2 minute read

wee ones

Lots of things can weigh on your mind once you find out your wee one is on the way. You gotta get ready! What color will the nursery be? You gotta buy Dreft to wash everything in. Diapers! What size and how many? Are you going to find out what you are having? You have to name this bundle of joy…a name that has to fit a lifetime! What else? Oh and if you work outside the home, in just a few weeks after you have your wee one, you have to trust someone else to care for this precious miracle. How are you ever going to do that? where everyone knows your name

Choosing a daycare is a big decision. I mean we’re talking about your wee one! Whether you are choosing a center or home daycare, here are some tips to help you choose the setting that is right for you and your wee one:

• little help So where do you start? How do you find a daycare? Check with your local Child Resource & Referral agency. They will be able to provide you with information on local daycares, and a ton of other educational material.

• good ol’ q & a Once you have found some potential daycares, set-up some visits and check them out. Got questions for the daycare? Not sure you should ask it? ASK IT! If there is anything, ANYTHING, on your mind that you want to know, you should ask the daycare. And don’t forget about questions on staff, their qualifications, how long they have been there as well as what their policies are on everything from TV watching, lunches, sickness, naps and everything in between.

• how much While you can’t put a price on your wee one being taken care of properly, you still have to fit daycare into your family budget, so remember to talk dollar and cents. Make sure to ask about vacation days for you and your daycare and how they play into your fees.

• ya feelin’ it In the end, trust those wonderful mama instincts you are blessed with. If you just have a gut feeling things aren’t right at this place, move on.

It’s about that time of year. Santa, hot chocolate, holiday parties, gift giving and booger crusted tot faces! Gross… on the booger part of course. Still wrestling with your snot producing tot to only smear boogers from ear to ear? Time for nose blowing 101.

Blow It Baby

It seems so easy, doesn’t it? But we aren’t born knowing how to blow our nose. Just another item on the long list of “must learns.” Some tots will get it right away and others will need some training, but around 2-years-old, most are ready for the task. Here are some how to blow a booger tips:

• out the mouth Your tot has gotta learn to blow out his mouth before he can effectively do it out his nose. Start by blowing bubbles. Have fun and offer lots of praise. Once he’s got the mouth blowing down, move to the nose. Hold a tissue by his nose and let him work on making the tissue move by blowing out his nose. Plugging a nostril can make it easier as well.

• monkey see Show him how it’s done. Gotta blow a big one? Make sure your tot catches all the details of proper snout evacuation! And make a big deal about it, well make a big deal about it in the comfort of your home. No need to look like the crazy mama at the grocery store. But [when appropriate] show him how great blowing your nose is. Imitation, used for the things your tot is suppose to do and doesn’t embarrass you, is fabulous!

• easy does it As you teach proper sneezer blowing outer, remind your tot that he only needs to blow hard enough to get the boogies out…no brain matter is necessary. But seriously, blowing too hard can push mucus into his inner ears and sinuses leading to more congestion and possible infection. Remind him to blow gently.

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