12 Days of Yeti 2023

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Stay motivated like a Yeti - weird, and wacky, with the perfect way to end our yearrunning with a weird smile.


Before you start,You must pay the Yeti soul toll.

Start reading a banned/ challenged book.

Text a family member or friend you haven’t spoken to in awhile and let them know you are still thinking about them.

Mail a handwritten letter to someone.

Day 2

Remember the days you would wake up and not have any plans and end up at a swimming hole with friends? The days where the wind would just take you anywhere?

Be Spontaneous today!!!!! (This can be much harder than you think).

Heres are some tips: Do What You want!!

Day 1

Theres so many excuses not to go for a run. Learn to overcome them!

Do the CUSS Challenge Run 3 miles in your street/ work clothes and Running shoes. Dont cheat this!

Start small - it doesnt have to be you ending up singing on stage in a honky tonk (That would be cool tho).

Your phone will ruin this day for you. Stay off it!

Write down 6 things you would like to do - put them in a jar. Pick one! Go!


Day 3

One thing I’ve learned over the last decade of ultrarunning, is when a walk gets introduced into your running, it’s here to stay.

A training methods I do is on my long run days I’ll walk the first half of the miles and run the second part. This teaches my brain and body that it CAN and is ABLE to get back to running.

Start Here: Walk 3 miles at a good pace (enough where your hips scream a bit) and then run 3 above 50% effort.


Day 4

PR effort!
Just to remember
run, 1 mile

Day 5

Learn Something New!

It was easy in the pandemic as we all became chefs, authors and professional runners

Ideas: last year I took an online photography course. This year im learning sign language so i can communicate with a few friends at my local YMCA. Take a chance to learn CPR or an online backcountry class!


The power
Walk 3 miles getting faster each mile! dont run!
You knew
was coming!!
of a

Day 7

Learn all the words to a Dolly Parton song!!

Put the song on repeat and run the 3 mile route you did yesterday. bonus points if you sing out loud!

Why do the Yetis love Dolly?

Growing up in Appalachia we all loved Dolly because she helped shine such a wonderful light on our region and her humility, humor, resilience and her dedication to giving back to her roots!

You are wonderful! Love, Dolly JOLENE JOLENE JOLENE JOLENE JOLENE JOLENE JOLENE JOLENE JOLENE I will always love you.

Day 8

Don’t let this challenge stress you out - if it’s feasible and causes you no financial stress.

Make someone’s day you know but dont know.

We all probably frequent the same grocery store or other store and usually see the same cashier throughout the year. This week when you are checking out. Give the person a gift card , whatever it is you can afford. No more than $25 and just say Happy Holidays.

Day 9

We are creatures of habit. Learn to break that today!

Pick one or two: or go all in!

Run/walk your normal route backwards

Shop at another grocery store

Make a dinner that’s popular in another country!

Get a friend and run your normal weekend miles at midnight!! Mix it up!

Pro tip:

"Consistency in your training is far more important than massive spikes in your training volume" - Patrick Regan

Day 10

Put a smile on your face and someone elses!

Do your favorite workout! Eat your favorite food! learn a new joke! Whatever you do! Make yourself smile today and then make someone else smile!

Belly Laughs get you huge bonus points !

I meet a lot of coaches in the running world and I always ask them for one piece of advice for me. This is one piece of advice that has stuck with me for the last couple of years and has helped me reach some finish line goals.

Hopefully this piece of advice will also help you on the way towards your own goals.

Day 11

clean earth!

Last year I wanted to ease my mind and ‘just running’ didn't seem to work.

I read this David Sedaris article where he got a fitbit and just walked all over his town picking up trash and found a sort of peace and humor in what he picked up.


So, I went to a popular state park trail and trailhead and spent the out portion picking up trash (most trash is found in the first 2 miles of a trail) and it was a great distracter, filled with a humorous wonderings.

I picked up several wrapper corners from granola/energy bars, tissues etc. I found a sort of quiet mind doing this.

If you can’t make it to a trail. Your block will produce the same magic.

Day 12

90 minute out & back

You made it!! Hopefully you’ve had a smile put on your face a couple of times by now.

Remember that outn and back that you’ve been doing? I’ve been using this as a great training tool this year. It’s great for when you just have 30 mins or an hour and you want to get the most out of your run.

On this last day - You have 90 mins to go out and get back to your door. The miles you end up with on this day , you will i nput into ultrasignup using the red results button - ust input them in, no data required.

What happens if I dont make it back to the door in 90 mins? You can either try again or not upload anything.

Thank you so much for taking on the yeti challenge and i hope to see all of you at a race and either celebrate with you at the finish or share a few miles with you! Yeti Army Jason Green HAPPY HOLIDAY HAPPY HOLIDAY HAPPY HOLIDAY

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