2 minute read
Sophia Espinoza
5 th Grade • Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy
No “Dear, Mom,” I know. The only reason there isn’t is because this isn’t a normal letter, (and because normal letters are boring.) You can’t truly express yourself.
Now, I know I could've just said this in person, but in truth, I’m too scared, and too much of a crybaby to do so.
I wanted to say I’m sorry, AGAIN. Sorry because no matter how many times I repeat it, I make the same mistake again, and again. Sorry because when you treat me rudely; to show me how it feels, I feel like a piece of dung.
Sorry because I’m mean to you more than once a day, and take this in, again and again. I’m trying to change, I’ll — I’m lying. I haven’t been trying to change at all, and that’s not fair to you.
Sorry because I do feel guilty, and I know that’s not enough, and I’ll start fixing things.
Sorry because I might disappoint you saying this: You say I’m strong, but I’m a weak person being rude to others, to you.
Sorry because I push people away for no reason; people like you, who only want to help. You are stronger than I will ever be because you mine, and a lot of other people’s awful remarks.
Sorry because I could’ve been a better person. I could’ve obeyed you the first time you’ve said an order.
Sorry because I brought you all this pain, I have made you cry.
I’m lost in myself, and trying to FIND myself, I’m pushing people away. I’m pushing away a loving, and caring mom who decides to love me, even after everything I’ve done.
Sorry because I took you for granted, when I shouldn’t have. When you’re gone for a week; like when I was at the farm, it made me realize how much you did. The food didn’t taste the same, my hair wasn’t made the same, no-one there was the same as you. No-one could ever replace you. Mothers are underrated. They are.
Sorry because you’re reading this letter right now, when you don’t like reading, and not hearing this from my voice.
I’ll admit, even writing this has made me cry, because it made me realize more than ever that you do everything for me; take care of me, hug me, give me pills, give me love, you clean with, and for me, you do my hair almost every morning, wake me up, love me, everything, and the hardest one of them all, you forgive me.
Thank you, and on a Mother’s Day. Sorry, because.
Your child,Sophia.