Yeti Winter Zine

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with exception to the coloring page.

Winter Issue | 2022
Run Yeti Safe The Winter Edition Win a free sweatshirt Tag us on Insta in your story! CONTENT GUIDE • Eula’s Thanksgiving Dressing • Appalachian Holiday Relish We mail you a cool run club sticker, patch & pin. Recipes 12 days of Vert Coloring Page Run Old Ultras 1 5 7 8 9 10 11 Yeti Run Club Books Yetis Are Reading Safety Tips

safety tips Run Yeti Safe

This may seem like a lot but it's truly the bare minimum an ultra trail runner should have.

Please note- even in hot as hell races such as H9- I have all these things with me . Races like mountain mist - I take everything except the PLB.

Stay Safe and Weird! And remember $15 Amazon gloves are way better than $200 north face gloves! Kinco waterproof lined gloves for the summit win!

*• I either tell someone where I'm go ing and my expected time back or I leave a note in my windshield of my expected time back and objective. If you dont feel comfortable leav ing a note on your windshield. text a friend or coworker.

• ebiv

• headlamp (working) one battery flipped to stop the mysterious turn on.

• phone

• long sleeve merino wool , jack et (type dependent on weather& season ) gloves, light merino hat. I keep these stored in a gallon Ziplock bag.

• reflective tape or small blinking light (walmart $2) on the back of my pack.

• anything longer than 10 miles running or anything above class 2-3 scramble - personal locator beacon. (I've pressed the emer gency button twice this year for others)

• water, calories , favorite candy

• check weather & trail conditionsthis is highly important. I hear a lot of stories from friends in volved in volunteer mountain res cue groups where runners/hikers don't look at approaching weather. Take time to see what weather is expected over the next few days as systems can move in faster.

Please remember that being able to run for hours away from a trailhead is fun and amazing but also comes with risk. 99% of my runs are solo and here's what I bring/do:
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Some of the more common heuristic traps are:

Familiarity of a setting or situation: ‘If I‘ve done it before then it‘s what I should do now.‘

Run Yeti Safe

More safety tips

If you need help. Ask for help ! Don't let the internet shame you from reaching out for help. There are no prizes for a self rescue that puts your life in danger and others at risk.

Heuristics are simple rules that people use to make decisions about complex events and situations, such as safe river crossing sites and whether a slope is safe from avalanches. We tend to apply these rules frequently and subconsciously. In the outdoors, the rules must be relevant to the actual hazards and risks for them to be effective. If they are not, accidents will eventually result.

Heuristic traps occur when the simple rules we use are influenced by factors not relevant to the actual hazards. Being aware of these traps may reduce the likelihood of this.

Authority i.e. credible expert opinion: ‘If an expert believes it then it‘s what I should believe.‘ For example, the guidebook author says this climbing route is only a Grade 2, and therefore I should be capable of it.

Social proof or the behavior of people similar to myself: ‘If people like me are doing it then it‘s what I should do.‘ For example, my friends traversed Pinnacles, and they thought it was easy.

Commitment, consistency and the opportu nity to validate prior actions and decisions: ‘I should remain consistent with my prior opinions and actions.‘ For example, I crossed this pass before in bad weather and therefore it should be fine this time too.

Liking, conformity with actions by a person or group that I like: ‘If someone I like is doing it then it‘s what I should do to be accepted.‘ For example, our leader reckons the river crossing looks OK, and I respect him, even though I think the crossing could be too dangerous for our party.

Scarcity and competition for a limited resource: ‘If something is scarce then I should desire it.‘ For example, this is my only holiday this year and I want to complete the camping/running trip even though the weather doesn‘t look great.

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Recipe #1

Eulas’s Thanksgiving Dressing


1 large bag of Pepperidge Farm herb stuffing

12 large onion chopped (more if desired)

2-3 - ribs of celery chopped

1 32 oz. carton of chicken broth

2 eggs beaten

1 Dash of ground sage

12 - tsp. poultry seasoning


In large pot bring chicken broth, onion, celery and seasonings to boil. Cook un til tender.

Strain vegetables and set broth aside for later use.

In large bowl mix stuffing, vegetables and eggs.

Add broth until moist as desired. If needed, add more broth or warm water to mixture. Mix well, with hands! Press out into greased baking dish. Add a little broth on top if desired. Cover and bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes. Remove foil and bake an addition 5-10 minutes until brown. Cool and cut into squares.


Recipe #2

Appalachian Relish


1 package Cranberries (Fresh, Washed and patted dry, 12 oz)

1 Apple (Cored, Cut into quarters, Optional)

1 Orange (Medium size, Peeled, Seeds removed, Cut into quarters)

¾ cup Granulated Sugar

1 teaspoon Orange Zest


Add cranberries, apple, orange, sug ar, zest in a food processor and pulse until coarsely chopped. Do not try to make this smooth! It‘s not eaten that way.

Transfer this to a serving bowl. Cover and chill for at least 1 hour so that the flavors deepen.

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 Please print and color me. (Win a free sweatshirt Tag us on Insta in your story ! Coloring inside the lines doesn't always win. Get creative!) page 7

Run Old Ultras

I get emails occasionally from ultrarunners about what event they should do next and i always respond quickly with find a race around you that's been around for 25 years +. A day or two usually goes by and then i get the response " Why?" There's a lot of whys but usually i answer with - Its soul moving and that's something powerful to me. Ultra races that have been around for 25+ years also attract ultrarunners who have been around equally as long and therein lies the soul moving

part. Sharing miles, moments and getting advice over a warm jug of water stashed in the woods or carefully placed in the sun along the road. I've learned alot from Bryon Powell's Relentless Forward Progress but i've learned alot more about what's inside of these great individuals and cherished their advice so maybe i too can be at the starting line of an ultra in 25 years and to tell you the truth, I learned a shit ton about myself and what i was capable of and what i actually needed to finish.

As ultras change fast to keep up with the trends from pizza rolls to spring rolls to pizza chefs. There's a few races that keep existing in that special time, where its just you,a bunch of miles and a person running past you at mile 38 with no pack carrying a white loaf of sliced bread and if you say hello, they will surely slow down and spin you a tale that would win

any storytelling festival in the country. So every year, I put one race on my calendar that has been around for 25+ years and ive never been disappointed, even when i've shown up to the last aid station and there was just individually wrapped prunes waiting, it's just added to my long list of stories for when i pull up along someone running their first ultras.


Mountain Mist 50k

lAmerican River 50 miler Western States 100 Old Dominion 100 Strolling Jim

Way too cool 50k

and for a really great time- choose a race that is hourly and on a 1-2 mile loop. you get to meet a lot of new friends ! get the best and worst advice ever and share more laughs than you can stand ! This year I will be running Across The Years and by running, I mean soaking up all the stories of what went wrong at Mile 88 and what went right at mile 99

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hat?! With interest rates rising and the price of groceries going through the roof -
You get to do all the yeti challenges 25K, 50k & 50 Miler.
Each distance will have its own column and you will be able to input total time!
You can use these times for races that require distance qualifiers! J O I N FO R $ 1 0 . 9 9 Ope n s up on December 1st 2022 page 11 page 12

Books Yeti's Are Reading

Where The Crawdads Sing -Delia Owens

I Walk Between the Raindrops -T.C Boyle

Running Home - Katie Arnold

Must read Banned Book!

They both die at the end -Adam Silvera

If you are running Dark Anchor This is a must read!

Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil -John Berendt

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