2 minute read
Arianna Leon
6th Grade • Sidney Sawyer School
How would it be if our World wasn't suffering, In some places will we see the light for others, In some places we finally see the true Beauty of the sky, Will we ever see the harm that we are doing to the world.
Will we ever realize that pollution and much more is a problem.
Will we ever see Mother Nature when it's healthy, because right now there's no going back on what we did. People are not realizing what they are doing to this world, you only have one world.
There is no going back, whatever we do stays. By the time this pandemic is over will people be too afraid to go outside, to go to the park to have fun. Or will it never end, soon it's going to be something new to worry about and things that people are too afraid to talk about, things that make people uncomfortable.
And that is climate change and pollution because are people really going to stop traveling in cars, buses, and stop using cooling and heating systems and change to ride bikes, scooters, roller skates.
How would it be if the world wasn't suffering.
If our world gets back to normal will anything ever change? Would people be too afraid to go outside, when would people live in a world without fear, without hate.
Something that I always wondered is, was at one point was the world filled with joy. When I was a child I remember when everybody would go outside on their bicycles and scooters and roller skates and have fun- nowadays when do I see that. People are scared. When I would go outside my mom would say “no salgas del porche” so every time I saw someone pass by I would hide behind a bush when I was younger.
When are people going to realize what they are doing to this world and back then it was when I was five or six, but I would even be afraid to be outside by myself. And every single time my mom would tell me, go make friends with the neighbors, I was always too afraid.
How would it be if the world wasn't suffering.
What have we done to our poor planet Earth, we are not the only ones, suffering animals are going instinct, we are destroying their homes. Animals decreasing just because of the dumb things we did and sadly it's hard to go back on what we just did. I just wish there was another way for us to get what we need without hurting others. It may be harder but I believe that there is a way to take back what we did. It may be hard, if everybody puts in the effort to care for our planet Earth maybe you would have a better planet.
If we all put in the effort to help out our world and maybe a world would change into a better place and maybe we could all see it glow. We could see its true colors, we could see what the real color of the Sky is. How would it be if the world wasn't suffering.
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi