The BESA Book 2022

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A Client’s Guide to Building Engineering Services


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A CLIENT'S GUIDE TO BUILDING ENGINEERING SERVICES The BESA Book covers all aspects of building management to help clients make those important decisions to meet corporate, social and financial goals, and to find the right contractor to deliver the job. BESA provides a free online search service ( find-a-besa-member) designed to make it easy and quick to find BESA member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a BESA member by region (postcode), name and by specialism. It also now details the geographic areas that a member operates in, as well as highlighting those services which are carried out in-house.

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Published by: BESA Rotherwick House 3 Thomas More Street St Katharine's & Wapping London E1W 1YZ T: +44 (0)20 7313 4900 E: W: Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the advice given, the company cannot accept liability for loss or damage arising from the information supplied. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owners. © BESA 2022 The publisher gratefully acknowledges the support of the firms whose advertisements appear in this publication. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this publication, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies, or for the products or services advertised. The inclusion of adverts and information herein does not in any way imply or include endorsement or the approval of or from the BESA Group.

Please note: The information contained in the list of members was correct as of 28th September 2021. All photographs and drawings © BESA, except as noted otherwise in captions.

The BESA Book 2022 |





BESA Welcome

Net Zero Carbon Heating

Supporting Britain’s spirit of invention - Welcome from BESA President Neil Brackenridge

A look at hydrogen and its role in heating our homes and buildings in the future


BESA Introduction


Facilities Management Real-Time Data

Buildings as safe havens – it’s a question of ventilation

How technological developments in data acquisition and analysis have shaken up the water treatment sector


Well-being Technology Why engineers need to take the lead on indoor air quality


Well-being Indoor Air

The future of HVAC and how investing in systems that improve air quality can save businesses money in the long run


Well-being Guidance Ventilation guidance for schools in BB101 and how hybrid ventilation can optimise comfort and sustainability


Net Zero Carbon Hydrogen The government’s project testing the use of hydrogen for heating UK homes


Smart controls have a significant role to play in the operation of heat pumps by helping to reduce emissions and energy consumption


Tough new air quality targets should inspire the industry to redouble its efforts on IAQ


Supporting SMEs in the food services sector with cost-effective solutions for ventilation systems


Safety critical plastic ductwork systems



A look at the increasingly important topic of indoor air quality and its impact on occupant health.


Well-being Indoor Climate

How a focus on measuring indoor climate quality leads to better outcomes for occupants.


Net Zero Carbon Efficiency Exploring opportunities and solutions for reducing energy demand and emissions in the buildings in which we live and work


| The BESA Book 2022


Ventilation Ductwork

Well-being IAQ

Ventilation Grease Monitoring


An insight into how product innovations could provide the key to improving IAQ long term


Air Conditioning Monitoring

Well-being Ventilation

Cooling Smart Technology

Ventilation Control Systems

Why local control of ventilation offers benefits in energy efficiency and occupant comfort


Ventilation Air Quality

Why now is the time for organisations to get ahead of the regulators



Ventilation Fire Saftey

Industry needs to lead on fire damper inspections


Heating Heat Interface Units


Heating Energy Efficiency

Dispelling myths about the suitability of HIUs on heat pump led networks

Heat pumps at the heart of uk’s national decarbonisation strategy



“There are wonderful careers to be had in our sector and this publication provides ample evidence that the great ‘can do’ spirit of UK engineering is alive and well.” – BESA President Neil Brackenridge


Heating Heat Networks


Heating Corrosion Monitoring

Low temperature heat networks – Are we ready?

Don’t take a chance on corrosion


Fire Safety Performance Insulation of fire resisting ductwork systems – know your ‘Duct A’ from your ‘Duct B’


Fire Safety Insulation The role of HVAC insulation in the event of a fire, and how specifiers can identify solutions which deliver fire, thermal and acoustic performance.


Fire Safety Smoke Control

Many buildings still need significant work and better processes to meet fire safety standards that protect occupants


Fire Safety Offsite Manufacture

Making the right choice in suspension systems


Pipework Noise Levels

How advanced wastewater systems can play a part in creating comfortable multioccupant spaces


Pipework Valves The importance of choosing the right valves to optimise a HVAC system


BESA BESA Contacts


BESA BESA Affiliates



Contact details for all of BESA's UK locations


Suppliers, manufacturers and business services providers

Full contact details of BESA member companies

The BESA Book 2022 |



SUPPORTING BRITAIN’S SPIRIT OF INVENTION Demand for building engineering expertise has never been greater, but our skills shortages make it increasingly difficult to meet our targets, says BESA President Neil Brackenridge. Labour shortages were a major feature of our industry throughout 2021 and we expect more of the same in 2022. Sadly, this is a case of the ‘same old same old’. Things might be a bit more extreme than usual, but skills shortages are not new. These continual cycles mean we regularly suffer from poor productivity and slow uptake of new technologies – especially during periods of economic recovery when the market is moving so fast.

Last year saw record breaking numbers of vacancies across construction and the business group CBI predicted UK labour shortages could last for more than two years. Director general Tony Danker said we needed a more ‘innovative’ approach driven by better training to improve business performance, wages and living standards in a sustainable way. “The Government’s ambition that the UK economy should become more high-skilled and productive is right but implying that this can be achieved overnight is simply wrong,” he said. “Great economies like great businesses can walk and chew gum. We need short-term fixes to spur recovery and longterm reforms to change our economic model.” We should take heart because being able to innovate our way out of trouble has never been a problem in this country. Britain has a rich heritage of innovation and discovery that is still alive and well judging by a 2019 government report. It showed that more than 3% of the UK economy (£63.8bn) came from ideas and innovations protected by intellectual property rights i.e., patented ideas that were in the process of being turned into working inventions.


Neil Brackenridge, BESA President


| The BESA Book 2022

Of course, not all of these are successful. Britain’s most famous modern innovator James Dyson is an unlikely supporter of failure. In fact, his publisher had to talk him out of calling his new book ‘Failure’ and they have gone with ‘Invention’ instead.


The building engineering sector is well placed to tap into that same vein of invention and forward thinking – and few other industries have as many opportunities and incentives. With energy prices soaring worldwide driven by a post-pandemic boom, the need for expertise in energy efficiency and renewables has never been stronger or more economically attractive. The energy crisis experienced during 2021 makes the push for energy efficiency and more renewable power even more urgent – and our industry is at the forefront of that. This edition of the BESA Book is packed with evidence of our ability to harness ideas and turn them into practical solutions for the benefit of our economy and society, but we need to emulate Dyson’s vision of a highly skilled workforce able to innovate and turn potential into success to get there.

He still makes the point forcefully that, for every good idea and prototype that works, there are thousands that fail. Without failing you can’t succeed in the end.

“With energy prices soaring worldwide driven by a post-pandemic boom, the need for expertise in energy efficiency and renewables has never been stronger.”

He explains that every successful invention is the result of trial and error. His famous vacuum cleaner took more than 5,000 prototypes before Dyson finally found one that worked. He got to where he was going because he knew where he wanted to go and was prepared to keep innovating along the way. He also believes Britain is falling behind the rest of the world – Asia in particular – because we are not investing in engineers with the right abilities to innovate us out of our current constraints. “Technology is much more complex to develop now,” he says. “When I started, we were a group of mechanical engineers, but now more than half of our engineers are software or electronics specialists.” Among his 4,000 UK staff he employs scientists, fluid dynamics experts and battery technologists. He has adapted his team so that he can continue to innovate, test, fail and develop new products.

People are the key to all of this. The push for heat pumps is a prime example. The shortage of skilled installers is the biggest threat to that market. Not only because it makes the government’s ambitious target of 600,000 installations a year hard to achieve, but it also undermines the performance of the technology itself and so limits its effectiveness. The government is also a big believer in hydrogen and published a strategy for its development last year. It thinks it could employ up to 9,000 people and attract £4bn of private investment by 2030 before going on to deliver as much as 35% of the nation’s energy consumption by 2050.

However, it is very expensive to produce and still involves the burning of fossil fuels. There are also huge practical implications for introducing it into the grid. So does it really have a future? Or could it be one of those things we have to experiment and test on the way towards finding solutions that really work? That requires skilled engineers who understand the pitfalls and possibilities. >>


The BESA Book 2022 |


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| The BESA Book 2022

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“The online BESA Academy has been pushing ahead with a wide range of targeted training courses delivered through a blended model of online and in person teaching.”

If we are looking for inspiration, we need look no further than the way our industry adapted to the ban on CFCs after the 1987 Montreal Protocol. This ushered in a revolution in refrigeration and air conditioning engineering and averted a climate catastrophe along with the way.

Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said it was “perhaps the single most successful international agreement” as it avoided enormous UV radiation damage to the planet and its flora. If we had allowed the use of CFCs to continue, scientists now believe we would have seen an additional 2.5°C of global warming by the end of this century on top of what we still face. They estimated 580 billion tonnes less carbon would have been stored in forests, other vegetation and soils leading to an extra 165-215 parts per million (40-50%) of CO2 in the atmosphere. Our industry adapted well to that radical change, but it took time and considerable effort. Our manufacturers innovated to provide solutions that could still deliver cooling solutions that were just as effective despite being denied access to one of the most efficient refrigerant gases ever created. And, in time, we created a skilled workforce able to handle the different challenges they posed. So, it can be done, but it is hard to do quickly and impossible without training that is in tune with the

change we are trying to achieve. Whether it be reskilling boiler engineers to understand the challenges posed by lower temperature heat pump installations or encouraging a whole new generation of apprentices who are keen to apply digital techniques to building services designs, skills are the key to ensuring the dreams of the current crop of British innovators can be turned into reality.

With that in mind, the online BESA Academy has been pushing ahead with a wide range of targeted training courses delivered through a blended model of online and in person teaching. This is proving to be a hugely popular way of giving more people access to the latest knowledge so they can develop up-to-date skills. The Association will be redoubling its efforts throughout 2022 to help our industry plug its skills gaps and supporting the innovations you can read about in the pages of this year’s BESA Book. There are wonderful careers to be had in our sector and this publication provides ample evidence that the great ‘can do’ spirit of UK engineering is alive and well. We are pleased to celebrate that and will be working hard to harness it to a well-trained and motivated workforce that can turn our best ideas into practical solutions for the benefit of all. n


The BESA Book 2022 |



| The BESA Book 2022



IT’S A QUESTION OF VENTILATION How to keep people safe in buildings became a national preoccupation after the Grenfell Tower tragedy, but the pandemic took it to an even higher level. BESA was already championing the concept of a building as a ‘safe haven’ where people feel protected from both external and internal threats to their health and well-being, but now that work has more people sitting up and taking notice. Fire safety measures are easy to visualise and understand, but the wider question of keeping people healthy and productive is a more difficult concept to grasp. The pandemic, however, made the idea of an invisible threat more visible and the threat of airborne contaminants more visceral.

Now everyone is talking about ventilation In an article for the journal Science, a group of 40 leading scientists and academics from around the world condemned the current state of indoor air quality (IAQ) as a scandal comparable to the contaminated water supplies in 19th Century Britain that led to thousands of deaths.

They castigated the lack of air hygiene regulations – comparing that failure with the strict public health controls imposed on food, sanitation and drinking water. They blamed the way buildings are designed, operated, and maintained for helping to spread disease, including Covid-19, and called for a “paradigm shift” in ventilation like the changes brought about almost 200 years ago in water sanitation. Could improving building ventilation be the next huge social issue that transforms millions of lives and tackles one of the world’s biggest social inequalities? The pandemic cruelly exposed the unfairness that leads to the most socially disadvantaged suffering the worst effects of any health emergency and having their hopes and ambitions constantly thwarted by the poor standard of their homes and places of work. To address this the scientists called for an air quality certification system for public buildings, like the one used by the food industry. They estimated that installing ventilation and filtration systems able to remove airborne pathogens would add just 1% to the construction costs of a typical building. This is a trifle compared with the $1 trillion a month countries were spending on Covid-19 mitigation measures. The Science paper’s lead author Professor Lidia Morawska from Queensland University of Technology in Australia, said: “For decades, the focus of architects and building engineers was on thermal comfort, odour control, perceived air quality, initial investment cost, energy use, and other performance issues, while infection control was neglected.” Cath Noakes, Professor of Environmental Engineering for Buildings at the University of Leeds, and a member of the government’s SAGE advisory group added that improving ventilation to reduce exposure to airborne


| The BESA Book 2022


pathogens would bring other benefits beyond transmission control, including improved productivity and wellbeing. “Over the years, we have neglected the role that the air circulating inside a building plays in the way germs and viruses may spread between people. The pandemic has exposed that deficiency in our understanding and the way we seek to make buildings safer to use,” she said. The UK’s chief scientific officer Sir Patrick Vallance and the British Medical Association (BMA) were among the many high-profile individuals and organisations for whom ventilation has become ‘a thing’ because of the crisis. They have called for more expert guidance and better standards of indoor air quality (IAQ) to help the country navigate a postpandemic future.

“For decades, the focus of engineers was on thermal comfort, energy use, and other performance issues, while infection control was neglected.”

The BMA, which represents the UK’s doctors, says setting legal standards for ventilation, should be part of the government’s strategy. It added that financial support for businesses and educational settings should be made available and that this was not a short-term fix. As many medical professionals have highlighted, the problems caused by poor IAQ have been with us for decades and will be with us long after Covid-19 has melted into the background. Public Health England estimates the annual death toll in the UK from air pollution at between 24,000 and 36,000 with associated healthcare costs as high as £20bn. Research carried out by Harvard University in the US that revealed a 61% improvement in cognitive function for students in a wellventilated, clean environment. Improving indoor air can have countless benefits. However, BESA believes the pandemic has created a window of opportunity to properly address this for the first time and set standards for the long-term. The need to improve indoor ventilation rates to reduce the risk of transmission of diseases – not just viruses – has considerably raised the stakes for mechanical ventilation and air filtration.


Natural ventilation clearly has a role to play, but it cannot provide fully controlled ventilation that reaches all parts of a building – that much is now clear to almost anyone with an interest in this area. BESA members are busy working on finding the right balance between energy efficiency and effective ventilation because it is possible to cut carbon AND protect human health and wellbeing inside buildings.

The urgent need for independent practical advice that considers all the options prompted by growing public awareness led BESA to quickly produce a concise guide to good practice: ‘Indoor Air Quality for Health & Well-Being’, which is designed to help building owners, managers and engineers interpret IAQ data and turn it into useful strategies for improving their indoor environment. The guidance sets out target limits for a range of airborne contaminants in a variety of indoor spaces. It explains how air quality data gathered during specialist surveys or from the wide range of low cost real-time and continuous IAQ monitoring devices, can be interpreted, and acted upon. The advice it provides is also based on the experience of practitioners in the field who see what is possible and achievable in the real world. It is designed as a followup to the BESA publication H&W001: A Beginners Guide to Indoor Air Quality published in 2021 in collaboration with Mitsubishi Electric. Both pieces of guidance are free to download at: >>


The BESA Book 2022 |


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| The BESA Book 2022


air quality guidelines produced by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in the wake of the pandemic.

However, rather than purely focusing on preventing infection and death, which is often the approach of academic and regulatory work, BESA’s guidance promotes a positive approach to setting IAQ standards that will give people a healthier, more comfortable, and more productive experience inside buildings.

In its first update to its guidance since 2005, the WHO blamed exposure to pollution for seven million premature deaths a year worldwide. It slashed the recommended maximum levels for several pollutants, including particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) saying there was “clear evidence” that air pollution harmed human health “at even lower concentrations than previously understood”.

The outdoor, ambient air pollution guidance levels adopted by governments are usually based on mortality and morbidity, tempered by what is regarded as economically feasible. That compromise reduces investment in the health and wellbeing benefits – BESA does not think that is acceptable.


By contrast, a health and wellbeing approach considers how good IAQ can improve productivity and enjoyment of a space and supports the principle that people should be able to inhabit ‘safe havens’ where the indoor air is better than the polluted outdoors. The BESA Guide signposts other sources of authoritative advice on volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide/oxides, ozone, radon, and airborne micro-organisms. It also recommends monitoring CO2 and a range of IAQ factors to balance good air quality with reduction of internally and externally sourced contaminants. The next stage is to deliver a guide to practical solutions, which BESA will be launching this year and will take inspiration from the latest

The WHO advised its 194 member countries to consider air pollution to be as big a threat to human health and well-being as climate change. It said the updated guidance was the product of five years of reviews carried out by dozens of scientists, who looked at over 500 separate studies. This work persuaded the organisation to adjust almost all its previous maximum target levels for airborne pollutants downwards. It linked long-term exposure to even relatively low concentrations of ambient and household air pollution to lung cancer, heart disease, and strokes – putting the health impact of pollution on a par with poor diet and smoking while making it a bigger killer than car crashes and AIDS.

“Almost 80% of deaths related to PM2.5 could be avoided if current air pollution levels were reduced to those proposed in the updated guidelines.”

It halved the recommended limit for average annual exposure to PM2.5 from 10 micrograms per cubic metre to five. It also lowered the recommended limit for PM10 from 20 micrograms to 15. A position that left the UK’s legal levels well out of step with the latest scientific understanding. “Almost 80% of deaths related to PM2.5 could be avoided if current air pollution levels were reduced to those proposed in the >>


The BESA Book 2022 |


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Nathan Wood (BESA Health and Well-being in Buildings chairman), David Frise (BESA chief executive) and Rosamund Adoo Kissi-Debrah (WHO advocate)

updated guidelines,” the WHO said, explaining that these particulates are primarily generated by fuel combustion in transport, energy, households, industry, and agriculture. BESA wholeheartedly supports the WHO’s tough position on reducing maximum exposure levels for some of the most harmful pollutants, but our role is to help turn this advice into practical measures for reducing airborne contaminants inside buildings. “The pandemic has highlighted the important role played by indoor air quality (IAQ) in protecting the health and well-being of building occupants,” said Nathan Wood, chair of the BESA Health and Well-being in Buildings group. “Improving ventilation to dilute airborne threats and the likelihood of virus transmission must be a priority for every building manager from now on. “We applaud the rigorous work of the WHO and its ambition in setting extremely challenging targets that governments simply cannot ignore, but we need to make sure we can reflect that ambition by making sure our solutions are practical and affordable. “We will take the new WHO roadmap to cleaner air as our inspiration and would encourage the government and standards setting bodies to reflect this new scientific thinking, and set UK targets higher than before,” said Wood.

The BESA membership also continues to take inspiration from the honorary president of our H&WB group Rosamund Adoo Kissi-Debrah, whose daughter Ella was the first person in the world to have air pollution stated on her death certificate. Rosamund continues to spur on our efforts to improve indoor spaces for the sake of this generation and the generations of children to come and who deserve to grow and thrive in healthy spaces. “Air pollution stunts children’s health and future. There is no safe level but at least following the WHO’s new guidelines will set us on the path to achieving clean air for all,” she says. Mechanical ventilation and air filtration has a huge and growing role to play and BESA members take their responsibilities in this area very seriously. This is a wonderful opportunity – not just to grow our industry and our businesses – but to be part of one of the biggest social changes in decades. Turning buildings into safe havens that give people back their trust in indoor spaces and support their health, well-being, and aspirations – what bigger motivation could there be than that? n


The BESA Book 2022 |


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| The BESA Book 2022

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DATA-DRIVEN FUTURE Toby Hunt from Guardian Water Treatment discusses how technological developments in data acquisition and analysis have shaken up the water treatment sector, while offering FMs a new approach to decision making and interventions.

In March 2020, the UK went into what would be the first of several ‘lockdowns’ to manage the Covid-19 crisis. Employees were advised to work from home where possible and with the space of a month, around 46.6% of people in employment (32.6 million) did some work from home, rising to 57.2% in London – an unprecedented rise from the previous year when only 5% of people worked from home. Almost overnight, large commercial buildings designed to host thousands of workers across multiple sectors were mothballed, in many cases without proper contingency plans in place, leaving buildings vulnerable to costly and potentially dangerous problems. Before Covid-19 hit, increasing numbers of facilities managers were benefiting from taking a preventative rather than reactive approach to HVAC maintenance, but faced with physical restrictions on movement, remote monitoring found a new relevancy. With access to a wide range of critical data points from the safety of home, FMs reduced site visits and travel while ensuring that systems were operating efficiently, interventions were necessary and based on actual data, and valuable plant was protected. In the face of a challenging future, the role of the facilities manager changed. From monitoring, responding and correcting building services, to coming up with

preventative solutions that are flexible enough to cope with unpredictable future events, the benefit of cumulative data is allowing FMs to take an alternative approach.

Don’t rely on guesswork Real-time monitoring of parameters is key to robust and resilient HVAC management, however, to inform decision making, raw data must be understood and accurately interpreted. In the past, we have witnessed the water treatment industry stumble at this block, with a lack of understanding as to what causes corrosion and how to effectively prevent it, leading to heavy-handed maintenance and water treatments that cause more damage than good. We use Hevasure technology which uses high-quality sensors and the Internet of Things (IoT) to detect adverse conditions that could lead to corrosion in closed-circuit water systems – the veins and arteries of the HVAC system. Active interventions at this crucial point improve overall building performance and minimise the risk of system failure. This level of monitoring allows FMs to identify the root cause of corrosion before it takes hold and act accordingly to prevent rather than treat corrosion. The benefit of cumulative real-time data combined with proprietary algorithms not only gives FMs an accurate picture of >>


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INSTALLATION INSTALLATION In-house teams working In-house teams working throughout theUK UK and throughout the and overseas DW154 overseas totoDW154 & & DW144 standards. DW144 standards.


Ductwork/pipework inspection & leakage testing inspection & leakage and LEV testing under testing and LEV testing COSHH Regulations. under COSHH regulations.


Site modifications, repairs MAINTENANCE

and general maintenance Site modifications, repairs by a highly qualified and and general maintenance experienced team. by a highly qualified and experienced team.


commercial premises, ensuring that indoor environments are fit-for-purpose – from office buildings to leisure facilities, industrial facilities to processing plants and most importantly, mission critical sites such as data centres and hospitals. However, as FMs are more than aware, these vital services come at a price, with HVAC operation accounting for the majority of energy usage in most large commercial buildings. HVAC systems can easily become blocked and closed-circuit “Rather than systems are particularly vulnerable to waiting for physical corrosion and scale, problems which can cause long-term operational signs of distress, FMs inefficiencies and high costs if they with access to realare neglected or mismanaged.

time data, have more control and can make critical early interventions.”

their system at any one time, but also adds meaning to the raw data. This removes any element of guesswork in the decision-making process, leading to active service interventions and reduced costs overall.

Putting data to use The most important action FMs can take to ensure their HVAC systems are healthy and operational is to monitor dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. Critically, this is something that is not picked up by sampling or corrosion coupons, highlighting the difference in this monitoring approach. DO is the precursor to all corrosion in closed circuit water systems, either directly damaging pipework and components or by creating the perfect conditions for bacteria to thrive. If left unchecked, debris can build up in pipes and components causing a whole host of problems, including reduced performance of heat exchangers, changes in flow characteristics, leaks and general degradation of pipework and components. These problems can only be prevented by continuous monitoring for DO. Rather than waiting for physical signs of distress, FMs with access to real-time data that indicates a risk of corrosion, have more control over water treatment products and can make critical early interventions. As well as DO, key parameters include pressure, pH, temperature, steel corrosion rate, inhibitor/glycol concentration and crevice corrosion.

Small adjustments can make a huge difference to overall energy usage (and therefore cost) and real-time data provides FMs with the insight they need to make these changes. Armed with a true picture of water system conditions, interventions can be minimised and treatment targeted. This preventative approach means that critical plant can operate free from corrosion, stagnation and localised deposition. While flushing is often necessary, real-time monitoring opens the options to include more sustainable methods, including side stream filtration and non-chemical treatments which reduce chemical and water requirements. The consequences of inadequate water system management can be disastrous, with the price of unplanned engineering, downtime and litigation potentially running into the millions. The ability to pick up problems before they cause major damage is invaluable. With access to a full range of data, FMs can ensure these risks are dramatically reduced – an investment that will save in the long run.

Take an active approach Remote monitoring of critical HVAC plant provides FMs with a true and accurate picture of system condition; an ideal basis to plan ongoing maintenance and water treatment strategies that are lean, resilient, system specific and efficient – whatever the future may hold. n

Monitor for efficiency The accumulation and intelligent analysis of real-time data is also helping FMs find the optimum balance between building performance, energy efficiency and cost. HVAC systems are essential to the operation of

Toby Hunt Head Guardian Water Treatment


The BESA Book 2022 |



TIME FOR FRESH THINKING Nathan Wood, managing director of Farmwood and chair of the BESA Health and Well-being in Buildings Group, says engineers need to take the lead on indoor air quality. In a recent online survey 61% of 892 people voted in favour of calling outside air “fresh air. As an advocate of improving our indoor air quality (IAQ), and with a personal aversion to the “F” word, this was a bitter pill to swallow. I prefer the term “ambient” or the oldfashioned term “outside air”. Why does terminology matter? As building services engineers, we are being promoted as the physicians of buildings. I believe that technical people who should use the correct technical terminology, particularly as we are responsible for the health and wellbeing of building occupants. We spend in excess of 90% of our time inside buildings, so we need to ensure the air quality inside them is good, or dare I say “fresh”! This means going beyond the basic maintenance procedures required by manufacturer’s recommendations. For example, a domestic mechanical ventilation heat recovery system (MVHR) service list from a manufacturer includes:

• Remove inspect and clean the filters • Change filters where required • Check free operation of fan units • Clean impellers • Clean housing • Check electrical connections • Visually check components • Remove and clean the heat exchanger • Check the condensate trap, prime where required* • Check door seals and fixings • Check duct connections

More thought during the design process can also support better IAQ. For example, external grilles should be in the optimal location for the best possible air quality. This should include boiler flues, log burners outlets or exhaust fumes. A simple change of location or additional thought during the design process can have a significant impact on the indoor air quality. Ventilation manufacturers are upping their game with improved marketing and information. They are also developing or adopting clean air systems, improved filtration and UV technology. New ducting and air valve systems can control the flow of air within a room, which is an approach that delivers zoned air flows to reduce transmission risk. Ventilation solutions don’t need to be difficult or overly technical. Some clean air technologies offer better results than others, however the type of room and its use should determine the best system to adopt. It is vital that we seek out proven technologies and train our people to install them correctly. As an SME, without our apprentices, the growth of our business wouldn’t be possible. Specific training and funding for the sector is desperately needed. In commercial buildings, improved control systems with interlinked air quality monitoring can respond to changes in the incoming “fresh”, yet possibly polluted, air. Controls can automatically divert the air through

This should be regarded as the minimum requirement. Maintenance should also include checking air flows to ensure adequate ventilation throughout the property. For example, ensuring that there is sufficient undercut on the internal doors to allow for sufficient airflow. The air valves should also be checked to ensure they are clean and free from debris. Similarly, ducting should be checked and cleaned. All these points and more are covered on the Approved Document F commissioning sheets, yet we often come across a singlepage certificate with only air flows recorded.


| The BESA Book 2022

Air quality monitor


additional filters or calculate if the indoor CO2 levels are at a safe level to stop supplying air into the building. This would then switch ventilation to full recirculation mode to prevent poor IAQ and improve energy consumption – the two can work in harmony. In addition to these physical components, it’s now possible to model building behaviour, air pollution levels and IAQ from a central air quality intelligence located miles away. Air quality monitors are now more affordable, so it is more realistic for buildings to adopt continuous IAQ monitoring with accessible and actionable data. Accredited and certified monitors, strategically placed throughout a building and connected to a centralised dashboard are an important approach to ensuring continuous IAQ. Just as building energy consumption can be displayed and analysed, so should IAQ. Buildings are poised to have IAQ ratings much like restaurants have food hygiene ratings or TV’s energy ratings. Clean air technology is being developed rapidly, and sometimes associated with fairly wild claims about what it can achieve. It is important to ensure that the performance of equipment can be proved. For example, in the case of HEPA filters, it is important to ensure that they are tested to EN1822 and ISO 29463 standards. ISO 16890 is an international test standard for air filters. It classifies air filters based on particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5, PM10), which makes it possible to directly see connections to our health and air pollutants. The standard

also makes it possible to design our ventilation / IAQ in a completely different way than ever before. A combination of these systems, controls and intelligence can enable us to improve people’s health and wellbeing, making them more productive, with increased cognitive function and, dare I say, happier and more willing to come into work. For far too long the ventilation sector and our profession has been neglected. If something positive has come from the destruction caused by COVID-19 it’s that we are the forgotten no more. By investing in our profession, we can demand more from our sector and offer people the opportunity not to just exist in buildings, but to thrive. With the support of BESA and other industry / trade associations there is a wealth of knowledge and training available to develop and upskill into this sector of “air quality” and apply the newfound knowledge to deliver for our clients. This is what we do. n

Nathan Wood Managing Director Farmwood


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HVAC AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY Aircon Scotland’s managing director Ian Nicol discusses the future of HVAC and how investing in systems that will improve air quality can save businesses money in the long run. Since we can’t see poor air indoor quality or pollution, traditionally it has not been high on business owners’ priority list. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has increased awareness of the importance of clean air. As a result, more businesses are focused on improving indoor air quality (IAQ) and occupant health through better ventilation, and it seems to be a a trend that will continue long into 2022.

What is indoor air quality? IAQ is the quality of the air in and around a building, particularly in relation to the health and comfort of its occupants. A building’s indoor air quality is affected by complex and interlinked factors, due to both outside and inside air pollution. Although the airtight infrastructure used in today’s modern buildings will guarantee superior insulation

and maximise energy efficiency, it can also mean a lack of fresh air, which often leads to humidity and the accumulation of microbes and allergens.

The impact of poor indoor air quality Poor IAQ in an office environment can drain happiness, health and productivity. Occupants can experience headaches, fatigue and eye irritation, leading to increased sickness absences. Regulating indoor air quality can reduce these impacts.

How to improve indoor air quality Depending on available space and the customer’s budget, there are several ways to improve IAQ. For some companies, simply adding more plants into the office or opening windows to increase ventilation is enough. However, according to research, 30% of people won’t open windows as they are worried about exterior air quality. As a result, it’s important that employers consider alternative options, such as mechanical HVAC systems and air purifiers. Mechanical ventilation is the intentional fan-driven flow of outdoor air into a building. This plays an essential part in your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, maintaining IAQ and regulating air movement.

How to maximise the efficiency of your HVAC system Working with an HVAC specialist, businesses can improve IAQ by monitoring and controlling target ventilation. From simple adjustments to adding new or retrofit equipment, introducing and circulating more outside air and replacing stale indoor air can help to reduce airborne pathogens and other contaminants. One approach is to extend ventilation operation times, where possible, keeping ventilation running 24/7. Increasing ventilation rates when the building >>


The BESA Book 2022 |


THE CLEAN AIR MANAGEMENT EXPERTS Poor quality air within mechanically ventilated buildings negatively impacts on the health of those using it, causing symptoms such as tiredness, lethargy, headaches, and dry or itchy skin and eye irritation. Our Clean Air Management Services include: • Mechanical cleaning of air conditioning ductwork to HVCA TR/19 requirements, to ensure energy reductions or minimal use of energy due to clean resistance free systems • Access doors and fire dampers supplied and fitted • Air quality management and ongoing monitoring of air ductwork systems, including sampling and logbooks • Biocidal disinfection of ductwork systems For a full list our of air hygiene call us now on: 02392 644700

Ventilation solutions for the whole building envelope Manufacturing innovative and high quality ventilation products for over 45 years, Elta Fans has a comprehensive range of solutions designed to ensure the wellbeing and comfort of building occupants. Our extensive product range includes fans, air handling units, sound attenuators and controls. Alongside this, we offer unrivalled technical expertise, service and support and our abilities extend across the whole of our customers’ projects.


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• Mechanical cleaning of Kitchen Extract Systems • Fire Damper Maintenance and Validation to the latest Fire Risk Assessment standards • Inspection and Certification of LEV Systems maintained to HSG54 • All air hygiene works comply with HVCA TR/19 guidance - a specific requirement by insurance companies with regard to Kitchen Extract Systems and TM: 26.


Air Quality and Wellbeing at Work Remax’s Air Quality and Wellbeing at Work Survey, which was conducted in 2019 and included 1,000 respondents within the UK, found that:

of respondents believe that poor indoor air • 80% quality is having a negative impact on their health 90% say that they find themselves nodding • Nearly off or losing concentration in meetings think that poor indoor air quality could have a • 80% negative impact on productivity at work all office workers say they suffer from • Nearly tiredness or lethargy at work Poor indoor air quality can have several adverse effects on individuals, including:

Research shows that temperature has • Temperature: a direct impact on the brain’s cognitive function, and that performance reduces by 2% for every degree above 25C and by 4.7% for every degree below 21C

CO levels: a stuffy atmosphere can leave • Poor employees feeling lethargic, dizzy and unmotivated, 2

and therefore less productive

humidity: when levels are too low, employees • Low can feel irritation in their throat, eyes and skin humidity: when levels are too high, this is a • High breeding ground for bacteria, mould and dust mites, and the area can become unsightly and unhygienic

is occupied and only reducing them during ‘off-peak’ times, such as at night or at weekends, helps reduce the risk of spreading germs.

The importance of regular service and maintenance Regular service and maintenance are required to ensure systems are running effectively and at optimum levels. When units are left unmaintained, dirt can build up in the systems, causing the system to slow down and sometimes break, which can lead to more serious health and safety issues.

Air purifiers When it comes to office spaces in older buildings it may be too expensive or impractical to add mechanical ventilation. Therefore, natural ventilation, i.e. opening a window, is the most common way to circulate air. However, in winter, with cold and wet weather, natural ventilation is not a viable option. In this case, air purifiers can be used to cleanse the indoor air. Over the last 18 months, there has been a significant increase in people using air purifiers, both at home and in the office, which is a trend that I predict will continue for many years to come.

Conclusion Research has shown that buildings and their indoor air quality have been linked with the spread of infectious diseases, such as measles and influenza and with SARSCoV-2, the majority of outbreaks involving 3 or more people were linked to time spent indoors. Circulating fresh air, and improving the level of air quality, will control the concentration of indoor respiratory aerosols and reduce airborne transmission of infectious agents. With 50% of people leaving meetings feeling that they were unsuccessful, and 90% of people having up to 10 meetings per week, for productivity levels to increase within UK businesses, the indoor air quality of workplaces needs to be improved and, as industry professionals, it is our responsibility to inspire them. n

Ian Nicol Managing Director Aircon Scotland improving-indoor-air-quality


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A FIRST-CLASS LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Tom Wodcke, product manager at Breathing Buildings highlights the ventilation guidance for schools in BB101 and explains how hybrid ventilation can optimise comfort and sustainability. The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the importance indoor air quality and ventilation in buildings due to the airborne transmission of the COVID-19 virus. This is especially true in schools since they have suffered severe disruption during the pandemic. As a result, the Government announced £25 million in funding in August 2021 for CO2 monitors so that schools could monitor indoor air and determine areas that required extra ventilation.

The document’s last revision is the 2018 edition of BB101: Guidelines on ventilation, thermal comfort and indoor air quality in schools. This update was in response to research by TES and the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL)which found that 70% of English schools were ‘not fit for purpose’. The research cited a range of issues including poor ventilation in classrooms and corridors; and classrooms being too hot or having excessive temperature swings.

However, this focus on indoor air in schools is not new. Prior to the pandemic there was already a rising awareness of how indoor environments impact on our health and wellbeing. Guidance for schools and ventilation also already existed in the form of Building Bulletin 101 (BB101).

BB101:2018, published by the Education and Skills Funding Agency, aimed to address these issues. It sets out the regulatory framework for school ventilation giving recommended performance levels for compliance with UK regulations. The document also provides guidance on ventilation, thermal comfort and indoor air quality in schools.


| The BESA Book 2022


However, with schools managing tight budgets, and the pandemic following just over a year after BB101’s publication, there are many schools that have not resolved these issues.

BB101: 2018 (which was updated from the 2006 version) set out more stringent air quality targets, is tougher on summertime overheating, and recommends a pre-mixing of air to eliminate cold draughts. It also sets much clearer and more onerous limits on peak and daily average CO2 limits which will have a beneficial impact on IAQ in classrooms.

at different times of the day or season to produce the best outcome. With hybrid ventilation, the active mode reflects the external environment and takes advantage of ambient conditions at any point in time. An intelligent control system can switch automatically between natural and mechanical modes in order to minimise energy consumption and so save schools money. Natural ventilation is used for the majority of occupied hours but can be assisted or amplified by mechanical systems under peak heating or cooling conditions, accommodating greater extremes of internal heat gains and external temperature fluctuations. The result is that energy consumption is minimised under normal day-today conditions, whilst ensuring sufficient ventilation capacity under a wide range of internal/ external scenarios.

“Hybrid ventilation utilises natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation in one system For example, the next design at different times generation of hybrid systems offers an affordable whole room of the day or season ventilation solution that can be to produce the best retrofitted easily, so schools do not need to pay out a huge capital outcome.”

To achieve this, designers are more likely to use an automated system, which consequently will lead to better management of IAQ and improved conditions for learning. Hybrid ventilation systems meet this need and were introduced in BB101:2018 alongside traditional natural and mechanical ventilation, offering specifiers an alternative ventilation design strategy for schools. By employing hybrid ventilation, schools can maximise health, comfort and sustainability without having to invest in significant building works, making it ideal for retrofitting.

Hybrid Ventilation Hybrid ventilation utilises both natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation in one system design. It uses the different features of natural and mechanical ventilation

cost on a new building to improve ventilation. This new breed of ventilation system offers the highest energy efficiency and air flow within the acoustic limits required for its school application, offering almost 50% reduction in energy savings and operating costs. This type of system uses efficient fans to achieve hybrid mixing ventilation in classrooms, whilst making the >>


The BESA Book 2022 |



most of internal heat gains to deliver thermal comfort. This allows buildings with limited facade and roof space to be naturally ventilated with low energy mixing fans, mitigating cold draughts in winter and providing an exhaust boost in summer.

Ideal environment The system is fitted with several temperature sensors and an intelligent controller, which monitors internal and external conditions to create an ideal indoor environment.

“The system is fitted with several temperature sensors and an intelligent controller, which monitors internal and external conditions to create an ideal indoor environment.”

The system can be used in almost any building due to its small size and has several modes of operation depending on the conditions at the time. In winter the heat recycling strategy for ventilation offers huge heating-bill savings for schools while providing draught-free ventilation to create a thermally comfortable environment. The mid-season natural ventilation mode enables the unit to maximise the benefits of passive ventilation by opening the damper and windows and utilising free cooling. The summer boost function utilises all the aspects and benefits of the naturally ventilated strategy, while adding the fan to create more airflow, when demanded. According to BB101:2018, overheating needs to be assessed in terms of operative temperature using the DSY1 2020 weather file during the occupied period 9am - 4pm Monday to Friday between 1 May and 30

September, including the summer holiday period. It also states that elimination of cold draughts is important since draughts can either raise heating bills by increased use of radiators or affect air quality, with teachers closing windows to reduce draughts.

With the requirement for our existing schools to improve indoor environmental performance, hybrid ventilation systems tick all the right boxes. Offering energy savings, straightforward retrofitting and sustainable development by optimising the balance between IAQ, thermal comfort, energy use and environmental impact, this modern approach to ventilation reduces cost whilst improving wellbeing and learning outcomes. Breathing Building offers a CIBSE-accredited CPD on meeting the requirements of BB101: Guidelines on ventilation, thermal comfort and indoor air quality in schools and TM52: The Limits of Thermal Comfort; Avoiding Overheating. n

Tom Wodcke Product Manager Breathing Buildings


The BESA Book 2022 |



VENTILATION – DELIVERING A HEALTHIER FUTURE Stuart Smith, group sales director from ventilation specialists Nuaire, provides an insight into how legislative changes alongside system and product innovations could provide the key to improving IAQ in the long term.

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is in the spotlight at present, but the influence of this topic on public health is not limited to the current pandemic. The World Health Organisation estimates that around 90% of people globally live with dirty air. The associated increase in poor health and early death makes poor air quality a bigger killer worldwide than smoking. Even in developed countries, such as the UK, the full impact of air pollution is only now beginning to be understood, shedding light on broader health implications such as deteriorating eyesight alongside the higher incidence of respiratory conditions and cancers. The UK Government recently recognised air pollution as the most significant environmental risk to public health, costing the economy around £20bn and contributing to 20,000 premature deaths every year. Given that we spend around 90% of our time indoors, addressing the quality of the air we breathe when inside – in terms of pollutants from external sources and pathogens circulating within – is critical to bringing those figures down. In addressing the issue, we must look at existing legislation and regulation alongside the critical role of


| The BESA Book 2022

the HVAC industry in developing new, more efficient ways of improving IAQ. Removing the source of pollutants outside is undoubtedly one of the most effective solutions to the problem. There are moves to review the UK Government’s Environment Bill and Air Quality Strategy to deliver the step-change required to manage this issue. However, these changes will not happen overnight. In all likelihood, it will be decades before fossil fuel vehicles, one of the biggest sources of pollution, truly become a thing of the past, for example. Further clarity is needed on how to deal with the challenge of managing the spread of pathogens within buildings a topic that can significantly impact IAQ. The past year’s events demonstrate just how important it is to identify solutions today, helping to ensure that both external and internal air pollutants can be managed, protecting the wellbeing of building occupants. Although many people remain working from home at the moment, the issue of IAQ is already high on the agenda for building and business owners looking to get employees back to their place of work safely.


Office workers spend hundreds of hours each year indoors Indoor air quality matters to office workers around the UK and globally who clock up hundreds of hours indoors each year. Whilst professionals have been temporarily required to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, office environments are becoming populated once again. With this comes a challenge and an opportunity to improve and bolster air quality within these environments. Ensuring the health and wellbeing of workers has never been a higher priority as we emerge from this global crisis. Part F of the UK Building Regulations mandates the performance of ventilation systems to achieve the desired inflow of fresh air and outflow of pollutants within buildings. At present, however, Part F only sets minimum requirements for the rate of fresh airflow into a building to ensure there is a sufficient supply of fresh air to push out pollutants. However, it does not stipulate requirements for how that fresh air is circulated once it is within the building envelope.

“Ensuring the health and wellbeing of workers has never been a higher priority as we emerge from this global crisis.”

Although this is not a major issue for smaller buildings, it becomes more problematic the more extensive the internal space and the greater the area supplied by a ventilation system. For example, someone sitting next to a ventilation terminal in a large office will receive an optimal flow of fresh air when the system is functioning as needed. However, those sitting at the other end of the office are likely to receive a poorer circulation of fresh air that would have passed across their colleagues before it reaches them. This often-seen situation can lead to pathogens being picked up while circulating across the office, which is particularly concerning for those sitting in poorly ventilated spaces within a building every day. The air they breathe may well be of measurably worse quality than the air reaching their colleagues. This can be further complicated when the layout of a building is changed. What may have been an effective method of air circulation when a building was first built may no longer be suitable. For example, when an internal structure of an office is modified due to a change of use or increase in personnel. In that case, it is

not possible to modify the ventilation system accordingly and, consequently, puts the health of those occupying the building at greater risk. Most ventilation systems do not have the flexibility to adapt to these changes to maintain an adequate supply of fresh air for all individuals.

Whilst the Covid pandemic has drawn close attention to the issue of IAQ, we must recognise the wider impact it can have on the wellbeing of building occupants. It’s time that the industry focuses its considerable expertise to ensure we work together to keep everyone healthy wherever they are and for however long. Revising legislation to provide more explicit requirements on how air quality is managed across different areas of a building is crucial. With the pressure to improve IAQ in shared environments stronger than ever, the HVAC industry can play a significant role in helping to ensure advances in ventilation technology help shape the indoor spaces of the future. n

Stuart Smith Group Sales Director Nuaire


The BESA Book 2022 |



UNDERSTANDING IAQ Nick Ralph, national technical manager of Linaker, takes a look at the increasingly important topic of indoor air quality and its impact on occupant health.

The topic of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is not new, however, the recent pandemic has highlighted the pollutants and viruses that we can’t see but know are present in the air we breathe. There have been several studies that link indoor air quality and sick building syndrome. Some of the symptoms of sick building syndrome are:

• Headache • Eye nose or throat irritation difficulty in concentration hoarseness of voice • Increased incidence of asthma attacks • Dizziness • Dry cough • Nausea • Dry or itching skin • Sensitivity to odours • Cold, flu-like symptoms • Fatigue • Allergies • Personality changes The exact cause of sick building syndrome symptoms is still not fully understood, though studies suggest it has


| The BESA Book 2022

a link to IAQ. In most cases, the effects of sick building syndrome end shortly after leaving the building. Sick building syndrome reduces work efficiency and increases absence within the workplace, with sickness due to poor health having a significant impact and cost to business. The better the IAQ, the better people feel; and the greatest asset of any business is its people. Whilst there is no single way to achieve good IAQ nor a 100% effective method to eliminate risk, it is possible to minimise the transmission and improve overall IAQ within buildings. Some of the key contaminations within a built environment are carbon dioxide; carbon monoxide; volatile organic compounds (VOCs), moisture, and particulates. Carbon dioxide is a result of the human metabolism. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. The average person now spends approximately 80% of their time indoors, where the pollutant levels are higher than the outside environment. The higher the fresh air content is, the more diluted the contamination concentration is within our buildings. At room temperature, carbon


dioxide is colourless, odourless, and a non-flammable gas. The more people in a building, the greater the Carbon dioxide concentration. Exposure to a high concentration of carbon dioxide can produce a variety of negative health effects with the following list the most common experienced: headaches, dizziness, a tingling, pins and needles feeling, sweating, increased heart rate and tiredness. Today’s technology can integrate smart metering, including CO2 monitoring, into control and monitoring of existing ventilation systems, with CO2 levels being a key indicator of IAQ. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain compounds within our buildings. Some relevant examples are aerosol sprays, cleansers and disinfectants, air fresheners, dry-cleaned clothing and copiers/printers to name a few. VOCs include a variety of chemicals, some of which can have short, and long-term effects on our health. Concentrations of many VOCs can be over eight times higher than that of our outdoor environment. But by introducing both mechanical systems, and harnessing the power of plants this can be significantly reduced. It’s been known for a long time that plants turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, what’s not so well known is that plants can also remove and store VOC’s. In 1989 NASA published a paper and found plants like the peace lilly could remove volatile organic compounds, including formaldehyde and benzene. While plants can contribute to indoor air quality, as well as reduction of sickness and stress, the solution is far from being as easy as sticking a few plants in the office. Relative humidity measures the amount of water vapor in the air compared to the total water vapour the air can hold. Relative air humidity needs to be maintained to help stop the spread of viruses in airborne droplets. It is recommended that in a standard building environment, 40% to 60% is the ideal level. Covid-19 and seasonal influenza viruses can be transmitted through aerosols and droplets, in which viruses remain stable and infectious across a wide range of environmental conditions. Viruses die off faster in higher relative humidity, leading to a reduced risk of infection. Lower relative humidity aids airborne transmission of water droplets allowing aerosols containing the virus to disperse into the air. Droplets and aerosols tend to stay afloat longer and travel farther in the air with lower relative humidity. One of the most effective and efficient ways to achieve good IAQ is via good ventilation. Regular maintenance includes inspection and cleaning of the HVAC system, which is key to improved air quality. Mechanical

ventilation systems (including air conditioning systems) should be regularly and adequately cleaned, tested, and maintained to ensure they are kept clean and free from anything which may contaminate the air. (ACOP 33) Multi-stage filtration systems can be upgraded and, in some cases, directly replaced with high-efficiency filtration that provides both high-level filtration and energy savings. A reliable filtration system offers many advantages, and the latest systems can include filters with a biostatic effect that outperform standard filters in relation to bacterial and fungal spores, which could be a breeding ground or a “means of transport” for viruses. A human hair has a cross-sectional area of 60 microns and a virus is less than 1 micron; therefore the correct set-up of the ventilation system can provide 99% of particulate capture. Linaker has been working with several service partners who specialise in UV-C and ion technology to fight against Covid-19. n

Nick Ralph National Technical Manager Linaker


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SOLVING HUMAN COMFORT CHALLENGES Josh Emerson, head of marketing for Swegon UK&I, explains how a focus on measuring indoor climate quality leads to better outcomes for occupants. Technical engineering challenges can often distract us from the real reason we design buildings – to improve human comfort and wellbeing. Humans are most often affected when it comes to indoor climate by the temperature in a room. However, even when the temperature is at the right level, there are other factors that control how we experience comfort in the short term and how our health is affected in the long term. By starting from the human being when we design our indoor climate systems, we can keep comfort high, which positively affects both our performance and our long-term health. We can also design systems that meet a variety of demands, including low carbon, sustainability and operating costs. Faced with rising rates of indoor transmission, the government and most industry bodies have issued advice focused primarily on increasing ventilation rates to achieve minimum air changes of eight litres per second per person. Keeping CO2 concentrations below 800 parts per million was also recommended as an indicator of ventilation effectiveness. This is an excellent start to improving ventilation, but CO2 is not the only measure we should use to understand the quality of our built environment.

To set a measure of the indoor climate quality, it’s important to look at what we are capturing by measuring CO2, and perhaps more importantly, what we may be missing out on. In this context, CO2 is clear and easy to measure for an indication of how many people are in the premises. A CO2 content of 1,000 ppm or above affects our cognitive ability, with reduced opportunities to assimilate information and make strategic decisions. However, this level is far from dangerous for the human body. CO2 levels around 30,000 ppm can cause headaches and at levels of 70,000 ppm CO2 becomes life-threatening. An alternative measure of air quality is VOC (volatile organic compounds). The term is a collective name for thousands of different substances that occur in our environment. An ordinary VOC sensor for ventilation systems captures substances that are emitted completely naturally from us humans, eg. acetone from our respiration and methane formed in digestion. This means that the VOC levels change in step with the CO2 levels, so both measures can be used to match the ventilation system’s air turnover to occupation levels. An important difference, however, is that the VOC sensor also captures a number of other unpleasant contaminants, which are emitted from objects and building materials, e.g. formaldehyde from paint, alcohols and aldehydes from adhesives and solvents, as well as benzene and styrene from copiers and computers. By regulating the indoor climate from the VOC level, the ventilation system can therefore increase when the occupancy rate in the premises increases, just like a CO2 regulating system, but it can also capture substances that are released, for example, when the premises are cleaned, the walls are repainted or a new sofa has been put in place. In these cases, the CO2 sensor does not respond, and a CO2 controlled ventilation system therefore does not increase to ventilate the contaminants. A ventilation system that regulates at VOC will, however, quickly react and ventilate out of the room. >>


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CIBSE Approved CPD Webinars Waterloo’s CIBSE approved CPD’s are now available to all as live webinars. For more detail and to register or watch a recording of a previous session, visit:

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The Waterloo Product Directory provides comprehensive information on Waterloo’s standard product range. It incorporates a technical guide covering air diffusion and acoustics as well as comparative selections, special air diffusion characteristics and jet theory. To download, visit:


What is it that makes the VOC unable to replace CO2 as a measure of air quality? One reason is that the VOC levels are not measured in absolute ppm numbers in the same way as CO2 and thus are more difficult to set as limit values. The VOC donor captures thousands of subjects, and instead of setting limit values for all of these substances, the VOC sensor is constantly calibrated to distinguish what is background level and what are changes, that is, the addition of contaminants. In other words, it is not as easy to set absolute limit values for VOCs. However, in a modern system for demand-controlled ventilation, this is not a problem, the VOC level is simply converted to CO2equivalent values.

Relative humidity Current building standards focus on a simple linear relationship between the outdoor temperature and indoor comfort temperature, and there is no mandatory legal requirement to control RH.

“By regulating the indoor climate from the VOC level, the ventilation system can therefore increase when the occupancy rate in the premises increases, just like a CO2 regulating system.”

Humidity affects the performance of buildings, the durability of building envelope materials and the longevity of equipment, therefore, we need to control humidity so levels are not too low, and not too high. The moisture-holding capacity of air increases dramatically with rises in temperature so, counterintuitive though it might sound, it is often more economic to raise the air temperature because the increased moisture transport capacity will outweigh the increased energy consumption. We should also start to consider humidity as an asset and recover it in the same way we do thermal energy to help maintain healthy conditions without paying an energy penalty. Achieving the right RH for each space will depend on finding a balance that brings together all aspects of HVAC systems to deliver healthy air change rates alongside the right temperature balance. It is a complex area, but today’s system designers have all the tools at their disposal.

Data for engineering challenges

Our access to building data can be the key to helping us solve engineering challenges and help improve human comfort and wellbeing. The so-called ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ is opening up technological innovation that can improve our built and natural environments in tandem. Bringing all this together via integrated supply chains that openly share this new found wealth of performance and climatic data will allow us to revolutionise our approach so buildings are able to respond to the triple challenge of humans, buildings and the planet. n

Josh Emerson Head of Marketing Swegon UK&I


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Swegon is your partner for indoor environment solutions that work exactly as desired, at the lowest possible lifecycle cost. We are a total system supplier, and our offer includes ventilation, heating, cooling and climate optimisation systems, as well as connected services and expert technical support. Count on us to add value to your project – from start to finish, and beyond. Enabling people to be at their best, today and tomorrow.


UNLOCKING EFFICIENCY As we continue our journey towards Net Zero Carbon, Gareth Ash, marketing manager at Danfoss, explores some opportunities and solutions for reducing energy demand and emissions in the buildings in which we live and work.

According to the International Energy Agency, buildings account for 30% of final energy consumption and 28% of global energy related CO2 emissions (IEA, 2018). It seems evident that making our buildings more climate-friendly is key to creating a decarbonised world. Whilst we believe there is scope for efficiencies in all types of building, let’s start by considering the opportunities for energy savings in two key sectors - data centres and apartment blocks.

Data centres Data centres experienced massive growth during the Covid-19 pandemic due to the high demand for streaming and cloud-based services and that growth looks set to continue. Several models predict that data centre energy usage could surpass more than 10% of the global electricity supply by 2030. It is clearly time to think beyond Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and for effective water utilisation, heat recovery and reuse of energy to become the next key drivers for data centre owners and operators. Data centres can also improve their sustainability by recycling heat generated by their servers to district energy networks. Indeed, the EU’s ReUseHeat project estimates that approximately 340TWh of heat could be


| The BESA Book 2022

recovered annually from ‘unconventional’ excess heat sources, such as data centres, metro stations, service sector buildings, and waste water treatment plants.

Apartment blocks Apartment block living is increasing, particularly in urban areas where land is at a premium and high-rise developments can provide more homes on a smaller footprint. Modern heating (and cooling) technology gives property owners and managers numerous ways to improve energy efficiency in their residential buildings. Making this investment, whether in new build or renovation projects, will enable a better return on investment, lower overall costs, greater comfort and safety, and reduced environmental impact. In our opinion, making efficiencies in this sector requires a two-fold approach. Firstly, improving overall system efficiency by, for example, ensuring optimal hydronic balance and accurate temperature control, which can help reduce the overall cost of decarbonisation significantly. The second, and potentially more challenging, approach is to make sure remaining energy demand is covered by more sustainable energy, such as heat pumps or connecting communities to new district heat networks.


HVAC optimisation Since most of the energy consumed by our buildings is used to maintain the right indoor temperature and air quality, this is clearly a good starting point for making efficiencies. A report by green energy consultancy, Ecofys, found that optimising HVAC systems can save on average 30% energy within a short payback time of just 2 to 4 years and could save 156 Mt CO2 emissions – the equivalent of emissions produced by 82 million cars. The potential energy savings of HVAC optimisation can be further increased with smart solutions such as demandresponse, while digitalisation can be used to control heating and cooling as part of intelligent control systems that have access to accurate, real-time data. At Danfoss, we call the digitalisation of these systems HVAC 4.0.

Heat recovery

“Data centres can improve their sustainability by recycling heat generated by their servers to district energy networks.”

The process of heat recovery, particularly from commercial refrigeration systems, has gained much interest as a source of sustainable energy in recent years. For example, with the introduction of CO2 as a refrigerant, supermarkets can utilise the surplus heat from their CO2 refrigeration units to heat space and domestic water – either in their own buildings or by feeding into a local district heating system.

An example of these pioneering developments in heat recovery can be seen at Danfoss headquarters in Nordborg, Denmark. In 2015 it was heated 100% by fossil fuel. In 2022, it will be CO2 neutral, and in 2024, reused excess heat from Danfoss data centres will provide 25% of the overall heat supply for the 250,000 square metres of factories and offices.

Published by CIBSE in 2020, CP1 – Heat Networks Code of Practice considers some of the challenges associated with implementing heat networks, particularly in relation to connection and performance. In a bid to address these challenges the new Code highlights the need to improve the quality of feasibility studies, design, construction, and operations, and set minimum standards and best practices.

Fast track future Danfoss firmly believes that the ‘energy efficiency first’ principle should form the backbone of our investment in a low-carbon world. Optimising existing HVAC systems through better balance and control has been shown to be one of the most cost-effective ways to improve efficiency, while the smart solutions that can help put us on a fast track to highly efficient, connected buildings are already available from forward-thinking manufacturers. From digitalised pressure controllers that automatically and dynamically balance a heat network, through to the application of artificial intelligence in solutions we can create highly efficient buildings that are Net Zero carbon ready, better for the environment and fit for the future. n

District energy There is a wealth of research and case studies that support the use of district energy networks in many applications and locations. This type of energy network takes heat from all available sources to meet space heating or cooling and hot water demands. And because the systems can be fed with heat that would otherwise be wasted, the model results in a more efficient and cost-effective energy system.

Gareth Ash Marketing Manager Danfoss


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30% average energy savings potential by optimising technical building systems

NovoCon® S Digital actuator

Achieve perfect hydronic balancing NovoCon® is an essential device in the transition to smart connected buildings with continuous monitoring, energy management and preventative maintenance at the highest comfort level and lowest operating costs giving you control with just the click of a mouse. Danfoss Climate Solutions


HYDROGEN AS A FUEL SOURCE EXPLAINED Chris Caton, head of commercial product management, Groupe Atlantic UK, ROI, and North America (parent company of Hamworthy Heating) looks at hydrogen and its role in heating our homes and buildings in the future. Today most domestic UK heating systems run off natural gas (methane), present in over 85% of all homes. The existing infrastructure could be utilised and upgraded where required to distribute hydrogen effectively, making it a potential option for decarbonsing our heating systems. But for some, the environmental credentials of hydrogen depend on how it is produced.

Given its low carbon footprint, and many of the retrofit challenges of other options in our hard-to-heat homes and buildings, hydrogen is seen as a key technology to facilitate the UK’s pathway to net zero by 2050.

“The existing infrastructure could be utilised and upgraded where required to distribute hydrogen effectively, making it a potential option for decarbonsing our heating systems.”

Hydrogen enables us to transition from fossil fuel high carbon gas to a low carbon alternative. But many questions on the production, storage, and roll out are unanswered. Given the potential other uses for hydrogen identified in recent Government publications, including aviation, transport, and industry, the availability of hydrogen for heating needs to be outlined.

Why is hydrogen being considered? The environmental benefit of hydrogen as a heat source is that when burned, it produces no CO2 emissions, creating just water vapour and heat. Hydrogen also contains a large amount of energy, making it efficient.

Brown or black hydrogen is the oldest way of producing hydrogen through coal gasification. The hydrogen is separated from ‘syngas’ using adsorbers or special membranes and is termed brown or black depending on the type of coal used. It is a highly polluting process, and all emissions are released into the atmosphere.

Grey hydrogen is produced using fossil fuel such as natural gas which is separated into hydrogen and CO2 by steam methane reforming (SMR). The excess carbon generates carbon dioxide CO2. Grey hydrogen is the term used when this excess CO2 is not captured but is emitted to the atmosphere. Most hydrogen is currently produced this way. Blue hydrogen follows a similar process to grey hydrogen, but the CO2 emissions are captured and stored through carbon capture and storage (CCS). This mitigates the environmental impact on climate change through the elimination of greenhouse gas emissions. There is significant work and investment underway on carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) to develop this blue hydrogen technology. >>


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Green hydrogen is the ultimate low carbon fuel – and is produced from electrolysis powered by renewable electricity (wind, solar, or hydro). The process splits water and separates the hydrogen, with no direct impact on the environment. With the decreasing cost of renewable electricity, experts agree green hydrogen is essential to meeting climate change goals.

By-products of burning hydrogen The higher flame speed of hydrogen increases the flame temperature locally, which can generate higher levels of NOx. Specially-designed burners can manage the flame temperature and maintain at least parity of NOx levels with today’s natural gas boiler technology. Although NOx emissions do not directly impact climate change, we know that at high localised levels it’s a pollutant which can have health implications and damage vegetation.

Blended hydrogen or 100% HYDEPLOY is a hydrogen energy project which aims to prove that blending up to 20% volume of hydrogen with natural gas is a safe and greener alternative to the gas we use today. The main advantage of a 20% upper limit to the hydrogen concentration is that existing gas appliances, including boilers, can operate without modification. The key technical challenge is developing the grid network to safely inject, monitor, and regulate a 20% hydrogen blend. This activity is already underway. 100% hydrogen refers to gas appliances that can operate on full hydrogen gas. In PAS 4444:2020 (Hydrogen-fired gas appliances) defines the fuel index of 98% hydrogen as the best option to optimise cost and appliance operation. HY4HEAT, is the ongoing government-funded programme establishing if it’s technically possible, safe, and convenient to replace natural gas with hydrogen in heating. A hydrogen-ready boiler is a gas-fired boiler which can burn on either natural gas or, via a conversion, 100% hydrogen. It’s seen as a key enabler in the conversion of existing gas networks from natural gas (methane) to hydrogen. The UK is supplied by a single gas network which provides gas to all types of properties and appliances. As a result, any change in gas impacts all appliances connected to it. It is likely that we’ll start with hydrogen production zones in large industrial clusters where hydrogen gas is required for manufacturing. The regions that could have hydrogen are not yet fully identified, nor when hydrogen would become nationally available.

The path ahead A number of reports mention hydrogen as an important technology for the future of decarbonised heating. These include the Government’s 10 point plan for a green industrial revolution (November 2020) and the Climate Change Committee’s (CCC) 6th Carbon budget. We can expect to see changes to the Building Regulations, including Part L with higher targets for carbon emissions reductions in homes and non-dwellings. There will also be changes to appliance regulations for hydrogen-ready appliances. The latest UK Hydrogen Strategy states that the Government aims to consult in 2021 on the case for enabling, or requiring, new natural gas boilers to be easily convertible to use hydrogen by 2026. In addition to residential properties this must also address non-domestic challenges which are complex and not a simple upscaling exercise. As the policy for conversion of the gas grid to 100% hydrogen is developed, in the shorter-term it is likely the gas grid will permit 20% blended hydrogen within the 2020s to reduce the carbon intensity of our grid. Work towards 100% hydrogen deployment is underway, however you still need efficient and affordable heating and hot water today. It’s important to focus on reducing demand and controlling products so that no energy is wasted. We believe there will not be one fuel or technology that will dominate, but a mix. This means you can choose the most appropriate heating and hot water system for your project. n

Chris Caton Head of Commercial Product Management, Groupe Atlantic UK, ROI, and North America (parent company of Hamworthy Heating)


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PIONEERING HYDROGEN FOR HEATING Ian Miller, engineering manager of Reznor EU, explains the government’s project testing the use of hydrogen for heating UK homes. The concept of hydrogen replacing natural gas in the mainstream gas supply was first considered by the UK government in 2012. Other European countries took an interest around a similar time and many projects have since been commissioned to determine the feasibility of using hydrogen as a low carbon replacement for natural gas. Hydrogen offers the opportunity to reduce the carbon intensity of the products of combustion by blending hydrogen with methane, or ultimately replacing methane to give zero emissions. (Providing that the hydrogen is produced with zero emissions). Hydrogen also has other uses within the decarbonisation agenda both as an energy storage medium via power to gas, for use in industry, and for use in transport.

Essentially, the PM’s plan is to start blending hydrogen into the UK gas main from 2023, and at the same time have trials for 100% hydrogen heating of homes. Investment in excess wind power and CCUS to extract hydrogen from methane will produce the hydrogen to facilitate this.

“Through testing, we have successfully converted two warm air heaters and a radiant heater to work successfully on 100% hydrogen.”

Many projects have been undertaken and many others are underway with the objectives of identifying and investigating areas such as the production of hydrogen, transport and distribution of hydrogen, lending hydrogen with methane, or pure hydrogen replacing methane. Significant interest is being shown internationally regarding the potential use of hydrogen for decarbonising the gas supply. Many of the studies and projects where reports are publicly available relate to the production and transmission of hydrogen. Significantly less information is available regarding the effect of hydrogen (or hydrogen blending) on appliances

UK Government policy In June 2019, the UK Government passed legislation to make Net Zero CO2 by 2050 a legally binding target. Decarbonisation is therefore a key policy and hydrogen is seen as the only viable way to continue to operate a major national gas grid in the longer term.

In November 2020, Boris Johnson published a ‘Ten Point Plan for a green industrial revolution’ and Point 2 is ‘Driving the growth of low carbon hydrogen’.

Hence it is now the UK’s policy to start injecting hydrogen into the gas grid as soon as it is technically feasible to do so. The UK Government Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is a major sponsor of projects relating to hydrogen.

BEIS Hy4Heat

Hy4Heat is a UK Government sponsored project which aims to establish whether it is ‘technically possible, safe and convenient to replace natural gas with hydrogen in residential and commercial buildings and gas appliances. This is specifically aimed at 100% hydrogen and involves many of the leading manufacturers and component suppliers in the UK and Europe. This project, in which Nortek is working as part of a consortium, commenced in 2018 and is due for completion in Nov-2021. Through testing and development, we have successfully converted two warm air heaters and a radiant heater to work successfully on 100% hydrogen. On completion we expect the appliances to be UKCA/EC Certified suitable for sale in the UK. Initially these appliances will be used to feed into other hydrogen projects including SGN H100 or for any business considering Hydrogen development. There are other projects underway such as SGN’s H100 project to construct and demonsrate the UK’s first network for 100% hydrogen. There are a number of workstreams for this project, which include building a hydrogen network for 300 homes in Fife, Scotland. >>


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Challenges While hydrogen offers the benefit of no CO2 emissions or poisonous carbon monoxide CO at point of use, development of appliances to use hydrogen is not without its challenges. As a part of the Hy4Heat project it was possible to identify and quantify issues as well as investigate possible technical solutions. From this testing it was apparent that the following technical challenges will need to be overcome when developing the hydrogen ready generation of gas appliances: -

• Ignition safety – hydrogen gas is more volatile with

significant emphasis being put on smooth and reliable ignition characteristics, especially under a delayed ignition situation.

• Flame detection – traditional ionisation methods do not work with hydrogen flames.

• Heat transfer – hydrogen flames do not radiate as much heat energy as natural gas flames.

• NOx - emissions can be significantly higher for some burner technologies.

fuel at point of use, e.g. in a warm air unit heater, does not make product efficiency less important. To provide the same amount of heat, approximately three times as much hydrogen gas will be required compared to natural gas. Consequently, gas appliance manufacturers must ensure their hydrogen products will be as fuel efficient as possible to reduce the burden on the hydrogen-generating infrastructure and help ensure hydrogen gas appliances form a sustainable part of the drive to net zero. Currently, the UK’s energy consumption through natural gas during the colder months exceeds the electrical generation capacity of the country. Even if this significant energy gap were to be addressed, the electrical distribution network would need to be vastly enlarged. However, the introduction of hydrogen ready appliances would allow for the phased roll-out of hydrogen into the existing national gas infrastructure, ensuring continuity of supply to customers while contributing to a carbon free future. Nortek supplied a report to government in spring 2020 to explain why it will be possible to create hydrogen space heating appliances that will contribute to our national target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. n

• ErP compliance – hydrogen appliances must meet existing NOx and Seasonal Efficiency levels.

It is also important not to lose sight of efficiency levels. The existing ErP Regulations are designed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gas by driving up the efficiency of appliances, thus reducing fuel consumption. However, the elimination of greenhouse gas emissions from the

Ian Miller Engineering Manager Reznor EU


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A SMART TECH FUTURE FOR HEAT PUMPS Garry Legg, UK senior product manager at Panasonic, puts forward the view that smart controls have a significant role to play in the installation and operation of heat pumps by helping to reduce emissions, energy consumption and lowering costs.

With increasing demand from consumers for everything to be available via their smart devices, coupled with rapid advances in internet connectivity, plus a drive to lower carbon emissions, significant advances in remote smart controls for the heating and cooling sector are fast becoming the norm. Furthermore, the heating and cooling industry is being pressed to achieve major decarbonisation and efficiencies as a key part of the UK Net Zero 2050 target. Today’s smart controllers can produce significant energy efficiencies by helping building owners and energy managers monitor the operation and energy use. Cloud-based control products enable direct communication with residential and commercial HVAC products, including heat pumps. This capability allows building owners and managers to view heating and

cooling units remotely via a single interface, or via mobile devices such as tablet, mobile or laptop. These smart solutions enable users to adjust the temperature for multiple units on multiple sites. So they can eliminate unnecessary heating ,for example, when a property is unoccupied and therefore reduce energy consumption. Additionally, it is possible to change the temperature of the hot water supplied by their system remotely. This level of remote monitoring also delivers actionable real time insights to support service and maintenance. For example, maintenance managers can remotely monitor the suction and discharge pressure of a unit to help reduce system down time, thus ensuring that they have a heating, cooling and hot water system that suits their individual daily needs. >>


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Cloud-based service tools can monitor the operation of the system and using control algorithms predict if the system has an issue, such as a shortage of refrigerant. The maintenance company will receive an email notification of the potential issue. They can now attend site by logging into their account and checking the systems performance before making an informed choice on the next course of action, saving valuable time and resources. Using this smart technology, users can access a detailed breakdown of the system’s energy consumption from 60 minutes to 7 days with over 70 items of operational data

available and schedule the settings to ensure a constant and comfortable temperature throughout. This can help end users compare space utilisation and adjust the system so that energy is not wasted. It is crucial for installers to draw attention to this added value that a smart control system can offer if their businesses are to benefit from the IoT revolution. Remote access enables installers to offer ongoing maintenance contracts to their customers from a remote location and 24/7 and from a smart device such as a mobile, tablet or laptop. Maintenance teams can be engaged in predictive fine-tuning which keeps the heating, cooling and hot water system operating at its optimum level for longer. This minimises the likelihood of a system break-down by anticipating maintenance and means a longer lifespan for the units. Installers can respond more quickly to faults and issues, keeping the end user completely satisfied with their heating and cooling systems. By providing useful data over the web to remote PCs, tablets and smartphones such as the commercial air conditioning Service Cloud, it is now possible to access and collate data from heating and cooling systems remotely. This data can be stored in the cloud and made readily available for collation and analysis to improve energy management. >>


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The next generation is here New PACi NX R32 Series for light commercial applications

A+++ All Indoor units with nanoe™ X as standard

Increasing the efficiency

This advanced technology utilises hydroxyl radicals (OH), which inhibit the growth of certain pollutants such as allergens, bacteria, viruses, moulds, odours, and certain hazardous substances.

The NX Series have an improved capacity range from 2.5 kW to 14 kW and provide outstanding SEER/SCOP* efficiency values and energy labels up to A+++.

Ideal for refurbishment

Smart connectivity

The new series has been developed for a 3-wire connection which supplies power from the outdoor unit to the indoor unit and transmits the control signals, thus avoiding an additional power supply and making it a simple solution for retrofit.

CONEX, the new wired remote controller series is fully integrated with IoT solutions developed by Panasonic. Detailed operation, maintenance setting and service operation are all possible with smartphone or tablet.

nanoe™ X technology verified against SARS-CoV2

Virus SARS-CoV-2: 99,9 % inhibited. Test conducted by TEXCELL (France), using a gauze saturated with SARS-CoV-2 virus solution exposed to a generator of nanoe™ X in a 45L box for 2 hours. Performance of nanoe™ X might differ in real life environment. * In PACi NX Elite range


The Service Cloud allows a maintenance company access to as if they were on site without the need to leave their office. The increased accessibility of the system can improve maintenance and repair regimes, as well as helping end-users reduce their costs and energy consumption.

“This capability allows building owners and managers to view heating and cooling units remotely via a single interface, or via mobile devices such as tablet, mobile or laptop.”

By optimising a systems operation with remote monitoring in this way, it is possible to extend the life of units thanks to status updates and preventive maintenance, ensuring a positive return on investment. Operational costs can also be improved with the advanced, pre-programmed settings, the ability to fix yearly scheduling, energy saving modes, see statistics, permit tailored access to different users and more which deliver advanced energy savings. Experienced heat pump Installer, Peter Wickens, MD of Fuel Effect comments: “The Panasonic Aquarea Service Cloud system has been a huge revelation to the industry, I know a customer has a problem before they do - the system can identify any malfunctions and notify me to rectify, before it becomes an issue for

the occupant of the property. The system helps us provide our customers with exceptional support and customer service. I can gain more information from the remote smart cloud system than I can standing in front of the unit itself.” Simplicity and clarity are key factors in giving end-users a clear understanding of how their system is operating. With an intuitive interface (like that of popular apps) the Cloud provides a familiar feel making it easier, faster and more user-friendly when compared to traditional controls.

As we start to come out of the pandemic and the road to recovery begins, manufacturers are increasing their offering of sustainable energy solutions designed for residential and commercial applications. n

Garry Legg UK Senior Product Manager Panasonic


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WE MUST RESPOND TO WHO CHALLENGE Tough new air quality targets contained in updated World Health Organisation (WHO) should inspire the industry to redouble its efforts on indoor air quality, according to James Henley, product development manager at Daikin Applied UK. Much anticipated guidance from the World Health Organisation has considerably raised the stakes for engineers involved in improving the air quality inside buildings.

It halved the recommended limit for average annual exposure to PM2.5 from 10 micrograms per cubic metre to five. It also lowered the recommended limit for PM10 from 20 micrograms to 15.

In its first update to air quality guidelines since 2005, the WHO blamed exposure to pollution for seven million premature deaths a year worldwide. It slashed the recommended maximum levels for several pollutants, including particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) saying there was “clear evidence” that air pollution harmed human health “at even lower concentrations than previously understood”.

“Almost 80% of deaths related to PM2.5 could be avoided if current air pollution levels were reduced to those proposed in the updated guideline,” it said, explaining that these particulates are primarily generated by fuel combustion in transport, energy, households, industry, and agriculture.

Its scientists reviewed more than 500 separate studies before updating its guidance and the pandemic has also clearly influenced their thinking. As a result it has revised almost all of its previous maximum target levels for airborne pollutants downwards. It linked longterm exposure to even relatively low concentrations of ambient and household air pollution to lung cancer, heart disease, and strokes – putting the health impact of pollution on a par with poor diet and smoking while making it a bigger killer than car crashes and AIDS.

The environmental lawyers ClientEarth pointed out that this means legal pollution limits for PM2.5 and NO2 in the UK are now four times higher than WHO recommendations.


A statement from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) said the government would be setting “ambitious targets” through its forthcoming Environment Bill. “We will consider the updated WHO guidelines on PM2.5 to inform the development of air quality targets, but we must not underestimate the challenges these would bring, particularly in large cities and for people’s daily lives.” However, the UK government also does not anticipate consulting on the new guidance until later this year. Meanwhile, the pollution crisis continues to intensify, and more buildings find themselves subject to rising levels of indoor airborne contaminants as well. The building services industry has an array of solutions at its disposal as awareness grows of the important role of mechanical ventilation and air filtration can play in safeguarding health and well-being. At Daikin Applied, we are conscious that the first step is to measure and monitor levels of indoor pollutants so building managers know the extent and nature of the challenge they face before they consider potential solutions. >>


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| The BESA Book 2022


Our new Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Sensor offers a powerful measurement and monitoring tool for managing the building environment to enhance the wellbeing of occupants and visitors in small commercial buildings, schools, restaurants, and retail outlets. Being able to provide customised reporting with programmable alerts is an important consideration as it can help facilities managers take corrective action as required to ensure clean, fresh air. The WHO has once again highlighted the importance of air quality, but still many people struggle to visualise the problem inside buildings. By measuring and monitoring we can make the invisible visible and show facilities managers which pollutants they need to tackle and the solutions available. Most of us spend over 90% of our time indoors, where pollution can be up to two to five times worse than breathing outside air, affecting the wellbeing of individuals over time.

“The Daikin monitor comes with 12 sensors and 15 parameters, measuring a range of factors from ambient light, air and sound pressure to temperature and humidity.”

When designing HVAC systems, delivering optimal climate conditions is about more than cooling and heating alone. Ensuring adequate air filtration to remove dust, pollens, and odours harmful to health is important.

Dilute Equally incorporating sufficient ventilation to dilute and remove airborne pollutants and protect against contaminants, allergens, and viruses, while maintaining the correct humidity level in air-conditioned spaces is essential to building health. Real-time tracking and control is now easily achievable with current technology. For example, the Daikin monitor comes with 12 sensors and 15 parameters, measuring a range of factors from ambient light, air and sound pressure to temperature and humidity.

We can also measure dust and collect information on electro smog, levels of CO2 and Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) generated by, for example, aerosol sprays, cleansers and disinfectant. As well as helping users to understand how the environment affects the health and productivity of staff and visitors, better tracking information enables them to control their whole HVAC system to include energy recovered through transferring heat and moisture between airflows.

The inclusion of an IAQ sensor can also help improve LEED and WELL building certification scores by earning IAQ credits. It is also a good way to demonstrate to your building occupants that you are taking this issue seriously. As more people seek to return to normal building use in the wake of the pandemic, this will prove a highly valuable feature. n

James Henley Product Development Manager Daikin Applied UK


The BESA Book 2022 |


ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE SPECIALISTS • V e nt il ati o n a n D K itc h e n e x tr ac t D u c t wo r K c le a n in g • a h u c le a n i n g a n D D i s in fec ti o n • fi r e Da m pe r te s tin g prn hygiene services was established in 1988, and our services provided include ventilation and kitchen extract ductwork cleaning to tr19, ahu cleaning and disinfection, hospital clinical cleans and many types of industrial cleaning. Our client base, we are proud to say, is made up of many blue chip clients from U.K. major facilities providers, major banks, Ministry of Defence and Police authority, to major restaurant chains to name but a few. With accreditation to national health and safety schemes including safecontractor, chas and Besa you can be confident of our excellent health and safety credentials. From single site contracts to multi-site contracts in excess of 200, you can be confident PRN Hygiene Services will always strive to give not only a complete professional service, but at competitive costs.

PRN Hygiene Services Park House Greenhill Crescent, Watford Business Park, Watford, Herts, WD18 8PH Tel: 01923 718 740

| Email:


SUPPORTING OUR CLIENTS Sue Dackombe, director of Ventilation Hygiene Consulting, highlights the importance of supporting SMEs in the food services sector with cost-effective solutions for their ventilation systems.

90% of the food services sector is made up of SMEs, similar to our own industry, so it is essential we strive to support them through periods of difficult trading and provide them with cost-effective solutions for their ventilation systems. Hospitality is the UK’s third largest private employer, providing more than 3.2 million jobs – twice that of financial services, and bigger than automotive,

pharmaceuticals and aerospace combined. Hospitality creates £130 billion in economic activity, invests £10bn and generates £39 billion in tax receipts per year for the Exchequer each year. It is an industry of entrepreneurs; 90% of hospitality businesses are local SME’s, representing 6% of total businesses and 5% of GDP. But the food and drink services industry has faced unprecedented change due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic which has forced the accelerated the trend towards digitalisation in the industry. To survive, food and drink service providers have expanded their digital presence by introducing online ordering and delivery services. Furthermore, virtual concepts, or “ghost kitchens” - restaurants in which only cooking is done, but no guests are served - have proved their viability during this crisis. Today, the marketplace for food delivery and takeout is growing, a trend that will likely continue to influence restaurant operations and reshape the dining experience for years to come. >>


The BESA Book 2022 |



At Ventilation Hygiene Consulting (VHC) we provide specialist cleaning solutions. We manage the monitoring & cleaning of all types of ventilation systems, as well as other cleaning provisions. We focus on a project and customer-based approach. We pride ourselves on our durable solutions, which are specially formulated to also be environmentally friendly. We believe firmly in the partnership approach to working with our clients. Part of this process is gaining an understanding of our client’s requirements, preferred outcomes of the project and any special issues that may require extraordinary solutions. Our continued drive is to raise the level of service and value provided to our clients and their customers so that they achieve a reputation for providing an unrivalled customer experience. We have over 15 years’ experience working with blue chip companies and leading Government organisations. All services are carried out with full legal and health and safety compliance. We are accredited members of:

Ventilation Hygiene Consulting Limited Ventilation House, 21 Ashwell Road, Guilden Morden, Hertfordshire, SG8 0JX

TEL: 01763 852803 74 | The BESA Book 2022 @VHCLTD


As well as the huge commercial implications of COVID-19, it is also worth reflecting on its impact on ventilation systems in the food sector. They may have not been used for several months and normal maintenance may not have been carried out. However, it is essential that grease extraction systems be reviewed for reasons below.

Predictive Accumulation Assessment Table Frequency of control clean

Daily micron average accumulation range

Twice weekly

28.7 upwards

Weekly cleaning

14.4 to 28.6

Commercial “vents and hoods” work by remove cooking fumes and grease particulates from the interior environment and leading them outside of the building. Some of the heavier waste (fat, oil and grease - FOG) sticks to the exterior and interior of ventilation systems. FOG particulates are highly flammable, and can accumulate into a thick paste.

Every 2 weeks

9.6 to 14.3

Every 3 weeks

6.7 to 9.5


4.8 to 6.6

Every 6 weeks

3.3 to 4.7

Every 2 months

2.2 to 3.2


1.7 to 2.1

According to government statistics, roughly half of all structural fires in the United Kingdom are a direct result of or related to the use of cooking equipment. Research conducted in the United Kingdom indicates that as many as 70% of all commercial kitchen fires originate in the ventilation systems of these establishments.

Every 4 months

1.1 to 1.6

Every 6 months

0.6 to 1.0


0.5 or less

One way we can help our clients is with cost effective solutions by monitoring grease accumulation within their kitchen systems. The new BESA TR19®GREASE publication has been revised specifically for fire risk management of grease accumulation in kitchen extraction systems. It recommends grease monitoring which will enable us as service providers to develop bespoke cleaning regimes which ultimately will be more cost-effective for clients in the long-term. Ventilation Hygiene Consulting uses digital monitors to carry out grease monitoring for our client systems. The deposit-measuring system has been specifically designed to meet the requirements of the DTT (Deposit Thickness Test) in TR19® for the measurement of dust and grease deposits within ventilation systems and kitchen ducts made of ferrous metals. By using this equipment with the specially-designed probe and duct cleaning templates, readings can be taken of the deposit thickness on a specific test area, before and after cleaning. For cleaned system verification, the surface should be visibly clean and capable of meeting the specified level of cleanliness. Verification of cleanliness should be with the Grease Thickness Test. Following cleaning, all post-clean wet film thickness tests must not exceed 50µm and shall be representative of the system. Pre- and post-clean grease measurements should be taken from the following representative locations, where practicable and then detailed in the post clean report:

• Canopy(ies) extract plenum(s) behind filters • Duct 1 m from each canopy • Duct 3 m from each canopy • Duct midway between canopy(s) and fan • Fan • Duct upstream of fan • Discharge duct downstream of fan

Notes to the above table 1. The frequency guidance table requires a simple calculation to define the daily rate of accumulation in microns. 2. To calculate the daily rate, take mean pre-clean system micron levels and divide by number of days since previous clean or opening of site and grease production. 3. Ensure micron levels do not exceed 200 as a mean between each cleaning visit. 4. It should be noted that cleaning frequencies shown in the above table are indicative only and are based on historic usage of the system.

Developed for the industry, the BESCA Vent Hygiene Elite Scheme allows businesses to self-certify their specialist hygiene works to the required TR19®GREASE specification. It also supports and provides training for operatives and engineers to achieve those standards. As ventilation specialists, it is in our interests to have well-trained technicians. We fully support BESCA with initiatives such as the Vent Hygiene Elite Scheme to provide training for different levels. But let’s not forget the impact that well-delivered on the job training can provide. Let us also embrace the concept of sub-contractors by developing strong working relationships with those companies, supporting training initiatives with them and encouraging them to participate and utilise exceptional practical skills that can be developed within our industry. Ventilation Hygiene Consulting have very successfully set up accurate cleaning regimes for clients. For more information, please contact us or go to our website. n

Sue Dackombe MBA Director Ventilation Hygiene Consulting


The BESA Book 2022 |


Fire Damper Testing

Kitchen Grease Extract Cleaning

Ductwork Cleaning

Air Hygiene & Risk Assessment Surveys 01323 659058


| The BESA Book 2022

We are BESA TR19® Compliant




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Widely used by NHS PCT’s nationwide and the business, catering, manufacturing and leisure sectors. Countries leading specailists in ventilation & ductwork maintenance.

A Few Of Our Services




Our specialists clean and maintain all types of ventilation systems, improving the air quality for the general public and your employees.

A faulty fire damper will not prevent the spread of fire. Don’t worry though, that’s why our specialists maintain fire safety systems, and ensure the safety of the building's occupants.

Local Exhaust Ventilation systems are designed to protect workers from hazardous dust and fumes. Our qualified engineers test, maintain and repair systems to ensure they are functioning

Ductbusters Limited

Mortimer Hall, 1 Birmingham Road, Wolverhampton, DY10 2BX Company registration in England No –- 03255812

THE UK’S DUCTWORK CLEANING EXPERTS “Poorly maintained kitchen extraction ductwork is a huge fire risk with mounting evidence that insurance companies are refusing to pay up if a fire is traced back to grease laden or incorrectly fitted ductwork.” BESA Our Air Filtration Products & Services include: • Adhering to BESA’s TR/19 TR 19 Guide to Good Practice - Internal Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems. • Maintenance contracts that deliver scheduled duct and canopy cleaning regimes and ‘peace of mind’. • Preserving extract fan and ductwork functionality. • Odour abatement systems.

• Adhering to BESA’s TR/19 TR Guide to Good Practice - Internal Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems. • Disinfection of general supply, extract, and recirculation ventilation ductwork systems.

For a full list our of cleaning services call us now on: 02392 644700

• VENTILATION & AIR-CONDITIONING, DESIGN, SUPPLY & SERVICE • ELECTRICAL & MAINTENANCE SERVICES TO SCHOOLS, OFFICES & SHOPS • HEATING & PLUMBING ENGINEERS SERVICING SCHOOLS, OFFICES & RETAIL UNITS Serving Surrey and South East areas – Service, clean and repair to kitchen ductwork, fans, hoods, filters, grilles and associated equipment to Schools, Colleges, Community Homes, Police Stations and Fire stations.


| The BESA Book 2022


BEST PRACTICE IN VENT HYGIENE Developed for the industry by the industry, VHE (Vent Hygiene Elite) is the UK’s leading vent hygiene register and allows businesses to self-certify their specialist hygiene works to the required industry standards. Specification for TR19® Grease, Fire Risk Management of Grease Accumulation within Kitchen Extraction Systems and TR19®, Internal Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems.






HAZARDOUS FUME & VAPOURS WITH CHEMICAL, WHO WE ARE? WHAT WE DO? BIOLOGICAL OR RADIOACTIVE COMPONENTS. Established for over 45 years, Roperhurst is a market leader in fabrication and installation of safety-critical plastic ductwork systems to DW154.

We fabricate and install all types of industrial plastic ductwork, including PVC, polypropylene, PPs, PPs-EL, PVC/GRP and FBPP/GRP.


when you need it the most.

by our highly experienced and WHAT WE DO?team. qualified professional

Established for over 40 years, Roperhurst is one of the market leaders in fabrication and installation of plastic ductwork systems. Our experience can give you the reassurance when you need it the most.

We fabricate and install all types of ductwork, including PVC, polypropylene, PPs, PPs-EL, PVC/GRP and FBPP/GRP. All ductwork meets DW154 standard & is fabricated by plastic welders trained to EN13067.

CAN YOU AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT A SPECIALIST? Our experience provides reassurance All ductwork is to DW154 standard

MANUFACTURE Circular and rectangular ductwork up to 4000mm. All quality assured to ISO9001:2015.


leakage testing LEV Circular and&rectangular testing under COSHH ductwork up to 3000mm. Regulations.

All quality assured to ISO9001.

INSTALLATION In-house teams working INSPECTION

throughout the UK & Ductwork/pipework, overseas to DW154 & leakage testing & LEV DW144 standards.

testing under COSHH Regulations.

MAINTENANCE Site modifications, repairs INSTALLATION

& general maintenance by In-house teams working a highly qualified team.

throughout the UK & overseas to DW154 & DW144 standards.

MAINTENANCE Site modifications, repairs & general maintenance by a highly qualified team.

01446 732555 • • 01446 732555


SAFETY CRITICAL PLASTIC DUCTWORK SYSTEMS Quoting a standard may not result in a compliant plastic ductwork system, says Martin Whiteley, managing director of Roperhurst, as he explains why you should always specify a BESA specialist member for this work.

Whenever specifications are issued for projects which contain industrial plastic ductwork (and by this we mean fume extract ductwork, rather than domestic toilet extract, etc), we often see phrases like: “The plastic ductwork must comply with BESA’s DW154.” In practice, what does this mean? The standard sets out rules and methodology for both fabrication and installation of plastic ductwork, but a phrase like this doesn’t guarantee that it will be carried out by a BESA member competent in fabrication and/or installation.

The Grenfell tragedy has focussed the minds of specialists within the sector on the importance of using specialist contractors to carry out specialist tasks. Not surprisingly, the focus has been on fire safety, but in reality every system going into a building that has a risk mitigation function will be subject to the same level of critical assessment. Essentially, is it safe?

Why is plastic ductwork safety-critical?

Since only BESA members get audited to their specialisms, what comfort does the specifier, builder or end user get simply by quoting the standard and then getting a non-specialist to install it?

Industrial plastic ductwork is used for the conveyance of hazardous fumes and vapours from point of creation to a point of safe discharge, sometimes through a scrubbing system, often direct to air at high level.

Indeed, would the specifier, builder or end user even know whether they were getting a compliant plastic duct system, properly fabricated or properly installed, once it’s up in the air, perhaps hidden away behind ceiling tiles. After all, it’s only plastic, isn’t it?

Plastic is used because it has high chemical resistance. The most frequently used materials are PVC and polypropylene (usually in a flame retardant form know as PPs). Often these can be reinforced with GRP/fibreglass for additional strength, UV stability or aesthetic reasons. >>


The BESA Book 2022 |


st o m e h t g n i l k c a t o t d e t a Dedic s t n e m n o r i v n e g n i g n e l l a ch


sur REE ve de ys an pro taile d po d sal s.

Specialist Industrial Cleaning Experts We deal with both supply and extraction cycles in any kind of ventilation and air supply system, bespoke approach to the particular environment, atex explosive dust powder removed. We specialise in vital systems in food factories, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, office blocks, hospitals, warehouses, prisons, schools, cinemas, theatres and hotels. Grease and most dust powders such as flour, wood, plastic are substantial fire risks and health risks.

Contact Us Today On Gateway Environmental Services Ltd

01883 340 798

In Partnership with

Vantage Industrial Cleaning - Marjory House, 5 Church Walk, Caterham, Surrey, CR3 6RT Web: - Email: Vantage Industrial Cleaning and The Deep Cleaning Company are trading names of Gateway Environmental Services Ltd


This last point is critical, as too often defects are not easily spotted unless you have specific knowledge and experience, and only become apparent when it’s too late. The legacy of Grenfell is that responsibility cannot be abdicated down the supply chain.

Material selection PVC is typically the material of choice for school and college fume cupboard extract systems. It generally has very good chemical resistance, is readily available in extruded tube up to 600mm diameter and is (relatively) straightforward to install. Ductwork is jointed using either mechanical flanges, solvent welding or hot air welding. University, research and industrial facilities would normally favour polypropylene (PPs) over PVC. It has a superior chemical resistance, especially to solvents, and broader chemical resistance is very important where the focus of activity or research (and therefore also chemicals in use) is likely to change over the working life of the system.

This begs the question: we have a process that creates hazardous fumes or vapour, transported through a system made from a material which has high chemical resistance – so wouldn’t you want to be certain that it has (a) been fabricated correctly and (b) installed correctly?

Issues with fabrication

For this reason, BESA has been working with partners on three key areas:

• Using thinner sheet material than specified in DW154:

1. To educate designers, consultants and specifiers that simply quoting the standard is not sufficient – quality assurance can only be delivered by specifying use of a BESA specialist plastic member for both fabrication and installation; 2. To update the “Find a Member” section of the BESA website so that DW154 specialists can be easily identified and contacted; and 3. To educate and upskill industry generally as to what the DW154 standard requires, and what this means in practice.

Not every general plastics fabricator has the full range of equipment, and compliance with DW154 makes fabrication more complex and therefore more expensive. Shortcuts include:

impossible to identify once installed;

• Not minimising risks of future leaks by appropriate

positioning of welded joints, as specified in DW154;

• Applying fewer welds than required (a factor of the

thickness of material): insufficient internal welds are impossible to identify once installed;

• Failure to etch PVC before applying GRP: will only

become apparent over time when the GRP on the duct begins to delaminate. >>


The BESA Book 2022 |



Issues with installation

“Plastic is used because it has high chemical resistance. The most frequently used materials are PVC and polypropylene (usually in a flame retardant form know as PPs).”

Next steps

On PVC systems, solvent welding is generally the method of choice for the uninitiated, and if the joint isn’t prepared/cleaned properly, or insufficient solvent is applied, this won’t be obvious on inspection. It will however present a future risk should condensate leak.

When specifying and contracting safety-critical industrial plastic ductwork to DW154 you must ensure that the sub-contractor is a BESA member specialising in in-house industrial plastic ductwork fabrication and installation. Use the “Find a member” function on the BESA website to assist you.

Hot air welding requires skill and experience. The weld should create a continuous, homogenous piece of material, but done badly all you get is one piece of plastic lightly stuck to another – close to useless, but not immediately apparent.

Educational resources on the BESA website provide background on the kinds of shortcuts to look out for, and how to identify compliance with DW154. And remember the old adage that you have to pick two from three – price, quality, delivery. Cheapest is rarely best value, especially now that the personal and corporate consequences of failure even several years down the road can be so high. n

PVC and polypropylene are incompatible thermoplastics. That means that no matter how hard you try, they cannot be hot air or solvent welded to each other. Systems which have both materials (a lower-risk PVC leg attached to a polypropylene header, for example) must be jointed using mechanical flanges. Use of silicone and other sealants, tech screws, rivets, etc to join socket and spigot joints has never been acceptable, but unfortunately all too common in far too many buildings across the UK. These joints will leak, the fixings will corrode, and hazards will be released.

Martin Whiteley Managing Director Roperhurst Ltd


The BESA Book 2022 |


For all of your ventilation, For all of your ventilation, environmental & cleaning needs For all of your ventilation, environmental & cleaning needs environmental & cleaning needs Contact Michael Thurston (M): 07825 080869 Contact John Bayfield Tel: 07825 080869 Contact335000 John Bayfield Tel: 07825 080869 Office: 01325 Partners In Hygiene Ltd, Goosepool House,

Partners In Hygiene Ltd, Goosepool House, Over Dinsdale, North Yorkshire DL2 1PW Over Dinsdale, North Yorkshire DL2 1PW

Tel: 01325 335000 Tel: 01325 335000 Proud to be part of

Visit our website “Your “Your local local provider provider of of cost cost effective, effective, nationally nationally approved, approved, hygiene hygiene solutions” solutions”

No matter how efficient your canopy filters are at trapping grease particles, it is inevitable that deposits will start building up within the kitchen extraction and canopy. If you do not undertake cleaning on a regular basis the grease over time will become baked on and extremely difficult to remove. Some of the benefits with choosing PNJ Cleaners Ltd for your extraction & canopy cleaning needs include:

· Our extraction and canopy

cleaning conforms to the requirements of the Food Safety Acts

· We provide a post clean

report and schedule of works

· All our canopy cleaning

chemicals are biodegradable

· COSHH regulations are strictly adhered to

· We are members of BICSc

· £10,000,000 public liability insurance

· We undertake site-specific risk assessments

· We undertake early morning cleans to ensure access to all areas and correct supervision

· Records kept after first visit of fans and all HVCA equipment to ensure fast repair service

m: 07837 393505 e:


| The BESA Book 2022

KITCHEN VENTILATION SPECIALISTS Design, Manufacture, Installation and Service

0113 2760611 |

The BESA Webinar The must-see free webinar for the building services sector Featuring David Frise, BESA Chief Executive and a team of experts providing guidance and support on the latest - LEGAL - EMPLOYMENT AFFAIRS & HR - HEALTH AND SAFETY - TECHNICAL ISSUES.

Graeme Fox

Head of REFCOM

Paula Samuels

Head of Employment Affairs

Debbie Petford

Director of Legal and Commercial

David Frise

Chief Executive

Rebecca Crosland

Health and Safety Advisor

Joined by guests from government, trade bodies and industry experts for live Q&As

Dame Judith Hackitt

Running a business can be a lonely business so GRAB A CUPPA AND JOIN IN! To register and watch previous webinars visit IF YOU WANT essential services YOU NEED building services

TWO INDUSTRY LEADING EXCLUSIVE COURSES FOR THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR FIRE SAFETY BUILDING MANAGEMENT / MAINTENANCE PROVIDERS 1. Institute of Fire Safety Managers (IFSM) Accredited Course - Fire and Smoke Damper Testing and Maintenance - 1 Day We provide an independent IFSM accredited course for fire damper testing and maintenance including 6 hours of Continued Professional Development (CPD).

2. Ventilation Risk Awareness Training - Half Day This course can be booked on a date and at a location to suit you and covers legislative requirements associated with: • Fire Damper Testing • General Air Handling and Ventilation Systems • Kitchen Grease Extract Ducting • Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) To find out more or to book your spaces, email or call 07860 40 40 30 and speak to Paul. Compliance also offers independent consultancy services including: - bespoke training, risk assessments, surveys and audits associated with Air Handling, Ventilation, and Water Systems. To find out more, contact us at or call 0116 267 22 32. Part of Rock Compliance Company Group


Raise your professional profile, gain sector insight and advance your personal development with BESA Associate Membership. 88

| The BESA Book 2022

lindab | we simplify construction

Lindab Pascal The ultimate solution for demand controlled ventilation Updated functionality

Get optimal indoor climate at the lowest possible cost Lindab Pascal is a flexible and energy-efficient system for demand controlled ventilation at room level. The system is based on just five standard components and has been developed to simplify all stages of the construction process.

The demand controlled ventilation solution has now become even better with updated features: new interface, compatibility with waterborne systems and UltraLink® connection option, making your system completely energy optimised. Find out more about Pascal on our website.


DECENTRALISED CONTROL Andy Watton, national sales manager of Lindab, explains why local control of ventilation offers benefits in energy efficiency and occupant comfort. As many Governments have found, decisions made on a global scale are not always best when applied to local areas. The same analogy can be applied to many systems. Take ventilation for example. Many buildings employ complex building management systems (BMS) to control local ventilation but is it the best way to do this in all cases? With ventilation systems on average consuming 30% of the total energy used in buildings, it is vital that true demand for air is met as economically as possible whilst ensuring safe ventilation flow rates are achieved, something which obviously has never been more important than it is today’s world of living with COVID-19. Modern, intelligent local controllers and airflow measurement devices working in conjunction with Bluetooth and WiFi technologies are “decentralising” control allowing local devices to quite literally listen to local demand.

“With ventilation systems on average consuming 30% of the total energy used in buildings, it is vital that true demand for air is met as economically as possible.”

At the forefront of these technologies are the revolutionary ultrasonic airflow measurement and flow control products. These innovative products utilise ultrasonic sound bounced back and forth across a duct to accurately ascertain airflow and thereby volume flow. Taking inputs from local sensors such as PIR’s, air-quality sensors etc., these ultrasonic VAV units can make room-level adjustments to air flow and then feed that information back up the line, via WiFi or Modbus, to a neighbourhood controller, which will ramp up the air supply/extraction plant accordingly.

This localised control approach makes modern ultrasonic VAV devices ideal for retrofit into older buildings that perhaps do not have existing BMS systems. Utilising WiFi and Bluetooth to communicate, these products minimise installation disruption and provide a level of local ventilation control, energy saving and adaptability unavailable from previous technologies. Being wireless also means that rooms can be upgraded ad hoc as demand dictates, so no large capital outlay in one hit. >>


The BESA Book 2022 |





c.v.c CO


.. cvc











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Are you responsible when it comes to keeping a building safe and compliant? If you aren’t up to date with the regulations surrounding compliance, it could cause serious problems…

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Services include:

As a trusted advisor in this field, System Hygienics are delighted to offer your business a Complete Ventilation Compliance Package - a new and unique service offering to our industry.

> Ventilation Cleaning

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> Ductwork Surveys > Fire Damper Testing & Maintenance > Remedial Works > Kitchen Extract Cleaning > High Riser Cleaning > Infection Control for Hospitals > Marine Industry Cleaning > Air quality surveys, monitoring, inspection and testing

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> TR19 survey, remedial works and access.


As we know buildings never stay the same over time, but evolve to meet the demands of changing tenants and use. Adapting conventional BMS systems to accommodate these changes in demand can be an expensive and arduous task and is often ignored. This results in poor ventilation with some areas oversupplied and some undersupplied, causing poor energy consumption and disgruntled tenants. With a decentralised system, utilising Bluetooth connections, volume flows can, in most instances, be quickly and simply adjusted with a smart phone.

the load on the ventilation supply and extract plant, in turn reducing energy consumption. And as there is no protuberance of the measuring device into the airflow, less noise is generated, reducing the demand for silencers and the associated pressure drop.

Local ultrasonic measurement provides precise airflow measurement, which takes into account local turbulence, negating the need for long straight duct runs to establish a laminar flow before the device. Instead, the system corrects for the turbulence, enabling them to be fitted into tighter spaces, allowing opportunities for local control where this was previously impractical.

Using a 10,000m2 office in Stockholm as an example it has been calculated that a saving in excess of 25% could be made by adopting ultrasonic VAV systems over conventional methods.

Utilising ultrasonic VAV systems to control and meet demand locally offers multiple advantages. As ultrasonic methods of measurement have no sensor devices protruding into the airflow there is no pressure drop across them. This reduces

Ultrasonic flow measurement also provides more accurate airflow readings at lower volumes than conventional methods, reducing the need to oversupply air unnecessarily so that a positive flow reading can be detected and measured.

Other benefits, especially relevant to today’s more health conscious world, present themselves when this technology is employed. Take duct cleaning for example. Unlike other airflow measurement technologies ultrasonic devices present no physical projection into the airstream such as pitot tubes or flow grids. This eliminates opportunities for airborne contaminates to build up but perhaps more importantly allows unhindered cleaning of the duct, something in which we all share an interest. >>

“As ultrasonic methods of measurement have no sensor devices protruding into the airflow there is no pressure drop across them.”


The BESA Book 2022 |



Additionally, the ability of ultrasonic flow methods to measure significantly lower velocities enables safe and accurate measurement of supply flow air when ventilation rates drop to background levels in unoccupied rooms. Within the extract duct, the non-intrusive flow measurement allows accurate measurement of exhaust air despite a possible build-up of contaminates that would adversely affect more traditional methods.

“Using WiFi and Bluetooth to communicate, these products minimise installation disruption and provide a level of local ventilation control, energy saving and adaptability.”

This ability ensures that constant air replenishment can be measured safely and accurately both on the supply and extract side with the option of linking these so that both supply and extract dampers operate harmoniously ensuring the safe purging of airborne contaminates. There are further advantages of ultrasonic VAV with wireless technology. Firstly, the elimination of wiring presents both a substantial cost saving and an ecological benefit, but also presents considerable advantages in commissioning. The ability to use Bluetooth technology via an easy-to-use smart phone app to commission and set up the airflow parameters means no more ladder work or struggling above a false ceiling to make tricky adjustments. All this and more can be done safely and easily at floor level. We are excited about the flexibility this technology lends the individual occupants of offices or apartments. Smart phone apps allow them to interact with the local

control to provide just the right indoor environment to meet their preferred requirements within their personal space. Meanwhile the preset commissioning points will ensure safe minimum airflows are always met, a vital point to consider in today’s world.

Going forward it is easy to see a world where your personal preferences for an ideal indoor climate are entered by you into your smart phone and are then uploaded to your hotel room, office, apartment on arrival or even pre-set based on your arrival time and proximity to the building in question. No more sweating or shivering whilst you wait for the room to meet your ideal climate. Exciting times indeed! n

Andy Watton National Sales Manager Lindab


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GET AHEAD OF THE REGULATORS Alan Gregory, director of IAQ Consultancy Services, explains why now is the time for buildings and organisations to get a handle on indoor air quality.

The damage outdoor air pollution can do to our lungs has long been recognized and there is a range of legislation in place across the United States, Europe and other territories to reduce its ill effects. Health professionals and organisations are switching their focus to indoor air quality (IAQ) which can have a profound impact on our wellbeing, given that we spend up to 90% of our time indoors. The World Health Organization (WHO) is among the international bodies studying this issue and developing guidelines aimed at ensuring we can all breathe cleaner indoor air. Many countries have introduced smoking bans that dramatically improved IAQ in public buildings and this success is regarded as a precedent for taking further action. Governments and international organisations have become proactive when it comes to tackling outdoor air pollution, developing action plans, regulations, and targeted interventions. Cities use measures like London’s ‘toxicity charge’ to reduce the number of older, more

polluting vehicles in congested areas. And car manufacturers are subject to exacting emissions criteria so that newer models are cleaner and greener. Carbon neutrality has become the new target for governments keen to reduce global warming and provide cleaner air for their citizens, requiring new laws which crack down on pollutants. As we understand its effects on health more and more clearly, IAQ will soon become subject to a similar legislative agenda. A hallmark of leading organisations is that they don’t simply react to challenges as they arise; they see change coming down the track and plan accordingly. By prioritizing IAQ, businesses, schools, and other institutions future-proof themselves against the inevitable tide of regulation, as well as providing the healthiest, most productive environments for building occupants. Realtime monitoring IAQ in your building can help you get ahead of the regulators. The exciting thing is that it also makes sure you get the most out of your people, >>


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Commercial Extraction and Kitchen Cleaning Specialists in Kitchen Extraction cleaning to TR19 standard with full report and certificate provided. Full deep cleans with all equipment cleaned, removal of grease from grease traps with the disposal of remains, supply and fit of access doors, high and low level cleaning. We provide commercial cleaning services across the UK from the northern tip of Scotland the western edge of Wales and the southern coast of England. We pride ourselves on quality and service because referral and recommendation have been the key to our growth and success. Our trained cleaning specialists have the right equipment for each job they tackle, so our cleans are swift and the results are first-class every time. We use specialist cleaning materials that are powerful but non-caustic and totally environmentally friendly.

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We know from other sectors, from fintech to genetics, that regulation often lags behind science. The scientific understanding of how indoor air quality impacts people is well established, and now public bodies and authorities are quickly catching up with plans for action. As a consequence, now is the ideal moment for organisations to get ahead of the regulators.

Time to take the lead The most successful organisations don’t just respond to new challenges when they arise. They anticipate change before it happens, adapt their priorities accordingly, and use the opportunity to improve their operations.

by giving them safe, pleasant surroundings to do what they do best. What’s more, operational efficiencies and cost savings will also flow from having a better handle on IAQ.

“By prioritizing IAQ, businesses, schools, and other institutions futureproof themselves against the inevitable tide of regulation, as well as providing the healthiest, most productive environments for building occupants.”

By prioritising IAQ, businesses, schools, and other institutions future-proof themselves against the inevitable tide of regulation, as well as providing the healthiest, most productive environments for building occupants. NICE wants local government to draft air quality strategies that specifically deal with indoor air and step up inspections to identify poor air conditions. They also want regulations updated to reflect the new WHO guidelines and a regime of enforcement to improve IAQ. It’s clear that policy-makers are under ever greater pressure to react to evidence that poor indoor air quality damages public health. Various national and international organisations are examining the issue closely, with a view to introducing new rules and legislation.

By monitoring IAQ, owners and operators will have all the information needed to diminish any air quality threats in the building. Highquality sensors provide real-time information in a format that’s easy to understand and they can be linked, for example, to ventilation systems, so that action to regulate IAQ can be taken automatically.

Facilities managers are often asked to balance an ever-greater range of responsibilities while taking into account changing compliance rules and balancing tight budgets. Moreover, FMs are at the heart of how a building serves its occupants, but too frequently they’re seen as the ‘go-to’ person when something goes wrong. The installation of IAQ monitors provides information on factors that are proven to affect the productivity and happiness of building occupants. As a result, businesses can use this data to improve the bottom line, because their employees perform better, take less sick leave, and stay in their position longer. >>


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“Carbon neutrality has become the new target for governments keen to reduce global warming and provide cleaner air for their citizens, requiring new laws which crack down on pollutants.”

Additionally, IAQ data can help stretch tight budgets by enabling better planning so that air quality systems are deployed in rooms with greater capacity at peak times. Cognitive scores can double in cleaner, better-ventilated classrooms, while test scores are shown to rise where students breathe higher quality air.

and ceiling tiles or running lots of wires through a building. The industry-leading sensors are battery-operated, wireless, and compact. They can be mounted on walls or ceilings and they work in harmony with existing HVAC systems and building automation systems (BAS). Buildings can have the technology they need to stay ahead of the curve, meaning that they will be up and running in no time.

Meanwhile, for HVAC professionals, a focus on IAQ and the likelihood of regulation can provide a real point of difference. By integrating monitors with their ventilation system, customers will have insights that they can use to add value to their businesses and produce better results.

There’s a clear opportunity for businesses, schools and other institutions to implement improvements that make for healthier, happier environments, while future-proofing themselves against changes in the law. n

The conversation can be extended from the practicalities of an HVAC solution and energy efficiency, to the benefits of improving the work environment and future-proofing against new legislation. Modern IAQ monitors are easy to install. They don’t require a lengthy, disruptive process that involves ripping out walls

It’s now the perfect time for organisations to make IAQ a priority in their buildings, not just to anticipate regulations, but because of the clear benefits that cleaner air has on people’s productivity.

Alan Gregory Director IAQ Consultancy Services Ltd


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INDUSTRY NEEDS TO LEAD ON FIRE DAMPER INSPECTIONS George Friend, CEO of Ventilation Surveys and Services, and BESA Ventilation Hygiene Group representative on their Technical and Education committees, highlights the importance of fire damper inspections. It is estimated that there are millions of existing fire and smoke dampers installed to buildings throughout the United Kingdom. Every one of those fire dampers should be inspected and tested at least once a year. This is clearly a huge undertaking for the building services and fire safety professionals to fulfil every 12 months, and it requires a huge number of competent persons to be trained to satisfy this critical demand. Just as fire doors, sprinkler systems and fire detectors are critical elements of a building’s fire safety strategy, the fire dampers are also fundamental to providing fire resilience to a building. This is covered in British Standard BS9999:2017 which stipulates all fire and smoke dampers have a thorough inspection and test on an annual basis as a minimum. Building owners and occupiers must ensure every fire damper is correctly specified, correctly installed, and then subsequently inspected and tested to ensure it correctly operates annually. This requires the support of industry experts to assist. Building operators and owners are becoming aware of the importance of annual checks to ensure that fire dampers are in good working order. However, these annual inspections frequently highlight issues that undermine a building’s fire safety and, more worryingly, these highlighted issues are often ignored. Upon first annual inspection and test it is common to find some horrifying issues with the installation of fire dampers. Many dampers are found to be incorrectly fitted or installed to the fire protecting walls or barriers. This would mean that the damper would likely fail in the event of a fire to the surrounding areas. All fire dampers are tested stringently by the manufacturers, these tests are undertaken with the units correctly installed and supported. If when the units are installed, these installation guides are not followed, then the fire protection will be compromised from the tested and proven protection levels.

Incorrectly fitted or specified fire damper

During the test and inspection, it is important that those who perform the test are able to assess if a damper appears to be correctly fitted and supported. The surrounding fire stopping should also be checked for its integrity to the fire damper penetration. It is common to find damaged or missing penetration seals in old and new buildings, these should all be rectified to ensure that the damper can correctly protect the fire partition. All fire dampers should be accessible for the annual testing and inspection. Many are located high level above ceilings so access to dampers is challenging in many instances. Ceiling hatches may be required, or specialist gantries may need to be installed to loft spaces or roof voids. Failed dampers may require a new replacement component to be fitted in their place. Most HVAC system components have a maximum service life of around 20 years if maintained properly, so many dampers that are installed to buildings are coming to the point where >>


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We are the largest independent company within our industry with over 35 years of experience in reducing risks for our customers. We are focused on the needs of our clients and so take a proactive approach to compliance which gives our customers assurance and peace of mind.

Hydro-X Air specialises in ventilation hygiene services. Our air quality and air hygiene services include:

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Hydro-X Fire are specialists in managing all aspects of passive fire protection associated with ventilation systems. The range of services we offer are:

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replacement of the systems should also be considered. When this is the case, the fire dampers selected for replacing should at least match the criteria for protection of the original dampers and the fire partition. The fire barriers will also need to be repaired and made good after any replacement. The future accessibility of every fire damper should be paramount in the design, specification and installation of any new or replacement units. Safe access to the items should be ensured along with access doors or removable sections to allow the future inspection, testing and cleaning of the dampers. A recent study undertaken into Reliability of Fire Dampers, Smoke Dampers and Smoke Control Systems by the Department of Fire Protection Engineering at the University of Maryland is the largest current available study of fire damper maintenance data. The study highlights many key concerns that ring true to the UK situation. The study of data from over 170,000 dampers was collated from multiple maintenance contractors in multiple buildings, the key findings were:

• Over 90% of all dampers had access issues

and required some form of repair in existing buildings 77% of all responses confirmed the need to replace dampers in existing buildings

These numbers are shocking, but this is a representation of the scale of the issues that are faced in the existing building stock that require urgent attention to resolve. It is clear that we have a huge amount of work to do to resolve issues with the fire protection of our existing building stock to ensure that critical life and safety devices such as fire and smoke dampers are correctly installed, maintained and fit for purpose. A huge drive is required by the HVAC sector in the UK to ensure that we install our fire dampers correctly in new buildings and that those fitted to existing buildings are all inspected and issues are correctly identified. We then have the task of repairing or replacing all dampers found to be defective, inaccessible or at the end of their life expectancy. CIBSE guide M (2019) gives guidance on the life expectancies of components and states that mechanical curtain fire dampers’ life expectancy is 10 years and automated dampers at 15 years. This gives the HVAC market a huge task to keep up with the demand for inspections and replacements of these items.

“The future accessibility of every fire damper should be paramount in the design, specification and installation of any new or replacement units.”

Fire damper and fire and smoke damper manufacturers have a big role to play in ensuring that specifiers, installers and maintenance companies are supported with correct education, awareness and technical information.

Engineer competencies need to be developed and expanded for the installation and inspections of the millions of these items that are present in our building stock. Without this industry investment in training and competency, our industry will not be able to provide adequate resource and expertise to support the demand for these services. n

George Friend CEO of Ventilation Surveys and Services

Incorrectly fitted or specified fire damper


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SWEP Sealix® tap water unit defeats corrosion and scaling Brazed plate heat exchangers (BPHEs) are a highly efficient technology for transferring heat. However, water scaling and fouling on the surface of BPHEs can significantly reduce their performance due to falling pressure and a decline in the efficiency of heat transfer. Once surface scaling starts, BPHE performance declines until eventually it can fail completely, due to clogging. The decline in heat transference varies but on average, performance is reduced by 20-30%. And while cleaning of BPHEs (CIP= cleaning in place) can recover some of the lost performance, this also reduces the operational lifetime of the heat exchanger. To counter this, SWEP has developed a new range of brazed plate heat exchangers that keep tap water applications running efficiently for longer. This is achieved with SWEP Sealix® coating, a revolutionary SiO₂-based thin-film technology that increases the unit corrosion resistance and decreases the tendency for fouling and scaling with a hydrophobic surface structure. The coating increases the lifetime and operational safety of the system, limits corrosion and so reduces maintenance costs and unplanned downtime. SWEP’s Sealix® range of Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers have been rigorously tested and formally approved by WRAS – the UK Water Regulations Advisory Scheme, in accordance with BS6920. Prior to submission to WRAS, the sealing was reviewed and examined by an independent reviewing contractor, which has performed tests according to EN 5664-1, linked to the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt – the UBA) guidelines for organic sealing. The tests confirmed that the sealing fulfils the requirements for products that come in contact with drinking water. BPHEs with Sealix® -coated surfaces keep drinking water applications running 3 to 5 times longer compared to standard units that do not have the coating and which become clogged-up and scaled relatively quickly. This also means reduced maintenance costs related to breakdowns and unplanned downtime.


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Tel: 01235 838612 |


DISPELLING MYTHS ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF HIUs ON HEAT PUMP LED NETWORKS Neil Parry, head of specification at Altecnic, discusses the use of heat interface units on heat networks that are led by heat pumps. The drive to decarbonise the heating and domestic hot water (DHW) supply in buildings is increasing the number of heat networks that obtain their energy from heat pumps. However, incorporating heat pumps on a heat network requires careful consideration to ensure that the demands of the apartments, both heating and DHW, can be satisfied while also ensuring that the heat pumps run efficiently and the network operates efficiently. All three of these requirements can be met by installing a heat interface unit (HIU) within the apartments. However, some engineers often avoid fitting HIUs, why is this?

There are two common assumptions that engineers seem to make which need to be addressed: 1. “It is a heat pump-led network therefore the flow temperature is low, and I can’t use instantaneous HIU’s as I won’t get enough DHW output. So, I will have to utilise DHW stores within the apartment to meet my DHW demand”. 2. “I need to design my network around the heat pump to ensure that the heat pump works to the best of its ability/Coefficient of Performance (COP)”.

Does a ‘low flow’ network rule out instantaneous HIUs? HIUs that have DHW plate heat exchangers specifically designed for low primary side temperatures can give exceptionally high DHW outputs and primary return temperatures. Current market-leading HIU’s can output 44kW of DHW at a 55oC primary return temperature. CIBSE’s CP1 (2020) gives guidance stating that even 3 bed apartments, with 2 bathrooms only require 35kW of DHW, so the HIUs currently available to engineers are efficient enough to be fitted on numerous networks. Dropping the primary flow temperature further, down to 50oC gives an output of 33.5kW with DHW at 48oC, covering the requirements of most single bathroom apartments. Should you require more output, some HIUs have the option for an inline electrical element to be installed and controlled by the HIU. Under most circumstances, heating and standby, the element is not in use. However, the moment there is a DHW demand, the HIU energises the element and boosts the primary temperature by up to 10oC. Using the earlier example, the DHW output increases to a potential 56.5kW. As the element is on the primary side of the HIU, the network delta T is not reduced, in fact it is increased. If the electrical element was on the outlet (secondary) side of the HIU or in a cylinder, then this would have a negative effect on the network delta T. As a result, network efficiency would be reduced, losses would increase and the potential for the building to overheat would also increase. >>


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DHW storage and temperature differences DHW storage will reduce heat network temperature differential. As soon as the store gets even halfway up to temperature, the temperature difference on the primary will be significantly reduced. Data from existing projects show that delta T’s on DHW storage networks typically operate on average around 10oC or less. The smaller the delta T, the more flow rate required for a given energy output and therefore the greater energy use. High return temperatures also increase the network losses and can lead to overheating.

“The focus should be on the design and sizing of the network first. If this is not the focus of an engineer, the network and the end users will suffer.”

There are additional downfalls to DHW stores. Storing the DHW increases likelihood of Legionella growth. The temperature of the DHW store either needs to be kept at, or above, 60oC or regularly cycled to this temperature.

If the network is running at 50oC or 55oC, the only way for the store to be lifted to 60oC is to install an additional immersion heater. However, it will need to run longer than the instantaneous electrical element operated by the HIU, using more energy. The large delta T of the instantaneous system also allows the size of the store to be reduced, saving on plant-room space.

Is designing around the plant room the only solution for efficiency? It has been common for engineers to focus on the plantroom first and decide that the network will be a 70/40 system or some other flow and return values. This is an approach not without its problems. It forces an engineer to select a return value that may or may not be achieved. When the HIU is on hot water demand the return will be lower, when the HIU is on heating, possibly higher. Selecting a return temperature at this point is more of a ‘guestimate’. We need to know what the flow temperature is going to be, and this will be typically dictated by the energy source, for example, 55oC from a heat pump. Once an engineer knows this, the HIU can be selected and the actual return temperature calculated. The fact that most heat pumps typically operate most efficiently with a 10oC temperature difference should be ignored at this point. The heat network needs to operate on the widest delta T possible, to make it efficient, reduce heat losses and reduce the likelihood of building overheating.

The engineer should then design in a thermal store, which reduces the peak load on the energy centre and can ensure the heat pumps can keep running (even when network demand is low). The thermal store should be connected in a two-pipe arrangement reducing mixing, maximising both stratification and the available energy to the network for that given volume.

So, how do we ensure that the heat pumps are not subjected to a 20oC to 30oC delta T? The answer is to create a ‘microclimate’ around each heat pump. A mixing valve can be configured to mix flow from the heat pump into the return to the heat pump to stabilise the delta T at 10oC. Each heat pump then operates in series, bringing the flow temperature up to the required 55oC, for example.

The future Instantaneous HIUs ensure that the whole system is efficient. However, the lower flow temperatures of heat pump networks require careful selection of the HIU to meet the tenants needs. The focus should be on the design and sizing of the network first. If this is not the focus of an engineer, the network and the end users will suffer. Engineers should welcome the ‘new’ heat pump energy source, which will continue to reduce the carbon implication of the electricity that powers them. Moving forward, engineers need the network to be the most efficient it can be and should continue to reduce the losses by maintaining the widest possible delta T, wherever and whenever they can. n

Neil Parry Head of Specification Altecnic


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w w w. h u d e v a d . c o m



HEAT PUMPS AT THE HEART OF UK’S NATIONAL DECARBONISATION STRATEGY Delivering the UK’s ambitious carbon reduction target will require a transformation in how we heat homes and businesses. Heat pumps are set to take centre stage in this low carbon revolution, says James Hughes of Toshiba Carrier UK. The UK was the first major economy to introduce a mandatory national target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. With heating currently responsible for one third of emissions, achieving this target will require a complete transformation of both technology and national infrastructure. The government has acknowledged it will “require virtually all heating in buildings to be decarbonised, and heat in industry to be reduced close to zero carbon.” * There is no single magic bullet that can achieve this. The answer is likely to come from a combination of existing and emerging low carbon technologies. Heat pumps, however, have a huge thermodynamic advantage in this race, due to their ability to harvest low grade heat from the environment and industrial processes, and upgrade it into a useful form to heat and cool homes and businesses. While the most efficient forms of traditional heating only approach coefficients of performance (COPs) of less than one, modern heat pumps can achieve COPs of many

times this. As a result of the thermodynamic efficiency of the vapour compression cycle, heat pumps can generate several times more energy than they consume, far outstripping rival approaches. This, coupled with the fact they are proven technology, sets them apart among competing low carbon solutions, and means they have a potentially huge role to play in meeting the nation’s carbon reduction targets. As well as helping to reduce carbon emissions for individual buildings, heat pumps have a potentially even bigger part to play in reducing emissions through their use in distributed heat networks. Heat networks provide heating, hot water and / or cooling from a central source to homes, public sector buildings, shops, offices, sport facilities, hospitals and universities. According to the latest figures, there are currently around 14,000 heat networks in the UK, providing heating, hot water and / or cooling to approximately 480,000 consumers. Since they aggregate heating and cooling supplies across a neighbourhood or entire district, such networks are uniquely able to unlock otherwise inaccessible large-scale renewable and recovered heat sources, such as waste heat and thermal energy from rivers and mines. The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) estimates that around 18% of UK heating provision will need to come from such heat networks by 2050 if the country is to meet its carbon targets cost-effectively. With their exceptional energy efficiency and ability to harness low grade sources of heat from the environment, heat pumps have a huge part to play in the roll-out of this new generation of heat networks across the country. While the theory of heat networks is relatively simple, making them happen on the ground can be quite complicated. This is due to the number of people, agencies, companies and organisations required to plan, design and build the new infrastructure. >>


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SPECIALISTS IN THE FIELD OF WATER HYGIENE Jasun Envirocare not only provides traditional methods of monitoring, such as: cleaning, disinfection and refurbishment of commercial water systems but also utilities innovative ‘Continuous Control Systems’. All our systems and practices are designed to meet specific site requirements for the full range of commercial, industrial, leisure and healthcare premises. Our Water Hygiene Services include: • Water System Legionella risk assessment to ACOP’s L8 • Member of the LCA (Legionella Control Association) • All aspects of Legionella Control and ACOP’s L8 carried out by in-house staff and ‘independent laboratories’ are used for sample testing - Logbook maintenance is available

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To support this, the government is making up to £320m of funding available through the Heat Network Investment Project (HNIP) and has established a Heat Network Delivery Unit to support local authorities and project developers in getting heat network schemes off the ground. In what could be a decisive policy change, the government is proposing to give developers of heat networks the same statutory rights as other utilities, such as gas and electricity. The aim is to ease planning burdens and costs on developers when building new networks or extensions to existing ones.

“Operating limits are being expanded, enabling heat pumps to continue working at very low ambients and extracting heat from air as low as -20oC.”

Another important strand in the new policy framework is the Future Homes Standard. The government’s proposals, currently under consideration, are designed to phase-out inefficient traditional heating technologies, such as gas-fired boilers, and replace them with low carbon alternatives, such as heat pumps.

The F-gas regulation continues to shape manufacturer’s approaches through bearing down on use of higher Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants. For scroll-based heat pumps and chillers, the preferred solution, R32, offers significantly lower GWP and, when system components are optimised, even higher efficiencies.

The plan, revealed in outline, is to add these requirements to the revised UK Building Regulations, due to come into force in 2025, although there have been suggestions this could be brought forward to begin the transition sooner.

For larger water-to-water machines based on screw compressors, the deployment of HFO R-1234ze has already proved to be successful, with delivered water temperatures of up to 85oC possible.

Alongside this national picture, some far-sighted local authorities have introduced local regulations aimed at delivering an enhanced pace of carbon reduction in their own areas.

The UK has committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions within the next three decades. As we have seen, some key policies are now being put in place to create a national framework to help deliver this. For the reasons outlined, we believe heat pumps will play a central role in this national – and indeed global – effort. n

The Greater London Authority (GLA) has blazed a trail with its renewable energy policy as part of planning requirements. While not explicitly mandating use of heat pumps in place of other less efficient technologies, it has had the effect of encouraging adoption as a means of achieving the GLA’s renewable energy targets.

makes sense to opt for a heat pump version of a unit, since the small additional cost is dwarfed by the efficiency advantage and cost savings over its life-time.

*Heat Networks: Building a Market Framework, UK Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Feb 2020

Heat pump technology continues to evolve and become more efficient. Operating limits are being expanded, enabling heat pumps to continue working at very low ambients and extracting heat from air as low as -20oC, while still providing heated water at up to 55oC. Due to volume production, the substantial premium that once applied to heat pump versions of chillers no longer applies. As a result, end users increasingly accept that it

James Hughes Toshiba Carrier UK en/uk/healthy-buildings/


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LOW TEMPERATURE HEAT NETWORKS – ARE WE READY? Andrew Yates, managing director of YGHP, considers the importance of the heat interface unit in delivering effective low temperature heat networks in our low-carbon future. There is an increasing urgency to find solutions to global climate issues; with the UK’s focused drive to reduce national carbon emissions. Heat networks will play a pivotal role in the concentrated attempts to achieve this with heat pumps viewed as an obvious alternative to gas or CHP for the primary heat source. Selecting and designing the correct equipment is paramount to reaching the level of efficiency required. This will also impact on the lifecycle costs of the project. One of the most significant choices is the heat interface unit (HIU).

It is essential to refer to CIBSE Code of Practise for Heat Networks (more commonly known as CP1.2) which includes crucial advice and guidelines on designing heat networks. When selecting a HIU the CP1.2 is clear: All HIUs as a minimum requirement must undertake the BESA test regime 2018. Presently, this only covers the twin plate HIU’s (indirect units) however, these make up the majority of HIU installations today. The BESA test 2018, covers high temperature 70oC and low temperature 60oC test criteria. For designs under this low test 60oC where a heat pump is required and to maximise the heat pump performance, independent witness tests are available from both Enertek International and BSRIA which uses the BESA test rig facilities. Witness testing can also include tests not available from the BESA regime which can be tailored for the design of the scheme. YGHP has conducted several witness tests over the past two years on a variety of schemes. Understanding the BESA test and its metrics are key factors in achieving a transparent design.

What do I look for in a good HIU? There are several technical points to bear in mind when selecting an HIU. Firstly, CP1.2 clearly states as a minimum requirement that the volume weighted average return temperature (VWART) should be no higher than 33oC. This is due to the low temperature network at 60oC ,or even 55oC, primary flow ,reducing VWART will increase efficiency and lower energy usage. Secondly, a low VWART will allow the designers to select smaller pipework sizes, plant and pumps. Smaller plant and pipework will reduce the heat losses in the building and avoid the overheating many early district heating schemes suffered from. Domestic hot water response time is also important. Although BESA requires an HIU to achieve 45oC within 15 seconds, the more rapid the response time the less energy is required. For example, some HIUs can achieve that temperature in 3 seconds. Homeowners do not want to open a kitchen tap and have a long wait for DHW to arrive. >>


The BESA Book 2022 |








Energy usage during ‘keep warm’ should also be considered. Keep warm is a strategy used by HIU manufacturers to keep the DHW plate primed and warm to provide instantaneous DHW. When considering HIU keep warm, check BESA test 4b (Low temperature keep warm) and address the energy usage. Low flow DHW is another factor to keep in mind. HIUs operating at extreme low flows are required to offer stability and valve control. Test 3b of the BESA test regime focuses on delivery of DHW at low flow rate based on DHW temperature reaching 45 oC at the end of a 180 second period of low flow. Comment is to be made on the ability to deliver stable DHW flow temperature defined as the ability to maintain 50.C +/- 3.C Finally, an HIU ideally should be tested to the 2018 UK test regime (BESA) be fully WRAS approved and comply to all British standards and water regulations.

Life cycle

“Although BESA requires an HIU to achieve 45oC within 15 seconds, the more rapid the response time the less energy is required.”

Features often missed in design are maintenance and longevity. Two of the main reasons engineers are called to site are dirt and air. A district heating circuit is like a radiator circuit at home. If your radiators collect air, part of the radiator will not work. This is the same for heat interface units. HIUs do not generate heat, they transfer heat from a primary circuit to the secondary, providing hydraulic separation through the plate heat exchangers. Plate heat exchangers have small waterways which, if clogged by dirt, air or scale will start to lose efficiency. Keeping the primary and secondary circuits clean is paramount for performance and the lifespan of the HIU.

WRAS approval is a test on the safety valve; although this is on the secondary heating circuit. All safety devices that discharge into the drainage system need to be tested.

Metering and Billing As part of the heat network, metering and billing is vital to ensure the occupier only pays for the energy they use. It is important to ensure that the metering system is compliant with smart metering industry standards Modern billing systems (such as that offered with the YGHP Jupiter Billing system) can offer a ‘pay as you go’ or credit billing facility which allows the client to see how much energy they are using on a live home display device. Additionally, YGHP can transmit data back to the landlord or building owner to show the system efficiency. A multi-network roaming SIM covers a wider area and improves connectivity. In the unlikely case of a disturbance to YGHP’s main communication engine, a disaster recovery (DR) plan, will ensure you are connected within the hour. n

Safety of components and build Safety is central to selecting the correct HIU. (Reference CP1.2 and the BESA test regime). Water Regulation 4 says all components which are in contact with the cold-water mains must be Water 4 compliant or WRAS approved. Some companies only test a few components. This does not provide a valid analysis so it is important to check what tests your supplier carries out. One aspect of the

Andrew Yates Managing Director YGHP


The BESA Book 2022 |



DON’T TAKE A CHANCE ON CORROSION Gordon Pringle of HASL makes the case for a sustainable and environmentally friendly heating system. The implementation of an alternative approach to water treatment and the use of continuous monitoring in the prevention of corrosion in closed systems is not always obvious. The approach used by James Culbertson of the Keenan Consultancy at Harvesters Way, Edinburgh explains the operation of such systems, the minimal initial cost and sustainable savings associated with this enhanced process. Control of corrosion of any closed-circuit heating or cooling system is critical as it imposes a considerable energy load on the system if fouling and debris accumulates. Premature component failure or pipework penetrations can cause catastrophic financial and reputational damage to manufacturers, contractors, designers, and owners alike. Greater knowledge of the fundamentals of pressurisation and alternative methods to controlling oxygen corrosion can result in substantially lowering of the environmental impact of systems. CIBSE CP1 2020 on Heat Networks has recently recognised the approach of alternative standards such as the German VDI 2035 Part 1* in this regard. The introduction of the Northern European guidance leads to better sustainable outcomes based on minimizing oxygen entry and water conditioning such as demineralisation as opposed to the use of chemical inhibition. This approach has been used very successfully in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Benelux, Scandinavia etc. for decades. In many parts of the UK the mains water quality is good enough to fill systems without any further treatment or conditioning. The key to controlling corrosion in closed systems is to control the level of oxygen entry. The case of Harvesters Way and many others show that correct pressure control, limiting water make up and the use of steel pipework lead to corrosion levels below 5µm/y.This is well below the level where damage due to corrosion or corrosion products could occur. Continuous corrosion monitoring will monitor the system condition and alert the building operator if events occur that will cause an increase in corrosion. Realtime corrosion monitors are low cost and will pay for themselves within 2-4 years thus CAPEX neutral and truly OPEX beneficial.

Traditional Water Treatment vs Water Conditioning What is the difference? Water treatment is adding chemicals to the water to change its properties, in water conditioning the properties of the water are altered by processes such as demineralisation or softening. No chemicals are added. The traditional UK method of protecting heating systems from corrosion is through the use of chemical inhibitors. Standards such as BS7593:2019 or BSRIA BG29:2021 / BG 50:2013 leave very little option for an alternative approach. The problem is that many people think that because the system has been inhibited it is fully protected regardless of all other parameters. But nothing could be further from the truth. It is the amount of oxygen that enters the system that determines the amount of corrosion that takes place. Even the best inhibitors cannot cope with large amounts of oxygen entering the system. Therefore, most continental standards are based on minimising the oxygen entry and using water with a conductivity below 100µS/cm (VDI2035 Part1). In some parts of the UK mains water would meet these requirements without any further conditioning. The low conductivity slows down corrosion and microbiological processes. Any corrosion that may occur would not be damaging and can easily be monitored.

Figure 1 Continual performance monitoring and use of the evidence pack has arrived in CP1

A non-chemical approach is not only better for our environment but also offers more sustainable results and a lower overall cost. The CIBSE Heat Networks Code of Practice in the UK (CP1) should be commended in its adoption of alternative approaches such as VDI 2035Part1. >>


The BESA Book 2022 |




• ONE PIECE TANKS Range from 10L to 97,500 Litres. No internal supports • ONE PIECE TANKS No joints Range from 10L to 97,500 Litres. 1) No internal supports • SEMI SECTIONAL Two, threeNoorjoints four piece tanks with a horizontal joint to 10,000L. Allowing • up SEMI SECTIONAL 2) the tanks to be passed through a narrow access. Two, three or four piece tanks with a horizontal joint up to 10,000L. Allowing the tanks to be passed through a narrow3) • PLANT TANKS access. A WRAS approved water tank and PLANT plant room to• house theTANKS pump 4) equipment in one complete unit. A WRAS approved water tank and plant room to house the pump • SECTIONAL TANK (EFB) equipment in one complete unit. Sectional tanks ideal to create larger 5) storage or if •theSECTIONAL access is severely TANK (EFB) restricted. Sectional tanks ideal to create larger storage or if the access is severely • GRP HOUSING & KIOSKS restricted. 6) A range of one piece housings or

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Case Study The heat network at Harvesters Way in Edinburgh used the approach in CIBSE document CP1. It consists of 183 maisonettes, flats and town houses with HIUs and no hydraulic break. By using a central boiler plant of only 400kW the efficiency of the system in comparison to decentralised boilers is around 15% better. The inclusion of a Risycor electronic corrosion coupon monitor allows systematic performance monitoring and to provide data for the evidence pack at hand over. The Risycor electronic corrosion monitor alarmed twice in 3 years when maintenance on system was being carried out. The corrosion data recorded by the monitor shows otherwise vey low levels of corrosion meaning the system runs efficiently and reliably.

Post Practical Completion introduction of Electronic Coupon Corrosion Monitoring initial 6 weeks forming evidence of a stable system in the handover pack

Conclusion The case identifies the benefits of adopting a considered design approach to water conditioning opposed to water treatment combined with performance monitoring where quality & quantity of incoming water, enhanced design of system pressurisation and commissioning offers substantial economic justification in terms of ROI.

“Corrosion tends to be the greatest mystery and astonishment of both stakeholders and FM contractors, who historically just rely on inhibitor levels as their standard bearer whether a system is going to be okay.

An online corrosion monitor such as Risycor provides transparent real time and proactive assistance to the process to allow better financial, educated and long term planning for any system.” James Culbertson of The Keenan Consultancy This new technology has been widely used in other systems for a few years now, particularly where clients and manufacturers have sought greater transparency on system performance at commissioning and beyond. The benefits of the monitoring technology can be applied in all such systems regardless if the water comes straight from the tap, has been conditioned or chemically inhibited with minimal capital expenditure. n On-Demand access to: The case for sustainable, environmentally friendly heating and cooling systems

Actual Corrosion Analysis to date plus interval temperature data for the case study

Gordon Pringle Managing Director HASL


The BESA Book 2022 |



KNOW YOUR INSULATION As AND Bs Insulation of fire resisting ductwork systems is one of the most frequently asked questions. Firesafe Fire Rated Ductwork commercial director and BSI FSH 22-9 chair, Mark Harrison offers some insights. FRD insulation should not be confused with other insulating products used for heat retention or vapour barrier purposes. It must comply with the criteria used in BS476-24 or EN1366-1, depending on specification, and subjected to fire exposure from outside and inside the duct. Its primary purpose is to prevent radiant heat igniting combustible materials (inside or outside the duct).

Know your ‘Duct A’ from your ‘Duct B’ Fire resisting ducts to BS476-24 and EN1366-1 are tested using two scenarios:

• Duct A - Fire attack from outside. This duct is sealed and put under negative pressure.

• Duct B - Fire attack from both outside and

inside. This duct has openings within the furnace and the hot air and gases are drawn through the duct at 3m/s.

In terms of insulation, ‘Duct B’ performance is usually the worst-case scenario. The exception is for kitchen extract ducts, where an additional requirement is included on the ‘Duct A’ test. Thermocouples, known as ‘T3’, are placed inside the section of duct within the furnace to record the temperature rise inside the duct with fire attack from outside. The purpose is to simulate the presence of combustible linings inside the duct, in other words, the build-up of grease deposits resulting from commercial cooking. The insulation failure criteria in the BS476-24 and EN1366-1 test methods are the same. The limits are set at 140°C (average) and 180°C (maximum) temperature rise above ambient.

The impacts of specifying Insulation Incorporating fire resisting insulation protection will have a significant impact on a project.

• • Duct A (including ‘T3’) & Duct B Test diagrams


| The BESA Book 2022

• •

The cost of the fire resisting ductwork system will be higher Additional space is required, including sufficient access for installation Installation will take longer The support system will need to be enhanced for the additional weight


Insulation of a restaurant kitchen extract ductwork system requires substantial support

“It is essential to establish the requirement for insulation at design stage by undertaking a risk assessment.”

Compromising on the requirement for fire resisting insulation protection based on cost, programme or space constraints should not be accepted. Retro-fitting of insulation (on previously installed ductwork) is not straightforward or cheap. The ductwork may need to be of a different specification, the supports will almost certainly need to be enhanced, access doors changed and the space around the duct is likely to be restricted.

System function and insulation Kitchen extract ducts have a higher risk of fire inside the duct as commercial cooking equipment creates potential for flames to pass into the system via the canopy. In addition, there are likely to be combustible deposits lining the duct - even on well-maintained systems. Kitchen extract ducts are the most likely to require insulating with ‘Duct A T3’ performance unless it can be established there is no risk of a fire outside the duct, in which case a ‘Duct B’ performance may be acceptable. This is difficult to prevalidate but, generally, insulation would not be required within the kitchen compartment itself or in a standalone fire resisting shaft containing only one kitchen extract duct.

On the other hand, smoke control and ventilation ducts are much less likely to have combustible deposits inside them. The risk therefore tends to derive from a fire inside the duct travelling through multiple compartments within a building, raising the potential for radiant heat to ignite combustible materials in close proximity.

System routing and ‘Proximity to combustible materials’ Cleaning stores (containing flammable liquids), kitchens and plant rooms, to name a few, will be protected with fire resisting construction. FRD routed through these compartments will have a higher exposure risk to fire outside the duct, with the fire potentially igniting combustible deposits inside the duct. Conversely, if the duct has a fire inside it, say drawn in through a grille in a room where the fire has originated, the radiant heat could ignite combustible material in close proximity, allowing the spread of fire from one compartment to another. Accepted guidance (supported by ad-hoc test data taken from uninsulated ‘Duct B’ tests) is that if combustible materials are at least 500mm away from the surface of an uninsulated fire resisting duct, then insulation may not be necessary. >>


The BESA Book 2022 |





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specification of the duct never exceeds the highest fire rating of any compartment wall or floor through which the system passes. If the highest rating of a compartment barrier is 1 hour, then there is nothing to be gained from using 2-hour fire resisting duct. This seems common sense but, in practice, specifications tend to default to a 2-hour rating.

Risk Assessment guidance is freely available for both Kitchen Extract and Life Safety ductwork systems. A clear flowchart often helps.

Protected escape routes and lobbies Unless other measures are in place, fire resisting ducts running above or through protected corridors, stairways and lobbies should be considered for insulation to ensure occupants are protected from radiant heat whilst evacuating under fire conditions.


As a general guide, fire resisting ducts used for smoke control and general ventilation applications (including passive ducts) will need insulation performance based on ‘Duct B’ testing. For Kitchen Extract ducts, a ‘T3’ insulation performance based on ‘Duct A’ testing is required. This could require double the thickness of insulation material - when compared with a general ventilation duct - for the same insulation period.

Finally, be wary of any system offered that is based only on ‘Duct A’ insulation performance (without the ‘T3’ thermocouples), as this is far less severe than ‘Duct B’ testing. This performance would not be suitable for any kitchen extract ducts and only suitable on other types of systems where there is zero risk of a fire inside the duct. If you are in any doubt, fire resisting ductwork manufacturers will be able to provide guidance and details of their certified insulation performances. n

Building owners and designers may still wish to consider specifying insulation even where no risk is initially identified. Where there is potential for the risk assessment to change in the future due to a change of use or the requirement for additional services, then this may increase the fire risk.

Specifying FRD performance Over-specifying FRD will unnecessarily increase costs and take up valuable space. The fire strategy should be checked against the duct route so that the

Mark Harrison Commercial Director Firesafe Fire Rated Ductwork® Ltd


The BESA Book 2022 |



SUPPORTING FIRE SAFETY WITH EFFECTIVE HVAC INSULATION Coral Morgan, product manager, HVAC and Fire Protection at Rockwool, discusses the role of HVAC insulation in the event of a fire, and how specifiers can identify solutions which deliver fire, thermal and acoustic performance.

When it comes to HVAC insulation, thermal performance is often the primary consideration – but by choosing insulation solutions carefully, designers can deliver against multiple aspects of a specification simultaneously. Emergency services attended 152,278 fires in 2020. Of these, 64,066 of which were classified as primary fires capable of causing damage through fire, heat or smoke*. While many factors can cause and contribute to a fire, it is important to consider the role of insulation throughout a building in the event of an emergency, including HVAC insulation. Construction materials can add to the fire load of a building, and how a product fuels a fire is not the only consideration. BS EN 13501-1, the European Reaction to Fire Classification, considers the potential for products to produce smoke (denoted through ratings s1 - s3) and/ or flaming droplet and particles (denoted as d0 - d2).

Smoke created by burning products is an important consideration when trying to safely evacuate a building. The latest statistics from England note that 30% of fatalities were attributed to people being “overcome by gas or smoke”. Furthermore, flaming droplets from burning products can result in a fire spreading to other areas of a building. It is therefore important to have a full understanding of the Euroclass designation to make informed choices when specifying construction products.

Key fire protection considerations Specifiers and HVAC stakeholders must keep multiple requirements in mind when selecting insulation solutions. While seeking thermal performance, specifiers must also achieve compliance with BS 5422:2009 Method for specifying thermal insulating materials for pipes, tanks, vessels, ductwork and equipment operating within the temperature range -40°C to +700°C. The document >>


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Finding SolutionS, delivering ComplianCe

For Market Leading Advice and Services in the following categories, contact VSS: • Fire Damper Inspections - BESA BS9999:2017 • Fire Door Inspections • Ductwork Cleaning - BESA TR19 Second Edition • Ventilation Surveys and Inspections - BS EN 15780 • Air Conditioning Installations & Maintenance • AHU Refurbishments & Maintenance • Kitchen Extraction Cleaning - BESA TR19 Grease • Fats, Oil and Grease Services All staff trained to current BESA and industry standards. True Nationwide coverage of the UK and Northern Ireland. Market leading business delivering cutting edge technology and techniques to our customers. Free site visits to provide maintenance quotations. Ventilation Surveys And Services Ltd Head Office Unit 2, Sandon Way Industrial Estate, Liverpool L5 9YN Northern Ireland Saunders House, Springbank Industrial Estate, Springbank Road, Belfast, BT17 0QL E: T: 0333 500 8368


So, how can specifiers quickly and easily identify non-combustible solutions which will not contribute to fire?

Understanding Euroclass The simplest way to assess how a construction product will behave in the event of a fire is to check its European Reaction to Fire Classification System rating – otherwise known as its Euroclass rating. The Euroclass system offers a single classification system for all EU member states and the United Kingdom, allowing for straightforward comparison between materials. Most commonly recognised for its “Reaction to Fire” element, a product’s Euroclass rating also indicates key performance criteria including the production of smoke and flaming droplets.

“In underground or windowless buildings, current requirements for thermal insulation of ductwork or pipes state that they must be of “limited combustibility” and the complete assembly must achieve Euroclass B-s3, d2.”

states that HVAC insulation must achieve Euroclass B-s3, d2 or better in non-dwellings, or C-s3, d2 in dwellings. Similarly, in underground or windowless buildings, current requirements for thermal insulation of ductwork or pipes state that they must be of “limited combustibility” or “non-combustible” and the complete assembly must achieve Euroclass B-s3, d2.

With Approved Document B (ADB) now adopting the Euroclass system of rating a product’s contribution to fire, it is likely that other construction standards will follow suit. Specifiers must achieve compliance with ADB where appropriate, particularly Section 8 regarding compartmentation and Section 9 which covers protection of openings and fire stopping. ADB states:“Where services could provide a source of ignition, the risk of fire developing and spreading should be controlled”. And that where HVAC insulation crosses compartmentation lines, the construction materials present must maintain the fire resistance of the compartmentation**. In Section 9, ADB specifies further fire protection provisions relating to HVAC services. It states that the performance of fire-separating elements should not be impaired, and that openings for pipes should be fire stopped or sleeved with a product of a high melting point.

Construction products, including insulation solutions, can achieve non-combustible Euroclass ratings of A1 or A2-s1, d0, or ratings from B down to F which denote increasing levels of contribution to fire. For combustible product ratings, smoke release is an important consideration and is measured within Reaction to Fire classes A2 to D. Smoke intensity levels are denoted, in order of increasing severity, as s1, s2 or s3. Burning droplets or particles can inflict skin burns and cause further spread of fire – and these are measured within Reaction to Fire classes A2 to E. There are three classes of burning droplet production; d0, d1 and d3, in which the latter is the most severe.   The lowest risk option and best practice for specifiers would be to choose insulation materials which are rated as non-combustible. >>


The BESA Book 2022 |


THE VOICE OF THE SMOKE CONTROL INDUSTRY As experts in smoke control, SCA members lead the way in promoting and enhancing the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of life safety smoke ventilation systems and ensuring only independently tested and certified products are installed in buildings. All SCA members are third party accredited, understand the varying smoke control requirements for all types of buildings and will provide solutions that are designed to meet the relevant UK regulations and standards.

Operating successfully for over three years, the IFC SDI 19 Certification scheme is open to contractors involved in the installation of smoke control systems and all SCA members who install smoke control systems have either applied for or received accreditation. Further information, design guides and new members application forms are available via: SCA members would be pleased to help with any product, technical or general smoke control queries, in the first instance please email


Beyond thermal performance

“Stone wool insulation is non-combustible and capable of withstanding temperatures in excess of 1,000°C. Nor will it produce smoke, toxic fumes or flaming droplets.”

While thermal performance is often the driving factor for HVAC insulation specification, fire protection must also be a key consideration. Furthermore, specifiers can deliver better overall results by considering the role of insulation in mitigating excess noise generated by HVAC systems.

Stone wool insulation delivers thermal, acoustic and fire protection performance simultaneously. Pockets of air within the dense physical structure of stone wool make it an efficient thermal insulator – and its nondirectional fibre orientation traps sound waves and dampens vibrations to reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment. Finally, stone wool insulation is non-combustible and capable of withstanding temperatures in excess of 1,000°C. Nor will it produce smoke, toxic fumes or flaming droplets – meaning that it will not contribute to the spread of smoke and flames in the event of a fire, giving occupants the chance to escape and emergency services more time to safely enter a building.

As well as securing thermal, fire and acoustic performance, specifiers can futureproof buildings and reduce the need for energy-intensive retrofit projects by choosing products with longevity.

Certain insulation materials such as stone wool can be manufactured so that their thermal properties and dimensional stability do not deteriorate during the lifetime of a building. Similarly, stone wool insulation can save over 100 times more CO2 in its lifetime than was emitted during its production and it can also be reclaimed and recycled at specialist facilities. n

*UK Government: Fire and rescue incident statistics, England, year ending December 2020. **ADB Volume 2, 2019 edition.

Coral Morgan Product Manager - HVAC and Fire Protection Rockwool


The BESA Book 2022 |



KEEPING BUILDINGS SAFE George Bainbridge, training and technical manager of Hydro-X Ai and Hydro-X Fire, highlights that many buildings still need significant work and better processes to meet fire safety standards that protect occupants. In recent years, we have noticed an increase in the number of businesses paying greater attention to checks and maintenance for fire and smoke dampers. While this is a positive sign for buildings across the UK, especially in the wake of the Grenfell tragedy, BESA still estimates that only 1% of buildings are compliant and have been fully tested in line with legislation. This worrying estimate shows there are a lot of buildings that need to meet the fire safety standards to protect occupants.

Increased legislation, introduced to remove the grey areas in the fire safety industry, resulted in a cascade of responsibilities that buildings and businesses must meet. New standards and regulations include BS9999 and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which combine to create the minimum legal standards for all non-domestic premises. As well as guidance from governing bodies of fire dampers and fire doors, such as VH001, which provides an even higher standard of compliance. This helps to ensure that in the event of a fire, the damage and loss of life is either eradicated or at least minimised. This hierarchy makes it clear that a responsible person must be designated for each building. Legislation also makes it clear that in matters of fire safety, ignorance is never an acceptable excuse. They must have the correct training and up to date knowledge of legislation at all times. This increases the pressure on the responsible person to ensure that the fire prevention measures are all up to the required standards. Despite this, we have had some alarming discoveries at some sites we have attended. Most of the issues are typically centred around passive fire protection. This is primarily because they are only typically seen by anyone testing them and the responsible person.




| The BESA Book 2022

Some particularly dangerous examples include a bungee cord keeping a fire damper in place instead of the required fusible link; service installations penetrating through fire compartment walls with either inappropriate or no repairs carried out afterwards; invalidation of the fire stopping system by the poor installation of one or more elements. These risks, and similar ones at other buildings, are only discovered through regular inspection and testing or in the result of a fire where the consequences of these measures might be catastrophic or even fatal. Another serious problem arises when businesses extend the testing intervals of their fire safety elements to save on costs. Sites are also delaying any remedial costs that may be incurred once they have been inspected and tested.


Whilst this need to cut costs is understandable given the pandemic has put a financial strain on many businesses, this is a serious breach of the fire safety legislations. Testing interval are set to help ensure the fire safety element will function as intended in the event of a fire breaking out. Fire safety elements within buildings must be tested at regular intervals as well as any remedials actions taken and completed within set time periods of the responsible person being notified of the defects. Furthermore, businesses with kitchen extracts on their premises also sometimes extend the cleaning intervals for these systems. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of reported kitchen fires. These can typically be caused or exacerbated by grease in the kitchen extracts catching light. If left for long enough it can even begin to drip down into the kitchen causing a concern around health and safety and food hygiene.

“Estimates from BESA indicate that up to 90% of fire dampers in the ductwork cannot be located by the responsible person.”

To avoid these problems occurring, kitchen extracts should be cleaned at least annually, or more regularly if they are more frequently used. Legislation such as the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and additional guidance such as TR19 Good Practice Guide for Internal Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems has helped to regulate the standard that kitchen extracts should be cleaned to.

Another significant problem that tends to be widespread within fire safety is engineers having difficulty gaining access to passive fire safety measures. For example, the latest estimates from BESA indicate that roughly 25% of fire dampers cannot be accessed and in some of the worst cases that have occurred, up to 90% of fire dampers within the ductwork of the building cannot be located by the responsible person. This highlights how important it is to have a qualified and competent responsible person on your site. Not only will they help to eliminate these sorts of issues regarding vital fire safety equipment, but they can also seek out contractors that are qualified and competent, to ensure the functionality and longevity of all equipment is maintained. This has always been a critical aspect of

building maintenance and management as the responsible person can face serious legal consequences if anything should go wrong in the event of a fire.

Another important aspect to be considered is an intrusive fire survey. These provide a comprehensive examination of the performance of a building in case of a fire. They highlight potential fire hazards within the building and identify every individual who could be at increased risk. This could be due to medical conditions such as asthma, and those who may struggle to escape, such as employees with disabilities. Intrusive fire surveys also provide solutions to counteract any hazards, record the findings, and create an emergency plan for use in the event of a fire. Once created, the plan must be communicated to everyone within the building.

The measures that have been mentioned are some of the most important ones that to consid as part of the whole-building approach to fire safety and smoke control. However, it’s important to stress that every element of a building needs to be considered to ensure the safety of everyone inside a building and to minimise or eliminate the possibility of a fire spreading throughout the building. n

George Bainbridge Training and Technical Manager Hydro-X Ai and Hydro-X Fire


The BESA Book 2022 |



A tried and tested alternative to threaded rod and channel supports, prefabricated Gripple kits offer a range of benefits to installers and specifiers:

Speed of installation and no preparation required

Environmental benefits and material weight reduction

Early engagement on projects through BIM and technical services

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Third-party fire tested products available



MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE IN SUSPENSION SYSTEMS Marcie Rowbotham, head of marketing at Gripple, explains how working with the right prefabricated suspension systems can save you time and money on-site, and meet legal requirements. Although the construction industry continued working throughout most of the country’s lockdown, it has been hit by severe delays and restrictions. With clients and project managers reluctant to extend deadlines, sites are challenged with finding ways to speed up delivery while operating within strict safety standards. By carefully considering which products you choose for the suspension of building services, it is possible to save valuable time on project schedules while increasing safety on-site by choosing a prefabricated suspension system to install MEP systems.

Speed Modern suspension systems are faster to prepare and install than typical materials such as threaded rod, channel, nuts, bolts and washers. Instead, these lightweight, prefabricated alternatives arrive on-site in kits formed of either pre-cut lengths of wire rope and a fused end fixing to suit the substrate, or as a track-based system compatible with prefabricated brackets. With no preparation like cutting, filing or capping required, much of the labour-intensive activity is removed, fewer components are needed and fewer people are required on-site. For instance, just two tracks and a bracket are needed for a full trapeze bracket instead of fiddly nuts and washers that are used on the rods to straighten the bracket. In addition, the prefabricated systems reduce time spent levelling brackets by providing pre-cut level guides on the tracks and make for easy adjustment. Offsite manufacturing is a huge driver in construction, creating leaner working methods, with modern systems removing much of the labour-intensive work traditionally undertaken on-site.

Early engagement The benefits of modern suspension systems are often aligned with the advantages of Building Information Modelling (BIM) through ease of specification.

Manufacturers’ technical teams can work directly with contractors, engineers and consultants to design and specify bespoke solutions based on the project’s needs, allowing for the detailed production of bills of materials and benefitting delivery of exact product requirements directly to site.

Safety first The construction industry’s health and safety regulations are felt more keenly than many other sectors, but this has reached another level in recent months. By choosing a prefabricated solution that is faster and easier to fit than its traditional alternatives, health and safety can benefit positively. Prefabricated products have the advantage of arriving on-site ready-to-use, reducing the risk of hand and eye injuries caused by on-site material cutting. In addition, no hot works are necessary, so the need for permits and fire watch services are eliminated. Prefabricated systems also require fewer people on-site, with most kits able to be installed by a single contractor, an important factor in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. On the other hand, larger, bulkier threaded >>


The BESA Book 2022 |




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We fabricate and install plastic

PLASTIC IS TYPICALLY USED Roperhurst is aDUCTWORK market leader in ductwork, tanks and pipeworkFOR fabrication and installation of safetysystems using PVC, polypropylene, HAZARDOUS FUME & VAPOURS WITH CHEMICAL, critical plastic engineering solutions. PPs, PPs-EL, PVC/GRP, FBPP/GRP, BIOLOGICAL OR RADIOACTIVE PVDF andCOMPONENTS. polyethylene. Our investment in training and leading-edge equipment makes us the partner of choice for complex plastic projects in the UK and further afield.

We work to the highest standards, including DW154, BS4994 and DVS2207.



Established for over 40 years, Roperhurst is one of the market leaders in fabrication and installation of plastic ductwork systems. Our experience can give you the reassurance when you need it the most.

We fabricate and install all types of ductwork, including PVC, polypropylene, PPs, PPs-EL, PVC/GRP and FBPP/GRP. All ductwork meets DW154 standard & is fabricated by plastic welders trained to EN13067.

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rod and channel systems can add risk to logistics and installation. They need multiple installers and increase the risks of neck and muscular injuries, trips, and falls.

Environmental Consultants and contractors are becoming increasingly conscious of their emissions, especially as the UK has set its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to netzero by 2050. Embodied CO2 information is becoming a significant requirement within the construction industry, and it is developing more and more in terms of incorporating savings into the models and families in BIM. Projects using prefabricated systems can make massive CO2 savings compared to traditional suspension methods. For example, for every metre of wire rope specified to replace threaded rod, it is estimated that a saving of 1.2 kg of embodied CO2 is made. This equates to a total embodied CO2 saving of up to 95% when switching from threaded rod to wire rope systems. Modern kits are made to the exact job specification, eliminating the mass of waste materials that are prepared, cut and filed to size on site. Alongside material savings, vehicle movements are also reduced as the pre-engineered products come in fully recyclable, compact cardboard boxes which a courier can deliver instead of the normal HGVs arriving on site. In addition, these boxes are easier to store safely and neatly, labelled by floor or by zone, for easy call-off from stores.

Meeting the standard As our world becomes increasingly digital, the number of data cables required in new build projects will inevitably rise. Therefore, it is increasingly

important to pay attention to the regulations around separating electrical and data cables, as specified in the segregation clause of the 18th Edition Wiring Regulations, BS EN 7671. Products are available that simplify the process; segregated brackets recently hit the market as an alternative to threaded rod, channel and separation dividers and are completely adherent to the regulations, keeping data and electrical cables apart up to 300 mm.

Fire testing Suspension products can come in all forms, but when talking about products that hold services in the ceiling, they need to meet high standards. The main exit routes need to remain clear for as long as possible in a fire; not just for occupants to exit the building, but also for Fire and Rescue Services to gain access. Check with manufacturers that an independent test facility performs their product fire testing. Some companies claim their products are fire rated when they have only been temperature tested to around 300°C - this is not reflective of a real fire scenario. Fire testing should be done for an acceptable time and against a recognised fire curve that reputable manufacturers will publish.

“Modern suspension systems are faster to prepare and install than typical materials such as threaded rod, channel, nuts, bolts and washers.”

Working closely with installing contractors and Building Control fire strategists to ensure that the correct products are specified to meet the regulations is essential, so choosing the correct manufacturer with third-party verification will save time and money to ensure you are meeting the standard.

In summary, prefabricated suspension systems and accessories can directly affect the bottom line of a project through time and cost savings, while helping to comply with increased health and safety regulations and CO2. Working with the right manufacturer can give you peace of mind that all bases are covered. n

Marcie Rowbotham Head of Marketing Gripple


The BESA Book 2022 |



LOW NOISE WASTEWATER SYSTEMS Steve Skeldon, product manager at Wavin, explains how advanced wastewater systems can play a part in creating comfortable multi-occupant spaces.

A quick glance at any city centre skyline gives a clear indication of the sharp pickup we are seeing in UK construction. New luxury apartment and office blocks dominate the view and with competition to attract future occupants stronger than ever, these buildings need to offer the best-in-class when it comes to innovation and performance. One of the key areas where specifiers can help developments stand out is by supporting high levels of occupant wellbeing. Ensuring acoustic comfort in dwellings is a fundamental part of this and is protected under current legislation. Building Regulations (2010) Approved Document E outlines the minimum requirements for acceptable levels of noise within buildings. It specifies that any wall or floor in a residence should reduce the noise transmitted to the next room by 45dB (decibels) or

more. In multi-occupant buildings such as highend apartments or hotels, considering the impact that wastewater systems can have on noise levels is important to ensure you’re delivering a project that both meets and exceeds these regulations. Before making a product selection, it’s important to get to grips with the types of noise generated from wastewater systems. These can be split into two categories, airborne and structure-borne noise. Airborne noise relates to the noise generated when wastewater flows through pipes, whilst structure-borne noise is created when the pipes clash with the fabric of the building. To lower the noise levels, it’s crucial that both of these categories are considered. This means that that it’s not just the pipes that need to be low-noise, but also >>


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LDS Mechanical Services With over 25 years of experience in the industry, LDS Mechanical are experts in providing the full mechanical package across the UK from our base in Bristol, including Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Pipework services, BMS Controls and Insulation.

Our Commercial Services Air Conditioning



As specialists at installations of Mitsubishi and Daikin systems, we have the experience to design and install energy efficient HVAC solutions to suit your needs.

Air ventilation systems are often the most important element to ensuring that any given facility is kept in constantly supply of fresh, circulating air at all times.

Throughout installations of hot and cold water services, it’s essential that applicable pipework is installed, refurbished or maintained by an experienced gas safe engineer.

BMS Controls


We have delivered effective and efficient BMS controls to projects across the UK for over 25 years, enabling buildings to operate at determined temperatures.

We excel at insulating pipework and mechanical services to conserve energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and regulate the temperature of process systems.

Our Domestic Services Full Central Heating Systems Our experienced team advise on and fit full central heating systems tailored to individual home requirements and customer preference to achieve optimum output and solution efficiency.

Bathroom Suites Applying plumbing expertise and pipework skill, our installation engineers fit stylish domestic bathroom suites that function without fault.

Boiler Replacements and Installations We help homes become more energy efficient and cost saving with boiler replacements and installations, opting for modern systems proven to be effective.

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Domestic Plumbing Quality plumbing installations, maintenance and repairs to keep home systems in good working condition and ensure long-term functionality.

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Talk to our experts today about your mechanical requirements Email: or Call: 01275 883 000 / 07769 674 010


the brackets and wall materials. By taking a look at the system as a whole, and making sure every base is covered, the overall result will be much more effective in reducing noise disturbances and will help achieve a space that supports end-user wellbeing.

Products that can help The traditional approach to minimising this type of noise disturbance ranges from insulation, to making directional changes to soften the flow through the pipes. Although these methods still have a place, advancements in this area mean that there are more innovative ways to guarantee significant sound reduction.

Sound-attenuated pipes, also known as low-noise or acoustic systems, aim to limit the propagation of airborne noise by keeping it within the pipes, which are made of dense, sound-dampening materials. Although they have been around for several years, there have been recent improvements in their effectiveness. Another benefit to these pipes is that they can allow for expansion in the pipework and offer support to fixings, helping to limit structureborne sound.

“Soundattenuated pipes aim to limit the propagation of airborne noise by keeping it within the pipes, which are made of dense, sound-dampening materials.”

The latest product developments in this area include solutions that have been specifically designed for absorption of both airborne sound and mechanical variations. For example, reinforced polypropylene low noise systems can minimise wastewater noise to a comfortable level for end users.

In fact, the three-layer pipe structure is best in class when it comes to reducing noise from the soil stack. The risk of leaks is also minimised, thanks to the (EPDM) seal with integrated lubricant, while the new sculptured spigot reduces push-in force, meaning that teams will find the pipes quick and easy to install. Specifying a low-noise wastewater system can help ensure that multioccupancy projects not only exceed current noise pollution regulations, but are also more comfortable, peaceful spaces. n

Steve Skeldon Product Manager Wavin


The BESA Book 2022 |


Pegler Valve

integrated technology • WRAS approved unit • direct class D water meter connection, no additional adapters required • integrated second ball valve with drain outlet • simple access to the double check valve in accordance with BS EN 806 and water regulations • visual simplicity with inlet and outlet pressure gauges

for more information tel:

+44 (0) 800 156 0010



OPTIMISE HVAC SYSTEMS FOR FUTURE GAINS Sindar Singh, director of product line valve technology at Pegler, discusses the importance of choosing the right valves to optimise a HVAC system. The challenges that different industries face to support the Government’s Carbon Zero target are immense, and the construction industry has, so far, been at the forefront of developing solutions to mitigate the reliance on fossil fuels and drive forward technologies that will eventually achieve carbon neutrality. Yet when considering this, manufacturers and those driving new solutions also need to consider the bigger picture. This must include consideration of the

installation process including the installers working with a product; maintenance requirements; and whether a new solution can integrate with future technologies. One example is the valve, which play an intrinsic role in all HVAC systems. Their selection is often made using ‘historical’ choices, so for buildings, whether domestic or commercial, tangible benefits must drive any decisions. Furthermore, the contract and the products used must be considered for the build period and from an operation and maintenance perspective. This means an increased emphasis on the importance of product longevity, quality engineering, and straightforward commissioning and maintenance procedures. One of the main challenges facing specifiers and engineers is the limited amount of time and opportunity available to actively seek out products that offer enhanced benefits and ultimately support a building’s need for greater performance and increased efficiency. Whether fitted in a domestic or commercial application, valves play a crucial role. If the correct valve is chosen, building owners can rest assured it will positively affect Digital Energy Certificates, not to mention Building Regulations. However, it is also important to select valves that will support the sharp end by reducing costly maintenance and minimise the actual cost of downtime. One approach is to look at valve solutions targeting ‘application areas’. This will ensure the correct valve is chosen to support function, size, performance and optimisation. In essence, help the building perform and reduce energy and maintenance costs. >>


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Exclusively available at • • • •

MLCP pipework system Patented full bore fitting Demountable and reusable High flow rates and minimal pressure drop • Available up to 75mm diameter • Suitable for potable water (WRAS), heating and chilled water applications

• • • • •

Stainless steel press fit system Available in 304 and 316L Available from 15mm to 108mm XL sizes up to 168.3mm BSI approval for gas installations & WRAS approved, ISO 9001 • Working pressures up to 16 bar • 25 year warranty


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• • • • •

Copper & Carbon press fit system Available from 15mm to 108mm Suitable up to 110°c and 16 bar ISO 9001 certified WRAS approved


Typically, a valve application can be categorised into three key areas: Source which is focused around plant/boiler centres. Network which encompasses the distribution of heating and potable building systems; Zone which is the occupied function zone, such as an apartment, office or ward where the heat or water is emitted.

• • •

“If the correct valve is chosen, building owners can rest assured it will positively affect Digital Energy Certificates, not to mention Building Regulations.”

objectives to understand valve technology and how these sometimes small but extremely important components are integral to a fully efficient HVAC system.

Maximising efficiencies

Within a source, area requirements would be typically centred around large-sized valves, in some instances up to DN600, which provide regulating and isolating functions from the heat source into the first part of the network.

Efficiencies of such systems can be maximised in several ways but particularly through the specification of integrated piping systems, combining correct valve selection with new future-thinking solutions. This includes water conditioning that uses fixed UV bacterial control and full in-line filtration and the use of thermal imaging/ ultrasonic flow rate testing to assist system sign off.

Within the network area, valves are used to control water flow and balance the heat and cooling distribution to different locations. These valves ensure the correct flow rate is supplied to different building parts, thereby providing optimum energy efficiency and comfort.

Overall, a system using the correct valve in the correct area and new future-proofing solutions is a system that will ultimately benefit from greater performance and provide optimised building efficiency now and in years to come. n

The next point of use is classed as the zone area, for example, heating. This consists of pre-set valves for either panels or radiators through to modular valves units used on fan coil units; these types of valves allow control through heat/flow output, therefore, offering precise, controlled comfort. What is paramount in achieving optimum building performance, user comfort and long-term budget

Sindar Singh Director of product line valve technology Pegler


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Airflow Developments Limited

Lancaster Road Cressex Business Park, High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 3QP Tel: 01494 525252 Email: Website: Airflow produce Ventilation solutions from simple Extract Fans to residential and commercial Mechanical Ventilation Systems with Heat Recovery. All equipment complies with the latest Building Regulations.

Flow into control from the Energy Centre to Terminal Units

Getting the most out of smart HVAC solutions comes down to getting the system design right. At Frese, we can help you control flow & temperature from the Energy Centre all the way to Terminal Units.

Constant Air Systems Ltd

Unit L Castle Estate, Turnpike Way Cressex Business Park, High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 3TF Tel: 01494 469529 Email: Website:

Take control at

CAS are one of the UK Market leaders providing offsite fully fitted out Prefabricated Weatherfproof plantrooms and skids for the Building Services Industry.

Gilberts (Blackpool) Ltd

Clifton Rd, Blackpool Lancashire FY4 4QT Tel: 01253 766911 Email: Website: Leading designer and manufacturer of Air Distribution and Natural Ventilation solutions:

Casaire Limited

Unit L Castle Estate, Turnpike Way, Cressex Business Park, High Wycombe, Bucks HP12 3TF Contact: Mbl: 07970 851218 Contact: Mbl: 07970 851219 Fax: 01494 469549 Website: Specialists in the design, supply, installation and commissioning of high velocity induction heating, ventilation and cooling systems for industrial and commercial applications.


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Product Range • Air Grilles & Diffusers • External & Architectural Louvres • Natural Ventilation Systems • Smoke & Fire Dampers Natural Ventilation ‘Mistrale’ expands on our vision to provide the best in modern, energy efficient air distribution solutions. An innovative suite of designs incorporating patented features that position Mistrale at the leading edge of modern natural ventilation and hybrid natural ventilation solutions.


Alexander House, Station Road, Columbia, Washington, Tyne and Wear NE38 7BD Tel: 0191 4162544 Email: Website: Established in 1978 we have a wealth of experience in the building services sector expertly delivering mechanical and plumbing installations to our commercial, education and industrial clients. We pride ourselves on our forward thinking and quality of installation, providing our services to many prestigious and challenging projects throughout the sector. Our principal of outstanding customer service has ensured that the majority of our work is from repeat business and recommendations. We work as a team and are committed to provide high standards in a competitive market for our clients.


BESA Contacts BESA Offices

BESA Group Companies

BESA Head Office

Rotherwick House, 3 Thomas More Street, London E1W 1YZ T: 020 7313 4900 E:

BESA Membership Services Office


Old Mansion House, Eamont Bridge, Penrith CA10 2BX T: 0345 646 1044 E:

BESA Devolved Nations

The Walled Garden, Bush Estate, Penicuik, Midlothian EH26 0SD T: 01313 226 470 M: 07860 794734 E:

BESA Membership Team

Our dedicated BESA Membership Team cover all corners of the UK. They support and guide members through our application process including the robust BESA Competence Assessment Standard (CAS) Audit. Our team ensures members maximise their membership benefits, facilitate training requirements and signpost to other group services where relevant.


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There are currently a variety of SKILLcards available for those working in the building engineering services industry.

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BESA Affiliates Becoming a BESA Affiliate gives you the unrivalled opportunity to put your name, products and services in front of over 1,000 key contractors operating across the building engineering services sector, helping to set the standards and shape the industry.

Aalberts Integrated Piping Systems Ltd

Doncaster T: 01302 560455 E: W:

Aalberts Integrated Piping Systems Ltd offer Pegler Valves to the domestic and commercial markets, a brand established in 1890. The valves are designed and manufactured in their state-of-the-art facilities in the Doncaster, United Kingdom. Pegler vertical manufacturing integration assures better quality control, better cost control, and the shortest delivery lead times possible for their range of commercial, plumbing and balancing valve products.

Airflow Developments Ltd High Wycombe T: 01494 525 252 E: W:

The Affiliate membership scheme is open to manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and consultants operating in the building services sector. By bringing together BESA Members and Affiliates, we collaborate to drive standards and best practice across the sector. Affiliate member benefits include:

Services • Building Information & Intelligence & Shaping • Educating the Sector • Networking Opportunities on BESA • Discounts Products & Services • Promotion & Advertising

There are exciting opportunities for collaboration! If you are interested in finding out more please visit: become-an-affiliate or contact


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Airflow Supplies and manufactures Ventilation solutions from simple Extract Fans to residential and commercial Mechanical Ventilations Systems with Heat Recovery. All equipment complies with the latest Building Regulations and has class leading performance.

Allcool London Ltd Barking T: 0208 593 5333 E: W:

Manufacturers of air conditioning coils.

Altecnic Ltd

Stafford T: 01785 218200 E: W:

The UK’s leading supplier of hydronic solutions.

AMP Air Conditioning Limited Welwyn Garden City T: 01707 378670 E: W:

Established in 1989, AMP Air Conditioning, a Panasonic Company, is one of the UK’s longest established distributors of air conditioning products. Our portfolio includes some of the most advanced systems on the market. From state-ofthe-art split systems through to highly energy-efficient VRF systems and integrated advanced controls, we have the expertise to tailor an optimal solution to virtually any application including residential, commercial and corporate.

ARM Environments

Salisbury T: 01722 710312 E: W:

Indoor air quality and ventilation compliance specialists, offering assessment, remediation and maintenance services for all types of building. Suppliers and installers of IAQ sensors, UVGI, Bipolar ionisation and HEPA purifiers as well as a range of AHU upgrades and HVAC optimisation solutions.

Aspen Pumps Ltd

Hailsham T: 013230 848842 E: W:

Founded in 1992, Aspen Pumps Group is a one stop shop for HVAC/R Engineers. The flagship Aspen Pumps mini pumps, for which the Aspen Pumps Group are renowned; have been joined by the Xtra range of accessories, Big Foot Systems rooftop support products, JAVAC for HVAC/R specialist tools and most recently Advanced Engineering – the specialist chemical cleaning brand. With a global network of wholesalers, Aspens ongoing focus is to make life easier for the installer and to offer superior quality products and continuous innovation.

Bangor Steel Fabrications Ltd

Bangor T: 02891 473436 E: W:

A supply manufacturer of both rectangular duct work with bespoke fittings and spiral duct work with associated fittings including bends, attenuators, flexible duct work and grilles.


Birmingham T: 0121 3226400 E: W:

Mail order suppliers of gas and plumbing fixtures and fittings.

BSS Group Ltd

Leicester T: 0330 123 3522 E: W:

BSS is the UK’s largest distributor of pipeline and heating solutions. With a network of over 50 branches across the UK and Ireland, BSS also offers a Tool Hire facility to complement its product ranges. There are also in-house Technical and Engineering teams to assist with projects of any size or complexity. Service and Know-how to do you proud.

BISPA - Building and Industrial Services Pipework Academy Northampton T: 07770 644364 E: W:

Industrial and academic collaboration, established to provide free CPD training and improve the awareness of carbon steel pipework systems and related areas, including specifications, installation, digital data and new innovations.

Camfil Limited

Northampton T: 01706 238 000 E: W:

Camfil has for many years been at the forefront of developing market-leading air filtration products. These air filters have been designed and tested to meet the needs of today’s world. New improved technical standards have been developed to classify and test product solutions. Now Covid19 demands accuracy. Clean indoor air quality as classed by BS EN16798-3:2017 and World Health Organization (WHO) air pollutant maximum personal exposure levels set the framework. Air filter performance test standards for particle filters BS EN ISO16890:2016, for molecular carbon filters BS EN ISO101212:2014. See the CPD program and website for product solution details.

BESA affiliates

Compliance Air & Water Ltd

Birstall T: 0116 2672232 E: pdowning@ W:

Consultants within the industry.

Daikin Airconditioning UK Ltd Weybridge T: 0845 6419100 E: W:

Manufacturers/distributors of high quality, high efficiency airconditioning and ventilation systems for all kinds of applications.

Encred Ltd

London T: 0207 084 6221 E: W:

Encred is an established company of engineering specialists who offer a broad spectrum of professional building asset management services throughout the UK. Thanks to our wide-ranging skill set, we can help public or private clients to plan, design, construct, operate and maintain their buildings and property portfolios throughout their lifecycles. In fact, we specialise in providing the systems and support that keep your buildings operating efficiently with the fewest problems and the least expense throughout their life.

Extract-Awair Ltd

Tamworth T: 1827 464706 T: 07795 185520 E: W:

Extract Awair are the Food & Leisure service industry’s first choice for managing ventilation and thermal load compliance. Our exemplary service ensures our clients in the Retail, Commercial & Leisure sectors stay up to date and comply with latest standards. Affiliated with BESA, Extract Awair’s knowledge in TR19 Grease, DW172 and DW144 is unrivalled. Our ventilation compliance extends to Fire Dampers (FD) where we apply our extensive knowledge of BS9999:2017 and VH001 for FD testing.

Flamco UK / Aalberts Hydronic Flow Control

St Helens T: 01744 744744 E: W:

At Aalberts Hydronic Flow Control, we are at the heart of every great building. Under the Flamco & Comap brands, we are partnering with our customers to engineer seamless energy efficient hydronic systems for any building system challenge. Our comprehensive range includes; pressurisation units, expansion vessels, air & dirt separators, multilayer composite pipe & fittings, balancing valves, HIUs/distribution technology and now even extends to prefabricated plantrooms. The complete specification and design service we offer ensures we are involved in every step of the building life cycle, delivering superior system performance and energy saving solutions.

Gripple Ltd

Sheffield T: 0114 275 2255 E: W:

We are the original UK manufacturer of innovative wire rope and trapeze bracket support systems for the suspension of electrical containment, pipework, HVAC and modules. Our products are designed to provide a faster, safer and more sustainable alternative to traditional threaded rod and channel supports, with no on-site preparation of materials needed. Our in-house Gripple technical services team is on-hand to deliver full installation designs and ISO 19650-2 accredited BIM services, as well as on-site technical consultations and after-sales support.

Hamworthy Heating Ltd

Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management Portsmouth T: 02392 823186 E: W:

Trade association for companies/ personnel who operate in the health industry.

Joblogic Ltd

Birmingham T: 0800 326 5561 E: W:

The UK’s leading service management software. Connect your back office, mobile workforce & customers in one centralised system and streamline your business operations.

Mitsubishi Electric Living Environmental Systems

Gas Contract Services Ltd

Poole T: 01202 662516 E: W:

Hatfield T: 01707 276100 E: W:

Consultancy and inspection service to our industry sector.

Hamworthy Heating is a leading British commercial boiler manufacturer supplying energy efficient commercial heating, hot water and renewable solutions to all types of buildings across the UK.

We manufacture industryleading heating, cooling and ventilation equipment and believe that by constantly challenging everyone involved to combat the issues we all face and encourage constructive dialogue throughout the industry, we can help everyone address their energy use and to work towards a more sustainable future.

Rochester T: 01634 295515 E: geoff.golding@ W:

Giacomini UK Ltd

Bristol T: 01454 809 105 E:,uk W:

European supplier and producer of underfloor heating systems, heat interface units, plumbing equipment, valves and fittings.

Global Plasma Solutions Inc

U.S. T: 07507 494835 E: alpesh.trivedi@ W:

Our needlepoint bi-polar ionization (NPBI™) technology helps clean indoor air without producing harmful levels of ozone or other byproducts. All GPS needlepoint bi-polar ionization (NPBI™) products are UL certified and CE compliant. Through NPBI, GPS products help improve the air by reducing airborne particles including certain odours, viruses and bacteria.

Heating Appliances & Spares Ltd t/a HASL Livingston T: 01506 438083 E: W:

We are specialist product distributors in heating and ventilation equipment covering the whole of the UK. Products include SWEP Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers, RESUS Risycor Real Time Corrosion Monitoring, Spirotech Pressurisation, Deaeration & Dirt Separation, BOA Metal Solutions Thermal Expansion & Building Movement Compensation, SPC Coils and Heat Emitters & NACO Louvres tier 1 manufacturers in the UK and Ireland.

Ideal Boilers Limited

Hull T: 01482 498376 E: W:

Nuaire Limited

Caerphilly T: 0292 085 8200 E: W:

Established in 1966, Nuaire is a UK-based ventilation solutions provider, designing and manufacturing products for the domestic, commercial, and industrial construction sectors. For over 50 years’ our mission has been to fundamentally improve the quality of people’s lives by delivering clean air everywhere. We continue to pioneer new air technology and set the standard in clean air and energy-efficient ventilation products in the industry.

The UK’s market leader of high efficiency commercial heating solutions.


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BESA affiliates

Oventrop UK Limited

PRS Recruitment

Smith Brothers Stores Ltd

Oventrop is one of the leading European manufacturers of valves and controls for the Building Services Industry. The company is an expert partner to the stockists, consultants, contractors and industry. Oventrop offers its partners a long term beneficial relationship. Oventrop UK Ltd was founded in 1992 and is responsible for sales and distribution of Oventrop group products and services throughout the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Since its introduction, “Oventrop” has become one of the leading brands in the Building Services sector, particularly for high quality valves, controls and systems. Recent additions to our product portfolio include “Regudis” heat interface units and “Regumaq” instantaneous hot water systems. In recent years Oventrop UK Ltd has extended its activities to include the design, supply, and full installation of solar thermal, and “Cofloor” surface heating & cooling, systems. As a result of these developments, Oventrop UK Ltd can now offer fully integrated system solutions for the heating, cooling and hot/ cold water services in today’s engineered buildings.

The PRS group of companies specialise in the contingent recruitment of permanent and temporary contract staff within UK infra-structure services including Facilities Services and Building Services Engineering. With 4 strategically located offices in London, Southampton, Birmingham and Manchester we are available at short notice across the UK 24 hours a day to provide a wideranging skillset of staff from FM, Security and Logistics to specialist critical engineering within Building Services / HVAC, Power and Distribution and Building Controls, Lifts, Fire and Security sectors.

An independent commercial HVAC merchant since 1897, specialising in the distribution of pipework, valves, air conditioning and all associated fittings and ancillaries.

Pier Consulting Ltd

Our products, services, and solutions are diverse and cover a wide range of parameters, but they are primarily dedicated to detection, measurement and control solutions for indoor air quality.

Basingstoke T: 01256 330441 E: W:

Barry T: 01446 688886 E: W:

26 years’ experience providing Mechanical & Electrical Trades, supervision Management and one of the only service providers to invest in its own M&E Apprenticeship division to the commercial construction industry across the UK.

Plasma Clean Ltd

Stockport T: 0161 870 2325 E: W:

Providing air filtration and odour control solutions for commecial kitchens, food processing facilities, washrooms and other areas whwere clean air matters.


| The BESA Book 2022

London T: 0207 553 5660 E: W:

Rockwool UK Ltd

Bridgend T: 01656 868652 E: W:

Make and supply a full range of smart and sustainable insulation products for the construction industry based on innovative stone wool technology.

Sauermann UK Ltd

Blackpool T: 07717 337 313 E: W:

simPRO Software Ltd St Ives T: 0845 004 3978 E: W:

simPRO is a leading field service management software solution for service, project and maintenance contractors. simPRO helps businesses connect the office to the field, deliver exceptional customer service and gain invaluable insights with automated processes, streamlined workflows and in-depth business reporting. Achieve full business visibility with this comprehensive end-to-end solution.

Blaby T: 0116 222 7330 E: W:

Spica Technologies Ltd

Birmingham T: 0330 120 0345 E: W:

Spica Technologies provide the award-winning workplace experience platform GemEx Engine® and white-label employee app Luna to enhance employee experience, improve productivity and effectively manage corporate real-estate.

Swegon Ltd

Bridgnorth T: 0800 093 7929 E: W:

Feel good inside - Swegon is your partner for indoor environment solutions that work exactly as desired, at the lowest possible lifecycle cost. We are a total system supplier, and our offer includes ventilation, heating, cooling and climate optimisation systems, as well as connected services and expert technical support. Count on us to add value to your project – from start to finish, and beyond. In everything we do, we are guided by a single purpose: to enable healthy, comfortable and safe indoor environments for people to be at their best, today and tomorrow.

Tata Steel

Northampton T: 01536 404561 E: technicalmarketing@ W: www.tatasteelconstruction. com/hotvscold

Tata Steel is one of the largest UK steel producers, our UK made tube products have been specifically developed to satisfy the needs of Construction, Building and Industrial Services projects.

TF Solutions Ltd

Stockport T: 0161 429 5917 E: W:

Trading for over 20 years, TF are a national distributor for all your Air conditioning and Refrigeration requirements, next day delivery, 60 days trading terms and 12 months free rental on gas bottles. Stockist of Mitsubishi, Samsung, Fujitsu, Emerson, Danfoss.

Toshiba Carrier UK Ltd

Plymouth T: 07712 790866 E: W: W: W:

TCUK Ltd is one of the leading suppliers of HVAC equipment, systems and support services in the UK. The company consists of three strong brands each with their own distinct and complementary offerings. Toshiba is pre-eminent in DX systems, with unmatched technical features and efficiency across its range of market-leading VRF, Split and Multi-Split systems. Carrier is primarily known for its leadership in Chillers and Hydronic solutions, and its award winning technology is trusted the world over for outstanding performance, reliability and efficeincy. CIAT completes the line up with its comprehensive range of airside systems and airside solutions, offering excellent quality and reliability at a competitive price point. Leading the way in offering a complete range of HVAC products, all backed by outstanding Application Design & Technical Support and underpinned by our core values of customer service, quality and environmental awareness.

Trimble MEP

Milton Keynes T: 01908 608833 E: W:

Trimble MEP provides leading software solutions for Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) professionals that transform workflows from the office to the field. The Trimble Constructible Process allows speciality trades to build beyond BIM to automate fabrication and fieldwork with reliable construction data.

Wolseley Pipe

Warwick T: 01926 705594 E: W: services/pipe-specialist

Wolseley Pipe is the firstchoice specialist merchant for commercial and industrial pipe and heating systems and is the new home for Pipe Center customers. Wolseley Pipe offers market-leading product ranges, specialist customer support and added value to keep projects of any scale running like clockwork.

The definiive standard for planned maintenance. Cost savings through oppmal maintenance Colour-coded criicality raings idenify tasks which are statutory, mandatory, funcion criical or discreionary

Peace of mind with up-to-date legislapon Schedules are updated in-line with legislaion changes, ensuring you are always working to the latest standard.

Tailored maintenance with customisable tasks Develop bespoke maintenance schedules to suit your needs, amending non statutory tasks as required.

Accurate and efficient tendering Specify custom maintenance requirements, include imings and produce PDF booklets to support your tendering process.

The benchmark for oppmum maintenance Completely unique, SFG20 is the essenial tool for faciliies managers, building owners, contractors and consultants. Save pme, energy and money, whilst remaining compliant.

SFG20 can save you up to 20% on your annual maintenance budget.

For more informaion contact the team on: | +44 (0)1768 860459 |

BESA MEMBERS DIRECTORY If you are trying to find full details of an association member in a particular area, this section gives a region-by-region directory. Please note: The information contained in the list of members was correct as of 28th September 2021. For a live listing, visit













East Midlands

North West

South West

Eastern Counties

Northern Ireland




West Midlands

North East

South East


The BESA Book 2022 |


East Midlands find-a-besa-member BESA provides a free online search service designed to make it easy and quick to find BESA member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a BESA member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most BESA members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

Air conditioning Refrigeration F gas Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust & kitchen ventilation & maintenance F Indoor air quality G Commercial heating & plumbing H Domestic heating, plumbing, service & maintenance Design & build I J Pipework/hot tapping/ pipe Freezing K Offsite prefabrication L Underfloor heating M C/I gas fitting N Ability to sub-contract O Renewables (Wind, Solar, Biomass, CHP, H/P etc) P Industrial process pipework Q Offsite prefabricated pipework R Thermal/sound insulation S Facilities services T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control system V Commissioning/performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering

A Air Ability Ltd

44 Westley Grange, West Avenue, Wigston, Leicestershire LE18 2FB T: 0116 288 4333 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABS

Air Conditioning & Chiller Co Ltd

26 Paddock Close, High Oakham, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 5AS T: 01623 658580 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: AFIS Specialist Group: RACHP

Chestnut House, Alconbury Hill, Alconbury, Weston, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE28 4JG T: 01480 890011 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: FST Contracted Out: AGKMQWY Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Ambivent Facilities Management Ltd

1 Moulton Court, Anglia Way, Moulton Park, Northamptonshire NN3 6JA T: 01604 645788 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABCEGILMOS Contracted Out: DFJKPQTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Ambivent Group

1 Moulton Court, Anglia Way, Moulton Park, Northampton NN3 6JA T: 01604 645788 E: W: Year Joined: 1992 In-House: ABCGIJLMOS Cont’d Out: DEFKPQRTUVWXY

Apleona HSG Ltd

HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group SFG Service & Facilities Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch VG Ventilation Group


| The BESA Book 2022

Arcade House, Kym Road, Bicton Industrial Estate, Kimbolton, Cambridgeshire PE28 0LW T: 01480 861111 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABEGIJKMOPQSVX Contracted Out: CU

Arrowdale Building Services Ltd



Arcade (UK) Ltd

Nene House, Drayton Way, Drayton Fields Estate, Daventry, Northamptonshire NN11 8EA T: 01327 311303 E: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABGMOSU Contracted Out: TVWY Specialist Group: SFG

70-72 Nottingham Road, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 1BN T: 01623 362007 E: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ACDEGU

Arthur Pollard Ltd

38 Churchill Way, Fleckney, Leicester LE8 8UD T: 0116 240 3728 E: W: Year Joined: 1984 In-House: GIJKMPQ Cont’d Out: ABCDEFLOSTUVWXY

Atmosphere Air Conditioning

The Old Chapel, Chapel Street, Titchmarsh, Northamptonshire NN14 3DA T: 01832 734308 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABCIO Specialist Group: RACHP

B Blandfords LLP

1B & 1C Robinson Way, Telford Way, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN16 8PT T: 01536 483699 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABILSU Contracted Out: FVXY Specialist Group: RACHP

Briggs & Forrester Engineering Services Ltd

Bembridge House, Bembridge Drive, Kingsthorpe, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN2 6LZ T: 01604 720072 E: W: Year Joined: 1961 In-House: GIJM Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLPQRSTUVWXY

Briggs & Forrester Building Services Maintenance Ltd

Unit 2, Maises Way, South Normanton, Derbyshire, Northamptonshire DE55 2DS T: 01604 720072 E: W: Year Joined: 1962 In-House: ABIOSUY Contracted Out: FGMTW Specialist Group: SFG

Briggs & Forrester Living Ltd

Bembridge House, Bembridge Dr, Kingsthorpe, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN2 6LZ T: 01604 720072 E: W: Year Joined: 1985 In-House: DEGHIJKLMOQV Contracted Out: ABCSTUWX

Briggs & Forrester Special Projects Ltd

Bembridge House, Bembridge Dr, Kingsthorpe, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN2 6LZ T: 01604 720072 E: W: Year Joined: 1991 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: AILOUVW

C Clean & Gleam (Midlands) Ltd

Ashleigh Villas, 143 Tamworth Rd, Long Eaton, Nottingham, East Midlands NG10 1BY T: 07791 505966 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ET Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Clean Air Group

Technology House, 5 Newton Close, Drayton Fields, Daventry, Northamptonshire NN11 8RR T: 01327 301383 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABCGMS Contracted Out: O Specialist Group: RACHP

Complete Cooling Services Ltd Unit 4A, Huss’s Lane, Long Eaton, Nottingham, Derbyshire NG10 1GS T: 0115 944 0679 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: ABI Specialist Group: RACHP

Crown Deepclean Ltd

2 Goodwood Avenue, Arnold, Nottm, Nottinghamshire NG5 7BB T: 0115 920 4069 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

D DAE Mechanical Services Ltd 21-39 Basford Rd, Nottm NG6 0JG T: 0115 970 4552 E: W: Year Joined: 1978 In-House: GHJMPS Cont’d Out: ABCDEILOTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

BESA members

East Midlands

Derry Building Services Ltd

The Old Hospital, London Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG24 1JP T: 01636 614300 E: W: Year Joined: 1981 In-House: EGHIJKMOPQUVX Contracted Out: ABCDFLRSTWY

E East Kirkby Engineering Co Ltd Avocet House, Bittern Way, Riverside Industrial Estate, Boston, Lincolnshire PE21 7NX T: 01205 366833 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: GHIJKMOPQV Cont’d Out: ABCDEFLRSTUWXY

Eco Air Control Ltd

Unit 11 Kedleston House, Aspen Drive, Spondon, Derby DE21 7SS T: 01332 672003 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ABCDEGHSV Specialist Group: RACHP

Environmental & Mechanical Services Ltd

iCon Environmental Innovation Centre, Unit 11 Eastern Way, Daventry, Northamptonshire NN11 0QB T: 01327 844848 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: W Specialist Group: SFG


17 Calverton Business Park, Hoyle Rd, Calverton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG14 6QL T: 0115 965 5042 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABEISV Specialist Group: RACHP

G Griffiths Air Conditioning & Electrical Contractors

111 High Street, Burton Latimer, Kettering, Northants NN15 5RL T: 01536 420666 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABHLS Specialist Group: RACHP

I Imtech Engineering Services Ltd

Hooton Street, Carlton Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG3 5GL T: 0115 950 5100 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: S

J JCW Energy Services Ltd

JCW Energy Services Ltd (Trading as Electrum FM), Thurnham House Clarkes Road, Wigston, Leicester LE18 2BG T: 0117 952 2571 E: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABGHIJLMOSUVY Contracted Out: CDEFKPQRTWX Specialist Group: RACHP

McCarthy Environmental Ltd Unit 9b, Cygnet Court, Swan Valley Way, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN4 9BS T: 01604 635333 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: CDEFISUV Specialist Group: VG

Mellor Bromley Air Conditioning Services Ltd Marshall House, West Street, Glenfield, Leicester LE3 8DT T: 0116 276 6636 E: ashley.whitehead@ W: Year Joined: 1965 In-House: ACEGIJKMQ Contracted Out: DLORTUVWY Specialist Group: HAPS, VG

Metalduct (Nottingham) Ltd


Unit C12, Hartley Business Centre, Haydn Road, Sherwood, Nottingham NG5 1DG T: 0115 962 3482 E: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: CE Cont’d Out: D Specialist Group: VG

L M Building Services Ltd

Midland Filtration Ltd

100 Mansfield Street, Sherwood, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG5 4BH T: 0115 962 2339 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GJKMPQ Contracted Out: CDEIOV

39 Moorbridge Rd, Bingham Ind Est, Bingham, Nottinghamshire NG13 8GG T: 01949 485400 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: CDEST

Loughborough Air Conditioning Ltd

ON365 Ltd

243 Derby Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 5HJ T: 01509 238446 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABCDEV Specialist Group: RACHP

M M J Robinson Ltd

O Unit 10, Weldon Rd, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 5RN T: 01509 261100 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABIJOUVW Contracted Out: R

R Refrigeration & Heat Pump Services Ltd

Cedar Street, Mansfield, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 2RZ T: 01623 620174 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: GHIMO Cont’d Out: ABCDELRSTUVWY

Unit 7a, Canalside Industrial Park, Kinoulton Road, Cropwell Bishop, Nottinghamshire NG12 3BE T: 0115 989 9985 E: W: Year Joined: 1993 In-House: ABO Specialist Group: RACHP

Matro Ltd


Unit C1, Imex Enterprise Park, Hucknall, Nottinghamshire NG15 7SZ T: 0115 859 8151 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: AGJLMPW Specialist Group: SFG

Sparks Mechanical Services Ltd

15 Bennerley Court, Blenheim Ind Estate, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG6 8UT T: 0115 910 1011 E: Year Joined: 1969 In-House: ABGIJMPS Contracted Out: FLOUW


Surevent (UK) Ltd

10 Whittle Close, Daventry, Northamptonshire NN11 8RQ T: 0800 345 7529 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: CDEFGHSTW Contracted Out: M Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Swiftclean (UK) Ltd

3 Scraptoft Business Centre, Main St, Scraptoft, Leicester LE7 9TD T: 01702 531221 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: TW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

T T Clarke Contracting Ltd

Fengate, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE1 5XB T: 01733 342624 E: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: GIJKMPQX Cont’d Out: ABCDEFLORTUVWY

Trace Energy Systems (Leicester) Unit M2, Harrison Road, Airfield Business Park, Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 7UL T: 01858 438940 E: W: Year Joined: 1989 In-House: ABGIO Contracted Out: CMTU Specialist Group: RACHP

U Uni-Clean (Environmental) Ltd

5 Priest Court, Springfield Bus Park, Grantham, Lincolnshire NG31 7FZ T: 01476 566764 E: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: EST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

W WM Building Services (Leicester) Ltd

657 Melton Road, Thurmaston, Leicester, Leicestershire LE4 8EB T: 0116 311 2477 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ACEGIMOS Contracted Out: DFJKLPQTUVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

The BESA Book 2022 |


Eastern Counties find-a-besa-member BESA provides a free online search service designed to make it easy and quick to find BESA member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a BESA member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most BESA members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

0-9 21st Century Contracts Ltd

Suite S, Whitegates Business Centre, Alexander Lane, Shenfield, Essex CM15 8QF T: 020 8597 8008 E: martin.maloney@21stcentury W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: DEGHMSX Cont’d Out: ABCFIJKLPQTUWY Specialist Group: HAPS

A Absolute Mechanical Ltd Pear Tree Farm, The Street, Weybread, Diss, Norfolk IP21 5TH T: 01379 586316 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GHIJKLPQSV Contracted Out: EMTU

Aircare A B C D E

Air conditioning Refrigeration F gas Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust & kitchen ventilation & maintenance F Indoor air quality G Commercial heating & plumbing H Domestic heating, plumbing, service & maintenance Design & build I J Pipework/hot tapping/ pipe Freezing K Offsite prefabrication L Underfloor heating M C/I gas fitting N Ability to sub-contract O Renewables (Wind, Solar, Biomass, CHP, H/P etc) P Industrial process pipework Q Offsite prefabricated pipework R Thermal/sound insulation S Facilities services T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control system V Commissioning/performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering

HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group SFG Service & Facilities Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch VG Ventilation Group


| The BESA Book 2022

79 Crescent Road, Heybridge, Maldon, Essex CM9 4SN T: 01621 874647 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ILOS Specialist Group: RACHP


Unit 1, Brookside Centre, Sumpters Way, Southend on Sea, Essex SS2 5RR T: 01702 619698 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGHJKLMOQ Contracted Out: IUVW Specialist Group: HAPS

Allied Mechanical Services Ltd

Goodwin Business Park, Willie Snaith Road, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 7SQ T: 01638 661062 E: W: Year Joined: 1984 In-House: CGIJKMPQSWX Contracted Out: ABDEFLOTUVY Specialist Group: SFG

Aqua Environmental Services Ltd

Unit 4, Braziers Farm, Beach Road, Clacton-On-Sea, Essex CO16 8SB T: 0800 433 7205 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: T

B B & F Mechanical Services Ltd Unit 77a Claydon Business Park, Gipping Road, Great Blakenham, Ipswich, Suffolk IP6 0NL T: 01473 785115 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: GJKMPQX Cont’d Out: ABCDEFILORSTUVWY

Bower Fuller

6 Bermuda Rd, Ransomes Europark, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9RU T: 01473 272277 E: W: Year Joined: 1968 In-House: GHJMSV Contracted Out: ABCDEFIKLOPQRTUWXY

Briggs & Forrester Engineering Services Ltd

Unit A South Cambridge Bus Park, Babraham Rd, Sawston, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB22 3JH T: 01223 830009 E: W: Year Joined: 1961 In-House: GIJM Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLOPQRSTUVWXY

Bright Hygiene Management (London) Ltd Omega House, 7 Sarbir Ind Park, Cambridge Road, Harlow, Essex CM20 2EU T: 01279 444821 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ET Specialist Group: SFG, VHB, VG

C Cambridge Maintenance Services Ltd

S1 One Parsons Green, St Ives Business Park, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire PE27 4AA T: 01480 493800 E: chris.k@ W: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABG Specialist Group: SFG

Capri Mechanical Services Ltd

53-55 Cutlers Road, South Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 5XJ T: 01245 321144 E: W: Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABCEGIMUV Contracted Out: DLSWXY Specialist Group: VG

Cater Clean 24 Seven

Unit 2, Hall Farm, Little Walden, Essex CB10 1XA T: 0870 300 3232 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Ceetech Ltd

Acorn Business Centre, Paper Mill Lane, Bramford, Ipswich, Suffolk IP8 4BZ T: 01473 830095 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHIMUY Contracted Out: ABCDEJLPSTWX

Ceilite Airconditioning

Unit 1 The Alcorns, Cambridge Rd, Cambridge Road, Stanstead, Essex CM24 8DF T: 01279 815503 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABGIMV Contracted Out: O Specialist Group: RACHP

Constant Cooling Ltd

84 London Road, London Road, Sawston, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB22 3XE T: 01223 834711 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABHOS Specialist Group: RACHP

Cool Heat Services Ltd 167 Hulbridge Road, South Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 5LN T: 01245 321615 E: W: Year Joined: 1981 In-House: ABFGHIOSUV Contracted Out: C Specialist Group: RACHP

Cooper & Brome (Contracts) Ltd

Units 3 & 4, 85 London Rd, Marks Tey, Colchester, Essex CO6 1EB T: 01206 212582 E: W: Year Joined: 1984 In-House: GHJMO Cont’d Out: ABCDEFILPRSTUVWY Specialist Group: HAPS

BESA members

Eastern Counties

CPS Building Services Ltd

Unit 15a Norman Way Ind Estate, Norman Way, Over, Cambridge CB24 5QE T: 01223 232054 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: BEGHMOSUV Contracted Out: CDFIJKLPQTWXY Specialist Group: SFG

D D & K Facilities Maintenance Ltd

32 Hornsby Square, Southfields Industrial Park, Laindon, Essex SS15 6SD T: 01268 545737 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: MOV Specialist Group: SFG

DMG Delta Ltd

Sion Park, Stansted Road, Birchanger, Bishop Stortford, Essex CM23 5PU T: 01279 810100 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABFGHIJLMOSUVW Contracted Out: CDEKPQRTXY Specialist Group: SFG

E Eastern Fabrications Building Services Ltd

4 Horsecroft Place, The Pinnacles, Harlow, Essex CM19 5BT T: 01279 454609 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ACDEJKOQSTV Contracted Out: LW

Edmund Services Ltd

12/13 Saxon House, Warley Street, Upminster, Essex RM14 3PJ T: 01708 222221 E: W: Year Joined: 1993 In-House: HS Cont’d Out: CDEFIJLOPRTVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Elite Services (Environmental) Ltd

Midas Business Centre, 18D Midas Business Centre, Wantz Rd, Dagenham, Essex RM10 8PS T: 01268 542030 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABGMOS Contracted Out: CEITUVWY Specialist Group: SFG


Ipswich Branch, Unit 19 Sterling Complex, Farthing Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 5AP T: 01473 470006 E: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABS Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

Eyre Building Services Group Ltd

Eastern House, Eastern Court, Ernest Gage Avenue, New Costessey, Norwich, Norfolk NR5 0JU T: 01603 731100 E: W: Year Joined: 1998 In-House: ABFGHIJMOPRS Contracted Out: CDEKLQTUVWXY Specialist Group: RACHP


Fisher Refrigeration Ltd

Hughes and Associates Property Services Ltd


Hygiene Contracts Ltd

37 High Street, Landbeach, Cambridgeshire CB25 9FR T: 01223 861103 E: W: Year Joined: 1987 In-House: ABO Specialist Group: RACHP

Guardian Water Treatment Ltd

Units 9 & 10, The Capricorn Centre, Cranes Farm, Basildon, Essex SS14 3JJ T: 01268 287477 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: CDEFTW Contracted Out: V Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

H H20 Nationwide Ltd

Fisher Refrigeration Ltd

37 High Street, Landbeach, Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB25 9FR Tel: 01223 861103 Fax: 01223 440686 Email: Website: We are a small second generation family firm. We supply, install, repair, maintain all sorts of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment (24/7). We specialize in low temperature -80/ -140’C cabinets and prototype work. As well as standard cold and freezer rooms, fridges, freezers, ice machines, air conditioning units, basically anything that gets cold (and some that heat). We have been serving Cambridgeshire and the surrounding areas for over 45 years, and have experienced and fully trained engineers with current F-Gas certs. We look after a wide range of customers varying from domestics, shops, restaurants, laboratories, construction sites and industrial equipment. Any enquiry welcomed.

Repton Court Enterprise Park, Repton Close, Basildon, Essex SS13 1LN T: 01268 282700 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: TW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Hawkes Refrigeration Engineers

2-6 Gibcracks, Basildon, Essex SS14 1PE T: 01268 556663 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABEGHIJOPRSTV Contracted Out: CDMW Specialist Group: RACHP

Henry Martin & Sons Ltd

Unit 18 Brunel Units, Brunel Road, Gorse Lane Industrial Estate, Clacton on Sea, Essex CO15 4LU T: 01255 428730 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: GHIJMOPSV Cont’d Out: ABCDEFKLQRTUWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

HMAC Ventilation Services LLP Fisher Refrigeration

37 High Street, Landbeach, Cambridgeshire CB25 9FR T: 01223 861103 E: W: Year Joined: 1987 In-House: ABIO Specialist Group: RACHP

18 Hornsby Square, Southfields Business Park, Basildon, Essex SS15 6SD T: 01268 206188 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: FT


The Whitehouse, 153 Waterloo Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR3 3HY T: 0333 335 5330 E: richardstaff@ W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: S Specialist Group: SFG

Essex House, Josselin Road, Basildon, Essex SS13 1EL T: 01268 726332 E: W: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: AEGST

I I A C Services

Unit 4 Radford Business Centre, Radford Way, Billericay, Essex CM12 0DP T: 01277 287760 E: W: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABO Contracted Out: CEGHMSUV Specialist Group: RACHP

Imtech Engineering Services Ltd

Aqua House, Rose & Crown Road, Swavesey CB24 4RB T: 01784 411600 E: Year Joined: 2021 In-House:

Independent Air Quality Consultancy Services Ltd 11 Mersey Road, Witham, Essex CM8 1LL T: 01376 538472 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: EFT Contracted Out: CDWY Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Ingot Ventilation Services Ltd

76 Claydon Business Park, Ipswich, Suffolk IP6 0NL T: 01473 833480 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: CDET

Integral UK Ltd

Suite 4 Rosemary House, Lanwades Business Park, Kentford, Newmarket CB8 7PN T: 01638 554420 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABGHIMOSVXY Cont’d Out: CDEFJKLPQRTUW Specialist Group: SFG

The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members

Eastern Counties



JCW Energy Services Ltd

Madson Air Conditioning Ltd

Unit 7 Saxon Business Centre, Saxon Way, Melbourn, Royston, Cambridgeshire SG8 6DN T: 01763 264300 E: W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABGHIJLMOSUY Contracted Out: CDEFKPQRTVWX Specialist Group: RACHP

Jordan Environmental Ltd

Unit 6 Woodside Business Park, Thetford Road, Ingham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 1NR T: 01284 728848 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: FW Specialist Group: SFG

Jupiter Facilities Management Ltd

10 Edward Park, Grange Way, Colchester, Essex CO2 8FZ T: 01206 866000 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: ABCDEGIORSUV Contracted Out: LMTW Specialist Group: RACHP

Munro Building Services Ltd Vision House, Oakington Bus Park, Dry Drayton Road, Oakington, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB24 3DQ T: 01223 702100 E: W: Year Joined: 1974 In-House: GJKMOQS Cont’d Out: ABCDEFILTUVWXY

Munro Building Services Ltd

3 Repton Court, Basildon, Essex SS13 1LN T: 01268 288988 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABGHMS Contracted Out: CDFITUVWY

Unit 11, Kingsdale Business Centre, Regina Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1PE T: 01245 392610 E: W: Year Joined: 1992 In-House: GJKMOQS Cont’d Out: ABCDEFILTUVWXY



Kershaw Mechanical Services Ltd

NCPI Solutions

Edward Leonard House, Pembroke Avenue, Denny End Rd, Waterbeach, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB25 9QR T: 01223 715800 E: W: Year Joined: 1955 In-House: ABCEGIJKMQSV Contracted Out: DFHLOPRTUWXY Specialist Group: VG

KGB Commercial Heating

Diamond House, Vulcan Rd North, Norwich NR6 6AQ T: 0845 230 0696 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: GMUW Contracted Out: EI Specialist Group: SFG


Norfolk Heating Ltd

Prestige House, Avian Way, Salhouse Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR7 9AR T: 01603 429426 E: Year Joined: 1966 In-House: GHILM Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKOPQSTUVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

P Pitkin & Ruddock Ltd

Lorne Stewart PLC

No 12 De Grey Square, De Grey Rd, Colchester, Essex CO4 5YQ T: 01206 751177 E: W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: BGHIMY Contracted Out: AEKLOQUVW Specialist Group: SFG


5 Station Road, Sherpreth, Royston, Cambridgeshire SG8 6PZ T: 01763 261778 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABGS Contracted Out: CEMWY

| The BESA Book 2022

Unit 1, Capital Est, Whapload Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 1TY T: 01502 563629 E: W: Year Joined: 1975 In-House: ABEO Contracted Out: LTUW Specialist Group: RACHP

Pitkin & Ruddock Ltd

Unit 6, Mercers Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7HX T: 01284 767579 E: W: Year Joined: 1975 In-House: ABOV Specialist Group: RACHP

Pitkin & Ruddock Ltd

Unit D, Olympus Close, Whitehouse Industrial Estate, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 5LJ T: 01473 740500 E: W: Year Joined: 1975 In-House: ABIO Specialist Group: RACHP

Pitkin & Ruddock Ltd

Unit 1 Capital Estate, Whapload Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 1TY T: 01502 563629 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: ABEO

Polarcool Refrigeration Ltd Unit K1, Beckingham Bus Park, Tolleshunt Major, Maldon, Essex CM9 8LZ T: 01621 868584 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABORS Specialist Group: RACHP

Pro-Duct Clean Ltd

The Gattinetts, Hadleigh Road, East Bergholt, Essex CO7 6QT T: 0870 609 2080 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ET Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

R Rogan Heating Services Ltd

Unit 4 Meadow Business Park, Reach Road, Burwell, Cambridge CB25 0GH T: 01638 743500 E: Year Joined: 1989 In-House: GMS Specialist Group: SFG

Royce Group Ltd

Unit 8, Lime Grove Est, Falconer Rd, Haverhill, Suffolk CB9 7XU T: 01440 712345 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABCGIMOSV Contracted Out: T Specialist Group: RACHP

Rydan Mechanical Services Ltd

Unit 27, Olympic Business Park, Basildon, Essex SS14 3EX T: 01268 280333 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABGHI Contracted Out: CDEFJKLMOPQRTUVWXY

S S & W Process Engineering Ltd

S & W House, Longhill Road, March, Cambridgeshire PE15 0BL T: 01354 659444 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: JP

Scott Heating & Ventilation Ltd

Unit 5, Brookside Industrial Est, Sawtry, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE28 5SB T: 01487 831735 E: W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: CDEI Contracted Out: ABGJMPRSTUV Specialist Group: VG

SES Mechanical Services Ltd Telford Way, Severalls Lane Ind Est, Colchester, Essex CO4 9QP T: 01206 845333 E: W: Year Joined: 1981 In-House: ABGHIJKLMOPQS Contracted Out: CDERTUVW Specialist Group: RACHP

Silenster Building Services Ltd

The Old Stables, Hockwold Lodge, Cowles Drove, Hockwold, Thetford, Norfolk IP26 4JQ T: 01842 829876 E: W: Year Joined: 1984 In-House: S Specialist Group: SFG

Sorrel Maintenance Ltd

The Old Barn, Scrips Business Park, Cut Hedge Lane, Coggeshall, Essex CO6 1RL T: 01376 380000 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ABCDEHST

Sotham Engineering Services Ltd

Home End, Fulbourn, Cambridge CB21 5BS T: 01223 881081 E: W: Year Joined: 1982 In-House: GHILMV Contracted Out: UWY Specialist Group: SFG

BESA members

Eastern Counties

Sotham Engineering Services Ltd

Ocean House, Iceni Court, Delft Way, Norwich, Norfolk NR6 6BB T: 01603 412411 E: Year Joined: 1982 In-House: GHILMV Contracted Out: STUWY Specialist Group: SFG

SSE Contracting Ltd

Unit 13 Evolution Business Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB24 9NG T: 01635 814916 E: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHIMSU Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLOPQRTVWXY Specialist Group: SFG


Compliance House, Aviation Way, Southend-On-Sea, Essex SS2 6UN T: 0800 243 471 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: EFTW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

T T Clarke Contracting Ltd

Bicton Industrial Park, Kym Rd, Kimbolton, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE28 0LW T: 01480 861544 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: GHIJKMPQSU Cont’d Out: ABCDEFLORTVWXY

TWO Services Ltd

V Ventilation And Water Compliance Ltd

2 Cambria Close, Charfleet Industrial Estate, Canvey Island, Essex SS8 0JX T: 01268 690431 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: CDEFSTV

Ventilation Hygiene Consulting Ltd

21 Ashwell Road, Guilden Morden, Royston, Herts SG8 0JX T: 01787 275211 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: T

W Weldatube Mechanical Services Ltd

74 Fryerning Lane, Ingatestone, Chelmsford, Essex CM4 0NN T: 01277 353306 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABCET Specialist Group: VG

Wonters FM Ltd

Unit 16, Ronald Rolph Court, Wadloes Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB5 8PX T: 01223 240547 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: HIJLMOPSTUX Contracted Out: ABCDEY Specialist Group: SFG

2 Hovefields Lodge, Burnt Mills, Basildon, Essex SS13 1EB T: 01268 727603 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

U United Facilities Management Ltd

Suite 4 The Sanctuary, Steeple View Farm, Dunton Road, Steeple View, Laindon, Essex SS15 4DB T: 0333 323 0730 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABEGHIMOS Cont’d Out: CDFJKLPQTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG


The BESA Book 2022 |


London All Seasons Air Conditioning Services Ltd find-a-besa-member BESA provides a free online search service designed to make it easy and quick to find BESA member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a BESA member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most BESA members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

A A C Direct Ltd

Stable Yard, 65 Albert Road, South Woodford E18 1LE T: 020 8989 8989 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABIO

A C Preou Ltd

Hobson House, 12b Bridge Close, Romford, Essex RM7 0AU T: 01708 755055 E: W: Year Joined: 1975 In-House: ABEGJMO Contracted Out: CDLRTW

A C R London Ltd


Air conditioning Refrigeration F gas Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust & kitchen ventilation & maintenance F Indoor air quality G Commercial heating & plumbing H Domestic heating, plumbing, service & maintenance Design & build I J Pipework/hot tapping/ pipe Freezing K Offsite prefabrication L Underfloor heating M C/I gas fitting N Ability to sub-contract O Renewables (Wind, Solar, Biomass, CHP, H/P etc) P Industrial process pipework Q Offsite prefabricated pipework R Thermal/sound insulation S Facilities services T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control system V Commissioning/performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering

134-134a Park View Road, Welling, Kent DA16 1SJ T: 020 8331 5603 E: W: Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABEJOSTUV Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: RACHP

A G O’Malley Ltd

6 The Avenue, West Wickham, Kent BR4 0DY T: 020 8916 9322 E: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: JP

AG47 FM Ltd

Capital Tower, 91 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8RT T: 020 3170 0998 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: AS

Aim Mechanical Services Ltd 2 Veridion Way, Veridion Park, Erith, Kent DA18 4AL T: 020 8320 1060 E: W: Year Joined: 1992 In-House: ABGLMOSW Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

ALB Building Services Ltd HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group SFG Service & Facilities Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch VG Ventilation Group


| The BESA Book 2022

77 Fulham Palace Road, 1 Farriers Yard, London W6 8AH T: 020 8563 7403 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ACDEHIJLRUVW Contracted Out: BFGKMOPQSTXY Specialist Group: SFG

Unit 5, Prospect Business Park, Langston Road, Loughton, Essex IG10 3TR T: 020 8502 4540 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: ABISV Contracted Out: CDEFGHJKLMOPQRTUWXY

All Seasons Climate Control Ltd

Unit 5 Prospect Business Park, Langston Road, Langston Road, Loughton, Essex IG10 3TR T: 020 8502 4540 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: AB Specialist Group: RACHP

Anden Environmental Services Ltd

Kings House - 1st Floor, 101-135 Kings Road, Brentwood, Essex CM14 4DR T: 01277 288353 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: ACGI Specialist Group: SFG

Apleona HSG Ltd

Fifth Floor, City Reach, 5 Greenwich View Place, London E14 9NN T: 020 8790 1000 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABGMOSU Contracted Out: TVWY Specialist Group: SFG

Apleona HSG Ltd

Suite 3, 5th Floor, 5 Grenwich View Place, London E14 9NN T: 020 8790 1000 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABEGHMSU Contracted Out: JLPTVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Arcus Solutions Ltd

Enterprise House, 168-172 Upminster Road, Upminster, Essex RM14 2RB T: 01708 462944 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABEGHJMOSTUVWY Specialist Group: RACHP

Argent FM Ltd

Unit 1E SVT Building, Holloway Road, Heybridge, Maldon, Essex CM9 4ER T: 020 7403 1204 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABGIJLMOSTUWX Contracted Out: CDEFKPQVY Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Aspen A.C. Ltd

Apex Way, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 3WA T: 01323 849955 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABI Contracted Out: O Specialist Group: RACHP

B Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick

5 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HU T: 020 7216 6800 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIJMOPX Contracted Out: ABCDELSTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG, VG

Bancroft Ltd

32 Harbour Exchange Square, Harbour Island, London E14 9GE T: 020 8709 2500 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: IKQ Contracted Out: ABCDEGJLOTWY

Beacon Group Ltd

Unit 5 Kingside Business Park, Ruston Road, Woolwich, London SE18 5BX T: 020 8309 8555 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: DG Contracted Out: ABCJOV

Bishop Shrink Fitting Ltd 183-185 Sunningvale Avenue, Biggin Hill, Kent TN16 3TL T: 020 8656 8234 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: Specialist Group: SFG

Blu Diamond Services Ltd

1st Floor, 31 River Road, Barking, Essex IG11 0DA T: 0203 632 1031 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: ST

Bouygues E&S FM UK Ltd

Becket House, 1 Lambeth Palace Rd, London SE1 7EU T: 020 7803 3520 ext 673520 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGLMOSU Contracted Out: CDEIJPTVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

BESA members


Briggs & Forrester Engineering Services Ltd

3rd Floor, 35 Chiswell Street, London EC1Y 4SE T: 0203 859 3859 E: Year Joined: 1961 In-House: GIJM Contracted Out: ABCDEFLOPRSTUVWXY

C C N C Heating Ltd

Unit F, Fawkham Business Park, Fawkham Road, Longfield, Kent DA3 7BE T: 01474 700111 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: HS Specialist Group: SFG

Cartel (London) Ltd

Hobbs Cross Open Farm, Hobbs Cross Rd, Theydon Garnon, Epping, Essex CM16 7NY T: 01992 812522 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: E Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

CBRE Managed Services Ltd

61 Southwark St, London SE1 0HL T: 020 7871 9192 E: W: Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Chadwell Construction Ltd Tralin House, Chesham Close, Romford, Essex RM7 7PJ T: 01708 767100 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABCDEGIMVY Contracted Out: H

Claremore Mechanical Services Ltd

Comfort Service & Maintenance Ltd

Comfort Works, Newchapel Road, Lingfield, Surrey RH7 6LE T: 01342 830610 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABGOS Contracted Out: CELTUVW Specialist Group: SFG

Conditioned Environment Mechancial Services Ltd 245 Acton Lane, Park Royal, London NW10 7NR T: 020 8453 1010 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ACDEGHOTU

Delatim is a customer focused business, with the capability to provide maintenance, design, installation and commissioning services. • Ventilation cleaning and servicing • Ventilation installation • Air-conditioning • Piped services • Boiler rooms • Public Health Systems • Building HVAC Control systems • HVAC Commissioning

Whitehall Place, London SW1A 2BD T: 020 7930 8181 E: W: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: S

Established in 2005, our business succeeds on reputation, with a leadership focus on people, competence, honesty and quality.

Current Development Ltd 7 Beechwood Rise, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 6TF T: 020 8295 2295 E: jim.kitson@ W: Year Joined: 1998 In-House: ACEGIMOSV Contracted Out: BHTUY Specialist Group: RACHP

D Danimak Ltd

CSM House, Chequers Lane, Dagenham, Essex RM9 6PR T: 020 8596 9040 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGIMS Cont’d Out: CDEFHJKLPQRTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Darenth Valley Building Services Ltd Unit 2, White Oak Square, London Road, Swanley, Kent BR8 7AG T: 01322 615665 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: BGJLOS Contracted Out: ACEIMTUWY Specialist Group: SFG


Delatim Ltd

Delatim Limited

Unit 33 IO Centre, Armstrong Road London SE18 6RS Tel: 020 8853 9580 Email: Website:

Corinthia Hotel London

31 Grangewood Street, East Ham, London E6 1HB T: 020 8552 5124 E: W: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABGHIJLMSVW Contracted Out: CDETU Specialist Group: SFG

Unit 15 City Business Centre, 25 Lower Road, London SE16 2XB T: 020 7793 4002 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABGLMOSVW Contracted Out: CEJPTUXY Specialist Group: SFG

Elmec (Southern) Ltd

Unit 33 IO Centre, Armstrong Road, London SE18 6RS T: 020 8853 9580 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: ACGI

We cover London and the South East, please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Dornan Engineering Services Ltd

114a Cromwell Rd, London SW7 4ES T: 020 7340 1030 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GHJKLMPQX Contracted Out: ABFIOSTUVWY

6 Lagoon Road, Orpington, Kent BR5 3QX T: 020 8331 2960 E: W: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: DEGHIMRY Cont’d Out: ABCFJKLOPQSTUVWX

Elmstead Mechanical Services Ltd

1st Floor Bates Business Centre, The Old Brickworks, Church Road, Harold Wood, Essex RM3 0JF T: 020 8290 0317 E: W: Year Joined: 1989 In-House: ABOS Cont’d Out: CDEGILMRTUVWY

Emcor Group (UK)

Altitude, Atlas Business Park, Simonsway, Manchester M22 5PP T: 0345 600 2300 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: ABEGHSTUV

EMS (Installations) Ltd

Wharf Road, Gravesend, Kent DA12 2RU T: 01474 360390 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GKQX


Level 19, 25 Canada Square, London E14 5LQ T: 020 7320 8600 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABS Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

Engie Regeneration Ltd

E E & S Heating & Ventilation Ltd

Diplocks Way, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 3JF T: 01323 845492 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: CE Contracted Out: ADT Specialist Group: VG

Edge DBS Ltd

2nd Floor, 76-77 Watling Street, London EC4M 9BJ T: 020 7904 1033 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ACEGIJMUV

Elite Support Services (London) Ltd

2nd Floor, 80 Eastway, London E9 5JH T: 07970 838635 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ST


Conquest House, Church Street, Waltham Abbey EN9 1DX T: 01992 650333 E: W: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: AGH Specialist Group: HAPS

Enviromech1 Ltd

71-75 Shelton Street, London WC2H 9JQ T: 0203 905 5512 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ABGHOS

Essex Services Group PLC Viking Business Centre, Danes Road, Romford, Essex RM7 0HL T: 01708 708888 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: FGIJKMOQSV Cont’d Out: ABCDELPRTUWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members


Essex Ventilation Services Ltd

26 Wallenger Avenue, Romford, Essex RM2 6ER T: 01708 301234 E: W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ACDEST Contracted Out: BIV Specialist Group: VG

Extract Solutions Ltd

The Annex, 12 Thornton Gardens, London SW12 0LG T: 020 8012 7958 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: ST

G GEM Environmental Building Services Ltd

Stoneleigh Terrace, Raydon Street, London N19 5TY T: 020 8985 0409 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: GHJMPUVWX Contracted Out: ACDEFIKLQRY Specialist Group: SFG

Gratte Brothers Ltd

2 Regents Wharf, All Saints Street, London N1 9RL T: 020 7837 6433 E: W: Year Joined: 1949 In-House: AGIJMPXY Contracted Out: BCDELOTUVW

Gratte Brothers Specialist Services Ltd

2 Regents Wharf, All Saints Street, London N1 9RL T: 020 7837 6433 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: S Contracted Out: ABCDELRTUVW Specialist Group: SFG

Gross Air Conditioning Ltd First Floor 94, Stamford Hill, London N16 6XS T: 0203 861 7000 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: AB Specialist Group: RACHP, VG

H H & V Building Services Ltd

The Old Dairy, 4 New Road, South Darenth, Dartford, Kent DA4 9AR T: 01322 420040 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABCDEGJLMOPSTUW Contracted Out: V


| The BESA Book 2022


Harry Taylor of Ashton Ltd Kitson’s Works, Aylesbury Road, Bromley, Kent BR2 0QZ T: 020 8464 0915 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: GM


Innovation Air Conditioning & Building Services Ltd

Hedley Visick Ltd

1 Wannock Avenue, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN20 9RS T: 01323 488411 E: W: Year Joined: 1974 In-House: GHLMV Contracted Out: ABCDEIOW Specialist Group: HAPS

Holland Air Conditioning Ltd Unit 8, Sovereign Business Centre, Stockingswater Lane, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 7JX T: 020 8443 0990 E: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABDEGHLMOSTW Contracted Out: CFIJKPQRUVXY Specialist Group: SFG

Lansdowne Building, Lansdowne Road East Croydon, Surrey CR9 2ER Tel: 020 8263 6241 Email: Website:

Innovation Air Conditioning and Building Services Limited, are a leader in multidiscipline building services, which has built a strong reputation for excellence and commitment within the construction industry. Our team is highly experienced in providing a broad range of services which includes but not limited to: • Design and build mechanical services installations • Heating, Ventilation and air conditioning installations • Domestic Services and Public health installations • Service, maintenance and 24 Hour Call out Innovation works with Architects, project managers, consulting engineers and construction companies on all kinds of buildings and projects, ranging from offices (CAT A & B) leading retailers and restaurants to hospitals, and high class residential developments. We have a history of consistently achieving agreed time, cost and quality targets and for providing best value solutions.

Hoveair (Maintenance Services) Ltd

24-26 Hermitage Lane, South Norwood, London SE25 5HH T: 020 8656 7744 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHLMOS Specialist Group: SFG

Hoveair (Building Services) Ltd

24-26 Hermitage Lane, South Norwood, London SE25 5HH T: 020 8656 7744 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHILMOSU Contracted Out: CDETXY

I Imtech

3rd Floor, Twenty, 20 Kingston Rd, Staines-upon-Thames, Middlesex TW18 4LG T: 01784 411600 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: I Contracted Out: ABCDEGHJKLMOPQRSTUVWXY

Innovation Air Conditioning & Building Services Ltd

Lansdowne Building, Lansdowne Road, East Croydon, Surrey CR9 2ER T: 020 8263 6241 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: IO Contracted Out: ABCDEFGHJKLMQSTUVWY

12-17 Pepper St, Glengal Bridge, London E14 9RP T: 020 7278 7997 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABGIMSUVWY Contracted Out: FJKLPQRTX Specialist Group: HAPS

Established 1998

J J & I Cleaning Services Ltd Unit 7 Eastcote Ind Estate, Field End Road, Ruislip, Middlesex HA4 9XG T: 020 8866 3413 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: T

J J Engineering Co

260 Reede Road, Dagenham, Essex RM10 8EH T: 020 8595 6076 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABCEGIOST Contracted Out: HJLMWY Specialist Group: VG

Jones Engineering UK

Suite 425, 1 St Helen’s Place, St Mary Axe, London EC3A 6DE T: 020 7242 1706 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: ABGOSTU

Kingswood Air Conditioning Ltd

BRE Building 3, Room 16 Bucknalls Lane, Watford Hertfordshire WD25 9XX Tel: 01923 662844 Email: Website: Leading award winning specialists within Industrial and Commercial bespoke high efficient combined heating and ventilation systems. Full design, supply and installation service with maintenance packages available. We offer a high quality installation through skilled tradesmen which allows projects to be completed to the highest standards. This ensures that the majority of our work is through repeat business and recommendations. We are continuing to expand our business throughout the UK, in a planned manner and with the delivery of successful projects and customer satisfaction as the forefront of our philosophy.

Knightsbridge Building Services Ltd

Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey CR0 0XZ T: 020 8253 4588 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: AGHIJLMOSVY Contracted Out: B

L L A Maintenance Ltd

Whitebridge Farm Ind Est, Unit 19A, Crays Hill, Billericay, Essex CM11 2UL T: 01277 205046 E: W: Year Joined: 1992 In-House: ABEFGHIJLMOSUVW Contracted Out: CKQRTXY Specialist Group: SFG

Lewis Duct Clean Ltd

24 Hayes St, Bromley, Kent BR2 7LD T: 0203 011 0234 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: CEIT Contracted Out: A Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

BESA members


London Town M&E Ltd

Kemp House, 152-160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX T: 020 7566 3986 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ACDEGISTV

Lorne Stewart PLC

Stewart House, 420 Kenton Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 9TU T: 020 8732 2000 E: W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABFGHIJKLMOPQUVWY Contracted Out: CDE Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Lorne Stewart Facilities Services

Lorne Stewart Services, Stewart House, Kenton Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 9TU T: 020 8732 2000 E: thomas.alexander@ W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABJLOPST Specialist Group: SFG

Lorne Stewart PLC (Engineering)

Southern Division, Stewart House, Kenton Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 9TU T: 020 8732 2000 E: W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABEFGIJLMOPUVWY Contracted Out: CDH Specialist Group: SFG

M Maracom Ltd

Unit 6, Alpine Way, London Ind Park, Beckton E6 6LA T: 020 7987 8550 E: W: Year Joined: 1982 In-House: GMUV Contracted Out: IW Specialist Group: SFG

Mastercool Air Conditioning Specialists

220 Main Road, Romford, Essex RM2 5HA T: 01708 732700 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABDEO Contracted Out: C Specialist Group: RACHP

Maze Engineering Ltd

Room 101, The Record Hall, 16-16A Baldwin’s Garden’s, Holborn, London EC1N 7RJ T: 020 7421 4410 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABGHI Contracted Out: CEJLPRSTUVW

MITIE Technical Facilities Management Ltd

Maracom Limited

Unit 6 Alpine Way London E6 6LA Tel: 020 7987 8550 Email: Website: Maracom Limited is a Commercial Heating Engineering company with a track record spanning more than 70 years, serving London, Essex, Kent and the Home Counties. Installation and design of Commercial Heating Plant & Systems, Combustion Services, Planned Preventative Maintenance and Repair, Reactive Work, 24 hour Call Out Service. Refractory Installations and Refractory Repairs are a number of our services. With have a large range of repeat long term clients, which includes The Royal Household for which we hold the Royal Warrant to Her Majesty the Queen. We offer the best possible advice and competitive prices for all work, carried out by our directly employed, fully qualified engineers.

McDonald Brown Ltd

The Shard, Level 12, 32 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9SG T: 01252 732400 E: W: Year Joined: 1998 In-House: AGIMSV Cont’d Out: BCDEHJLOPTUWXY

N N C S Plumbing & Heating Services Ltd

440 Larkshall Road, Highams Park, Chingford, London E4 9HH T: 020 8523 3103 E: W: Year Joined: 1989 In-House: DEGHIJLMOPRSTVWY Contracted Out: ABCU Specialist Group: HAPS, SFG

N G Bailey Ltd

Unit 14-16 Theale Lakes Bus Park, Moulden Way, Sulhamstead, Reading, Berkshire RG7 4GB T: 0118 930 1300 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: ABFGHIKMQSUVY Contracted Out: CDETWX Specialist Group: SFG

10th 11th Floor, 20 Farringdon St, London EC4A 4AB T: 020 7843 0200 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPQSUVX Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY

MC-Squared Mechanical Services Ltd

NBC (Air Conditioning) Ltd

Metropolitan Electrical Services Ltd

Unit 23 Greenwich Centre Bus Park, 53 Norman Road, Greenwich, London SE10 9QF T: 020 8293 5582 / 0800 027 6501 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: ABEGTU

Michael J Lonsdale Ltd

Unit 1 Langley Quay, Waterside Drive, Langley, Slough SL3 6EY T: 0845 241 6622 E: W: Year Joined: 1989 In-House: GHIJMPX Cont’d Out: ABCDEFKLQUVWY

Phoenix ME Ltd

25 Camperdown Street, London, E1 8DZ Tel: 020 7422 1900 Email: Website: Phoenix are an established market leader providing the design, installation and commissioning of mechanical and electrical systems to numerous work sectors including; commercial offices, banking establishments, data centres, education and government buildings. Our project experience ranges from £1M - £50M, covering the full range of services and distribution systems required for a wide range of varied building solutions. Our values are underpinned by our commitment to health & safety, consistent outstanding performance and the highest quality of delivery within a collaborative approach providing client focus and satisfaction.

N G Bailey Ltd

Units 11 & 12, Upminster Trading Park, Warley Street, Upminster RM14 3PJ T: 020 7511 8899 E: W: Year Joined: 1986 In-House: ABCGIMOSTV Specialist Group: SFG

220 Main Road, Romford, Essex RM2 5HS T: 01708 732700 E: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: ABEGHOS Contracted Out: CLM


Installation & Service Office, 117a Darnley Road, Gravesend, Kent DA11 0SH T: 01474 322889 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGOS Specialist Group: RACHP

O Onyx Services Group Ltd

1st Floor, The Nucleus Business & Innovation Centre, Brunel Way, Dartford, Kent DA1 5GA T: 020 7205 2126 E: W: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: EST

Orostream Air Conditioning Ltd

Aircon Works, Park Road, Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 2QT T: 01892 665888 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: AGIJSVW Cont’d Out: CDEFKLMOPQTUXY


Platinum Facilities & Maintenance Services Ltd

6th Floor, 20 St Dunstan Hill, London EC3R 8HL T: 0203 985 6745 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABFGIMSUVW Contracted Out: CDEJKLOPQRTXY Specialist Group: SFG

Polyteck Building Services Ltd

Polyteck House, 143 Leman Street, London E1 8EY T: 020 7481 0222 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWY Contracted Out: CDEFX Specialist Group: SFG

Poundbridge Developments Ltd

8 Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0BE T: 0203 475 6999 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: S Contracted Out: ABCEFGIMOTUVY Specialist Group: SFG

The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members


Principle Property Services Ltd

Penine House, 28 Leman Street, London E1 8ER T: 020 7702 4084 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABS Contracted Out: ILTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG

Purified Air Ltd

Lyon House, Lyon Road, Romford, Essex RM1 2BG T: 01708 755414 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: CDE Specialist Group: SFG

R REL Building Services Ltd

Unit 3 Twelvetrees Bus’s Park, Twelvetrees Crescent, London E3 3JQ T: 020 7515 5154 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHLM Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKOPQRUVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Rentokil Specialist Hygiene Ltd

Unit E, Acorn Industrial Estate, Crayford Rd, Crayford, Kent DA1 4AL T: 0203 668 5729 E: W: In-House: ET

S SES (Engineering Services) Ltd

One Euston Square, 40 Melton St, London NW1 2FD T: 020 7380 1800 E: W: Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABCDEGHIMOSTV Contracted Out: FJKLPQUWXY

Solatherm Ltd

Suite 208, Oriel House, 26 The Quadrant, Richmond, London TW9 1DL T: 020 8682 1005 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: AGMS Specialist Group: RACHP

Sovereign FM Ltd

Suite 531, The Metal Box, 30 Great Guildford Street, London SE1 0HS T: 020 7202 2640 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABEGJLMO Contracted Out: FRTUWY Specialist Group: SFG

Spie Ltd

33 Gracechurch St, London EC3V 0BT T: 020 7105 2300 E: W: Year Joined: 1965 In-House: AGIS Specialist Group: SFG

Swiftline Engineering Ltd

28-30 Theobalds Rd, London WC1X 8NX T: 020 8452 4080 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABCEGIMOVY

System Hygienics Ltd

Right Management Services Ltd

First Floor, The Old Bakery, 10 Back Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6HA Tel: 0330 122 7850 Website: Safely producing high quality, environmentally considerate commercial, residential and industrial pipework installations to be proud of, for over twenty five years.

Rodgers Mechanical Services Ltd

88 Wood Street, 10th Floor Barbican, London EC2V 7RS T: 020 8528 1000 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: AEH


| The BESA Book 2022

Chaucer Industrial Est, Dittons Rd, Polegate, East Sussex BN26 6JF T: 01323 481170 E: markpoultney@ W: Year Joined: 1993 In-House: EFT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

T T Clarke Contracting Ltd

Tenter House, 45 Moorfields, London EC2Y 9AE T: 020 7997 7550 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGIJKMPQXY Contracted Out: CDEFLORTUVW

T Clarke Contracting Ltd

F1 St George Business Park, Castle Road, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 3TB T: 01795 432725 E: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: Contracted Out: GM

T Clarke PLC

45 Moorfields, London EC2Y 9AE T: 020 7997 7400 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABCEGHIJLMOPUVWX Contracted Out: D

The Electrical & Plumbing Co Ltd

Hillview Meeting Hall, 9 Hillview Avenue, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 2DN T: 020 8597 1811 E: W: Year Joined: 1998 In-House: CDEGHILSV Contracted Out: AMTUWY Specialist Group: SFG

The SIPS Group

85 Gloucester Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 2DN T: 020 8689 2950 E: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GILMUVWX

Vantage Facilities Ltd

PO BOX 67, Sunbury-On-Thames Middlesex TW16 7YF Tel: 01932 789010 Fax: 01932 789011 Email: Website: We carry out Planned Preventative Maintenance for many companies throughout London and home counties. Our philosophy is that by maintaining equipment to its optimum efficiency represents a good investment in its operation and life expectancy. The type of services we can supply are Heating and Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Plumbing, Electrical, Water Treatment, Fire Systems. Office Refurbishment and Handyman Facilities. Our service engineers and back-up staff are highly trained and kept up to date with all aspects of modern technology, environment and safety issues. Service personnel are Gas Safe, F Gas registered and we have SafeContractor accreditation.


Unit 2 Swan Bus Park, Sandpit Rd, Dartford, Kent DA1 5ED T: 0845 224 9000 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHIJMOSUV Cont’d Out: CDEFKLPQRTWXY Specialist Group: SFG

TWO Services Ltd

Unit B02, Poplar Business Park, Prestons Road, London E14 9RL T: 020 7399 3242 E: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

V Vertex Services Group Ltd 21 Oakwood Hill Industrial Estate, Loughton, Essex IG10 3TZ T: 020 8508 8420 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABFGJMOPSUY Contracted Out: CETVWX Specialist Group: SFG

Vital Energi Utilities Ltd

2nd Floor, 14-18 Holborn, London EC1N 2LE T: 020 3857 9710 E: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GIKMQSVX Contracted Out: RUW

W Weldatube Mechanical Services Ltd

187 Edward Place, Deptford, London SE8 5HD T: 020 8691 5875 E: W: Year Joined: 1970 In-House: ABCEGIOS Cont’d Out: DFJKLMPQRTUVWXY Specialist Group: VG

Woodford Heating & Energy Ltd

First Floor, Oakwood House, Oakwood Industrial Estate, Loughton, Essex IG10 3TZ T: 020 8531 0004 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABDEGHIJLMORSTWXY Contracted Out: KPQUV

North East find-a-besa-member BESA provides a free online search service designed to make it easy and quick to find BESA member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a BESA member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most BESA members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.


Air conditioning Refrigeration F gas Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust & kitchen ventilation & maintenance F Indoor air quality G Commercial heating & plumbing H Domestic heating, plumbing, service & maintenance Design & build I J Pipework/hot tapping/ pipe Freezing K Offsite prefabrication L Underfloor heating M C/I gas fitting N Ability to sub-contract O Renewables (Wind, Solar, Biomass, CHP, H/P etc) P Industrial process pipework Q Offsite prefabricated pipework R Thermal/sound insulation S Facilities services T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control system V Commissioning/performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering

Durham Air Conditioning Ltd 1 Rosebay Road, Littleburn Ind Est, Langley Moor, Durham DH7 8HJ T: 0191 378 4363 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABIOV Specialist Group: RACHP

0-9 21 Degrees Ltd

Unit 10, Apollo Court, Monkton Business Park, Hebburn, Tyne & Wear NE31 2ES T: 0191 545 0545 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABCDEIOSTV Contracted Out: L Specialist Group: RACHP

A Ambient HVAC

14-17 The Old Offices, Urlay Nook Road, Eaglescliffe, Stockton on Tees, Cleveland TS16 0LA T: 0845 202 0233 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABEIOSTV Specialist Group: RACHP

C Clean Sweep (North East) Ltd

Unit 4, Contract House, Wellington Road, Dunston, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE11 9HS T: 0191 236 2809 E: W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: EST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Commercial Maintenance Services UK Ltd

Tyne House, Temple Street, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE10 0HN T: 0191 495 0741 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABCDEGHILMOTVW Specialist Group: SFG

D Direct Services

HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group SFG Service & Facilities Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch VG Ventilation Group


H H Malone & Sons Ltd

Gosforth Industrial Estate, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear NE3 1XL T: 0191 285 1176 E: W: Year Joined: 1965 In-House: DEGHJKLMOPQSWX Contracted Out: CFIRTUVY

Enhanced Energy Solutions Ltd

35 Springwell Avenue, Sheffield S20 1XD T: 0800 061 4102 E: team@ W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: AGHSV

Enviro Duct Cleaning

Unit 23, Orion Way, Orion Bus Park, North Shields, Tyne & Wear NE29 7SN T: 0191 213 6357 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: T Specialist Group: VHB

Eurovent Purifying Systems UK Ltd

Units 5-6 Ninth Avenue East, Team Valley Trading Estate, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE11 0EJ T: 0191 487 2287 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ACDET Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

G Gemini Mechanical Services Engineers Ltd

13 Atley Business Park, Cramlington NE23 1WP T: 01670 730808 E: michael.welch@gemini-msltd. W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ACDEGJKLOQU Contracted Out: IV

Geoffrey Robinson Ltd

Macklin Avenue, Cowpen Ind Est, Billingham, Cleveland TS23 4ET T: 01642 370500 E: W: Year Joined: 1975 In-House: CDEGIJMPSTX Contracted Out: ABLOUW Specialist Group: SFG

H Malone & Sons Ltd

Gosforth Industrial Estate, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear NE3 1XL Tel: 0191 2851176 Email: Website: H Malone & Sons Ltd was established in 1926 to carry out M&E installations for clients in the private and public sectors. We have extensive experience in providing M&E installations for a diverse range of projects, from small works and maintenance to full building restorations and new build commercial & residential properties. We have a strong management team adept at planning, developing, costing and delivering the most challenging projects. Our directly employed workforce, backed by an award winning training and development programme, is capable of dealing with any task with confidence and enthusiasm. We are ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 accredited.

Hillstar Building Management Ltd

Suite 24, Gear House, Saltmeadows Road, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE8 3AH T: 0845 862 3330 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABEGHLMST Cont’d Out: CDFIJKOPQUVWXY

St John’s Rd, Meadowfield Ind Est, Meadowfield, Durham DH7 8XQ T: 0300 026 9131 E: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: GIMOSVW Specialist Group: SFG


The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members

North East


Norstead Ltd

Kennedy Services Ltd

Hillstar Building Management Ltd

Suite 24, Gear House, Saltmeadows Road Gateshead NE8 3AH Tel: 0191 4661446 Email: Web: We are a strongly established and well respected, relationship orientated organisation. We maintain large shopping malls, hotels, industrial warehousing, offices, restaurants and we also cater for the care industry. Our aim is to simply grow on our already good and solid foundations as an honest, service orientated and reliable business partner. Our business has grown year on year through a network of positive recommendation from clients and existing business partners who appreciate our absolute enthusiasm and caring attitude. • Heating & Gas Services • Mechanical & Electrical Service • Fire Alarm & Emergency lighting • Plumbing • Catering Equipment • Air Conditioning

Hyperklean Ltd

22e Oak Trade Park, West Chirton North Ind Est, Tyne & Wear NE29 8SF T: 0191 236 6023 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

I Imtech Engineering Services Ltd

Swallow House, Parsons Road, Washington, Tyne & Wear NE37 1EZ T: 0191 415 7007 E: Year Joined: 2021 In-House:

Integral UK Ltd

Unit 1 Block B, Holland Park, Holland Dr, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear NE2 4LD T: 0191 261 1071 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABGHKMOQSY Cont’d Out: CDEFIJLPRTUVWX Specialist Group: SFG


| The BESA Book 2022

Alexander House, Station Road, Columbia, Washington, Tyne & Wear NE38 7BD T: 0191 416 2544 E: alan.atkinson@ Year Joined: 2015 In-House: CGHJMPSV Cont’d Out: ABDEIKLOQRTUWXY

L Leybourne Urwin Ltd

Cramar House, Tanfield Lea Ind Est, Stanley, County Durham DH9 9QT T: 01207 232588 E: W: Year Joined: 1968 In-House: ABCDFGHIJKLMOPQRUVWY Contracted Out: ESTX Specialist Group: HAPS

Lorne Stewart PLC

Stewart House, Wynyard Park Business Village, Chapell Lane, Wynyard Park, Teeside TS22 5FG T: 01740 665544 E: W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: DEGHIJKMPQSW Contracted Out: ABCFLOTUVXY Specialist Group: SFG

M Maval Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Co Ltd

Skippers Lane, Skippers Lane Ind Est, South Bank, Middlesborough, Teesside TS6 6HA T: 01642 455101 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: GHIMS Contracted Out: AFJKLOPQRTUXY Specialist Group: HAPS

N N G Bailey Ltd

1st Floor, 1 The Quadrus Centre, Woodstock Way, East Boldon, Tyne & Wear NE35 9PF T: 0113 234 3443 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOQSUVX Contracted Out: CDEFHLPTWY Specialist Group: SFG

Metnor House, Mylord Crescent, Killingworth, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear NE12 5YD T: 0191 268 4000 E: W: Year Joined: 1994 In-House: GHMY Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKLOPQRSTUVWX Specialist Group: SFG

O Opus Building Services Ltd Unit 7, Boldon Court, Boldon Business Park, Boldon, Tyne & Wear NE35 9LZ T: 0191 546 1000 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ACGU

P Partners in Hygiene Ltd

Goosepool House, Over Dinsdale, Darlington, Durham DL2 1PW T: 01325 335000 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: EST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Protherm (UK) Ltd

Infinity House, Sotherby Road, Middlesborough, Stockton on Tees TS3 8BT T: 01642 675755 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: CDY Specialist Group: VG

Q Quartz Electrical & Mechanical Services Ltd

Brighouse Business Village, Riverside Park Industrial Estate, Middlesbrough, Teesside TS2 1RT T: 01642 244411 E: W: Year Joined: 1998 In-House: GHIJMPS Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLOQRTUVWXY

Quora Group

Unit C20, Tromso Close, Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate, North Shields, Tyne & Wear NE29 7XH T: 0191 257 3527 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: GS Specialist Group: HAPS, SFG

R R Arnott & Sons Ltd

Unit 6, Barrington Business Park, Locomotion Way, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 5UR T: 01670 590006 E: Year Joined: 1964 In-House: GHIJMOPSW Contracted Out: ABCDELRTUY

R M Myers & Co Ltd

Unit A, Rennys Lane, Durham, County Durham DH1 2RB T: 0191 384 6600 E: W: Year Joined: 1993 In-House: GHJKMOPQ Contracted Out: ACDEFILUVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Rentokil Specialist Hygiene Ltd

Unit 2 Throckley Industrial Estate, Westway Industrial Park, Throckley, Newcastle Uopn Tyne NE15 9HF T: 0203 668 5729 Year Joined: In-House: ET

Robert Kirkland (Blyth) Ltd

62-66, Bridge Street, Blyth, Northumberland NE24 2AP T: 01670 352196 E: W: Year Joined: 1964 In-House: GHJM Contracted Out: ABCDEIKLOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Robert Kirkland (Blyth) Ltd 62-66 Bridge Street Blyth, Northumberland NE24 2AP Tel: 01670 352196 Email: Website:

Established as a partnership in 1919 & as a Limited Company from 1973 we carry out Mechanical & Plumbing Installations to a wide range of Commercial & Industrial premises within the North East of England. We are heavily involved in ‘partnering’/framework agreements with major Housing Associations/ Local Authorities/Hospital Trusts/ Consulting Engineers & end users for both new build & refurbishment works in particular extra care projects. We have a large & longstanding client base which results in constant repeat business with some of the North East’s leading contractors. We are proud to have preferred contractor status for many of our projects. This is a testament to the professionalism, flexibility and commitment of our staff.

BESA members

North East

Roflow Ltd

6 Hanlon Court, Royal Ind Est, Jarrow, Tyne & Wear NE32 3HR T: 0191 428 2227 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: CDEFGIJKQVX Contracted Out: ABLOPTUWY Specialist Group: VG


T W Steam & Heating Services Ltd

Unit No 7 and 8b, Renny’s Lane, Dragonville Industrial Estate, Durham, County Durham DH1 2RS T: 0191 384 1400 E: W: Year Joined: 1980 In-House: GHJM Specialist Group: HAPS

Twin Services Ltd

SES (Engineering Services) Ltd

Centre for Advanced Industry, Coble Dene, Royal Quays, North Shields, Tyne & Wear NE29 6DE T: 0191 258 6627 E: W: Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ACDEFGHIJKLMOPQSTUVWXY Contracted Out: BR

T T Clarke Contracting Ltd

Hunter House, 17-19 Byron Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear NE2 1XH T: 0191 261 2727 E: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: ABCEGHIJLMOPUVWX Contracted Out: D

TW Steam & Heating Services Ltd Unit 7 & 8b Renny’s Lane Dragonville Industrial Estate Durham DH1 2RS Tel: 0191 384 1400 Fax: 0191 386 4251 Email: Website: We are a medium sized company based in Durham specialising in plumbing, heating, mechanical services, gas installation and steel fabrication. We have a gas servicing department which covers domestic, commercial and industrial properties. Our heating engineers and plumbers are experienced in servicing and installing heating systems, bathroom installations and all other plumbing works.

9 Bowesfield Crescent, Stockton-On-Tees, Cleveland TS18 3BL T: 01642 606067 E: W: Year Joined: 1985 In-House: GHIMOSVW Cont’d Out: ABCDEFJKLPQRTUXY

U UK Commercial Group Ltd 14 Octavian Way, Team Valley Trading Estate, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE11 0HZ T: 0800 032 9533 E: samjames@ W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: CDEHST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Upnorth Engineering Services Ltd

Merlin House, Prince Park, Prince Way, Team Valley Trading Est, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE11 0NF T: 0191 414 2882 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABEGIJMOSV Contracted Out: CLPTUWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

V Vaughan Engineering Services Ltd

14 Blue Sky Way, Monkton Business Park South, Hebburn, Tyne & Wear NE31 2EQ T: 0191 495 2777 E: W: Year Joined: 1994 In-House: GM Contracted Out: IOV

Ventilation Hygiene Specialists Ltd

Infinity House, Sotherby Road, Middlesbrough, Stockton on Tees TS3 8BT T: 01642 927010 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ETY Contracted Out: A Specialist Group: VG


The BESA Book 2022 |


North West find-a-besa-member BESA provides a free online search service designed to make it easy and quick to find BESA member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a BESA member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most BESA members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

Ameon Ltd

Units 9-10 Olympic Court, Boardmans Way, Whitehills Business Park, Blackpool, Lancashire FY4 5GU T: 01253 760160 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABCDEGHIJKLMPQS Contracted Out: FRTUWXY

A ACSUK Group Ltd

58 Market Street, Westhoughton, Bolton, Lancashire BL5 3AZ T: 01942 859116 E: W: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: AST

Advanced Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Ltd

Unit 19, Elm Court, Newbridge Road, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH65 4LY T: 0151 356 5337 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABIOSTV Specialist Group: RACHP

Airtech Cooling Services Ltd


Air conditioning Refrigeration F gas Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust & kitchen ventilation & maintenance F Indoor air quality G Commercial heating & plumbing H Domestic heating, plumbing, service & maintenance Design & build I J Pipework/hot tapping/ pipe Freezing K Offsite prefabrication L Underfloor heating M C/I gas fitting N Ability to sub-contract O Renewables (Wind, Solar, Biomass, CHP, H/P etc) P Industrial process pipework Q Offsite prefabricated pipework R Thermal/sound insulation S Facilities services T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control system V Commissioning/performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering

HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group SFG Service & Facilities Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch VG Ventilation Group


| The BESA Book 2022

91 Harris Drive, Bootle, Merseyside L20 6LF T: 0151 933 0023 E: W: Year Joined: 1998 In-House: ABG Contracted Out: CDEORTUW Specialist Group: RACHP

Allcool (NW) Ltd

Unit 6 Wyrefields, Poulton Business Park, Poulton le Fylde, Lancashire FY6 8JX T: 01253 893649 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABO Contracted Out: IV Specialist Group: RACHP

Allied Pipefreezing Services Ltd

Unit 2 Caroline Court, Billington Road, Burnley, Lancashire BB11 5UB T: 01282 410240 E: W: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: GJP Specialist Group: SFG

Altertherm Air Conditioning Ltd

Chapel House, Brickbridge Lane, Marple, Cheshire SK6 7BQ T: 0161 426 1350 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ACI

Andrews Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Ltd Stonepail Court, Stonepail Road, Gatley, Cheshire SK8 4EX T: 0800 731 8833 E: W: Year Joined: 1993 In-House: AS Contracted Out: C Specialist Group: SFG

ASH Integrated Services Ltd

2nd Floor Office, Hindsford House, Printshop Lane, Atherton, Greater Manchester M46 9BJ T: 0161 518 4232 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: ABEGHS Specialist Group: HAPS, RACHP, SFG, VG

Askew Refrigeration Services Ltd

Calderbank Mill, Greenfield Road, Colne, Lancashire BB8 9PD T: 01282 863825 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABCEGHIMOSTUV Contracted Out: W Specialist Group: RACHP

Assured Cleaning Services Ltd

Unit A4, Anchorage Bus Park, Chain Caul Way, Preston, Lancashire PR2 2YL T: 01772 728244 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: AEFT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Atherton & Partners Ltd

Grange House, 19-21 Grange Mount, Birkenhead, Wirral CH43 4XN T: 0151 670 0666 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: GHIMO Contracted Out: ABCDELRUVW Specialist Group: HAPS

B Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick

13th Floor, 111 Piccadilly, Ducie Street, Manchester M1 2HY T: 0161 741 6100 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIJMOPX Contracted Out: ABCDELSTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG, VG

Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick

Thermal Road, Bromborough, Birkenhead, Wirral CH62 4YB T: 0191 293 6406 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIJMOPX Contracted Out: ABCDELSTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG, VG

Bay Building Services Ltd

Unit 16C, Middlegate, White Lund Industrial Estate, Morecambe, Lancashire LA3 3BN T: 01524 37385 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: GHJM Contracted Out: ABCDEFIKLOPQRSTUVWXY

Bay Building Services Ltd

Unit 16C, Middlegate, White Lund Industrial Estate, Morecambe, Lancashire LA3 3BN Tel: 01524 37385 Email: Website: Bay Building Services Ltd is a family business established in 1994 covering all aspects of commercial / domestic mechanical services, and plumbing / heating installations, operating throughout the Northwest region. We are committed to providing a comprehensive service to cover all aspects of your requirements including design & build services. We offer a high quality installation through skilled tradesmen and projects are completed to the highest standards. This ensures that the majority of our work is generated through repeat business and client recommendation.

BESA members

North West

Beta Group Ltd

Underbank Mill, Burnley Road, Bacup, Lancashire OL13 8AQ T: 01706 878330 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: GMSW Specialist Group: SFG

Blue Cooling Ltd

Whinfell Business Park, Longpool, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 6ER T: 01539 724741 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABIOS Specialist Group: RACHP

Briggs & Forrester Engineering Services Ltd

Cinnabar Court, 6200 Daresbury Park, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 4GE T: 01928 798279 E: Year Joined: 1961 In-House: GIJM Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLOPQRSTUVWXY

Buckley Plumbing & Mechanical Services Ltd

28 North Road, Audenshaw, Manchester M34 5RH T: 0161 917 8455 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: G Specialist Group: SFG

Building Engineering Solutions Ltd

Maple House, Sandbrook Bus Park, Rochdale, Lancashire OL11 1LQ T: 0161 655 3344 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: EGIJKMOPQVX Contracted Out: ABCDLRTUWY

C C Caswell Engineering Services Ltd

Knowsley Road Ind Est, Haslingden, Rossendale, Lancashire BB4 4RR T: 01706 227935 E: W: Year Joined: 1974 In-House: ACEIOU Contracted Out: D Specialist Group: VG

C M Oxendale Ltd

67c Corporation Road, Wirral, Birkenhead, Merseyside CH41 3NG T: 0151 652 8010 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

CBRE Managed Services Ltd

3 Skyways Commercial Centre, Blackpool Buisiness Park, Amy Johnson Way, Blackpool, Lancashire FY4 3RS T: 01253 298366 E: W: www, Year Joined: 2018 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: A

Suite 3B Trafford Plaza, Seymour Grove, Old Trafford, Manchester M16 0LD T: 0161 877 0218 E: justin.lawson@ W: Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Celsius Air Conditioning Ltd 1 Well Street, Heywood, Lancashire OL10 1NT T: 01706 367500 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABEIOSV Specialist Group: SFG

Central Park Cleaning Solutions Ltd

Unit 2, 263 Woodhouse Lane, Wigan, Greater Manchester WN6 7NR T: 0800 808 9901 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: E Specialist Group: VHB

Charleson Building Services Ltd

Unit 8, Easter Court, Europa Boulevard, Westbrook, Warrington, Cheshire WA5 7ZB T: 01925 655929 E: W: Year Joined: 1986 In-House: AGIJKMOPQSV Contracted Out: BCDEFLRTUWXY

Chris Bowker Ltd

Whitegate, White Lund Ind Est, Morecambe, Lancashire LA3 3BS T: 01524 36353 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GIMU Contracted Out: ACLO Specialist Group: HAPS

Chute Fire Certification UK

The Priory, 3 Cloverfield, Lymm WA13 9WB T: 0333 577 1108 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: CESTY

Clearground Ltd

Alan Ramsbottom Way, Hey Lane Ind Estate, Great Harwood, Blackburn, Lancashire BB6 7UR T: 01254 580431 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GHILMOSV Cont’d Out: ABCDEFJKPQRTUWXY

CMB Fylde Engineering Ltd

Daisymill Technologies Ltd International House, 64-66 Pendlebury Road, Swinton, Salford, Greater Manchester M27 4LY T: 0161 507 8384 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ACDEGJMOU Contracted Out: LW Specialist Group: HAPS

Duct Clean Services

4 Florence Street, Blackpool, Lancashire FY4 5HQ T: 07813 051171 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: CET Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Commissioning & Maintenance Services Ltd

Ductwork Design & Installation Ltd

7 Carr Brow, High Lane, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 8EX T: 01663 762411 E: enquiries@commissioningand W: commissioningand Year Joined: 1994 In-House: VW Specialist Group: SFG

Unit D5 Europa Trading Estate, Stoneclough Road, Radcliffe, Manchester M26 1GG T: 01204 705333 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: CEIS Contracted Out: ADRTU Specialist Group: VG

CPL Heating & Plumbing Ltd

Dynamic FM Ltd

Unit C1 Anchorage Business Park, Chain Caul Way, Ashton on Ribble, Preston, Lancashire PR2 2YL T: 01772 723723 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: CDEGHJLMOS Contracted Out: AIRTUVWY Specialist Group: HAPS

Crown House Technologies

Archway 3, Birley Fields, Hulme, Manchester M15 5QJ T: 0161 227 6000 E: Year Joined: 1904 In-House: HIJKPQUV Cont’d Out: ABCDEFGLMORTWY

D D & J Air Conditioning Services Ltd

109b Snowdon Avenue, Urmston, Manchester M41 6EF T: 0161 747 7870 E: W: Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABIOSV Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

James House, 8 Britannia Road, Sale, Cheshire M33 2AA T: 0161 973 2100 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: GHS Specialist Group: HAPS

E ECG Facilities Services

Phoenix House, Bradnor Road, Sharston, Manchester M22 4TF T: 01698 828778 E: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABCEGHMOSVW Contracted Out: IJPUXY Specialist Group: SFG

End Systems Ltd

Redwood House, Woodlands Park, Ashton Road, Newton-le-Willows, Merseyside WA12 0HF T: 01942 673229 E: W: Year Joined: 1980 In-House: ATUV Contracted Out: WY


Belthorn House, Walker Park, Blackburn, Lancashire BB1 2QE T: 01254 662323 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABS Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG


The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members

North West

Environment & Power Technology Ltd

HFL Building Solutions

Suite 1 Bank House, The Paddock, Wilmslow Road, Handforth, Cheshire SK9 3HQ T: 01625 536790 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ACEFGW Specialist Group: RACHP

GDI Air Conditioning Ltd

173 Bolton Road, Worsley Manchester M28 3BJ Tel: 0161 790 0001 Fax: 0161 799 2746 Email: Website:

Enviroplas Ltd

Unit 2, Shepherd Cross Street, Bolton, Lancashire BL1 3DE T: 01204 844744 E: W: Year Joined: 1997 In-House: D Specialist Group: VG

Exyte Hargreaves Ltd

Lord St, Bury, Lancashire BL9 0RG T: 0161 764 5082 E: W: Year Joined: 1951 In-House: CEIJKPQVXY Contracted Out: ADRTU Specialist Group: VG


We offer a comprehensive package including: site surveys, off plan designs, specification advice and a FREE (no obligation) estimating service ensuring an accurate, competitive and speedy quotation. GDI Air Conditioning Ltd offer total support before, during and after the project to ensure piece of mind to you, our client. Our highly qualified engineers will be on hand to offer technical advice during the project ensuring a smooth operation from start to finish. As independent approved installers for all major brands, our company can offer you practical, unbiased advice and design solutions ensuring your requirements are fully achieved.

FORTIS Hygiene & Maintenance Services

4th floor Biz Space, Wilsons Park Business Centre, Monsall Rd, Manchester M40 8WN T: 0161 637 1919 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: T Specialist Group: VHB

G GDI Air Conditioning Specialists Ltd

173 Bolton Road, Walkden, Manchester M28 3BJ T: 0161 790 0001 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABIOS Contracted Out: CDEGMTU Specialist Group: RACHP

H H E Simm & Son Ltd

Spinnaker House, 141 Sefton Street, Liverpool, Merseyside L8 5SN T: 0151 707 3222 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: HISV Contracted Out: ABCDELTWY

Halsall Heating

117a-121a Shakespeare Street, Southport, Merseyside PR8 5AN T: 01704 538300 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: CDEGHIJLMOSV Contracted Out: ARTUWY Specialist Group: HAPS

Harry Taylor of Ashton Ltd

Guide Bridge Trading Estate, South Street, Ashton under Lyne, Lancashire OL7 0NU T: 020 8464 0915 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: GM


| The BESA Book 2022

Freeman House, Oldham Street, Denton, Manchester M34 3SU T: 0161 304 5904 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: AGMS Cont’d Out: BCDEFIJLOPRTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG

HSC Specialist Cleaning 66 The Spinney, Blackpool, Lancashire FY5 3AS T: 07586 439438 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: T

I IDS Services (UK) Ltd

Unit 1, Station Road Ind Est, Great Harwood, Blackburn, Lancashire BB6 7BA T: 01254 880010 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABCDEST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Imtech Engineering Services Ltd

4 Scholar Green Road, Cobra Court, Trafford Park, Manchester M32 0TR T: 01784 411600 E: Year Joined: 2021 In-House:

Innovate FM

Unit 12, Eton Business Park, Eton Hill Rd, Manchester M26 2ZS T: 0161 724 8999 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: CDEST Contracted Out: ABFGHIJKLMOPQRUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Integral UK Ltd

720 Birchwood Boulevard, Birchwood, Warrington, Cheshire WA3 7QY T: 01925 847700 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABGHKMOQSY Cont’d Out: CDEFIJLPRTUVWX Specialist Group: SFG

J J E Dean (Hazel Grove) Ltd 15 Napier Street, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire SK7 4EW T: 0161 483 5110 E: W: Year Joined: 1982 In-House: EGHIJKLMOPQSVWXY Contracted Out: ABCU Specialist Group: HAPS

J Fletcher (Engineers) Ltd J. Fletcher Works, James Nasmyth Way, Nasmyth Business Park, Eccles, Manchester M30 0SF T: 0161 787 7170 E: W: Year Joined: 1987 In-House: ABDEGIJMOPSUVWX Contracted Out: CLTY Specialist Group: SFG

K Kimpton Ltd

Unit 5, Hawkshead Road, Greenfield Technology Park, Wirral, Merseyside CH62 3RJ T: 0151 343 1963 E: W: Year Joined: 1969 In-House: ABFGHIJLMORSUVW Contracted Out: CDEKQTXY Specialist Group: SFG

L Lorne Stewart PLC

Stewart House, Orford Park, Greenfold Way, Leigh, Lancashire WN7 3XJ T: 01942 683333 E: W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: GHIJM Cont’d Out: ABFKLOPQSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Lorne Stewart Services

Lorne Stewart Services, Stewart House, Orford Park, Greenfold Way, Leigh, Lancashire WN7 3XJ T: 01942 683333 E: W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG

Lunar Refrigeration Ltd

Unit 15 Forestgate, White Lund Estate, White Lund Industrial Estate, Morecambe, Lancashire LA3 3PD T: 01524 64273 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABCGORSUVW Contracted Out: EI Specialist Group: RACHP

BESA members

North West




ME Engineering Ltd

PHS Compliance Ltd

Quinn Infrastructure Services Ltd

Unit 4A, Denton Home Trade Centre, Chapel Place, Carlisle, Cumbria CA2 5DF T: 01228 319472 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: GU Specialist Group: HAPS

Medway Heating (Bolton) Ltd

Unit 1, Viola Street, Astley Bridge, Bolton, Lancashire BL1 8NG T: 01204 305222 E: W: Year Joined: 1984 In-House: GHLMOSVW Contracted Out: ACDERTU

Murray Building Services Ltd

Unit 3, Sentinel Court, Wilkinson Way, Blackburn, Lancashire BB1 2EH T: 01254 667046 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABDGHIJMOSUV Contracted Out: CEFKLPQTWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

N N G Bailey Ltd

321 Ordsall Lane, Salford, Manchester M5 3HP T: 0161 872 0171 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: FGIJKMOPQSUVX Contracted Out: CDEHLTWY

NEP Technical Services Ltd

7 The Leas, Wallasey, Merseyside CH45 3HZ T: 07745 339990 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ABGLMS

Northern Shire Facilities Management Ltd

382 Dunkirk Lane, Leyland, Preston, Lancashire PR26 7SY T: 01772 331999 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Norwest Projects Ltd

Office One, Morston Close, Worsley, Manchester M28 1PB T: 0161 327 2585 E: W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABFGIJLOSUVW Contracted Out: CDEHKMPQRTXY Specialist Group: RACHP

Compliance House, Kid Glove Road, Warrington, Cheshire WA3 3GR T: 0333 005 0456 E: W: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: ABGHJSU

Picow Engineering Ltd

1 Station House, Lowlands Road, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 5TQ T: 01928 567337 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: ACDGHJ Contracted Out: EU Specialist Group: HAPS, RACHP, VG

Piggott and Whitfield Ltd

Exemplar House, 8 Station View, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire SK7 5ER T: 0161 483 9438 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: GHIMUY Contracted Out: ACJKLOPQRVW

Pinington Ltd

Aldrens Lane, Lancaster, Lancashire LA1 2DE T: 01524 599770 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GHIJLMOPS

Premier of Lytham Ltd

Unit 5 Apollo Court, Whitehill Business Park, Blackpool, Lancashire FY4 5FS T: 01253 207563 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABCDEHOV Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: HAPS

Pro-Service Group

6 Shelderslow, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 4QZ T: 0161 684 9919 E: W: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: ST

PSI (Resources) Ltd

Unit 3, Barlow Street, Walkden, Manchester M28 3BQ T: 0161 703 8911 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABEOST Specialist Group: RACHP

Safeflow Ventilation Ltd

Minster House, 42 Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7AE T: 020 7993 0731 E: stuart.malem@ W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABGHIJMSVY Cont’d Out: CDEFKLOPQRTUWX Specialist Group: SFG

R R J Urmson Commissioning Engineers Ltd Kellett Street Works, Fellery Street, Chorley, Lancashire PR7 1EL T: 01257 262683 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: STV Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: SFG

Rentokil Specialist Hygiene Ltd

Old Boston Trading Estate, Morley, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 9EG T: 0808 252 3807 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ET

Rotary Building Services Ltd Phoenix House, Lakeside Drive, Centre Park, Warrington, Cheshire WA1 1RX T: 01925 402000 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: GIMV Contracted Out: O

The Old School House, 188 Liscard Road, Wallasey, Merseyside CH44 5TN T: 07922 488555 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: ST

Sanber Ltd

The Old School House, Newnham Street, Astley Bridge, Bolton, Lancashire BL1 8QA T: 01204 596015 E: bernard.coates@ W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: DEFIS Cont’d Out: ACGJKLMPQTUVWXY Specialist Group: VG

Saunders & Taylor (Manchester) Ltd

9 Boston Court, Kansas Avenue, Manchester M50 2GN T: 0161 848 9393 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: EGJKMOPQSV Contracted Out: ABCDILRUW

SES (Engineering Services) Ltd

Ground Floor, The Royals, 353 Altrincham Road, Sharston, Manchester M22 4BJ T: 0161 945 5589 E: W: Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQSTUVWXY Specialist Group: VG

Skyline Air Conditioning Ltd


Unit 4, Bramhall Moor Tech Park, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire SK7 5BW T: 0161 484 2400 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ABIOSV


SPIE Venus Building, Manchester M41 7HA T: 0161 749 6300 E: W: Year Joined: 1965 In-House: FGHIMSVY Contracted Out: AJLPTUW Specialist Group: SFG

Shell Hill Farm, Saltcotes Road, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire FY8 4LL T: 01253 735102 E: W: Year Joined: 1980 In-House: GHM Specialist Group: HAPS

S C Horsfield Building Services Engineers Ltd

Horsfield Place, Rough Hey Road, Grimsargh, Preston, Lancashire PR2 5AR T: 01772 654402 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABDEFGHIJKLMOPQSW Contracted Out: CUV Specialist Group: RACHP


Spie Ltd

Sudlows Ltd

Ducie Works, 107 Hulme Hall Lane, Manchester M40 8HH T: 0870 278 2787 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: AS Specialist Group: RACHP

The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members

North West




T Clarke Contracting Ltd

University of Liverpool

W T Building Services Ltd


Winrow Building Services Ltd

3rd Floor Digital World Centre, 1 Lowry Plaza, The Quays, Salford, Greater Manchester M50 3UB T: 0161 216 4165 E: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: ABCEGHIJLMOPUVWX Contracted Out: D

The James Mercer Group Ltd

Tulketh Hall Works, Hesketh Street, Preston, Lancashire PR2 2RB T: 01772 775700 E: andrewmoxham@ W: Year Joined: 1967 In-House: ABGIJKMOQS Contracted Out: CDEFLPRTUVWXY Specialist Group: RACHP, VG

The James Mercer Group Ltd

Office 2, 16 Clock Tower Park, Longmoor Lane, Liverpool, Lancashire L10 1LD T: 0151 203 2230 E: neilpreston@ W: Year Joined: 1967 Contracted Out: ABCDEFGIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXY

Thomas Armstrong (Construction) Ltd

Workington Road, Flimby, Maryport, Cumbria CA15 8RY T: 01900 842092 E: stephen.clarkson@ W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GIJPX Contracted Out: ABCDELOTUVW Specialist Group: HAPS

Thompson Building Services Engineers

Bedford House, Oxford Street, Oxford Street, Liverpool, Merseyside L69 7ZP T: 0151 795 0465 E: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: S Contracted Out: ABCDEFGIJLMOPTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Vaughan Engineering Ltd

The Breeze, Claremont House, 2 Kelvin Close, Warrington, Cheshire WA3 7PB T: 0844 963 2172 E: gordon.galletly@ Year Joined: 1994 In-House: GM Contracted Out: AIOV

Ventilation Surveys & Services Ltd

Unit 2 Sandon Way, Sandon Way Industrial Estate, Liverpool, Merseyside L5 9YN T: 0333 500 8368 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABEGHTV Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Ventorex Ltd

Nelson Street, Bolton, Lancashire BL3 2RW T: 01204 399970 E: W: Year Joined: 1986 In-House: CDE Specialist Group: VG

VES Andover Ltd

404 Blackpool Road, Ashton, Preston, Lancashire PR2 2DX T: 01772 726962 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: AGH

WeWork 15 Spinning Fields, Quay Street, Manchester, Greater Manchester M3 3JE T: 0161 848 8711 E: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABCDEFGIJSTUV Specialist Group: SFG

Townley Hughes & Co Ltd

Vital Energi Utilities Ltd

Unit 22, Rossmore Business Village, Inward Way, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH65 3EY T: 0151 357 1800 E: W: Year Joined: 1972 In-House: HJSVX Contracted Out: ABCDEFGIKLMOPQTUWY


| The BESA Book 2022

Century House, Roman Road, Blackburn, Lancashire BB1 2LD T: 01254 296000 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GIJKMOPQSVX Contracted Out: RUW

River Street Works, River Street, Heywood, Heywood, Lancashire OL10 4AB T: 0844 893 3111 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: HISV Contracted Out: ABCDERTY Specialist Group: VG

5 Stockham Close, Halton Village, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 2PA T: 01928 778383 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: AGH

WMB (Mechanical) Ltd

Ventures House, 11a Claremont Rd, Salford, Manchester M6 7NW T: 0161 727 9777 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHIM Contracted Out: ABCDELTW Specialist Group: HAPS

Northern Ireland



All-Duct Cleaning Services

81 Ballymacarn Road, Ballyhinch, County Down BT24 8JS T: 028 9756 2301 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: EST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Anderson Mechanical Services

41a Tirmacrannon Road, Loughgall, Armagh BT61 8LW T: 028 3889 1320 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: GHIJKLMOPQRSTUXY Contracted Out: ABCDEVW Specialist Group: HAPS

Calor Gas

Assure Services NI Ltd

Unit B1 Antrim Enterprise Agency, Antrim Enterprise Park, Antrim BT41 1JZ Tel: 028 9446 6724 Email: Website: Assure Services are Northern Ireland’s No.1 choice for Kitchen Extraction system cleaning, Air duct cleaning, LEV cleaning and Fire Damper testing. On top of being BESA members our work is audited through the BESCA Ventilation Hygiene Elite Scheme. Our Managing Director, Damien Martin, is BESA Chairman for N.I and a BESCA Scheme Board Member. We work throughout Ireland, both direct for clients and as a service partner for companies throughout the UK who have a need to sub contract out to a professional Ireland based company. Please feel free to contact on 028 9446 6724 or by email at

Antrim Electrical & Mechanical Engineers Ltd 208 City Business Park, Dunmurry, Belfast BT17 9HY T: 028 9062 8574 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: G

Assure Services NI Ltd

Unit B1 Antrim Enterprise Agency, 58 Greystone Road, Antrim Enterprise Park, Antrim, County Antrim BT41 1JZ T: 028 9446 6724 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: T

Milltown House, Milltown Industrial Estate, Warrenpoint, County Down BT34 3FN T: 028 9076 7883 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: ABEST

Airport Road West Sydenham, Belfast BT3 9EE Tel: 028 9045 5588 Website:

Alexander Rankin & Son Ltd

60 Main Street, Castledawson, Magherafelt, County Londonderry BT45 8AB T: 028 7946 8231 E: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ACDEGHIJMOPR Contracted Out: LTUW Specialist Group: HAPS

Enviro Fire Water and Air Ltd

B BJ McGrath Mechanical Ltd

34 Garvagh Road, Donaghmore, Dungannon, County Tyrone BT70 3LS T: 028 8776 7359 E: Year Joined: 1994 In-House: CDEGHJLMOPRW Contracted Out: ABFSTUXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Brankin Engineering Ltd

Aercon Works, 556 Antrim Road, Newtownabbey, County Antrim BT36 4RF T: 028 9083 7441 E: W: Year Joined: 1979 In-House: ACDEY Contracted Out: IT Specialist Group: VG

Calor have a long-standing record of working with and understanding the energy needs of a wide spectrum of businesses across Ireland, ranging from the hospitality and leisure industry, to the agriculture sector to large scale industrial manufacturing businesses. We have established a dedicated team of specialised Energy Advisors to cater for our customer’s requirements and to develop tailored energy solutions utilising the economy and efficiency that Calor LPG powered equipment offers. Customers now have the additional option of choosing BioLPG, a new 100% renewable form of LPG. Although identical in use and performance, BioLPG can help businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and reach their sustainability goals.

CHC Group Ltd

33 Seagoe Industrial Estate, Portadown, Craigavon, Armagh BT63 5QD T: 028 3833 4874 E: W: Year Joined: 1974 In-House: CEGHIJKLMOPQSTW Contracted Out: ABDFUVXY

E Electrical and Data Systems Ltd

Unit A8, The Business Centre, 5 Tobermore Road, Draperstown, County Derry BT45 7AG T: 028 7962 7962 E: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: GHIJLS Contracted Out: AMU Specialist Group: HAPS


F Finaghy Cleaning & Support Services Ltd

Unit 223, City Business Park, Belfast BT17 9HY T: 028 9062 6190 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: T

H H & J Martin Integrated Services

Rosemount House, 21 – 23 Sydenham Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT3 9HA T: 028 9023 2622 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: S

Hutton Mechanical & Electrical Services Ltd Unit 6, 18 Westbank Road, Belfast BT3 9JL T: 028 9077 2888 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: GJMPY Contracted Out: LVW

I Irwin M&E Ltd

Unit 4, Diviny Drive, Carn Industrial Estate, Portadown BT63 5WE T: 028 3839 7990 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: GS

L LM Services (NI) Ltd

18 Old Saintfield Road, Belfast BT8 8EY T: 028 9081 4141 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHJLPSTU Contracted Out: ABCDEOWXY Specialist Group: SFG

The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members

Northern Ireland

LM Services (NI) Ltd

18 Old Saintfield Road, Belfast, Antrim BT8 8EY Tel: 02890 814141 Fax: 02890 815188 Email: Website: We are a forward thinking customer focused business, delivering M&E installations to a wide range of commercial and industrial premises throughout Northern Ireland. We offer a high quality installation through skilled tradesmen which allows projects to be completed to the highest standards. This ensures that the majority of our work is through repeat business and recommendations. We are continuing to expand our business, in a planned manner and with the delivery of successful projects and customer satisfaction as the forefront of our philosophy.

M McLaughlin & Harvey Ltd

15 Trench Road, Mallusk, Newtonabbey, Belfast BT36 4TY T: 028 9034 2777 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ABCDEGS

Michael McGonigle Plbg & Htg Contractor

85 Bellspark Road, Urney, Strabane, County Tyrone BT82 9QY T: 028 7188 3727 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: H Contracted Out: ABCDEFGIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Michael Nugent Ltd

2 Tandragee Road, Pomeroy, County Tyrone BT70 3DS T: 028 8775 8617 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: GHJKLMPQSX Cont’d Out: ABCDEFIORTUVWY

Miles-Ash Ltd

576 Doagh Road, Newtownabbey, County Antrim BT36 5BU T: 028 9083 0700 E: alan.douglas@ Year Joined: 1979 In-House: ACDEI Contracted Out: T Specialist Group: VG


| The BESA Book 2022

Montgomery Refrigeration Ltd

Stothers M & E Ltd


Sure Deep Clean

5 Falcon Road, Adelaide Ind Est, Belfast BT12 6RD T: 028 9066 2111 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: B Specialist Group: RACHP

Principal HVAC

34 Garvagh Road, Donaghmore, Dungannon, Co Tyrone BT70 3LS T: 028 8775 0111 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: ABDEILOSV Contracted Out: C

Q Quiggin & Cubbon Ltd

Unit 15B, Tromode Ind Est, Douglas, Isle of Man IM4 4RG T: 01624 621042 E: W: Year Joined: 1989 In-House: GHILMRS

S Scott & Ewing Ltd

59 Crevenagh Road, Omagh, County Tyrone BT79 0EX T: 028 8224 2622 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: CDEG

Sharpe Mechanical Services

57 Sydenham Rd, Belfast BT3 9DJ T: 028 9045 8185 E: W: Year Joined: 1982 In-House: CDEGIJKMPQSV Contracted Out: ABFLTUWXY

Sharpe Ventilation Services Ltd

57 Sydenham Rd, Belfast BT3 9DJ T: 028 9045 8185 E: W: Year Joined: 1979 In-House: CDEISV Contracted Out: ATU Specialist Group: VG

Source Air Conditioning & Electrical Services (NI) Ltd Unit D1, Valley Business Centre, 67 Church Road, Newtownabbey, Glengormley BT36 7LS T: 028 9055 1866 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABEGJMO Specialist Group: RACHP

Radiant Works, 23 Sunwich Street, Ravenhill Avenue, Belfast T: 028 9045 0821 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHIJKLMOPQS Contracted Out: ABCDEFTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Valley Business Centre, Unit B10, 67 Church Road, Newtownabbey BT36 7LS T: 028 9036 9021 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: CT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

T TMC Gas Services Ltd

Skeoge Industrial Estate, Beraghmore Road, Londonderry, Northern Ireland BT48 8SE T: 028 7181 3531 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHJMOPSV Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLQTUWXY

Total Fan Services

1 Upper Braniel Road, Castlereagh, Belfast BT5 7TS T: 028 9070 3785 E: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: FSV Contracted Out: ABCDEGHIJKLMOPQTUWXY Specialist Group: SFG

V Vaughan Engineering Group Ltd

Victoria Mechanical Services Ltd

Unit A22, 20 Heron Road, Sydenham Business Park, Belfast BT3 9LE T: 028 90732029 E: W: Year Joined: 1989 In-House: FGHIJKLMPQXY Contracted Out: ACDEORUVW Specialist Group: HAPS

W Whitehouse Engineering Company Ltd

14 Trench Road, Mallusk, Newtownabbey BT36 4UU T: 028 9084 8311 E: W: Year Joined: 1977 In-House: CET Contracted Out: ADIR Specialist Group: VG

Whitehouse Engineering Co. Ltd HVAC Engineers & Metal Fabricators

14 Trench Road, Mallusk Newtownabbey, Antrim BT36 4UU Tel: 028 9084 8311 Fax: 028 9034 2773 Email: Website: Whitehouse Engineering Co. Ltd. was established in 1968 and has steadily grown on its reputation for high quality workmanship, especially on specialised construction projects. The company has successfully completed projects for a wide variety of public, commercial and industrial organisations.

Aercon Works, 556 Antrim Road, Newtownabbey, County Antrim BT36 4RF T: 028 9083 7441 E: W: Year Joined: 1984 In-House: CEGJKMOPQSX Contracted Out: ABDILTUVWY

Projects range from hospitals and schools, to banking, pharmaceutical facilities, food production and retail outlets. We operate from a well-equipped and spacious production facility incorporating the latest production machinery including our own in-house BIM and CAD / CAM drawing office.

Vaughan Engineering Services Ltd

The company prides itself in providing quality service and product and is certified to ISO 9001- 2015 and ISO 140001.

Aercon Works, 556 Antrim Road, Newtownabbey, County Antrim BT36 8PL T: 028 9083 7441 E: W: Year Joined: 1985 In-House: CDEGIJKMOPQSX Contracted Out: ABLRTUVWY

William Coates Ltd

37 Mallusk Road, Newtonabbey, County Antrim BT36 4PP T: 028 9034 2560 W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: G

Scotland Anderson Floor Warming Ltd

24 MacDowall Street, Paisley, Renfrewshire PA3 2NB T: 0141 647 6716 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GHILMO Contracted Out: ABV Specialist Group: HAPS find-a-besa-member BESA provides a free online search service designed to make it easy and quick to find BESA member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a BESA member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most BESA members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

A A Tech Heating Ltd

26 Deerdykes View, Westfield Industrial Area, Cumbernauld, Glasgow G68 9HN T: 01236 738583 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GHIJKMOPQ Cont’d Out: ABCDELRTUVWXY

Air conditioning Refrigeration F gas Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust & kitchen ventilation & maintenance F Indoor air quality G Commercial heating & plumbing H Domestic heating, plumbing, service & maintenance Design & build I J Pipework/hot tapping/ pipe Freezing K Offsite prefabrication L Underfloor heating M C/I gas fitting N Ability to sub-contract O Renewables (Wind, Solar, Biomass, CHP, H/P etc) P Industrial process pipework Q Offsite prefabricated pipework R Thermal/sound insulation S Facilities services T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control system V Commissioning/performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering

HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group SFG Service & Facilities Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch VG Ventilation Group

24 MacDowall Street, Paisley PA3 2NB Tel: 0141 647 6716 Fax: 0141 647 6751 Email:

Airco Developments Ltd

Unit 3D, Newbattle Business Park, Dalkeith, Midlothian EH22 3LH T: 0131 660 9555 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: CDEIMSTV Contracted Out: AB Specialist Group: VG

Aircon Scotland


Anderson Floor Warming and Renewables

Unit 3, Craigshaw Drive, West Tullos Ind Est, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB12 3AL T: 01224 536555 E: W: Year Joined: 2021

Aircon Scotland

Bankhead Business Parc, Bankhead Medway, Edinburgh EH11 4BY T: 0131 202 6382 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ABCDEOT

Aircon Scotland

48 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1BP T: 0141 212 7420 E: W: Year Joined: 2021

Alba Facilities Services Ltd 37 Lonmay Drive, Panorama Business Village, Glasgow G33 4EP T: 0141 771 8888 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABGHMS Contracted Out: T Specialist Group: SFG Website: We specialise in heating from renewable energy including the supply and installation of underfloor heating, ground and air source heat pumps, heat recovery ventilation and solar thermal panels.

Atalian Servest AMK Ltd

42 Dryden Road, Bilston Ind Est, Loanhead, Midlothian EH20 9LZ T: 0131 440 6000 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABCDEGIJKMOPQSXY Contracted Out: LTUVW

Atlas Air Conditioning Ltd

Pavilion 2, 3 Dava Street, Broomloan Road, Glasgow G51 2JA T: 0141 425 1010 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABCIS Contracted Out: T Specialist Group: RACHP

Beaumont Service Scotland Ltd

18 Crowhill Road, Bishopbrigs, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G64 1QY T: 0141 772 3999 E: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: A Specialist Group: HAPS, RACHP

Blantyre Park Services Ltd Blantyre Park Farm, Auchentibber, Blantyre G72 0TS T: 01698 721500 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: BEGHIJMOS Cont’d Out: ACDFKLPQRTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Blitz Group Ltd

Units 1 & 2 Cloverhill Place, Chryston Business Park, Chryston, Glasgow G69 9DQ T: 0141 779 4209 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Blitz Group Ltd

Units 1-2 Chryston Business Park, Cloverhill Place, Chryston, Glasgow G69 9DQ Tel: 0141 779 4209 Fax: 0141 779 5421 Email: Website: Long established and based in Muirhead, Glasgow, Blitz provides professional, flexible and budget conscious kitchen cleaning to large and small catering establishments. Blitz Group are a BESA accredited company specializing in deep cleaning of kitchen extraction ductwork to comply with TR/19 industry standards. Our clients, both public and private sector, include restaurants, fast food outlets, hotels & care homes throughout Scotland.

B Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick

Maxim 7, Maxim Office Park, Parklands Avenue EuroCentral, Motherwell ML1 4WQ T: 0141 880 2000 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIJMOPX Contracted Out: ABCDELSTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG, VG


31 Lonmay Drive, Panorama Business Village, Glasgow G33 4EP T: 0141 773 3355 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: A


All of our technicians are trained to BESA TR/19 standards. Blitz Group are ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and SafeContractor accredited. Please contact us for a FREE QUOTATION.

Brankin Engineering Ltd

Unit 11, Rosyth Business Park, Rosyth, West Lothian KN11 2WX T: 01506 853506 E: W: Year Joined: 1979 In-House: ACDETY Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: VG

The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members


C C & M Environmental Ltd

52 Strathmore Road, Balmore Industrial Estate, Glasgow G22 7DW T: 0141 336 7774 E: W: Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABGIJOPSV Contracted Out: CEMRTUW Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

Cablecom Technical Services Ltd

8 Abbeyhill, Edinburgh EH8 8EE T: 0131 656 9151 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: DEGHIJKMOQSX Contracted Out: ABCLRTUVWY

Caithness Ventilation Services Ltd

Rybnik, Weydale, Thurso, Caithness KW14 8YN T: 01847 895738 E: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: ET

Caledonian Heating & Plumbing Ltd

Unit 42, West Gorgie Park, Hutchison Rd, Edinburgh EH14 1UT T: 0131 444 2010 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GJMPSW Contracted Out: ABCDETUX

Campbells Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Ltd

7 Ash Road, Broadmeadow Industrial Estate, Dumbarton, West Dumbartonshire G82 2RS T: 01389 742986 E: campbell@ W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABCDEIOS Contracted Out: UV Specialist Group: RACHP


Caledonia House, Lawmoor Street, Glasgow G5 0US T: 0845 674 0017 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABGM Contracted Out: CDEHJLOPUWXY

CBRE Managed Services Ltd

International House, Hamilton International Technology Park, Stanley B’lvd, High Blantyre, Glasgow G72 0BN T: 01698 404720 E: W: Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Cool & Easy Ltd

Unit 209 Bomber Harris Green, Heathall Industrial Estate, Dumfries DG1 3PH T: 01387 261818 E: W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABCDEGJOT Specialist Group: RACHP

Crown House Technologies

21 Woodhall, Eurocentral, Holytown, Motherwell ML1 4YT T: 01698 731002 E: Year Joined: 1904 In-House: HIJKPQUV Cont’d Out: ABCDEFGLMORTWY

CSD Air Conditioning Ltd Unit A9, Whitecrook Bus Centre, Whitecrook Street, Clydebank, Dunbartonshire G81 1QF T: 0141 562 9688 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ABS

D D S Clean Ltd

13 Kirkton Garden, Lochcarron, Ross-shire IV54 8UQ T: 07810 868661 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Daybreak Scotland Ltd

1 Summerhall, Edinburgh EH9 1PL T: 07429 137298 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: T

DE Mechanical Ltd

Unit 10 Flexsapce, Harvest Road, Newbridge, Edinburgh EH28 8LW T: 01383 242426 E: michael.demechanical@ W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ACDES


| The BESA Book 2022

Deepclean Scotland

Unit 11/2, Sherwood Ind Est, Bonnyrigg, Edinburgh EH19 3LW T: 0131 660 4376 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Diamond Air Conditioning Ltd

4a South Caldeen Road, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire ML5 4EG T: 01236 434514 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: ABEHST

Duct Clean (Scotland) Ltd

Unit 1, Hardengreen Industrial Unit, Dalkeith EH22 3NX T: 0131 660 1071 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: T

Ductform HFE

17 Faraday Rd, Southfield Ind Est, Glenrothes, Fife KY6 2RU T: 01592 778330 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ACDE Specialist Group: VG

E Easy Heat Systems Ltd

McDermott House, Inveralmond Place, Perth PH1 3TS T: 01738 445222 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHIMUV Specialist Group: HAPS

ECG Facilities Services

Block 2 Unit 11, First Road, Blantyre Industrial Estate, Blantyre, Glasgow G72 0ND T: 01698 828778 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHJMSW Cont’d Out: CDEFIKLOPQRTUVXY Specialist Group: SFG

ECG Facilities Services

11 First Road, Blantyre Ind Est, Blantyre G72 0ND T: 01698 828778 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHMOSW Contracted Out: CDEIJLPTUVXY Specialist Group: SFG


43 Avondale House, Phoenix Crescent, Strathclyde Business Park, Bellshill ML4 3NJ T: 0333 600 0435 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABS Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

Environmental Energy Controls Ltd

Unit 6B, Nasmyth Court, Houston Industrial Estate, Livingston EH54 5EG T: 01506 442900 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: BGIMSU Contracted Out: F Specialist Group: SFG

ESG Tech Serv Ltd

1 Fyne Avenue, Righead Ind Est, Bellshill, North Lanarkshire ML4 3LJ T: 01698 844240 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ABGSV

Express Heating Co Ltd

Broughton Market, Edinburgh EH3 6NU T: 0131 556 8242 E: W: Year Joined: 1977 In-House: GHJKLMOPQS Contracted Out: ABCDEFTUWXY Specialist Group: HAPS, SFG

F FES Support Services Ltd

Forth House, Pirnhall Business Park, Stirling, Stirlingshire FK7 8HW T: 01786 819600 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ACDEGOUV

Fife Council Building Services

Bankhead Central, Bankhead Park, Glenrothes, Fife KY7 6GH T: 0345 145 0888 E: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: GHJS Contracted Out: ABCDEIKLMOPQRTUVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Forth Mechanical Ltd

11b, 6 Milton Road, Edinburgh EH52 2ND T: 07714 419650 E: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: GH

BESA members





G2 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Ltd

Imtech Engineering Services Ltd

KS Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Eco Heating

45 Hepburn Road, Hillington Industrial Estate, Glasgow G52 4RJ T: 0141 882 9899 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: ABV

Gas Call Services Ltd

2 Queenslie Court, Summerlee St, Glasgow G33 4DB T: 0141 766 3333 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: GHOS

GKR Facilities Services Ltd

Unit 1, Kirkstyle, Old Monkland, Coatbridge ML5 5AJ T: 01236 449727 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: AGS

Graham Hygiene Services Ltd Skirmie Park, Welton Road Ind Est, Blairgowrie, Perthshire PH10 6NP T: 01250 875555 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: T

H Hatrick-Bruce Ltd

Market House, Milnathort, Kinross-shire KY13 9XB T: 01577 863967 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGMS

Hestia Mechanical Building Services Ltd

H20 Business Centre, 6 Dryden Rd, Loanhead, Midlothian EH20 9LZ T: 0131 460 9350 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ACDEGHJL

Hutcheon Services Ltd Bourtree House, Minto Drive, Altens Industrial Estate, Aberdeen AB12 3LW T: 01224-854900 E: W: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABCGHIJMOS Contracted Out: LRTUVW Specialist Group: RACHP

The Hub, East Gateway, Beancross Rd, Grangemouth FK3 8WH T: 01784 411600 E: Year Joined: 2021

Integral UK Ltd

Unit 12b, Oakbank Park, Oakbank Parkway, Livingston, West Lothian EH53 0TH T: 01506 448330 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABGHKMOQSY Cont’d Out: CDEFIJLPRTUVWX Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Integrated Compliance Services Ltd

Linburn Business Park, Unit 3, Brown Street, Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire ML5 4AS T: 0141 432 0001 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: AGHS

J J L Com Ltd

The Lodge, Roddinglaw Bus Park, Roddinglaw Rd, Edinburgh EH12 9DB T: 0844 259 6600 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ABGHSV

James Frew Ltd

83 New Street, Stevenston, North Ayrshire KA20 3HD T: 01294 468113 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GHILMOSV Contracted Out: ABCDEW Specialist Group: HAPS

James Watson Ventilation Ltd

8 Whitefriers Street, Perth PH1 1PP T: 01738 479004 E: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: E Contracted Out: ACMO Specialist Group: VG

John G Mackintosh Building Services Solutions

30 Dryden Road, Bilston Glen, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH20 9LZ T: 0131 668 1168 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABCDEGHJMOSVWY Contracted Out: FIKLQTUX

MAQ (Air Conditioning) Ltd

Laroch Beag, Ballachulish, Argyll PH49 4LB T: 01855 811641 E: W: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABEHOV

L Linaker Ltd

Alba Bus Centre, Alba Campus, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 7EG T: 01506 668193 E: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABGHLMSUV Contracted Out: FTWY Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

Livingston Building Services Ltd

Nettlehill Road, Houston Ind Est, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 5DL T: 01506 442669 E: W: Year Joined: 1994 In-House: CDEGHJKMPQSTX Contracted Out: ABFILORUVWY Specialist Group: SFG

Lothian Heating Services Ltd

Lothian Heating Services, Edgefield Industrial Estate, Loanhead, Midlothian EH20 9TB T: 0131 440 2958 E: W: Year Joined: 1977 In-House: CGKLMQS Contracted Out: ADRUVW Specialist Group: RACHP

Lovat’s Catering Engineering Services Ltd Muirhead, Mitchelston Ind Est, Kirkcaldy, Fife KY1 3PB T: 01592 640643 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABEOS Specialist Group: VG

M Macwright Mechanical Engineering Services Ltd Unit 2, 1 Laundry Lane, Stepps, Glasgow G33 6LT T: 0141 611 5166 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ACDESV


1 Bairds Crescent, Hamilton, South Lanarkshire ML3 9FD T: 01698 720016 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABOS Contracted Out: CGIMV Specialist Group: RACHP

McDonald & Buist Ltd

14 Cross Street, Scone, Perthshire PH2 6LR T: 01738 551372 E: W: under construction Year Joined: 2019 In-House: GH

McKenna Mechanical Services (Scotland) Ltd

Unit L, Charles Bowman Avenue, Claverhouse Industrial Park, Dundee DD4 9UB T: 01382 768768 E: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: DGILMOS Contracted Out: ABCEHJPTUWXY

Meadowburn Mechanical Services Ltd Unit 5, 5 Campsie Road, Kirkintilloch, Glasgow G66 1SL T: 0141 776 6262 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ACGHILMOTUW Contracted Out: FJKPQRSXY

MEL (Dust & Fume Control) Ltd

3 Woodlands View, Stonehouse, South Lanarkshire ML9 3QG T: 01236 721888 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ACDEIV Specialist Group: VG

MGB Services Ltd

39 Southburn Road, Airdrie, Lanarkshire ML6 9AD T: 01236 770545 E: markgreenaway@ W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: SW Contracted Out: CDEUY Specialist Group: SFG

Milton Sheet Metal Works Ltd

6/2 Butlerfield Ind. Est, Bonnyrigg, Midlothian EH19 3JQ T: 01875 825641 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: CE Contracted Out: IV Specialist Group: VG

The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members


Mitsubishi Electric Europe BV

Enterprise House, Springkerse Business Park, Stirling FK7 7UF T: 01786 450348 E: W: Year Joined: 1993 In-House: ABOSV Contracted Out: JW Specialist Group: RACHP

Morris & Spottiswood Ltd 54 Helen Street, Govan, Glasgow G51 3HQ T: 0141 425 1133 E: donald.bain@ W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ACEGMS Specialist Group: SFG

N N G Bailey Ltd

Solais House, Phoenix Crescent, Strathclyde Business Park, Bellshill ML4 3NJ T: 01698 743400 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPQSUVX Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY

ProAir Conditioning Ltd Pavilion 2, 3 Dava Street Glasgow G51 2JA Tel: 0141 425 1010 Email: Website:

Founded in 2005, ProAir is a vibrant and progressive company offering a friendly and professional service. We design, specify and install a wide variety of Air Conditioning products and are Approved Installers for most of the Industries leading manufacturers. Additionally we offer full emergency breakdown repair coverage for our Contracted Maintenance Customers, as well as Service, Repair and PPM facilities provided by our team of fully qualified personnel. ProAir are SSIP compliant for our Health and Safety Systems as well as F Gas Accredited as per mandatory legal requirements. Additionally ALL engineers are qualified to City and Guilds standard under F Gas regulations as a minimum for Refrigerant Safe Handling

Network Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Unit 3, Balintore Industrial Estate, Balintore, Ross-shire IV20 1XN T: 01862 832682 E: W: Year Joined: 1997 In-House: ABFGILOUVW Specialist Group: RACHP

P Paul Heat Recovery Scotland

Unit D, Pitreavie Business Park, Pitreavie Crescent, Dunfermline, Fife KY11 8PU T: 01383 221255 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: CEHJS

Premier Laboratory Systems Ltd

10 Tollpark Place, Wardpark East, Cumbernauld, Glasgow G68 0LN T: 01236 457545 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: DEIS Specialist Group: VG

Proair Conditioning Ltd Pavillion 2, 3 Dava Street, Glasgow G51 2JA T: 0141 425 1010 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABO Contracted Out: E Specialist Group: RACHP

Pro-Duct (Fife) Ltd

Station Road, Cardenden, Lochgelly, Fife KY5 0BW T: 01592 720211 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: CE Contracted Out: DI Specialist Group: VG

Protech Heating Ltd

33-35 Lonmay Place, Queenslie Industrial Estate, Queenslie, Glasgow G33 4ER T: 0141 771 9567 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: GHJMW

Protecht Cleaning & Support Services

Robertson Facilities Management Ltd


RoMech Facilities Management Ltd

17A Woodilee Industrial Estate, Woodilee Road, Kirkintilloch, East Dumbartonshire G66 3UU T: 0141 775 2069 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: ET Specialist Group: VHB, VG

R L Rattray Ltd

Unit 11, Sandy Road, Scone, Perth PH2 6LJ T: 01738 552413 E: W: Year Joined: 1987 In-House: GHIJLMOSUVW Contracted Out: ACDE Specialist Group: HAPS, SFG

R Macdonald & Son

3 Carsegate Road, Carse Ind Est, Inverness, Highland IV3 8EX T: 01463 235540 E: W: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: CDE Specialist Group: VG


Block 1 New Street, Riccarton, Kilmarnock KA1 3NA T: 01563 546807 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: CDEIT Specialist Group: VHB

Reactive E & M Services Ltd

Unit 3, McCafferty Way, Dalgrain Industrial Estate, Grangemouth, Stirlingshire FK3 8EB T: 01324 634769 E: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: S

Rentokil Specialist Hygiene Ltd

Unit 4-5 Monklands Ind Est, Kirkshaws Rd, Coatbridge ML5 4RP T: 0203 668 5729 E: W: Year Joined: In-House: ET

Richard Irvin FM Ltd

Unit 1A, City South Business Park, Hillington Park, Portlethen AB12 4XX T: 0141 556 8800 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: ABS

Richards Ventilation Services Ltd

Candlehouse Lane, Coupar Angus, Angus, Perthshire PH13 9DD T: 01828 626220 E: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: CDE


| The BESA Book 2022

Robertson House, Castle Bus Park, Stirling, Stirlingshire FK9 4TZ T: 01786 431600 E: W: robertson-facilities-management Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABGHJMS Cont’d Out: CDEFKLOPQRTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG

107 Abercorn St, Paisley PA3 4AT T: 0141 848 0888 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: EGS

S Scan Building Services Ltd 35 Byron Street, Dundee, Tayside DD3 6QT T: 01382 889700 E: W: Year Joined: 1982 In-House: GHIJKMOQSVY Contracted Out: ABCDELPRTUW Specialist Group: HAPS

Select Building Engineering Services Ltd 79 Bowman Street, Glasgow G42 8LF T: 0141 423 7706 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABCDEGHIJLMOPX Contracted Out: STUVWY

Shine Hygiene Services Ltd Unit 6, 88 Chapel Street, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G20 9BD T: 01236 722262 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: T Contracted Out: IV Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Sigma Engineering Product Design Ltd

19 Macadam Place, South Newmoor Industrial Estate, Irvine, Ayrshire KA11 4HP T: 01294 203374 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: CEI Specialist Group: SFG, VG

BESA members


Skanska Rashleigh Weatherfoil Ltd

Skanska Facilities Services, Excel House ‘Eurocentral’, 1 Renshaw Place, Holytown, Motherwell, Lanarkshire ML1 4UF T: 01698 735800 E: W: Year Joined: 1947 In-House: FGKMOQS Contracted Out: IJPUVY Specialist Group: SFG

Smith Services Ltd

Unit 9, Inveralmond Way, Inveralmond Industrial Estate, Perth, Scotland PH1 3UQ T: 01738 447555 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: T Specialist Group: VHB

SMS Maintenance Services Ltd

Glenburn House, 1 Bairds Crescent, Allanshaw Industrial Estate, Hamilton ML3 9FD T: 01698 200110 E: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: DEGHIJLMOPSW Contracted Out: CUVXY Specialist Group: SFG

Soron Ltd

Unit 2d, Payne Street, Port Dundas, Glasgow G4 0LE T: 0141 333 9518 E: Year Joined: 1985 In-House: GLMO Contracted Out: IJPR Specialist Group: SFG

SP Vent Ltd

Unit 16, Abercromby Bus Centre, Glasgow G40 2DD T: 0141 551 0262 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: CDET Specialist Group: VG

Sparks Mechanical Services Ltd

Broadfold Road, Bridge of Don Ind Est, Aberdeen AB23 8EE T: 01224 704448 E: W: Year Joined: 1969 In-House: ABHIJLPS Contracted Out: OUW

Sparks Mechanical Services Ltd

41 Deerdykes View, Westfield Industrial Estate, Cumbernauld, Glasgow G68 9HN T: 01236 738000 E: W: Year Joined: 1969 In-House: ABGMS Contracted Out: C


Spie Ltd

Leven House, 10 Lochside Place, Edinburgh EH12 9RG T: 0131 458 5555 E: Year Joined: 1965 In-House: GHJMOSVWY Cont’d Out: ABCDEFIKLPQTUX Specialist Group: SFG

Spie Ltd

2nd Floor, One Rutherglen Links, Rutherglen Links Business Park, Glasgow G73 1DF T: 0141 945 8900 E: Year Joined: 1965 In-House: IJMOSWXY Contracted Out: CDELPTUV Specialist Group: SFG

SSE Contracting Ltd

Scotland Region, 10 Woodrow, Mossend, Eurocentral, Glasgow ML1 4YQ T: 01698 731567 E: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABGHIJKMQSU Contracted Out: CDEFLPRTVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Stewart ACR Ltd

Unit 2, Cambuslea Ind Est, Cambuslea Road, Ayr, South Ayrshire KA8 9HT T: 01292 738598 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ABCDES

Stothers (M & E) Ltd

Unit 1.1 Western Campus, Starling Way, Strathclyde Bus Park, Bellshill, Glasgow ML4 3PU T: 0141 429 5709 E: W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ACM Specialist Group: SFG

T T Clarke Contracting Ltd

6 Middlefield Rd, Falkirk FK2 9AG T: 01324 888000 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: GHIMOVY Contracted Out: ABU

Taylor & Fraser Ltd

117 Abercorn Street, Paisley, Renfrewshire PA3 4DH T: 0141 887 6151 E: W: Year Joined: 1940 In-House: GIJKLMOPQR Cont’d Out: ABCDEFHTUVWXY

Ventilation Technical Services

Taylor and Fraser Ltd

Abercorn Street, Paisley Renfrewshire PA3 4DH Tel: 0141 887 6151 Email: Website: Taylor and Fraser is a long established family business. We are specialists in mechanical and electrical engineering and construction services and are uniquely placed to provide our clients with a complete service tailored to meet their needs. We are proud to have successfully undertaken a wide range of projects in both public and private sectors. Taylor and Fraser is a company synonymous with high quality and meticulous attention to detail and will always work closely with customers to not only meet but exceed their expectations!

Thermocool Ltd

24 Victoria Street, Rutherglen, Rutherglen, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G73 1DS T: 0141 647 9871 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABIJMOPSUV Contracted Out: CDKQT Specialist Group: SFG

Trane UK Ltd

Unit 54, Grayshill Road, Westfield North, Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire G68 9HQ T: 01236 785500 E: W: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: ABEGOSUV Contracted Out: CIJPTW

Truedeal Building Services Ltd

2 Blairtummock Place, Panorama Business Village, Glasgow G33 4EN T: 0141 771 1015 E: W: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: GIJKLMOPQ Cont’d Out: ABCDEFRTUVWXY


Unit 3 Phase 3, Lloyd Street, Rutherglen, Glasgow G73 1NP T: 0141 647 7181 E: Year Joined: 1997 In-House: T

VentPro – Costin Group Unit 36-38 Easter Inch Court, Easter Inch Industrial Estate, Bathgate EH48 2FJ T: 01506 657316 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: T

VES Andover Ltd

Tay House, Floor 2, Office 44, 300 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JR T: 01236 730420 E: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: BCEFGIJKQSUV Contracted Out: ADOT Specialist Group: SFG

Vital Energi Utilities Ltd

Duart House, Finch Way, Strathclyde Business Park, Bellshill ML4 3PR T: 01698 744410 E: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GIKMQSVX Contracted Out: RUW

W W Speirs & Sons Ltd

Portland Avenue, Industrial Estate, Irvine, Ayrshire KA12 8JD T: 01294 275434 E: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: AC Contracted Out: T Specialist Group: VG

WMQ Building Services

McArthur House, Netherton Cross, Wishaw, Lanarkshire ML2 0EF T: 01698 372113 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: GHMX Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKLOPQRSTUVWY

The BESA Book 2022 |


South East find-a-besa-member BESA provides a free online search service designed to make it easy and quick to find BESA member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a BESA member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most BESA members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

Accent Services (Air Conditioning) Ltd

Unit 17 Shepperton Business Park, Govett Avenue, Govett Avenue, Shepperton, Middlesex TW17 8BA T: 01932 765648 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABOS Specialist Group: RACHP

A A & M Industrial Cleaning Ltd

90 Russell Ride, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN8 8TZ T: 01992 638218 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ET Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Air conditioning Refrigeration F gas Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust & kitchen ventilation & maintenance F Indoor air quality G Commercial heating & plumbing H Domestic heating, plumbing, service & maintenance Design & build I J Pipework/hot tapping/ pipe Freezing K Offsite prefabrication L Underfloor heating M C/I gas fitting N Ability to sub-contract O Renewables (Wind, Solar, Biomass, CHP, H/P etc) P Industrial process pipework Q Offsite prefabricated pipework R Thermal/sound insulation S Facilities services T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control system V Commissioning/performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering

HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group SFG Service & Facilities Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch VG Ventilation Group


| The BESA Book 2022

New House, Christchurch Road, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 3AP T: 01425 477777 E: W: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: GHIJO Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLMPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

A C Solutions Group Ltd

54 Station Road, Orpington, Kent BR6 0SA T: 01689 891011 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: H Specialist Group: HAPS

A1R Services Ltd

Suite F Ground Floor, Breakspear Park, Breakspear Way, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 4TZ T: 0845 617 1712 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABIOSV Contracted Out: CEFGMTUW Specialist Group: RACHP

Anglia House, Sandown Road, Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 7UA T: 01923 249444 E: W: Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABGM Contracted Out: C Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

ADC Environmental Services Ltd

53 Bankside Close, Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 7EW T: 020 8891 0228 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: EFTW Cont’d Out: ABCDGHIMRSUVY Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Advanced Control Solutions Ltd

Unit 7, Bakersgate Courtyard, Ash Rd, Pirbright, Surrey GU24 0NJ T: 01483 237812 E: W: Year Joined: 1998 In-House: GHLMSUVX Contracted Out: AEI Specialist Group: SFG

Wenta Business Centre, Unit 52, Colne Way, Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 7ND T: 020 8207 6969 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABHIOSV Contracted Out: CDET Specialist Group: RACHP

A C Wilgar Ltd


Accolade Building Services Ltd

ACL Engineering Ltd

Accolade Building Services Ltd New House, 154 Christchurch Road, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 3AP Tel: 01425 477777 Email: Website:

A Dynamic Mechanical & Electrical Contractor, specialising in Design and Contracting of full M&E services. Full in-house Estimating, Design, Cad, and Contracting departments undertaking Design and Installation for both Main Contractor and End User clients. Our professionalism & achievements are our “ACCOLADE”

Advent Ductwork Systems Ltd

7 Westfield Road, Slyfield Indl Est, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1RR T: 01932 856249 E: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABCEGISV Contracted Out: LOTUWY Specialist Group: VG

Air Conditioning Projects Ltd

Basepoint Centre, Cressex Bus Park, Lincoln Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 3RL T: 01494 622307 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: B Contracted Out: ACDIOSTUVW Specialist Group: RACHP

Accurate Cooling Services Ltd

147a London Road, Dunton Green, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 2UP T: 01732 669202 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: AB Contracted Out: SU Specialist Group: RACHP

Air Quality Services Ltd

Unit 15 Connect 10, Ashford Business Park, Foster Road, Ashford, Kent TN24 0FE T: 01233 663063 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: AGS

AB Refrigeration Contracting Ltd

Accurate Mechanical Services Ltd

Aircon Services

AAC Group Ltd

Bank Chambers, 2 Church Street, Reigate, Surrey RH2 0AN T: 0333 900 0180 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABW Specialist Group: RACHP

Unit 18 Pegasus Court, North Lane, North Lane, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 4QP T: 01252 315000 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABCDEGILMOS Contracted Out: TUW Specialist Group: RACHP

c/o Vectaire Ltd, Lincoln Road, Cressex Bus Park, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 3RH T: 01494 444700 E: alexander.gaeta@ W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: DE

Unit C4 Regent Park, Princes Estate, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire HP27 9LE T: 01844 348760 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABEGMO Contracted Out: CD Specialist Group: RACHP

BESA members

South East

Apleona HSG Ltd

Aircon Services

Unit C4 Regent Park, Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire HP27 9LE Tel: 01844 348760 Email: Website: At Aircon Services, we’ve been helping our customers reduce their energy costs whilst ensuring their businesses are kept cool for over 30 years. Fast, professional installation of air conditioning, evaporative cooling and commercial heating systems. All our work is performed by our highly skilled engineers. We focus on ensuring your business isn’t interrupted, keeping a clean, quiet environment and maximising longevity. Over the years we’ve developed a reputation for providing an excellent service. We will ensure you receive tailored care and attention from every single member of our team before, during and after we complete any work.

Airflow Design Services Ltd

8 Colne Way Court, Colne Way, Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 7NE T: 01923 232360 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABCEIST Specialist Group: VG

Airtemp AC Ltd

18 Theaklen Drive, Ponswood Industrial Estate, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex TN38 9AZ T: 0845 872 5657 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABIS Contracted Out: CT Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

All-Clean Environmental Services Ltd

International House, Southampton International Business Park, George Curl Way, Southampton, Hampshire SO18 2RZ T: 023 8030 2033 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Huxley House, Weyside Bus Park, Cattleshall Lane, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1XE T: 01483 428674 E: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABGMOSU Contracted Out: TVWY Specialist Group: SFG

Arctic-Aircon Ltd

Rowlandson House, 289-297 Ballards Lane, North Finchley, London N12 8NP T: 0203 384 5010 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABIO Specialist Group: RACHP

Arnold James

1 Metro Centre, Ronsons Way, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL4 9QT T: 01727 851477 E: buildingservicesengineering@ W: Year Joined: 1963 In-House: ABGHILMVW Contracted Out: ET

Aspect Maintenance Services Ltd

Unit E7, Barwell Business Park, Leatherhead Road, Chessington, Surrey KT9 2NY T: 0844 884 1180 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Associated Pipework (SE) Ltd

Unit 35, Swan Centre, Rosemary Rd, London SW17 0AR T: 020 8879 7042 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: GJKPQRX

Aura Construction Ltd

236 Blackfen Road, Sidcup, Kent DA15 8PW T: 0845 520 2214 E: W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKOQSTV Contracted Out: PUWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

B B J F Connections Ltd

Abbey Court, Boarley Lane, Maidstone, Kent ME14 3DD T: 01622 266266 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ACDEGHSUV

Barrier Air Conditioning Ltd

Unit 12 Nepicar Park, London Road, Wrotham, Kent TN15 7AF T: 01689 891616 E: W: Year Joined: 1990 In-House: ABOS Contracted Out: CDEFGHJKMPQTUVWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

Battledore Ltd

Unit 17 Wrotham Business Park, Wrotham Park, Barnet, Hertfordshire EN5 4SZ T: 020 8275 1014 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 Contracted Out: ABCDEFGIKLMOQUVWY

Baystar Energy Efficient Systems 62 Nower Road, Dorking, Surrey RH4 3BX T: 01293 851459 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHLM Contracted Out: O Specialist Group: HAPS

Bennett Mechanical Services Ltd

Unit 34, Portland Court, Kingsway, Luton, Bedfordshire LU4 8HA T: 01582 417931 E: phil@bennett W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: GHIJKLMOPQRV Contracted Out: ABCDEFSTUWXY

BHW Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Ltd

Unit 5 Boundary Business Park, Wheatley Road, Garsington, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX44 9JE T: 01865 774257 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABFIJOSUV Contracted Out: CDELPTW Specialist Group: RACHP

Bower Fuller

Blue Space, SusCon, Brunel Way, Dartford, Kent DA1 5FW T: 01473 272277 E: W: Year Joined: 1968 In-House: GHMSV Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKLOPQRTUWXY

Bridge Facilities Engineers Ltd

Unit 4 Handford Court, Garston Lane, Watford, Herts WD25 9EJ T: 0844 880 2284 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABGHJLMPRSUVWY Contracted Out: CDEFIKOQX Specialist Group: SFG


BSW Building Services Ltd

Rock Lodge Vineyard, Lewes Road, Scaynes Hill, West Sussex RH17 7NG T: 01444 831138 E: W: Year Joined: 1992 In-House: GHILMO Contracted Out: EKQWX Specialist Group: HAPS, SFG

BTU (Installation & Maintenance ) Ltd

38 Weyside Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1JB T: 01483 590600 E: W: Year Joined: 1974 In-House: ABGHIJMOPV Contracted Out: CDEFKLQRTUWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Buckler Environmental Services Ltd

Aldwych House, Madeira Road, West Byfleet, Surrey KT14 6ES T: 01932 351000 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABGIMO Contracted Out: CEFRUVWY

Burgate Plumbing & Heating Ltd

16 Baxter Way, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4BB T: 01732 220951 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: DEGHLMOUW Contracted Out: ABCI Specialist Group: HAPS

C C & I Controls

Unit 3, Marchmont Gate, Maxted Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 7BE T: 01442 240900 E: Year Joined: 1998 In-House: ACDEGIOS Contracted Out: BT

C Watkins Plumbing Ltd

Leigh Road, Haine Ind Est, Ramsgate, Kent CT12 5EU T: 01843 852277 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ADEGHIMOSV Contracted Out: CFKLQTUWY

Calibre Building Services Ltd Robert Denholm House, Bletchingley Road, Nutfield, Surrey RH1 4HW T: 01737 824045 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: AGS Contracted Out: FTUWY Specialist Group: SFG

The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members

South East

Carb’n-Off Ltd

Unit 22, Anglo Trade Park, Fishponds Road, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2AN T: 0118 982 8960 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: T

Carrington Building Services Ltd

Unit D8, Chaucer Business Park, Watery Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 6YU T: 01732 252444 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ACDEGIJMOU Contracted Out: BL

CBRE Managed Services Ltd

Swan House, Northcroft Lane, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1BN T: 01635 277999 E: pete.belmore@ W: Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

CBRE Managed Services Ltd

115 Whitby Road, First Floor, Slough, Berkshire SL1 3DR T: 01753 698850 E: andy.glasspool@ W: Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

CBRE Managed Services Ltd

725 Capability Green, Luton LU1 3LU T: 01582 435950 E: Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

CBS Maintenance Services Ltd

Valiant House, 3 Twistleton Court, Priory Hill, Dartford, Kent DA1 2EN T: 01322 287733 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: HS Specialist Group: SFG

Centurion Air Conditioning Ltd

21 Chatsworth Road, Cheam, Sutton, Surrey SM3 8PJ T: 020 8643 0100 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABIOSV Contracted Out: CDETU Specialist Group: RACHP


| The BESA Book 2022

Clean Air (UK) Ltd

Great Cauldham Farm, Cauldham Lane, Capel-Le-Ferne, Kent CT18 7HQ T: 01303 249667 E: W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: CEFSTW Contracted Out: Y Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Clean Ducts

18 Albert Drive, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9TN T: 01444 686038 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: T

Cleana Kitchens Ltd

228 Almners Road, Lyne, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 0BL T: 07785 795088 E: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: T Specialist Group: VHB

Clear Duct Ltd

6 Bitterne Ave, Reading, Berkshire RG31 4SP T: 0118 418 1108 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: T

Commercial Kitchen Cleaning Ltd

Unit 8 Austin Fields Ind Est, Kings Lynn, West Norfolk PE30 1PH T: 01553 886101 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: T

Complete Facilities Solutions Ltd

Unit 3 Windsor Park, 50 Windsor Avenue, Wimbledon SW19 2TJ T: 0800 313 4133 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: GHMS Contracted Out: B Specialist Group: RACHP

Complete HVAC Services Ltd

Unit 3, Firbank Court, Firbank Way, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 4YJ T: 0845 094 6465 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGIJMOSUV Specialist Group: RACHP

Condair PLC

Rustington Trading Estate, Artex Avenue, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 3LN T: 01903 850200 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: IS Specialist Group: SFG

Constant Air Systems Ltd Unit L, Castle Est, Turnpike Way, Cressex Business Park, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 3TF T: 01494 469529 E: W: Year Joined: 1969 In-House: GIJKMOPQRSX Contracted Out: ABCDEFLTUWY Specialist Group: VG

Contract Energy Management Ltd

Unit 13, Brentford Business Centre, Commerce Road, Brentford, Middlesex TW8 8LG T: 020 8568 4655 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: GIMSUVW Contracted Out: CDER Specialist Group: SFG

Contract Ventilation Services Ltd

Unit 1, Pound Lane, Kingsnorth, Ashford, Kent TN23 3JE T: 01233 622007 E: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ACDES Specialist Group: VG

Cooltech Building Services Ltd

The Old Forge, Rear Of 1 Burfield Rd, Old Windsor, Berkshire SL4 2RB T: 01753 868117 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABCDEFGHILMOSW Contracted Out: JKPQRTUVXY Specialist Group: RACHP

Corrigenda Ltd

Unit 3, Mitchell Close, Segensworth East, Fareham, Hampshire PO15 5SE T: 0148 9557667 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABGHJKLMOPQSUVX Contracted Out: CDEFITWY

Court Services-Coolserv Air Conditioning

Unit 34 Easter Park, Benyon Road, Silchester, Reading, Berkshire RG7 2PQ T: 0118 970 0537 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: AI Specialist Group: RACHP

Cromwell Engineering Ltd

1B Cromwell Rd, Walton on Thames, Surrey KT12 3NL T: 01932 224335 E: W: Year Joined: 1973 In-House: EGHIMSV Contracted Out: ABCDJLOPRTUW Specialist Group: SFG

Crown House Technologies

Bridge Place 2, Anchor Boulevard, Admiral Park, Crossways, Kent DA2 6SN T: 01322 296200 E: W: Year Joined: 1904 In-House: EGHIJKMPQUV Contracted Out: ABCDFLORTWY Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

Crowthorne Heating Co Ltd

4a Dukes Ride, Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 6LT T: 01344 772397 E: W: Year Joined: 1969 In-House: GHLMS Contracted Out: ABCDEORTUW Specialist Group: HAPS

Crystal Refrigeration

Crystal House, 4 Dolman Road, London W4 5UY T: 020 8994 9398 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABIV Specialist Group: RACHP

Crystal Sigma Ltd

657 North Circular Road, London NW2 7AY T: 020 8452 3030 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABLSV Contracted Out: IOT Specialist Group: RACHP

Cube Airconditioning Ltd 83 Queenhythe Road, Guildford, Surrey GU4 7NU T: 0844 502 7670 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABISV Specialist Group: SFG

BESA members

South East

Cyclone Ducting & Extraction Services Ltd

Dixon Mechanical Services Ltd

Cyclone House, 60 Queensway, Banbury, Oxon, Oxfordshire OX16 9NG T: 07909 601295 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: CDEV Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

59 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9AA T: 01202 581000 E: W: Year Joined: 1976 In-House: GIMO Contracted Out: ABCDELRW


5 Beaufort House, Sir Thomas Longley Road, Rochester, Kent ME2 4FB T: 01634 384220 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: ABGHOSUVY

D.C.I. Refrigeration & Electrical Ltd

Unit 1, Warrior Business Centre, Fitzherbert Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 1TX T: 023 9238 1799 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABIS Contracted Out: HT Specialist Group: RACHP

Darke & Taylor Ltd

Radiant House 11 Blenheim Office Park, Fenlock Road, Long Hanborough, Witney, Oxfordshire OX29 8LN T: 01865 290000 E: rachel.warrington@ W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: BEGHU Specialist Group: HAPS, RACHP

DBS Design Contracts Ltd 8 Colne Way, Watford WD24 7NE T: 01923 200561 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ABCDEGHUV


15, The Metro Centre, Toutley Road, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 1QW T: 0118 989 2444 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: T

Decimo Project Engineering Ltd

Room 5 Ground Floor, Fountain House, Anchor Boulevard, Dartford DA2 6QH T: 0203 862 4955 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: AG Specialist Group: HAPS

Degrees of Comfort

Lake House, 2 Lakeside, Summerleaze Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 8HZ T: 01628 780803 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABCDIJNOSV Contracted Out: EGMT Specialist Group: RACHP

DMA Maintenance Ltd

Ductclean UK Ltd

1 Woodfield Road, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire AL7 1JQ T: 0870 112 9196 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Ductwork Compliance Ltd 7 Bell Yard, London WC2A 2JR T: 0844 474 2216 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: T


Suite 5A, Aspect House, Pattenden Lane, Marden, Kent TN12 9QJ T: 01622 831649 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABDGHIJLMOU Contracted Out: CERW Specialist Group: HAPS

E E & B Group Ltd

Ravendene House, 21 Brighton Rd, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 6AE T: 01293 453700 E: W: Year Joined: 1994 In-House: CGY Cont’d Out: AFIJKMPQRSTUVWX

ECE Cleaning Services Ltd

Hillcrest House, 51 Woodcote Road, Wallington, Surrey SM6 0LT T: 0203 757 7150 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ET Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Ecolution Group Ltd

Ecolution House, London Road, Addington, Kent, West Malling ME19 5SH T: 0330 324 7777 E: andrew.knapp@ W: Year Joined: 1998 In-House: O Specialist Group: HAPS


3 Dodman Green, Tattenhoe, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK4 3AJ T: 01908 867533 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABCDGHIJOSU Contracted Out: EFKLMPQTWXY Specialist Group: VG

Empire Specialist Services Ltd

Regus Building, Cardinal Point, Park Road, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire WD3 1RE T: 01923 432708 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: AGSUV Contracted Out: CDE

Envirotech Services Ltd

Envirotech House, 1 Main Road, Marlpit Hill, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 6JE T: 01732 865171 E: Year Joined: 1998 In-House: GIM Contracted Out: BCEHLRSTUVW

ErgoPlus Facilities Ltd

ErgoPlus House, 11 Wantage Road, Eddington, Hungerford RG17 0HG T: 01488 682806 E: arthur.carrington@ W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: ABCDEGHIJLMORSVWY Contracted Out: KPQTUX

F F G Alden Ltd

Langford Locks, Kidlington, Oxfordshire OX5 1LJ T: 01865 855000 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GHIJKMOPQSV Cont’d Out: ABCDEFLRTUWXY

F N Rice (Pirbright) Ltd

Pacific House, Imperial Way, Reading, Berkshire RG2 0TF T: 0118 931 5299 E: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABS Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

Toad Hall, Vapery Lane, Pirbright, Woking, Surrey GU24 0QD T: 01483 472005 E: W: Year Joined: 1965 In-House: ABGHILMSU Contracted Out: CDEJOPTWX Specialist Group: HAPS

Enigma Environmental Services Ltd

F W Marsh (Electrical & Mechanical) Ltd


Unit 7 Chiltern Enterprise Centre, Station Road, Station Road, Theale, Berkshire RG7 4AA T: 0118 930 3766 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABI Contracted Out: O Specialist Group: RACHP

Enviro Duct Cleaning

Unit 2.02, High Weald House, Glovers End, Bexhill On Sea, East Sussex TN39 5ES T: 07932 412963 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ET Contracted Out: ABC

Environmental Maintenance Services Ltd 53-55 College Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 3QG T: 020 8289 7178 E: W: Year Joined: 1997 In-House: FGHJLMSU Contracted Out: ABEKPQTVWXY


Ryde Business Park, Nicholson Rd, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 1BF T: 01983 562109 E: W: Year Joined: 1992 In-House: ABGHM Specialist Group: SFG

Fan Rescue Ltd

39 Deer Park Way, Waltham Abbey, Essex EN9 3YN T: 0203 308 2936 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: ACDE

Farmwood M & E Services Ltd

Unit A4, St Georges Business Park, Castle Road, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 3TB T: 01795 857840 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABDEGHLMORS Contracted Out: CFJKPQTUWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members

South East


32 Camford Way, Sundon Park, Luton, Bedfordshire LU3 3AN T: 01582 560606 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: CI

Ferncroft Enterprises Ltd

419 Upper Shoreham Road, Shoreham-By-Sea BN43 5NF T: 01273 462634 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: T

Filtrex Global Ltd

Global House, Unit 17, Burnt Mill Ind Est, Elizabeth Way, Harlow, Essex CM20 2HS T: 01279 457590 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ET

Fire Protection Ltd

Flamebar House, South Road, Templefields, Harlow, Essex CM20 2AR T: 01279 634230 E: W: Year Joined: 1994 In-House: CESY Contracted Out: D Specialist Group: VG

Fletchers Facilities Ltd

Jubilee Lodge (First Floor), 21 Jubilee Way, Chessington, Surrey KT9 1TR T: 020 8391 2972 E: W: Year Joined: 1982 In-House: GIJKLMQSW Contracted Out: ABCDEOTUV

G G & D Higgins Mechanical Services Ltd

60-62 High Street, Northwood, Middlesex HA6 1BL T: 020 8863 0003 E: W: Year Joined: 1990 In-House: GHILMOSVX Contracted Out: EW

G Tech Building Services Ltd

Unit 8A Connors Yard, Beeches Road, Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 2AH T: 01892 660000 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: I Contracted Out: CDEJKLOPQRSTUVWXY


| The BESA Book 2022

G4S Secure Solutions (Guernsey) Ltd

G4S House, Lowlands Ind Est, Braye Rd, Vale, Guernsey GY3 5XH T: 01481 247447 E: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ADEGHIJLMOSVY Contracted Out: CFKPQTUWX Specialist Group: RACHP

Gatwick Park Mechanical Services Ltd

Hadene Building Services Ltd

Unit 7 The Enterprise Centre, Revenge Road, Lordswood, Chatham, Kent ME5 8UD T: 01634 673700 E: W: Year Joined: 1986 In-House: ABEGHJMPS Contracted Out: ILRTUWY Specialist Group: SFG

Unit 22 Graylands Estate, Langhurstwood Road, Horsham, Surrey RH12 4QD T: 01403 210808 E: W: Year Joined: 1984 In-House: AGIM Contracted Out: BCLVW Specialist Group: HAPS

Halton Foodservice Ltd


Hollywell Building Services Ltd

Unit 120 Maddison House, 226 High St, Croydon, Surrey CR9 1DF T: 020 8681 1694 E: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Gee-Bec Services Ltd

Unit 5, Maplehurst Close, Dartford, Kent DA2 7WX T: 01322 621450 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: DGHIJM Contracted Out: ABCELPSTUVWXY

Gelidus Ltd

Unit 7 Chiltern Enterprise Centre, Station Road, Theale, Reading, Berkshire RG7 4AA T: 0118 930 4404 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABO Specialist Group: RACHP

H H & C Contracts Ltd

Unit 3 Holt Barnes Business Park, The Kilns, Frith End Road, Frith End, Bordon, Hampshire GU35 0QW T: 01420 488281 E: W: Year Joined: 1984 In-House: ABGIJOS Contracted Out: CDELMRTUVWX Specialist Group: RACHP

11 Laker Road, Airport Ind Est, Rochester, Kent ME1 3QX T: 01634 666111 E: W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: EJUY Contracted Out: ACT Specialist Group: SFG, VG

New Barnes Mill Annexe, Cotton Mill Lane, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 2HA T: 01727 810555 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABGHIJMPS Contracted Out: CDELOUVW Specialist Group: SFG

HSL Group Ltd

The Beeches, Brighton Road, Lower Kingswood, Surrey KT20 6SY T: 01737 831810 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABGOSU Contracted Out: JLMPTVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS, RACHP, SFG, VG

Huggins & Squire Ltd 50 Singer Way, Kempston, Bedfordshire MK42 7AF T: 01908 698979 E: gordoncollis@ W: Year Joined: 1989 In-House: ABCDEIO Specialist Group: SFG

I ICS (Hygiene) Ltd

22 Derwent Drive, Orpington, Kent BR5 1EW T: 01689 832949 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: T

IDC Electrical (Southern) Ltd 3 Barley Business Park, Duncan Rd, Park Gate, Southampton, Hampshire SO31 1ZT T: 0845 270 7422 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: DEGHIJ Contracted Out: ABCFKLMOPQRSTUVWXY


Passfield Mill Bus Park, Mill Lane, Passfield, Liphook GU30 7QU T: 01428 751200 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: D Specialist Group: HAPS, SFG

Imtech Engineering Services Ltd

4th Floor, Twenty, 20 Kingston Rd, Staines-upon-Thames, Middlesex TW18 4LG T: 01784 411600 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRUVWY

In Line Duct Cleaning Ltd

Old Garden House, Moreton Paddox, Moreton Morrell, Warwick, Oxfordshire CV35 9BS T: 01295 760491 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

In the Hoods Ltd

96 Rusper Rd, Worthing BN13 1LP T: 01903 265426 E: W: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: T

Indepth Hygiene Services Ltd

Indepth House, Wellesley Road, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5BW T: 020 8661 7888 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: EFT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Industrial Pipe Services 2003 Ltd

Windmill Works, North Road, Widmer End, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP15 6NE T: 01494 711150 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GHIJLMO Contracted Out: AERW

BESA members

South East

Iver Technical Services Ltd

Innovation Air Conditioning & Building Services Ltd Lansdowne Building, Lansdowne Road East Croydon, Surrey CR9 2ER Tel: 020 8263 6241 Email: Website:

Innovation Air Conditioning and Building Services Limited, are a leader in multidiscipline building services, which has built a strong reputation for excellence and commitment within the construction industry. Our team is highly experienced in providing a broad range of services which includes but not limited to: • Design and build mechanical services installations • Heating, Ventilation and air conditioning installations • Domestic Services and Public health installations • Service, maintenance and 24 Hour Call out Innovation works with Architects, project managers, consulting engineers and construction companies on all kinds of buildings and projects, ranging from offices (CAT A & B) leading retailers and restaurants to hospitals, and high class residential developments. We have a history of consistently achieving agreed time, cost and quality targets and for providing best value solutions.

Established 1998

West World, West Gate, London W5 1DT T: 020 8998 0300 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: G Contracted Out: CDEIMOV Specialist Group: SFG

J J & B Hopkins Ltd

Concorde House, Concorde Way, Segensworth North, Fareham, Hampshire PO15 5RL T: 01489 584706 E: W: Year Joined: 1986 In-House: ABFGHIJKMOPQSX Contracted Out: CDELRTUVWY

J Ashwell Ltd

Hinton House, 120 Hinton Wood Ave, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 5AL T: 01425 276724 E: Year Joined: 1977 In-House: GM Contracted Out: ABCDEILORUW

J O’Connor Ltd

Unit 2, Horizon Trade Park, Ringway, London N11 2NW T: 020 8920 4930 E: W: Year Joined: 1990 In-House: GHILMOSUW Contracted Out: TVY Specialist Group: SFG

J S A Service Integral UK Ltd

1st Floor, Leo House, Railway Approach, Wallington, Surrey SM6 0DX T: 020 8544 3500 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABGHMOSXY Cont’d Out: CDEFIJKLPQRTUVW Specialist Group: SFG

Intelligent Air Conditioning Ltd

31 Briarwood Road, St Johns, Woking, Surrey GU21 8XD T: 01483 487215 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABGILOU Contracted Out: CDEHJMPWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

Interduct UK Ltd

E9 Telford Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX26 4LD T: 01869 225496 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: CET Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

123 Harris Way, Windmill Road, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex TW16 7EL T: 01932 780321 E: W: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABCS Specialist Group: RACHP

J W Housden Ltd

1 Margetts Road, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8DS T: 01234 852033 E: W: Year Joined: 1971 In-House: GHILMS Contracted Out: ACUVW Specialist Group: HAPS

JC Watson

2 Cecil’s Barn, Fieldhouse Farm, Dunnings Lane, Brentwood, Essex CM13 3HE T: 0203 733 3050 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: ABCDEGIJ Contracted Out: LOTW Specialist Group: RACHP

JD Services HVAC Ltd

Unit 5 Mulberry Court, Bourne Ind Est, Bourne Road, Crayford, Kent DA1 4BF T: 01322 315588 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABGHMO Contracted Out: ELTUWY Specialist Group: RACHP


Knightsbridge Property Services Ltd Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey CR0 0XZ T: 020 8253 4588 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: HL Contracted Out: ABEGIMV Specialist Group: HAPS

KPS Southern Ltd

Kestrel Mechanical Services Ltd

Unit C5 Chaucer Business Park, Watery Lane, Kemsing, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 6YT T: 01732 762150 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: GIMOU Specialist Group: SFG

Keysource Ltd

3 City Place, Beehive Ring Road, Gatwick, West Sussex RH6 0PA T: 0845 204 3333 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ISUV Contracted Out: ABCDEFJPTWY

Kitchen & Duct Cleaning Ltd Unit 003, Mill Studio Bus Centre, Crane Mead, Ware, Herts SG12 9PY T: 0192 044 4245 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: EST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Kingswood Air Conditioning Ltd

BRE Building 3, Room 16 Bucknalls Lane, Watford Hertfordshire WD25 9XX Tel: 01923 662844 Email: Website: Leading award winning specialists within Industrial and Commercial bespoke high efficient combined heating and ventilation systems. Full design, supply and installation service with maintenance packages available. We offer a high quality installation through skilled tradesmen which allows projects to be completed to the highest standards. This ensures that the majority of our work is through repeat business and recommendations.

Oddington Grange Farm and Industries, Weston on the Green, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX25 3QW T: 01865 331731 E: W: Year Joined: 1997 In-House: GJKLMOPQX Contracted Out: ABCDEHITUVWY

Kylemore Services Ltd

Stanmore Business & Innovation Centre, Stanmore Place, Honeypot Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 1GB T: 020 8795 1083 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: AI Specialist Group: HAPS

L Lee Air Conditioning (Services) Ltd

Unit 8, Spitfire Business Park, 1 Hawker Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 4WD T: 020 8680 8926 E: W: Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABEGHILMOSV Cont’d Out: CDFJKPQRTUWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Linaker Ltd

8 Station Road East, Oxted, Surrey RH8 0BT T: 0173 7645300 E: W: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABGHILMSU Contracted Out: FOTVWY Specialist Group: SFG

Lorne Stewart PLC

Kenton Road, Harrow, London HA3 9TU T: 01476 571857 E: W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: FGHIJKMPQUVWX Contracted Out: ABCDELOSTY Specialist Group: SFG

We are continuing to expand our business throughout the UK, in a planned manner and with the delivery of successful projects and customer satisfaction as the forefront of our philosophy.


The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members

South East

Lorne Stewart PLC

Eagle Point 1st Floor - West Wing, Little Park Farm Rd, Southampton, Hampshire PO15 5TD T: 01489 555000 E: W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABGHIM Contracted Out: CDEKLOQTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG

Lowe & Oliver Ltd

Cumnor Road, Boars Hill, Wootton, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 5JW T: 01865 322200 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: GHIJMSWY Cont’d Out: ABCEFKLOPQRTUVX

Lowe & Oliver Ltd

Unit F, Woodside Trade Centre, Parham Drive, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 4NU T: 023 8061 4700 E: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: FGHIJMSVWY Contracted Out: ABCEKLOQRTUX


Maximum Climate Control Ltd

Unit 1 Falcon Court, Parklands Business Park, Forest Road, Denmead, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO7 6BZ T: 023 9226 1005 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: ABGS Specialist Group: RACHP

McAlpine Grant Ilco Ltd

Unit 2, Oakfield Industrial Estate, Eynsham, Oxfordshire OX29 4TS T: 01865 251225 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABIOSV Contracted Out: CDEFGHJKLMPQTUWXY Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

McCarthy Refrigeration Ltd

48 Northwood Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO2 9QT T: 023 9265 0169 E: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABOSV Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: SFG

Mechanical Control Ltd

Maracom Limited

Unit 6 Alpine Way London E6 6LA Tel: 020 7987 8550 Email: Website: Maracom Limited is a Commercial Heating Engineering company with a track record spanning more than 70 years, serving London, Essex, Kent and the Home Counties. Installation and design of Commercial Heating Plant & Systems, Combustion Services, Planned Preventative Maintenance and Repair, Reactive Work, 24 hour Call Out Service. Refractory Installations and Refractory Repairs are a number of our services. With have a large range of repeat long term clients, which includes The Royal Household for which we hold the Royal Warrant to Her Majesty the Queen. We offer the best possible advice and competitive prices for all work, carried out by our directly employed, fully qualified engineers.


| The BESA Book 2022

Unit 20 Ambition Business Centre, Pindar Road, Hoddesdon EN11 0FJ T: 0845 094 2324 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: ACDEGH Specialist Group: HAPS

Mechanical Services Ltd Merlin House, 606 Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey CR0 4RF T: 020 8681 8782 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GIJM Contracted Out: ABCDEFKLOPQRSTUVWXY

Metgo Mechanical Services Ltd

4 Harry Mews, Broughton, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP22 7AT T: 0800 112 0101 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: G

Michael J Lonsdale Ltd

Unit 1 Langley Quay, Waterside Drive, Langley, Slough, Berkshire SL3 6EY T: 01753 588750 E: W: Year Joined: 1989 In-House: EG Cont’d Out: ABCDHJKOPQUWXY

Micro Solve (Hygiene) Ltd

Norstead Ltd

10 York Way, Lancaster Road, Cressex Business Park, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 3PY T: 01494 441445 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Tectonic Place, Holy Port Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 2YE T: 01628 634445 E: W: Year Joined: 1994 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: ABCDEFIJKLOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

MJD Airconditioning Services Ltd

Norton Technical Maintenance

16 Bedford Road, Lower Stondon, Bedfordshire SG16 6EA T: 01462 815756 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABCIOSV

MLK Cleaning Services Ltd

4c Burleigh Parade, Southgate, London N14 5AD T: 07883 525872 E: W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ET Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Mountjoy Ltd

Quarr House, Mountbatten Business Park, Jackson Close, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 1US T: 023 9231 3515 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: S Specialist Group: HAPS, RACHP

MyDuctwork Ltd

59 Rotherfield Avenue, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN23 8JZ T: 01323 659058 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: EST Specialist Group: VHB, VG

N N G Bailey Ltd

14-16 Theale Lakes Business Park, Moulden Way, Sulhamstead, Reading, Berkshire RG7 4GB T: 0118 930 1300 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPQSUVX Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY

Nitor Ventilation Ltd

Unit F, Riverside Industrial Estate, Riverside Way, Dartford, Kent DA1 5BY T: 01322 537699 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: CG Contracted Out: T Specialist Group: VHB

Stadium Business Park, Castle Road, Castle Road, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 3BG T: 01795 228083 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABGHILMSTW Contracted Out: CDUV

O Oakray Ltd

Glasgow Stud, Burnt Farm Ride, Enfield, Essex EN2 9DY T: 020 8370 4500 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: EGHJKLMOPQSVWX Contracted Out: ABCDFITUY

Ocean Industrial Cleaning Ltd

Chalk Dells, 372 Ware Road, Hailey, Hertford, Hertfordshire SG13 7PF T: 01992 413868 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Omega Building Services Ltd

Challis House, 85 High Street, Caterham-on-the-Hill, Surrey CR3 5UH T: 01883 348896 E: W: Year Joined: 1994 In-House: GHIS Cont’d Out: ACDEKLMOQRTUWY

One Facility Ltd

4000 Building, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2DA T: 01438 754122 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: S Contracted Out: FJKLPQTUWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Orlanix Ltd

21-23 Oakdene Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 6BT T: 01737 763999 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: IU Specialist Group: SFG

BESA members

South East

P P & J Dust Extraction Ltd Elmley Industrial Estate, Argent Road, Queenborough, Kent ME11 5GA T: 01795 582600 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: E Specialist Group: VG

P.W. Industrial Services Ltd

61 Meadowview Road, West Ewell, Epsom, Surrey KT19 9TS T: 020 8393 0122 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: ST Contracted Out: E Specialist Group: SFG, VG

Paine Manwaring Ltd

Unit D, Easting Close, Dominion Way, Worthing, West Sussex BN14 8HQ T: 01903 237522 E: malcolm.wain@ W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: DEGHIJLMU Contracted Out: ABCORTVWY Specialist Group: HAPS

Parker Air Conditioning Ltd

Unit 6, Westerham Trade Centre, The Flyers Way, Westerham, Kent TN16 1DE T: 01689 858787 E: W: Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ABGJMOX Contracted Out: CDELRSTUVW Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

PCB Technical Solutions Ltd

Unit 6, Barnes Wallace Court, Wellington Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 3PS T: 01628 648648 E: sandravr@ W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: AGSU Contracted Out: W

PH Water Technologies Ltd

Unit 37 Invincible Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7QU T: 01252 543668 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: AIT

Pilon Ltd

The Columbia Centre, Station Road, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1LP T: 01344 206800 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: H Contracted Out: O Specialist Group: HAPS

Pirbright Electrical Contractors Ltd

Toad Hall, Vapery Lane, Pirbright, Woking, Surrey GU24 0QD T: 01483 474888 E: W: Year Joined: 1997 In-House: ABGHIKMQSU Contracted Out: CDEFJLOPTWXY

PJM Mechanical & Electrical Ltd

Units 25 & 26, Highcroft Estate, Enterprise Road, Horndean, Hampshire PO8 0BT T: 023 9259 2672 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: DEGHIJMO Contracted Out: ABCLPRTUVWXY

Premiair Ltd

11 Armada Avenue, Brooklands, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK10 7FG T: 01908 380345 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: AIS

Premier Mechanical Installations Ltd

Unit 3 Perth Trading Estate, Perth Road, Slough SL1 4XX T: 01753 414243 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GHJP

Price Building Services Ltd Unit 4 Mariner Business Centre, 1 Kings Way, Croydon, Surrey CR0 4GE T: 020 8255 8777 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GHJKMPQRSX Contracted Out: ABCDEILTVWY

Priory Mechanical Services Ltd

Priory House, 479 Godstone Road, Whyteleafe, Surrey CR3 0BL T: 01883 625838 E: W: Year Joined: 1997 In-House: GHIMOS Cont’d Out: ABCDEJLPTUVWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

Propertyserve Building Solutions Ltd

Fagnall Barns, Fanall Lane, Winchmore Hill, Amersham, Buckinghamshire HP7 0PQ T: 0333 222 4462 E: stuart.cavanagh@ W: Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ASW Contracted Out: BCEFGLMRTUVY Specialist Group: SFG

Q Quintex Systems Ltd

8 Ivanhoe Road, Hogwood Ind Est, Finchampstead, Berkshire RG40 4QQ T: 0118 973 9310 E: W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: EFTU Specialist Group: SFG, VHB, VG

Quotehedge Ltd

182 Revelstoke Road, Wandsworth, London SW18 5NW T: 020 8944 6990 E: W: Year Joined: 1989 In-House: GHIMSW Cont’d Out: ACDEFJKLOPQRTUXY

R R J Stearn Ltd

32 Vincent Avenue, Regent Business Park, Crowhill, Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire MK8 0AB T: 0845 034 6420 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABGIMSVY Cont’d Out: CDEFJKLOPQTUWX

Risby Air Conditioning Princes Road, Bourne End Bucks SL8 5HZ Tel: 01628 850123 Email: Website:

Risby Air Conditioning is able to provide a complete support package for maintenance or installation of all building engineering services. Established in 1949, we can tailor engineering services support for everything from a single split system to total building facilities management and refurbishment. We are based in Bourne End, Buckinghamshire with easy access to the M4, M40 and M25. We provide 24 hour breakdown cover for contract holders. We are Building and Engineering Services Association members (formerly HVCA), FGas Registered, Gas Safe registered and members of SafeContractor.


Unit 9b, Gatwick House, Peeks Brook Lane, Horley, Surrey RH6 9ST T: 01737 223392 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: C Specialist Group: VHB, VG

Rentec Ltd

Unit 3, Broom Business Park, Poole, Dorset BH12 4PA T: 01202 717060 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GIM

Right Management Services Ltd

Ground Floor, The Old Bakery, 10 Back Road, Sidcup, Kent DA14 6HA T: 0330 122 7850 E: frankalaminos@ W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GM


Risby Airconditioning Co Ltd

Princes Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire SL8 5HZ T: 01628 850123 E: W: Year Joined: 1989 In-House: ABGIMOS Contracted Out: CDEFRTUVWY Specialist Group: RACHP

RME Services Ltd

6 Bourne Mill Business Park, Guildford Road, Farnham, Surrey GU9 9PS T: 01252 718024 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: GHILMNSX Cont’d Out: ABCDEFJKPQTUVWY Specialist Group: HAPS

Rock Compliance Ltd

Rutherford House, 43 Terrace Road, Walton On Thames, Surrey KT12 2SP T: 01932 243982 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: STW Contracted Out: I Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members

South East

Rydon Maintenance Ltd

Unit 4, Quadrant Court, Charles Park, Crossway Bus Park, Greenhithe, Kent DA9 9AY T: 0845 269 2982 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: GHMS Contracted Out: ABEO Specialist Group: SFG

Sarum Refrigeration Services Ltd

Unit 11 Norton Enterprise Park Whittle Road, Churchfields Industrial Estate Salisbury SP2 7YS Tel: 01722 335072 Fax: 01722 334110 Email:

S Website:

S E Plumbing & Heating Ltd

Barn Studios, Parkgate Road, Newdigate, Dorking, Surrey RH5 5AJ T: 0800 246 5434 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: GHM Specialist Group: HAPS

S R Industrial Ltd

Unit 42, Longshot Industrial Estate, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1RL T: 01344 860145 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABCDEGHIJKLMOPQSUV Contracted Out: TW

Safegroup Services Ltd

24 Ullswater Crescent, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 2HR T: 0800 998 1196 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Saker Controls Ltd

Unit 5 Bicester Business Park, Telford Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX26 4LN T: 01869 247147 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: S Specialist Group: SFG

Sarum Refrigeration Services Ltd

Norton Enterprise Park, Whittle Road, Churchfields Industrial Estate, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP2 7YS T: 01722 335072 E: enquiries@sarumrefrigeration. W: Year Joined: 1975 In-House: AB


Shelbourne Letheby & Co Ltd

| The BESA Book 2022

Sarum Refrigeration Services Limited provide Design, Sales and Service for all aspects of AIR CONDITIONING, AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMPS, VENTILATION & EXTRACTION (including DUCTWORK), REFRIGERATION (including COLDROOMS AND CHILLERS). From small self-contained units for the home, to factory climate control, our fully qualified team of engineers who have a wealth of knowledge and experience provide an unparalleled quality of service. Established for over 50 years, Sarum Refrigeration Services Ltd offers the total solution, from straight-forward sales and servicing up to complete projects, including the initial design and installation through to final commissioning. Our tailored packages are designed to suit your needs, with quality and cost always uppermost in our minds.

SBM Engineering Ltd

Unit 4, Apsley Mills, London Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP3 9QU T: 01442 253312 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: EGHIV Contracted Out: ABCTU Specialist Group: SFG

Scomac Services Ltd

Scomac House, 247 High Street, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 4NG T: 01252 353040 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GHIMS Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLOPQRTUVWXY

Servcom Services UK Ltd

Unit 5 Beeding Court Bus Park, Shoreham Road, Upper Beeding, Steyning, West Sussex BN44 3TN T: 01273 820998 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GHIJLMSUVW Cont’d Out: ABCDEFKOPQTXY Specialist Group: SFG

154 New Kings Road, Fulham, London SW6 4LZ T: 020 7736 4211 E: Year Joined: 1957 In-House: GHIMV Specialist Group: HAPS

ShoreClean Ltd

Millbrook, Horn Lane, Woodmancote, Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9SA T: 01273 491726 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Simer Environmental Services Ltd

15 Arnside Road, Waterlooville, Hants PO7 7UP T: 023 9225 8059 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABCEGMOSV Contracted Out: LUW Specialist Group: RACHP

Skanska Rashleigh Weatherfoil Ltd

Maple Cross House, Denham Way, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire WD3 9SW T: 01923 722700 E: W: Year Joined: 1947 In-House: IJKPQSX Contracted Out: ABCDEFGHLMORTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG

SMS (Southern) Ltd

50a Livingstone Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 3WL T: 01273 204466 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: GHIMO Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLPQSTUVWXY

Sowga Ltd

SSE Contracting Ltd

Unit 1, Blackwater Trading Estate, Blackwater Way, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 4DJ T: 01252 367198 E: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHJKLMQY Cont’d Out: CDEFIOPRSTUVWX Specialist Group: SFG

SSE Contracting Ltd

Southampton Region, Upton Lane, Nursling, Southampton SO16 0XY T: 023 8074 7604 E: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABGHJKMOQS Contracted Out: CDEFILPTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

SSH Cleaning Ltd

2.2 Central Point, Kirpal Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO3 6FH T: 023 9283 9114 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: EST Specialist Group: SFG

Stonegrove Ltd

Unit 3, Boyd Business Centre, Whitewall Rd, Medway City Estate, Rochester, Kent ME2 4DZ T: 01634 291151 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: BGHIJMSTUW Contracted Out: ACDELOV

T T Clarke Contracting Ltd

4-5 The Matchyns, London Road, Rivenhall End, Witham, Essex CM8 3HA T: 020 3693 1776 E: W: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: GIJKMPQX Cont’d Out: ABCDEFLORTUVWY

T Clarke Contracting Ltd

Units 1 & 2, Broomers Hall Park, Codmore Hill, Pulborough, West Sussex RH20 2RY T: 0844 770 3190 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABGLMOSUWY Contracted Out: CET Specialist Group: SFG

Unit 2, Dunmow Road, Bishop Stortford, Hertfordshire CM22 7DG T: 07817 383623 E: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: GIJKMPQX Cont’d Out: ABCDEFLORTUVWY

SSE Contracting Ltd

151 Lewes Road, Brighton & Hove, Sussex BN2 3LG T: 01273 692100 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: EGHIJLSUY Contracted Out: ABCKQTW

Bourne Valley Road, Branksome, Poole, Dorset BH12 1DZ T: 01202 784966 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: BGHJMOX Contracted Out: CE Specialist Group: SFG

T K Installations

BESA members

South East

TDK Mechanical Services (UK) Ltd

c/o Moletrap, Tawney Common, Epping, Essex CM16 7PU T: 020 7482 5278 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: ABCDEGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Technicool Air Conditioning Ltd

Unit A Redlands, Ulllswater Ind Est, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 2HT T: 020 8668 6108 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABEFGHJKLQTVX Contracted Out: CDIMPUWY Specialist Group: RACHP


Dillywood Garden Centre, Dillywood Lane, Higham, Kent ME3 7NT T: 01634 733212 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG

Tecomak Environmental Services Ltd Unit 3b, Valley Industries, Hadlow Road, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 0AH T: 01732 852250 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: DEF Contracted Out: ACT

Thames Valley Mechanical Ltd

Merchant House, 5 East St Helen Street, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 5EG T: 07815 090733 E: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: AEG

The Beaver Co Ltd

968 North Circular Road, Cricklewood, London NW2 7UZ T: 020 8208 1839 E: W: Year Joined: 1987 In-House: GHILMOSV Contracted Out: U

TSG Building Services PLC TSG House, Cranborne Ind Est, Cranborne Road, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 3JN T: 01707 800361 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: G Specialist Group: SFG

Tugwell Heating Co Ltd

Guildford Road, Bucks Green, Rudgwick, West Sussex RH12 3JF T: 01403 823111 E: W: Year Joined: 1978 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: ABCDELOUVW

V Vantage Facilities Ltd

PO Box 67, 23 Cadbury Road, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex TW16 7YF T: 01932 789010 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABGHLMOSUV Cont’d Out: CDEFIJKPQRTWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Vantage Industrial Cleaning

Marjory House, Church Walk, Caterham, Surrey CR3 6RT T: 0845 263 7975 E: admin@ W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: ST

Vear M & E Services Ltd

W W M Refrigeration Ltd 26 Stanton Harcourt Ind Est, Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire OX29 5UX T: 01865 884333 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: AHIOV Contracted Out: C

Watford Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Ltd

Wiggenhall Industrial Estate, Watford, Hertfordshire WD18 0FT T: 01923 227726 E: W: Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABOS Specialist Group: RACHP

Wing’s Technical Services Ltd

Unit 3, Glenmore Business Park, Aerodrome Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO13 0FJ T: 01329 282888 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: EGILMSVY Cont’d Out: ABCFJKOPQRTUW Specialist Group: HAPS, SFG

Unit 4, Old Farm Court, Nursling Street, Nursling, Southampton, Hampshire SO16 0AJ T: 023 8001 1545 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABCDEGHJMS Contracted Out: IKLOPQTUVWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

Ventilation Hygiene Solutions (UK) Ltd

12 Burnetts Gardens, Horton Heath, Hampshire SO50 7BY T: 023 8115 7386 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: FT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

VES Andover Ltd

Eagle Close, Chandlers Ford Industrial Estate, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO53 4NF T: 023 8046 1150 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: AFG Specialist Group: SFG


The BESA Book 2022 |


South West find-a-besa-member BESA provides a free online search service designed to make it easy and quick to find BESA member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a BESA member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most BESA members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

Air Management Solutions Ltd

Units 1 & 2, The Old Gas Works, Chuley Road, Ashburton, Devon TQ13 7DH T: 01364 652570 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABEHILST Contracted Out: CFGMUVWX Specialist Group: RACHP


Airmec Essential Services

A & H Duct Cleaning Services

Unit 5, Woods Browning Ind Est, Respryn Road, Bodmin, Cornwall PL31 1DQ T: 01208 75787 E: ahductcleaningservices@ W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: EFT Specialist Group: VHB, VG

A Cleaning Service Ltd

Unit 8, Tweed Road, Clevedon, Bristol, Avon BS21 6RR T: 0117 325 9250 E: W: Year Joined: 2021

HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group SFG Service & Facilities Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch VG Ventilation Group


| The BESA Book 2022

Alan Manchip Electrical Inwood Farm, Nether Stowey, Bridgwater, Somerset TA5 1HY T: 01278 733536 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABDEHILOU Contracted Out: CFGTY Specialist Group: RACHP

Apleona HSG Ltd

Transfer House, 14-16 Dixon Road, Brislington Trading Estate, Bristol BS4 5QW T: 0117 972 5791 E: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABGMOSU Contracted Out: TVWY Specialist Group: SFG


Air conditioning Refrigeration F gas Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust & kitchen ventilation & maintenance F Indoor air quality G Commercial heating & plumbing H Domestic heating, plumbing, service & maintenance Design & build I J Pipework/hot tapping/ pipe Freezing K Offsite prefabrication L Underfloor heating M C/I gas fitting N Ability to sub-contract O Renewables (Wind, Solar, Biomass, CHP, H/P etc) P Industrial process pipework Q Offsite prefabricated pipework R Thermal/sound insulation S Facilities services T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control system V Commissioning/performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering

Linden House, Almondsbury Business Centre, Woodlands, Bradley Stoke, Bristol BS32 4QH T: 01454 275050 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: T

Aquatonics UK Ltd

Accolade Building Services Ltd New House, 154 Christchurch Road, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 3AP Tel: 01425 477777 Email: Website:

A Dynamic Mechanical & Electrical Contractor, specialising in Design and Contracting of full M&E services. Full in-house Estimating, Design, Cad, and Contracting departments undertaking Design and Installation for both Main Contractor and End User clients. Our professionalism & achievements are our “ACCOLADE”

Ace General Engineering (Cornwall) Ltd Quarry Park Road, Newquay, Cornwall TR7 2NY T: 01637 873324 E: W: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: CEI Contracted Out: DT

Unit 9A, St Mary Street, Thornbury, Bristol BS35 2AB T: 0117 982 5008 E: W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: GJKMQSW Specialist Group: HAPS

Austin (Heating & Air Conditioning) Ltd

The Old Dairy, 59 Radnor Street, Swindon, Wiltshire SN1 3PS T: 01793 536871 E: W: Year Joined: 1979 In-House: GHILMOUV Contracted Out: ABRW Specialist Group: HAPS, RACHP

B & P Buswell Ltd

Compton Barn, Compton, Paignton, Devon TQ3 1TA T: 01803 872717 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: GHIJLMOPSUW Contracted Out: ABCDERTV Specialist Group: SFG

Bamfords (Yeovil) Ltd

2a Kingfisher Close, Gazelle Road, Lynx Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 2PJ T: 01935 423006 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: DGHMOS Contracted Out: ABCEILTVW

Bestaire Conditioning Ltd Unit 2, Wessex Business Centre, Wedmore Road, Cheddar, Somerset BS27 3EJ T: 01934 741174 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABIO

Booth & Bomford (Evesham) Ltd

Unit 2, Mead Park Industrial Estate, Mead Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL53 7EF T: 01242 588220 E: W: Year Joined: 1969 In-House: DEGHIJMOSV Contracted Out: ABCFLPRTUWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Briggs & Forrester Engineering Services Ltd

Linden House, Almondsbury Business Centre, Woodlands Lane, Bristol BS32 4QH T: 0117 959 5930 E: Year Joined: 1961 In-House: GIJMV Cont’d Out: ABCDEFLOPSTUWXY

Brothwell Irvine Ltd

Ground Floor, Homeside House, Decoy Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 5ND T: 01803 298028 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GHIJLMPS Cont’d Out: ABCDEFORTUVWXY



B & H Plumbing & Heating Services Ltd

CBRE Managed Services Ltd

Unit 1 Hill View, Stockwood Vale, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 2AR T: 0117 986 7773 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: DGHIJLMO Contracted Out: ABCEKQUVWX

130 Aztec, Aztec West, Bristol BS32 4UB T: 01454 629666 E: W: Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

BESA members

South West

Chiller Technical Solutions Ltd

24 Westcourt Drive, Oldland, Bristol BS30 9RU T: 0117 932 1992 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABOS Contracted Out: CGIMTV

Clancy Building Services Ltd

Unit 1, Llanthony Business Park, Llanthony Road, Gloucester, Gloucestershire GL2 5QT T: 01452 530090 E: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ET Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

CMB Bristol Ltd

Link House, Unit E, Britton Gardens, Kings wood, Bristol BS15 1TF T: 0117 982 3890 E: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: GJKMPQ Contracted Out: ACDEILOUVWY

Cooks Plumbing & Heating Ltd

37 Grove Road, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 2BJ T: 0117 965 3703 E: Year Joined: 1969 In-House: EGHIMO Contracted Out: ACLRUW

Satellite House, Satellite Bus Park, Crews Hole Road, Bristol BS5 8AG T: 01698 828778 E: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABGHJMOPSW Contracted Out: CDEILTUVXY Specialist Group: SFG

Element Building Management Ltd

394 The Paintworks, Diagonal Alley, Bristol, Avon BS4 3AS T: 0330 223 2230 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: T Specialist Group: RACHP


Unit 3b Greystoke Business Centre, High Street, Portishead, Bristol BS20 6PY T: 01275 819106 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: VW Specialist Group: SFG

Design Installation Service Ltd

Unit 4, Manchester Park, Tewkesbury Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL51 9EJ T: 01242 533120 E: W: Year Joined: 1977 In-House: CGILMY Contracted Out: ABOUV

E E & D Ventilation Cleaning Oaklands, Victoria Road, Barnstaple, Devon EX32 9HP T: 01271 326855 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: T

Facility Services Group 4 Europa Way, Fforestfach Swansea SA5 4AJ Tel: 01792 898040 Email: Website:

Facility Services Group provides FM services to clients across Wales and England. We take pride in our unique ability to provide exceptional intergrated FM services with a team of outstanding Contract Coordinators, Managers and Engineers. As well as planned preventative maintenance, we provide a range of services that includes M&E, plumbing, electrical, grounds maintenance and much more. We offer an emergency 24/7/365 reactive call out service ensuring a reliable and effective response on time, every time.


Equinox North, Great Park Road, Bristol BS32 4QL T: 01454 284900 E: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABS Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

1a Putton Lane, Chickerell, Weymouth, Dorset DT3 4AD T: 01305 783932 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHJKMOQS Cont’d Out: ABCDEFILPTUVWXY

Hewer Facilities Management Ltd

ECG Facilities Services

Shell House, Dawlish Road, Exminster, Devon EX6 8AA T: 01626 332233 E: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: FGHILMVW Contracted Out: O Specialist Group: HAPS

D & B Mechanical Ltd


E J Heating & Eng Co Ltd

Euroflo Group Ltd

F F P Hurley & Sons Ltd

1 Emperor Way, Exeter Bus Park, Exeter, Devon EX1 3QS T: 0330 041 4648 E: W: Year Joined: 1951 In-House: CGHIJKMQRVX Contracted Out: ABDELOPSTUWY

F P Hurley & Sons Ltd

Kestrel Court, Harbour Road, Portishead, Bristol BS20 7AN T: 0330 041 4648 E: W: Year Joined: 1951 In-House: CFGHIJKMOPQSX Contracted Out: ABDELRTUVWY

G G T Building Services Ltd

Unit B1, Bath Bridge Business Park, Bath Road, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4SZ T: 01278 455266 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABGHMOSU Contracted Out: CIT Specialist Group: SFG


Office 2, Tregath Business Park, Camelford, Cornwall PL32 9TX T: 01840 211179 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ST Specialist Group: VHB

Green Man Environmental Services Ltd

Unit 2, Lower Road Trading Estate, Ledbury, Herefordshire HR8 2DJ T: 01531 633989 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABGHLMOSUV Specialist Group: RACHP

GWS Cleaning Services Ltd Unit 324, 179 Whiteladies Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 2AG T: 0800 169 5523 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: ET


Unit G1 The Aquarius Centre, Edison Close, Waterwells, Quedgeley, Gloucester GL2 2FN T: 01452 525854 E: W: Year Joined: 1991 In-House: FHIJLPSUY Contracted Out: ACEOTVW Specialist Group: SFG

Hughes Mechanical Services Ltd

37 Wonford Road, Exeter, Devon TQ2 4PQ T: 07812 608637 E: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: GH Specialist Group: RACHP

I I J Cannings & Son Ltd

Stratford House, Waterbridge Court, Matford Park Road, Exeter, Devon EX2 8EX T: 01392 279354 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: AEFGHIJLMOSVWY Contracted Out: CDKPQRUX Specialist Group: RACHP

Ian Hobbs Technical Services Ltd

Unit 8, Charlton Business Park, Westfield Industrial Estate, Radstock, Bath, Somerset BA3 4BE T: 01761 414356 E: W: Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ABCDEFGIJKLMQSUY Contracted Out: PRTWX Specialist Group: RACHP

Integral UK Ltd

730 Waterside Drive, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4UE T: 01454 278900 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABGHIKMOQSVY Contracted Out: CDEFJLPRTUWX Specialist Group: HAPS, RACHP, SFG, VHB, VG

Integral UK Ltd

Unit 8 Blenheim Court, Lustleigh Close, Matford Bus Park, Exeter EX2 8PW T: 01392 825980 E: Year Joined: 1997 In-House: ABGHKMOQSY Contracted Out: CDEFIJLPRTUVWX Specialist Group: SFG

The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members

South West

Intoheat Ltd

Unit 6 & 7, Short Way, Thornbury Industrial Estate, Thornbury, Bristol BS35 3UT T: 01454 414540 E: W: Year Joined: 1989 In-House: AIOS Contracted Out: GLMTUWXY

Intoheat Ltd

3 Oaktree Place, Manaton Close, Matford Business Park, Exeter EX2 8WA T: 01392 826180 E: Year Joined: 1989 In-House: ABGHJLMOP Contracted Out: CEIKQRTUVWXY

J J.P. Services (South West) Ltd

Unit 7, Kenn Court Business Park, Roman Farm Road, Hengrove, Bristol BS4 1UL T: 0117 964 2640 E: W: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: EGHIJKMQSX Cont’d Out: ABCDFLOPRTUVWY

Jasun Envirocare PLC

Riverside House, Parrett Way, Colley Lane Industrial Estate, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 5LB T: 01278 452277 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: EFGHNTVWY Contracted Out: ABCDR Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

JCW Energy Services Ltd

18 Osprey Court, Hawkfield Business Park, Hawkfield Way, Bristol BS14 0BB T: 07860 951447 E: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABGHIJLMOSUVY Contracted Out: CDEFKPQRTWX Specialist Group: RACHP

Just Air Conditioning Ltd

Unit 5, Badminton Rd Trading Est, Bristol BS37 5NS T: 0845 894 5077 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABIOS Contracted Out: CDETUV Specialist Group: RACHP


| The BESA Book 2022




Keyplan Engineering Ltd

MacWhirter Western Ltd

Pearce Building Services Engineering Ltd

764-766 Fishponds Road, Fishponds, Bristol, Avon BS16 3UA T: 0117 965 9461 E: W: Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ABGHIKMOQX Contracted Out: CDEFJLPSTUVWY Specialist Group: RACHP

L LDS Mechanical Services Ltd

42 Hazelbury Road, Bristol BS14 9ET T: 0117 964 1906 E: W: under construction Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ACDEGUV

Linaker Ltd

Cribbs Business Centre, Hollywood Tower Mansion, Hollywood Lane, Cribbs Causeway, Bristol BS10 7TW T: 0117 959 3245 E: W: Year Joined: 1997 In-House: ABGHLMSU Contracted Out: FTVWY Specialist Group: SFG

Lorne Stewart PLC

The Old Packing Shed, Barncoose, Gwennnap, Nr Redruth, Cornwall TR16 6BJ T: 01209 860199 E: W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: CDGHJKMOPQ Contracted Out: ABEFILSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Lorne Stewart PLC

Barley House, Estover Road, Estover, Plymouth, Devon PL6 7PY T: 01364 654477 E: W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABEGHIJKMOPQSUVXY Contracted Out: CDLRTW Specialist Group: SFG

Lorne Stewart Services

Lorne Stewart Services, 1 Broad Walk, Knowle, Bristol BS4 2RA T: 0117 972 4262 E: W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABES Contracted Out: W Specialist Group: SFG

Unit 2, Chatto Road Ind Est, Chatto Rd, Torquay, Devon TQ1 4UE T: 01803 314566 E: W: Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABIOSV Specialist Group: RACHP

Mannings Facilities Management Ltd

Yew House, Horton Hill, Horton, Bristol BS37 6QN T: 07957 360943 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: AGJMOSV Cont’d Out: BCDEIKLPQRTUWXY Specialist Group: HAPS, RACHP, SFG

Unit 1, Offices 5, 6, 7, Tower Lane Business Park, Warmley, Bristol BS30 8XT T: 0844 980 1944 E: W: Year Joined: 1995 In-House: ABGHIJMOPS Contracted Out: CDEKLQTUVWY Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

Pinnacle Specialist Cleaning Services

MITIE Technical Facilities Management Ltd

PowerNaturally Ltd

Unit 5 Scot Court, Matford Park Rd, Marsh Barton Trading Estate, Exeter EX2 8AW T: 01392 829202 E: W: Year Joined: 1998 In-House: AGIMSV Cont’d Out: BCDEHJLOPTUWXY Specialist Group: SFG

N N G Bailey Ltd

Unit 4 West Point Row, Great Park Road, Bradley Stoke, Bristol BS32 4QG T: 01454 623000 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPQSUVX Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY

Neptune Building Services Ltd

Meadow House, 12 Sabre Close, Green Farm, Quedgeley, Gloucester, Gloucestershire GL2 4NZ T: 01452 429820 E: W: Year Joined: 1986 In-House: ABEGHIJKMOPQV Contracted Out: CDLRTUWXY Specialist Group: HAPS, SFG

O Octagon Heating Services Ltd

91 High Street, Staple Hill, Bristol BS16 5HE T: 0117 957 5557 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: DGHIJMOPSV Cont’d Out: ABCEFKLQRTUWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

8 Marmion Green, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 3DZ T: 0345 202 5757 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

6 Telford Road, Ferndown Ind Est, Ferndown, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 7QL T: 01202 855804 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: EGHILOSV Contracted Out: BM Specialist Group: RACHP

Project Heating Co Ltd

Unit 4, Norman Court, Budlake Rd, Marsh Barton Trading Estate, Exeter, Devon EX2 8PY T: 01392 215790 E: W: Year Joined: 1990 In-House: DEGHJLMOPW Contracted Out: ABCFIKQSTUVXY Specialist Group: HAPS

R R.T.S. Engineering (Somerset) Ltd

Unit 6, Sedgemount Ind Park, Bristol Road, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4AR T: 01278 457294 E: Year Joined: 1975 In-House: EGJKMQ Cont’d Out: ABCFILORSTUVWY Specialist Group: HAPS

Rentokil Specialist Hygiene Ltd

Unit 9, Eldon Wall Trading Estate, Eldon Way, Bristol BS4 3QQ T: 0203 668 5729 E: W: Year Joined: In-House: ET

BESA members

South West


Unit 13b, Thorn Business Park, Rotherwas, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 6JT T: 01432 378060 E: W: Year Joined: 1992 In-House: ABO Contracted Out: CET Specialist Group: RACHP

S S K Heating and Cooling Ltd 229 Bristol Road, Gloucester, Gloucestershire GL1 5TL T: 01452 410500 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABGOS Contracted Out: CEILMTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG

SES (Engineering Services) Ltd

SES West & Central Division, 130 Aztec West, Park Avenue, Bristol BS32 4UB T: 01454 627150 E: W: Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQSTUVWXY

Skanska Rashleigh Weatherfoil Ltd

240 Park Avenue, Aztec West, Bristol BS32 4SY T: 01923 776666 E: W: Year Joined: 1947 In-House: HIJKOPQSX Cont’d Out: ABCDEFGLMRTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG

Spie 365 Compliance

Colburn House, Querns Lane, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 1RP T: 0845 605 0790 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABGHIMOSW

Spie Ltd

80 Macrae Road, Eden Office Park, Ham Green, Bristol BS20 0DD T: 029 2039 3480 E: W: Year Joined: 1965 In-House: IJMPY Contracted Out: LUVWX Specialist Group: SFG

SSE Contracting Ltd

Central Region, Faraday Road, Dorcan, Wiltshire SN3 5EY T: 01793 516193 E: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: FGHIJKLMOPQSX Contracted Out: ACDETUVWY Specialist Group: SFG



T & K Mechanical Ltd

Vent-Clenz Ltd

T Clarke Contracting Ltd

Vent-Tech Ltd

Unit 5 Chantry Park, 2 Cowley Rd, Nuffield Industrial Park, Poole, Dorset BH17 0UJ T: 01202 661968 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ACDEGU

20 St Austell Business Park, Carclaze, St Austell, Cornwall PL25 4FP T: 07786 512031 E: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: GIJKMPQX Cont’d Out: ABCDEFLORTUVWY

T Clarke Contracting Ltd

Unit 9 The Sanctuary, 62 Macrae Rd, Eden Office Park, Ham Green, North Somerset BS20 0DD T: 07786 512031 E: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: GIJKMPQX Cont’d Out: ABCDEFLORTUVWY

T Clarke Contracting Ltd

Unit 18 Newnham Ind Estate, 10 Bell Close, Plymouth, Devon PL7 4FD T: 07786 512031 E: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: GIJKMPQX Cont’d Out: ABCDEFLORTUVWY

Taranis Engineering Ltd

Unit 11 Dragon Court, Crofts End Rd, St George, Bristol BS75 7XX T: 0117 951 0616 E: W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABOU Specialist Group: RACHP

TEK Property Services 523a Gloucester Road, Horfield, Bristol BS7 8UG T: 0117 952 3355 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABCDEGHIJOS Contracted Out: LMUW Specialist Group: RACHP

Trios Facilities Management Ltd

Colburn House, Querns Lane, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 1RP T: 0121 377 5604 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABGIMOSU Specialist Group: SFG

Westford Mechanical Ltd

Unit 8, Warren Farm Bus Units, Kentisbeare EX15 2BR T: 01884 260001 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: T Specialist Group: VHB

5 Osprey Court, Hawkfield Bus Park, Bristol BS14 0BB T: 0117 971 2163 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: EISTV Specialist Group: VG

W Watertite Heating Ltd

Unit 10, Bartlett Court, Lynx Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 2NZ T: 01935 474009 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJLMOPSUVW Contracted Out: KQTXY

- Established 1987 -

Watertite Heating Ltd

Environment House, Unit 2 Venture Way, Priorswood Industrial Estate, Taunton, Somerset TA2 8DG T: 01823 323000 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: BDEGHIMOSV Contracted Out: ACLRTUW

Westford Mechanical Ltd

Unit 2, The Venture Eleven Priorswood Industrial Estate Taunton, Somerset TA2 8DG Tel: 01823 323 000 Email: Website: Westford Mechanical Ltd is an independent company formed in 2003 by Nigel Gulliford and John Fewings who between them have over 50 years experience managing and installing heating, plumbing, air conditioning and ventilation systems. We select the right equipment to match each client’s individual needs, providing for schools, offices, churches, factories, hospitals, large developments and houses. • Work to designers’ specifications and drawings • Carry out designs in-house backed by £5 million PI Insurance • Install a completely new system or refurbish an existing one • Provide integrated designs in keeping and complementary to the buildings’ structure and architecture

Units 9 & 10, Bartlett Court Lynx Trading Estate, Yeovil Somerset BA20 2NZ Tel: 01935 474009 Email: Website: The Design, Installation and Servicing of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Renewable Technologies & Public Health Services for; l Industrial & Commercial Organisations l National & Local Building Contractors l Local Authorities l Health Authorities l Public Sector Offices l MOD Establishments

Covering the Southern Counties, South East, South West & Wales.


The BESA Book 2022 |


Wales Amico Commercial Solutions

A A Clean Services Ltd

Berry Field House, Lodge Road, Caerleon, Newport, Gwent NP18 3QW T: 01633 891471 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Action Air Conditioning Ltd Unit 2 Ringside Business Centre, Heol Y Rhosog, Rumney, Cardiff CF3 2EW T: 029 2079 8488 E: W: Year Joined: 1998 In-House: ABG

AER Cymru Cyf

Unit 10, Cookes Industrial Estate, Penrhyndeudraeth, Gwynedd LL48 6LT T: 01766 770222 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ACDEGHJLMPSUWY Contracted Out: IOTV

Airtech Ventilation Ltd

Unit 1B, Gallagher Retail Park, Parc Pontypandy, Caerphilly, Mid Glamorgan CF83 3GX T: 029 2086 7604 E: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: CDE Specialist Group: VG

Allied Mechanical Engineering Ltd

Unit M4, Clos Marian, Southpoint Industrial Estate, Cardiff CF10 4SP T: 029 2047 0097 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: GHIJKLMPQSVWX Contracted Out: ABCDEORTUY Specialist Group: HAPS

Almac Engineering (Air Conditioning) Ltd

Unit 8, Papermill Road, Canton, Cardiff CF11 8DH T: 029 2023 0815 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: CE

AET Extraction Ltd

Caligo Court, Unit 52, Springvale Industrial Estate, Cwmbran, Torfaen NP44 5BB T: 01633 875520 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: CDEFST Contracted Out: AJOP

Air Conditioning Systems Wales Ltd

Unit 9 Greenway Workshops, Bedwas House Industrial Estate, Bedwas, Caerphilly CF83 8HW T: 029 2086 6700 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABIOSUV Contracted Out: HTY

Airpro Systems Ltd

14a Ty Wern Road, Rhiwbina, Cardiff CF14 6AA T: 029 2069 5120 E: W: Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABCDEFIOS Contracted Out: JPRTUV Specialist Group: VG


| The BESA Book 2022

Unit 2 Llwyn y Graig, Garngoch Ind Est, Gorseinon, Swansea SA4 9WG T: 01792 895111 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: CDFST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB, VG

Amser Building Services Ltd

Comyn Ching & Co (Solray) Ltd

Unit 3 Lewis Court, 50 Portmanmoor Road Ind Est, Cardiff, Wales CF24 5HQ T: 029 2049 9639 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: CDGHILMY Cont’d Out: ABEFJKOPQRSTUVWX Specialist Group: HAPS

Solray Works, Phoenix Way, Garngoch Industrial Estate, Gorseinon, Swansea SA4 9WF T: 01792 892211 E: W: Year Joined: 1904 In-House: GH


Unit F2, Southpoint Ind Est, Foreshore Road, Cardiff CF10 4SP T: 029 2049 3111 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABCHIOS Specialist Group: RACHP

BFL Engineering Services Ltd Trydanol Court, Heol Mostyn, Village Farm Ind Estate, Pyle, Bridgend CF33 6BJ T: 01639 899321 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: GH

Boiler Burner Maintenance Ltd

Unit 317 Woodside Way, Springvale Industrial Estate, Cwmbran, Torfaen NP44 5BR T: 01633 871377 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: CDEGHSUV

Borley Engineering Services Ltd t/a CMB Engineering

Amroc Heating Services Limited

Melrose Close Swansea Enterprise Park Swansea SA6 8QE Tel: 01792 700820 Fax: 01792 797867 Email: Website: We are a forward-thinking customer focused business, delivering Mechanical & Electrical projects to commercial sites throughout the UK. In addition, we offer Plumbing & Heating Maintenance installations and repair contracts to a wide range of residential, commercial and industrial customers. We offer high quality workmanship and complete works to the highest standards, ensuring repeat business and recommendations. Customer satisfaction is at the forefront of our philosophy. We are qualified and experienced in Gas, Oil, LPG, A/C and Electrical works.

CMB West Ltd

Ground Floor, Newby Bus Centre, Neath Abbey Business Park, Neath, Wales SA10 7DR T: 01792 818022 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: GJKMPQX Contracted Out: ACDEFIOUVY

Ground Floor 1 Alexandra Gate, Ffordd Pengam, Tremorfa, Cardiff CF24 2SA T: 029 2036 0434 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABGHJKMQX Cont’d Out: CDEFILOPRSTUVWY

C CMB Renewables Ltd

1 Alexandra Gate, Ffordd Pengam, Tremorfa, Cardiff, West Glamorgan CF24 2SA T: 029 2036 0434 E: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABI

Cool Solution Refrigeration Ltd

D Dragon Air Conditioning Ltd Unit 2, Block C, Western Ind Est, Caerphilly, Mid Glamorgan CF83 1BQ T: 029 2086 2760 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABCDEGHIOSTV Contracted Out: M

Dragon Heating and Cooling Services Ltd

3 Church View, Marcross, South Glamorgan CF61 1ZF T: 01656 895105 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: AGHS

Duct Hygiene Ltd

Mainetti House, Bedwell Road, Wrexham Industrial Estate, Wrexham LL13 0TS T: 01978 664800 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

BESA members



I Integral UK Ltd

E Poppleton & Son Ltd

Conway Road, Mochdre, Colwyn Bay, Conwy LL28 5HL T: 01492 546061 E: W: Year Joined: 1965 In-House: CEKQ Contracted Out: AD Specialist Group: VG

Ecofit Energy Systems Ltd

Rooms 9 - 11, The Courtyard, Parc Busnes Edwards, Llantrisant, Rhonda Cynon Taff, Cynon Taff CF72 8QZ T: 01443 446904 E: W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ILO


Bridgend Branch, Unit 42, Enterprise Centre, Bryn Road, Tondu, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF32 9BS T: 01656 723560 E: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABS Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

Evans Maintenance Services Ltd

Derby House, 29 Castle St, Caergwle, Wrexham, Clwyd LL12 9AD T: 01978 76000 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: EGJMS Contracted Out: AB Specialist Group: SFG

F F P Hurley & Sons Ltd

Queens Road, Bridgend Ind Est, Bridgend CF31 3UT T: 0330 041 4648 E: W: Year Joined: 1951 In-House: CFGHIJKMOPQRSX Contracted Out: ABDELTUVWY

F P Hurley & Sons Ltd

Heol Parc Mawr, Cross Hands Business Parc, Cross Hands, Carmarthenshire SA14 6RE T: 0330 041 4648 E: W: Year Joined: 1951 In-House: CFGHIJKMOPQRSX Contracted Out: ABDELTUVWY

Facility Services Group Ltd 4 Europa Way, Forrestfach, Swansea SA5 4AJ T: 01792 898040 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ABEGHSTU


Facility Services Group 4 Europa Way, Fforestfach Swansea SA5 4AJ Tel: 01792 898040 Email: Website:

Facility Services Group provides FM services to clients across Wales and England. We take pride in our unique ability to provide exceptional intergrated FM services with a team of outstanding Contract Coordinators, Managers and Engineers. As well as planned preventative maintenance, we provide a range of services that includes M&E, plumbing, electrical, grounds maintenance and much more. We offer an emergency 24/7/365 reactive call out service ensuring a reliable and effective response on time, every time.

G G G T Thomas & Son Ltd The Haggard, Llangwm Hill, Llangwm, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire SA62 4NG T: 01437 890920 E: info.ggthomasandson@ W: Year Joined: 1991 In-House: GHILO Contracted Out: ABCDERUW Specialist Group: SFG

Gibson Specialist Technical Services Ltd

Atlantic House, Charnwood Park, Bridgend CF31 3PL T: 01656 767373 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: GHOS

H H & V Fusion & Drilling Ltd Bridge Terrace, Newbridge, Gwent NP11 5FE T: 01495 247805 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GJLMPRW

Highland Services

1a Attlee St, Brynmenyn Ind Est, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF32 9TQ T: 01656 720330 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ACEFGHIMOSUV Contracted Out: BDLW

Unit 17, Tremarl Industrial Estate, Llandudno Junction, Gwynedd LL31 9NF T: 01492 573100 E: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABGHKMOQSY Cont’d Out: CDEFIJLPRTUVWX Specialist Group: SFG

ISTL Engineering Ltd

Unit 1, Bedwas Business Centre, Bedwas House Industrial Estate, Bedwas CF83 8DU T: 029 2052 0073 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: GHJMRSTVY Cont’d Out: ABCDEFIKLOPQUWX

J J D Heating Plumbing & Mechanical Services Ltd Unit 13, Greenhill Court, Springmeadow Business Park, Cardiff CF3 2ES T: 029 2079 9700 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: GHM Contracted Out: AB Specialist Group: HAPS

JCW Energy Services Ltd

1st Floor Unit 8, Village Way, Greenmeadow Springs Bus Park, Cardiff CF15 7NE T: 0117 952 2571 E: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABGHIJLMOSUVY Contracted Out: CDEFKPQRTWX Specialist Group: RACHP

JRS Mechanical Services Ltd

Enterprise House, Pensarn Industrial Estate, Abergele, Conwy LL22 7SF T: 01745 826717 E: W: Year Joined: 1994 In-House: GIJLMS Contracted Out: ACDEOPTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

K K S Barry (Plumbing & Heating) Ltd

The Old Courtyard, 8A Kingston Road, Canton, Cardiff CF11 6HU T: 029 2041 2171 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: GHLMOW Cont’d Out: ABCDEFIJKPQSTUVXY Specialist Group: HAPS


Lorne Stewart PLC

Lorne Stewart House, 1 Village Way, Greenmeadow Springs Bus Park, Tongwynlais, Cardiff CF15 7NE T: 029 2069 4800 E: W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: ABEHIU Contracted Out: CDFLOTVWY Specialist Group: SFG

M Margden Heating Ltd

Unit 1, The Croft, Alltami Road, Buckley, Flintshire CH7 3PG T: 01244 550681 E: Year Joined: 1975 In-House: IJMOP Contracted Out: ABCDELUVWY

MITIE Technical Facilities Management Ltd

Mitie House, 1st Floor, Unit 3 Oaktree Court, Mulberry Drive, Cardiff Gate Business Park, Cardiff CF23 8RS T: 01222 361963 E: Year Joined: 1998 In-House: AGIMSV Cont’d Out: BCDEHJLOPTUWXY

N N G Bailey Ltd

2 Cae Gwyrdd, Green Meadow Springs Business Park, Tongwynlais, Cardiff CF15 7AB T: 029 2052 8400 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPQSUVX Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY

Narbeths Mechanical Services Ltd

49 Main Avenue, Brackla Ind Est, Bridgend, Glamorgan CF31 2AZ T: 01656 669980 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: CEGM Cont’d Out: ABDHJLPSTUVWXY


Units 24/25, Neath Abbey Bus Park, Neath, Port Talbot SA10 7DR T: 01792 449181 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: EGHMS

The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members



Thermal Engineering (Wales) Ltd

Parker Environmental Services Ltd

Unit 11, Polo Grounds Ind Est, New Inn, Pontypool, Torfaen NP4 0TW T: 0149 5753600 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: CDE Specialist Group: VG

Roperhurst Limited

Ty Verlon Industrial Estate, Cardiff Road Barry, United Kingdom CF63 2BE Tel: +44 (0) 1446 732555 Email: Website: We are one of the UK’s longest established fabricators and installers of safety-critical plastic ductwork systems to DW154.

Pearce Elite Plumbing & Heating Ltd

Unit 25, Tondu Enterprise Centre, Bryn Road, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF32 9BS T: 01656 507240 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: GHLO Cont’d Out: ABCDEIJMPSTUVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Our Mission is to ensure the safety of our end users and maximise the quality, longevity and efficiency of their processes by designing, fabricating and installing leading edge equipment at every site. As long-standing members of BESA we are at the vanguard of standards development, chairing DW154 (Industrial Plastic Ductwork) and co-authoring TR40 (Good Practice for LEV).

Premier Compliance UK Ltd Unit 5, The Courtyard, Deeside Business Centre, Deeside, Flintshire CH5 1PP T: 01244 813222 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: EST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Pursey & Ball Ltd

Our 14,000 sq ft factory and specialist machinery ensures that we can manufacture any size of circular and rectangular ductwork, reinforced with GRP as required.

Unit 12, Kenfig Industrial Estate, Margam, Port Talbot, West Glamorgan SA13 2PE T: 01792 818068 E: W: Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ABEGHIM Contracted Out: CDO Specialist Group: HAPS

Roperhurst Ltd



RDM Electrical & Mechanical Services

S & G Air Conditioning Contracts Ltd

6 Cambrian Court, Ferryboat Close, Enterprise Park, Swansea SA6 8PZ T: 01792 701256 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: ACDGIMU

Riverside Industrial Equipment Ltd

Trewsfield Industrial Estate, Tondu Road, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF31 4LH T: 01656 656541 E: W: Year Joined: 2011 In-House: ABCDEFGHJKMOPQST Contracted Out: ILRUVWXY Specialist Group: RACHP


| The BESA Book 2022

Ty Verlon Industrial Estate, Cardiff Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 2BE T: 01446 732555 E: W: Year Joined: 1993 In-House: CDEJKPQSW Specialist Group: VG

29D, Park Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF62 6NX T: 01446 720404 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABIS Contracted Out: CDEFGHJKLMOPQTUVWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

T Taranis Engineering Ltd Unit 9, Fieldway, Heath, Cardiff CF14 4HY T: 0800 031 5263 E: W: Year Joined: 2021 In-House: ABIOS Cont’d Out: CDEFGHLMTUVWY Specialist Group: RACHP

Pipe House Wharf, 38 Morfa Road, Swansea SA1 2EJ T: 01792 655009 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: CDE Contracted Out: A

Tollgate Engineering Services Ltd

Crown Buildings, Unit 16 Mardon Park, Baglan Energy Park, Port Talbot, North Port Talbot SA12 7AX T: 01639 617225 E: lee.turner@ W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: CDEGHJNOUVW Contracted Out: AIKLMPQRTY

W W Mullett Ltd

5, Verlon Close, Ty Verlon Ind Est, Barry CF63 2BE T: 01446 421888 E: Year Joined: 1973 In-House: GHILMOS Contracted Out: CDEUV

Whitehead Building Services Ltd

Lanyon House, Mission Court, Newport, Gwent NP20 2DW T: 01633 242450 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GHMOSY Cont’d Out: ABCDEIJKLPQRTUVWX

West Midlands find-a-besa-member BESA provides a free online search service designed to make it easy and quick to find BESA member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a BESA member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most BESA members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.

A Air Control & Development Ltd

Unit 5, ABS Business Park, Northgate, Aldridge, Walsall, West Midlands WS9 8TH T: 0192 245 5523 E: W: Year Joined: 1996 In-House: ABHLO Contracted Out: ET Specialist Group: SFG

Aquavent Environmental Services Ltd 3C High Street, Alcester, Warwickshire B49 5AE T: 01789 400170 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: TW Specialist Group: SFG, VHB


Air conditioning Refrigeration F gas Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust & kitchen ventilation & maintenance F Indoor air quality G Commercial heating & plumbing H Domestic heating, plumbing, service & maintenance Design & build I J Pipework/hot tapping/ pipe Freezing K Offsite prefabrication L Underfloor heating M C/I gas fitting N Ability to sub-contract O Renewables (Wind, Solar, Biomass, CHP, H/P etc) P Industrial process pipework Q Offsite prefabricated pipework R Thermal/sound insulation S Facilities services T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control system V Commissioning/performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering

HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group SFG Service & Facilities Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch VG Ventilation Group

Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick

1 Trinity Park, Bickenhill Lane, Solihull B37 7ES T: 020 7216 6800 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIJKMOPQ Cont’d Out: ABCDELSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG, VG

Briggs & Forrester Engineering Services Ltd

12 Quartz Point, Stonebridge Road, Coleshill, Birmingham B46 3JL T: 0121 379 8007 E: Year Joined: 1961 In-House: GIJM Cont’d Out: ABCDEFLOPSTUVWXY

C Carter Synergy Ltd

90 Lea Ford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B33 9TX T: 0121 250 1000 E: W: Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ABFGIJLMOPRSTUVWY Contracted Out: CDEHKQX Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

Caterquip Ventilation Ltd

Unit 1 Triumph House, Rigby Close, Heathcote Industrial Estate, Warwick, Warwickshire CV34 6TL T: 01926 887167 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: CDEIV

CBRE Managed Services Ltd

Coleshill House, 1 Station Road, Coleshill, Birmingham B46 1HT T: 01675 432150 E: W: global_corporate_services Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Celsius Solutions Ltd

Towers Point, Towers Business Park, Rugeley, Staffordshire WS15 1UN T: 01889 580274 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABIOS Cont’d Out: CDEFGHJLMTUVW Specialist Group: RACHP

Chillaire Ltd

Unit 1, Veasey Close, Attleborough Fields Ind Est, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV11 6RT T: 024 7632 0300 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: ABGHOSV Cont’d Out: CDEFIJKLMPQRTUWXY

Climate Mechanical Services Ltd

Golden Gates Lodge, Crewe Hall, Weston Road, Crewe, Cheshire CW2 5XN T: 01270 763988 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABDEO

CMK Kitchen and Ventilation Specialists Ltd

The Hollies, Holly Lane, Alvechurch, Birmingham, West Mids B48 7HH T: 01564 829974 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: T

Cormek Solutions Ltd

Unit 1B, Timmis Road, Lye, Stourbridge, West Mids DY9 7BQ T: 01384 591230 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ABCDEGSV Contracted Out: M Specialist Group: RACHP


Crown House Technologies

Trinity Point, Trinity Street, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 4LA T: 01902 405403 E: W: Year Joined: 1904 In-House: GIJKMPQV Contracted Out: CDR

Custom Heat Ltd

164 Lawford Road, Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 2HL T: 01788 568752 E: W: Year Joined: 1990 In-House: GHILMW Specialist Group: HAPS

D Deepclean Hygiene Solutions Ltd

Deepclean House, The Courtyard, Harris Business Park, Hanbury Rd, Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B60 4DJ T: 01527 559880 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ET Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Diamond Facilities Support Ltd

Unit 2222-2226, The Crescent, Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham, Warwickshire B37 7YE T: 01675 463900 E: W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: ABEGJLMOSTY Specialist Group: SFG

Ductbusters Ltd

Mortimer Hall, 1 Birmingham Road, Kidderminster, West Midlands DY10 2BX T: 0121 559 1555 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: EFST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

E EJ Parker Technical Services (Central) Ltd

Parker House, 24-28 Moor Street, Burton on Trent, taffordshire DE14 3SX T: 01283 542661 E: W: Year Joined: 2002 In-House: ABGIJKMPQV Cont’d Out: CDEFHLORSTUWY Specialist Group: SFG

The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members

West Midlands


Birmingham Branch, 2426 Regents Court, The Crescent, Birmingham Business Park, Solihull, Birmingham B37 7YE T: 0117 907 2918 E: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABS

Envirotech Building Services Ltd

Envirotech House, 26 Roman Way, Coleshill, Birmingham, West Midlands B46 1HQ T: 0345 671 8271 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GJMSV Contracted Out: ACEFILOPRTWY Specialist Group: SFG


Holly House, 9-11 Holly Lane, Marston Green, Marston Green, Birmingham B37 7AP T: 0121 685 4545 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABIOS Contracted Out: CDEFRTUVWY

Howells Bradford Ltd

Parkfield Business Centre, Park Street, Stafford, Staffordshire ST17 4AL T: 0333 335 8844 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: T Contracted Out: E Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Hydro Mechanical Services Ltd

FBS Intelligent Engineering (IE) Ltd

386-388 Boldmere Road, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham B73 5EZ T: 0121 382 9988 E: W: Year Joined: 1992 In-House: AFGIJLMOPSX Contracted Out: BCDEKQTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG

H Heating & Associated Services Ltd

Wythall Business Centre, May Lane, Hollywood, Birmingham, West Midlands B47 5PD T: 01564 829310 E: W: Year Joined: 2003 In-House: ABEGMOS Specialist Group: RACHP

Heating & Pipework Installations (Staffs) Ltd

Leigh House, Leigh Lane, Longbridge Hayes, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire ST6 4PB T: 01782 577022 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: IJMP Contracted Out: LUVW

Heating & Pipework Installations (Stoke) Ltd

Leigh House, Leigh Lane, Longbridge Hayes, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire ST6 4PB T: 01782 577022 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: IJMP Contracted Out: LUVW


Hockley Building Services Ltd

| The BESA Book 2022

Unit 1, 17 Reddicap Trading Estate, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B75 7BU T: 0121 378 4000 E: W: Year Joined: 1979 In-House: DEGHIJKMOQV Contracted Out: ACLSTUWX Specialist Group: HAPS, SFG

Hygienic Cleaning Co (UK) Ltd New Road, Pershore, Worcestershire WR10 1BY T: 01905 764171 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: T Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

I Imtech Engineering Services Ltd

3100 Park Square, Solihull Parkway, Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham, West Midlands B37 7YN T: 01784 411600 E: Year Joined: 2021 In-House:

Imtech Inviron Ltd

3100 Park Square, Solihull Broadway, Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham B37 7YN T: 0121 779 7005 E: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: S

Integral UK Ltd

5 Lombard Street, West Bromwich, West Midlands B70 8RT T: 0121 553 5511 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABGHKMOQSY Cont’d Out: CDEFIJLPRTUVWX Specialist Group: SFG

Interserve Engineering Services Ingenuity House, Elmdon Trading Estate, Bickenhill Lane, Birmingham, West Midlands B37 7HQ T: 0333 207 4081 E: W: Year Joined: 1975 In-House: FGIJM Contracted Out: ABCDEHKLOPQRSTUVWXY

Lord Combustion Services Ltd

Senator House, 131 Dudley Rd East, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 3DU T: 0121 544 4191 E: W: Year Joined: 1993 In-House: GHIJMPS Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

J J S Wright & Co Ltd

The Atlas Building, Portland Street, Aston, Birmingham B6 5RX T: 0121 322 4000 E: W: Year Joined: 1930 In-House: GHIM Contracted Out: ABCDEFJKLOPQSTUVWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Just Good Hygiene

Unit 35, Britannia Enterprise Park, Lichfield, Staffordshire WS14 9UY T: 01543 410243 E: W: Year Joined: 2020 In-House: ST

Lord Combustion Services Limited

Senator House, 131 Dudley Road East, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 3DU Tel: 0121 544 4191 Email: Website: With 40 years HVAC experience, we provide mechanical building services to a variety of commercial clients in a wide range of industry sectors. Services offered include planned & reactive maintenance packages as well as project management, design & installation of bespoke systems. We are approved suppliers to many government bodies and our accreditations include UKAS certification to ISO standards 9001:2015 & 14001:2015.

K Klimatec Ltd

2 Lammas Centre, Budbrooke Industrial Estate, Warwick CV34 5WQ T: 0192 640 1745 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABIO Specialist Group: RACHP


Unit 8 & 10, Warwick House Business Park, Southam, Warwickshire CV47 2PT T: 01926 675375 E: W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: CDE

L L Darby & Son Ltd

L Darby and Son Ltd, Torrington Avenue, Coventry CV4 9SX T: 024 7646 8101 E: Year Joined: 1969 In-House: GJKMPQ Cont’d Out: ABCDEILORSTUVWXY

Lorne Stewart PLC

1st floor, 44 Imperial Court, Kings Norton Business Centre, Birmingham, West Mids B30 8ES T: 01214 863505 E: W: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: AGHIJKMPQSUVX Contracted Out: BCDEFOTWY Specialist Group: SFG

M M D Enertech Ltd

Excelsior House, Buntsford Park Rd, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B60 3DX T: 01527 900900 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABGIMO Contracted Out: CDEFLRTUVWY

M&E Maintenance Solutions Ltd

19 Cato Street, Birmingham B7 4TS T: 0121 3805630 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: ABGJMORSU Contracted Out: FKQTWXY Specialist Group: SFG

BESA members

West Midlands

Major Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services Ltd Collin Lane, Willersey, Broadway, Worcestershire WR12 7PE T: 01386 858251 E: W: Year Joined: 1975 In-House: ABH Contracted Out: O Specialist Group: RACHP

Measham Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd

142 Birmingham Road, Aldridge, Walsall, West Midlands WS9 0AH T: 01922 456567 E: W: Year Joined: 1972 In-House: ABGIJMOPSV Cont’d Out: CDEFKLQRTUWXY

Midland Commercial Environmental Services Ltd

The Bungalow, Shadowbrook Court, Shadowbrook Lane, Hampton in Arden, Solihull B92 0DL T: 01676 522112 E: W: Year Joined: 1994 In-House: ABCDEFGIJLMORSTUVWY Contracted Out: P Specialist Group: SFG

Midland Counties Heating Services Ltd

Unit 27, Rees House, Parker Industrial Estate, Mansfield Road, Derby, Derbyshire DE21 4SZ T: 01332 381264 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABEGJLMOPSU Contracted Out: I

Morris Mechanical Services Ltd

Meadowcroft, Meadow Drive, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire ST3 3DT T: 07990 762693 E: chris@morrismechanical W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: CDGHJKMPQS Specialist Group: HAPS

N N G Bailey Ltd

Etna House, Opus 1, 78 New Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham B26 3AY T: 0121 771 7171 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPQSUVX Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY

Pert Air Conditioning Ltd

Unit 11 Wharfside House, Ardath Road, Kings Norton, Birmingham B38 9PN T: 0121 486 4646 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: ABIJO Contracted Out: CFTUVWY Specialist Group: RACHP

Q Quantaqua Ltd

Unit 9 Cattermole Holdings, Market Place, Codnor, Derbyshire DE5 9QA T: 01332 834693 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: EFST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

R R.H.F Heating Company Ltd 71-73 Enville Street, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 1XW T: 01384 393694 E: W: Year Joined: 1991 In-House: ACDEGHIJKMOPQX Contracted Out: FLRSTUVWY Specialist Group: HAPS

Spectrum Electrical & Mechanical Engineers Ltd Faraday Court, 85 Summer Road, Erdington, Birmingham B23 6UT T: 0121 350 9929 E: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GHIM Contracted Out: ALW

Spie Ltd

Second Floor, Unit 1B Stratford Court, Cranmore Boulevard, Solihull, West Midlands B90 4QT T: 0121 713 8100 E: W: Year Joined: 1965 In-House: GIJMPSUY Contracted Out: ACDELTVWX Specialist Group: SFG

T T Clarke Contracting Ltd

Windsor Court, Ascot Drive, Derby, Derbyshire DE24 8GZ T: 01332 332177 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABCDEGHIKLMOQSVW Contracted Out: FJPRTUXY

Rentokil Specialist Hygiene Ltd

Unit 5, Bromford Central, Bromford Lane, Birmingham B8 2SE T: 0808 252 3807 E: W: Year Joined: In-House: ET

S Shropshire Cooling Services Ltd

Brassey Road, Old Potts Way, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY3 7FA T: 01743 359888 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABCDEGHJLMOR

Hartlebury Buildings, Tansey Green Road, Brierley Hill, West Midlands DY5 4TL T: 01384 263463 E: W: tdrmechanical Year Joined: 1982 In-House: GIM Contracted Out: ABCDEJKLOPQRTUVWXY

TBS Mechanical & Electrical Design & Build Ltd

263 Alcester Road South, Kings Heath, Birmingham, West Midlands B14 6DT T: 0121 693 5575 E: W: Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABEGIJMOS Cont’d Out: CDFKLPQRTUVWXY Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

Total Extract Management Ltd

4005a Warstock Road, Birmingham B14 4ST T: 07852 908416 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: T Specialist Group: RACHP, VHB

Turner Process & Mechanical Pipework Installatiom Specialists Ltd

React Cooling Services Ltd

719 Hagley Road West, Quinton, Birmingham B32 1DJ T: 0121 423 2325 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ABILOV Cont’d Out: CDEFGHJKMPQSTUWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

T D R (Mechanical Services) Ltd

TDR (Mechanical Services) Ltd

Hartlebury Buildings, Tansey Green Road, Brierley Hill, Dudley, West Midlands DY5 4TL Tel: 01384 263463 Email: Website: TDR (Mechanical Services) Ltd are a West Midlands based Building Services Contractor, established in 1980. We offer a broad spectrum of services, ranging from smaller traditional mechanical installations through to £2million plus turnkey design and build projects.

Unit F, The Wallows Ind Est, Wallows Road, Brierley Hill, West Midlands DY5 1QB T: 01384 480386 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: GJKMPQ

W William Bailey Ltd

Merlin Court, Ripley Road, Ambergate, Derbyshire DE56 2EP T: 01773 853703 E: W: Year Joined: 1989 In-House: EGHIJKMPQSVWX Contracted Out: ABCDFLRTUY

We offer both mechanical and M&E packages. We have a directly employed, highly skilled & experienced work force, this ensures all of our clients receive a service to the highest standard, which promotes a successful ongoing working relationship.


The BESA Book 2022 |


Yorkshire Aynsley Building Services

Aynsley House, Common Road, Low Moor, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD12 0UF T: 01274 711233 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: G Specialist Group: SFG find-a-besa-member BESA provides a free online search service designed to make it easy and quick to find BESA member(s) that you require to deliver heating, ventilating, ductwork, facilities management, refrigeration, air conditioning, commissioning and maintenance services. The service allows users to search for a BESA member by radius (distance from the project site) and by region: most BESA members are willing to work outside their geographic location and will welcome your enquiry.



A F Connell Ltd

Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick

1 Alfred Street, West Vale, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX4 8LT T: 01422 310400 E: W: Year Joined: 2004 In-House: GHIJMOP Cont’d Out: ABCDEFKLQRSTUVWXY

ADM Systems

Suite 3, Unit A, Briar Rhydding House, Otley Road, Baildon, Shipley, West Yorkshire BD17 7JW T: 01756 701051 E: W: Year Joined: 2008 In-House: EHIOT Specialist Group: HAPS, VG

Airedale Maintenance Services Ltd


Air conditioning Refrigeration F gas Ductwork - Sheet metal Ductwork - Plastics Local exhaust & kitchen ventilation & maintenance F Indoor air quality G Commercial heating & plumbing H Domestic heating, plumbing, service & maintenance Design & build I J Pipework/hot tapping/ pipe Freezing K Offsite prefabrication L Underfloor heating M C/I gas fitting N Ability to sub-contract O Renewables (Wind, Solar, Biomass, CHP, H/P etc) P Industrial process pipework Q Offsite prefabricated pipework R Thermal/sound insulation S Facilities services T Ductwork cleaning & vent hygiene U Automatic control system V Commissioning/performance testing W Water treatment X Lloyds class 1 welding Y Fire protection engineering

HAPS Heating & Plumbing Services Group RACHP Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Group SFG Service & Facilities Group VHB Ventilation Hygiene Branch VG Ventilation Group


| The BESA Book 2022

Unit 5 Woodside Court, Clayton Wood Rise, Leeds LS16 6RF T: 01943 871333 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABHLOS Cont’d Out: CDEFGIJKMPQTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Airmaster Air Conditioning Ltd

Wetherby House, Park Hill, Swallownest, Sheffield S26 4UN T: 0114 288 9911 E: W: Year Joined: 2015 In-House: ABEGIJOSW

Alpha Plus Ltd

336 Coleford Road, Darnall, Sheffield S9 5PH T: 0114 243 3594 E: W: Year Joined: 1993 In-House: IJKOPQWX

Apleona HSG Ltd

Unit 4 Bruntcliffe Way, Leeds 27 Business Park, Morley, Leeds LS27 0LL T: 01483 428674 E: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABGMOSU Contracted Out: TVWY Specialist Group: SFG

2200 Century Parki, Thorpe Park, Leeds LS15 8ZB T: 0113 821 3400 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GIJMOPX Contracted Out: ABCDELSTUVWY Specialist Group: SFG, VG

C C&D Electrical Contractors Ltd

3 Lindrick Way, Barlborough, Chesterfield S43 4XE T: 01246 819735 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: AG

Calder Building Services (UK) Ltd

4 Keighley Road, Ovenden, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX3 6QP T: 01422 383113 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: BILS Contracted Out: CEO Specialist Group: SFG

CBRE Managed Services Ltd

Unit 1 Cliffe Park, Bruntcliffe Road, Morley, Leeds LS27 0RY T: 0113 259 7136 E: W: Year Joined: 1985 In-House: ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXY Specialist Group: SFG

Crowther & Shaw Ltd

Unit 23, Ringway Centre, Beck Road, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 5DG T: 01484 352000 E: W: Year Joined: 1992 In-House: ABISV Cont’d Out: CDEFGJKMQTUWXY Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

D DNM Refrigeration Ltd

Unit 611, Avenue D, Chapel Wood, Thorp Arch Estate, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 7FS T: 0333 0119 005 E: lee.downham@ W: Year Joined: 2019 In-House: ABJOTU Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

E Elite Managed Services Ltd The Bay House, Browgate, Baildon, West Yorkshire BD17 6BY T: 0844 335 6150 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ABGHJMSV Cont’d Out: CDEFIKLOPQTUWXY Specialist Group: SFG

F F R Scott Ltd

Canning Street, Hull, East Yorkshire HU2 8QS T: 01482 324731 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GHJKMOPQVW Contracted Out: ABCDEFILRSTUXY Specialist Group: SFG

Fredshaw & Co Ltd

Victoria Buildings, Albert Street, Lockwood, Huddersfield, Yorkshire HD1 3PR T: 01484 422625 E: W: Year Joined: 1992 In-House: CEU Contracted Out: DRSTV Specialist Group: VG

G G E Griffiths Ltd

Unit 44, Nortonthorpe Mills, Wakefield Road, Scissett, Huddersfield, Yorkshire HD8 9LA T: 01484 863055 E: W: Year Joined: 1990 In-House: DGHIJKLMOPQSUVWXY Contracted Out: ACEFT Specialist Group: HAPS

Gasmech (UK) Ltd

Unit 5 Hill Top Farm, Pepper Hill, Shelf, Halifax HX3 7TH T: 01274 678030 E: W: Year Joined: 2017 In-House: G Specialist Group: HAPS

BESA members


GB Air Control Ltd

Unit 14a & 14b, Moderna Bus Park, Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire HX7 5QQ T: 01422 883761 E: W: Year Joined: 2007 In-House: ABFIOTV

Greenhill Air Conditioning Ltd


John Wright Electrical & Mechanical Services Ltd

I A G Developments Ltd

Unit 31A, Black Dyke Mills, Queensbury, West Yorks BD13 1QA T: 01274 691051 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: G


Suite 8, S18 HUB, Callywhite Lane, Dronfield, Derbyshire S18 2XP T: 01246 410510 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABEIOS Contracted Out: CGLMRTUV Specialist Group: HAPS, RACHP

IAG Developments Ltd

Unit 31A Black Dyke Mills, Brighouse Rd, Queensbury, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD13 1QA Tel: 01274 691051 Email: Website:

H F Brown & Son Ltd

Portland Works, Main Street, Hemingbrough, Selby, North Yorkshire YO8 6QF T: 01757 638262 E: W: Year Joined: 1977 In-House: GHIJKLMOQVW Contracted Out: ABCDESU Specialist Group: HAPS

IAG Developments are experts in commercial Plumbing and Heating installations, qualified to carry out even the most complex heating and Hot water systems, we have in-house experts in GAS, OIL and BIO-MASS applications. We install a wide range of heating products matched to your needs with the most up to date Energy Management tools to guarantee you savings right from the start.

H Pickup Mechanical & Electrical Services Ltd

Durham House, Lower Clark Street, Scarborough, North Yorks YO12 7PW T: 01723 369191 E: W: Year Joined: 1919 In-House: DGHIJKLMOPQSV Contracted Out: ABCEFTUWXY Specialist Group: HAPS

Unit 2, Gloucester Court, Gloucester Terrace, Leeds LS12 2ER T: 0113 263 0318 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GMOX Cont’d Out: ABCDEIJLPRSTUVWY

Hensall Mechanical Services Ltd

Roall Hall, Roall Lane, Eggborough, North Yorkshire DN14 0NA T: 01977 661318 E: W: Year Joined: 1981 In-House: ABGHIJKLMOPQRS Contracted Out: CDEFTUVWXY

Hydro-X Air Ltd

Hydro-X, Unit 1, Manor Drive, Dinnington, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S25 3QU T: 01909 565133 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: ETY

We benefit from working with some of the best suppliers of Heating, Plumbing and underfloor heating products.

Integral UK Ltd

Queens Street, Stourton, Leeds LS10 1SL T: 0113 272 8950 E: W: Year Joined: 2005 In-House: ABGHKMOQSY Cont’d Out: CDEFIJLPRTUVWX Specialist Group: RACHP

J JCH Fabrications Ltd

Unit 9 - 10 Lessarna Court, Bowling Back Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD4 8ST T: 01274 739446 E: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: CES Specialist Group: VG

Unit 12 Bankwood Lane Ind Est, Bankwood Lane, New Rossington DN11 0PS T: 01302 301401 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: T

M M Bielby Ltd

Key Electrical Contractors & Storefitters Ltd


Heating & Pipework Installations (Leeds) Ltd

Unit 1, Common Road, Dunnington, York YO19 5PD T: 01904 424114 E: d.middleton@ W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: GHIJKMPQV Cont’d Out: ABCDELORSTUWXY

Lex Hygiene Ltd

Unit 5 C Roundwood Ind Est, Ossett, Wakefield WF5 9SQ T: 01924 268648 E: W: Year Joined: 2016 In-House: GHJL Cont’d Out: ACEIKMOQRTUVWX Specialist Group: HAPS

Kitchen Hygiene Cleaning Services Ltd Clovelly House, 1-5 Updon Street, Hull, East Yorkshire HU8 7DA T: 01482 212955 E: W: Year Joined: 2012 In-House: ET Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Knight Engineers Ltd

Bramble Croft, Howden Road, Silsden, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 0JB T: 0845 620 4422 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: ABDFGHILMOSTU Contracted Out: CEKQWXY Specialist Group: RACHP

L LABcheck UK Ltd

c/o Space Projects UK Ltd, The Old Scotney Building, Air Street, off Sculcoates Lane, Hull, East Yorkshire HU5 1RR T: 01482 606433 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: E Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Leigh Tec Systems Ltd Suite 4, Larson Road, Goole, East Yorkshire DN14 6XF T: 01405 752401 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: ABCEISUV Contracted Out: T


4 Cave Street, Hull, East Yorkshire HU5 2TZ T: 01482 342653 E: W: Year Joined: 1966 In-House: GHJMOPSVW Cont’d Out: ABCDEFIKLQRTUXY Specialist Group: SFG

Machenair Ltd

Machenair House, Wakefield Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire WF5 9LB T: 0845 291 4005 E: W: Year Joined: 2000 In-House: ABCDEGHIJKMOQTX Contracted Out: LPRSUVWY Specialist Group: RACHP, VG

Mansfield Pollard & Co Ltd

Edward House, Parry lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD4 8TL T: 01274 774050 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: ABCDEFIJKQRTUVX Contracted Out: GHLMOPSWY Specialist Group: VG

MAP Ventilation Ltd

Unit 1, Hanwiz House, Milner Way, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF5 9JF T: 01924 278175 E: W: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: CDEISV

Mitton Mechanical Services Ltd

Mackenzie House, 451 Cleckheaton Road, Low Moor, Low Moor, Bradford BD12 0HS T: 01274 691177 E: W: Year Joined: 1965 In-House: GHIJKLMPQSUVX Contracted Out: ABCDEFOTWY Specialist Group: SFG

N N G Bailey Ltd

Denton Hall, Ilkley, West Yorkshire LS29 0HH T: 01943 601933 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPQSUVX Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY

The BESA Book 2022 |


BESA members


N G Bailey Ltd

R V H M Ltd

Facilities House, 20 Main Street, Hull HU2 0LF T: 01482 661276 E: W: Year Joined: 2001 In-House: ABCDEOSTVW Contracted Out: M Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG, VHB

North Region, Unit 4 Astley Lane Industrial Estate, Astley Lane, Swillington, Leeds LS26 8XT T: 0113 276 5151 E: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: EGHIJMOPRSUW Contracted Out: ABCDFKLQTVXY Specialist Group: SFG

N G Bailey Ltd

Rentokil Specialist Hygiene Ltd


7 Brown Lane West, Leeds LS12 6EH T: 0113 234 3443 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: ABFHIKQSUVY Contracted Out: CDET Specialist Group: SFG

7 Brown Lane West, Leeds LS12 6EH T: 0113 234 3443 E: W: Year Joined: 1983 In-House: GIJKMOPQSUVX Contracted Out: CDEFHLTWY

P Parsons Contracting (Chesterfield) Ltd

Brimington Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 7UL T: 01246 276536 E: wayne.levers@ W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: GHIJLMSV Contracted Out: ACDEFTUWY

Proctor Heating Services Ltd

Culvert House, 4 Whiting Street, Sheffield S8 9QR T: 0114 258 6321 E: Year Joined: 1988 In-House: GHIMOV Contracted Out: ACDE

Q Quality Environmental Services Ltd

Unit 8, Neepsend Industrial Estate, 80 Parkwood Rd, Sheffield S3 8AG T: 0114 272 8838 E: W: Year Joined: 2014 In-House: FT Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

R R Nightingale Ltd

The Old Bank, 2 Westbourne Grove, Scarborough, North Yorks YO11 2DJ T: 01723 370399 E: W: Year Joined: 2013 In-House: ET Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

Chartist Way, Morley, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 9EG T: 0808 252 3807 E: W: Year Joined: In-House: ET

S S R Black Plumbing & Heating Ltd Freightliner Road, Hull, East Yorkshire HU3 4UW T: 01482 589010 E: W: Year Joined: 2010 In-House: HLW Contracted Out: IJP Specialist Group: HAPS

Sayes & Company Ltd

Richardshaw Road, Stanningley, Pudsey, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS28 6BR T: 0113 257 8411 E: W: Year Joined: 1941 In-House: ABGHIJKMOPQSV Contracted Out: CDELRTUWXY Specialist Group: RACHP, SFG

Sayes Service Ltd

Richardshaw Road, Stanningley, Pudsey, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS28 6BR T: 0113 257 8411 E: W: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ABGHIJMOSUVW Contracted Out: CDEKLQRT Specialist Group: SFG

SES (Engineering Services) Ltd

2nd Floor, Moorside, Monks Corss Drive, York YO32 9GZ T: 01904 437340 E: W: Year Joined: 1976 In-House: ABCDEGHIMOSTV Contracted Out: FJKLPQUWXY

Sparks Mechanical Services Ltd

Unit 7 Whitacre Ind Est, Whitacre Street, Huddersfield, Yorkshire HD1 1LY T: 01484 460329 E: Year Joined: 1969 In-House: ABOS


| The BESA Book 2022

SSE Contracting Ltd

T Clarke Contracting Ltd

Low Hall Road, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 4EF T: 0113 258 6711 E: Year Joined: 1999 In-House: ABEGJKMPQSV Contracted Out: CDILRTUWXY

Trivent Ltd

Unit 13, Brown Place, Brown Lane West, Leeds LS11 0EF T: 0113 276 0611 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: CE Contracted Out: D

TWO Services Ltd

Brooklands Court, Tunstall Road, Leeds LS11 5HL T: 01268 727603 E: Year Joined: 2006 In-House: ST Specialist Group: SFG, VHB

V Ventilation Cleaning Services Ltd

Unit 1, Hanwiz House, Milner Way, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF5 9JF T: 01924 261989 E: Year Joined: 2009 In-House: T

VWG Mechanical Ltd

2 Narrow Lane, Harden, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD16 1HX T: 01535 270668 E: W: Year Joined: 2018 In-House: G

W Wright Brothers Partnership Ltd

City Heating Works, Waverley Road, Darnall, Sheffield S9 4PL T: 0114 244 1807 E: Year Joined: 1960 In-House: GJMSU Contracted Out: AR Specialist Group: SFG

BESA Business Insurance Services

Affordable, flexible, and tailored business insurance BESA members can now access competitively priced, high-quality business insurance cover from BESA Business Insurance Services (BBIS), thanks to our collaboration with Marsh Commercial – part of Marsh, a global leader in insurance broking and innovative risk management solutions. Working with BESA Business Insurance Services will help make sure your business’s insurance needs are catered for. We make it easy to secure a wide range of insurance protection, specifically tailored to your business and have a range of cover options available.

“I had been using a broker for a number of years and wasn’t sure if I was getting the best service available. Then I was put in contact with Marsh Commercial through my membership with BESA. Samantha was very helpful and responsive and managed to save me £££’s on my renewal premium.I feel I can trust her to find the right insurance for my needs and this enables me to concentrate in other areas of my business.” Mr M, Co. Down

Get in touch Call us on 03332 413533 for a no obligation discussion regarding your insurance cover or send us an enquiry to

This is a marketing communication. BESA Business Insurance Services is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Jelf Insurance Brokers Ltd (Jelf). Marsh Commercial is a trading name of Jelf Insurance Brokers Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Not all products and services offered are regulated by the FCA (for details see Registered in England and Wales number 0837227. Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, London EC3R 5BU.

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