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Americans Love Soyfoods at Meal Time
9 & 23
Make It, Take It – Flowers
218.284.3400 www.moorhead.k12. mn.us/Schools/ECFE/ Bring your kiddo [birth to kindergarten entry] to Probstfield Center of Education [2410 14th St S, Moorhead], 5:45pm-7:15pm for this creative classes where you can make your project and take them home to extend the learning and fun. Register online.
Car Seat 101 for Expectant Parents
701.234.5570 www.sanfordhealth.org swolf@ndsoybean.org
Soyfoods are the only complete plant-based protein. Your family can follow the Dietary Guidelines with easy to prepare meals. Soyfoods are simple to add to favorite dishes and a healthy choice for any busy schedule.
April is Soyfoods Month! No matter your taste, there’s a soyfood option fit for you.
Contact us!
1-888-469-6409 www.ndsoybean.org www.KidSwapSales.com
21, 28, Community Block Party
701.241.8160 www.fargoparks.com
Meet your neighbors at this fun family event 5:30-8:00pm. Sing your favorite karaoke song, play on inflatable games, take home a craft project and get your face painted. Enjoy free food while supplies last. May 7th Courts Plus Community Fitness [3491 South University Drive], May 14th @ Madison Park [3010 11th Ave N], May 21st Centennial Park [4101 25th St. S], May 28th Jefferson School Park [315 16th St. S].
This "Baby's First Ride" class focuses on infant car seats for newborns. Parents, grandparents, and other caregivers are encouraged to attend. We recommend attending this class during the 6-7 months of pregnancy, but welcome during any month of pregnancy. Participants are encouraged to bring their car seat if they have already bought one, however it is not necessary. Make an appointment to be at the Sanford Auditorium [801 Broadway North, Fargo] between 6:30pm-8pm. Space is limited. Pre-registration is necessary. 11

FM Redhawks Home Opener
701.235.6161 www.fmredhawks.com
Get to Newman Field and catch the home opener for the FM Redhawks as they take on the Winnipeg Goldeyes.