Summer 2011
w w w . o n t h e baym ag az i n e . c o m
$5 .9 5
Sweet & Natural Cooking with
local sweeteners Local baker Heath Needles
Turbine Showdown
The politics of wind
Under The Bay
Exploring our sunken history The Pub Experience
In thIs Issue features 10 Not Here, Not Now, Not Ever!
That’s the message local citizens are sending to wind developers and the Ontario Liberals, as grassroots groups gear up to make wind turbines the hot-button election issue for rural voters. As McGuinty ignores community protests, Hudak promises a moratorium on new wind projects, and long-time Liberals are vowing to vote Conservative to save their communities, their health and their property values. By JAnET LEES
16 Ontario’s Giant Slayer
One man’s “David and Goliath” battle to topple big government and big wind. By JAnET LEES
20 Turbine Take-down
What local community groups are doing to fight turbines, and their new political role as the provincial election draws near. By JAnET LEES
27 How Sweet It Is!
Local natural sweeteners trump sugar in every way. By EMiLy WORTS
37 Cheers!
Our local pubs offer a friendly experience and a home away from home. By EMiLy WORTS
50 The Hill House
An unconventional Clarksburg home with views for every season. By JuDy ROSS
62 Under The Bay
The clear blue waters of Georgian Bay hold the secrets to many maritime mysteries. By SCOTT BiRkE
70 Sunken History
Mysterious “vessel” discovered at the bottom of Collingwood harbour. By CHRiSTinE COWLEy
73 Openings
Some of the latest new businesses in Southern Georgian Bay worth checking out. By JAnET LEES
Departments Summer 2011
From our Editor
From our Readers
$5 .9 5
Sweet & Natural Cooking with
local sweeteners
80 Events 81 Marketplace
Turbine Showdown
The politics of wind
82 Gallery of Realtors 90 Showcase of Fine Homes 93 Reader Buying Guide 94 Looking Back
Under The Bay
Exploring our sunken history
The Pub Experience
ON THE COVER: Creemore baker Heath needles uses local natural sweeteners to make her creations healthy as well as delicious. Cover photo by Richard Galloway
Volume 8, Issue 3 Pub li sher
Jeffrey Shearer eD i TO r
Janet Lees ArT D i recTO r
Holger Meiche AD min . , c i rculATi O n AnD PrO D ucT iO n
Cindy Caines AD ve rTi si n g Desi gn & PrO D ucT i On
Bruce Brigham, Pamella Branch PrO O freAD er
Anita Hunter cO n Tri b uTi n g W ri Ters
Scott Birke, Christine Cowley, Nancy Falconer, Marc Huminilowycz, Janet Lees, Cecily Ross, Judy Ross, Emily Worts cO n Tri b uTi n g P h O TO grAPhers & i llusT rATO rs
Nancy Falconer, Richard & Christa Galloway, Allison Kennedy, Derek Trask r egi O nA l ADverT i si n g sAles
705.444.9192 Cheryl Armstrong Shauna Burke
inf OrmATiOn AnD rATes fO r n ATi O nA l AD verT i sers
Please contact Lori Mitchell at 613.920.1232 On The Bay is published by On The Bay Magazine Inc. 5 issues per year and distributed by Canada Post to the majority of households and businesses in Wasaga Beach, Collingwood, Nottawa, Craigleith, Glencairn, Thornbury, Clarksburg, Ravenna, Markdale, Meaford, Mulmur Hills, Creemore, Duntroon, Stayner, Glen Huron, Dunedin, Kimberley, Singhampton and Flesherton. The magazine is also distributed to hotels, resorts, developer showrooms, realtor offices, and to members of private ski and golf clubs in the area. On The Bay is also available for purchase at the following fine stores:
Cherché House of Design (Thornbury) Crow’s Nest Books & Gifts (Collingwood) Curiosity House Books (Creemore) Downtown Bookstore & Café (Owen Sound) Subscriptions outside the distribution area are $31.95 per year for 5 issues (including HST), payable by cheque or credit card. No part of On The Bay may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent of On The Bay Magazine Inc. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher, editor or staff of On The Bay Magazine. Letters to the editor are welcome: Publications Mail Agreement No. 40943009 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: On The Bay Magazine Suite 201, 186 Hurontario St., Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 4T4 Tel: 705.444.9192 Toll-free: 1.888.282.2014 Fax: 705.444.5658 Printed in Canada at Ironstone Media. 4
On The Bay
Summer 2011
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Photo by RichaRd Galloway
F r o m
ABOVE: Conservative leader Tim Hudak with Editor Janet Lees and Publisher Jeff Shearer.
or eight years, On The Bay has been covering the major issues that challenge all of us who call Southern Georgian Bay our home. Water levels, garbage sites, gravel pits and wind developments are all issues that affect how we live, work and play in our community. But no issue has grown and evolved more rapidly than the coming of huge turbines to our farm and recreational lands, and no issue has consumed more pages in On The Bay. The question remains: is our region of hills, valleys and small communities the right place for 50-storey industrial wind turbines? In our very first issue, in 2004, a senior planner with the Niagara Escarpment Commission, Lynne Richardson, is quoted: “Green power such as wind energy is a good thing, but it’s not right to use it if it destroys beautiful natural scenery,” She went on to say, “One of our key objectives is to maintain and enhance the open landscape character of the Niagara Escarpment and a large-scale industrial wind power development is not consistent with that.” In 2004 we were energy innocents. Now we know more about wind turbines, especially the impact on land values and health and the poor economics of wind. However, even back then we knew that this issue ‘had legs’. Since that first somewhat ambivalent story, we have published two more major features updating our readers on the politics of wind and the real and potential effects of turbines on our prime agricultural lands, as well as publishing pro and con debates and letters aplenty relating to the wind turbine issue. And we have learned much about the issue and the growing concerns throughout the world regarding wind turbine energy and whether it is truly green. We have learned that we need to build new carbon-emitting gas-fired power plants to back up wind energy since on the hottest and coldest days of the year, there is virtually no wind. After all the time and space On The Bay has devoted to the wind controversy over the years, it was somewhat ironic that this issue
On The Bay
Fa l l 2 0 0 8
o u r
P u b l i s h e r
would become highly personal for me when we discovered that one of the proposed sites for wind turbines lay very close to our Clearview family farm. Premier McGuinty dismisses anyone who lives near wind turbine sites as NIMBYs (Not In My Backyard), but I think it is high time to rethink this demeaning term and its suggestion of selfishness. In fact, NIMBYs are local heroes. People who live near a landfill site, gravel pit or turbine development have a right – even a responsibility – to organize and speak up about what they see as a threat to their homes and their way of life. A friend recently told me a different meaning for NIMBY – “Next It Might Be You.” I took delight in that interpretation, because the truth is that we all must share our community’s concerns about threats to our ‘peace and quiet enjoyment’ of our homes. In the city, citizens’ groups form when sky-high apartment towers block their sun or when halfway houses for addicts or felons frighten families with young children. What on earth is wrong with people who are threatened, standing up for themselves? Without NIMBYs, imagine how many wrongs would be perpetrated on our communities because no one asked questions, no one took action, and no one cared. At On The Bay, we see ourselves as a champion of the community and its values. We celebrate our local Grassroots Heroes and we cover all that’s good to eat and fun to do in our beautiful area. But the way we differentiate ourselves from other magazines in our region is by tackling the major issues we all face – always in a balanced and journalistic way and never with rose-coloured glasses. We believe we have a strong advocacy role to play regarding anything that threatens our communities, and a strong desire to inform our readers about what we have learned.
Without NIMBYs, imagine how many wrongs would be perpetrated on our communities because no one asked questions, no one took action, and no one cared. This edition is a perfect example of how we see our job at On The Bay. Our editor, Janet Lees, has written a thought-provoking package of feature articles that put the turbine issue in political perspective as we head toward a provincial election. Janet conducted extensive research in the preparation of the story, including an exclusive interview at our offices with provincial Conservative leader, Tim Hudak, seen in the photo above posing with me and Janet in front of our “cover wall.” As it turns out, our instincts were pretty good about turbines way back in 2004, and now, in 2011, you can count on us to continue to inform and update you, and to paint a picture of how local citizens’ groups plan to fend off the turbines from our beloved Southern Georgian Bay. We hope you enjoy reading about it and forming your own opinions. ❧
From Our
readerS RE: Ad donAtion, SpRing 2011 On behalf of Beaver Valley Outreach, I would like to thank you for donating ad space in your Spring issue. With generous gifts like yours, we are able to reach such a broad audience, while our fundraising dollars can go directly to supporting our programs. Hope to see you Thanksgiving Weekend at the BVO Auction. Kathryn Robson Member, BVo Auction Committee
RE: A nEw BAlAnCE, SpRing 2011
Mommy and Daddy have a soft bed and a gi-normous tub. My tub is littler, but that’s because I’m littler. I like the kitchen the best – because that’s where the cookies are. Grandpa sits in the big chair by the fireplace to read me stories. But most of all, I like my house because it’s mine…it’s the only one like it.
Your Spring 2011 On The Bay edition was, as usual, terrific – with one glaring exception. On page 12, in reference to real estate sales in Kimberley/Beaver Valley, you stated that the Grist Mill Winery was sold. This is a very serious error and could not be further from the truth. Yes, the Grist Mill building has been sold, but this only means that the Grist Mill Winery has a new landlord. As owners of the Grist Mill Winery, we wish to assure our customers that our business continues to grow, is NOT for sale and that we intend to carry on for at least the next eight years of our current lease. In the meantime, your incorrect information has already been damaging. Customers are calling concerned: Are we closing up? Where are we going? Where will they be able to get the same highend, quality wines that the Grist Mill Winery offers? Our greatest concern is how many current customers and potential new customers haven’t called and are now looking elsewhere! We sincerely hope that “ On The Bay” can rectify this serious blunder as it can dramatically affect our business. terry & Judy Smith owners, grist Mill winery Editor’s Note: When On The Bay received the above letter shortly after the Spring issue came out, we immediately sprang into action. We posted a correction on On The Bay’s website (www.onthebaymagazine. com) and on Grist Mill Winery’s website. We apologize for the error and for any inconvenience to Grist Mill Winery and its customers.
RE: Adding lifE to dAyS, BEttER liVing 2011 Visit a Royal Homes Model and Design Centre today
On The Bay
Summer 2011
Your recent article “Adding Life to Days” featuring local physician Dr. Kate McLachlin written by Ms. Ross and photographed by Mr. Galloway was a beautiful article on end-of-life care and experiences. Please know that your article is being broadly circulated in the Palliative Care network of healthcare professionals across the region and the province. We had distributed the additional copies we picked up from your office at the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada in
May, which involved 550 physicians at the Town of Blue Mountains. A lead regional physician from Barrie told me this week, “This is one of the best articles done on end-of-life care and so well captures the essence of what we do.” He was very moved as he spoke of the article, perhaps even at a loss for words. Thank you for that. This story does more than educate and provide awareness on a topic we don’t like to talk about – it also gives back to all the healthcare providers who have an immeasurable role. Thank you for moving all of these care providers with your article. It gives them some thanks and it truly retains them in work that can be some of the most challenging in our community. Dr. McLachlin was able to do her residency from McMaster University in Mount Forest and then locally in the Collingwood area. We have several amazing physician leaders who are joining practice in this area because they have trained here. Thank you for featuring her and other Collingwood area physicians! Michelle Hunter, MSc Program Manager, Rural Ontario Medical Program Please accept my apologies for taking so long to thank you for the touching and detailed article on Hospice Georgian Triangle in On The Bay Magazine. Many people were moved by the words and comments and many made commitments to walk for hospice (congratulations Team Lindsay!). Ana and I have encountered many people who saw the article and made wonderful comments about it and the photographs. The impact from the article seems to be huge. I would like to add that Coryll [Harwood, Hospice volunteer] is a delight as a Hospice companion and she is now a good friend. I give Hospice Georgian Triangle and other caregivers and loved ones credit for the terrific support I have that allows me to stay in my home. Thank you. Lindsay and Ana Baginski I represent a palliative care volunteer organization in Grimsby, Ontario. Having just read the articles showing the great work done in your area from the medical groups and our colleagues at HGT, we would like to share this information with our team. I believe it would provide the inspiration needed to better promote our own service. Palliative care is not a topic people generally want to talk about, unless of course they need it. These articles are sad yet uplifting and a wonderful promotion of the value of a volunteer. Thank you. Ev Page Executive Director, West Niagara Palliative Care Services o/a Rose Cottage Visiting Volunteers Publisher’s Note: At Hospice Georgian Triangle’s Annual General Meeting in June, On The Bay received a Special Certificate of Recognition for the package of articles relating to end-of-life care mentioned above, which were published in our Better Living 2011 issue. Thank you to writer Cecily Ross, photographer Richard Galloway, Editor Janet Lees, and to all who participated in putting faces on the important issue of end-of-life care (to read these articles online, go to, click on “Our Magazine” and go to “Past Issues”). Also at the AGM, On The Bay Editor Janet Lees received her certificate for completion of HGT’s Volunteer Training Program. Janet undertook the 30-hour training as a result of On The Bay’s articles about Hospice. Congratulations, Janet, and best wishes as a Hospice volunteer.
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Where do you stand on the issues? Do you have any comments, suggestions or additional information in response to any of our stories? Don’t be shy! We’d love to hear from you! To submit your letter to the Editor, go to and click on “Have Your Say.” Comments will be published in an upcoming issue of On The Bay. We reserve the right to edit for style, content and space considerations.
Collingwood General & Marine Hospital Foundation On The Bay
Summer 2011
On The Bay
Summer 2011
Not Here, Not Now, Not ever! That’s the message local citizens are sending to wind developers and the Ontario Liberals, as grassroots groups gear up to make wind turbines the hot-button election issue for rural voters. As McGuinty ignores community protests, Hudak promises a moratorium on new wind projects, and long-time Liberals are vowing to vote Conservative to save their communities, their health and their property values. by Janet Lees
photography by RichaRd GaLLoway
Clearview residents took to hay wagons recently in a wind protest ‘parade’ from Clearview Nurseries on Hwy. 91 (near the site of eight proposed turbines) to the Stayner Community Centre, where the company that wants to erect the giant structures was holding an open house.
On The Bay
Summer 2011
Issues a coalition of 60 communities in 34 different counties and districts around the province (including groups in Clearview, Meaford, and Grey and Bruce counties). “Our members are in something like 35 per cent of ridings in the province, so our basic goal is to mobilize them in the election to work for candidates who are going to stand with us in the next government, and to oppose sitting incumbents and Liberal candidates around this province to ensure that the damage they are doing to Ontario ends on October 6th,” said John Laforet, the group’s president. WCO is throwing its support behind Conservative candidates in the belief that a PC government offers the best hope of restoring local democracy while freezing new turbine developments until independent health and environmental studies can be conducted. “They’re committed to honouring a motion moved in the House in April 2010 by John Yakabuski, their energy critic, which called on the government to put in place a moratorium until independent health and environmental studies are done and local control is restored,” said Laforet. “It’s critical to Wind Concerns Ontario that there is a pause in development while a health study – that the industry, governments and citizens can all agree on and believe in – is done. We’re happy to see that they also believe in independent science and we hope the industry will, too.”
TOP: The procession in Clearview stretched four kilometers and included farm tractors, trucks and a manure spreader. ABOVE: PC leader Tim Hudak visited On The Bay’s offices recently, where editor Janet Lees interviewed him for this story.
mid the multitude of placards opposing wind development, and one sign reading “Liberal Shame,” it was the manure spreader that sent the clearest message to multinational wind companies and Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals as it led a parade of hay wagons, farm machinery, pick-up trucks and SUVs through the small rural community of Clearview, holding up traffic for over an hour (although ‘traffic’ is an overstatement in this part of the province). The procession was a protest against German wind company WPD, which plans to build eight massive 50-storey turbines on a farmer’s field near the local airport. But the hundreds of residents who turned out also sent a strong warning that McGuinty’s controversial Green Energy Act will ultimately blow the man – and the party – down. Rural Ontarians are taking a similar stand across the province, resolving to dethrone the government over wind turbines – 500-foot industrial monsters that would tower over pastoral communities. The Green Energy Act has removed local control over where and how wind developments are sited and approved, and opponents say there are serious health, environmental and economic impacts that have not been adequately studied. Leading the charge to oust the Liberals is Wind Concerns Ontario (WCO),
On The Bay
Summer 2011
n an exclusive interview with On The Bay, PC leader Tim Hudak said a moratorium is necessary for a number of reasons. “We need to make sure that we have the science right, appropriate setbacks, and understand the environmental impacts. Secondly, we make sure that any deals that we sign are actually affordable to the moms and dads [and] small businesses that have to pay the bills. And the third aspect is to restore local decision-making. We want to see those criteria met before we go forward on new projects.” As for existing wind developments and those that have approval to proceed, Hudak walks a fine line. “I’m a Conservative, so I believe in respecting signed contracts. But every contract has certain clauses; every contract has a termination aspect. So when it comes to some of these massive industrial wind projects that are causing significant disruption to communities, we’ll do what’s in the best interests of the ratepayers in those communities. If that involves stopping some of these projects if it doesn’t make sense, we’ll do so.” In addition to halting wind projects, Hudak is also vowing to do away with the feed-in tariff (FIT) program, which guarantees premium pricing for renewable electricity (pricing that is passed on to the consumer in the form of jacked up hydro bills). “We just can no longer afford to pay these massive subsidies through our hydro bills, much of which is going to big corporations and many that are foreign-based,” said Hudak. “I just think it’s wrong to ask senior citizens and struggling families with kids to pay higher and higher energy bills to make good on the McGuinty government’s expensive experiments.” Laforet added the FIT program hurts home-grown businesses that can’t afford the skyrocketing cost of hydro while foreign green energy companies make off like bandits. “Cancelling the feed-in-tariff program is good news for Ontario because it’s going to help keep our economy competitive,” he said. “It’s going to lower the damage the wind industry can do to our electricity bills going forward.” Another Hudak promise: kibosh what he calls the “sweetheart Samsung deal,” in which the South Korean industrial giant would invest $7 billion to build four new manufacturing plants for wind, solar and other green energy projects in Ontario in return for guaranteed space on the province’s limited transmission grid, plus premium rates for the electricity the company generates. “This was a behind-closed-doors, secret deal that is going to drive up our hydro bills for at least 20 years,” said Hudak. “It will be a significant transfer of funds, through hydro bills, from seniors and families to one of the biggest corporations in the world. I think it’s wrong. We’re going to end the deal and cut our losses.”
aforet concurs that the Samsung deal has to go. “If Samsung shows up and starts developing turbines in Ontario, every dollar of profit they make goes back to Korea. So there’s no wealth generation in Ontario as a result of industrial wind development. “Over the course of their 20-year agreement with the government of
Issues Ontario, [Samsung] is poised to make $22 billion off of a $7 billion investment. How does that make any economic sense for the province? It doesn’t matter if you live in downtown Toronto or Creemore; this is something that everyone certainly understands – $22 billion to Samsung over 20 years is not in Ontario’s best interest.” The Liberals and the wind industry argue that the Samsung deal and the FIT program will bring money and ‘green jobs’ to Ontario. A report by the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CANWEA) claims that over the next seven years, over $16 billion in total economic investment will be made in wind, resulting in 80,000 person years of employment, and over a billion dollars in total investment will be made in wind in the form of lease payments to land owners and tax payments to local municipalities. Laforet says these numbers are a smoke screen. “As far as those job years go, job years are not jobs. It’s a collection of short-term contracts for unskilled labour that is not sustainable. Jan Carr, who is the former president of the Ontario Power Authority, has also come out with a report that says Ontarians will have to subsidize every one of these so-called green jobs with $179,000 a year of subsidy, per year the job exists. So how many honest, hard-working Ontarians does it take to go to work to pay their taxes to create one of these totally subsidized ‘green’ jobs? The economics of wind are ludicrous, and there’s no way Ontario’s economy will be strengthened by allowing the wind industry to go forward. “Frankly, if we give CANWEA what they want, like every good parasite they would likely kill the host. If the wind industry is allowed to feed off of Ontario’s economy to the degree that they would like, they will bankrupt us. One thing that’s important to note about their own report: they acknowledge that $16 billion of investment will result in $8 billion leaving our economy. So, half of this so-called investment is money that will leave our economy for other economies. It’s just a completely unsustainable way to grow if, for every dollar invested, 50 cents is off-shore. This does not sound like the kind of economy Ontarians are going to want and frankly, if you want to bring back the manufacturing jobs you can’t let the wind industry and the subsidies jack up electricity rates so that it’s unaffordable for others to compete.”
he big question is: can rural Ontario (and a handful of suburban ridings like Scarborough and Oakville, where green energy proposals have left an equally bad taste in voters’ mouths) force a regime change even though there are more seats in urban centres, where the idea of green energy has a warm and fuzzy connotation? Laforet says wind can topple the Liberals. “Rural ridings are enough to knock them from majority government, and then inroads into northern and suburban ridings are enough to knock them from governing completely. So rural ridings are critical in doing it and if the
Conservatives hit a home run in rural Ontario, they can win enough seats elsewhere to form a government. “The Liberals are polling at 17 per cent in rural Ontario; 34 per cent everywhere else, so it seems to me that voters in rural communities are rejecting the Liberals at twice the rate everyone else is. Seventeen per cent will result in them losing virtually every seat they currently hold [in rural ridings]. This is a complete wipe-out of the Liberals’ rural base, so I’m quite confident that if they continue on this path regarding renewables, they will blow up their party in rural Ontario and will be out of government for some time.” He added it’s not so much about the Liberals losing as it is about the Conservatives winning. “The Tories can’t win without rural Ontario. There are more urban ridings than rural ridings, but the point is that rural ridings electing Liberals make it that much harder for the Conservatives to form a government, which is why it is so critical that the Conservatives are 28 points ahead of the Liberals in rural Ontario, and I think this issue has a lot to do with why that is, because there isn’t anything else that fundamentally different about Dalton McGuinty’s government for rural and urban ridings with the exception of Green Energy [The Green Energy Act].” However, Laforet cautions that there is still much to be done between now and election time to keep the issue in the forefront of voters’ minds. “You’re going to see rural residents rising up and standing for their communities, fighting for the areas that they hold a special place for in their hearts and making sure that they are protected by taking direct political action. Because our cleanest way of getting justice for those who are suffering, preventing more people from suffering and protecting our economy, is taking direct political action this fall.” If that happens, the manure will hit the fan for the Liberal Party in Ontario. For full transcripts of the interviews with John Laforet and Tim Hudak, or to read On The Bay’s previous articles relating to the wind issue, go to
HAVE YOUR SAY Where do you stand on the wind issue? Do you think ‘green energy’ is a good idea at any cost? Are opponents misinformed or over-reacting? Should local municipalities have some say in whether and how industrial wind developments will be handled in their communities? We want to hear from you! Send your letters to the Editor, Janet Lees, at
Party Positions
How do all the parties stack up on the wind issue? Each provincial party has made its platform clear about the issue of wind and other forms of green energy. The Liberals are not backing down from the Green Energy Act or the FIT program, and claim the Samsung deal creates 16,000 jobs in Ontario and will put the province at the forefront of a North American green energy sector. The NDP supports local planning control and would push for wind projects to be developed by public agencies as opposed to private multinational corporations. The Green Party supports local control and favours community-based projects with a local ownership component, but stops short of calling for a moratorium. In a recent interview with On The Bay, Green Party leader Mike Schreiner called his green energy platform “a middle-ground position.” “We’re opposed to killing the Green Energy Act and the feed-in-tariff program,” he said, adding to do so would “damage the development of things like solar.” He said wind development “offers great economic development opportunities for communities, [but] I don’t think corporate wind projects should be imposed on a community. “The reason we haven’t called for a
On The Bay
Summer 2011
moratorium is that if a community wants it, we don’t think we should stand in the way of a community supported wind development.” Asked whether the Green Energy Act has set back the Green Party’s goals for renewable energy, Schreiner smiled and paused, then said, “It has certainly made our life more challenging. I’ve always seen green energy as a democratizing process. The way they’re moving forward with wind is not democratic. It’s dividing rural communities, when it should bring communities together.” The Conservatives have promised a moratorium, an end to FIT subsidies and the Samsung deal, and a restoration of local control over how and where wind projects are sited. “If you want more industrial wind turbines popping up across our landscape, then vote for one of the other parties,” PC leader Tim Hudak told On The Bay. But if you want a rational policy that ensures that these projects are in communities where they’re welcomed and … families … and you have the proper environmental analysis, we’re the party that’s going to stand up for affordable bills and local decision-making.” Which party you choose to vote for on October 6 will depend on where you stand on the wind issue. Either way, democracy will prevail.
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7/6/11 2:17:58 PM
Issues Twenty-five-year-old John Laforet is president of Wind Concerns Ontario, a grassroots coalition of 60 communities in 34 counties and districts throughout the province.
OntariO’s Giant slayer One man’s “David and Goliath” battle to topple big government and big wind by Janet Lees
photography by RichaRd GaLLoway
hile his quarter-life contemporaries are rushing down Bay street in designer suits, John Laforet is dressed in jeans and a gingham shirt, standing on a hay wagon in stayner and looking for all the world like a refugee from hee haw. that is, until he opens his mouth to speak. the impossibly young president of wind concerns ontario is joining about 200 local residents in a rally and parade against German company wPd’s proposal to plant eight giant wind turbines in a farmer’s field in clearview, north of hwy. 91. his cherubic face, twinkling blue eyes and impish grin reflect his age – just 25 – but make no mistake; John Laforet is a force to be reckoned with. as erudite as he is passionate about the hazards and threats posed by wind turbines, he’s taking on dalton McGuinty’s Liberals and huge international wind corporations to make ‘big wind’ the hot-button issue in the upcoming provincial election for rural ontario voters and even some urban ridings.
On The Bay
Summer 2011
Fittingly, the wind is blowing like dollars through a fan as Laforet takes the hay wagon ‘stage’ to ecstatic applause followed by a reverent hush. the crowd, which comprises all ages and backgrounds, hangs on his every word and bursts into spontaneous applause as he vows to fight for a moratorium on wind development until independent studies can be completed showing industrial turbines’ effect on human health and the environment. “we’re going to say no; we’re going to stand up and we’re going to fight them off,” he tells the group to rousing applause and cheers. “we’re going to show them the strength of our communities, and the strength of opposition in our communities. we will not back down.” More clapping and cheering. when it’s time for the parade, Laforet joins about 10 others riding that same hay wagon in a procession to wPd’s public information event at the stayner community centre. heading the pack is a manure spreader. about 30 tractors, wagons, trucks and cars – many decked out with signs blaring messages like “say no to wind turbines,” “turbines make bad neighbours,”
Issues easier to hold true to your values, and I think there’s a lot more good I can do as an activist.” He answers the next tough question – how does he make a living – with the same jovially dismissive confidence. “I don’t,” he laughs. “I haven’t been able to have a job since 2010. Wind Concerns runs on fumes; I run on fumes; but it works.” With an annual budget of only $8,900 gleaned from membership fees paid by the 60 citizens’ groups across 34 Ontario counties and districts that make up Wind Concerns Ontario, as an organization it is “shockingly grassroots.” Laforet is adamant that neither he nor Wind Concerns Ontario receives funding from any political party or energy company – green or otherwise. In fact, during his recent 6,000-kilometre “Truth About Turbines” tour to 36 communities across Ontario, he literally carried around an oversized pickle jar, which he placed on a table in each location he visited, accepting donations to pay for the rented RV that took him from place to place. If he can’t afford an RV, he stays with friends, family or Wind Concerns members. When not on the road, he works out of his modest Etobicoke apartment. His office? A laptop, an Internet stick and an iPhone. His desk? An ottoman. But he doesn’t see himself as a martyr. “I’m not concerned about it,” he says of his relative poverty. “I get by. I’m usually not home long enough to spend any money. Besides, everybody involved is a volunteer; the only thing that’s different about me is that I’m younger.”
ABOVE: Laforet addresses a crowd in Stayner about the politics of wind. “The Liberals thought that by gutting local democracy, they could railroad these projects into our communities. We say not here, not now, not ever.”
“Hello turbines, goodbye visitors,” and “Turbines go up, hydro bills soar” – follow slowly behind like a funeral procession. Helicopters and small planes fly overhead, protesting the fact that WPD’s latest proposed site for these 500-foot behemoths is only 1.4 nautical miles from the end of the runway at Collingwood Regional Airport, which experienced pilots say would present a flying hazard. (Charlie Tatham, chair of the airport board, calls it “just plain frightening” and “potentially very dangerous.”) What brought this particular city boy to this particular hay bale in this tiny rural community can best be described as a series of detours. Active in the Liberal party since he was just 14 – including serving as a riding association president in Scarborough – Laforet found himself at the age of 23 with a difficult choice to make. “I had gotten involved in opposing Toronto Hydro’s proposal for 60 to 100 turbines two to four kilometres off the Scarborough Bluffs,” he recounts. “When Dalton McGuinty brought down the Green Energy Act, he singled out Scarborough Bluffs residents as the example of NIMBYism that he was hoping to remove from the debate. I ultimately left the Liberal party … to defend my community’s interests, which led to province-wide involvement.” Laforet won the Scarborough Bluffs battle, at least for now, forcing the Liberals to declare a moratorium on offshore wind development. But politically, he was a changed man. While walking away from his once-beloved Liberals was life altering, an even bigger detour was the shift from politico to full-time activist. Laforet ran for Toronto City Council in 2010, coming in second. He now answers the question of whether he still harbours political ambitions with a derisive snort. “I think I’m pretty much cured of any aspirations of running for public office,” he asserts. “I find if you’re an activist and not a politician, it’s a lot
On The Bay
Summer 2011
“I find if you’re an activist and not a politician, it’s a lot easier to hold true to your values, and I think there’s a lot more good I can do as an activist.”
This same humility comes across when he is asked how someone so young can be such a driving force in the anti-wind movement. “There are people 25 years old and under who have done far greater things than running WCO. Martin Luther King was a leader in the American civil rights movement in his 20s. He was only 34 when he delivered his ‘I have a dream’ speech, and he was dead by 39. What I do is modest in comparison to what others have done, and are doing.” The king reference is appropriate, because as an orator, Laforet is spellbinding. One example: “The Liberals thought that by gutting local democracy, they could railroad these projects into our communities. “We say not here, not now, not ever.” Rhetoric aside, in the quest to slay the giants, Laforet is more Sancho Panza than Don Quixote – an everyman realist who doesn’t so much tilt at windmills as stand his ground against them. His speeches and responses to questions are intelligent, well researched, straightforward and, most of all, reasonable. He is the polar opposite of McGuinty’s characterization of NIMBYs as raving loons who can be swatted down like flies. Does he see himself still doing this work 10 years from now? His answer reflects his determination to win this fight and kill wind developments in populated areas of Ontario once and for all. “I hope there isn’t a need for a WCO 10 years from now, but I will still be involved in public life. I will never stop being an activist.” Never is a strong word for one so young, but coming from Laforet it rings true. Like the itinerant preachers – and teachers – of old, he has found his calling. It’s unlikely that the wind issue will be fully resolved any time soon, but when and if this particular battle no longer requires a David, there are bound to be other Goliaths that will need cutting down to size. ❧
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Issues Kevin Ellwood of the group Preserve Clearview speaks to the crowd of protesters at the Stayner Community Centre, many wearing special T-shirts making their position clear.
TurbIne Take-doWn
What local community groups are doing to fight turbines, and their new political role as the provincial election draws near by JANET LEES photography by RICHARd GALLOWAY
’m sitting in the Stayner Community Centre among 250 area residents of all ages, watching a movie called “Windfall.” It tells the tragic tale of Meredith, New York, where some residents signed secretive deals allowing wind companies to build 400-foot-tall turbines on their properties, only to realize the health effects, environmental impacts and dangers to wildlife and people were not worth the scant money they were being paid to “farm” the wind while huge multinational corporations reaped the profits. The movie features long segments of mega-turbines rotating in the wind while emitting a low hum and a crazy-making ‘whomping’ sound. Other scenes show interiors of homes where residents and pets can’t escape the ‘strobing’ effect of windmills casting long shadows as they turn in the sun.
On The Bay
Summer 2011
Worn-out residents describe ill health effects, from headaches to sleep disturbances to heart palpitations. But the point that really hits home is the sad reality that wind has divided the residents of Meredith, pitting neighbour against neighbour and the town against its local council. When the movie ends, there is a hush in the crowd, then some people applaud, obviously torn between the desire to appreciate the quality of the film and the inability to praise the grim situation it illustrates. It’s a reality that is playing out in communities across Southern Georgian Bay. A handful of local landowners have agreed to allow multinational wind companies to plant turbines on their properties, within only 550 metres of the centre of the nearest dwelling, while local councils are left powerless by the provincial government’s Green Energy Act and neighbours are left to retaliate with creative, drastic and sometimes costly measures. “We want our communities back; we want our friends back; we want our neighbours back,” laments Lorrie Gillis of Grey Highlands, where several wind projects involving 63 turbines are in various stages of development. Plateau Wind Inc. is planning 18 turbines, 11 in Grey Highlands and the other seven in Melancthon. “There’s so much cloak and dagger,” says Gillis of this project. “As far as we know they don’t have their conservation plan yet, they don’t have their road use agreement yet – and yet, they’re going ahead anyway.” She adds some desperate residents have even resorted to stealing hydro poles to make their opposition known. Another project that appears to be moving forward involves four massive wind turbines on the east side of Lake Eugenia. Again, the local community is in the dark about the details. “We’re not sure what they’re calling themselves these days and we’re not sure who the principals are,” says Larry Close, who heads up the Preserve Grey Highlands Citizens Alliance. The Alliance enlisted the support of the municipality, which refused to sign the road use agreement to allow Plateau Wind onto the site. “Plateau Wind argued they had a statutory right to use the roads; they went to the OEB (Ontario Energy Board), and the OEB decided they can use the roads,” says Close. The municipality has now gone to divisional court claiming that the Energy Board did not have jurisdiction to hear the appeal. “The OEB can hear cases involving transmitters and distributors in disputes with municipalities, but Plateau Wind is licensed only as a generator.” The case is still before the court. Close’s group has also applied to divisional court to have a judicial review of Plateau’s certificate of approval on the grounds that
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Issues the Ministry of Environment did not exercise due diligence in granting it. He adds there will be similar legal challenges against other projects that move forward in the area – while the residents themselves foot the bills. “As citizens we’re putting in our own dollars,” says Close. “My wife and myself are already out of pocket over $5,000 and we know we’ve just started.” Meanwhile, Wind Concerns Meaford has erected a website to communicate about the dangers of wind projects proposed in and around Meaford. “As the upcoming provincial election nears, we are becoming more openly political in drawing the attention of the voting public to the fact that the present provincial government and its ministers are totally out of reach, refusing to answer requests for information or engage in any dialogue,” reads the website. “We publicize the enormous threat to our environment, our health, our beautiful countryside and our financial well-being. We have learned over the past year or so that, regardless of where one stands on global warming or CO2 levels in the atmosphere, the proposed wind turbines are entirely useless in alleviating any environmental degradation. “Help us to convince our fellow citizens and our elected officials that the evidence is already in, right across the world: scientific evidence and financial prudence must override greed and political expediency.” In Clearview, German company WPD has a FIT (feed-in tariff) contract
“The Liberals have brought this down on their own heads because they’ve totally alienated their support base and they’ve forgotten that we’re still here.” for eight turbines at Hwy. 91 and Fairgrounds Road, having moved the project further north after local residents erected outbuildings for farm workers at the far edges of their properties in order to move the setbacks off (under the Green Energy Act, turbines can be located no closer than 550 metres from the centre of a residence). Colin Huismans, of local anti-wind group Clearview WAIT, said it’s a matter of legal opinion whether the new location constitutes an entirely new project, in which case WPD would have to reapply for a new contract. “We hold this to be true,” says Huismans, adding “they would have to go all the way back to ‘Go’ and start again.” Huismans says his group won’t align specifically with Conservative MPP Jim Wilson (“although it’s kind of a given that the Conservatives will win this riding), but as the election nears, additional signs, billboards, ad campaigns and media blitzes will strongly support a Hudak-led PC government. Larry Close says his group will definitely be supporting Conservative candidate Bill Walker, who is taking the reins as long-time MPP Bill Murdoch retires. “The Conservatives are the only choice,” says Close. “We’ve given up on the Liberals … so we need to bring someone in who is going to look at this rationally and bring some sanity to the whole matter. Kevin Eccles, the Liberal candidate in this area, is certainly getting an earful from residents.” Gillis is also committed to helping Walker hold onto the Conservative seat. “I will do anything I can to help with this man’s campaign and I’m going to help in other areas as well to get Progressive Conservatives elected,” she says, adding, “The Liberals have brought this down on their own heads because they’ve totally alienated their support base and they’ve forgotten that we’re still here.” If Gillis, Huismans and Close have their way, losing the upcoming provincial election will force the Liberals to take notice. ❧
ABOVE LEFT: Lorrie Gillis of Grey Highlands is fighting wind developments throughout the province, and says she will do whatever she can to get the PC candidate in her riding elected. LEFT: Colin Huismans, chair of Clearview WAIT, says as the election draws near, his group will be busy preparing signs, ads and billboards that will strongly support a Hudak-led PC government in Ontario.
On The Bay
Summer 2011
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Just south of Collingwood, the Mad & Noisy Rivers carve stunning landscapes. Our rolling hills invite you to wander by car, bicycle or on foot. Our classic main street serves up a feast for the senses... The smell of fresh cut hay is minutes away from the ancient aroma of the brewer’s craft.
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Summerlicious! Southern Georgian Bay offers an abundance of culinary and beverage choices to suit every taste. In this special section, On The Bay shines
Photos by RichaRd Galloway
a spotlight on 100-mile natural sweeteners, takes you inside local pubs for some cheer, and offers a complete guide to eating and drinking establishments throughout our region. Enjoy!
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7/11/11 9:45:31 AM
The Honey House in Clarksburg is a community treasure, making and selling Beaver Valley Gold Honey as well as raw honeycomb, specialty honeys and other bee- and honeyrelated products.
sweet it is! Local natural sweeteners trump sugar in every way by Emily Worts
photography by richard GalloWay
e all know that too much of the sweet stuff can be bad for us, but sugar is a hard habit to break. substituting sweeteners like maple sap, maple syrup and honey, all of which are accessible in our area, for refined sugars could help eliminate a lot of what is bad for us without giving up the sweet flavours our taste buds crave. sugar is a natural sweetener, found in plants and fruits. however, the refining process used to make granulated sugars is what makes it bad for us.
our addiction to sugar has created an epidemic of health and immune problems including vitamin and mineral deficiencies, adrenal fatigue, diabetes and obesity. refined sugar doesn’t offer many benefits, except the sweet taste many of us are addicted to. honey and maple syrup, on the other hand, not only sweeten, they are actually good for us in moderation. add to that the fact that honey and maple are produced locally, and the choice of what to put in your next cup of tea or coffee, or add to your next batch of muffins, should be a sweet one to make. On The Bay
Summer 2011
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Maple Benefits Maple syrup can replace sugar in almost every way, and is a relatively healthy alternative. Recent studies (April 2011) identified 54 compounds in maple syrup, five of which have never been seen in nature, and many with antioxidant activity and potential health benefits, putting maple syrup in the same ‘super food’ category as blueberries and green tea. Other health benefits of maple syrup are well documented – it promotes a healthy heart, boosts the immune system and lowers the risk of prostate cancer. Maple syrup is made by tapping the sap of the sugar, black or red maple tree in the spring. The sap is clear, almost tasteless and very low in sugar content when it is first tapped. Although used for centuries as a refreshing drink, maple sap is finally gaining some recognition as a horticultural commodity in its own right.
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On The Bay
Summer 2011
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Maple Syrup Although maple sap has been used for hundreds of years, it is the syrup we think of when looking at the maple tree. To make syrup, sap is boiled extensively, evaporating the water and producing syrup with a sugar content of 60 per cent. Maple syrup, like wine, has a terroir and local producers think Grey Bruce syrup has the best flavour because of our limestone-based soil. Ten years ago Gail and Richard O’Brien, owners of Uncle Richard’s Maple Syrup, turned a weekend property and a hobby into a full-scale, full-time maple syrup business. Uncle Richard’s Maple Syrup, near Flesherton, is no longer a cottage industry but a high-end, high-tech operation with stainless steel equipment producing syrup from about 50 acres of sugar bush on the O’Briens’ home farm plus more on other properties totalling about 3,000 taps. The result is
Hello, I’m Anita Chevalier. I’m the Manager of Quality/Risk/Utilization and IT/Applications at the Collingwood G&M Hospital. I’ve worked at the G&M for four years. I didn’t always have this long title. My position has “morphed” several times as we continually restructure our Management Team to better meet the needs of our community. Basically, I’m in charge of making sure we deliver high quality, safe, efficient care to our patients. It means working with limited resources to continue to meet our growing patient needs and the continuing changes to medical knowledge and care. It also means keeping up with all of the reporting requirements of the Ministry of Health & Long Term Care. I live in Alliston but I would love to move to Collingwood some day. I’ve lived all over Canada with my family. My family continues to grow and now includes six grandchildren. I enjoy a wide range of activities. I love ballroom dancing, travel, outdoor activities, sewing and graphic design. I particularly enjoy driving in my red Mustang convertible. At the G&M we've got lots of challenges ahead but remember -
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some of the finest maple syrup in the world, according to Richard. The O’Briens showcase their syrup and value-added products (including hard-to-find maple sugar) at shows and fairs from June to November. Gail oversees the judging for maple syrup at the Royal Winter Fair, making her an authority on all things maple. “We are extremely particular about what we put out there; that’s how we built our business,” says Richard. “There is quite a demand for good quality syrup in the last five years as people have discovered the health benefits.” In fact, says Richard, there has been more research done on the maple industry in the last five years than in the previous 50. Maple production isn’t just a spring effort and the team at Uncle Richard’s works throughout the year. Although trees are tapped in the spring, they bottle syrup every two to four weeks for 12 months (this past May they bottled every week to keep up with demand). The syrup is held in stainless steel barrels, reheated and refiltered, before it is bottled. “You have to be prepared to put the time and effort in,” says Richard of the business. “It’s always been what the farmer does in the spring and by the time it’s finished you’re out in the fields. I understand that history and it is great people
TOP LEFT AND RIGHT, BOTTOM LEFT: Gail and Richard O’Brien make Uncle Richard’s Maple Syrup using a high-tech process and equipment, both in the plant and out in the 50-plus acres of sugar bush totaling about 3,000 taps. BOTTOM RIGHT: Keith Harris’s Kiki Maple Sweet water is an alternative to bottled water, containing more than 80 nutrients including calcium, potassium and magnesium. “It’s like a natural Gatorade,” says Harris.
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On The Bay
Summer 2011
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On The Bay
Summer 2011
are doing it because maple is so healthy, but a lot of people haven’t realized the economic benefit of maple production.” Canada produces about 85 per cent of the world’s maple syrup, selling about 30,000 tonnes, valued at $147 million, to 40 countries. The only other horticultural commodity export that surpasses syrup is frozen French fries. Surprisingly, large or even mid-size producers are hard to find in our area but there are a lot of people making syrup in smaller batches, available at local markets and stores, or when in season, on the side of the road.
Maple Sap Keith Harris started thinking about bottling maple sap as an alternative to bottled water three years ago. All the negative publicity bottled drinking water was getting, including the plastic bottles it comes in, had him brainstorming alternatives. He turned to maple sap and thought about taking it from the tree to the bottle as a cool, clear, crisp drink. “It’s a Canadian experience,” he says. “It’s filtered and enhanced by nature and I thought maybe this could replace bottled water.” In the fall of 2009 Harris did a trial run (yes, trees can be tapped in the fall rather than the spring, but the sap is less sweet and less rich). From that run he bottled 3,200 bottles and got his Kiki Maple Sweet Water into 10 stores with limited sales (Kiki is the Japanese word for tree and life energy). The concept was well received and in the spring of 2010 Harris ramped up production to 60,000 bottles. Kiki was accepted by the Ontario Natural Food Co-op, was picked up by Whole Foods, and is now in over 150 locations in five provinces. Kiki Maple Sweet Water is 100 per cent real sap. Serve chilled in a glass bottle or in a glass over ice. You first taste water, followed by a slight sweetness with a finish of maple. Harris soon introduced two other flavours, Lemon-Ginger and Lemon-Mint, to his line of sap water. There are over 80 nutrients in the water, including what Harris calls the “Golden Triangle” of calcium, potassium and magnesium. “Koreans have been drinking it by the gallon for centuries,” says Harris who hopes to tap into the Japanese and Korean markets soon. “It’s like a natural Gatorade.”
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The Baker’s Secret Locally famous baker, Heath Needles, notices the difference in her baking. “With handmade things (like maple syrup and honey) you are getting better ingredients and better quality, and it’s more valuable. You end up with a superior product,” says Needles. Needles, who grew up near Mansfield with five brothers and sisters, a father who worked the farm and a mother who brought in the household income, lived what she calls a “pioneer lifestyle.” “We grew and made everything; there wasn’t any money to buy anything,” she says. Necessity led to the use of natural sweeteners, harvested on the family farm, instead of expensive sugars. For the past 17 years, Needles has been baking for a living, providing brides with exquisite cakes and stores like the 100 Mile Store in Creemore with weekly treats. During sugaring-off season, her toasted oatmeal and maple scones, blueberry and maple muffins and maple mousse grace the counter. Throughout the summer Creemore Farmer’s Market enthusiasts often start their journey through the stalls with one of Needles’ maple cinnamon rascals, available at the 100 Mile Store. “Anything maple and I’m happy,” she enthuses. Needles, who is still baking and selling the same chocolate cake she learned how to make when she was nine, collects classic Canadiana cookbooks and holds onto traditional recipes using ingredients sourced within a farmer’s reach, including natural sweeteners. From these books she has learned how to use maple in her savoury dishes as well as the sweet, like maple syrup baked beans, peameal bacon with apple cider and maple syrup, and ham baked in sap (as the sap cooks down it leaves a mild maple flavour and sweetness, says Needles). “It’s something you try because you can,” says Needles of where we live and all the sap and syrup surrounding us. “It’s always interesting to me that everything
LEFT: Creemore baker Heath Needles uses both local honey and maple syrup in her baked goods. She says better quality ingredients lead to a superior product. “There’s so much we left behind, like our common sense.” says Needles. “We’re coming around to using our brains in our cooking again.”
On The Bay
Summer 2011
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Panoramic views of the Bay as well as views over Thornbury, Georgian Peaks & the Beaver Valley from this 4000+ sq.ft. home on almost an acre of property. 6 bdrms, 4 bthrms, lrg open kitchen & sunrm w/walk out to over 1000 sq.ft. of decking to enjoy. Plus more & more… Sit back, relax, and enjoy the lifestyle the area has to offer! MLS® 20110639 $700,000.00
This brand new Rainmaker home is just outside of Thornbury. 4+1 bdrms, 3.5 bthrms, cathedral ceilings, wood burning fireplace. Lower level hosts a large family room complete with wet bar or head into the theatre room to watch a movie on the 10’6” x 5’6” screen. Enjoy views of the rolling countryside from every room in the house. MLS® 20112816 $779,000.00 Fabulous views over Georgian Bay. 5 bdrm, 4 bthrm 4,150 sq.ft. residence! Many upgrades and improvements. Large sunroom facing the Bay with 3 skylights, deck off kitchen for bbq & waterfront dining, main floor bdrm with ensuite, just a couple of the great features of this lifestyle residence.
$650,000.00 This house has got it! Backing onto the Bay, this spectacular home is nestled on a quiet cul-de-sac in Blue Shores. With cathedral ceiling and soaring windows, this spacious house has 3 bdrms & 2 bthrms. Enjoy the pleasure of a quick dip in Georgian Bay, as it’s just steps from your back yard!
On The Bay
Summer 2011
MLS® 20112875 $550,000.00
is 100 mile; my life was a 10-mile one.” Everything comes full circle and with new ‘scientific’ studies ‘revealing’ the health benefits of maple, we are being reintroduced to what most people, living in connection with the land, have always known. We’re paying attention now because we’re learning it’s good for us. “This is what people did. It’s all they had,” says Needles of ingredients like honey and maple syrup. “There’s so much we left behind, like our common sense. We’re coming around to using our brains in our cooking again.”
Honey Honey is another excellent and local alternative to sugar, with many unique properties of its own. Raw honey is a great natural source of carbohydrates, providing our bodies with strength and energy. The glucose in honey is absorbed quickly, which is great for our body’s performance and endurance, while the fructose is absorbed more slowly, providing sustained energy and reducing muscle fatigue. The next time you go for a run or a walk, try a spoonful of honey before you set out and notice the difference. Honey also keeps levels of blood sugar fairly constant compared to other types of sugar, which means you might get more of a boost from your morning cup of tea or coffee if you add honey rather than sugar. Mid-afternoon, instead of being tempted by yet another cup of coffee, try warm water with honey and lemon to keep you going. Honey also has a low glycemic index, so it makes sense for those trying to lose weight, and it is rich in antioxidants, which can protect your body from a variety of illnesses. Next time you pack your child’s lunch, or your own, why not pack a sandwich of honey, butter and ham – it’s tasty and it will boost your immune system. As if that’s not enough, honey can also treat insomnia, make your skin look and feel healthier, help wounds heal and promote digestion.
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Commercial & Residential Lawn Irrigation Solutions Al Lockhart, of the Honey House in Clarksburg, is on his way to several local apple orchards, where he hires out his bees to pollinate apple trees in blossom. Hiring bees is a reality in a world where modern commercial farms rule and wild bees, which need diverse foliage, no longer thrive in this landscape. This service supplements the Lockharts’ income from their Beaver Valley Gold Honey and the Honey House. When Keri and Al Lockhart bought the business from Keri’s father 14 years ago, they had 650 bee colonies. Today that number has been reduced to 250. “It has been somewhat purposeful, but Mother Nature helped us do that too,” says Keri of the reduced number of hives. “Mother Nature rules.” Due to increased disease and environmental factors, the Lockharts have to spend more time managing each colony to keep the bees healthy, compared to 14 years ago when the colonies basically took care of themselves. “It’s not rocket science working with bees, but it’s changing,” says Keri. “The world is changing very quickly; it’s scary. My dad used to have two to three per cent losses.” Today an Ontario beekeeper can expect 20 to 100 per cent losses because of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), a global reality for the last five to ten years. Around 2006, massive numbers of bees, here and around the world, began to disappear over the winter, leaving only the queen and a few companions in the hive. Many theories behind CCD are circulating and chances are it’s a combination of chemicals on agricultural fields, monocropping, disease and parasites (it’s even
ABOVE: Keri and Al Lockhart tend 250 bee colonies in the Beaver Valley (each of these boxes contains one colony), from which they extract pure, natural Beaver Valley Gold honey. Raw honey is a great natural source of carbohydrates, providing our bodies with strength and energy while reducing muscle fatigue.
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Summer 2011
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On The Bay
Summer 2011
been linked to cell phone usage), but without a single cause, fighting CCD is next to impossible. Whatever the cause, bees are becoming weaker and more susceptible to viruses. Not only are colonies decreasing; so, too, are the number of honey producers. The Lockharts are one of the only mid-size honey producers left in this area, making it harder for people to find local honey, and making Beaver Valley Gold a hot commodity. “We have a guy that will buy our entire crop, but we won’t sell it to him,” says Keri. “We want local people to have local honey. It’s a bit worrisome for some communities.” The Lockharts have a huge following and many of their customers are from European backgrounds. “With a lot of my lower-European customers, they still have grandma living in the house, showing them how to use things,” says Keri. She soaks up this traditional knowledge, centred on the many benefits and uses of honey, and uses it to make several bee-based products including salves, lip balms, specialty honeys and candles. Keri has also acquired a wealth of knowledge on how to use honey to replace sugar, from her upbringing around bees and honey. “We don’t have sugar in our house,” says Keri. She says the Canadian way to use honey is limited to putting it on cereal, toast and in your tea. “Honey is more beneficial than just being a sweet. It can be used for anything; that’s why it’s so much fun because you can market it in so many different ways.” Keri, like many of her clients, uses honey for everything from baking and cooking to medicine and beauty products. Sharing this knowledge, along with information on bees and the honey-making process, is a huge part of what the
Honey also keeps levels of blood sugar fairly constant compared to other types of sugar, which means you might get more of a boost from your morning cup of tea or coffee if you add honey rather than sugar. Lockharts do. The Honey House is more than just a place where honey is made and sold; it has a learning centre for drop-in customers and large groups who want to know more. Beaver Valley Gold is not pasteurized or force filtered, resulting in honey with nutrients and flavours that only nature can produce. One of the most delightful ways of enjoying honey is in its raw form. At the Honey House you will see honeycombs for sale to the left of the till. “They’re very old fashioned; it reminds people of their grandmother,” says Keri of the beautiful honeycombs. “People’s eyes light up when they talk about it. My daughter eats it with a spoon.” Heath Needles agrees; this is one of her favourite ways to enjoy honey. “I just love the pure form of honey. There are such differences in flavour depending on whether it’s clover or wildflower or depending on where it comes from. It’s not unlike wine,” she says. “Every time I travel I bring home honey. I have an omnivorous appetite for trying everything.” Beyond honey buns or honey cakes, this liquid gold is found in all sorts of recipes. “I use honey all the time,” says Needles. “It adds a depth of character to things I bake. It’s another layer of flavour.” Honey is hidden in muffins, breads, granolas, marinades, salad dressings and sauces. But honey is still a sweetener and like most things, everything in moderation. “It’s better tasting, but you can’t eat a whole cake just because it’s made with honey,” cautions Needles. In an age where we are extremely conscientious of what we put in our bodies, natural sweeteners, like maple and honey, are once again in vogue. We are fortunate to have these sweeteners available to us locally and producers who willingly and enthusiastically share their knowledge and answer questions about their products. It is important to support these producers who put in so much of their time to make sure we receive an exceptional product. Whether producing sap water, syrup or honey on a large or small scale, production is labour intensive, meaning producers care as much about their product as we care about what goes into our bodies. And what could be sweeter than that? ❧
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clothing • shoes • bags • belts • jewels ABOVE, TOP TO BOTTOM: Busy bees are hard at work in the Beaver Valley, lovingly tended by the Lockharts while wild bees around the world are mysteriously disappearing. Keri Lockhart pours some Beaver Valley Gold honey into a jar, which is sold by weight at the Lockharts’ Honey House in Clarksburg and is also available at other local shops and markets. In addition to honey, the Lockharts make other bee-related products, like these beeswax candles. Keri collects vintage honey tins showing a history of beekeeping in the area.
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On The Bay
Summer 2011
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Carol Sperandeo, owner of The Old Mill House pub in Creemore, serves food and beverages from behind the bar while socializing with her neighbours. “This is our life; it’s a lifestyle,” says Sperandeo.
Cheers! Our local pubs offer a friendly experience and a home away from home by Emily Worts photography by richard GalloWay
t’s a quarter to seven on a tuesday night and i’m feeling lucky. the wait for a table at the Beaver and Bulldog’s infamous wing night is only 20 minutes. it takes a lot for a restaurant or pub to gain a reputation like the Beaver and Bulldog’s, and it takes even more for customers to feel ‘lucky’ if they only have to wait a few minutes for a coveted table.
in an age of extreme dining consciousness, whether it’s healthy menu options or gastronomic obscurities, pub cuisine is hotter than ever. We are fortunate that at every corner of our small towns we have choices to dine italian, French, Japanese, thai, raw, indian or canadian chic, yet pub grub still rules. Pubs and their food offer the familiar. From cob salads to burgers,
On The Bay
Summer 2011
ABOVE: Gordon Price plays the fiddle at one of the Dam Pub’s many Celtic music nights. INSET: The Dam Pub offers more than 250 varieties of whiskey, and owner Stephanie Price is a ‘certified whiskey ambassador.’
Every pub has its hook, drawing people of all backgrounds and ages, and creating a bond that makes their pub their own.
wings and delicacies from the deep fryer, the food is simple but delicious. But food is just part of the equation. Specialty pub nights add to a pub’s allure. Of course people come for the cheap wings and the cool pints, but its also about recognizing faces around the bar; shaking hands with a neighbour you only see once a week, here at the pub; or catching up, if briefly, with the bartender who is multitasking at break neck speed, pouring pints, taking orders and delivering food, all while maintaining a smile that makes you feel like you’re part of the family. My date tonight at the B&B is my dad, Jim, who is a regular here on wing nights. We each pull up a stool at the circular bar, awaiting our table. The bar offers a perfect layout to take in the pub atmosphere and check out all the action. The waitress asks our name after offering hers first. Simple gestures like this add to the pub’s charm. We’re comfortable here at the bar, forego our table, and put in our order for a couple of pints, some wings, some shrimp (which are also on special), a plate of bruschetta and a plate of veggie sticks. You would think most people were here for the wings, but when I look around I notice many diners eating other items off the menu. This tells me the B & B really has it dialed in; people are dealing with lineups and crowds on the busiest night of the week only to order something other than the special. They just want to be
On The Bay
Summer 2011
a part of it all. All sorts of people are sitting around the bar. Beside my dad sits a family with two ‘tween’ boys, watching the hockey game on a screen overhead. Beside me, a group of men, of my father’s vintage, are laughing uproariously at each other’s jokes. My father regales me with stories of pub adventures past where Glenda Bigelow, a veteran pub waitress, had a friend of his, Jim McClure, ballroom dancing between tables. “I’ve been dancing with Jim for 30 years,” confirms Bigelow. Bigelow has been working at the Beaver and Bulldog since it opened eight years ago, but she has been serving people locally since 1972. Before the Beaver and Bulldog Bigelow worked the crowd at the Gateway, once a Collingwood institution, now closed. Many of her customers from the Gateway still come to see her here. “I’ve put kids in high chairs and now they have their own children,” says Bigelow. “I’ve been in the industry so long, I know so many people, I know their quirks and I know what makes them happy.” Bigelow works the bar now rather than serving tables. She says she’s better at it because of all the people she knows and the skills she has. “I greet people by name as they come in. I know where they want to be and who they want to sit with. You’ve got to know who ticks and who doesn’t,” says Bigelow. “You have to be a good listener. It’s not about you; it’s about them. It’s about looking after my customer. People like to be acknowledged. They like to feel as if they’re coming into their home away from home.” Every pub has its hook, drawing people of all backgrounds and ages, and creating a bond that makes ‘their’ pub their own. Whether a pub identifies with a certain
nationality, offers seniors’ discounts, or is an obvious choice for sports teams or moviegoers, these idiosyncracies create local watering holes with devout followers. At Windy O’Neill’s Irish Pub in the Village at Blue, an Irish theme is just part of what draws the crowds. Here 60 per cent of the staff are Irish, including kitchen and front-of-house manager Willie Ryan, making the experience that much more authentic. Ryan’s brogue is thick – he only moved to Canada, from County Offaly in Ireland, four years ago. House specialties like Irish stew and fish and chips with a homemade Harp Lager batter along with a perfect pint of Guinness complete the experience. “You’re not going to get a better pint of Guinness within a 200-kilometre radius; maybe even farther,” says Ryan. “There is a science to it.” It’s not just Irish tradition that brings people to Windy’s, and despite its location it’s not just tourists that frequent the pub. Twenty-three beers on tap and any kind of Scotch you can think of, along with live music seven days a week throughout the year and a great patio, make this pub a favourite watering hole for regulars from as far away as Stayner (that’s a long way to drive for a perfect pint). “Even in the slow season we have locals to keep us busy,” says Ryan. “We know what they’re drinking before they even order it. We know what their kids are doing, what they’re studying or where they’re travelling.” This personal connection, or what local pub owners call the ‘Cheers’ atmosphere, after the famed television sitcom, makes pubs the comfortable choice – that and the fact that patrons always know what to expect. Pub owners across the area will tell you it’s all about consistency, in food and in service. At the Leeky Canoe in Meaford, the most popular menu items are sandwiches, wings and burgers. “We’re not reinventing the wheel,” says owner Sean Crooks. “Everything on our menu
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The only thing frozen here is the bay in February
ABOVE: Thursday night is wing night at Creemore’s Old Mill House. People arrive early, grab a pint and wait for their favourite seat.
you can pronounce and you don’t need a dictionary to know what you’re getting.” Diners are comforted knowing they can have the same thing for lunch or dinner every day of the week, throughout the year, and it will always be tasty. “We’ve always tried to be a good restaurant first,” says Crooks, who sees the Leeky Canoe as a family spot, rather than a drinking hole, with food making up about 80 per cent of the restaurant’s business. The Empire Grill & Gastropub might be one of the newest pubs on the scene, but it consistently draws in regulars looking for good food and a big enough space to come with a group of friends. Tapas-sized portions and ‘gastro’ pub fare mean the pub caters to those looking for something different (such as lamb lollipops), while still indulging patrons whose tastes run toward staples like nachos. The Empire also serves full meals, including Angus steak, so every size of appetite is covered. It is important to owner Nick Cirella that he meets his regulars, some of whom come in as often as five times a week. Cirella says he, co-owner Virginia Dawson and their management staff do a lot of mingling and getting to know the customers. He adds the Empire is getting involved in local community events, and supports local musical talent by showcasing live local entertainers on Thursday and Saturday nights – resulting in the busiest nights for the pub. At the Old Mill House in Creemore, Thursday night is THE night. The first time I tried to get a table on a Thursday night, wing night, 12 of us showed up at
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Summer 2011
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On The Bay
Summer 2011
TOP: Glenda Bigelow tends the bar at Collingwood’s Beaver and Bulldog. ABOVE: The B&B’s wing night is Tuesday, featuring the standard flavours plus new twists like Australia Lemon Myrtle and Thai.
5 p.m. (when wing night starts) thinking we had beat the crowd; apparently not. People arrive early, hold off on orders, grab a pint and wait, feeling secure and happy in their sought-after seat. This is my local watering hole. I may not get to frequent it as often as I would like, but every time I do I’m not disappointed. It was here that we recently brought friends visiting from Paris. We may not be showcasing haute cuisine but we are showing them community. To walk into a pub, know the majority of people sitting around enjoying a beer and be able to boast about our local brewery just next door – it’s a perfect way to entertain our guests. On their first anniversary, the Old Mill House’s new owners, Carol and Steve Sperandeo, indulged their loyal customers with a free pancake and sausage breakfast, free coffee and cake and a dinner of burger and fries for $3.99. “We are a family-oriented pub,” says Carol. “We are not a big drinker pub.” And it was the local families the Sperandeos wanted to acknowledge and thank. “They are our neighbours; we have a special relationship with our locals because they are in here every day. People come in for birthdays and anniversaries.” The Sperandeos owned restaurants in Toronto; in fact, they met while Steve was opening his first one at the age of 22. Now they have two kids – in fact, their 19-year-old son, Marcello, works the bar. “This is something we can share and throw our passions into,” says Carol of the pub and her relationship with her family. “People ask us if we have a life outside the pub. This is our life; it is a lifestyle.” The Sperandeos each have their own strengths – while Carol and Marcello are out front socializing and pouring drinks, you can be sure Steve is just as busy in the kitchen cooking up traditional Italian recipes he has grown up with, or sitting behind the desk placing orders. “We have such a respect for each other as a family and that has translated into the pub with our staff. They are like family.” The family feel of pubs is not something that happens by accident. In most pubs you will find husband and wife owners or even parents and grown children teaming up to create the perfect atmosphere.
It takes a lot for a restaurant or pub to gain a reputation like the Beaver and Bulldog’s, and it takes even more for customers to feel ‘lucky’ if they only have to wait a few minutes for a coveted table.
Meredith Brown and her mother, Kathy Brown, have owned and operated Bridges in Thornbury for the last five years. “For myself, my mother and my father it is our social life as well as our work,” says Meredith. Creating a following requires consistency, she says, in both food quality and hours of operation. For this reason the pub is open every day except Christmas day and the doors don’t usually close until well after midnight. No matter what the hour or the day, you will always find Meredith or one of her family members on duty. Across the river, the same is true of the Dam Pub Gastropub. “My parents are my biggest supporters,” says owner Stephanie Price, whose parents, Sandy and Gord Price, are often on hand to greet guests at the pub. It was while visiting her parents’ home in Scotland that Stephanie fell in love with whiskey, taking a course that makes her a ‘certified whiskey ambassador.’ Meanwhile, Sandy and Gord went to countless auctions in Scotland, filling a container of memorabilia, which was sent back to Canada and now fills the nooks and crannies of the pub. With the help of her parents and her three teenaged children, renovating the pub became a family effort. And it was Sandy and Gord who ran the show when, six months into the business, Stephanie broke her leg so severely that doctors weren’t sure if she could keep it, laying her up for months. Since then the Dam Pub has won awards for its patio and its whiskey selection, Price and her father have been on the cover of national pub magazines and the pub will be featured on a new Food Network television show airing this fall. After more than five years in business they are adding 400 square feet to their kitchen so they will no longer have to turn diners away. “Now that we’re there we have to work hard to maintain it. I’m really proud of us,” says Price.
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Summer 2011
ABOVE: Collingwood musician Shane Cloutier and his band perform at Windy O’Neill’s Irish Pub in the Village at Blue.
To that end, Price constantly opens her mind to new and welcome ideas. The Dam Pub has become a hub of traditional Celtic music, offers songwriters’ workshops (thanks to the pub’s new general manager, Bill McKetrick, who is a songwriter and teaches similar workshops at Ryerson), holds monthly whiskey tastings, manicure and martini nights and produces a monthly newsletter. All these extras aren’t designed merely to fill the till, says Price. “It’s to add another dimension to the pub. We’re really passionate about music and people. We do well because we’re not in it for the money.”
ABOVE: Manager Willie Ryan pours the perfect pint at Windy’s, attracting local regulars from as far away as Stayner.
Price also attributes her success to thinking outside the box – whether the box is Thornbury, Ontario or even Canada. “It is becoming a destination,” Price says of the pub. “It’s not just for locals. People are making trips built around the pub. We have arranged B&Bs and hair appointments for people visiting.” With every reference to the pub, it is always “us” and “we.” Price’s family now includes her staff, most of whom have been at the pub since day one. And this extends to her customers. “It’s a relationship,” Price says of the pub business. “It’s not a quick sell. I want the customer to come back over and over and
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then they keep telling people, who tell more people.” Winning over locals and becoming part of the larger community can be a challenge in places like the Village at Blue with its transient clientele and its distance from town centres like Collingwood and Thornbury. At Rusty’s at Blue they do everything they can to attract locals, like offering discounts on drinks for locals. Rusty’s lush, green summer patio is a pretty sweet draw as well, especially if the meat smoker is going and aromas of award-winning ribs and smoked chicken create an irresistible olfactory backdrop.
Riverside Greenhouses
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On The Bay
Summer 2011
Top of Blue Mountain
ABOVE: Pub grub (like fish and chips from Windy O’Neill’s) keeps people coming back because it’s familiar, it’s tasty and it’s consistent.
But efforts have to go beyond this to become part of the larger community, and Rusty’s at Blue is big on community outreach. In addition to supporting local sports clubs Rusty’s offer up its award-winning ribs and chili for community events. In July Rusty’s teamed up with Thornbury Rotary and other community organizations to host a huge Chili Ribfest at Cedar Run Horse Park in Clarksburg, featuring cook-offs, amusement rides, a farmer’s market and concerts throughout the weekend. Rusty’s has also won the corporate sponsor award for the past two years for the local Run for the Cure, raising
ABOVE: The patio of Rusty’s at Blue is lush and green, with wonderful aromas coming from the outdoor meat smoker.
over $17,000. Extending the pub’s reach beyond its own walls only adds to the draw and the feeling of community that is so important to a pub’s success, says Heidi Lemanczyk, manager of Rusty’s at Blue, who has been in the industry for over 11 years. Across the board, pub owners sing the same tune: their establishments are all about community and consistency. For staff it may mean greeting regulars by name several times a week or recognizing a face from decades ago. For customers it means choosing their favourite watering hole because it feels like a second home where they always know what to expect.
We are creatures of habit and we don’t want our local pubs to switch up their menus seasonally or spice up their décor annually. Reliability and tradition keep us coming back. Pubs are establishments that nourish us. They feed us when we don’t feel like feeding ourselves, and there is always someone with a listening ear. A pub is as much about its owners, its staff and its clientele as it is about its food and its drink. A good pub is always filled with friendly faces, that are always happy to see you, because, (everyone sing along here), “Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name and they’re always glad you came.” ❧
On The Bay
Summer 2011
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8 Bruce Street (In the alley behind the bank, look for our new mural with the big black crow) / À LÕÀÞÊUÊx£ °x °£££ÓÊUÊÜÜÜ°LÀÕViÜ iL>À°V>
THE HURON CLUB Restaurant & Bar (circa 1880) Downtown Collingwood’s Local Lunch/Supper Club & Live Music Bar offering a “come-as-you-are” casual atmosphere. Exceptional service, exquisite menus, and live local music every Wednesday through Sunday night. Jazz and Blues Brunch Sunday's from 11- 3. Weeknights offer comfort food ‘blue plate’ specials, Sunday-Wednesday. Open 7 days a week 11am to midnight. Private room available. See you at The Club where the moment you enter, you're already a member.
94 Pine Street Collingwood 705.293.6677
> >` > Ê Ã« Ài`Ê i ÕÊ> `Ê ÕÀÊvÀ i ` ÞÊÃiÀÛ Vi°Ê7 i Ê}ÕiÃÌÃÊ>ÀÀ ÛiÊÌ iÞÊ>ÀiÊÌÀi>Ìi`ÊÌ Ê ÕÀÊ > ` VÕÌÊÀÕÃÌ VÊ« Ì>Ì ÊV «ÃÊ>VV «> i`ÊÜ Ì Ê ÕÀÊÃ>Û ÕÀÞÊÌÀÕvv iÊVÀi> Ê` «°Ê"ÕÀÊ i ÕÊV > }iÃÊ Ü Ì ÊÌ iÊÃi>à ÊLÕÌÊ ii«ÃÊÌ iÊv>Û ÕÀ ÌiÃ]Ê> `Ê> Ü>ÞÃÊÕÃiÃÊvÀià ]ÊÃÕÃÌ> >L iÊ«À `ÕVÌÃÊ> `Ê Ìi ÃÊ «À `ÕVi`Ê ÕÃi°Ê"ÕÀÊÎäÊÃi>ÌÊV âÞÊ` }Ê>Ài>Ê> `ÊÀÕÃÌ VÊi i}> ÌÊL>ÀÊV « iÌiÊ ÕÀÊ ÌÀ }Õ }Ê >Ì Ã« iÀiÊ> `Ê > iÊÞ ÕÊvii ÊÀ } ÌÊ>ÌÊ i°Ê7iÊ Û ÌiÊÞ ÕÊÌ ÊÛ Ã ÌÊ ÕÀÊV>L t
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FAST & FRIENDLY FEASTING in a casual atmosphere. Specializing in home made all day breakfast and lunches. We offer a wide variety of healthy options and cater to special dietary needs. We pride ourselves on providing a good quality meal at a fair price in an efficent friendly manner. Enjoy our bottomless coffee and the best burgers and fries in town. Serving Thornbury and surrounding area for 15 years... we know how to do it right. Eat in or take-out. Open 7am - 3pm 7 days a week.
HWY. 26 E Thornbury 519.599.5944
To advertise, contact Cheryl Armstrong, Western Sales Manager, or Shauna Burke, Eastern Sales Manager • Ph: 705.444.9192 • Fax: 705.444.5658
Special information Section
Ultimate GUide to
Bars, Cafés Dining An up-to-date listing of over 150 Bars, Cafés & Restaurants in Southern Georgian Bay
Cabin Bistro
Coffee Shop (The) Stayner, 705-428-6774
Espresso Post - Espresso Bar & Bakery
Angie`s Place Canadian Caribbean Eatery (Caribbean) Stayner, 705-428-0591
Canadian inspired cuisine with fresh, sustainable products and menu items produced in-house. 10 Keith Ave., Collingwood, 705-444-2299 See ad page 44
Ashanti Coffee Café Thornbury, 519-599-7488
Café Chartreuse Collingwood, 705-444-0099
Earth Harvest Café Meaford, 519-538-3749
Bank Café (The) Creemore, 705-520-2233
Cheese Gallery (The) Thornbury, 519-599-6699
Edenvale Café Stayner, 705-428-3112
Meaford, 519-538-3030
Breezers Café Wasaga Beach, 705-422-2488
Coffee Culture Café & Eatery Stayner, 705-428-2233
Eggcitement Bistro Meaford, 519-538-1968
Gilbert Country Café (The)
Affairs Catering Bakery & Café Creemore, 705-466-5621
Danielle’s Fine Foods (French) Flesherton, 519-924-1268 Duncan’s Café and Catering Collingwood, 705-444-5749
Award winning coffee and scrumptious pastries in a cosy European coffee-house atmosphere 139 Hurontario St. Collingwood, 705-446-1740
Georgian Bay Café
Maxwell, 519-922-1007
On The Bay
Summer 2011
U lt i mat e
Thornbury Bakery & Café
Dine-in, takeout, fresh made meals, breakfast-lunch-dinner, private & corporate catering 1470 Mosley St. Wasaga Beach, 705-429-0200 E-mail:
Beautiful wedding cakes, occasion cakes, cupcakes & pastries right here in Thornbury 12 Bruce St. S. Thornbury, 519-599-3311 E-mail:
Heavenly Sweets Café
Tremont Café (The)
Kitchen (The) Meaford, 519-538-1208 McGinty’s Café Meaford, 519-538-0092 Mill Café (The) Thornbury, 519-599-7866
Munshaw’s Bistro (Cajun & CDN) Chef inspired local cuisine, servicing satisfied customers since 1998 1 Toronto St. Flesherton, 519-924-2814 E-mail: Paula’s Pantry Collingwood, 705-445-0026 Pure Organic Food & Juice Bar (Vegan & Raw Food) Collingwood, 705-445-9990 Ravenna Country Market Ravenna, 519-599-2796 Royal Majesty Espresso Bar Bakery Village of Blue Mountain, 705-812-3476
Ruffed Grouse Bistro (The) Local menu choices; always fresh, always seasonal! Inquire about Georgian Bay Catering. 161 King Street E Thornbury, 519-599-3443 See ad page 39 Sidekicks Café Markdale, 519-986-4643
Simplicity Bistro
c an
Fron tl
Breast C
Memorable dining experience, casual atmosphere, rustic/elegant setting, great wines, draft beer. 81 King St. E. Thornbury, 519-599-5550 See ad page 40 Swiss-Canadian Bakery-Café Collingwood, 705-445-5697
On The Bay
Summer 2011
t o
Goodies Café & Catering
Award winning coffee and scrumptious desserts & lunches. 48 Pine Street Collingwood, 705-444-2005 See ad page 47
e in
GU i de
Bistro style sunny patio, weekend brunch, live jazz, oyster night, private parties. 80 Simcoe Street Collingwood, 705-293-6000 See ad page 47
Zencha Tea Bar Over 90 teas and light lunch fare in a quiet relaxed atmosphere. 166 Hurontario Street Collingwood, 705-446-0096 See ad page 47
Bars/Pubs/Wine Bars Admiral’s Post Pub (The) Collingwood, 705-445-1833
Barrhead Pub & Grill Fresh fish, local fare, patio, country setting, family friendly, WIFI, draught, specials 735198 West Back Line Markdale, 519-986-3333 Beaver & Bulldog Sports Bar & Wingery Collingwood, 705-446-9711
Bruce Wine Bar Upstairs at Bruce: small plates dining, fine wine & spirits, playfully sexy. 8 Bruce Street Thornbury, 519-599-1112 See ad page 44 CasBah Club Collingwood, 705-293-0483 Dam Pub and Restaurant (The) Thornbury, 519-599-2110 Leeky Canoe Pub & Eatery Meaford, 519-538-1377 Lounge 26 - Cranberry Collingwood, 705-445-6600 Moguls Billiards Bar & Grill Collingwood, 705-445-9913 Molly Bloom’s Irish Pub (Irish) Collingwood, 705-445-0442 Normies Bar & Grill Collingwood, 705-293-6676
C af é s
Local Fare at its Finest!
Join Us For Lunch 166 Hurontario St., Collingwood Phone: 705.446.0096 • Email: • PHOTO BY RICHARd GALLOWAY
Serving Sushi & Japanese Cuisine Sashimi
Nigiri (raw fish oN a ball of rice)
(just the raw fish)
188 First St. Collingwood 705-293-1037
Old Mill House Pub (The) Family run classic neighbourhood pub featuring famous homemade burgers handcut fries. Licensed patio. 141 Mill Street Creemore, 705-466-5244 See ad page 24 Pipers Restaurant & Tavern Thornbury, 519-599-1888 Rusty`s At Blue Bar & Barbeque Village-Blue Mountains, 705-445-2718 Station on The Green Collingwood, 705-445-6600 Studs Lonigans Pub Wasaga Beach, 705-429-6371 Twist Martini & Wine Lounge Village-Blue Mountains, 705-445-5000 Wild Wing Blue Mountain Village-Blue Mountains, 705-443-8811
Casual Dining
The ultimate destination for decadent desserts
3 Guys and A Stove Village-Blue Mountains, 705-446-3595 98 Super Panda (Chinese) Collingwood, 705-446-8098 Alphorn Restaurant (The) (Swiss) Blue Mountains, 705-445-8882
Espresso and Gelato Bar Open for Lunch Beautiful Patio
48 Pine Street, Collingwood 705-444-2005
Open 7 days a week, late Friday & Saturday
Azzurra Casual, intimate dining. Essential Italian, exemplary service, simply delicious food. BYOW 108 Pine Street Collingwood, 705-445-7771 See ad page 44 Bamboo Terrace (Chinese) Wasaga Beach, 705-429-1988
Turkeys, Dressings & Gravies, Hams, Lamb & Beef
5 Hurontario Street • 705-446-9881
We Aim To Be Your Butcher!
Bamboo Terrace (Chinese) Collingwood, 705-445-3242
Wild Wing Restaurant Wasaga Beach, 705-429-8400
Barcelos Restaurant & Grill (Mediterranean) Wasaga Beach, 705-429-3685
Windy O’Neils Irish Pub (Irish) Village-Blue Mountains, 705-446-9989
Beacon Restaurant (The) Wasaga Beach, 705-429-4433
Wongs Restaurant and Tavern (Chinese) Thornbury, 519-599-2419
Beild House Collingwood, 705-444-1522
80 Simcoe Sreet, Collingwood
Lunch and Dinner - WEEKEND BRUNCH Call For Reservations • 705 293 6000
On The Bay
Summer 2011
Ontario_On the Bay Magazine_high.pdf
4:53:30 PM
U lt i mat e
Boston Pizza Collingwood, 705-443-8776 Boston Pizza Wasaga Beach, 705-429-8646 Bridges Tavern Thornbury, 519-599-2217 C & A Steak Company Blue Mountains, 705-444-8877 Catch 22 Fresh Market Grill Collingwood, 705-446-9922 Collingwood Tandoori House (Indian) Collingwood, 705-444-8020
Copper Blues Bar & Grill Premier dining in the heart of the Village at Blue Mountain. 156 Jozo Weider Blvd. Village-Blue Mountains, 705-446-2643 See ad page 31 Donabie’s Restaurant Flesherton, 519-924-2900 East Side Mario’s (Italian) Collingwood, 705-444-8292 Empire Grill & Gastro Pub (The) Collingwood, 705-444-0920 Firehall Pizza Co. (Italian) Village-Blue Mountains, 705-444-0611 Flying Chestnut Eugenia, 519-924-1809 Fud Grill Stayner, 705-428-6666 Georgian Circle Family Restaurant Wasaga Beach, 705-429-2773 Green Mango Tree Thai Fusion (Thai) Collingwood, 705-443-8809
Hungry Sumo Japanese Cuisine (The) (Japanese) Tantalizing sushi and Japanese cuisine, casual fine dining atmosphere. 188 First Street Collingwood, 705-293-1037 See ad page 47
Huron Club Restaurant & Bar (The) Downtown Collingwood’s Lunch/Supper Club and live music bar. 94 Pine Street Collingwood, 705-293-6677 See ad page 44
On The Bay
Summer 2011
GU i de
t o
Kaytoo Restaurant & Bar Village-Blue Mountains, 705-445-4100 Kelsey’s Restaurant Collingwood, 705-444-5711 La Roma Italian Cuisine (Italian) Wasaga Beach, 705-422-0099 Little Marina Ristorante & Pizzeria (Italian) Wasaga Beach, 705-429-2626
Manor Restaurant Best breakfast buffet in town. Open 7 days a week. 10 Vacation Inn Drive Collingwood 705-445-9422 Memories Restaurant Collingwood, 705-445-6600 Montana’s Cookhouse Collingwood, 705-444-0278
Mylar and Loreta’s Restaurant We are no where but close to everywhere, we shop locally! 794112 Grey County Road 124 Singhampton, 705-445-1247 Old Town Buffet (Chinese) Collingwood, 705-444-9888 Olde Town Terrace (The) Collingwood, 705-445-6950 Oliver & Bonacini Café Grill Blue Mountain Village-Blue Mountains, 705-444-8680 Pizza Dee’s (Italian) Wasaga Beach, 705-429-7900 Pizza Delight (Italian) Meaford, 519-538-2800 Pizza Hut (Italian) Collingwood, 705-444-6666 Pizza Hut (Italian) Stayner, 705-428-8888 Pottery (The) Blue Mountains, 705-443-5509 Raven Grill (The) Thornbury, 519-599-7500 Restaurant at Knights Inn (The) (Indian & CDN) Flesherton, 519-924-3300 Rock Dell Steak House Collingwood, 705-445-3186 San Diego Italian Restaurant (Italian) Collingwood, 705-445-9876
Jozo’s Town of Blue Mountains, 705-443-5508
Siamese Gecko (The) (Thai) Collingwood, 705-446-2167
Katmanis Thai Restaurant (Thai) Wasaga Beach, 705-422-0007
SiSi On Main Thornbury, 519-599-7769
C af é s
Sovereign Restaurant (The) Well established family restaurant, specializing in European and Hungarian cuisine. 157 Mill Street Creemore, 705-466-3006 See ad page 24 Springs (The) Blue Mountain, 705-444-7776 Stevens BBQ Restaurant Markdale, 519-986-2303 Stuffed Grouse (The) Thornbury, 519-599-3443 Stuffed Peasant (The) Collingwood, 705-445-6957 Sunset Grill At Blue Mountain Blue Mountains, 705-445-4880 Swiss Chalet Collingwood, 705-445-1505 Swiss Chalet Wasaga Beach, 705-429-9950 Tesoro (Italian) Collingwood, 705-444-9230 Tholos (Greek) Village-Blue Mountains, 705-443-8311
Diners 50`s & 60`s Diner Home of the All Day Breakfast 288 Main St. Wasaga Beach, 705-422-1182 E-mail: Beaver Motel & Restaurant Thornbury, 519-599-3054 Beech’s At The Bay Wasaga Beach, 705-429-0179 Blue Water Fish & Chips Stayner, 705-428-6482 Canton Buffet Inc. (Chinese) Wasaga Beach, 705-429-0118 Captain’s Corner Fish & Chips Meaford, 519-538-0202 Chopsticks (The) (Chinese) Stayner, 705-428-0188
Dining Jong’s Restaurant Stayner, 705-428-2544 La Pizzeria Stayner, 705-428-3131 Meaford Motel & Restaurant Meaford, 519-538-5799 Mosley Street Grill Wasaga Beach, 705-429-6252 Mountain Shores Pizza Collingwood, 705-445-8706
Orchid Restaurant (The) Specializing in home made all day breakfast and lunches. 199 King Street E Thornbury, 519-599-5944 See ad page 44 Oriental Restaurant (Chinese) Meaford, 519-538-1141
Stone House on 10 Acres
Peter’s Restaurant (Chinese) Meaford, 519-538-3880 Pita Pit Collingwood, 705-444-2253 Pita Pit Village-Blue Mountains, 705-443-8814 Pizza Perfect Wings & Good Things Creemore, 705-466-2776 Stayner Burger Stayner, 705-428-6995
Privacy, sensational views and surrounded by 200 acres of nature conservancy at your door step. 6 bedrooms, 4 baths, gourmet cherry kitchen with walk out to stunning patio overlooking in-ground pool. Great room with 20ft cathedral ceilings and stone fireplace. Marble, wood and porcelain floors, oak staircase, lower level games room, geo –thermal heating. Triple garage. Great location 5 minutes south of the pretty village of Creemore, Ontario. Asking $1,595,000
81 Acre Century Farm
Sunnidale Corner Diner Clearview, 705-428-2241 Suzie’s Place Meaford, 519-538-0732 Ted’s Range Road Diner Meaford, 519-538-1788 Uncle Ming’s Restaurant (Chinese) Wasaga Beach, 705-429-2829
Georgian Bay Family Restaurant Collingwood, 705-446-0770
Brunello at 27 On Fourth Collingwood, 705-444-8322
Eat in/take out best Veal/Panzzoratis & Marinade sauce in town 1288 Mosley St Wasaga Beach, 705-429-6761
Renovated century farmhouse with views from every window filled with original woodwork and character. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room with vaulted wood ceiling, stone fireplace and walk out to a large wrap around deck overlooking the pond. Sunroom with fireplace. 76 incredible acres of rolling hills, forest, trails, stream and open meadows. Picture perfect setting. A short walk to the pretty village of Creemore, Ontario. Asking $1,550,000
Our Kitchen Table Wasaga Beach, 705-429-5094
Fine Dining
Hot Veal Hut (Portugese/Italian)
Magnificent Views, Forest, and Swimming Pond
Olde Red Hen Restaurant (The) Collingwood, 705-446-2514
Deli Family Restaurant (Greek & CDN) Meaford, 519-538-1814
Ho Ho Ho Restaurant Flesherton, 519-924-2220
76 Acre Creemore Farm
Chez Michel (French) Creemore, 705-466-3331 Falls Inn Dining Room (The) Walter`s Falls, 519-794-4388 Haisai Restaurant & Bakery Singhampton, 705-445-2748
Edwardian red brick farmhouse lovingly restored while keeping the history and character intact. Beautiful woodwork, doors, trim and staircase. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, eat in kitchen, wrap around front porch, family room with walk out, double attached garage. Private rolling acreage with spectacular views, forest, fields, trails, spring fed swimming pond, two original bank barns, set up for horses. Bruce Trail in your backyard. Minutes to Devils Glen, and Creemore. Asking $1,695,000
Creemore Hills Realty Ltd Brokerage • Independently Owned and Operated
(705)466-3070 Austin Boake Broker of Record/Owner 76 ACRE CREEMORE FARM~SPECTACULAR VIEWS On The Bay
Summer 2011
Hill House The
An unconventional Clarksburg home with views for every season by Judy Ross
photography by deRek TRask
designed a lot of this house ourselves,” says Joyce Grinton as she walks up the open staircase to the wonderfully bright and loft-like second floor with its wraparound views. “That way we have no one else to blame and we can live with our own mistakes.” But this contemporary, minimalist house set on a height of land near The Georgian Bay Club seems anything but a mistake.
On The Bay
Summer 2011
Clad in barnboard and surrounded by decking, the house enjoys total privacy on the treed hilltop. On The Bay
Summer 2011
Dental Implant Surgery & Periodontics JON D. PERLUS, B.Sc., D.D.S., Dip. Perio., M.R.C.D.(c) Diplomat of the American Society of Osseointegration Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists
COLLINGWOOD OFFICE 106 St. Paul Street 705.444.6558
TORONTO OFFICE 39 Pleasant Blvd., 4th Flr. 416.925.1856
Custom Slipcovers and Upholstery Beach House & Urban Cottage ~ Upcycle and Redefine! Beautifully crafted custom slipcovers and upholstery for your existing sofas, chairs and ottomans. Many fabrics to choose from or use your own.
OFFERING DECORATOR STYLES piping • buttons • cushions nail head trim • monograms custom headboards
If you can think it, we can do it! Joyce 705-441-7936 by appointment
the interior beams, the flooring and the exterior cladding all came from an old barn. Well worn, this rich-looking beech wood counterbalances the steel and glass and adds historic resonance to the house and its surrounding orchards.
oyce and her partner, Carl Campa, built it six years ago as a weekend retreat with the idea of eventually moving in full time. The striking structure looms over almost 100 acres of old apple orchard planted with seven different varieties – about 8,000 trees in total – which lends the property a poetic sensibility, particularly at blossom time in the spring. The hilltop setting demanded a particular kind of house; one that takes advantage of the gentle tree-dotted hills and the wide-open sky.
On The Bay
Summer 2011
101 Pretty River Parkway, Collingwood T: 705.446.3456 F: 705.446.1922
Open 7 Days Choose your
16,000 Sq. Ft. Showroom
Style • Fabric • Leather Wood • Finish
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TOP: “I just wanted peaceful,” says Joyce Grinton of her pared-down and colour-free interior. The airy open space easily accommodates as many as 60 people for a party. ABOVE: The barn-style door, a steel ‘explosion’ door from an old foundry, was discovered in the backyard of a metal shop. On The Bay
Summer 2011
Wasaga Beach Decorating
Wasaga Beach
Living Lighting
Where Solutions Come to Light Canada's Largest Source for Lighting Eclipse Shutters
50% off
until Sept 30th
707 River Rd. W., Wasaga Beach 705-429-1500 New Location as of August 22nd
Stonebridge Town Centre 1 Market Lane, Unit #3
ABOVE: Salvaged beech wood appears throughout the house, including the master bedroom’s headboard and cabinetry. A vintage tub is positioned with a view of the TV and the fireplace. RIGHT: Curtains – the only ones in the house – were put up in the guest bedroom after complaints about the early morning sun. BOTTOm RIGHT: For continuity, the same building materials were used throughout the house. In this guest bathroom, old barn beams outline the steam shower.
NEW Complimentary
In-Home Design Service
On The Bay
Summer 2011
Beneath soaring ceilings is an open concept living/dining room, a funky kitchen created from simple, low-maintenance building materials, as well as a master bedroom suite with a fireplace and a 100-year-old claw-foot tub.
We specialize in manufacturing and installation of stone countertops. NBSCMF t HSBOJUF t POZY DFSBNJD t NPTBJD bathroom & kitchen accessories
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A Master Electrician will do the job right. Travis Ayton-Lee brings full Masters credentials, 12 years experience here in the Georgian Triangle and his dedication to professional excellence to your electrical project. A big job or a little fix, call on CurrentPower to get the job done right.
Solar Installations Home Automation Additions & renovations Service & panel upgrades Service calls
Travis Ayton-Lee Master Electrician Fully Insured ECRA #7007388
On The Bay
Summer 2011
Above Left: An oak dining table from Quebec is surrounded by simple Parson’s chairs. Chairs and sofas throughout are slipcovered for easy care. Above Right: Stone on the kitchen island countertop (and some of the floors) is from owen Sound Ledgerock. Desiron in thornbury made the iron and wood bar stools.
They did have an architect, John Stephenson, an old fraternity buddy of Carl’s, who lived and practiced (at FORM Architecture Engineering) in Thunder Bay. He designed the house based on photos and a lot of phone calls back and forth, but never actually visited the site. “We sent him lots of pictures of the property and the views, and we knew that we wanted to set the house looking due north toward Georgian Bay,” explains Carl, an engineer who involved himself in the building process. “He knew instinctively the look we were after.” The couple wanted a rough industrial esthetic with lots of glass, steel and stone; nothing too new or shiny. But given the bucolic
The couple wanted a rough industrial esthetic with lots of glass, steel and stone; nothing too new or shiny. But given the bucolic country setting, the architect chose to soften the interior by using salvaged barn wood beams as the skeletal structure.
Quality Of Homes Should Never Be Second Best RETIRE IN MEAFORD On the beautiful shores of Southern Georgian Bay • Attached brick bungalows with full basement & attached garage • Maintenance free living for adults 55+ • Community centre with indoor pool for your private enjoyment
Welcome Home...
Starting at $199,900 278 Graham Street, Meaford
On The Bay
Summer 2011
For details call 519.538.2424 or visit us online at
Above Left: Details like this metal utensil bar give the kitchen an industrial edge. Above Right: An oversized glass pendant, from Atelier in toronto, balances the large table.
country setting, the architect chose to soften the interior by using salvaged barn wood beams as the skeletal structure. The interior beams, the flooring and the exterior cladding all came from an old barn. Well worn, this rich-looking beech wood counterbalances the steel and glass and adds historic resonance to the house and its surrounding orchards. The history of the property involves one of America’s most famous stock investors. Sir John Templeton (1912 – 2008) who established Templeton Growth Ltd., one of the first mutual funds, lived here in the early 1950s. He had been born (of British parents) in Tennessee but was working in New York when he somehow found his way to this remote property overlooking Georgian Bay. Allegedly he came to escape the possibility of an atom bomb attack, a prevailing fear in the U.S.
at the time. He built a small Swiss-style house on this hilltop, planted nine fruit trees (wild cherry, plum and pear), and lived here for many years spending his time reading and writing. The apple orchards had previously been planted and were tended by Sake Dykstra, who eventually bought the property and house from Templeton. “When we bought from Mr. Dykstra 10 years ago, the old Templeton house was still here,” recalls Joyce. “Dykstra had been renting it to itinerant workers who came from Mexico to pick apples, but it had been let go and was infested with mice and flies, so we had no choice but to tear it down.” The couple did save a few relics from the house, including wooden shutters inscribed with religious decrees. Templeton was a devout Presbyterian, famous for starting his mutual
Feast your eyes on your new GE Café™ kitchen, a gathering spot for your close friends and family. It’s designed to create an atmosphere where people want to be, so that great food and friends can come together.
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Summer 2011
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On The Bay
ECRA/ESA #7003062
Summer 2011
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Above: The staircase leading to the upper living area has wire mesh instead of railings. To counter the neutral palette of the interior, the owners chose colourful paintingss like this one by local artist Andrew Peycha that depicts their orchard in springtime. LefT: Another set of stairs leads to the rooftop loft. boTTom LefT: A room with a view.
fund’s annual meeting with a prayer. For his quaint little hideaway house in Grey County he surrounded himself with such comforting maxims as “For all we have dear God is but a trust from Thee.” The five inscribed shutters are now stored in the basement with plans to “someday do something with them.” In the meantime, the house continues to evolve, as do the gardens with Templeton’s nine fruit trees. “Well”, Joyce says ruefully, “we keep losing control of the gardens.” There is an outdoor fire pit encircled by Muskoka chairs where the couple can enjoy the closeness of the night sky. Carl hopes to turn part of the basement into a wine cellar and Joyce would like to add a silo structure to one side of the house to hold their hot tub, which now sits on the west-facing deck, partially obstructing their sunset view. The ground entry level has an open living space with a high, efficiency woodburning fireplace (efficient enough to heat the whole house if the propane truck can’t make it up the steep lane). For the most part a propane furnace keeps the house cosy in winter despite the chilling winds that blow in from the north. Exposed galvanized vents, a foot in diameter, circle the interior, adding an industrial vibe and providing an effective heating and cooling system. Also on the ground floor are two guest bedrooms and a full bathroom. Joyce and Carl often sit by the downstairs fireplace to have their scotch on winter nights but otherwise they live almost entirely on the second floor. There, beneath soaring ceilings, they have an open concept living/dining room, a funky kitchen created from simple, low-maintenance building materials, as well as a master bedroom suite with a fireplace and a 100-year-old claw-foot tub. The interior is almost totally devoid of colour. The sofas are slipcovered in white cotton, the walls are white, the materials are all natural – the only colour is On The Bay
Summer 2011
Above: After the sun goes down the hot tub goes on. Left: A perfect deck for two to dine al fresco. beLow Left: Cedar Muskoka chairs encircle an open fire pit on the north side of the house.
There’s a deck for every season, for every time of day, for every shift of the wind, and many indoor nooks in which to sit and look out.
in the artwork. “I just want peaceful,” explains Joyce. “After years of selling real estate in the city I got sick of colour and too many collections, too much stuff – now I keep it simple and spare.” Besides, the views are more important than the furnishings and all the sight lines are specially designed to take advantage of the surroundings. With no privacy issues, all but one of the windows are uncovered. There’s a deck for every season, for every time of day, for every shift of the wind, and many indoor nooks in which to sit and look out. A set of ladder-like stairs leads up to a small loft in the roof peak where two canvas deck chairs are positioned facing east. “We come up here in the fall,” says Carl, “just to see the Harvest moon come up over the mountain.” It’s a setting, as Sir John Templeton discovered, that lends itself to thoughtful inspiration. ❧
On The Bay
Summer 2011
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Photos by Reinhold Jagow
On The Bay
Summer 2011
the Bay
The clear blue waters of Georgian Bay hold the secrets to many maritime mysteries by Scott Birke A snorkeller and some scuba divers explore the wreck of the Sweepstakes in shallow (20 feet), clear and protected waters near Tobermory. The Sweepstakes was stranded near Cove Island in 1885 and towed to Big Tub Harbour, but sank before it was completely salvaged. While a small portion of the stern deck has collapsed, most of the hull, deck, centreboard, windlass and some of the railing is still intact and in place.
On The Bay
Summer 2011
On The Bay
Summer 2011
or everyone aboard the steamship Mary Ward, the evening of November 24, 1872 began like many others on Georgian Bay – calm waters, bright moonlight and celebration – but by early morning, eight lives onboard would be lost in one of the most famous maritime tragedies of the region. The 139-foot shipping vessel was on its last run of the season, with Collingwood its destination, and after mistaking the lights of a Craigleith guest house for those of the port, the ship ran aground in the shallow waters off that part of the Bay. To make matters worse, as help was on its way to shore to get tugboats, an incoming early-winter storm brought huge waves and panic.
The ‘ribcage’ of the Mary Ward lies in shallow water off the shore of Craigleith. “It’s huge – it’s 85 feet long, at least 25 feet wide, and all the beams are there,” says Richard Bowering, a local guide who pinpointed the wreck’s location and now offers snorkelling and sight-seeing tours to the wreck in kayaks and Zodiacs. INSET: The Mary Ward in better days.
Photo by Herman Koeslag, Eye in The Sky Photography
Inset photo courtesy of The Collingwood Museum Collection X974.496.1
Now in its final resting place in less than 10 feet of water about four kilometers off shore, the Mary Ward is not only part of the region’s maritime lore, its relative accessibility is making it a popular tourist destination. The captain and crew abandoned ship in one of the lifeboats, and eventually reached shore safely. Eight of the remaining passengers attempted to do the same but the lifeboat capsized at launch. Some drowned immediately as they hit the frigid early winter waters; others gradually succumb to its icy grip. Seeing little choice after that catastrophe, the remaining seamen stayed on board and were rescued the next day by a pair of Meaford fishermen, Frank Moberly and Capt. George Collins, whose names now adorn a plaque on the shore of Northwinds Beach at Craigleith. It’s a tragic tale known all too well by long-time residents and local historians. Now in its final resting place in less than 10 feet of water about four kilometers off shore, the Mary Ward is not only part of the region’s maritime lore, its relative accessibility is making it a popular tourist destination. The clear blue waters of Georgian Bay and beautiful views of the Blue Mountains don’t hurt either. “It’s huge – it’s 85 feet long, and at least 25 feet wide, and all the beams are there. You’re just looking at a ribcage of a boat,” says Richard Bowering, owner of one Eagle Adventure Experiences, the first local operator to take the public out by kayak to the Mary Ward. “I’m a scuba diver and I’ve dived all over the world, diving down 30 to 120 feet to get to a wreck, and here it is, in six to eight feet of water.” While Bowering insists he didn’t discover the wreck – local fishermen have always known its location, as its shallow grave has long been a nuisance to them – he was the first local guide to find it. He stumbled upon its boiler and condenser by sheer accident seven years ago, ironically as unexpectedly rough weather came in and forced him to take shelter in a rocky area in the lee of the reef. “It was pretty shallow out there so I was riding up on the crest of the waves and crashing down trying to avoid the rocks. All of a sudden I landed on what I thought was a rock and the rock had a hatch on it. It was the boiler. That, of course, got me all excited to start looking for the wreck that I’d read about.” His search for the rest of the Mary Ward took him another year of unsuccessful attempts impeded by a combination of misinformation and an optical illusion called a “parallaxing effect” (a difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight) caused by the water’s ripples. “Well like me, people find the boiler and the condenser and I figured the wreck had to be somewhere around there – and it’s not there,” Bowering says. “It’s been pushed over the reef to the other side, and it’s nestled in a little cradle – a beautiful little setting for it. And the coordinates on the Internet were all wrong. “I must’ve passed over it a dozen times and just not noticed it. But this day was perfectly calm and the water was flat as a board – and there she was, all 85 feet of her. The prop, the drive train, the flywheel were all there. It was a very exciting moment.” It’s this excitement Bowering shares with his guests who reach the Mary Ward by either kayak or zodiac, and are then encouraged to explore her wreck by snorkel. It has become such a popular visitor activity that Eagle Adventure Experiences and another operator, Free Spirit Tours, offer regular, sometimes daily, tours to the site. On The Bay
Summer 2011
ABOVE & INSET: One of the many wrecks located in Tobermory’s Fathom Five Marine Park is the 131-foot Arabia. She took on water and sank in heavy seas in 1884 near Echo Island at a depth of 105 feet. The impressive bow has the jib-boom still in place (often mistakenly called the bow-sprit) along with three anchors. The hull is intact with the exception of the back 100 feet of the deck.
“You will see things in the Great Lakes that you will not see anywhere else in the world. We have over 7,000 shipwrecks, and we’ve only found less than a quarter of them. Some of them will never be found.”
n addition to the famed Mary Ward, Southern Georgian Bay has its share of wrecks – both steamers and schooners – littered around its shoals, which are now explored by scuba divers from nearby Midland and Penetanguishine. Each has its own incredible story. On the Northwest side of Christian Island lies the 349-foot steel freighter, the Mapledawn, in 10 to 30 feet of water, its cargo of barley long lost, along with most of its on-board usable machinery. Snorkelers and scuba divers can still see winches, chains, engines, massive boilers and the propeller – the Mapledawn’s only remnants. The shores of nearby Hope Island hold the wrecks of several vessels, two of which are the Lottie Wolf and the Michigan. The Lottie Wolf, a 126-foot schooner, which set sail from Chicago to Midland with a cargo of corn, sits in about 18 feet of water just 450 feet from the lighthouse dock on the island’s northeast corner. It struck a rock in a storm in 1891 and was run aground deliberately to avoid sinking in the deeper surrounding waters. And in similarly shallow waters off the northwest side of the island lies the wreck of the giant barge the Michigan, which also met its fate at the hands of Hope Island rocks in a storm. It now offers divers incredible sights of its still intact machinery, including giant gears, over a massive area about 15 feet deep. But nowhere in Georgian Bay is the concentration of shipwrecks greater than
On The Bay
Summer 2011
in Tobermory, at the northernmost tip of the Bruce Peninsula, where the waters of Georgian Bay meet Lake Huron. On one of the major shipping routes of the Great Lakes, its shallow limestone shoals and unpredictable storms created a treacherous mix that, combined with the early navigational equipment used on 19th and early 20th century vessels, caused many to meet their end, creating one of the greatest collections of wrecks in the world.
olidified as the Canada’s first National Marine Conservation Area in 1987, Tobermory’s Fathom Five Marine Park is an international dive destination that covers and protects nearly all of the region’s 22 shipwrecks. There’s a great variety of vessels, from the shallow 218-ton Sweepstakes and nearby steamer City of Grand Rapids in Big Tub Harbour – both popular with snorkellers, kayakers and glass bottom boaters – all the way to the 110-foot deep Arabia, which is accessible to only very experienced divers due to its extreme depth and sometimes low visibility. Larry Graham, who owns and operates Tobermory’s oldest dive shop, Diver’s Den with his wife Lynn, knows them all well – he’s been diving them since the late ’80s. But he declares the Arabia the area’s greatest wreck to dive.
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“[The Arabia] is an amazing dive,” says Graham. “When you come down the line and you first see it looming in the distance, it’s like the ship could be brought to the surface and sailed off. It’s so intact with the bow spread, the jib boom and the anchors in place and the chains hanging down. It’s just an awesome sight.” For the most part, though, the area is so popular because while its waters are cold, visibility within them is incredible, sometimes rivalling those of warmer climes. “The water clarity is increasingly becoming much like the Caribbean,” continues Graham. “We’ve had occasions where the minimum we’ve had was 50 feet visibility, and we’ve had as much as 200 foot visibility, but it’s nothing for us to get 100 feet of visibility.” Acclaimed marine historian Cris Kohl, who literally wrote the book on diving the Great Lakes, echoes many of Graham’s sentiments. His The Great Lakes Diving Guide is what many coldwater divers refer to as their dive “bible” for the region. “Tobermory is the number one scuba diving destination in the Great Lakes,” proclaims Kohl. “They’ve done an absolutely amazing job with keeping a high profile of the high concentration of those shipwrecks in the public eye.” While researching wrecks for his publishing company, Seawolf On The Bay
Summer 2011
warm saltwater divers usually flock to, we really do have something up here to be incredibly proud of as far as the scuba scene goes. Truk Lagoon, made famous by Jacques Cousteau in a 1971 documentary, proclaims it’s the shipwreck capital of the world. But it’s got nothing on Georgian Bay, says Kohl. “Yeah, they’ve got about 50 shipwrecks from one incident in World War II,” Kohl says. “They’re all Japanese wrecks – one type of shipwreck – whereas in the Great Lakes we have old wooden schooners, we have steel freighters, we have tugboats, we have barges. We have a great variety of well-preserved wrecks, because there are no Teredo Worms [also known as ‘shipworms’ or ‘termites of the sea’] in freshwater like there are saltwater, that eat the wood.”
it’s an absolutely amazing experience,” he says. “You will see things in the Great Lakes that you will not see anywhere else in the world. We have over 7,000 shipwrecks, and we’ve only found less than a quarter of them. Some of them will never be found.” So with all these shipwrecks in the bodies of water all around us, is there any chance of hitting it rich with sunken treasure? Kohl says that idea’s not plausible for a couple of reasons. “People often think ‘Oh, let’s go diving on shipwrecks; maybe we can find some treasure.’ But I have yet to see a coin on a shipwreck in the Great Lakes,” he exclaims. “We didn’t exactly have the Spanish Armada or treasure-laden fleets going through the Great Lakes on their way back to Spain. What we had were workhorses, that carried bulk cargoes of iron ore, coal, lumber and grain for the most part.” Besides, even if you did find it, it’s also illegal and frowned upon by the diving community. In a move to preserve its “submerged cultural resources,” the province of Ontario and all eight American states lining the Great Lakes have enacted legislation that makes it illegal to remove anything from a wreck. While Kohl’s diving experience is exhaustive, there’s still one ship he hasn’t been to yet, but has always wanted to explore – the elusive Mary Ward. “I have not been to the Mary Ward yet; in fact that’s on my list for this summer,” Kohl says. “I want to see if I can find someone who knows exactly where this is; otherwise you can spend a lot of time and frustration going out there and trying to find it. So if I can find somebody in the Craigleith area who knows exactly where the remains are, I’d love a chance to dive on it and photograph it.” We think we may know just the guy to take him there. ❧
“The water clarity is increasingly becoming much like the Caribbean,” continues Graham. “We’ve had occasions where the minimum we’ve had was 50 feet visibility, and we’ve had as much as 200 foot visibility.” they love the tropics, they see great value in what’s under the cold waters of the Great Lakes. “I’ve been fortunate to explore shark-infested shipwrecks off North Carolina and the Florida Keys,” says Kohl. “We spent a month diving the wrecks in Hawaii, but that’s probably a once a year trip, and if that’s all you got your certification card for, then you’re missing out on an awful lot. That’s why I started writing books on the Great Lakes 26 years ago.” It’s a trade-off, he adds. “We don’t have the colourful fish, the brightly-coloured coral reefs and the warm water with 200 feet of visibility, but we do have the best-preserved shipwrecks in the world.” While the Great Lakes are very different than the
Well maintained attractive landscaping, triple car garage & barn in excellent condition. Original farmhouse has been modernized, updated & complimented by recent additions. Everything about this home has been well planned & well executed. 50 acres w/picturesque pond & paved driveway too! All season enjoyment awaits. This property has only been on the market twice in 150 years. Nestled in The Hills of Creemore.
ohl adds that if you have a sense of maritime history, or history in general, and you like ships and the dramatic stories of the sinking of these ships, it makes the exploration of shipwrecks, however you’re exploring them, that much more exciting. “To be able to see these ships that people worked on, walked the decks of, and steered the wheel of, after they’ve been under water for 110, 130, 150 years,
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On The Bay
Summer 2011
Photo by Gary Coulter
Communications, Kohl and his wife and partner Joan Forsberg have been diving in Tobermory and other parts of Georgian Bay countless times. And while
The barge King met her demise near Tobermory while under tow by another ship in 1901. Here, a diver checks out the rudder, which rests in 20 feet of water near the stern.
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On The Bay
Summer 2011
History Mysterious “vessel” discovered at the bottom of Collingwood harbour by Christine Cowley
Seen from the air, the outline of the west gate of Collingwood’s original dry dock could easily be mistaken for a sunken ship. Photo: Tim Debenham, 2008.
On The Bay
Summer 2011
The west gate was 105 feet wide, with tapered ends and a wide steel belly. In its present state, the hatches that had once opened and closed are undoubtedly filled with sediment and seaweed creating an impression of a solid mass, hence the “sunken vessel” that Parsons and Debenham spotted from the air.
from the west dry dock of the former Collingwood shipyards. “It’s the west gate,” Vuckson exclaimed, “also called the #1 dry dock gate in my time. When you asked me about a ship I couldn’t for the life of me think what it might have been, so close to the shoreline. But then a story from my own past suddenly came back to me and it all made sense. I was born and raised in Collingwood. In 1963, I was a 15-year-old office boy working part-time in the shipyards. I asked George Williams, one of the pump house technicians, ‘What ever happened to the west gate you used to tie up at the dry dock?’ He told me it had been sunk ‘out there’ in the harbour. It was just a tidbit of history stored in my memory until now.” Further investigation through ship historian Skip Gillham and long-time residents Don Boone and Charlie Brough confirmed Vuckson’s story. But what exactly was the west gate and how was it used? Charlie Brough explains: “When a ship came in for repairs it had to be berthed in the dry dock and the water siphoned out so the men could work on it. The ship would pull in and then the gate, which was originally made of wood and iron, was closed behind it by means of a winch. There were no hinges: the gate slid into notches on either side of the dry dock and
the bottom of it rested on the concrete sill of the dry dock.” Vuckson explains how the dry dock worked: “After the gate was secured, the water in the dry dock was pumped out. Once the dry dock was empty, the pressure of the water on the opposite side of the gate held it in place. When it was time to refloat the ship, several men walked out onto the gate and using iron bars they cranked open several hatches in the gate, below water level. I recall how fascinating it was to watch the bay pour back into the dry dock.” Brough recalls repairs made to the west gate. “I remember working on it. The wooden hatches eventually got worn out and we replaced those timbers a number of times. Over the years some of the rotted timber had fallen down inside the hollow gate and it became too heavy; it didn’t float very well.” By the early 1960s, the wood and iron construction of the older gates had been surpassed by lighter, longerwearing steel. The worn-out west gate was dragged out and sunk, upside down, just beyond the entry to the harbour. In a day when such practices were not uncommon, the decision to sink the gate was undoubtedly less remarkable than it would be today. Throughout its long history, Collingwood’s shipyard tradition was a mainstay for employment both inside and outside the industry. “When the shipyard is working, Collingwood is working,” was a well-worn phrase for decades. But by the mid-1980s the worldwide shipping industry was in serious decline. In Canada, news broke that federal government contracts for Great Lakes ships, known as lakers, were at an end. The St. Lawrence
Photo from private collection of Herb Hall.
sunken ship in Collingwood’s harbour? In August 2008, Tara Parsons, site manager at The Shipyards housing development in Collingwood, thought she might have spotted a sunken ship in the harbour area, several hundred yards northwest of Collingwood’s former launch basin. “We frequently take flights over the harbour and out over the Mary Ward wreck to look at different aspects of the Bay and take photographs,” explains Parsons. “Tim Debenham, our site superintendent, and I were flying over the site and I wanted to swing in over the harbour. As the pilot swung around, I noticed something under the water and I said, ‘Wait a minute. There’s something I’ve never seen before.’” The pilot dipped in and made three more passes while Debenham took photographs. The three agreed that the shape of the object from the air resembled the outline of a ship – they could make out what appeared to be the ribs of a ship’s belly and what looked like a mast. The bowed shape of it, tapered at each end, and its location just outside the entrance to the harbour, indicated the possibility of a sunken vessel. Eager to solve the mystery, the photographs taken from the air were immediately sent to the Collingwood Museum and also shown to a number of long-time residents, but initial enquiries yielded no clues. Finally, a conversation with former Collingwood resident David Vuckson, now a resident of Victoria, B. C., turned up immediate – and intriguing – results. It turns out that the mysterious sunken “vessel” is actually a gate
ABOVE: “Nearing the end of the 19th century, the dry dock, under the ownership of the Collingwood Steel Shipbuilding Company was a hive of activity, with six steam ships and a tug boat, the Reliance, under the early 1900s the larger ships of the new century had outgrown Collingwood’s once unequalled dry dock.” From Butchers, Bakers and Building the Lakers: Voices of Collingwood. In this photograph from the early 1900s, the original gate is visible behind the ship under repair in the dry dock.
Seaway was deemed too risky for military ships that would have no access to open water in the event of an attack. The final contract awarded to the Collingwood Shipyards was for the Sir Wilfrid Laurier, an icebreaker built for the Canadian Coast Guard Service, launched on December 6, 1985. On September 12, 1986, the last whistle of the Collingwood Shipyards—three long blasts and two short, the signal for a ship leaving port—ended 103 years of the town’s proudest tradition. The west gate was 105 feet wide, with tapered ends and a wide steel belly. In its present state, the hatches that had once opened and closed are undoubtedly filled with sediment and seaweed creating an impression of a solid mass, hence the “sunken vessel” that Parsons and Debenham spotted from the air. “I’m still intrigued,” says Parsons, when the solution to the mystery is revealed. “I enjoy snorkelling and I think it will be fun to just poke around and investigate that west gate. It’s a little bit of history that has come back to us.” Given this was the #1 gate, is there a #2 gate awaiting rediscovery? According to our sources, #2 gate from the east dry dock was eventually scrapped in Thunder Bay. Or so the story goes. ❧ On The Bay
Summer 2011
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Southern Georgian Bay continues to offer new and unique shopping and culinary experiences, along with new service providers to meet every need. Here are some of the latest business openings worth checking out. by Janet Lees
opening photo by aLLison Kennedy
ABOVE: The Waggin’ Tail Café’s Joyce Taylor in her happy place, surrounded by dogs and their guardians at her new Meaford dog-friendly café. Pictured are English Bull Terriers Elvira and Ciara, and Sally the Standard Poodle. On The Bay
Summer 2011
On The Bay Magazine is pleased to donate this space to a deserving charity or non-profit in our community. For more information, please contact Jeffrey Shearer, Publisher, at (705) 444-9192.
WORDstock ...spread the word
September 09 –10, 2011
Collingwood AM Roofing Simcoe Bluewater Owners Tim Demers and Roger Haviland have taken a third-generation family-owned business (it dates back to 1956) and turned it into a going concern covering most of Southern and Central Ontario with locations in Owen Sound, Fergus and now Collingwood. AM Roofing specializes in fibreglass laminated shingles and cedar, and is also a certified installer of Enviroshake®, a composite product made from 95 per cent reclaimed materials designed to look like cedar yet providing enhanced durability, longevity and performance at a lower cost than the real thing. Another unique product for AM Roofing is Dec-K-ing – a walkable, waterproof membrane with the look of marble. “It’s an alternate solution to an exterior deck,” says Demers. “It looks nice, and you don’t have to build a deck over it.” AM also installs eavestroughs, soffit, fascia and insulation. The office, on Hwy. 26 in Collingwood, is also a showroom. “It’s a beautiful space where people can come in and look at samples,” says Demers. “Or they can call us and we’ll go to them and provide a free written estimate.” 9485 Hwy. 26, Collingwood (705) 445-3540
l A literary festiva
written celebrating the ord and spoken w
WORDstock A festival celebrating WORDS and ... read the word LITERARY sp ARTS in written and other September 09 –10,that 2011 artistic forms of expression you won’t want to miss.
The Artist’s Den Jewellery & Fine Art Studio Mark Berens is the painter; Donna Michelle is the jewelry maker. Together, they display their creations in this funky gallery on Simcoe Street in Collingwood. Berens’ paintings are landscapes in oil depicting scenes from the lower Georgian Bay area, with lots of water and windswept trees. Berens used to display his work at Collingwood’s Level Gallery, and when that gallery closed he started thinking about opening his own studio. Michelle’s one-of-a-kind jewelry is silversmithed with a natural, organic sensibility. Her hand-crafted sterling silver pendants portray wood grain, leaves, pinecones and trees in a delicate yet powerful celebration of nature. She also uses semi-precious stones, beads and vintage parts to fashion unique signature pieces. “Her work is more like art than jewelry,” says Berens. The pair met several years ago at a group art show in Toronto and became partners in life and in art. As Berens puts it, they gather inspiration from nature and from each other (many of Michelle’s silver pieces portray windswept trees similar to those in Berens’ paintings). They are recent transplants to the Collingwood area, and Berens says they look forward to becoming part of the local artistic community. The studio will hold its grand opening August 13 and 14. Open Thurs. to Sat. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sun. noon to 5 p.m. 31 Simcoe Street, Collingwood (705) 351-2894
David Hillis Salon Town Of Collingwood
Collingwood Public Library
al A literary festiv
written celebrating the ord and spoken w 74
On The Bay
Summer 2011
David Hillis has packed up his scissors and brought his Toronto hairstyling talents to Collingwood. After 16 years as owner of a salon at Yonge and Eglinton, Hillis and his wife Dana decided on a change in lifestyle. They’d been coming to their Georgian Bay cottage as weekenders for the past 15 years, and while their first thought was to open a second salon in this area, once they started the new venture they soon made the choice that this was where they wanted to be full-time. David is Sassoon trained and has cut the hair of many big-city mucky-mucks, as well as with visiting Hollywood stars like Mel Gibson, Vanessa Redgrave and director Cameron Crowe. Dana manages the new salon while David focuses on cutting and styling for women, men and kids. Stylist Jason Krisman and Loreal colour technician Shelly Camilleri round out the team. “We will be adding more stylists,” says Dana, adding she is also undergoing training to become a colourist. The Hillises are thrilled that the business didn’t miss a beat, with new local clients joining long-time patrons who still make the trek up from the city to have David work his magic on their hair. “They make a holiday of it,” says Dana. “They love the area.” The salon carries the Label.m professional haircare line from England, as well as John Masters Organics. Open Tues. to Fri. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 104 Hume Street, Collingwood (705) 293-3388
Designs by Consign Our newest consignment shop already has the town buzzing. Located in the busy Cranberry Mews shopping centre, Designs by Consign sells gently used furniture and décor items. While the original owner may be finished with a sofa, dining room suite, bedroom ensemble, lamp or mirror, the items still have lots of life left, says Lorraine McDonald, who co-owns the store with Barbara Boothe and Madelyn Fisher. “We get a lot of people coming in who are downsizing or moving to Collingwood from the city, and the items they have no longer fit their new home,” says McDonald. “Most of the items are high-end and are like brand new.” The seller gets 60 per cent of the selling price if the article sells within a month. If it doesn’t sell in 30 days, the price is discounted 15 per cent, and after 60 days there is a further 10 per cent discount. The store is set up in small room-style vignettes so it’s easier to imagine an item in your home. Inventory changes daily, with new pieces always coming in and existing items being discounted. “It’s a shopping experience,” says McDonald. “People are amazed when they come in, and there are lots of people who are in the store two or three times a week to see what has arrived.” She adds local designers have also become regulars. “We’re also getting business from stagers who buy from us to stage a home that’s for sale and then sell the items back when they’re finished.” Both buyers and sellers must arrange their own delivery to and from the store, but McDonald and her partners have a list of local movers who can do the job. Larger pieces like pianos and pool tables are photographed and sold through Designs by Consign’s website. Open Mon. to Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 10 Keith Ave. (Cranberry Mews), Unit 201, Collingwood (705) 293-3393
Expedia Cruiseshipcenters Collingwood Douglas and Brenda Fry have travelled the world and now, as franchise owners of the new Expedia Cruiseshipcenters in Collingwood, the Frys want to give others a great travel experience. “We’ve lived overseas for five or six years and we’ve done 60 or 70 countries in our lifetime, so if you want to go to South Africa or Thailand or Nepal, we’ve been there,” says Douglas. The Frys retired four years ago and moved to Collingwood, then decided they still wanted to work. “We looked at the demographic up here and the trend is that there are a lot of cruisers or potential cruisers,” notes Douglas. Expedia Cruiseshipcenters’ cruise consultants go through specialized cruise ship training, and because the company as a whole buys so many cruise packages, each franchise is able to offer special pricing similar to a volume discount. But the Frys and their staff go far beyond simply booking a cruise. “We specialize in cruises, but we’re a full-service travel agency,” explains Douglas. “We can package anything up, so if your cruise starts in Istanbul or Barcelona and you want to spend 24 or 48 hours in the point of departure before or after your cruise, we can help you. We have one couple going from Hong Kong to Athens, and another customer going from Prague to Budapest to Switzerland, and we can arrange air, car, hotel and travel insurance. There are so many options available.” Whether or not they book your next vacation, the Frys and their staff want to meet you. “This is a fun office,” says Douglas. “We want people to come in and talk to us rather than calling us or emailing us. Come in, sit down and have a coffee and a conversation. Tell us where you want to go. There’s no pressure.” Open Mon to Friday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 13 Hurontario Street, Collingwood (705) 293-0930
The Healing Spoon Judy Larsen is a vegetarian on a mission. In addition to teaching vegetarian cooking classes at Loblaws Cooking School in Collingwood, she also offers a personal chef service. She’ll come to your home and prepare 20 meatless meals right in your kitchen, leaving your fridge full and your kitchen spotless; she does all the shopping, chopping and cleaning up. Each meal includes a card with health information and cooking instructions. The cost for a family of four is $350 plus HST and the cost of groceries ($290 plus for 20 meals for two). She can also provide weekly or bi-weekly meal preparation, cooking lessons and catering or cooking classes for group parties. But what Larsen really loves to do is educate people about the health benefits of a meatless diet. Many of her clients have health issues such On The Bay
Summer 2011
as celiac disease, food allergies, diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity. “I teach them how to transition into this type of diet.” While Larsen’s passion begins and ends with food, she also teaches Feng Shui, or as she puts it, “I work with people to get their homes in good shape as well as their bodies.” And she teaches mindfulness meditation to help people learn how to eat mindfully as well as to help children deal with anger and behaviour issues. “That’s the soul part.” (705) 445-8778 Cell: (705) 443-1572
Creemore My Pullover Stacey Karsgaard has always worked in retail, mostly for department stores in the U.K. So when she moved to Creemore from Toronto in November, she decided the time had come to fulfill her dream of opening her own ladies’ clothing boutique. My Pullover is the realization of that dream, specializing in relaxed styles and natural fabrics, or, as Karsgaard puts it, “good quality relaxed clothing that you can wear at the cottage but still look stylish.” My Pullover carries mostly Canadian designers, including Preloved (Toronto), Alternative Apparel (Vancouver), Eve Gravel and Melow (Montreal). “We have a lot of linen knits that are very stylish and you don’t have to iron them; lots of leggings, jeans and screen prints, some made from recycled fabrics; everything has a bit of a story. It’s either made locally or picked up at one-of-a-kind shows. The store is eclectic, but there should be something for everybody.” Karsgaard says Creemore has embraced the store, and many have opined that it’s about time. Open Mon. to Fri. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sun. noon to 5 p.m. 142 Mill Street, Creemore (705) 466-6767
Heritage Home for Rent One of the finest architectural gems in Collingwood, this lovely Regency home is situated on a large private lot with mature gardens and hedges for privacy. The house is designed for living on one level: classic centre hall, spacious sun-filled rooms, large eat-in kitchen, two bedrooms only. Located in an ideal spot, on the west side of town, just a short walk from everything. This is a beautiful home. Available for rent with references, please.
Call for an appointment 705-441-4777
Meaford Water & Wine By The Bay Whether your beverage of choice is water or wine, this store has you covered. Owner Henry Longfellow will make your wine for you - all you have to do is bottle it, cork it, take it home and enjoy it. There are over 200 varieties, including several award-winning wines. When it comes to water, it’s a similar deal. Bring in your own water bottles (or buy them here) and refill them using the store’s commercial water purification system. It costs only $2.99 to fill your five-gallon jug. Meaford Water & Wine also sells water purification systems, replacement UV bulbs and water filters, as well as ultraviolet lights to neutralize DNA contaminants in wells. Longfellow has a long history in the water and wine business – he had a similar store in Niagara for 12 years – and he loves being service oriented. “I really enjoy the business,” he enthuses. “I get mostly repeat customers, and I get to talk to people every day.” Mingling with your neighbours while pouring water and wine – sounds like a party. Open Mon. to Fri. 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 14 Trowbridge St. E., Unit 14, Meaford (226) 662-0168
The Waggin’ Tail Café
• Fast acting liquid • Great tasting cherry flavour • The natural way to treat Gout Pain
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On The Bay
Summer 2011
This is one café that has gone to the dogs – literally. Dubbing itself “a meeting place for pets and people,” The Waggin’ Tail Café gives people a place to enjoy a great cup of coffee while their pets nosh on some home-baked treats and everybody socializes. Owner Joyce Taylor has worked with animals and also in restaurants, cafés and retail establishments, and she decided to combine all of her experience and give people and their pets a place to hang out. “It’s so much fun,” says Taylor. “Pets are a real social leveller; they introduce people to each other who might not otherwise get to know each other.” For two-legged customers, Taylor serves Back Eddie’s fair trade organic coffee roasted in Paisley, Ontario (served as a cuppa, cappuccino or iced coffee), as well as cold drinks and a “really interesting variety of teas.” Four-legged friends can enjoy a sugar-free dog treat baked on site. How about a peanut butter dog house? Or a cheese-flavoured fire hydrant? Or maybe your mild-mannered mutt would attack a cat made from rye flour? There are lots of flavours and shapes, and Taylor
Photo by Jay Wood
Mark Berens and Donna Michelle showcase their painting and jewelry at their Artists’ Den Studio.
even offers some gluten-free varieties. The Waggin’ Tail is planning special events for holidays like Christmas and Halloween as well as birthday parties for dogs. Taylor will also hold seminars to give pet owners information on pet behaviour, health, diet, etc. While the café caters mainly to dogs and their owners, Taylor says she will be holding special events for cats and their people. “Cats and dogs sometimes don’t mix well, although I did have one dog owner bring in a pet rat. The dogs weren’t sure what to make of it.” The retail side of the café features packages of Taylor’s homemade dog treats, doggie clothing, natural pet products, and organic pet shampoo and soaps from Penny Lane Organics. There’s also a line of footwear called Dawgs – “they’re a Croc-type shoe but with many different styles.” Open Tues. to Sun 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thurs. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. 36 Trowbridge St. E., Unit 6 (rear), Meaford (519) 374-7405
Thornbury Simplicity Bistro Andrew Barber and Scott Chalmers have aspired to own their own restaurant since they were in their teens. They both became chefs – Barber was at Sisi’s on Main for over five years, while Scott honed his craft at the Caribou Restaurant and Lot 66 Tapas Wine Bar in Thunder Bay. The pair met three years ago and joined forces to bring their vision to life. Last year, together with their wives, they purchased the former Sterio’s restaurant building, did a major renovation, and opened their new bistro in early June. The décor is ‘rustic elegant’ and the food is true to the name Simplicity Bistro – “fare that’s recognizable to the average Canadian, with some French culinary influences,” says Barber. Lunch choices include a hamburger stuffed with smoked applewood cheddar, or a new take on a grilled cheese made with house smoked pulled pork, havarti and smoked cheddar on focaccia. For dinner, enjoy pan-seared Georgian Bay trout with saffron risotto cakes in tomato and mussel broth, or seared venison loin with sunchokes, Canadian mushrooms, spinach and a ginger soy glaze. The bistro offers a reasonably priced wine list and weekly specials by the glass. “We change the wine
special weekly so people can try different wines at a reduced price,” says Barber. There are also four draft beers on tap. All desserts are made in-house, and they are ‘simply’ heavenly. “We really pride ourselves on our desserts,” says Barber. With confections like dulce de leche brownies or caramel and blueberry donuts served hot out of the deep fryer, sprinkled with cinnamon sugar and paired with vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce, the pride is well earned. In addition to lunch and dinner, Simplicity Bistro also offers a brunch menu on weekends, featuring staples like eggs Benedict and eggs Florentine along with new twists on old favourites, like French toast with caramelized pear and cinnamon syrup. Open Mon. to Thurs. 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., Fri. 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., Sun 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. (weekend brunch menu Sat and Sun 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) 81 King Street East, Thornbury (519) 599-5550
Clarksburg Georgian Bay Naturopathic Health Care Dr. Alexandra Ryan has opened a general family naturopathic clinic in Clarksburg. “I do a lot of acupuncture, I have a personal interest in women’s health and I’m getting certification to be a doula (birthing coach),” says Ryan. She offers homeopathy for acute symptoms, as well as nutritional counselling, lifestyle counselling and herbal medicine. While she doesn’t currently sell nutritional supplements, she will recommend supplements that can be purchased at local health food stores. She also conducts food allergy testing, hair mineral analysis, blood work and saliva testing. A fully licensed and insured Naturopathic Doctor, her credentials include an honours BA in Biology from Western University and certification from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. “I believe in getting to the root cause of the problem – whether it’s diet, environmental, psychological or digestion issues – instead of just giving a natural supplement instead of a pharmaceutical one,” says Ryan. On The Bay
Summer 2011
Bonded Delivery for 25 Years She also believes that the client comes first. With this in mind, she offers home visits as well as office hours.
Packages Groceries
Office Hours: Mon. and Tues. noon to 8 p.m., Wed. and Thurs. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Fri. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturdays and home visits by appointment. 164 Clark Street, Clarksburg (519) 599-7001
Prescriptions Moving assistance Out of town same day delivery
Wasaga Beach Barry Barker (705) 445-4275 • Cell (705) 623-6150
Don’t miss the
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Shades & Shutters
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Fall Home
Improvement & Style Issue Ad Reservation Date: September 9th, 2011
Home Improvement and Style Get Busy!
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Horses A Love Affair
Can you solve the mystery of the Maya Tomb? Hands-on fun for the whole family!
The Collingwood location of Shades & Shutters has been such a success over the past 12 years, owners Susan and John Young have now opened a second store in Wasaga Beach. “We have been serving a lot of customers in Wasaga Beach and the response has been so positive, we’ve been actually looking for a location in Wasaga Beach for almost 12 years,” said Susan. “Then out of the blue we finally found a place and it’s the ultimate location.” The store is state-of-theart and is almost 300 square feet larger than the Collingwood version, offering a huge selection of blinds and shutters from major manufacturers like Hunter Douglas, Maxxmar and Shade-O-Matic, along with drapery, upholstery, bedding and hardware. Customers can come in with or without measurements to get ideas and guidance. The Youngs also offer a free shop-at-home service. Open Tues. to Fri. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 1344 Mosley Street (30th and Mosley), Unit #4, Wasaga Beach (705) 429-3223
Changes New Ownership Several area businesses have recently undergone changes in ownership. The Bird House Nature Company has replaced MacMaster’s Crossing Birding Outfitters as Collingwood’s one-stop shop for bird and nature lovers. The location is the same – 21 Hurontario Street – but the store has been renovated so it’s easier to get around. New owner Janet Grand, who also owns stores by the same name in Orillia and Barrie, says customers can expect the same great service, knowledgeable staff and helpful advice, plus more giftware, more books, more garden décor, more bird feeders and of course, lots of birdseed. The Admiral’s Post Pub on Schoolhouse Lane in Collingwood has two new owners: Jeff Oberfeld, an accountant, and Tony Fewkes, who owned three bars in Montreal. The friends were looking to relocate from Montreal and run a restaurant. After an extensive search, they hit on Collingwood as the best place in the world to do so. “We looked all over the world, including Europe and Florida, and we found that the economy was much better here than anywhere else,” says Oberfeld. He adds there have been cosmetic changes in the restaurant and bar as well as an update to the patio. The menu continues to feature the pub fare Admiral’s Post is known for, along with a new burger menu, a selection of poutines, and lighter menu items like salads and stir frys. Meghan Simard and Andrew Berofsky have taken over as owners of Collingwood’s Blue Mountain Vacuum Centre, located at 176 Hurontario Street.
Maya girl photo credit: Sean Caffrey, Lonely Planet Images
on until September 25
John and Lisa Squire have taken over as dealer/owners of Stayner Home Hardware located on Stayner’s main street. “We’ve changed the entire store,” says Lisa. “The layout is completely different; much brighter and more open. There’s a big ‘wow’ factor.”
Open daily: June 25 - September 5, 2011
102599 Grey Road 18, Owen Sound
(South of Owen Sound, near Inglis Falls)
519-376-3690 | 78
Also in Collingwood, the two Hock King locations have been bought out by Hock Shop. The former Hock Shop location at 202 Hurontario St. has closed, and Hock Shop now operates out of the two former Hock King stores, at 275 First Street and 151 Hurontario Street.
On The Bay
Summer 2011
In Meaford, The 100 Mile Market is now owned by Jan and Tim Singbeil of EcoInhabit and Kara and Rob Wildeman of Clarksburg. The market will remain in its current location (55 Trowbridge St. W.) until September, when it will move into the lower level of the EcoInhabit barn on the south side of Hwy, 26 between Thornbury and Meaford. The name will be shortened to simply “The Market.”
Moves Bryan Davies Fine Art Photography has moved down the road to 9 Wellington St. E. in Creemore.
Ad u l t l ife st yl e home s from
How do you like them apples?
On The Bay presents new model home openings from real estate developers in Southern Georgian Bay.
Life Blooms
The Residences of Cobble Beach
The Harriston model home is now open for viewing at Cobble Beach. Located on an award-winning golf course overlooking beautiful Georgian Bay and set amidst 574 acres with over seven kilometres of hiking, cycling and ski trails, the model is a 1.5-storey, 1,672-square-foot attached bungalow with loft. It features an open layout with high vaulted ceilings in the living room and a main-floor master bedroom with ensuite. The loft has an open living area and a bedroom with a separate bathroom. Open daily, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 307 Telford Trail, Kemble, Ontario (226) 664-1300 or 1-877-781-0149
Lora Bay The newest model home at Lora Bay is The Turnberry, a 2,522-square-foot single detached bungalow with loft. A gourmet kitchen overlooks an open great room with high vaulted ceilings and a floor-to-ceiling fireplace. The home also features a main floor master bedroom with ensuite, and the loft space has an additional bedroom and separate bathroom. Edging the Golf Club at Lora Bay close to Collingwood and Meaford, Lora Bay offers a private Beach Club, a 10,000-square-foot recreational centre and hundreds of acres to explore. Open daily, noon to 5 p.m. 143 Dory Row, Thornbury (226) 665-0180 or 1-877-696-8984
Pretty River Estates Professionally designed and decorated, The Rosewood model is now open for viewing at Pretty River Estates in Collingwood, joining three other model homes in the development. The Rosewood is a 1,784-square-foot semi-detached bungalow with loft. The model’s main floor features cathedral ceilings in the kitchen and breakfast area, a corner fireplace in the great room, a main floor master with ensuite and an oversized garage. The large loft area (17 ft., 4 inches by 15 ft., 10 inch) is open to below, and there is also a second bedroom and separate bathroom on the loft level. Pretty River Estates is located on edge of Collingwood, with town water, sewer and natural gas, within walking distance to shopping and minutes to Blue Mountain or Collingwood Harbour.
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Open daily 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Robertson Street (near Poplar Sideroad and Hurontario St.), Collingwood 705-293-3311 or 1-888-257-1999
Silver Glen Silver Glen has two new model homes open for viewing – The Beechwood and The Greenwood. Both are 1.5-storey attached bungalows with loft. The Beeachwood is 1,915 square feet, while The Greenwood measures 2,260 square feet. The Beechwood is an end unit with three bedrooms – two on the main floor, including the master bedroom complete with luxury ensuite. The great room, which is open to above, flows into the kitchen at the rear of the home. The loft holds an open living space and a third bedroom with a separate bathroom. The Greenwood model home is an interior unit boasting an open kitchen (with island) that overlooks the great room, which has vaulted ceilings and a fireplace. The master bedroom and ensuite are conveniently located on the main floor. The loft features two additional bedrooms with separate bathrooms and an open living space. Nature enthusiasts will appreciate the spectacular trails nearby, including Canada’s oldest and longest footpath, the Bruce Trail, perfect for skiing, hiking and biking. Silver Glen is also close to the area’s many golf courses, including the Blue Mountain Golf Club just minutes away. Open Mon. to Thurs. 1 to 6 p.m., Fri. to Sun. noon to 5 p.m. 86 Conservation Way, Collingwood (705) 446-2685 ❧
Renew Your Energy at Kalola Boutique and Spa
Exclusive Offer for On the Bay Readers – mention this ad when booking any spa experience and receive a spa gift valued at $40.00 Visit us at one of our two locations 308 Hurontario Street, Collingwood • 705-444-1988 110 Jozo Weider Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite 204, Blue Mountains • 705-443-5808
On The Bay
Summer 2011
2 0 1 1
August 26 – 28 Village Vibe Music Village at Blue Mountain Live music all weekend with the hottest summer classics from Reggae to ‘70s and ‘80s chart crashers.
On The Bay Magazine is your one–stop information centre for upcoming cultural, artistic and entertaining events throughout Southern Georgian Bay. Please note: all events are subject to change. To confirm times and for event details, please contact the organizers as indicated. For a full listing of upcoming events to October, 2011, go to
ART/ANTIQUES SHOWS August 3 – 30 Outside In Blue Mountain Foundation for the Arts, Collingwood Art show and sale presented by Georgian Bay Association for Creative Arts, featuring 42 talented artists. Paintings, jewelry, sculpture, photography, glasswork and textiles. Opening reception August 5 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. August 5 Friday Night Gallery Crawl Creemore Art and dining with new exhibitions. Caroline Routh and Jim Harkness at Mad & Noisy Gallery. Jennifer Woodburn at Moyaboya. Smaller Than… Group Show at The Maplestone Gallery. Janice Mason Steeves at Curiosity House. 6 – 9 p.m. A unique après-art menu will be featured at Chez Michel after 8 p.m. August 13 – 14 21st Annual Summer Antique Show Beaver Valley Community Centre, Thornbury Featuring 26 professional antique dealers. Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Admission $5. August 13 – 29 Oil & Earth Mad & Noisy Gallery, Creemore Oil paintings by Mark Hope and clay pottery focusing on animals and the landscape by Rosemary Molesworth. Opening reception August 13 from 2 – 5p.m. August 27 – 28 Torch on the Porch Infinite Gallery, Collingwood Watch as glass artist Kate Civiero makes glass beads on the porch of Infinite Gallery. Using a torch, she heats coloured glass to a molten state to make beads of all shapes and sizes. 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. september 2 Friday Night Gallery Crawl Creemore Art and dining with new exhibitions. Jim Stacey and MK Lynde at Mad & Noisy Gallery. Kaz Jones at Moyaboya. All Canadian Group Show at The Maplestone Gallery. Marlene Bulas at Curiosity House. 6 – 9 p.m. A unique
On The Bay
Summer 2011
après-art menu will be featured at Chez Michel after 8 p.m. september 3 Ian Sheldon Brights Gallery, Village at Blue Mountain Opening reception for assorted works by Ian Sheldon. september 17 Harold Braul Brights Gallery, Village at Blue Mountain Opening reception for assorted works by Harold Braul.
CAR SHOWS August 19 – 21 Corvette Weekend Wasaga Beach Beach cruise 2011 promises to be an actionpacked weekend of Corvette fun! september 3 Jeep Show Wasaga Beach This event has something for every Jeep enthusiast.
MUSIC/CONCERTS August 4 Marshall Dane Meaford Hall Canada’s latest breakthrough country star is also the hardest working musician in town. Performance at 8 p.m. Tickets $32. August 17 Jesse Cook Meaford Hall A Toronto-based guitarist. He incorporates jazz, Latin and world music into his playing. Also well known for the energy of his shows. Performance at 8 p.m. Cost $45. August 23 Lights Meaford Hall Toronto singer, songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist. Won the 2009 Juno Award for New Artist of the Year. Tickets $35.
september 24 Molly Johnson Meaford Hall Juno Award winner and CBC radio announcer, she has earned her reputation as one of Canada’s greatest voices. She has rocked standing-room-only audiences in nightclubs and bars from coast to coast as a pop artist, and seduced the patrons of salons and lounges with her luscious interpretations of jazz and blues standards. Performance at 8 p.m. Cost $40. OctOber 1 Collingwood Bandstand Collingwood Legion Looking back with Dave Knoz. Music from the ‘50s, ‘60s & ‘70s. 1 p.m. – midnight. Silent auction, cash bar, tickets $20. (705) 444-9859 OctOber 8 Beaver Valley Music Festival First annual. Featured act is Anne Lindsay, violinist and singer from Toronto.
FESTIVALS/FAIRS August 12 – 14 Peak to Shore Music Fest Various Locations 6 stages and 16 bands in three spectacular destinations from the Village at Blue to historic Harbour towns of Collingwood and Thornbury. August 13 Heatlamp at the Harbour Meaford Harbour A free family friendly full day music festival. August 19 – 21 Jazz & Blues Festival Downtown Collingwood Presented by The Collingwood Jazz & Blues Society and The Georgian Bay Association for Creative Arts. Mississippi Blues, Future of Jazz, Eh Train and others. August 27 Copper Kettle Festival Creemore Featuring documented historically significant cars and trucks. Also enjoy sidewalk sales, farmers’ market, artists’ gallery, live music, beer gardens, kids’ corner, wagon rides and more. copper.php september 9 – 10 Wordstock Literary Festival Various venues in Collingwood. Author readings, workshops, children’s activities, teen events, poetry and more. september 10 Taste of Blue Village at Blue A culinary experience of local proportions. Tasting kits for food, local cider, wine, beer
and all things apple. Live music, fashion show, cooking demonstrations, guided hiking and gondola rides. september 23 – 25 Great Northern Exhibition Collingwood Fair Grounds OctOber 8 – 10 Apple Harvest Festival Village at Blue Free activities, live music, The Apple Pie Trail, pumpkin carving, buskers, hiking, biking and gallery tour.
FAMILY/KIDS ACTIVITIES August 6 – 7 Wild Wonders are Blue Village at Blue Mountain Flight shows with Free-Flying Birds of Prey by the Canadian Raptor Conservancy. Plus, the Reptile Rob show featuring fascinating animals from around the world. August 8 – 19 Musical Theatre Summer Camp Meaford Hall An exciting two-week musical theatre camp. Campers will act, sing, dance, make props, build sets, make costumes and do lighting. Concluded with two performances on the Meaford Hall stage. Fee $525. August 19 – 21 Cirque-Tacular Village at Blue Mountain Unique interactive outdoor shows featuring aerialists, dancers, acrobatics and physical artists. August 27 Rodeo Weekend Cedar Run Horse Park, The Blue Mountains A unique window into the past while at the same time offering fully modern sporting events that include bareback riding, steer wrestling, team roping, barrel racing and bull riding, kids activities, live entertainment and more. september 2 – 5 Summer Sundown Village at Blue Mountain A farewell to summer with the hottest weekend of the season. Live bands, fireworks, street performers, beach volleyball, hiking, biking, gondola rides. september 4 Memories of Summer Fireworks Wasaga Beach The show starts at dusk at Beach Area 1. september 30 – OctOber 2 Culture Days Meaford An Ontario-wide weekend of fun, free family activities.
OctOber 8 – 9 Escarpment Studio Tour Various Locations Visit artists in their home studios in the beautiful Queen’s Valley area. Captivating, intriguing work in oil, acrylic, watercolour, pastel, encaustic, photography, wood, fabric, printmaking and stained glass. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. both days. (519) 794-0365
FUNDRAISERS July 23 – August 7 Silent Auction Fundraiser Meaford Museum Take a look through donated items and see if
OctOber 15 Titz ‘n Glitz Blue Mountain “Vegas or Bust.” Master of ceremonies is Cheryl Hickey, host of Entertainment Tonight Canada. All kinds of fun including a casino, live entertainment, delectable food prepared by local celebrity chefs, Vegas showgirls, local celebrity DJ and more. Benefiting Frontline Breast Cancer Foundation.
BOOK TALKS/READINGS september 10 Eye of the Hurricane Gayety Theatre, Collingwood Presented by Meridian Credit Union in support of Home Horizons. Meet Rubin ‘Hurricane’ Carter, former boxer, activist, writer and advocate for the wrongfully convicted. See the movie “The Hurricane,” hear Dr. Carter speak, followed by a book signing. 7 p.m. Tickets $50.
August 17 – september 3 Who’s Under Where? Kings Wharf Theatre, Penetanguishene A side-splitting farce. Tickets $21.50/$35.50. August 18 – 20 & 22 – 27 Fair Play Gayety Theatre Presented by Theatre Collingwood. Petunia Valley’s community theatre and the agricultural society attempt to fundraise for a new building that will house sheep and Shakespeare, in a premier multi-character comedy by playwright Dan Needles. Performances at 8 p.m. with matinees at 2 p.m. August 23 & 25. september 1 – 4 Meaford International Film Festival Meaford Hall Four nights, four films, four parties. Awardwinning films from around the world, with filmmakers joining us to talk about their films. september 10 & 17 Death and the Maiden L.E. Shore Memorial Library, Thornbury Presented by Amnesty International Group 82. Explosively provocative, award-winning drama set in a country that has only recently returned to democracy. Tickets $15. (519) 538-3536
SPORTS August 13 Summer Splash Challenge Wasaga Beach The first stand-up paddle board race in Wasaga Beach. Come check out this new sport. (705) 443-0222 september 10 – 11 MultiSport Triathlon & Marathon Wasaga Beach This event is for people of all skill levels. september 16 - 18 Centurion Cycling & Concert Village at Blue Mountain Participate in the fun division or watch topnotch international riders compete for the title. Free outdoor concert.
WATCH FOR MORE EVENTS IN OUR NEXT ISSUE! Please submit events for October to mid Dec by Friday, Sept 9th, 2011. These events will appear in our fall issue. On The Bay Magazine reserves the right to choose which events will be listed and to edit submissions for style and length considerations. On The Bay Magazine is not responsible for errors or omissions. Visit to watch for the latest listings or to add your event.
ty p -c ian o! al ta st y go es w i in do th b b o th r-o q em u t w e p do o ed a di rtie r m ng s em s gu ori ar als a fu nt n ee le d ss gr on in s s
OctOber 7 – 10 Images Thanksgiving Studio Tour Various Locations Forty artists and fine craftspeople will exhibit their work at 25 locations. Paintings, pottery, sculptures, photography, turned wood, jewelry, clothing and accessories throughout Barrie, the scenic Horseshoe Valley and along the Lake Simcoe shores to Orillia. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily.
OctOber 2 CIBC Run for the Cure Harbourview Park, Collingwood Walk/run 1k or 5k.
July 27 – August 13 Blood Brothers Kings Wharf Theatre, Penetanguishene A riveting musical masterpiece. Tickets $21.50/$35.50.
August 6 – 7 The Art Map Various Locations The Art Map’s first ever open studio weekend. This is your chance to tour Grey, Bruce and Manitoulin Island.
any catch your fancy. Funds raised go toward museum enhancement projects. A list of available items are on the museum website.
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50% to 70% off:
RCI POINTS, WEEKS, VACATION OWNERSHIP and CLUBS Phone: 877.430.4396 Our Experienced Service Team can service any make or model of hot tub.
Authorized Electrical Contractor
4 Arthur St., Thornbury Phone (519) 599-1154 Email:
To advertise, contact Cheryl Armstrong, Western Sales Manager at, or Shauna Burke, Eastern Sales Manager at Ph: 705.444.9192 • Fax: 705.444.5658 On The Bay
BeTTer Living 2011
Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage SPECTACULAR IN EVERY WAY $3,395,000 6 bedroom 4 ½ bath on 42 acres overlooking Georgian Bay. Radiant heat, main flr mstr, 4 f/p’s, nanny suite, private swimming pond & Silvercreek. Minutes to amenities. Judy Crompton** 705.444.9312/Paige Young*705.241.2433
SUMMIT VIEW ESTATES CREEMORE HILLS $1,698,000 Two residences, stunning view, 3 minutes west of Creemore, uniquely protected by 200 acres of Nature Conservancy, pool, tennis court, stone outbuilding, 8 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms. Cheryl MacLaurin* 705.446.8005
360 DEGREE VISTAS GREY HIGHLANDS 100 ACRE GEM $2,800,000.On a clear day you can see forever. Family compound with 3 dwellings. Tennis, indoor and outdoor pools, and close to skiing, shopping and beaches. Sue Mallett* 705. 444.7181
COMMERCIAL BUILDING SETTING THE STANDARD! $1,588.000 Perched on top of a bluff w/ commanding views of Georgian Bay and adjacent to Cobble Beach Golf Club, this property sets the standard for design, finish, quality & overall luxury. 5750 sq. ft. 4+1 bdrm, 4+3 baths. Call for details. Ellen Jarman* 705.441.2630 A WOW FACTOR OF 10!
$1,565,000.00 3.25 acres, over 6000 sq. ft. Architecturally designed home built in 2009 to integrate perfectly into the picturesque, Meaford countryside. Exquisite construction, dramatic interior design elements, 34 ft. pine ceilings in living room. 705.444.4968 Diana Lea Berdini, John M. Kacmar **
$1,499,000 Gourmet kitchen, great room with vaulted ceilings, 6 bedrooms, 5 baths, recreation room with wet bar, multiple walkouts, slate, granite, marble. 6 acres and only 10 minutes to Thornbury. Sandee Roberts** 705.446.7775
SUMMIT ESTATES CLEARVIEW VIEWS! $1,295,000 Country elegance with remarkable views of Georgian Bay ! Exceptional 6 bed/4 bath home on 44+acres,inground pool, spring fed pond, creek winding thru property, steel clad barn, ultra gourmet kitchen+++ Anthea White**705.446.8520
Southern Georgian Bay’s leading realtors present their finest homes
393 First Street, Suite 100, Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 1B3 705.445.5454 | CHARM OF YESTERYEAR $1,200,000 Absolutely stunning Century Brick home in downtown Collingwood. Original woodwork & intricate details. Professional offices for home occupation. Dbl garage w/studio above. 4 bdrms, 6 baths. Sandee Roberts** 705.446.7775
SUMMIT ES VIEW ESTATES LIVE YOUR DREAM! $1,195,000 Fabulous 0.67 acre waterfront lot in prestigious Princeton Shores! . Beautifully cared for 3 bdrm home, dbl car garage. Bunkie includes a 4th bdrm and sauna. Waterfront channel for docking. 705.444.4968 Diana Lea Berdini/ John M. Kacmar **
COMMERCIAL BUILDING GREAT LAKES TIMBER FRAME $1,275,000 This 49+ acre property features a landscaped pond, maple, cherry & evergreens. Timber Frame construction with vaulted ceiling and commanding stone fireplace, walkout to deck overlooking pond. A treasured country property! Anthea White** 705.446.8520
360 DEGREE VISTAS PRIVATE BEACH ACCESS! $1,200,000 Panoramic view of Georgian Bay, access to 375ft of private beach, tennis courts and Simcoe Forest Trails. 4 bedrooms plus guest suite, vaulted great room and open concept post and beam design. Jen Scholte**705.444.4949
COMMERCIAL BUILDING GEORGIAN BAY BEACHFRONT! $1,100,000 100 ft of waterfront at Allenwood Beach. Over 4000sq feet of living space, panoramic views, 4 bdrms, 2 sunrooms and vaulted ceilings Jen Scholte** 705.444.4949 A VERY SPECIAL PROPERTY $995,000 In Collingwood with the feel of the country. Approximately 300’ frontage on Silver Creek, a spawning bed for rainbow trout. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, main floor master and laundry. Large deck with southern exposure overlooking the creek. Oversized double garage. A must see! Judy Crompton** 705.444.9312 BEAVER VALLEY LOG HOME $819,000 – 3720 sq.ft. 5 bedroom, 4 bath with views of Old Baldy and the beautiful Beaver Valley. Municipal water and sewer, steam room, 2 fireplaces, backs onto acres of MNR Lands. Read Hilton* 705.351.8100 LORA BAY POST & BEAM $799,000 Huge windows and floor to ceiling stone gas fireplace in the open Great Room of this striking new home. Town & Country Kitchen, Pine Plank Flooring, Main Floor Master. Overlooking pond & golf course. Shelly Paul** 705.888.0225
Ilse Ayers**
Diana Berdini**
Sales Representative*
$989,000 This beautiful home offers panoramic views of Georgian Bay and the 18th hole of Raven Golf Club. Pride of ownership is evident throughout. Living room with soaring ceiling and finished with post & beam detailing. 3428 total sq.ft. Large sunroom overlooks gardens. Laurie Westlake* 705.446.7747
$899,900 Beachfront Escape for an active Family! Enjoy the sandy shore of Georgian Bay & a spacious home to use year round. Easy access to skiing, boating, dining and playing all four seasons. Only an hour and 15 minutes to the city! Jen Scholte** 705.444.4949
SUMMIT VIEW ESTATES LOCATION! LOCATION! $599,900 Located at South Base, Blue Mountain – Spectacular Views! Walk to chair lifts and Intrawest Village. 3694 sq.ft. of living space, open concept, wood burning fireplace. MLS® 20113231 Ron Picot* 705.446.8580
$799,900. Exceptional craftsmanship. Over 4900 sq.ft. of living space, 3+1 Bdrms, 4.5 baths, gourmet designer kitchen, stainless appliances, 2 gas fireplaces, finished basement and more! MLS 20113127 Barb Picot* 705.444.3452
WATERFRONT HOME OR COTTAGE COMMERCIAL BUILDING $799,900 53ft of beachfront, exquisite landscaping, furnished and can be enjoyed year round. Over 1800 sq ft of living space, 2 car garage, 3 bedrooms 2 baths. Woodland Beach. Jen Scholte** 705.444.4949
$725,000 With 180 degree views of Georgian Bay, this 4 bedroom home has been tastefully and lovingly cared for. Approximately 15 acres & just 5 minutes to Thornbury shops. Enjoy the perennial gardens and pond from the sun room. 5000 sq.ft. barn stores cars and toys. Sue Mallett* 705.444.7181
Keith Hull**
Ellen Jarman
John Kacmar**
$699,000 Be front and centre of the great life at Blue Mountains & Craigleith and steps away from Toronto Ski Club. 5 bdrms, (main floor master), 3+1 baths, ultra gourmet kitchen, serenely landscaped, hot tub. A platinum location & ready to enjoy. Anthea White** 705.446.8520
Anita Lauer*
Charity Lakk*
Cheryl MacLaurin*
705.445.5454 360 DEGREE VISTAS $695,000 Perched above Thornbury in an enclave of finer homes w/ views of Beaver Valley, Georgian Peaks & Georgian Bay clear across to Collingwood & Wasaga Beach. Meticulously landscaped, 4 bdrms, 3 baths & geothermal heating. Anthea White** 705.446.8520 LUXURY GROUND FLOOR LIVING! $639,900 1724 sq ft of great space! Enjoy the popular “Lighthouse” floor plan with amazing water views! 3 bdrm, 3 bath, tasteful décor, wood and slate flooring with Berber carpet. 5 appliances, all window coverings and light fixtures incl. 705.444.4968 Diana Lea Berdini/ John M. Kacmar **
360 DEGREE HAND HEWN LOGVISTAS HOME $679,000 Boating from your dock into Georgian Bay, Park like setting with a 400ft deep lot, Quebec style log home. 50x400 ft Riverfront property with boating access to Georgian Bay. Walk out from all 3 levels thru garden doors. Manicured and beautifully kept. View our virtual tour. Jen Scholte** 705.444.4949
360 DEGREE VISTAS CLOSE TO SKI HILLS $633,000. Legendary Log Home. 3000 sq.ft. 2+2 bedrooms, 3 baths, custom kitchen, post and beam, decks with views to ski hills and Georgian Bay, in-law capability with finished basement, radiant heated floors in lower level. MLS® 20111565 Ron Picot* 705.446.8580
COMMERCIAL BUILDING NEW CUSTOM HOME/LORA BAY $899,500 Premium Location-On The Ridge over Georgian Bay. Quality construction & beautifully appointed with attention to detail. Master bedroom with full ensuite on each level provides options. Raven Golf, Beautiful Sandy Beach. Shelly Paul** 705.888.0225
$799,900 Panoramic views or Georgian Bay, Access to pool and trail to the waters edge. 4 beds, 4 baths, hardwood and granite! Indoor and outdoor parking and elevator. Jen Scholte** 705.444.4949
$799,000 Spacious 5 bedroom , 2.5 bath home on private lot with spa ensuite. Minutes to Thornbury and recreation. Access to hiking trail from back of property. Must view to truly appreciate. Paige Young* 705.241.2433
Judy Crompton** Merideth Cudney* Read Hilton*
$985,000 Overlooking the 18th hole of Raven Golf Course this home offers over 4700 sq.ft. finished space w/ 6 bdrms, 4 baths & full finished lower level. Floor to ceiling stone mantle, premium appliances, fixtures and integrated wiring. Steps to clubhouse & members lodge. Anthea White** 705.446.8520
COMMERCIAL 150 ft – GEORGIAN BAYBUILDING SHORE LINE $695,000 Build your dream home in the exclusive community of Cedar Ridge. 1.5 Acre building lot partially cleared building envelope. Mature maples, community tennis courts, 90 mins. to Toronto. Jen Scholte** 705.444.4949
Sue Mallett*
Shelly Paul**
Barbara Pugh*
393 First Street, Suite 100 Collingwood, ON L9Y 1B3
SUMMITAND VIEWPRIVACY ESTATES LUXURY $675,000 Custom built 4 bedroom , 4.5 bath home on 57.5 acres atop the Niagara Escarpment. Enjoy views from every window plus immediate access to the Bruce Trail. Minutes to both Owen Sound & Meaford. Paige Young* 705.241.2433
CENTRAL SUMMIT COLLINGWOOD VIEW ESTATES CHARM $595,000 Unique 6 bedroom, 3 bath 3700 sq.ft. circa 1910 on an 84’ x 210’ lot with garden studio. Private staircase to secluded master suite. The design, location and other features offer a large family or Bed and Breakfast opportunity. Sue Mallett* 705.444.7181
COMMERCIAL BUILDING THE SHIPYARDS $669,000 Stunning upgrades in this one-of- a-kind open concept designer condo with unobstructed water views. Main floor living with loft guest suite. Walk to the gym, shops, banks, restaurants. No car required here!! Sue Mallett* 705.444.7181
COMMERCIAL BUILDING ENJOY THE GOOD LIFE 579,000 Life is good at Lighthouse Point when you own an upgraded 2 bed 2 bath condo with garage, elevator, indoor and outdoor pool and rec centre all overlooking Georgian Bay. Don't miss this opportunity. Call to view. Call Direct Sue Mallett 705.444.7181
COMMERCIAL BUILDING BUCKINGHAM WOODS $659,000 Lovely chalet-style 4 bed, 4.5 bath home feat custom kit w/granite counter, lrg great room & games room w/vaulted ceilings, bar, w/b f/pl, & large private deck w/hot tub. Mins to Collingwood, golfing & skiing at Blue & Osler. Carol Whyne* 705.441.6709
COMMERCIAL BUILDING COUNTRY RETREAT / HOME $574,000. Custom home on 1/2 acre close to ski hills/golf courses. PRIVATE, 2600 sq.ft. of living space, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 2 wood burning fireplaces, fabulous gardens/back deck for entertaining attached double garage, MLS® 20111012 Ron Picot* 705.446.8580 THE ORCHARD – CRAIGLEITH
$555,000 Bright spacious end unit features a multitude of windows, 4 bdrms and numerous upgrades. Fabulous great room w/ stone gas fp. Gourmet kitchen w/ granite counters & top of line appliances, double ovens & 5 burner gas stove. Hardwood, upgraded carpeting & limestone flooring. Anthea White** 705.446.8520
$ 539,000 Sitting on a hilltop w/ pastoral views this 4 bdrm home offers the ambiance of yesteryear with today’s conveniences. Many original features inc. wide planked pine & narrow strip maple floors, deep window sills and 10 ft. ceilings. Barn & driveshed. Natural gas Heating Sue Mallett* 705.444.7181 PANORAMIC BAY VIEWS
$449,000 Beautiful waterfront property on Georgian Manor Drive with older 3 bedroom cottage with some new windows, shingles and soffits. Separate 1 bedroom Bunkie with living area and bath, perfect for extended families. Laurie Westlake* 705.446.7747 COMMERCIAL – CRAIGLEITH
$429,000 From the back laneway you enter onto the beautifully landscaped property with private courtyard. Main floor features separate living & dining w/ original woodwork, country kitchen, laundry , 3 pc. bath and 700 sq.ft. great room. Laurie Westlake* 705.446.7747
$379,000 This character building has great local history, 1850 sq. ft – Hwy 26 west – high exposure, backs onto the Georgian Trail. Plenty of parking. Perfect for a wellness centre, professional offices or spa. Paige Young*/ Barb Picot * 705.445.5454
$489,000. Downtown core Collingwood. 2478 sq.ft., 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 1 gas/1 wood burning fireplace, private back yard/deck for entertaining, main floor master w/6 pc ensuite, attached garage. Very spacious. MLS® 20113170 Barb Picot* 705.444.3452
$419,900 Enjoy the four season lifestyle at Monterra Ridge! Standard features include granite countertops, 3 stainless appliances, central air, silent I beam flooring, View the ski hills, walk to the Village at Blue and Monterra Golf. This is the final unit available. Ilse Ayers**
$379,000 One of a kind home set atop a hill overlooking Clarksburg offers style, warmth, history & charm. Stained glass, antique fixtures & wood paneling create a sense of times gone by, while enjoying all the modern conveniences of today. 705.444.4968 Diana Lea Berdini/ John M. Kacmar **
COMMERCIAL BUILDING EXCEPTIONAL TOWNHOME $499,900 Fabulous views of Blue Mountain. 5 bedrooms, 3+1 bath – perfect open concept entertaining space. Sunken family room, master w/ ensuite, heated floors and glass enclosed shower. Upgraded kitchen. Walk to Village or shuttle service right at your door. Ellen Jarman* 705.441.2630
$534,900 Decorative flair is evident in this inviting 2800 sq. ft century home. See for yourself- vaulted ceilings, wood & marble floors, amazing 6pc bath, beautiful dressing room, 2 gas fireplaces & all the historic charm in this classic beauty! Charity Lakk* 705.444.9690
$399,000 Wonderful 2 storey red brick home set on a full town lot, centrally located on one of Collingwood’s desirable tree streets. Principal rooms on main floor are spacious , functional mudroom/laundry off kitchen. Tiered cedar deck, fully fenced backyard. Laurie Westlake* 705.446.7747
$359,000 Upgraded open concept bungalow w/ ground floor family room w/ vaulted ceilings & sky light overlooking the Mad River & close to Devil’s Glen ski & Country Club. In move-in condition on 2+ acres with apple trees & perennial plantings. Ideal for full time or weekend use. Sue Mallett* 705.444.7181
$355,000 Beautiful century home in the heart of The Blue Mountains with a view of Georgian Peaks. 4 bedrooms, large principal rooms, many with original details. Detached garage/ barn adding charm to the property. Lot is 330’ deep. Keith Hull** 705.444.4855
$349,000 Modern uptown feel to this completely renovated home featuring in-floor heating, open concept main level with spacious principal areas, large kitchen, 4 bedrooms and many upgrades throughout. Enjoy summer entertaining in the beautiful backyard. Laurie Westlake* 705.446.7747
$339,900.00 Rare offering at Lighthouse Point! 2 storey,4 bdrm, 3 full bath, funky loft area, 1686 sq ft. Gas FP, C/A, 6 appl, 9 ft ceilings, 16 ft cathedral ceiling in living room. Enjoy the indoor/ outdoor rec amenities exclusive to Lighthouse Point residents. 705.444.4968 Diana Lea Berdini, John M. Kacmar **
New to QR codes? Visit for a free QR code reader and to view all of Chestnut Park’s listings!
Barbara Picot*
Ron Picot*
Sales Representative*
Sandee Roberts** Jen Scholte**
Helen Dixon*
Brendan Thomson* Barbara Thompson* Laurie Westlake* Anthea White**
Carol Whyne*
Paige Young*
705.445.5454 GEM IN RIVERWALK! $339,000 Spectacular views over Beaver River, harbour and Georgian Bay. Awesome sunsets! 1 bedroom + den, 1 ½ baths, oak flooring throughout, fireplace, rooftop terrace, garage parking. Stroll to the shops and restaurants in picturesque Thornbury. Helen Dixon* 519.599.5891 MODERN CONDO - TANGLEWOOD $294,900 Multi-level living – this condo is perfect for a couple or a family. 3 bedrooms, 4 baths, large windows, wood flooring, cook’s kitchen w/ island, granite counters , stainless appliances. Single car garage with inside entry. Close to skiing swimming, biking. Laurie Westlake* 705.446.7747
360 DEGREECONDO VISTAS WATERFRONT $339,000 2 bedroom, 3 bath, at Lighthouse Point, at an affordable price! Main floor bdrm w/ 4 pc ensuite. 2nd floor master bedroom w/ 4 pc luxurious ensuite and private balcony. Laminate flooring throughout, central air, central vac, oversize garage. 705.444.4968 Diana Lea Berdini, John M. Kacmar **
360 DEGREE VISTAS VILLAGE OF CLARKSBURG $254,000 This home offers 3 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms on 2 walkout levels. Doors to tiered deck from open kitchen, dining area for easy summer BBQ’s & great outdoor space for entertaining. The L- shaped 66’ x 178’ lot would be perfect for a tennis court or swimming pool. Sue Mallett* 705.444.7181
Justine Deluce VP Operations
Richard Stewart
VP Legal Counsel
393 First Street, Suite 100 Collingwood, ON L9Y 1B3
SUMMIT VIEW ESTATES LOCKHART SUBDIVISION $335,000 3 Bdrm, 2+2 baths, R2000 home designed w/ energy efficiency in mind. Open concept, kitchen, dining, family rm w/ beautiful oak-peg flooring & wood burning fireplace. Spacious master w/ maple hardwood & ensuite. Salt water pool. Laurie Westlake* 705.446.7747
MAGNIFICENT SUMMIT VIEW VIEWS ESTATES $216,900 Pristine 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo with beautiful décor and stylish upgrades. 2 decks offering views of a natural area and golf course, enjoy sunrises and sunsets at Tanglewood. Features oak engineered flooring, stainless appliances, fireplace, granite counters, single garage. Ilse Ayers**
COMMERCIAL BUILDING WASAGA RIVERFRONT GEM $314,900 Beautifully renovated & offered turn-key. Features new Shaker style kitchen w/ granite counters & stainless appliances, great room w/ vaulted ceiling, fieldstone fireplace, hardwood floors, sunroom w/ amazing water view & professional landscaping . Carol Whyne* 705.441.6709
BUILDING THE COMMERCIAL MEADOWSPRICED TO CRANBERRY SELL $149,900 Refurbished, fully furnished, 4th floor, elegant studio suite in Weider Lodge, at the base of Blue Mtn and in the heart the Village! Underground parking, two elevators, outdoor heated pool, hot tub, sauna and fitness room. Diana Lea Berdini, John M. Kacmar** 705.444.4968
COMMERCIAL BUILDING RIVERGRASS CONDO $319,000 Beautifully appointed 2 bdrm, 2 bath, upper unit shows to perfection! Overlooks pool and hot tub area and 18th Fairway of Monterra Golf Course. Steps to shuttle bus, short walk to Village at Blue. 6 appliances incl. The perfect weekend getaway! 705.444.4968 Diana Lea Berdini/ John M. Kacmar **
COMMERCIAL BUILDING COTTAGE ALTERNATIVES $125,000 - $699,000 Fully furnished. Turn-key resort homes in Blue Mountain Village. Use when you wish & when not, put them in the rental program and generate revenue. Just pack your bags and come enjoy the magic! Ellen Jarman* 705.441.2630
Collingwood 705.444.1420 • 1.800.610.4868
Trinity Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently owned and operated
Stunning Home
Easy Access to Hwy 26
Evergreen Estates
Views of Blue Mountain
Perfectly Designed
Executive Bungalow
This open concept home is the perfect place for family with 5 bdrms, works great as a year round home or as ski chalet.
Open concept living areas allow room for living and entertaining extended family and friends!!
Just listed, dream bungalow on private estate lot, upgrades galore including Brazilian hardwood, granite and marble.
This 6 bedroom home boasts 2 gas fireplaces and lrg deck over looking a beautifully landscaped yard.
Upgraded 4 bdrm, 3 bath waterfront home features an outdoor fireplace/entertainment center w/ panoramic views!
3 bdrm, 2 ½ bath, 2,600 sq.ft. home features high end kitchen and custom stone fireplace. Large patio and gazebo!
$ 859,000 Sara White* 705-828-6202
$ 889,000 Larry Reid* 705-443-2351 Dana Calder* 705-441-3607 Rosanna Balloi* 705-606-0267 Larry Farrall* 705-606-0043
Historic Century Home
Close to Bay!
Collingwood Chic
Custom Built Home
Gorgeous Brick Home
Centrally located 4 bdrm home features balcony off master, wrap around veranda and fully landscaped yard.
Quality built home boasts 3 bdrms, master suite with 3 pc ensuite bath, custom kitchen & deck overlooking large private yard.
This 4 bdrm home has been completely renovated. It is located steps from trails, shopping centers and more!
This open concept home is set on a ¼ acre and features vaulted ceilings, wood burning fireplace and skylights.
Beautiful 4 bdrm home features gas fireplace, large kitchen and in ground pool with tons of privacy.
$ 458,900
Classic Brick This property has a ‘presence’ and ‘commercial zoning.’ Downtown core.
$ 599,000
$ 549,000 Rebecca Cormier* 705-888-5100
$ 849,500
$ 425,000
$ 294,000 John Kirby* 705-441-0117
Ron Crocker* 705-443-7759
$ 289,995
$ 374,000
$ 549,000 Cheryl J. Morrison** 705-444-1420
Laura Sargeant** 647-999-9256
John Kirby* 705-441-0117 S. Dale Tkatch*** 705-444-1420
Contemporary Home
Great Location!
Creekside Home
Investment Opportunity!
Lighthouse Point
Cranberry Village
This 5 bdrm boasts wood burning fireplace, skylights, screened porch & an attached 3 car garage.
Located next to protected green space, this open concept home boasts 3 bdrms, 2 ½ baths & finished bsmt.
Beautiful 2 bdrm, 1 ½ bath home shows well from the bright foyer thru to the wonderful 3 season room. Fenced yard.
Detached 3 bdrm home with workshop, close to amenities and already rented! Call today!!
Collingwood’s premier waterfront resort community. 2 bdrm 2 bath ground floor level. Steps to clubhouse & marina.
Enjoy this 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo featuring wood burning fireplace, patio walk outs and access to golf, tennis and marina.
$ 699,000
$ 265,000
$ 148,900
$ 249,000
$ 174,900 Sandy Shannon** 705-445-7833
$ 629,000 Leslie Pocklington* 705-446-4850
Jennifer Ridsdale* 705-888-4636
Garry Spencer** 705-444-4601
Janet Reljic* 705-888-8512
Debbie Bunston* 705-444-2925
Great Location, Stayner
Family Home
Historic Home
Country Property
Secluded Location
Beautiful and Historic
This 3 bdrm, 2 bath home features good size bdrms, large closets and deck overlooking a large backyard.
Comfort is yours in this 3 bdrm back split home. Refinished hardwood floors in living/dining and bdrms.
Tastefully upgraded kitchen, bathrooms, flooring and furnace. Beautiful yard with mature trees.
3 bdrm home features a large detached garage/workshop and is located on 3+ acres, only 10 minutes to Collingwood.
Very private 12 acres on dead end road. Beautiful views of the Niagara Escarpment w/ short drive to skiing and golf!
Set on a 1 acre lot, this 1909 schoolhouse features 3,000 sq.ft. of living space, hardwood floors and cathedral ceilings.
$ 239,000 Lori Rawn* 705-446-8233
$ 280,000
$ 289,000
$ 450,000
John deRutier* 705-351-9013
Bonnie House* 705-444-9323 Melanie Moss* 705-888-1578
$ 319,900
$ 189,900
$ 210,000
Bonnie House* 705-444-9323
Beverley Harvey-Clark** 705-734-6791
Snow Valley Highlands
Lake Side Waterfront
2 Acres!
1 Acre in Ravenna!
104 Acre Estate
Nestled on this beautifully private treed lot is a 2 bdrm, 2 bath open concept home. Hot tub.
Home has everything from water views to full finished bsmt. Near ski resort and snowmobile trails. Private waterside deck.
1,378 sq.ft. home recently upgraded with shingles, newer windows and newly decorated.
3 bdrm bungalow has large finished basement and large deck. Close to skiing, golfing, fishing.
This home over looking the valley features a breath taking view, wood floors, wood kitchen cupboards.
Beautiful Beaver Valley w/ views of Georgian Bay from Georgian Peaks to Meaford. Updated 5 bdrm home with original charm.
$ 519,000
$ 359,000
$ 199,900
Stan Reljic* 705-888-5124
$ 234,900 Fran Webster* 705-444-9081
$ 205,000
Faith Lupia** 705-229-9413
Valerie Scott* 705-606-0955
Connie O’Shell** 705-444-3154
$ 665,000 Greg Syrota* 705-446-8082
Rosanna Balloi*
Debbie Bunston*
Dana Calder*
Rebecca Cormier*
Ron Crocker*
John deRuiter*
Larry Farrall*
Beverley Harvey-Clark**
Bonnie House*
John Kirby*
Faith Lupia**
Cheryl J. Morrison**
Melanie Moss*
Connie O’Shell**
Leslie Pocklington*
Lori Rawn*
Larry Reid*
Janet Reljic*
Stan Reljic*
Jennifer Ridsdale*
Laura Sargeant**
Valerie Scott*
Sandra Shannon**
Garry Spencer**
Greg Syrota*
S. Dale Tkatch***
Fran Webster*
Sara White*
* Sales Representative ** Broker *** Broker of Record
Locations North Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently owned and operated
Thinking of Selling? Interview us. MILL CREEK RETREAT
In the heart of Ravenna, a short drive to The Blue Mountains.
5 bedroom farmhouse, spring fed pond/orchard with views towards Bay. Beautiful setting with rare round barn. Offered at $725,000
True Timberframe construction on 150 acres. Views forever. The property you have always wanted. Offered at $1,595,000
100 feet of pristine shoreline just north of Leith, 3 bedroom cottage, detached sun porch. Offered at $335,000
Minutes to the action of Collingwood and The Blue Mountains. Beautiful great room, 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. Offered at $499,000
4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, over 6000 sq. ft. of high end home.
Offered at $1,950,000
This beautiful Estate has been restored to its stunning glory and has all the new amenities of today’s premium homes including geothermal heat and air conditioning. See the Bay and county side from the top of Scotch Mtn. Offered at $1,999,000
Century Home (built 1872), detached double garage with loft above (great for workshop or studio), gazebo, garden building, circular drive & more! Offered at $249,000
This custom stone sided bungalow boasts hardwood and ceramic floors, spacious foyer, gas fireplace in living room, eat-in kitchen, partially finished lower level and great lot. Offered at $329,000
4 bedroom, 3 bathroom home on private beautifully landscaped & treed 2 acre lot close to the Bay. Thoughtful design and layout. Great for entertaining inside and out. Offered at $ 445,000
Start on the web, that’s what buyers are doing.
Explore with us.
Locations North Realty, Brokerage Independently owned and operated
Thornbury & Blue Mountains 519.599.2136 27 Arthur Street (Highway 26)
Meaford – 519.538.5755 96 Sykes Street North
SPECTACULAR VIEWS OF GEORGIAN BAY From this contemporary home perched high above Meaford on a 2+ acre lot. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths and Much much more! Offered at $449,000
With us, there’s always more to see. SNOWBRIDGE WATERFRONT
Unique, serene & inviting home with 118’ of waterfront on NATURE the shores of GeorgianLOVER’S Bay. CustomRETREAT designed 3840 sq. ft. property on 23finished acres with 2000'high of level. homeEnchanting with 4 bdrms, 3 1/2 baths, to a very Beaver River frontage; close to skiing, golfing and Enclosed courtyard with wood burning fireplace, manicured Thornbury. Unique & beautiful 3600 sq. foot 3 lawns and beautiful landscaping. bedroom, 2 ® bath home, custom designed to MLS #20112647 $1,595,000 showcase Mother Nature.
Located at the base of the ski hills, this large chalet features two stone fireplaces, 7" plank flooring on main level and family room, heated floors in ensuite and main floor bath. Professionally decorated and landscaped, six bdrms, 4 baths, automatic sprinklers, large deck with electric awning, and unobstructed views. MLS® ##20113207 $1,149,000
MLS® #20100143 $1,295,000
Open concept bungalow with 5 bdrms & 3 baths. Bright living room with f/p, custom kitchen with SS appliances, hardwood flooring. Main floor master with fireplace & ensuite. Fully finished lower level. Double car garage with inside entry. Nicely landscaped lot with large deck. Extensive upgrades, tastefully decorated in neutral tones. MLS® #20113682 $399,000
Extra large, premium building lot on sandy beach with great views over Georgian Bay & approx 187’ of water frontage. Existing 3 bdrm cottage with updated kitchen & fieldstone fireplace in living room. Municipal sewer & water. MLS® #20112430 $1,299,000
Beautiful custom designed 6100 sq. ft. Post & Beam chalet with unobstructed view of Blue Mountain & Monterra golf course. Great room with wood burning f/p & 26’ vaulted ceiling. Custom kitchen with large cherry island, slate flooring, decorative timber ceiling, SS appliances, bar area, casual eating area with 2 sets of double doors leading to large deck. Master bdrm has spacious walk-in closet, gas f/p, balcony, 5 piece ensuite with a 2 person walk-in shower & heated floor. 3rd floor tower with panoramic view of Blue Mountain. Lower level has custom wine cellar, open entertainment area, bar area, theatre room & large steam shower. Total of 4 bdrms & 5 bthrms. Professionally landscaped with river to pond & waterfall, custom slate hot tub & putting green. Private heated community pool & shuttle bus to Blue Mountain Resorts. Close to 7 golf courses, several ski clubs, walking distance to many trails.
MLS® #20112058 $1,349,000
2870 sq. ft. 5 bdrm, 3 1/2 bthrm chalet. Open concept main level, master bdrm with 5 piece ensuite & walk-in closet, finished lower level. Fenced yard facing Blue Mountain with deck, 8 person hot tub and in-ground pool. MLS® #20112646 $599,000
New phase of existing Nipissing Ridge subdivision in popular recreational area. Walk to Craigleith and Alpine Ski Club. Municipal water & sewers. $209,000 to $539,000
Raised bungalow with detached double garage. 4 bdrms, 2 baths. Fully finished basement, 1000 sq. ft. deck with hot tub. Beautiful country home in immaculate, move in condition. MLS® #20112127 $389,000
5200 sq. ft. custom chalet across from O Hill. Bright & open great room, gourmet kitchen & separate dining area. Main floor master, 6 bdrms, finished lower level. Beautiful home/chalet built with family and friends in mind. MLS® #20111289 $1,499,000
Great location with seasonal views of Georgian Bay. Unique custom finishes and superb craftsmanship. 6 bdrms, 5 bthrms, 4 fireplaces. Backs onto ravine trails. MLS® #20110467 $2,100,000
The ultimate building lot, very private. Unique 1.4 acre property next door to a $2 million + chalet also on an extremely private lot. Existing panabode chalet is neat & clean. Full services available. MLS® #20112957 $695,000
Top 1%* of all RE/MAX realtors in Canada * January 1, 2011 - May 31, 2011
Registered waterfront development across from Georgian Peaks Ski Club, with great vistas of Georgian Bay & the Escarpment. Lots range from $195,000 to $375,000
Walking distance to Blue Mountain Inn & the North Chair. 3500 sq. ft. round log chalet with 5 bdrms & 4 bthrms. Large sun deck, 3rd floor family room with view of Georgian Bay, attached garage with inside entry. Great family chalet in the heart of ski country; close to golfing, biking/hiking and Georgian Bay. MLS® #20112793 $769,000
Unique 7+ acre parcel at the top of Camperdown Road with an amazing panoramic view looking right across Georgian Bay, the Georgian Bay Club golf course & surrounding area. Call for further information and building envelope. MLS® #20112000 $1,295,000
four seasons realty limited, Brokerage 67 First Street, Collingwood
Get HOOKED on our service
1.18 ACRE NEAR THORNBURY Overlooking Beaver River, min. to Georgian Bay Club & The Peaks. $189,000
TANGLEWOOD 2 bdrm., 2 bath, 1030 sq.ft. One level, upgrades, garage & views. $214,811
CHALET NEAR THE PEAKS 6 bdrm., 4.5 bath, 4535 sq. ft. total Immaculate w/fabulous views! $685,000
ACREAGE, POOL & TENNIS! 4 bdrm., 2 bath, 2341 sq. ft. 95 acres, 2 barns, beautifully updated home. $699,333
WATERFRONT W/AMENITIES 3 bdrm., 2.5 bath, 1406 sq. ft. Upper 2 storey suite w/garage. $399,000
LIGHTHOUSE GARDEN HOME 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 1326 sq. ft. Near pool & tennis w/garage. $299,995
OVERLOOKS BEAVER RIVER 4 bdrm., 3.5 bath, 2700 sq. ft., 1.18 acres yet min. to Thornbury, Skiing & Golf. $519,000
2 ACRE WATERFRONT LOT Build your executive dream home - 148 ft. of shore line in prestigious Cedar Ridge. $720,000
EXECUTIVE WATERFRONT SUITES Choose 2 or 3 bdrm. w/fin. lower levels. From 1731 sq. ft – 3100 sq. ft. total. Upscale interiors. FROM $480,000-$599,000
STUNNING EXECUTIVE HOME 4 bdrm., 3.5 bath, 4558 sq. ft. fin. Pool, views, triple garage. Must see. $949,000
26+ SCENIC ACRES IN COLLINGWOOD Excellent views of Blue & Osler w/ development potential. Existing 3 bdrm. Log cabin generates income. $879,000
LIGHTHOUSE UPPER UNIT 2 bdrm., 1.5 bath, 1042 sq. ft. Open plan living, amenities galore! $184,850
SKI CHALET NEAR OSLER 2+2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2560 sq. ft. total 3.6 acres & 2 ponds. $598,366
BEAVER VALLEY LOG HOME 3+3 bdrm., 5 bath, 4938 sq.ft. total 41 acres with 2 ponds. $799,749
EXECUTIVE GOLF COURSE HOME 5 bdrm., 2.5 bath, 3613 sq. ft. total Hardwood, quartz, steel roof etc. etc. $549,218
STUNNING WATERFRONT HOME 4 bdrm., 3.5 bath, 3930 sq.ft. Includes waterfront building lot! $749,654
BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT CHALET 2+2 bdrm., 2.5 bath, 2510 sq. ft. finished Hardwood, granite, close to skiing & golf. $569,500
360 VIEWS, ACREAGE, PRIVACY 4 bdrm., 2.5 bath, 3700 sq. ft. 20 Acres, pond, tennis & bay views. $949,000
FURNISHED w/Water Views 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 1160 sq. ft. Unobstructed bay views. $349,900
STEAL OF A DEAL 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 1000 sq. ft. Immaculate, bright end unit. $209,900 Emma Baker, Sales Representative 705.444.3989
Christine Smith, Broker 705.888.0201
Sherry Rioux, Broker, SRES 705.443.2793
ExecuTeam Advantage
41 Hurontario Street, Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 2L7
Showcase of Fine
HOMES For updated information and realtor links go to and click on SHOWCASE HOMES
Magnificent Post & Beam chalet custom built by Patrick Coulter
Located on 17th hole of the golf course with views
Craigleith. 3,200 sq. ft., 3 bdrms., 2 ½ baths. Vaulted
Associates. 4,000 sq. ft. of living space, soaring vaulted
& Associates. Over 7,200 sq. ft. of finished space with 7 bdrms.,
of Georgian Bay. 5 bdrms., 5 1/2 baths. Reclaimed
ceilings in Great Room. Close to all area’s amenities.
ceilings in the great room, main floor master suite,
5 1/2 baths, towering stone wood burning fireplace, reclaimed
hemlock floors. 10 ft. ceilings with wood beams.
7 person hot tub. Backs onto green space. $799,900
stunning kitchen, 6 bdrms., 4 baths. Fully finished
Hemlock wood floors, gourmet kitchen. Views of Georgian
Master with gas fireplace & french doors. $1,175,000
MLS #20110149
lower level with large family room. $1,550,000 MLS
Bay. Close to Craigleith, Alpine & Georgian Peaks Ski Clubs &
MLS #20111374
Northwinds Beach. $2,495,000 MLS #20112199
New home under construction, Cape Cod style, 4,400
3 bdrm. custom bungalow, open concept, center
1.3 acre view property in Craigleith. Family or retirement
throughout. Living room with gas fireplace, screened-
sq.ft. chalet on 78 ft. of Georgian Bay. 4 bdrm., 3
island in kitchen, cultured stone wood burning
chalet with 4 bdrms., 2 1/2 baths, reverse floor plan,
in sun porch & enclosed hot tub room. Custom
1/2 baths, open concept living. View to lighthouse,
fireplace. French doors opening to an expansive
double car attached garage, pond with waterfall &
designed kitchen with granite counter tops & walk-in
Georgian Bay & Christian Island. Move in by August
deck with fabulous mountain views. $649,000 MLS
beautiful entertaining deck backing onto the escarpment.
pantry. Gas fireplace in master suite. 4/5 bdrms., 4 1/2
2011. $1,895,000 MLS #20111587
Fantastic views of Georgian Bay. Located between Alpine
baths. $799,000 MLS #20113555
Brad Williams Broker Direct 705-444-4646 Office 705-445-8500 Ext. 231
On The Bay
Summer 2011
& The Peaks Ski Club. $629,000 MLS #20113640
four seasons realty limited, Brokerage 67 First Street, Collingwood 705.445.8500 Ex. 231
5 ACRES Private country living in style!!! Georgian Bay & country views, close to Bruce Trail. Completely rebuilt & modernized. Heated floors in the garage, ensuite & lower level. Custom kitchen, ensuite, upstairs cabinets & laundry room cabinets. Hardwood flooring & the new staircase is hickory. 3 bdrms., 2 1/2 baths. Garage is extra large with loft room. $699,000 MLS #20112411
MULMUR LAKE FARM Own your own 20 acre spring-fed pristine lake on magnificent 132 acre rolling hills property in beautiful Mulmur. 1 hour from Pearson Airport. 8,200 sq. ft. main house with 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, great room, indoor endless pool, family/games rooms, fully equipped guest house, large barn, boathouse, garage, ground tracker solar system and much more. $2,750,000
RCR Realty, Brokerage
Independently Owned & Operated
RCR Realty, Brokerage
Independently Owned & Operated Scan this to view my website
MLS #20113371
LIGHTHOUSE POINT Ground flr 3 bdrm., 2 bath with add’l windows, patio overlooking trails & a short walk to the water’s edge. Open concept w/pine floors, wood burning f/p, gas hook-up to outside BBQ. Single car attached garage. Excellent location, very private. Short stroll to a world class rec centre, outdoor tennis courts, putting greens. $299,900 MLS #20113084
CRANBERRY Upgraded galore. Enjoy a view of the Bay & ski hills from this 2 bdrm., 2 bath condo with large party deck, gas fireplace, A/C, whirlpool tub in master ensuite. Stainless steel appliances. New kitchen. Great location - waterside. Just move in & enjoy. $159,900
7 ACRES ESTATE Pond with waterfall. Approx. 3,000 sq. ft. plus 1,500 sq. ft. basement ready for your finishing touches. Eatin kitchen, all kitchen counters are granite. Separate dining room, large family room off kitchen with fireplace. Heated in-ground pool. Hot tub. Close to Oslerbrook Golf Club. $999,900 MLS #20112136
Jean Rowe, Sales Person Call direct: 705-444-4035 Virtual Tours:
four seasons realty limited, Brokerage 67 First Street, Collingwood 705.445.8500 Ex. 233
FOUR SEASON RETREATS Invest in Enjoyment! ! LD SO
One-of-a-kind, custom built, 5 bdrm, 5 bath, on 3/4
Edge of Collingwood! Elegant 4 + 2 bdrm, 4 bath
acre, antique reclaimed wood for giant beams &
home w/magnificent views from all principal rooms!
elegant doors, amazing kitchen w/authentic 1887
Gourmet kitchen opens to great room + sep formal
desk as Island, must be viewed to be appreciated!
dining room + grand outdoor patio for summer
$1,359,900 MLS# 20111875
entertaining. $995,000 MLS# 20113183
Fabulous 5 bdrm, 3 bath chalet near Blue Mtn,
4 bdrm, 2 bath, charming w/beautiful gardens &
Room for family, friends and making memories in this 6 bdrm waterfront chalet/home. Open concept w/cathedral
Craigleith and Alpine Ski Clubs + easy walk to
private fenced yard, walk to shops, restaurants &
ceiling and main flr mstr. Lrg windows overlooking Georgian Bay and patio door leading to large deck /fenced
Northwinds Beach! Sep family room, sauna & outdoor
shows! Low maint. vinyl siding, in-ground sprinklers
area to relax and enjoy coffee, BBQ’s and the view! Working chimney in dining/living rm ready for installation of
hot tub + most contents included! $529,900 MLS#
& gas f/place. Large bright master w/ensuite & french
woodstove. Detached dbl garage. Minutes to Lora Bay, Meaford, Thornbury and Georgian Trail; enjoy golfing,
doors to private deck. $439,000 MLS# 20113011
skiing, biking, water sports and fishing in this four season recreation area. For Virtual Tour please go to: $699,000 MLS# 20111725
Jane Moysey Broker of Record Steve Moysey Sales Representative Call 1-866-336-1112 x 24 or log on to
Brenda Caswell Sales Representative TRI-W Realty Inc., Brokerage Office 705-445-7799 Call direct 519-378-3894
On The Bay
Summer 2011
You don‛t know Jack But maybe you should! You see, Jack’s a REALTOR® and a member of our local Georgian Triangle Real Estate Board. Jack can help you with all your real estate needs and he’s well acquainted with our local market, because he lives, works and plays here, just like you! You see, Jack’s kids go to school in the area, he’s a member of local clubs and organizations, he attends town council meetings and he knows where all the best fish are hiding out in the bay.
UNIQUE - CUSTOM BUILT HOME ON 5 ACRES IN THORNBURY This home has it all. Beautiful ranch bungalow with 5 bedrooms, 3baths, open concept kitchen/dining/living room with cathedral ceilings, fireplace and 4 season sunroom overlooking the inground pool & beautiful gardens. Step out from the main floor master onto the deck for your morning coffee. Fully finished lower level with large family room, games room, 2 bedrooms, bath and plenty of storage. Don’t miss the opportunity to live where you can, walk to restaurants, shops, school, library and the harbour and have total privacy. 2 1/2 acre lot separately deeded included in asking price. Asking $1,850,000
Because your community is Jack’s community, he volunteers and gives back to it every year with his fellow Georgian Triangle REALTORS®. Best of all, Jack can help you sail through your real estate transaction while being a valuable resource about wells, septics, special assessments, waterfront lots, home inspections, NEC, NVCA, GSCA, sideyard setbacks, and of course, where to buy the best ice cream cones in the area.
Just move into this beautiful home in Lora Bay, a
Country brick bungalow near Meaford/Thornbury
waterfront community. Open concept kitchen/living
beautifully renovated - Nottawa custom kitchen,
rm with cathedral ceiling, gas f/p & large windows to
hardwood floors, full finished walk-out lower
bring the outdoors in. Master w/ensuite on main, 2
level, oversized garage, 5 bedrooms, 2 full-2 half
bdrms and loft up and fully finished lower level. Private
baths. Lots of room for family and friends - 2 rec
patio - the best buy in Lora Bay! Asking $739,000.00
rooms!!! Asking $399,900
Susan Boadway
Broker Masters Hall of Fame
So, if you don’t know Jack, give him a call.
Marilyn Douglas
Broker ® Brokerage Masters Hall of Fame Virtual Tours at: 519-599-3300
YOU deserve a local professional on YOUR side!
REAL ESTATE BOARD (705) 445-7295
Built in 1865 as a flour mill beside the Boyne River and enjoyed now as a wonderful country retreat. 3 levels of
Recording studio with rehearsal space in 4 bedroom
14 acres w/ long views over spring-fed ponds and hills.
unique living space with a dramatic staircase and exposed beams. 325 acres with large pond, island and cabin.
custom Viceroy, open kitchen, screened porch,
3 level contemporary, totally renovated. Wonderful
1900 Miller’s house, pool, tennis court. Spectacular fishing and hunting. Sensational gardens. A once in a lifetime
fireplace, 9 secluded acres, Mulmur. Birder’s paradise
open concept kitchen/dining/breakfast room with 2
opportunity. $3,800,000
and gardener’s delight. Golf, ski, or ride. $599,900
walk outs and gas fireplace. Light-filled living room w/ cathedral ceiling, fireplace and walk out to deck. 1.15 hours to Toronto Intl.
! LD O S
A sound investment for Glen skiers. Large farmhouse
98 acre with Victorian brick home with ¾ finished
Century maples, perennials, a storybook setting for
Secluded 5.8 acre haven. Good mix of tableland and
with 5 bedrooms. Close neighbours are 4 legged. A
addition. 75 acres workable, spring-fed pond,
this delightful 122 year board & batten retreat. Deck
spring-fed pond. Enjoy the birds and wildlife from
diamond in the rough. $189,900
large kennel building, workshop 28’x45’, 10 acres
overlooks saltwater pool. 5 bdrms, family room.
your patios. Open concept great room, dining room
hardwood. Perfect for two families. $499,900
Totally renovated barn, a play space for kids of all
and kitchen. Geothermal heating. Mstr bdrm w/
ages. $769,900
generous ensuite. $549,900
“The Country Agent With the City Connections”
RCR Realty, Brokerage
Independently Owned & Operated
On The Bay
Summer 2011
Ginny MacEachern B.A. Broker 1-800-360-5821
Scan to view my website
ReadeR Buying guide For more information, link directly to Our Advertisers at ANIMAL/BIRD/PET SERVICES Bird House Nature Company Page 36 One Dog at a Time Page 36 Stayner Pet Centre Page 59
ARTS/THEATRE Meaford Film Festival Page 35 Meaford Hall & Cultural Centre Page 72 Theatre Collingwood Page 34
Furbelows Page 35 My Pullover Page 24 Shoe Tree Page 72 Tingle Lingerie Page 34
FLOORING Meaford Carpets & Interiors Page 72
Wasaga Beach Decorating & Living Lighting Page 33, 54
HOME IMPROVEMENT/REPAIR City Stone Page 55 Ecoinhabit Page 72 Terry’s Concrete Services Page 53 Thornbury Clear Choice Pools & Spas Page 81
FOOD/DRINK Black Angus Fine Meat & Game Page 41
Royal LePage Locations North Realty Inc., Locations North Page 86 Royal LePage RCA Realty, Brokerage Basia Regan Page 91 Royal LePage RCA Realty, Brokerage Ginny MacEachern Page 92 Sotheby’s International Realty Max Hahne Page 68 TRI-W Realty Inc., Brokerage Steve & Jane Moysey, Brenda Caswell Page 91
Blue Ridge Meats Page 47
E&M Delivery Service Page 78
Bruce Wine Bar Page 44
Molly Maid Page 81
Candy Factory Page 36
Artist’s Den Jewellery & Art Page 36 Grey Roots Museum & Archives Page 78
Creemore 100 Mile Store Page 47
Admiral Collingwood Place (Charis
Isis Photography Page 75
Foodlink Grey Bruce Page 32
Landmark Group Page 7
Mad & Noisy Gallery Page 41
Grandma Lambe’s Page 72
Riverside Greenhouses Page 42
Cobble Beach (Reid’s Heritage Homes) Page 19
Maplestone Gallery Page 24
Heavenly Sweets Page 47
Riverside Landscapes Design & Build Page 59
Country Meadows (Parkbridge) Page 31
Meaford Museum Page 30
Oakley’s Field Fresh Page 32
Sprinkler Guys Page 33
Far Hills Thornbury Page 21
Willowstone Plant Healthcare & Arborist Page 58
Gates of Kent (Reid’s Heritage Homes) Page 15
Zencha Tea Bar Page 47
AUTO REPAIRS/HEAVY EQUIPMENT Blue Mountain Collision Page 31 Kubota Page 95 OK Tire Page 39
FURNITURE/APPLIANCES Beach House & Urban Cottage Upholstery Page 52 Foley’s Furniture & Appliances Page 54
BUILDERS Maple Meadow Homes Page 56 Porter Skelton & Associates Page 55 Royal Homes Page 8
CHILDRENS SERVICES Evolve Eco-friendly Toys & Clothing Page 72 Georgian Bowl Page 36 Minds Alive Toys, Crafts, Books Page 36 Pretty River Academy Page 29
Home Furniture Appliances Page 53 Leon’s Furniture & Appliances Page 69 Macdonald’s Furniture & Appliances Page 57
Dr. Robert McCoppen Family Dentistry Page 40
Cobble Beach Page 19
Harrison Denture Clinic Page 76
OslerBrook Golf & Country Club Page 5
HEALTH/BEAUTY/FITNESS Georgian Bay Cosmetic Clinic Page 40
CIBC Run for the Cure Page 48
Kalola Boutique & Spa Page 79
Good Health Mart Collingwood Page 76
Collingwood G&M Hospital Page 9, 29
Pamperme Day Spa Page 36
Creemore Business Improvement Association Page 24
Scandinave Spa, Blue Mountain Page 75 TruBalance Healthcare Inc. Page 30
Meaford Chamber of Commerce Page 72
Wordstock Page 74
HEATING/AIR/GEOTHERMAL/SOLAR Beach 1 Electric Ltd. Page 58 Current Power Electrical Page 55 Nottawasaga Mechanical Heating & Air Conditioning Page 4
Beach 1 Electric Ltd. Page 58
Current Power Electrical Page 55
EDC Home Checking Page 54
Home Buttons Page 81
Georgian Bowl Page 36 Scenic Caves Page 42
(Sherwood Homes) Page 26 Lora Bay (Reid’s Heritage Homes) Page 23 Meaford Haven Page 79 Pretty River Estates (Delpark Homes) Page 96 Shipyards (FRAM Building Group) Page 13 White’s Bay Page 17
RESTAURANTS Azzurra Page 44
Cabin Bistro Page 44
Environmental Pest Control Page 33
Copper Blues Bar & Grill Page 31
Spidermen Page 81
Hungry Sumo Japanese Cuisine Page 47
PROFESSIONAL/FINANCIAL/LEGAL BDO Canada LLP Page 28 Besse Merrifield & Cowan Law Offices Page 76 Waddingtons Auction House Page 35
Huron Club Restaurant & Bar Page 44 Old Mill House Pub Page 24 Orchid Restaurant Page 44 Ruffed Grouse Bistro Page 39 Simplicity Bistro Page 40
Sovereign Restaurant Page 24
Century 21 Offord Realty Ltd. Susan Boadway and Marilyn Douglas Page 92
Tremont Café Page 47
Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage Page 82, 83, 84
Clairwood Real Estate Corporation, Brokerage Page 87 Clairwood Real Estate Corporation, Brokerage Sherry Rioux, Emma Baker, Christine Smith Page 89 Coldwell Banker Trinity Realty Inc. Page 85
AM Roofing Page 61 Enviroshake Page 61 Interlock Industries Page 52
Huronia Alarm & Fire Security Page 58
Georgian Triangle Real Estate Board Page 92
Expedia Cruise Ship Centre Page 36
Heritage Home for Rent Page 76
Secondary Ownership Group Page 81
Lush Realty Inc. Page 32
Avril Dell Pianist Page 81 Eco Adventure Tours Page 67
Georgian Meadows & Silver Glen Preserve
Bruce Wine Bar Page 44
Mad River Golf Club Page 67
97.7 The Beach/Bayshore Broadcasting Page 43
Titz ‘n Glitz Page 46
Dr. Jon Perlus Dental Implant Surgery & Periodontics Page 52 Dr. Milan Somborac Family Dentistry Page 34
David Hillis Salon Page 36
Pretty River Academy Page 29
Dr. Dina Ghobrial Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Page 30
Wayne Dziedzic Custom Upholstery Page 59
Nature Conservancy Page 28
Developments) Page 2
Beach House & Urban Cottage Upholstery Page 52 Ecoinhabit Page 72 Moyaboya Page 24
Artist’ Den Jewellery & Art Page 36
Seasons in Creemore Page 24
Echo Trends Page 39
Sola a Culinary Cache Page 24
Elaine Dickinson’s Fashions Page 41
Victorian Values Page 24
Re/Max Creemore Hills Realty Austin Boake Page 49
Re/Max Four Seasons Realty Ltd. Brad Williams Page 90
Ashton’s Blinds, Draperies & Shutters Page 59
Re/Max Four Seasons Realty Ltd. Doug Gillis Page 88 Re/Max Four Seasons Realty Ltd., Brokerage Jean Rowe Page 91
Meaford Carpets & Interiors Page 72 Shades & Shutters Page 53 Wasaga Beach Decorating & Living Lighting Page 33, 54 On The Bay
SUmmer 2011
B a c k
Photo courtesy of the collingwood MuseuM collection X973.160.1
L o o k i n g
Last Voyage of the
he side-wheel paddle steamer Waubuno was loaded down with supplies destined for Parry Sound from Collingwood on the night of November 22, 1879 when it sank with all hands during a gale. The exact cause of its sinking is unknown, and no bodies were ever recovered. The ship, captained by George Plumpton Burkitt, had been trying to leave Collingwood since November 18, but snow and fierce winds had kept her in port. The Waubuno finally set out during a break in the weather on November 21 with 24 crew and passengers, and was last spotted afloat by the lighthouse keeper at Christian Island, who didn’t notice any problems. When the Waubuno failed to turn up at its destination, the tug Millie Grew was sent out to search, and found a portion of the wreck. A contemporary article on the disaster from the Parry Sound North Star says the crew of the Millie Grew “could find no trace of the [Waubuno] crew, but picked up several articles that they knew belonged to the missing vessel, consisting of a metallic
On The Bay
Summer 2011
life boat turned bottom up and stove in at both ends, a life-preserver with the ship’s name on it, several articles of furniture out of the cabin, the ship’s ledger, and a part of the paddle box with the letters W.A. on it. Barrels of apples, flour, and different articles of freight were distributed along the shore in abundance.” In the spring of 1880 an upturned hull identified as that of the lost ship was found on Moberly Island. Following the Waubuno’s disappearance there had been rumours that its wooden superstructure was rotten, or that its boilers had blown up. Those at the scene found what timbers remained to be sound, and there was no sign that the hull had been damaged by an internal explosion. Other parts of the ship have been recovered over the years. A hull thought to be that of the Waubuno can be found in waters 15 feet deep near Wreck Island, though the identification is disputed. Its rudder is on display at Midland Ontario’s Huronia Museum. Its anchor was recovered in 1959. ❧