winner Bob DeAngelis has become one of Canada’s most accomplished bandleaders and freelance musicians. Over the past 20 years, he has entertained for numerous heads of state including our prime ministers Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney and several members of the British royal family, as well as United States presidents Reagan & Bush. Cost $35, 8 p.m. www.meafordhall.ca June 13 John Landry Roxy Theatre, Owen Sound John Landry’s unmistakable voice combined with his intelligent songwriting abilities create one memorable hit after another. This show will feature songs from his highly anticipated new album, “Don’t Look Back”. Tickets $30. 8 p.m. www.roxytheatre.ca June 13 – 14 A Little Night Music First Presbyterian Church, Collingwood Join us for our 6th annual evening of music theatre, jazz, comedy and some surprises! 8 p.m. www.firstprescollingwood.com
car shows MAy 10 Bluewater Car Club Moreston Heritage Village, Owen Sound You know summer is on its way when the Bluewater Region of the Antique and Classic Car Club of Canada holds its annual car inspection at the Bluewater Garage in Moreston Heritage Village. The inspection is a chance for Bluewater members to have a look under the hood and inspect the undercarriage of their cars in the garage. This event is open to public viewing. Regular admission rates apply. 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. www.greyroots.com MAy 24 British Car Show Blue Mountain Village See what’s under the bonnets as the local British car club rolls into the Village for an afternoon of automobile history and appreciation. Enjoy live music and kids activities. www.bluemountainvillage.ca
festivals, tours & shows April 12 Health and Wellness Expo for Alternative Medicine Leisure Time Club, Collingwood A large health and wellness show you don’t want to miss. Approximately 40 vendors under one roof with options on healthy, fun alternative ways of living an optimal lifestyle. Massages being performed, yoga, reiki, reflexology, as well as healthy eating, weight loss, and beauty treatments. Free admission. 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. www.twogirlsmakingevents.weebly.com April 24 – 27 Jazzmania Beaver Valley Community Centre, Thornbury A four-day event in Thornbury and Lora Bay. Top-notch music, dancing and excitement for everyone. Blues, jazz, big band, swing and rock & roll. Lisa Hutchinson Band on April 24 at 8 p.m. Cost $15. Aura and Friends on April 25 at 8 p.m. Cost $20. Toronto All Star Big Band and the Hogtown Swing Dancers on April 26 at 2 p.m. Cost $25. Martels Rock n’Roll Show April 26 at 8 p.m. Cost $30. Jazz Brunch with Louis Lefaive and The Kings of Swing on April 27 at 11 a.m. Cost $40. www.jazzmania.ca
MAy 10 Not Just Another Spring Fling Masonic Lodge, Flesherton A spring craft show that will stand out in the crowd. We will offer something for everyone, with ideas for gardening, baking, household spring cleaning tips, etc. Free admission, free parking. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. www.twogirlsmakingevents.weebly.com
MAy 17 – 19 May Long Weekend & Fireworks Blue Mountain Village Greet summer on your favourite Village patio! Enjoy live music, face painting, scavenger hunts, hiking, gondola rides, groove dancing, plus fireworks! www.bluemountainvillage.ca
MAy 25 Gluten Free Life Show Royal Canadian Legion, Collingwood This show is focused on the gluten-free options available to those requiring or choosing an alternative diet and lifestyle. Over 30 exhibitors, goodie bags to first 600, giveaways, door prizes and information. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. www.canadianglutenfreelife.com
sPeaker series April 8 The SS Keewatin – A CPR Great Lakes Steamer Grey Roots Museum, Owen Sound Join Eric Conroy as he tells the tale of the SS Keewatin, a CPR Great Lakes steamer. Before the elevator fire of 1911, the Keewatin once sailed from Owen Sound before moving to Port McNicoll. 2:30 p.m. www.greyroots.com April 8 Grey County Black History Event Grey Roots Museum, Owen Sound Presented by The Emancipation Festival. Speakers have been selected to share highlights of black history in Grey County. Everyone is welcome to attend this day of shared learning and historical inquiry. Cost $25, includes lunch and other refreshments. 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. www.greyroots.com MAy 8 The Railway Comes to Hens and Chickens Harbour Leisure Time Club, Collingwood Presented by the Collingwood & District Historical Society. Rick Leswick, author and railway historian, will describe how Hens and Chickens Harbour became Collingwood in 1858 with the help of the railway. Admission: CDHS membership or $3. 7 – 9 p.m. www.historicallyspeakingcdhs.ca MAy 25 Author Talk: Terry Fallis L.E. Shore Memorial Library, Thornbury Join Terry Fallis as he discusses his newly published book “No Relation”. 1 p.m. www.thebluemountainslibrary.ca
faMily activities April 4, MAy 9, June 6 Public Night Sky Viewing Grey Roots Museum, Owen Sound Starts at dusk. Join experts from the Bluewater Astronomical Society for some heavenly views under one of the last truly dark sky locations in Ontario. The viewings will be held just outside of Grey Roots in the parking lot. This is a free event and is weather dependent. Come out and take a peek through a telescope! All Night Sky Viewing dates have a crescent moon to view along with at least two good planets (usually more) as the sky darkens. www.greyroots.com April 19 Collingwood Downtown Great Easter Egg Hunt Start at the Town Hall Activity Centre for fun and crafts. Pick up your Easter Egg Hunt form at the activity centre and count the eggs that have been hidden in store windows throughout downtown. Don’t forget to make a craft to take home and keep your eyes open for the Easter Bunny who will have treats for kids of all ages. Make sure you don’t miss counting any of the eggs, as there will be prizes awarded for boys and girls in four age categories. 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. www.collingwooddowntown.com April 19 6th Annual Easter Extravaganza RecPlex, Wasaga Beach Activities include an Easter egg hunt, petting zoo, horse and wagon rides, family activities, BBQ and the Easter Bunny live on location. Dress for the weather, as activities will be held outside. 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 705-429-3844
April 11 – 13 Art Sale for Hospice 225 Oak Street, Collingwood Watercolours and acrylics by Jane Wynne. 50 per cent of the proceeds will be donated to Georgian Triangle Hospice. April 11 from 4 – 7 p.m. April 12 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and April 13 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. www.wynnerswatercolours.com April 12 Mom to Mom Sale Trinity United Church, Collingwood Young moms sell gently used clothing and toys that their families have outgrown. Recycling at its very best. Unsold items are donated to families on Christian Island. www.collingwoodunitedchurch.ca April 24 - 26 The Rotary Club of Meaford Silent Auction Meaford Hall Many services and unique items to bid upon, including tickets to sporting events and gift certificates for food and fun. Come out and help the Rotary support local youth programs. April 24 – 25 from 12 – 9 p.m. and April 26 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. www.meafordrotary.ca April 26 Mother of All Yard Sales Collingwood Curling Club Presented by the Collingwood Optimist Club, this event raises money for various youth projects in our community. Drop off your treasures at the Collingwood Curling Club April 20 from 12 – 4 p.m., April 21 and 24 from 12 – 8 p.m. and April 25 from 12 – 5 p.m. www.collingwoodoptimistclub.com MAy 9 Trivia Night Great Northern Exhibition Fairgrounds, Collingwood Doors open at 7 p.m. and first round starts at 7:30 p.m. Cash Bar. Cost $10. www.greatnorthernex.com MAy 11 Raise the Paddle Beaver River Free Spirit Gardens fundraiser. A great family paddle for two hours on the Beaver River in Heathcote, finishing with some warm chili from the Black Bird Pie Company. Funds raised will be used for our school gardening education programs. $40 per person. 10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. www.freespiritgardens.org MAy 31 Georgian Triangle Humane Society 2nd Annual Dogfest and Walkathon Curling Club and Central Park, Collingwood Mark your calendar and come out to support animals in need! Get your walkathon team together, collect pledge money and come out for a fun filled day with your family and fourlegged friends! Following the walk, be sure to check out our Dogfest, complete with doggie themed vendors, pet photo booth, demo ring, swag bags and so much more! www.gths.ca June 7 Hoe Down Great Northern Exhibition, Collingwood Steak dinner, silent auction and dance. This is a licensed event. Cost $20. Starts at 6:30 p.m. www.greatnorthernex.com June 8 12th Annual A Taste Of The Town Sunset Point, Collingwood Join us along the shores of Georgian Bay for the area’s best culinary event. Enjoy “tastes” from over 20 different local restaurants and wine and beer from the Georgian Triangle and the world. All funds raised go to projects in the community. 12 – 4 p.m. www.rotarycollingwoodsgb.org On The Bay
Spring 2014
June 21 Cycle For Sight Cycle for Sight is a one-day cycling event from Toronto or from Alliston (half ride) that raises money for the Foundation Fighting Blindness (www.ffb.ca). This year, 345 cyclists will be making the trip which ends at Craigeith Ski Club where cyclists will have a gourmet meal and celebration. Volunteers as well as cyclists needed at the finish line! Please consider joining in fundraising to fund research into blinding retinal eye diseases such as macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. www.cycleforsight.ca
TheaTre April 3 – 5 And April 9 – 12 Hobson’s Choice Roxy Theatre, Owen Sound Mr. Hobson, a widower, is faced with the difficult problem of marrying off two of his thee daughters while wanting to retain their services as cook, housekeeper and free sales ladies in his shoe shop. His eldest daughter takes matters into her own hands leading to a surprising outcome. Set in Britain in 1880, Hobson’s Choice is a cheeky, period comedy you won’t soon forget. Tickets from $11.50 – $23. 7:30 p.m. www.roxytheatre.ca April 10, 15 The Red Skelton Tribute Gayety, Collingwood & Roxy Theatre, Owen SoundThis heartwarming tribute to Red Skelton is family comedy at its finest. All of Red’s hilarious characters are brought to vivid life, brilliantly performed by master showman Tom Mullica. It’s true theatre genius. The gentle sweetness and improvisational genius of Red Skelton is faithfully captured, blending the Red-That-Was while simultaneously inventing a Red-That-Would-Have-Been. Tom Mullica delivers an engaging, spot-on performance. www.gayetytheatre.com and www.roxytheatre.ca April 24 – 27 Andrew Gawley Meaford Hall Set to the stage, this is a heartwarming story of one of Grey-Bruce’s most amazing citizens. Relive the troubling, challenging and rewarding history of the Man with Steel Hands. Having survived a crippling injury as a teenager, ‘Andy’ became an international celebrity through Ripley’s Believe It or Not, and became a successful entrepreneur, leaving a legacy for all to admire. Tickets adults $15, students $5. April 24 – 26 at 7:30 p.m. and April 27 at 2 p.m. www.meafordhall.ca MAy 1 – 3 Sing On Marsh Street Centre, Clarksburg Thornbury Community Theatre presents “Sing On”, a comedy about a musical by Rick Abbot. Shows May 1 – 2 at 7:30 p.m. and May 3 at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Tickets $10. 519-599-6785 MAy 14 – 17 Beautiful Joe Meaford Hall The Grey-Bruce Arts Collective, in association with the Beautiful Joe Heritage Society, presents the World Premier of “Beautiful Joe”, adapted from Margaret Marshall Saunders’ novel of the same name by acclaimed playwright, Michael O’Brien. Meaford’s own canine hero comes to life in a play with a decidedly clear, passionate message, but above all, it is a moving, funny, heart-warming tale for the whole family set in a distinctly Canadian landscape. Tickets: adults $26.50, students $11.50. Show times May 14 & 17 at 2 p.m. May 14 – 17 at 7:30 p.m. www.meafordhall.ca MAy 24 Suddenly Mommy Meaford Hall Every woman who’s had a baby recognizes the moment when your first name changes to suddenly ‘Mommy’! This hilarious onewoman show takes us through every mom’s experience of good times, bad advice, and trying to do it all. From hot dates to play dates, experience the rollicking rollercoaster
On The Bay
Spring 2014
of motherhood. Because no matter how you planned it, it always comes suddenly! Tickets $28, 8 p.m. www.meafordhall.ca MAy 27 – 31 Queen Milli of Galt Gayety Theatre, Collingwood This romantic comedy leaves you wondering what is truth and what is fiction. The quality of the set and costumes is sure to delight in this fascinating story. In 1972, the Duke of Windsor dies while living in exile. Two weeks later in Canada, an 80-year-old woman from a small town named Galt has her tombstone engraved, claiming to be his wife. Could this be true? Come hear the story and you decide! Tickets from $35. www.theatrecollingwood.ca MAy 28 – June 7 18 Wheels Roxy Theatre, Owen Sound Climb aboard a big rig, buckle up and hold on to your cowboy hats and ball caps as you revisit the landscape along the Trans-Canada Highway. Experience ordinary work-a-day Canadian life through these extraordinary stories in this country-themed minimusical.7:30 p.m. www.roxytheatre.ca June 15 Like Father, Like Son. Sorry Roxy Theatre, Owen Sound Chris Gibbs has been unqualified for many jobs … he was an overweight acrobat, a private school English teacher whose only qualification was a British accent, and a Titanic Museum interpreter for one day when fired for “adding a few things.” Then he found himself in the most difficult, important job of all. Enjoy a hilarious comedy about the foibles of becoming a good father. Cost $25 adult, seniors $23, students $15. 7 p.m. www.roxytheatre.ca
Workshops & educaTion April 14 Glorious Greens ArtSpark, Thornbury It’s not easy being green. Learn to mix believable greens to make your painting sing and learn why. This class is taught with acrylics, but the colour lessons apply to all media. This is a fun-filled workshop packed with learning suitable for all levels of painters. Cost $85 plus HST. 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. www.artspark.com April 15, MAy 20, June 17 Zentangle 101 ArtSpark, Collingwood In this basic Zentangle workshop, you will learn at least eight tangles, along with the history, philosophy and nomenclature of Zentangle, tools and techniques. If you only take one Zentangle workshop, this is it. Cost $45 plus HST (includes a kit to use at class and take home – a different kit for each class). 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. www.artspark.com April 16, MAy 25 Zentangle 102 ArtSpark, Collingwood Learn to incorporate colour into your tangle practice, work with white on black card and learn eight new tangles. Prerequisite is Zentangle 101. Cost $45 plus HST (includes a kit to use at class and take home – a different kit for each class). 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. www.artspark.com April 22, MAy 6, 25, June 3, 10 Acrylic Painting 1 ArtSpark, Thornbury You’ve always wanted to try painting, but were reluctant to commit to classes. This is the perfect opportunity to get your hands on the paints and find out if you like each other. You will learn some technical, some technique, colour and the fun of handling paint. Intro to Acrylics 1 introduces students to acrylic paints and mediums, tools and materials. We do some colour theory and paint mixing, and then on to a variety of paint techniques on an abstract painting, not worrying about the outcome, but focusing on experimenting with technique and colour. Cost $45 plus HST (includes materials). 1:30 – 4:30 pm. www.artspark.com
April 24 Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together L.E. Shore Memorial Library, Thornbury Why and how to do a family tree. Whether you’re just getting curious about your ancestors or you’ve been tracing your family tree on-andoff for a while, there are always new things to learn in the field of genealogy. 7 – 8 p.m. 519599-3681. www.thebluemountainslibrary.ca April 24, MAy 15, 17, June 12, 14 Creative Mixed Media ArtSpark, Thornbury Explore a wealth of exciting possibilities in these creative exercises using acrylics and mixed media. Prerequisite to this class is Intro to Acrylic 1 or some experience with Acrylic paints. Each month is a new exercise for creativity, technique and good design. Cost $45 plus HST per class or 4 classes for $155 plus HST (price include materials). 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. www.artspark.com April 26, MAy 24, June 21 Watercolour Coaching ArtSpark, Thornbury This workshop came about at our students’ request. It is designed for ongoing learning and support in a creative, fun environment. We start by doing a watercolour exercise first thing in the morning and then move on to individual work, getting help from Barb Hotson with either works in progress or starting a new painting. The class may choose to have Barb lead a stepby-step painting. Bring your materials, tools, reference material and any previous paintings you would like to work on or discuss. This workshop will benefit all skill levels. Students with no watercolour experience should take the one-day beginner workshop prior to this one. Material list available. Cost $85 plus HST. 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. www.artspark.com April 27 Free Spirit Gardens Workshop – Choosing Herbs for your Garden with Joanne Cook Gardens, Collingwood Want to learn how to heal yourself naturally? Learn about common herbs you can plant in your own yard to help with healing wounds, bruises and cuts, inflammation of the skin, acne, diaper rash, colds and headaches. Cost $25 per person. 2 – 4 p.m. www.freespiritgardens.org April 30, MAy 10, 22 Fabric Painting 1 ArtSpark, Thornbury Using fabric paints, dye sticks and a variety of effective techniques, you’ll make a fabulous silk scarf. This workshop is great for beginners and experienced students. Cost $45 plus HST (includes materials). 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. www.artspark.com MAy 1, 27 Fabric Painting 2 ArtSpark, Thornbury Would you like to be able to make unique fabrics for use in quilting, fabric collage or sewing projects? Unique fabrics are expensive to buy, but easy to make using fabric paints and dye sticks and a variety of techniques different from Fabric Painting 1. This workshop is great for beginners and experienced students. Cost $45 plus HST (includes materials). 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. www.artspark.com MAy 3, June 8 Beginner Watercolour ArtSpark, Thornbury This workshop is for anyone who has ever said, “I wish I could paint.” You’ll explore the medium of watercolour and enter a world of colour, shape, line and texture. Learning step by step, Barb Hotson will guide you through a colour exercise and two paintings. You’ll learn how to see the world around you with new eyes! Most importantly, you’ll have fun! Materials and tools are supplied. Cost $90 plus HST. 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. www.artspark.com MAy 4 Free Spirit Gardens Workshop – Design Your Food Garden with Kim Cook Gardens, Collingwood You will learn what plants grow well together and how to design your garden to maximize the space that you have. Cost $25 per person. 2 – 4 p.m. www.freespiritgardens.org
MAy 10 Free Spirit Gardens Workshop – Edible Landscaping Cook Gardens, Collingwood Working with nature to create lowmaintenance food gardens with Ben Cesar. There are many tasty perennial herbs and berries that can be planted once and regrow every year with little maintenance. Herbs for teas, salad greens and spices for sauces. Cost $25 per person. 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. www.freespiritgardens.org MAy 13 – 14 Coloured Landscape ArtSpark, Thornbury Using photos of the students’ choice, we will work through the selection process and the refinement of the image to develop the best possible colour for the painting, then carry out the painting exploring the different possible approaches and techniques to the finished piece. Cost $160. plus HST. 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. www.artspark.com MAy 21 Zentangle Colour ArtSpark, Collingwood Learn to use colour in your Zentangle practice and make a card and envelope. Prerequisite Zentangle 101. Cost $45 plus HST (includes a kit to use at class and take home – a different kit for each class). 1:30 – 4 p.m. www.artspark.com MAy 25 Free Spirit Gardens Workshop – Cook Garden Spring Opening with Kim Cook Gardens, Collingwood Come to learn how you can get involved growing your own food and or helping us grow food for people in need of good local food. Free to attend. www.freespiritgardens.org MAy 27, June 25 Fabric Collage 1 ArtSpark, Thornbury Learn the techniques used in fabric collage. Using layers of fabric and other surface techniques, we will make a framed fabric wall hanging. Cost: $45 plus HST (includes materials). 1:30 – 5 p.m. www.artspark.com MAy 28, June 26 Fabric Collage 2 ArtSpark, Thornbury Following Fabric Collage 1, this workshop goes further into designing and adding new techniques. Cost $45 plus HST (includes materials). 1:30 – 5 p.m. www.artspark.com MAy 31, June 1 Abstracting The Landscape ArtSpark, Thornbury Always wanted to do abstract painting, but don’t know where to begin? This is it. With photos or local landscape as a starting point, participants will learn to abstract the observed world using charcoal, ink, collage, and paint. We will experiment with concepts of rhythm, shape, texture, time, scale and composition to depict the spirit and essence of the landscape. Cost $160 plus HST (a material list will be supplied). 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. www.artspark.com June 8 Free Spirit Gardens Workshop – Wild Weed Walk with Heather Cook Gardens, Collingwood Wild weed walk learning about edible and medicinal weeds and finish with a salad from your walk. Cost $25. 2 – 4 p.m. www.freespiritgardens.org
WaTch For More eVenTs in our neXT issue! Please submit events for July, August and September by May 23rd. These events will appear in our summer issue. On The Bay Magazine reserves the right to choose which events will be listed and to edit submissions for style and length consideration. On The Bay Magazine is not responsible for errors or omissions. Visit www.onthebaymagazine.com to watch for the latest listings or to submit your event.
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$2,749,000 Private, gated 5,100 sq.ft. Luxury Home w/180° panoramic views across Georgian Bay. 20’ high Great Room w/woodburning fireplace, gourmet Chef’s Kitchen, 5 bdrms, 4 baths,/2 powder rms, Main floor Master Bdrm w/luxury 5pc ensuite. Ron Picot* 705.446.8580
$1,295,000 Gorgeous 4450 sq. ft home 4 bdrms, 2 steam rooms,wine cellar,lofted library,chef’s kitchen. Waterfront views from east facing bdrms w/ balconies. Fully finished bsmnt w/ media room & extra bdrm. Meredith Cudney* 705.446.8436 Judy Crompton** 705.444.9312
$1,149,000 Enjoy this summer in your beautiful Timber Frame Home on 49 acres with a pond, trails, managed forest program, heated oversize garage/ workshop, all in a picturesque setting. John M. Kacmar/Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968
$1,099,000 Elegant custom home w/spacious principal rms,6000sq. ft.,6 bedrooms, Family Room w/gas fireplace, gourmet kitchen,2 main floor masters, home office, professionally landscaped. MLS®20131148 Barb Picot* 705.444.3452
$1,350,000 WOW FACTOR! Sensational custom timber frame. Dbl lot w/ views to ski hills. Over 4500 sq.ft. 4 bed/4 bath, 2 wood & 1 gas fireplace, triple garage. Walking distance to hills, restaurants of Blue. Exceptionally designed. Barb Thompson* 705.441.4777 WWW.THEMOVIEGALS.COM
$995,000 Newly renovated 4 bedroom, main floor master w/ensuite 4000 sq ft square log home w/ style & sophistication, situated on 2.2 acres, minutes to Creemore. Anita Lauer* 705.446.6446
$749,000 Spacious home minutes from Blue Mountain. 4000+ sq ft, 4 bdrms,3.5 baths, open concept Great Room, Dining, Kitchen. Fabulous in-ground pool. Large lot. MLS®20132879 Ron Picot* 705.446.8580
$674,000 Loaded w/upgrades. Over 3000 sq.ft open concept Living/Dining & top of the line chefs kitchen. Main floor master suite/luxury ensuite, home gym. MLS®20140838 Ron Picot* 705-446-8580
$1,475,000 Contemporary home presiding over 100 acres of rolling countryside.4000 + sq ft, 6 bdrms,2 Rumford wood burning fireplaces, geothermal heating, impeccable artisan design. MLS®20133897 Ron Picot* 705.446.8580
$684,000 5 bedroom bungalow near private ski clubs. Great for growing family, retirement home or weekend retreat. Spacious open concept Great Room, Dining, Kitchen. MLS®20140056 Barb Picot* 705.444. 3452
$649,000 A stunning custom renovated waterfront bungalow in the great town of Meaford w/ 88 ft of beach frontage. This home has been extensively renovated to make it like-new. Ellen Jarman* 705.441.2630 Sandee Roberts** 705.446.7775
$1,495,000 Glass walls invite nature inside in a seemingly remote location but only 6 minutes from Thornbury shops. 4000 + sq.ft.5bedrooms, 4 Fireplaces, 2,500ft (approx) river frontage. MLS®20140203 Sue Mallett* 705.444.7181
$674,000 Custom “Rainmaker” timber frame home. Over 3000 sq ft open concept Great Room, dining and gourmet kitchen. Sports enthusiasts dream location. MLS®20133384 Barb Picot* 705.444.3452
$595,000 6 bed, 3 bath. Huge open concept at the top, beside the quad. Best Ski in- Ski out chalet on club property. Ski down for 9 am programs. Fantastic Views. Visit www.GailCrawford.com Gail Crawford* 705.445.3751
$575,000 Ground floor master suite /3 bdrm 4.5 baths (2 ensuites ) 2538 sq ft, double garage & private drive. On site dining, indoor pool, rec center & Georgian Trail access. WORLD CLASS GOLF AT YOUR DOOR! MLS®20140001 Sue Mallett* 705.444.7181
Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage
Dave Armstrong*
Ilse Ayers**
Diana Berdini**
Lara Cathcart*
Gail Crawford*
Judy Crompton**
Meredith Cudney*
Helen Dixon*
Charity Fleming*
Read Hilton*
Keith Hull**
Office Manager
Sales Representative **Broker
Ellen Jarman*
John Kacmar**
$549,500 Beaver Valley Ski Club, at the Bottom. Ski In. 4,000 sq ft, 5 bdrms, 3 baths, w/ sauna. Huge vaulted living room, with sunken floor, wood burning fireplace, with open concept to the kitchen for great entertaining. Read Hilton* 705. 351.8100 STUNNING RIVERGRASS
$479,000 Spectacular and stunning one of a kind 3 bedroom town home in Rivergrass at Blue! Tastefully upgraded with high quality furnishings and finishings. Year round hot tub and seasonal pool. Ellen Jarman* 705.441.2630
$549,000 Luxury upgraded 2bdrm 2bath condo featuring gas fireplace, garage elevator,indoor,outdoor pools, tennis, and minutes from shops, skiing and golf. SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY!! MLS® 20140003 Sue Mallett* 705.444.7181
$499,000 Waterfront property at Christie Beach where sunsets and Georgian Bay views will take your breath away. Enjoy as summer beach house or build your future dream home on the bay! Ellen Jarman* 705.441.2630
$489,900 3 bdrm townhome in Sierra Woodlands, stunning mountain views, close to private ski clubs, 2 car garage, large deck, dining room has views to both sides, cathedral ceiling graces great room. Pool. Maggi Olson* 705.444.3342
$479,000. Contemporary décor, in nearly new condition, this 3 bdrm plus den/office boasts lots of upgrades and mountain views. Two car garage, huge deck, gas FP, economical condo fees. John M. Kacmar/Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968
$475,000 ON 1.3 AC/ 3521+ sq ft 4bdrm 3.5 both with year 2000 addition/ gas heat /heated shop-garage. 8 min to hospitals, shops and close to skiing, golf and Georgian Bay. DARE TO COMPARE THIS VALUE! MLS® 20140834 Sue Mallett* 705.444. 7181
$379,900 Country living at its best. Immaculate bungalow w/ master & ensuite on main. Large decks offer panoramic views. House w/ beautiful finishes & decor, 3 bdrm, 3 bathrooms. Large finished lower level. Garage w/ 100 amp service. ilseayers@chestnutpark.com
$289,900 Walking distance to downtown and Sunset Point. Spacious contemporary kitchen. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. Hardwood, marble and slate flooring throughout. Paige Young* 705.241.2433
$299,000 Well priced four bedroom condo with loft at Lighthouse Point! Dramatic 16 ft cathedral ceiling in lvrm, gas FP, 30 ft boat slip incl. Enjoy all the indoor and outdoor amenities John M. Kacmar/Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968
$474,900 Unique one of a kind 4 bed, 3 bath custom bungalow in Blue Water Development. A pleasing & functional home with spaciousness and brightness evident throughout. Minutes to Collingwood. Ellen Jarman* 705.441.2630 COUNTRY LIVING
$299,000 Lovely 3 bedroom, one level Garden Home overlooks the Lighthouse Point Natural Area to the Bay. Enjoy the huge sundeck, cozy gas fireplace, heated bathroom floors. John M. Kacmar/Diana Lea Berdini** 705.444.4968
$289,900 Lovely private country home on Grey Rd. 124 just South of Singhampton. Windows, siding, septic, roof are all newer upgrades. Country views & charm in this Victorian circa 1850’s renovated home. 2 wood fireplaces, 3 bdrms, loft! Meredith Cudney* 705.446.8436
$259,000 Upgraded “Sycamore” model, one bedroom and loft. Open concept condo townhome with cathedral ceiling, both bedrooms with ensuites, 6 appliances and outdoor pool. Maggi Olson* 705.444.3342
“IT`S YOUR TIME” to DESIGN & CUSTOM BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME in a prime location on the edge of the Escarpment opposite Alpine & Craigleith ski clubs. Everything South Georgian Bay has to offer for the active lifestyle, all surrounded by spectacular scenery. Call for more detailed information. Barb Picot* 705.444.3452
PROUD to be the LEAD SPONSOR BOWLS FOR BEDS event SUN APRIL 27TH, 2014 PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS at our Collingwood office Proceeds to Home Horizon
www.chestnutpark.com Our international network includes 950 offices in 47 countries. Office 705.445.5454
Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage
Anita Lauer*
Cheryl MacLaurin*
Sue Mallett*
Maggi Olson*
Barbara Picot*
Ron Picot*
Sandee Roberts**
Brendan Thomson*
Barbara Thompson*
Carol Whyne*
Paige Young*
Sales Representative **Broker
Justine Deluce**
Broker of Record, COO
Richard Stewart*
Vice-President, Legal
Nancy Agnew Broker
Brenda Armstrong Broker
John Armstrong Sales Representative
Lorraine Bull Sales Representative
Jim Chapman Broker
Josephine Chivers Sales Representative
Wayne Cornfield Broker
Betty Hancey Sales Representative
AT CRAIGLEITH! Steps to sandy beach, mins to amenities at Blue Mtn, ski, golf. 3 bedrooms, large lot. 2 gas fireplaces. Josephine Chivers 705-441-4893
ONE LEVEL LIVING IN THORNBURY Totally renovated. O/C kitchen-living. Main floor master w/ensuite. 3 bdrm, 2.5 baths. Attached garage. Approx 1,800 sq.ft. Lorraine Bull 705-446-5034
OPULENT COLLINGWOOD CENTURY On 112x150 lot. High end renos. Maple kitchen w/granite. Warm wd flrs, 9’ clgs, c/air, 2 gas fp’s, 2 sunrooms, stone patio, circ drive. Connie/Bill Thompson 705-888-0808
SECLUDED 1.34 ACRES COLLINGWOOD Surrounded by trees, open concept vaulted clg, hardwd flrs. Big custom kitchen island w/ granite. Gas fp, family room. Luxury baths. Bill/Connie Thompson 705-888-0808
ON THE MILLPOND Ranch bungalow situated on fabulous lot overlooking the water with views from inside make a serene setting. Update to make it yours! Betty Hancey 705-444-4139
WATERFRONT Between Collingwood & Wasaga. New 2,600 sq.ft bungalow. Granite! Hrdwd! Flr to clg stone fp. 4 bdrm, 3 full baths. 2 car garage. Brenda Armstrong 705-828-4571
$279,900 & $74,900
WALK TO LAKE Spacious 3 bdrm, 4 baths, 3 fireplaces, sunroom, rec room. Easy care ceramic flrs. Fenced. Nancy Agnew & Stan Kukla 705-446-7975
TWO BUILDING LOTS! 1. Beach side of the river in Wasaga $279,000 2. Meaford Golf Course. $74,900. Views of Georgian Bay. John Armstrong 705-351-2767
4 SEASON LIVING - BASE OF ALPINE Gorgeous custom built 4,639 sq.ft. chalet. 2 storey great room/formal dining room/ gourmet kitchen. Maureen Light 705-896-1027
BIGHEAD RIVER 5000 FT. OF PRIVATE RIVERBANK. Fabulous 159-acre property with a 3 bdrm Victorian home, plus an 1100 sq.ft. 2 bdrm bungalow. Jim Chapman 705-446-7733
BEAVER VALLEY 3 bedroom townhouse offering open concept w/vaulted ceilings, hot tub, f/p. MLS#20135770 Wayne Cornfield 705-444-7669
A Collingwood Waterfront Dream! With 5 individual properties to choose from, building becomes a great option. Jen Scholte 705-444-4949
MILLENNIUM FABULOUS FAMILY HOME! Over half acre lot, located in a prestigious neighbourhood, minutes to downtown Collingwood. MLS#20140457 Wayne Cornfield 705-444-7669
SMARTER. BOLDER. FASTER.™ facebook.com/ CenTury21
C o l l i n g w o o d
Stan Kukla Broker
Maureen Light Sales Representative
twitter.com/ CenTury21
T h o r n b u r y
Josée Rivard Sales Representative
Jen Scholte Broker
youtube.com/ CenTury21
1 ACRE LOT Beautiful 2,100 sq.ft, 3 bdrm bungalow with unfinished basement that could double space. Josée Rivard & Kevin Woolham 705-770-8855 / 705-888-1219
w a s a g a
Bill Thompson Broker
Connie Thompson Broker
b e a C h
Kevin Woolham Sales Representative
GeORGian TRianGLe
renowned for our deep experience, unique client-focused approach and insights into the local market, our talented people – some of the most savvy and astute in the industry – offer the ultimate in creativity, professionalism and marketing know-how to deliver stellar sales results. When it comes time to buy or sell your home in southern georgian Bay, choose Windstone real Estate - your competitive edge!
© Blue mountain resort
ViLLAgE EstAtEs At BLuE Own a Rare Blue Gem! First tracks on the slopes or an early morning tee-off. Saturday night cocktails or Sunday morning brunch. Located mere steps to the Village, only nine fully-serviced building lots are available in this exclusive collection from Skyline Resort Communities. Lots from $259,900. Register today!
homEs At LAnDsCApE riDgE
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3 beautiful model homes ready to move in! Designer finishes and upgrades throughout. Priced from $479,900 to $529,900.
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ut so
thE toWns At LAnDsCApE riDgE 3 well-appointed Towns with main-floor masters remain. Priced from $285,900.
DukE LoFts
grEY highLAnDs
award-winning heritage conversion in Collingwood now sold out.
Stunning 5 bed retreat on 2.78 acres only 10 minutes to top of Blue!
Let Experience Work For You
ChristinE BrEnnAn salesperson | owner
1.888.990.9120 | 705.444 .9527 windstonerealestate.com
riCk WiLEs
ViCkY BrAmm
Broker F.r.i.
JEFF DAVis, srEs® Broker of record
ChristophEr s. AssAFF,
stEphAniE LAnE
miChELLE ExnEr
Director, Client services & marketing
sales operations Coordinator
Windstone real Estate, Brokerage. independently owned and operated.
Helping you is what we do. 705.444.1420
Trinity Realty
$639,900 Shelly Paul** 705.888.0225
Brokerage, Independently Owned & Operated
Waterfront views from this 3 bdrm 2 bath Lighthouse Point condo w/ elevator. Luxuriously upgraded.
Upgraded ground flr corner unit at Lighthouse incl. 30ft boat slip. tour.thevirtualtourcompany.ca/170886
$529,000 705.443.2191
Deb Saunders-Chatwin*
Lovely finishing features in this 3 bdrm 3 ½ bath home. tours.photolink.ca/177140
4+2 bdrm 2 ½ bath log home nestled on a large treed in-town lot.
Custom built 4 bdrm 4 bath home. Walkout to patio & river. tour.thevirtualtourcompany.ca/170398
Renovated 3 bdrm 2 ½ bath home boasts reverse floor plan. 40 ft deck with Muskoka room.
$694,900 Tara Parsons* 705.888.8272
$580,000 Tara Parsons* 705.888.8272
$560,000 Jenna Davis* 705.888.6365
$459,000 Stan Reljic** 705.888.5124
Stunning executive custom built 5 bdrm 3 ½ bath home. tours.photolink.ca/143600
Spectacular 4+1 bdrm family home is steps from the Village at Blue Mtn with golf course views.
3+1 bdrm 3 ½ bath home is set on a beautiful 1.5 acre lot. Landscaped, in-ground pool.
4 bdrm 3 bath home boasts vaulted cedar ceilings, wood burning fireplace & sauna.
If original features appeal then check out this century property.
Built in 1866, this home reflects the charm of the Victorian Age. tours.photolink.ca/113478
$749,000 Larry Reid* 705.443.2351
$798,000 Linda Murphy* 705.351.1420
$825,000 Melanie Moss* 705.888.1578
$348,000 Sandy Shannon** 705.445.7833
$1,050,000 John Kirby* 705.441.0117
1.6 acre parcel on quiet road between Stayner & Creemore. A perfect place to built your dream home! $ 79,900
Blue Mountain - a remarkable & rare 5+ acre parcel offering privacy, swimmable pond in an idyllic setting. $849,900
Cheryl J. Morrison** 705.444.1420
3+1 bdrm 2 bath home is close to town & is a short walk to the Bay! Set on 9.8 acres w/ stream.
Sunsets, skylights, bay & nature. Detailed 4 bdrm home. Virtual tour on our You Tube channel.
Barbara McCowan** 705.443.9784
$459,000 Melissa Cairns* 705.888.0860
$595,000 Lori Rawn* 705.446.8233
Family home with 3 bdrms & 2 ½ baths boats upgrades. tours.photolink.ca/175835
Walking distance to downtown core. 5 bdrm 3 bath home. thepropertymom.com
Centrally located 3 bdrm century home. Insulated building at back for studio or workshop.
4 bdrm 2 ½ bath custom home boasts recent updates. tours.photolink.ca/161911
Open concept 3 bdrm home is close to area amenities. Some updates. Extra large garage.
$449,000 Shelly Paul** 705.888.0225
$348,900 Larry Reid* 705.443.2351
$394,000 Sara White* 705.828.6202
$264,900 Debbie Bunston* 705.444.2925
$289,900 Fran Webster* 705.444.9081
$249,900 Valerie Scott* 705.606.0955
Fully furnished 3 bdrm 3 bath ski chalet is minutes to Blue Mtn. 184snowbridge.com
Armeria model. 1200+ sq.ft. 2 bdrms 2 baths, open concept living. The lifestyle you deserve!
Dwell at Creekside Collingwood
2 bdrm 2 bath condo is great for entertaining. Live and play! Close to golf, skiing & town!
1 bdrm + den boasts loads of extras & amazing south west views! Year round amenities!
3 bdrm 2 bath home with loads of updates. Walkout to deck overlooking fenced backyard.
$349,900 Greg Syrota** 705.446.8082
$347,900 Connie O’Shell** 705.444.3154
From $209,900 Call Today! 705.444.1420
$204,999 Jennifer Ridsdale* 705.888.4636
$189,500 Todd Corradetti* 416.806.9169
$229,000 Connie O’Shell** 705.444.3154
2.25 ACRES
Commanding views of the hills of Creemore! 4+3 bdrms. Virtual tour on our YouTube channel.
5 bdrm 3 bath & lower level walkout set on 5 acres. Virtual tour on our YouTube channel.
$635,000 Dana Calder* 705.441.3607
$424,900 Lori Rawn* 705.446.8233
Great building lot in area of fine homes in a very desirable neighbourhood. Minutes to area amenities! $209,900
Spectacular views Collingwood to the the Escarpment. amenities.
Rebecca Cormier* 705.888.5100
Stunning 3 bdrm 2 ½ bath, open concept, decadent finishings, full of light! Backs onto trails.
Debbie Bunston*
Tara Parsons*
Melissa Cairns*
Shelly Paul**
Dana Calder*
Lori Rawn*
Rebecca Cormier*
Larry Reid*
Todd Corradetti*
Stan Reljic**
Jennifer Ridsdale*
Jenna Davis*
John Kirby*
Deb Saunders-Chatwin*
* Sales Representative
** Broker
overlooking Bay set on Minutes to $1,400,000
Barbara McCowan**
Valerie Scott*
*** Broker of Record
Cheryl J. Morrison**
Sandy Shannon**
Greg Syrota**
Melanie Moss*
Linda Murphy*
S. Dale Tkatch***
Connie O’Shell**
Fran Webster*
Sara White*
neW Price!
24 Acre PArcel With POnd Beautiful acreage accessed from paved road, electricity on site, and your own private pond! The gated entrance brings you thru a wooded drive, over a natural stream and into a beautiful clearing overlooking the pond. Close to Devil’s Glen, Mad River and Osler Brook. $350,000
AdmirAls GAte GArden Unit Beautifully appointed unit with over 2700 sqft of finished space. Gorgeous kitchen with sophisticated details and unique finishes. Main floor master suite w/adjacent den and lots of room for guests in the lower level. Two parking spaces as well as detached single garage and storage area. $549,000
neW Price!
Showcase of Fine
AmAZinG GeOrGiAn BAY VieWs The Cove is a sought after enclave of suites situated minutes from Collingwood and The Blue Mountain. This three bedroom, three bathroom walk up unit boasts Georgian Bay views from all North facing windows. $249,500
WAlk tO BlUe mOUntAin This chalet will create family memories for years to come. Literally across the road from the ski hill, taking advantage of escarpment views and a short walk to Village amenities. More than meets the eye, with over 4,000 sq.ft., five bedrooms plus loft, five bathrooms, games room, hot tub and sauna area.
For updated information and realtor links go to www.onthebaymagazine.com and click on
leeAnn mAttheWs, Sales Representative Cell (705) 446 8688 HomesofBlueMountain.com Facebook.com/ILoveCollingwood
HIDDEN LAKE ROAD View property in Craigleith - Check out the views of Georgian Bay & the ski hills from this cozy 4 seasons chalet. 5 bdrms, 3 1/2 baths, reverse floor plan w/large brick wood burning f/p. Fantastic family retreat located on a quiet country cul-de-sac close to Intrawest & many of the area’s amenities. Walk to Craigleith Park, close to Alpine & The Peaks Ski Clubs.
Locations North, Brokerage Office (705) 445 5520 Fax (705) 445 1545 330 First Street Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 1B4
FABULOUS GEORGIAN BAY WATERFRONT Chalet in Craigleith. Soaring cathedral ceiling w/2 storey stone f/p, hardwood floors, 3 bdrms, 3 baths, whirlpool tub in master ensuite. Walk out, in-floor radiant heat, 1000 sq.ft. lower level, just needs drywall to finish. Wraparound deck w/stone steps to the beach. Close to skiing & golf. Super-efficient – very low costs to heat & cool. Low maintenance property. $649,900 MLS®#20140193
ALPINE HILLS Luxurious Mountain chalet. 3850 sq. ft., 4 bdrms, 3 1/2 baths, wood burning f/p, upgraded fixtures, reclaimed wood floors. Outstanding building standards incorporated throughout. Dbl attached garage w/inside entry on a nicely treed lot. Close to Craigleith & Alpine Ski Clubs & Village at Blue & walk to
$589,000 MLS®#20140504
MARINERS WAY WOW doesn’t even begin to describe the expansive views of Georgian Bay & Blue Mountain from every window in this fully furnished 3 bdrms, 2 bath waterfront penthouse in Lighthouse Point. 1602 sq.ft. “Aurora” model w/large deck overlooking the water. Detached garage, 30’ boat slip is incl. Open concept living/dining/kitchen w/gas f/p. hrdwd & slate flrs & much more. $629,000 MLS®#20140484
AMIK VILLAGE Fabulous chalet/home in the heart of the Beaver Valley w/seasonal views of Old Baldy. Well maintained 2200 sq.ft. 3 bdrm, 2 bath reverse plan home with a beautiful swimming pool. Country living with the added benefit of municipal sewers & water. Double car garage w/circular driveway. $395,000
SILVER GLEN PRESERVE Immaculate center unit with 3 bdrms, 2 1/2 baths & backs onto a green space. Upgraded kitchen w/stainless steel appliances & a breakfast nook. Open concept dining/living area has hardwood floors. Bright fully finished bsmt with a 3 pc bath. Attached single car garage with inside entry. $278,000
HISTORIC SNOWBRIDGE Priced to sell & ready for immediate possession. Fabulous 3 bdrm. condo w/2 baths, gas f/p, central air & master bdrm. w/ensuite. This is one of the largest units available at 1765 sq. ft. Separate dining rm has lrg picture window overlooking green space. Condo is being sold fully furnished. Great opportunity for personal use or rental income. $359,000
MILLPOND IN THORNBURY One of 12 bungalows on the Millpond. Center unit, 2 bdrms, 2 baths, cathedral ceiling w/full height picture windows, hrdwd flrs throughout main level. Deluxe cabinetry w/granite counter tops. Attached garage w/inside entry. 5 min walk to the main street or harbour. 5 min drive to Georgian Peaks Ski Club or Lora Bay Golf Club. Georgian Trail located
Northwinds Beach. $1,395,000 MLS®#20135481
$399,000 MLS®#20140024
BRAD WILLIAMS, Broker Direct 705-444-4646 Office 705-445-8500 Ext. 227 www.bradwilliamsrealtor.com brad@bradwilliamsrealtor.com
four seasons realty limited, Brokerage 67 First Street, Collingwood 705.445.8500 Ex. 227 On The Bay
Spring 2014
RARE WATERFRONT FIND ON CAMERON SHORES Beautiful private waterfront property with a 3 bedroom chalet that is not winterized. cameron Shores is a very desirable waterfront area near thornbury and minutes to Blue Mountain and the peaks Ski club. you can use the cottage now and rebuild your dream vacation home. $750,000
Luxury Living at georgian Bay goLf CLuB Custom built 5 bedroom home just steps to the award-winning Georgian Bay Golf Club on a quiet street. Stunning outdoor living w/a wrap-around stone deck, screened-in porch & private hot tub deck. Great Room has soaring cathedral ceilings, panoramic wall to wall Bay views & opens onto the chef’s kitchen with Viking appliances & a large island - built for those who love to entertain. This could be your private oasis!
$2,500,000 MLS®#20133423
charMing cOuntry hOMe lovely home or weekend getaway minutes to thornbury. 20 scenic acres with renOvated 4 bedroom farmhouse. Open concept kitchen/dining/ family room with wood floors, fp and w/o to enlarged deck. Main fl. master, library and laundry. double garage. enjoy the hOt tuB + Sauna. Many upgrades throughout this special home. $539,900
UNSURPASSED QUALITY AND DESIGN IN MONTERRA! One Of a kind home on a double lot backing onto the golf course – 5,000 sq. ft. on one level with privacy. Soaring 26 ft. stone fp, designer Brentwood kitchen, master suite w/fp, Sauna and walk-out to hOt tuB. expansive decking, cabana, and professionally landscaped with unique exteriOr lighting. 4 bedrooms, 3 -1/2 baths – this home is Stunning and built with only the best craftsmanship throughout!
andres Paara, Broker 705 441 3245 andres@royallepage.ca Karen e. WiLLison, Sales Representative 705 888 0075 kwillison@royallepage.ca
MARILYN DOUGLAS, Broker Masters Hall of Fame Cell: 705-444-9497 SUSAN BOADWAY, Broker Masters Hall of Fame Cell: 705-446-8427
Locations North, Brokerage Office 877 / 705 445 5520 Fax (519) 599 5036 Collingwood, Thornbury, Meaford
Millenium Inc. Brokerage*
sue.marilyn@propertiesofbluemountain.com Virtual Tours at: www.propertiesofbluemountain.com
BANNERCROFT Energy Star Rated Homes, 2,555 sq.ft., steel frame construction, three bedrooms, 2.5 baths, coffered ceilings, bonus room above garage, walkout basement, covered porch, soaker tub, 4.5 inch hardwood flooring. Available on lots 1, 2, 4 & 5. Once a model has been sold, it’s gone.
BAYVIEW Built by Award Winning Fifthshire Homes, 1,930 sq.ft. bungalow, three car garage, three bedrooms plus study, *coffered ceilings* in ground floor master bedroom and great room, choose from a variety of granite’s, kitchen cupboards and 3/4 inch hardwood floorings. Available on lots 1, 2, 4 & 5.
BLUESTONE Quality Controlled Engineering, 1,850 sq.ft. open concept kitchen, great room and breakfast area, full basement, walk in closet in ground floor master bedroom suite, roughed in plumbing in basement, steel reinforced concrete flooring. Available on Lot 5 only.
BRENTWOOD Open Concept Spaces, 2,780 sq.ft. Bungoloft. Largest of the 9 models in this 9 lot enclave, four bedrooms plus study/dining room, 3.5 bathrooms, separate 2 bedroom loft over three car garage, coffered ceiling in great room, R-24 cellular foam insulation in all walls above grade, R-20 below grade. Available on Lot 2. $979,900
SILVERgATE B Bungoloft - Vaulted Ceiling in Great Room. 2,360 sq.ft. Two lofted bedrooms and a ground floor master. Coffered ceilings in dining room and master bedroom. All ensuites in all models have soaker tub, double sinks and separate glass enclosed shower stalls. Available on Lot 7.
VINTON Select Top Quality Finishes. 2,080 sq.ft. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, full basement (unfinished), re-enforced concrete flooring, optional heated floors for all homes, pre-piped gas lines for gas stoves and BBQ/s, Energy Star labeled ventilation systems. Available on Lot 6.
WILSHIRE Side Entry Garage. 1,970 sq. ft., three bedrooms plus study, two bathrooms, coffered ceilings in master bedroom and great room. All models with inside entry from garage, covered decks, walk in closets, fully landscaped lots, Energy Star air conditioning units and hot water tanks. Available on Lot 4.
SCHOOLHOUSE COURT ENCLAVE Nine custom built steel framed homes on nine lots located next to the Craigleith Community Centre on Lakeshore Rd. E at Grey 19. Construction products endorsed by the Asthma Society of Canada, are eco and enviro friendly. Visit SchoolhouseRidge.com
ED PAKSTAS, Broker of Record, SRES Pace Global Realty Inc. 143 Pine Street, Collingwood, ON L9Y 2P1 Direct Line: 705.446.0010
On The Bay
Spring 2014
ReadeR Buying guide For more information, link directly to Our Advertisers at www.onthebaymagazine.com ACCOMMODATION/RESORTS The Lodge at Pine Cove Page 41
FASHION/JEWELRY Appeal Boutique Page 35 Cora Couture Fashion Boutique Page 22
ANIMAL/BIRD/PET SERVICES Mountain View Stables Page 95 Stayner Pet Centre Page 95 Sunnidale Boarding Kennels Page 20 The Tack Shoppe Page 35
ART/PHOTOGRAPHY Appealing Environments Rock Shop Page 34 The Loft Gallery Page 95 Tied Photography Page 39 Waddingtons Art Auctions Page 81
AUTO/REPAIRS/HEAVY EQUIPMENT Blue Mountain Honda Page 96 BMC Rentals Page 35 Kubota Page 111 Polaris Page 13, 47 Walker’s Small Motors Page 80
BUILDERS/CUSTOM HOME DESIGN Baker Design Build Page 95 Black Tusk Development Group Page 78 Jasper Design Page 80 MacPherson Builders Page 26, 92 Patrick B. Coulter & Associates Page 50
D.C. Taylor Jewellers Page 31
Salnek’s Window Fashions & Accessories Page 9 Stone Home Design Page 63 Van Strien Developments Inc. Page 86
Elaine Dickinson’s Fashions Page 80
Evolution Him & Her Page 86
Georgian Audio Video Page 49
The Tack Shoppe Page 35
Huronia Alarms Page 8
Zazzys Boutique Page 90
Kitchen Painters Page 85 Knights’ Home Building Centre Page 39
REAL ESTATE Century 21 Millennium Inc. Brokerage Page 104 Century 21 Millennium Inc. Brokerage Susan Boadway & Marilyn Douglas Page 108 Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage Page 102, 103 Clairwood Real Estate Corporation Brokerage Page 100, 101 Clairwood Real Estate Corporation Brokerage Anne Young Page 63
PR Antique Products Page 86
Dean’s Carpet One Page 64
Wrightway Renovations Page 48
Pace Global Realty Inc. Ed Pakstas Page 108
Re/Max Four Seasons Realty Ltd. Brad Williams Page 107
Meaford Carpets & Interiors Page 61 PR Antique Products Page 86
Blue Mountain Concierge Page 41 Blue Mountain Vacuum Centre Page 35
Re/Max Four Seasons Realty Ltd. Doug Gillis Page 99 Royal LePage Locations North Realty Inc. Chris Keleher Page 17
Bistro 26 Page 89
Environmental Pest Control Page 67
Coffin Ridge Boutique Winery Page 90
Morton Home Inspections Page 95
Osteria Vitto Page 91
Storage Zone Page 95
Royal LePage Locations North Realty Inc., Brokerage Page 5, 24, 25
Royal LePage Locations North Realty Inc. Karen Willison & Andres Paara Page 108
The Huron Club Restaurant & Bar Page 90
Arbtech Tree Care Services Page 67
Royal LePage Locations North Realty Inc. LeeAnn Matthews Page 107
C & G Solid Wood Furniture Co. Page 86
Blair Garden & Landscape Design Page 67
Home Furniture Appliances Page 55
Clearview Nursery Page 73
Royal LePage Trinity Realty Inc., Brokerage Page 106
Macdonald’s Furniture & Appliances Page 32
Environmental Pest Control Page 67
Sixty One Thornbury Page 78
Orangeville Furniture Page 112
Garden Holistics Page 67
Smitty’s Fine Furniture Page 83
Georgian Sprinklers Page 78
Sotheby’s International Realty Canada Max Hahne Page 61
The Brick Page 51
Green Earth Landscaping Page 67
Windstone Real Estate, Brokerage Page 105
Green Leaf Treespading & Landscaping Page 67 Landmark Group Page 7
Stone Custom Homes Page 84
Cobble Beach Page 38
Maxwell Stone Page 67
Cranberry Golf Resort Page 58
Natural Stonescapes Page 78
Blue Fairway (MacPherson Builders) Page 92
Third Line Homes Page 43 Triberg Construction, Inc. Page 86
Mad River Golf Club Page 62
Owen Sound Ledgerock Page 75
Van Strien Developments Page 86
Meaford Golf Course Page 61
Pond Perfections Page 81
Village Builders Page 82
Monterra Golf Page 23
Riverside Greenhouses Page 60
Fifthshire Homes (Pace Global Realty Inc.) Page 108
Shouldice Designer Stone Page 65
Gates of Kent (Reid’s Heritage Homes) Page 44
Shrubs & More Page 67
Mountaincroft (Grandview Homes) Page 19
Hope Haven Therapeutic Centre Page 37
Bayside Wellness Page 34
The Grounds Guys Page 72
Silver Glen Preserve (Sherwood Homes) Page 71
Tyler Spiers Design & Build Page 67
Terrace Wood (Third Line Homes) Page 43
Willowstone Plant Health Care Page 72
The Residences of Peaks Bay Page 29
Glow Hair Studio & Gallery Page 86
Village Estates at Blue (Skyline Real Estate) Page 14
Gluten Free Life Expo Page 34
Comly Eye Care Page 20 Drs. Hammond, Raymond & Cation Optometrists Page 50 Dr. Noreen Khan Family Dentistry Page 28 Dr. Robert McCoppen Family Dentistry Page 55 Dr. Stefan Murgelas Family Dentistry Page 60
Porter Skelton & Associates Page 60
Oxford Learning Page 35
Camelot Salon & Day Spa Page 35
Georgian Health Foods Page 91
Collingwood BIA Page 21 Collingwood G&M Hospital Page 42 Grey County Page 4 Maple Leaves Forever Page 36
Georgian Bay Cosmetic Clinic Page 88
Good Health Mart Collingwood Page 34, 55 Reconnected, Gary Campbell Page 95 Rituals Medical & Day Spa Page 34 Scandinave Spa, Blue Mountain Page 22 Shipyards Apothecary Page 28
Cithara Guitars Page 95
The Best You Page 30
French River Adventures Page 41
The Curling Iron Page 86
Gluten Free Life Expo Page 34
The Northwood Fitness Club Page 10
Grey County Page 4 Hope Haven Therapeutic Riding Centre Page 37
Jazz on the Mountain Page 22
Reliance Yanch Heating and Air Conditioning Page 33
Jazzmania Page 86 Mountain View Stables Page 95 Ride on Bikes Page 89 Roxy Theatre Page 91 Scenic Caves Page 54 Theatre Collingwood Page 35
FABRIC/UPHOLSTERY Wayne Dziedzic Custom Upholstery Page 95
The Ear Clinic Page 88
Cobble Beach Page 40 Far Hills Thornbury Page 11
Windfall (Georgian International) Page 53 Windrose (MacPherson Builders) Page 26
SECURITY/AUDIO/VIDEO Georgian Audio Video Page 49 Huronia Alarms Page 8 Red Brick Property Solutions Page 50
TRAVEL Expedia Cruise Ship Page 35 Marlin Travel Page 34 Secondary Ownership Group Page 35
BDO Canada LLP Page 59
Barebirch Page 79
Besse Merrifield & Cowan LLP Page 58 CF Crozier & Associates Consulting Engineers Page 74
FAD Farrow Arcaro Design Page 73
Gaviller & Company LLP Page 54
Inside Elements Page 81
Habitat Interiors Page 86
Knight’s Home Building Centre Page 39 Meaford Carpets & Interiors Page 61
Kitchen Painters Page 85
Plan Wells Associates Page 20 RBC Dominion Securities, Geoffrey Belisle Page 2
Panache Design Works Page 58
Waddingtons Art Auctions Page 81
Shades & Shutters Page 59
Inside Elements Page 81
Ashton’s Blinds, Draperies & Shutters Page 72
Salnek’s Window Fashions & Accessories Page 9
On The Bay
Spring 2014
Photo credit: Photo courtesy of the smithsonian institution collection
L o o k i n g B a c k
The Nottawasaga
a piece of local history worth saving
his 1916 postcard shows Collingwood’s Nottawasaga Lighthouse in better days, before water damage and disrepair caused its outer face to crumble and fall to the ground (inset). One of the six Imperial Towers – a chain of lighthouses built in 1858-59 to improve the safety of shipping around the Bruce Peninsula and to the developing ports of Southern Georgian Bay – the Nottawasaga Lighthouse began operating in 1858 to warn those entering Collingwood Harbour of the area’s dangerous reefs and ledges. The tall, white limestone tower rises 95 feet and continues to be an iconic Collingwood landmark. Several groups have attempted to save the historic lighthouse, but despite stopgap measures to stabilize the tower, it continues to deteriorate. Collingwood town council recently passed a
On The Bay
Spring 2014
motion backing the efforts of a local group, the Nottawasaga Lighthouse Preservation Society, to convince the federal government that the 150-yearold structure is historically important and deserves to be saved. The society will be approaching other local municipal councils for support. The federal government declared the lighthouse “surplus” in 2012, which kept it from being protected under the Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act. Groups interested in preserving lighthouses now have until May, 2015, to put together a business plan in order to be designated under the act; the Nottawasaga Lighthouse is one of 87 in Ontario, and 348 across Canada, nominated to be considered for protection. To find out how you can join the fight to restore our lighthouse to its former glory, go to www.facebook.com/nottawasaga.lighthouse. ❧