1 minute read

mod momcolleenlanners age36,fargond

my mom was right about… my sister being one of my best friends someday. We fought when we were younger, but now I talk to her almost every day. my working-mom success secret… a husband with a flexible schedule. I could not be a funeral director without his flexibility. my least favorite kid show… Yo Gabba Gabba. the least used appliance in our house… bread maker. It was last used when I was pregnant with Grace over 7 years ago. my biggest housekeeping tip… watch the show “Hoarders” when you are cleaning or organizing. I think that show is pure motivation to get rid of stuff. the show i watch when i want a good laugh… How I Met Your Mother. my profession gives me… the ability to help people at one of the lowest and most difficult times in their lives. the kid snack i am most likely to eat… the oddest thing in my purse… cash. I never carry it anymore. the habit i would most like to change… going to bed so early. I am in bed most nights between 8:00 and 8:30. My body just shuts down at that time. the single greatest lesson i can teach my kids… be true to yourself. Not everyone is going to like you and that is okay. What’s important is that you can look in the mirror and be proud of who you are instead of trying to shape yourself to be someone everyone else likes.

I always regain my sanity after i… vent to my husband. He tells me when I am right, but is one of the few people who will also call me out when I am wrong.

I always have extra… sunscreen. I believe in the power of SPF!

I don’t know if this is a kids snack, but I LOVE orange Tic Tacs. I can eat a little box in less than 2 minutes! my husband would describe me as… intelligent and driven, but I really think he wants to say I am a task master.

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