1 minute read
Saroya Ornelas Pagnucci
8th Grade • Francis W. Parker
When people see Chicago, Do they see a community? Or is it just a poverty stricken, violence ridden, town. Where houses are clustered too close together And the rich are high up above, while the poor are begging on their knees.
When I see Chicago, I see a bright town. Full of love, laughter, and happiness. I was born here, raised here, and lived here my whole life. And I am proud to call it my home.
Some people who see Chicago in a bad way:
with no community or happiness, are just not looking the right way. If they would just tilt their head to the side, fix the focus, and switch that gear in their head. Maybe then they would see it clearly.
The happiness, the community, the laughter and the love. We have banded together during this time. To help those in need, Those who are desperate, alone, sick, hurt, or scared. And we have lifted them up. All of us together. Intertwined as one, big, helping hand.
But for those who don’t see it, let me help you. Tilt, turn, switch. There you go, you’ve got it now. See that right there? The old woman who dropped her groceries, Scrabbling to pick them up. And now swoops in a helping hand. Picking up the apples, and oranges, and bananas too.
See that over there? The person sitting on the side of the road. Shivering, cold, hungry, alone. Asking for help. But then, out reaches a small hand. Offering a meal, along with a warm smile.
And see that over there? The person who has fallen sick, deadly ill with the coronavirus. But those doctors and nurses, are helping. Each and every one of them,
are risking their lives For ours. And that, is a big sacrifice. Some of those doctors may not be able to see their children, wives, husbands, families. All of that is for us. And each and everyone one of us, in this place we call home. is helping, giving back, returning to the community. Through simple acts, And large acts, We all give back.
And this is Chicago. Alive with lights and brightness. Laughter and smiles. And everyone, even when apart. Is still tied together, Through community.