Open Creative - Effective Creative Communications

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Could you and your company benefit from Outsourcing design & print? Strategic partnership? Fresh ideas? Creative support? Extra pair of hands? Increased studio capacity? Sickness cover? Staff holiday cover? Help with silly deadlines?


esign ed, graphic d as b sn le e H t nge of aS n of a wide ra en Creative is io p ct O u d 9, 9 ro p 19 d in Founded the design an specialises in at th cy an lt consu unications. pen. creative comm , well, more o is rs u o s p u tse e’re tional agency ur clients, so w o h Unlike conven it w ct ta n level of co ive team. urage a high ss to the creat ce ac ct e ir d We like to enco u ws yo ive a way that allo g a large creat in rc u o structured in ts u o y capacity b xpand your business par tner? Or, e e ic as g e te cr ra in st t o a n d? as s Why borate with u ive team at han at lla e co cr t n o n w o y r h u W having yo project? n your of services, by ior designer o n lio se fo a rt o m p o n fr w e o your nable servic a direct perso You will have be. xt project may e n r nsive u yo r ve e what d with an exte e in b m co s ill gn sk ’re able to nceptual desi roduction, we p t n ri p With strong co d an rk lution. design, ar two ive creative so ct knowledge of e ff e an r e ef and deliv exibility interpret a bri studio – our fl n w o r u o at r here use, off-site o Working in-ho s apar t. is what sets u

t a s n io t u l o s e iv All your creat price. half the agency


business. n is good for g si e d t n e g lli a complete eative and inte campaign, to g We believe cr n ti ke ar m , re e end , sales brochu ceived with th te n si co b e is w o a d ’s e it w Whether everything existing logo; r u yo f o n g si rede r Clients ly in mind. rking with ou o result very firm w , ce n e ri e dustry exp solutions. 20 years of in ective design ff e d an g in We have over it exc ion to produce erials for across the reg marketing mat ce u d ro p d an ptivating ns ting campaig unique and ca ke e ar at e m cr e e at e W . cr We and press n time and nline, in print st standard, o e h ig h e th to use in-store, o at are n solutions th creative desig supporting on budget. reative family C n e p O e th f r working al members o St Helens, ou in With addition ce ffi o r u o rtise with based in aximum expe m s re the core team su n e , rs lts. ith our partne effective resu st relationship w co st o m e eads for th minimal overh

call? a s u e iv g t o n Why ou. y h it w k r o w o t We’d love

Sectors Retail Financial Health Education Public Sector B2B Mail Order Exhibition


A few of the accounts we’ve worked on

rk? o w r u o d n e m m Who would reco ations Officer ic n u m m o C r Senio Laura Roach | ura.Roach@ovh a L | g n si u o H One Vision nager ve Design Ma ti a re C d a e L | Paul Swift | paul.swift@u g n u o Y & st Ern tor | Design Direc tt lli o P e n n a Jo m Forest | joann riter irector/Copyw D ve ti a re C r/ e Own om Mark Fraser | etalmagenta.c m rk@ a m | ta n Metal Mage

Suzanne is an extremely talented and creative designer. She really brings ideas to life, is very enthusiastic and goes above and beyond to deliver the best possible results. She is brilliant to work with and I would highly recommend her - so much so, I have even roped her into designing my wedding stationery!


Susanne Frodsham Communications Officer

Some of the work we’ve created...

You can find us here Suzanne Irving Design Manager | Open Creative Unit 10, Catapult Too Centre, Parade Street , St Helens WA10 1LX 01744 732 077 | 07803 037 668

Connect with us here @opencreative OpenCreativeDesign Suzanne Irving open_creative

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