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introduced them to the 2008 Heart Gallery. Dylon’s photo [and those of his biological siblings] was one of fifteen that year. The Tetzloffs recognized his enthusiasm and boundless energy right away. Something about his photo spoke to them. He belonged in their family. there’s always room for one more

The Tetzloff family finalized Dylon’s adoption in 2009 and were invited to speak at the NDHG’s Annual Gala that same year. The family was there to celebrate Dylon’s adoption, and to share the wonderful things the addition of Brad and Dylon have brought to their family. People in the audience came to tears listening to Loren, Kandi and Dylon tell their story. But a strange thing happened as the family recalled its recent past—they crashed into their future. As that year’s new edition of photos was unveiled, a set of 11-year-old twins jumped into their hearts.

“We saw their picture right before we spoke [at the gala],” Loren recalls. “You’re supposed to wait a while after an adoption is finalized for another placement, but we just knew—we thought they’d fit with us and everything worked out.” becoming a family

Twins Aries and Jordan joined the Tetzloff family a few months later. Their adoption was finalized in September 2010.

Adding children to a family is a complicated undertaking—and completely worth it, say the Tetzloffs.

“The biggest thing with adopting is just learning to live with each other,” says Loren.

“The first thing we work on is building trust and reassuring them: This is real, this is it,” Kandi explains. “They’re here forever. Sometimes they don’t even know what ‘forever’ is. Some kids struggle with it, some get it right away. We let them know we’ll be there for anything. They can come to us with anything.”

The Tetzloffs hold weekly family meetings to keep everyone connected. “We’re really busy,” Kandi says. “Each of the kids has their own activities, their own talents. We try to help them and encourage the things they like to do. We have drama, dance, social clubs at school, and sports. Basketball, wrestling, football, soccer, ballet and gymnastics.”

They also make it a point to never promise something they can’t deliver. “Their lives were so full of disappointment. We don’t promise anything we can’t follow through on,” Loren says.

Understandably, a house full of teens and tweens is not without its drama. “We have our days when we’re at the end of our wits,” Loren confesses. “We say, ‘Oh, we can’t do this again,’ but the next day we say, ‘Oh yeah, we can!’”

“We see more children in our future,” Kandi says.

More Blessings

The Tetzloff family gained so much more than children through their experience with the NDHG, they say. The family that adopted Dylon’s biological sister has become close friends, and they’ve encouraged other friends to check out the gallery. One of those families recently finalized the adoption of Dylon’s biological brother. The siblings—and their new families—will always remain close and connected.

The Tetzloffs even joke about adopting the case worker who helped them facilitate their adoptions. “We’ve made all of these friends. Other families, the workers at AASK [Adults Adopting Special Kids], Catholic Charities, the Heart Gallery. The Heart Gallery not only gave these children to us forever, but we’ve gained some really good friendships too,” Loren says.

“The greatest part of doing it is at the end of a really great day when you tuck them in and see the looks on their faces,” Kandi says.

“Or when they come home and say it was the best day ever at school,” Loren adds. “We helped them achieve some of their best days ever. That’s pretty cool.” supporting the forever family search

The NDHG is preparing to unveil another edition of photos in November. This will be the gallery’s third collection. Since 2008, NDHG has served over 45 children and approximately half of those children are in placement or pending placement with their forever home.

The NDHG wouldn’t exist without the dedication of volunteers and North Dakota business sponsors, and donations. It relies on organizations to host and display the photos at events and gatherings.

The community support the NDHG has received amazes Kandi and Loren. “People pour their heart and soul into these kids at the Heart Gallery,” Loren says. “People go out of their way to help kids they’ve never even met. And the photographers put their time into getting to know the kids and bringing out their personalities.” Kandi adds that seeing the photos is “like you’ve known them their whole life. What you see in those pictures is what you get. They’re not fake.”

The North Dakota Heart Gallery will have its 3rd Annual Gala November 4th at The Plains Art Museum in Fargo. It is free and open to the public. Do you have room for one more? For more information, go to www.ndheartgallery.org.

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