1 minute read
Arinav Kutty
5 th Grade • Louis B. Nettlehorst Public School
You stand in a city Where everyone’s busy, With buildings so high And airplanes that fly. You stand in a park Listening to the singing lark, With vast carpets of grass By a lake with plump bass. You sit by a fire With men deciding when to retire, And they pass many tales Of sunny days and dark trails. You walk by a pond And get brushed by a frond, Then you see a log Atop which sits a frog. You see people who cheer and play
And some who dance by the bay, People drink and laugh And eat cakes cut in half. The people you’ve met From sunrise from sunrise to sunset. The things you’ve seen from dirty to clean. The people you’ve met and the things you see Are all part of your community. They help you soar They open a new door. But in this day and age When we are stuck in a cage, We should help them soar So they have troubles, no more.