lorida A&M University (FAMU) climbed to 103 among top public universities as it continued to consolidate its place as the highest-ranked public Historically Black College and University (HBCU), according to U.S. News & World Report 20222023 ranking. FAMU climbed one place from 104 in 2021 in the rankings released September 12, 2022. FAMU is ranked 23 on the Social Mobility Index, which indicates the 134-yearold University’s ability to transform the economic trajectory of its graduates and their families. The University earned badges for ranking 68th among the Most Innovative Schools – National Universities and 66th for Undergraduate Teaching - National Universities. FAMU has been the highest-ranked public HBCU for four consecutive years. President Larry Robinson, Ph.D., said FAMU’s improved ranking reflects the commitment and hard work of students, faculty, and staff under challenging circumstances.
Florida A&M University
The Board of Trustees’ As part of its stra- HBCUs, behind private institutions recent approval of the tegic plan, the Univer- Spelman College, Howard University, University’s new fivesity has set a goal to Xavier University, Hampton Univeryear strategic plan, be among the nation’s sity, Morehouse College, and Tuske“Boldly Striking,” also top 100 national pub- gee University. dovetails with the latBoard of Trustees Chairman Kelvin lic universities. The est rankings and illusplan also set challeng- Lawson was encouraged by the news trates where FAMU is ing goals for Student of the University’s upward trajectory. headed. “I’m excited by our continued Success, Academic “FAMU continues to Excellence, Leverag- rise in the rankings. It’s confirmacarve a path forward in ing the Brand, Long- tion that we are moving in the right educating and training Term Fiscal Health direction despite our short-term our graduates to have President Larry Robinson, Ph.D. and Sustainability, challenges,” Lawson said. “I am conan impact in the comand Organizational vinced our new strategic plan cremunities where they live, work and Effectiveness and Transformation. ates the framework for even greater serve,” Robinson added. “These rankFAMU is ranked seventh among improvements in the coming years.” ings are no reason for complacency. They will encourage and inspire us to even greater achievements. We have Florida A&M University earned multiple spots on the badge-eligible more work to do.” list of 2022-2023 Best Colleges because of its high rankings: In the past year, FAMU experiNational Universities #202 enced $24.6 million in fundraising Top Public Schools - National Universities #103 and $75 million in research fundSocial Mobility - National Universities #23 ing, which is crucial as the UniverMost Innovative Schools - National Universities #68 sity aspires to Carnegie Research 1 Undergraduate Teaching - National Universities #66 status. This fall, there was a record Historically Black Colleges and Universities #7 number of first-year applications. Best Undergraduate Computer Science #215 The Class of 2026 has a 3.91 incomBest Undergraduate Nursing #247 ing grade point average.