2 minute read
with Just
Wine & Wishes
701.280.WISH [9474] www.northdakota.wish.org
Come out to the Holiday Inn, Fargo & help support the Make-A-Wish Foundation® of North Dakota grant wishes! The fun starts at 6pm & includes wine tasting, silent auction, program, live auction & music.
Walk of Hope
701.293.6462 www.myfirstlink.org
Part of Suicide Awareness & Prevention
Week, FirstLink is hosting the Hope Walk. Registration begins at 1:30pm & the walk will begin at 2pm. The walk is followed by a short program back at the courtyard including music, a speaker, and open microphone time.
Grandparents Day
701.277.9240 www.redriverzoo.org
Free Admission to the zoo for all grandparents!
12 Greater Moorhead Days Midcontinent Communications Kids Fest
218.299.5340 www.ci.moorhead.mn.us/parks
Games Galore, Clown with Balloon Animals, Penny and Pals show, Magician Jack Sand & more! Don't miss this FREE night of fall family fun at Gooseberry Park [100 22nd Ave S, Moorhead] 5:30–7:30pm!
Car Seat 101 for Expectant Parents
701.234.5570 www.north.sanford.org
Are your car seats installed correctly? Don't take the chance! This class is designed for expectant parents and focuses on infant car seats for newborns. Make an appointment be at the Sanford Auditorium [801 Broadway North, Fargo] between 6:30–8pm. Space is limited. Pre-registration is necessary.
B.L.A.S.T Babysitter's Day Camp
701.364.1704 www.fmambulance.com
The initial course for teens and pre-teens on the responsibilities of caring for children. They will learn CPR and first aid for children, as well as diaper changing techniques, also learn about when to call 911 and what will happen if they do need emergency assistance. The course is designed for young babysitters ages 11–15. Limited space. Register online.
Pig 'n a Blanket
701.364.0264 www.dakotaranch.org
Dinner and Quilt auction at Davies High School. Proceeds benefit kids programs for the Dakota Boys & Girls Ranch. Quilt preview at 2pm, Dinner at 4pm & Live Auction at 5:30pm.
Walk to End Alzheimer's
701.277.9757 www.alz.org
Head to Rendezvous Park [3420 9th St, West Fargo] and participate in this 2 mile walk/run with the Alzheimer's Association.
Registration starts 8am.
17, 18, 24 & 25
Fall Festival
701.499.7788 www.fargoparks.com
Head to Rheault Farm [2902 25th St S, Fargo] for games and rides. 17th & 24th 10am–5pm and 18th & 25th Noon–5pm.
Streets Alive www.fmstreetsalive.org
A 3-mile stretch of key FM streets will be closed to motorized vehicles so you can hit the streets for some fun! Walkers, bikers, runners, rollerbladers—any human -powered transportation—will fill the streets. Experience dance and fitness activities, music, juggling and art entertainment in parks and other areas along the route.
Take Back the Night
701.293.7273 www.raccfm.com
Take a stand against domestic violence. It all starts at 5:15pm with a community picnic at Island Park, 6:45pm rally and march at 7:15pm.
Parents Forever Grand Forks
701.780.8229 www.ag.ndsu.edu/ grandforkscountyextension/ home-and-family/parents-forever
A research-based educational program designed to help parents through the process of making informed, childsupportive decisions during separation & divorce, resulting in healthy children & positive parent-child relationships. $55 fee for this 4-hour course. Preregistration is required—class size is limited.
Reel Movies for Real Needs
701.461.8902 www.marcustheatres.com
Sometimes it is difficult or uncomfortable for families with special needs children to attend movies together.Century Cinema offers a welcoming and comfortable environment—lower sound, lights up—where families where families with children who need accommodations will be able to share the experience of seeing family friendly films at a theatre. Be there at 10:30am to see Dolphin Tale!