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body + being

sometimes we allow ourselves to feel “less than” if we don’t measure up to her domestic prowess. Though I have other accomplishments, I can’t quite keep up with my house and its piles of books and mail…heavy sigh When I have a fleeting victory and clear the clutter, the house looks beautiful, and I feel more confident and yes, I’ll say it, beautiful!

The Good Stuff

Tara Mohr of Wise Living, says “It’s important because beauty connects us to joy, to contentment, to our souls. Beauty is soul food. This is not a fluffy matter.”

The kind of beauty I think most of us seek is real beauty, blending our inner selves full of confident, radiant energy with our outer beauty and our physical environment, and accepting that we are unique. Photoshop doesn’t work in real-time, even for celebs and models. This is powerful beauty. The US ranks 67th in the world for women involved in positions of political power, and it is not much better in corporate board rooms. Mohr states, “Is it any wonder that we’ve replaced it with ideas about beauty that instead leave most women feeling powerless in the world? Like they don’t measure up?”

We find this powerful, real beauty in settings that allow us to let our radiant selves shine to illuminate the world. Our beautiful props…the lipstick, the earrings…aren’t necessary, but help to convey our message and sometimes speak without words. Let self-care, confidence and nurturance be the guiding force in our beauty rituals and adornments.

Work It

Now, let’s get practical. Here are my top six tips for looking and feeling beautiful…

#1 accept compliments and make a brag book

Why do we disagree or deflect nice comments that others make to us? Say thank you and accept that compliment. Sometimes others can make us aware of features and qualities we didn’t know we had. Consider writing these compliments down in a “Brag Book” so that you can look back and remember these kind words. I save every card I have received from patients, employees and friends

God bless you for giving our children and families hope this Christmas and New Year’s. Learn

1.800.344.0957 who thank me for my work. I can pull these out and read them if I need a confidence boost.

#2 give a damn! take pride in your appearance

Learn how to do your hair and make-up in a way that pleases you when you look in the mirror. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time. Read Carmindy’s [of What Not to Wear fame] 5-Minute Face, or another book with some styling tips. Wear clothes that make you feel great and comfortable. This can be done on a budget, and if you don’t feel you are style savvy, take a fashionista friend with you. A woman who takes pride in her appearance comes across as intelligent, powerful and confident. Enjoy your beautiful appearance. You are your ultimate creative endeavor!

#3 let me see you MOVE!

A regional health insurance company pushes physical activity with its “let me see you move” commercials. My favorite features a middle-aged man in a dated sweater vest, waiting in the doctor’s office. He hears a little music, starts twitching, then is inspired to get up in the middle of the room and start grooving and shaking his body.

He gives a little wink to the receptionist and keeps on dancing. Your body is meant to move! It doesn’t have to be a treadmill marathon. Instead, make movement and exercise fun. Dancing is a great way to get your heart rate going and experience pleasure. Take a walk and get some fresh air or find your zen in a yoga class. Focus on enjoying your body, and do a little something, even just 15 minutes, almost every day. Movement also has a powerful effect on your mood and energy.

#4 feed your face

Shift your thinking about nutrition. Think of beautiful food as a gift you give yourself that enriches your life and gives you energy. Food has a profound effect on our mood, which makes a big difference at work and home. Great nutrition is really going back to basics and eliminating most processed stuff. Eat a colorful diet with lots of veggies, modest portions of fruit and nuts, good quality lower-fat protein and whole grains. Really limit foods that are white [white rice, white bread, pasta] as they can make our blood glucose rise faster than sugar. Have fun in your kitchen. There are easy meals that work in this plan that are faster than take-out or delivery. Cheaper too!

#5 sweet dreams

The USA is the most sleep deprived nation and it costs us big-time. Lack of sleep can lead to depression, low sex-drive, poor productivity and weight gain, just to name a few. So cherish and protect your sleeping hours. This is not always easy if you have young children, but be mindful of ways that you can get more ZZZZ’s. Aim for 7-8 hours nightly and make a consistent routine. Keep your bedroom cool and very dark. Have great sheets and an awesome mattress. Minimize the little electronic gadget lights that can keep us from attaining deep sleep.

#6 get out of your head

Sometimes we get stuck in our heads, caught up with feeling ugly and insecure. We feel that all eyes are on us, judging us by our flaws, real or imagined. Following the tips above give us the energy and confidence we need to step out and be seen without fear of judgment. Being present and focusing on the other person with us at that moment or noticing a beautiful fall leaf takes us out of our heads and into enjoying life. We have 60,000+ thoughts per day and unless we work at it, most are negative. Have fun, enjoy simple pleasures and remember that our significant others don’t see our cellulite in the bedroom! Feeling beautiful makes you happy and sexy!

Beauty is the active, living, divine spirit within all things. We see it in our environment, in artistic creation, in others and if we look very closely and with great love, we can see it in ourselves...

And that makes me very happy!

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