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married dad of 2 photography by | rialee photography if my kids could describe me in 3 words, they would be…

Teasing, Physical & Snuggly my wife looks amazing when… the celebrity dad I can relate most to is… my best dad quality is… something I have allowed my kids to do that my wife still doesn’t know about is… I don’t hide anything. Misty and I talk frequently about how we parent. Our styles are mostly congruent. Our small differences are probably me approaching parenting with a bit more relaxed style. Our kids definitely know our family has rules. Though, at the same time, it seems our kids have more freedom to play, explore and make mistakes than other kids their respective ages. other things you should know about me… I am truly an active hands-on father. Balancing this way of life with career responsibilities means you do fewer other things with other people. It’s what I choose. a piece of advice I would give other dads or advice I received that has served me well as a dad is…

I am, of course, biased. And perhaps I am a lucky man because my wife looks good all the time. Whether we are camping, dressed for a formal event, at the beach or in pajamas. She looks great!

I don’t keep up with celebrities. I heard Arnold Schwartrzeneger is a committed family man. If this is true, I can relate to him and am inspired by him because it shows that it is possible to advance in your career while still prioritizing your family.

A teacher. I believe in teaching my kids “life skills”. Of course, Taylor and Christian are still young, though we must remember kids are very smart. Responsibility and being aware of how one treats other people are key in our house. Oh, and just recently, how to bait a worm on a hook!

Do the best you can to give your kids the ultimate gift… self esteem. Little things such as getting your kids involved in helping out with chores. Even at a young age kids like to feel like they are contributing to the family unit. Support them with little challenges of their own. This creates opportunities for them to prove to themselves that “they can do it!” Praise. Tell them you love them before they fall asleep every night.

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