4 minute read
Natalie Alaniz
6th Grade • Sawyer School
They started talking about a virus, coronavirus, or COVID-19 and I was like, it, it won’t last or it will be something small. But then lots of things started to change and now we’re stuck in our homes not able to go outside only if you need to buy necessary things. My life changed from day to night. Things are new now and very different but now my family and I and everyone, well we have to adapt to the new things that are happening. I started remote learning and things are new and weird. I never thought I would be experiencing this.
Well, let’s talk about the beginning a long time ago, well that’s what it seems like. Many people would say we have years in our house but we don't. We have just a few months. Something that some people may have experienced is that when we could go outside, like nothing is wrong, people wouldn’t go outside but now that we can't go outside people want to go outside. Well, personally when I went to school before they closed I wasn't worried. But then when I was at home more I started to hear the news more and started to get scared and worried saying “What if my family gets it or my friends.” As they announced more cases every day I got more scared because it was something new and I didn't know anything about or when it was going to end. But then I started to do research and I started to calm down. When schools closed I was happy and sad. Thinking about it I miss school, but I got so used to it. But then we couldn’t go outside and that didn't make me happy but at
least we were going to be safe. But now it's kind of normal that the cases are rising but the numbers I wish they would go down instead of up, but I can’t do anything about it...just stay at home and do my part to save lives.
Remote learning- well it started April 13. For now, I am kind of used to it, sometimes it takes most of my time. What we mostly do is online work and websites like IXL and Kahn Academy and we have weekly projects. First, I felt stressed and didn't know what to do and was confused and felt like it was a lot of work, and then I would’t finish until 8 or 9 the latest. But then I was getting the hang of it and understood more and more and then I was finishing it earlier. Now I have my own routine and I am actually starting to enjoy it. We have weekly projects, they are something I would never imagine doing and they are creative and fun. I also have other work from my other classes like physical education, theatre, Korean, and my Science teacher. But sometimes I get lazy and don't want to do it!
My family, right now, it is the most important thing in my life as it has always been. But now I know them even better and they helped me so much. And I try to be more helpful and now the time I spend with them is even more precious. We try to be safe. My Mom's reaction was scared because she had never lived anything like this. My Dad's reaction was scared and he started thinking about what we should do. Now, they aren’t that scared anymore but we're still being careful, and right now I would say that family is the most important thing and they will always be there for you and if you ever feel stressed or worried, talking to them helps you a lot.
As you know the title of this story is my one wish. Well, my one wish is to go outside to explore, and be with my friends. My
one wish is this to all end, like if it was a nightmare and you woke up as nothing had ever happened. But of course, it is not going to happen. But I hope things get better soon. But for now, we should obey what they are saying for the safety of our family and others. Together we will be able to get through this. Remember if you go outside, use a mask and stay 6 feet from others and stay at home to save lives. Remember watching the news helps us stay informed but it can also stress us out so minimize the time you watch the news and spend time with your family. Be safe!!
Special Thanks to My Teachers: Ms.Burke and Ms.Eichhorn and all the teachers of Sawyer School. Also thank you, doctors, nurses, and much more! Thank you for your help!