1 minute read

this and that know your child? how well do you

story by | Dani Parkos Fluge

Raising kids is a full time job with a job description that includes nurturing, teaching, talking and listening. With today’s busy and hectic schedules, and technology constantly making us available to everyone, it can be a challenge to feel truly connected with the ones that mean the most to us. Although we do our best to make the most of “together time,” there is nothing like the intimacy that accompanies great conversation. Here’s a chance to learn a little more about your child - with a little challenge. First, you answer the following questions respective to your bundle of joy. Then, sit down with your child and ask him/her the same questions (just a few at a time if they are younger). How do your answers compare? This is a great way to learn more about your child’s ideas and feelings. Keep an open mind and listen to the answers without correcting or criticizing. Remember to let the time you share together be fun and light and don’t be afraid to let your guard down! To make it even more interesting, allow the tables to turn and have your child ask you the questions!


1. What really makes your child angry?

2. Who is your child’s best friend?

3. If your child met the president, what would he/ she ask?

4. Who is your child’s hero?

5. What is your child’s favorite food?

6. What embarrasses your child most?

7. What does your child worry about most? What are some other fears?

8. What is your child’s favorite subject in school? Most challenging subject?

9. What does your child think is best/worst about his/her birth order?

10. How does he/she feel other people see him/her?

11. If your child could buy anything in the world, what would it be?

12. What tv show would your child choose to live in for a week?

13. What is your child’s favorite summer acitivity? Winter activity?

14. What accomplishment does your child feel most proud of?

15. What has been the biggest disappointment in your child’s life?

16. If your child could choose a new name, what would it be?

17. How is your child different from everyone else?

18. What gift does your child cherish most?

19. Who does your child think is the most important person alive?

20. If there was no tv, how would your child spend his/her time?

21. When would your child say it’s ok to lie?

22. What would your child like to change about you?

23. What is your child’s dream?

24. What does your child want to be when he/she grows up?

25. What would your child say your family does well? for more conversation starters, visit tabletopics.com

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