1 minute read
Lucy Watkins
3rd Grade • Audubon Elementary
My family is very important because they support me and show compassion for me. For example, my family tries to cheer me up when I am lonely or sad, especially my dad because he teaches me anything I want to know. I love to learn about the government. I think the government is interesting. I enjoy learning about Presidents and how they helped our country. My favorite President is Barack Obama. My family helps me be a better person and teaches me lots of things I need to know in life. My mom is loving and I love to be with her because she is gentle and sweet. She makes sure my whole family stays safe during the coronavirus. She gives us face masks to wear outside and reminds us to wash our hands. This is how I know she loves us and wants to take care of our family. My brother is very important because he plays and talks with me. We like to play card games and create imaginary worlds. I feel happy and joyful when I think about my brother. My parents buy me and my brother learning tools so we can learn while we are out of school during the coronavirus.
My third grade class is an extension of my family and is one of my most important communities. My teacher is gentle and kind and helps me learn. My teacher always forgives my classmates if we do something wrong and she never yells. She teaches us about area, multiplication, and division. She also talks
about ways to write stories and nonfiction books. The lesson on memoirs was my favorite. My teacher always gives us time to think about a question if it is hard. She reads interesting books to us, like the Wayside School series and mystery books. She encourages all students to be kind and respectful to each other. My classmates help me learn by working together to solve hard questions.
My family and school community are very important. Being part of both communities makes my life really happy because I have so many people to help me and so many people who I can help. Because I have so many people on my team, I try new things without being scared and I feel very loved.