open cinema 2011

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VII international short & animation film festival OPEN CINEMA 7-! "#$%&'()*%'+! ,#-./0(12 3*)*.3*"#.)($'*4* 3/'* / ('/"(5// OPEN CINEMA


AUGUST, 20-28, 2011 SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA 20-28 (04&-.( 2011 6('3.-7#.#)8&)4, 9*--/:

Festival preview in "The Saint Petersburg times" newspaper | !"#"$ %&$'()*+, ) -*.&'& "The Saint Petersburg times"

OPEN CINEMA 2011 press-conference in Mikhail Shemyakin's foundation. Valentin Tszin and Andrei Bundin (sitar) performing after the official part | /0&$$-1#"%&0&"2(, OPEN CINEMA 2011 ) 3#"4& 5(6*(+* 7&8,1("*. /&0%#8*"$ 9*+&"'("* :.("* ( !"40&, ;<"4("* ($('*0) =#$+& #%(2(*+>"#? @*$'(

Festival president Lyudmila Lipeiko, festival director Tamara Larina, jury member Ilya Stogov /0&.(4&"' %&$'()*+, AB48(+* A(=&?1#, 4(0&1'#0 %&$'()*+, C*8*0* A*0("*, @+&" DB0( E+>, F'#-#)


"()(,*' 3*)*.3*"#.)($'+; ,/12"*0 <*% *.3)+.+" '#8*"

AUGUST, 20-21, 2011 PETER-AND-PAUL FORTRESS BEACH 20-21 (04&-.( 2011 | <1:$ 7#.)*<(01*0-3*! 3)#<*-./

Peter-and-Paul fortress beach | /+,D /&'0#=*)+#)$1#? 10&=#$'(

A movie theatre in the open-air | G("#'&*'0 =#4 #'10H'H8 "&I#8

The organizers: Oleg Doun, Natalia Karamnova, Elizaveta Siomicheva, Tamara Larina, Ksenia Malekina, Elena Zaroubina J0-*"(.*'#0H: J+&- K<", L*'*+(, G*0*8"#)*, M+(.*)&'* F(#8(@&)*, C*8*0* A*0("*, G$&"(, 5*+&1("*, M+&"* N*0<I("*

Mark Nikolaev, Andrei Gavrilov, Elena Zaroubina, Alexandra Gordeeva, Lyudmila Lipeiko, Inna Golman, Gleb Borisov |5*01 L(1#+*&), !"40&? O*)0(+#), M+&"* N*0<I("*, !+&1$*"40* O#04&&)*, AB48(+* A(=&?1#, E""* O#+>8*", O+&I ;#0($#)

Before the projection starting | /&0&4 =#1*.#8

The audience | N0('&+(

The audience | N0('&+(

Musical & optical set by AEROKRAFT | 5<.H1*+>"#-#='(@&$1#& =0&4$'*)+&"(& #' =0#&1'* "AEROKRAFT"

AEROKRAFT: Nikolai Gusev | P@*$'"(1 =0#&1'* "AEROKRAFT" L(1#+*? O<$&)

AEROKRAFT: Andrey Sizintsev | P@*$'"(1 =0#&1'* "AEROKRAFT" !"40&? F(.("2&)

AEROKRAFT: Andrey Gladkikh | P@*$'"(1 =0#&1'* "AEROKRAFT" !"40&? O+*41(6

"The boundaries of bathing" performance by POEMA theatre | /&0%#8*"$ "O0*"(2H 1<=*"(," '&*'0* POEMA

"The boundaries of bathing" performance by POEMA theatre | /&0%#8*"$ "O0*"(2H 1<=*"(," '&*'0* POEMA

"The boundaries of bathing" performance by POEMA theatre | /&0%#8*"$ "O0*"(2H 1<=*"(," '&*'0* POEMA

People on the beach captured by "" | AB4( "* =+,D&, .*=&@*'+&""H& %#'#-0*%#8 ""

Watermelons' distribution organized by "" | Q*.4*@* *0I<.#), <$'0#&""*, ""

Watermelons' distribution organized by "" | Q*.4*@* *0I<.#), <$'0#&""*, ""

"The printed blog" magazine's promo | /0#8#-*12(, D<0"*+* "The printed blog"

"The printed blog" magazine's promo | /0#8#-*12(, D<0"*+* "The printed blog"

Dragana Proti! presenting the program by Banjaluka international animated fi lm festival | K0*-*"* /0#'(@ =0&4$'*)+,&' =0#-0*88< 5&D4<"*0#4"#-# %&$'()*+, *"(8*2(#""H6 %(+>8#) ;*",-A<1*

Inna Golman simultaneously interpreting a film | E""* O#+>8*" #$<R&$')+,&' $("60#""H? =&0&)#4 %(+>8*

the 7-th EDITION: the PROGRAM, the JURY, the PRIZES, the WINNERS, the PARTNERS <)*4)(""(, $=)/, '(4)(%+, <*8#%/.#1/, <().'#)+ 7-4* ,#-./0(1:

AUGUST, 22-28, 2011 "AURORA" cinema theatre "MIRAGE-CINEMA" cinema center 22-28 (04&-.( 2011 3/'*.#(.) ">0)*)(", 3/'*5#'.) "?/)($--/'#"("

16 shorts compete in fiction category. 21 short compete in animation category | 16 1#0#'1#8&'0*D"H6 %(+>8#) $#0&)"<B'$, ) 1*'&-#0(( "E-0#)#& 1("#". 21 1#0#'1#8&'0*D"H? %(+>8 $#0&)"<&'$, ) 1*'&-#0(( "!"(8*2(,"

17 shorts compete in experimental category. 10 shorts compete in documentary category | 17 1#0#'1#8&'0*D"H6 %(+>8#) $#0&)"<B'$, ) 1*'&-#0(( "S1$=&0(8&"'", 4&$,'> - ) 1*'&-#0(( "K#1<8&"'*+>"#& 1("#"


27 shorts compete in three thematic nominations 27 3*)*.3*"#.)($'+; ,/12"*0 -*)#0'&=.-: <* .)#" .#"(./I#-3/" '*"/'(5/:"

"Other lands" "Great expectations" "No anesthesia" "J)&4/# 8#)#4(" "K*12L/# '(%#$%+" "K#M ('#-.#M//"

Non-competition program "PANORAMA 360°" C#3*'3&)-'(: <)*4)(""( "7>CG9>?> 360°" Open Russian festival of animated films in Suzdal G.3)+.+! )*--/!-3/! ,#-./0(12 ('/"(5/*''+; ,/12"*0 0 6&M%(1#

River2river Florence Indian film festival N1*)#'./!-3/! ,#-./0(12 /'%/!-3*4* 3/'* River2river

FICM Morelia international film festival PREMIERE in Russia! ?#$%&'()*%'+! 3/'*,#-./0(12 0 ?*)#1// FICM

ifva Hong Kong independent short film & video awards

PREMIERE in Russia! O*'3*'4-3/! ,#-./0(12 '#M(0/-/"*4* 3*)*.3*"#.)($'*4* 3/'* / 0/%#* ifva

ÉCU The European independent film festival A0)*<#!-3/! ,#-./0(12 '#M(0/-/"*4* 3/'* ÉCU

BANJALUKA International animated film festival PREMIERE in Russia! ?#$%&'()*%'+! ,#-./0(12 ('/"(5/*''+; ,/12"*0 K(':-@&3(

Special screenings 6<#5/(12'+# <*3(M+ "Short cinema of the Basque country" by the courtesy of KIMUAK cinemateque "F*)*.3/! "#.) 6.)('+ K(-3*0" - 1=8#M'*4* )(M)#L#'/: -/'#"(.#3/ KIMUAK

"Paella of Spanish shorts" by the courtesy of MADRID EN CORTO and ECAM "7(P12: /-<('-3/; 3*)*.3*"#.)($#3" - 1=8#M'*4* )(M)#L#'/: (--*5/(5// "F*)*.3*"#.)($'+! ?(%)/%" / ?(%)/%-3*! L3*1+ 3/'*"(.*4)(,//

DANIEL MULLOY complete retrospective (UK) 7*1'(: )#.)*-<#3./0( JQCRQ@> ?>@@GS (T#1/3*8)/.('/:)

"Dance floor", 2002 "U('5<*1"

"Sister", 2004 "6#-.)("

"Antonio's breakfast", 2005 "V(0.)(3 >'.*'/*"

"Dad", 2006 "G.#5"

"Son", 2007 "6+'"

"Baby", 2010 "F)*L3("


"Son", "Baby", "Antonio's breakfast" by Daniel Mulloy "FH"", "G0#T1*", "N*)'0*1 !"'#"(#", 0&D($$&0 KU"(U+ 5*++#?


"ASIAN SYNDROME" contemporary animation of Singapore and Hong Kong ">VR>U6FRE 6RCJ9G?" -*0)#"#''(: ('/"(5/: 6/'4(<&)( / O*'3*'4(

in a partnership with OBJECTIFS centre for photography and filmmaking 0 -*.)&%'/I#-.0# - W#'.)*" ,*.*4)(,// / 3/'* OBJECTIFS

and ifva Hong Kong independent short film & video awards ( .(3$# - O*'3*'4-3/" ,#-./0(1#" '#M(0/-/"*4* 3*)*.3*"#.)($'*4* 3/'* / 0/%#* ifva

Special screening of Russian shorts "RESIDENT.RU" F=&2(*+>"H? =#1*. 0#$$(?$1(6 1#0#'1#8&'0*D"H6 %(+>8#) "QMNEKMLC.QP"

Main competition jury members: Andrei Proshkin, Russia, a film director, the chairman of Kinosoyuz. Vladimir Shaidakov, Russia, the director-general of "Lenfilm" studio | V+&"H DB0( J$"#)"#-# 1#"1<0$*: !"40&? /0#T1(", Q#$$(,, 0&D($$&0, =0&4$&4*'&+> G("#$#B.*. 9+*4(8(0 7*?4*1#), Q#$$(,, -&"&0*+>"H? 4(0&1'#0 1("#$'<4(( "A&"%(+>8"

Main competition jury members: Dragana Proti!, Bosnia & Herzegovina, an executive producer of Banjaluka international animated film festival. Antoine Cattin, Switzerland-Russia, a documentarian | V+&"H DB0( J$"#)"#-# 1#"1<0$*: K0*-*"* /0#'(@, ;#$"(, ( O&02&-#)("*, ($=#+"('&+>"H? =0#4B$&0 5&D4<"*0#4"#-# %&$'()*+, *"(8*2(( ;*",-A<1*. !"'<*" G*''(", 7)&?2*0(,-Q#$$(,, 4#1<8&"'*+($'

Main competition jury member Torunn Nyen, Norway, the Norwegian short film festival honorary president | V+&" DB0( J$"#)"#-# 1#"1<0$* CB0<"" L(&", L#0)&-(,, =#@&'"H? =0&.(4&"' L#0)&D$1#-# %&$'()*+, 1#0#'1#8&'0*D"H6 %(+>8#)

Parallel competition jury member Ilya Stogov, Russia, a writer and a television host V+&" DB0( /*0*++&+>"#-# 1#"1<0$* E+>, F'#-#), Q#$$(,, =($*'&+> ( '&+&)&4<R(?

Parallel competition jury members: Olga Komok, Russia, a musician, a journalist. Boris Nelepo, Russia, a film critic, a radio host V+&"H DB0( /*0*++&+>"#-# 1#"1<0$*: J+>-* G#8#1, Q#$$(,, 8<.H1*"', D<0"*+($'. ;#0($ L&+&=#, Q#$$(,, 1("#10('(1, 0*4(#)&4<R(?

The tall handmade hourglass "Manage your time" is the official festival prize | J%(2(*+>"H? =0(. %&$'()*+, - I#+>T(& =&$#@"H& @*$H 0<@"#? 0*I#'H "P=0*)+,? )0&8&"&8"

Festival director Tamara Larina on the awarding ceremony backstage | K(0&1'#0 %&$'()*+, C*8*0* A*0("* .* 1<+($*8( 2&0&8#"(( "*-0*D4&"(,

Anton Adasinsky and Andrei Panin (percussion) performing on the festival closing ceremony !"'#" !4*$("$1(? ( !"40&? /*"(" (=&01<$$(,) )H$'<=*B' "* 2&0&8#"(( .*10H'(, %&$'()*+,

Andrei Proshkin announcing the "Best fiction short": "The minutes, the hours" by Janaina Marques, Cuba-Brazil | !"40&? /0#T1(" #IW,)+,&' "A<@T(? (-0#)#? 1#0#'1#8&'0*D"H? %(+>8": "5("<'H, @*$H", 0&D($$&0 KD*"*?"* 5*01&$, G<I*-;0*.(+(,

Dragana Proti! announcing the "Best animation short": "Once upon a time there lived a mom" by Anna Artemyeva, Russia K0*-*"* /0#'(@ #IW,)+,&' "A<@T(? *"(8*2(#""H? 1#0#'1#8&'0*D"H? %(+>8": "X(+*-IH+* 8*8*", 0&D($$&0 !""* !0'&8>&)*, Q#$$(,

Lyudmila Lipeiko, Elena Lidovskaya, Kira Tsventoukh, Anna Levenkova AB48(+* A(=&?1#, M+&"* A(4#)$1*,, G(0* :)&"'<6, !""* A&)&"1#)*

Torunn Nyen announcing the "Best experimental short": "Aanaatt" by Max Hattler, UK-Germany CB0<"" L(&" #IW,)+,&' "A<@T(? U1$=&0(8&"'*+>"H? 1#0#'1#8&'0*D"H? %(+>8": "!*"**''", 0&D($$&0 5*1$ Y*''+&0, 9&+(1#I0('*"(,-O&08*"(,

Antoine Cattin announcing the "Best documentary short": "Family matters" by Sarah Horst, Switzerland !"'<*" G*''(" #IW,)+,&' "A<@T(? 4#1<8&"'*+>"H? 1#0#'1#8&'0*D"H? %(+>8": "F&8&?"H& 0*.I#01(", 0&D($$&0 F*0* J0$', 7)&?2*0(,

Main competition special Jury award: "Barking island" by Serge Avedikian, France F=&2(*+>"H? =0(. DB0( J$"#)"#-# 1#"1<0$*: "A*BR(? #$'0#)", 0&D($$&0 F&0D !)&4(1,", 30*"2(,

Andrei Proshkin, Dragana Proti!, Antoine Cattin | !"40&? /0#T1(", K0*-*"* /0#'(@, !"'<*" G*''("

Main competition animation category special Jury mention: "Sweetheart" by Ekaterina Sokolova, Russia F=&2<=#8("*"(& DB0( J$"#)"#-# 1#"1<0$* ) 1*'&-#0(( "!"(8*2(,": "F(.H? -#+<I#@&1", 0&D($$&0 M1*'&0("* F#1#+#)*, Q#$$(,

Main competition special Jury mentions in fiction and documentary categories: "Music in the blood" by Alexandru Mavrodeneanu, Romania, "The Barbarians" by Jean-Gabriel PĂŠriot, France | F=&2<=#8("*"(, DB0( J$"#)"#-# 1#"1<0$* ) (-0#)#? ( 4#1<8&"'*+>"#? 1*'&-#0(,6 $##')&'$')&""# : "5<.H1* ) 10#)(", 0&D($$&0 !+&1$*"40< 5*)0#4("("<, Q<8H"(,, "9*0)*0H", 0&D($$&0 X*"-O*I0(U+> /&0(#, 30*"2(,

Parallel competition winners are awarded with a small handmade hourglass "Manage your time" | /#I&4('&+( /*0*++&+>"#-# 1#"1<0$* <4#$'*()*B'$, 8*+H6 =&$#@"H6 @*$#) 0<@"#? 0*I#'H "P=0*)+,? )0&8&"&8"

Master of ceremony Elena Lidovskaya, festival director Tamara Larina 9&4<R*, 2&0&8#"(( M+&"* A(4#)$1*,, 4(0&1'#0 %&$'()*+, C*8*0* A*0("*

Parallel competition "Other lands" and "Great expectations" winners: "Silent river" by Anca-Miruna Lazaresku, Germany-Romania, "The guilt" by David Victori, Spain | /#I&4('&+( "#8("*2(? "K0<-(& I&0&-*" ( ";#+>T(& "*4&D4H" /*0*++&+>"#-# 1#"1<0$*: "C(6*, 0&1*", 0&D($$&0 !"1*-5(0<"* A*.*0&$1<, O&08*"(,-Q<8H"(,, "Q*$=+*'*", 0&D($$&0 K*)(4 9(1'#0(, E$=*"(,

Parallel competition "No anesthesia" winner: "First fruits" by Pao Paixao, Switzerland. Special Jury mention: "The sea of desires" by Shota Gamisoniya, Russia | /#I&4('&+> ) "#8("*2(( ";&. *"&$'&.((" /*0*++&+>"#-# 1#"1<0$*: "/&0)H& #=H'H", 0&D($$&0 /*# /U(1$*#, 7)&?2*0(,. F=&2(*+>"#& <=#8("*"(,& DB0(: "5#0& D&+*"(?", 0&D($$&0 7#'* O*8($#"(,, Q#$$(,

OPEN CINEMA laureate: "Shatalo" by Alexei Dyomin, Russia | A*<0&*' %&$'()*+,: "7*'*+#", 0&D($$&0 !+&1$&? K&8(", Q#$$(,

OPEN CINEMA laureate: "Auntie Nettle" by Svetlana Zoueva, Russia A*<0&*' %&$'()*+,: "C&'<T1* G0*=()*", 0&D($$&0 F)&'+*"* N<&)*, Q#$$(,

Organizing committee diploma and the prize by "Vitanova" publishing house - Alexander Alexeev's "Creator of shimmering forms" album: "Where dogs die" by Svetlana Philippova, France | K(=+#8 #0-*"(.*'#0#) %&$'()*+, ( =0(. #' (.4*'&+>$')* "9('*"#)*" - *+>I#8 !+&1$*"40* !+&1$&&)* "G#"$'0<1'#0 8&02*BR(6 %#08": "O4& <8(0*B' $#I*1(", 0&D($$&0 F)&'+*"* 3(+(==#)*, 30*"2(,

Audience award: "Army dreams" by Evgeniya Montania-Ibanes, Russia /0(. .(0'&+>$1(6 $(8=*'(?: "Army dreams", 0&D($$&0 M)-&"(, 5#"'*">,-EI*">&$, Q#$$(,

Festival team | G#8*"4* %&$'()*+,



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