Helena Partnerships Performance Annual Report

Page 1

Keeping the Promises

Annual Performance Report to Tenants

January to December 2010

2 Annual Performance Report


Keeping Our Promises


Your Home


Your Neighbourhood


Your Tenancy

10 - 11

Having Your Say

12 - 13

How We Run The Company

14 - 15

Value For Money

16 - 17

Detailed Performance Information


Looking Forward


4 Annual Performance Report

Keeping our Promises Welcome to your update on how Helena is keeping its Promises. Last year, we made a number of Promises to you based on what tenants had told us mattered most.

This Annual Report outlines how Helena performed in 2010, including how we are delivering our Promises and how well your feedback and ideas are being listened to by us to improve services. Throughout this report, you will see information and comments from the Customer Excellence Panel (pictured top right page 5) (CEP) – a group of tenants who scrutinise Helena’s services. Where you see information from them, you can be assured that the CEP comments accurately reflect how well Helena is doing.

Welcome from Sandra Binns (pictured left), Chair of the Customer Excellence Panel As the Customer Excellence Panel, our role is to ensure that Helena keeps its Promises and continues to listen to and act on the views of us, the customers. Our Panel is made up entirely of tenants and our role is to review Helena’s performance and identify where improvements can be made. We have been in place for two years now and have done some really interesting work. So far we have reviewed nine Helena services. When we carry out these reviews we look at recent performance, feedback from customers and the service standards that Helena needs to meet. We have the power to say if we don’t think performance is good enough or recommend new standards that we think customers deserve. One of our key achievements in 2010 was to review Helena’s service standards which resulted in the publication of the Customer Charter. The Customer Charter outlines the standard of service you can expect from Helena and your responsibilities as a tenant. Our work is also supported by a group of 500 tenants called One Voice, who take part in regular surveys or attend focus groups to help work out what Helena could be doing better. We also have 10 trained customer inspectors and six young tenant inspectors, who carry out mystery shopping exercises to feedback on the quality of Helena’s services from a customer’s perspective and test whether standards are being met. This approach is recognised as good practice by the Tenant Services Authority (TSA) and we are very proud to be one of just 10 co-regulatory champions in the country. This is an important role which will see Helena work closely with other social housing organisations to increase the level of involvement that tenants have to scrutinise services.

Nine in ten tenants say they are satisfied with the Promises made by Helena

5 Annual Performance Report

Key Here is what the symbols, words and phrases we use throughout the report mean:

CEP Customer Excellence Panel

Performance has improved. Promise has been met.

Performance has stayed the same. Promise is in progress.

Performance has got worse. Promise has not been met as yet.

Local offer – The Tenant Services Authority requires all housing associations to agree local priorities and service standards with its customers. Helena’s local offer is outlined within the Promises document. Performance Indicator or Key Performance Indicator – These tell us how well Helena is performing and are used to monitor day-to-day activities. They help us to easily identify when targets are being hit or when improvements are needed in a particular area. Benchmarking – This is Helena’s performance compared to other similar organisations. It can show where we need to improve, or tells us what we need to achieve to be a top performer. The Customer Excellence Panel uses this information to set Helena’s targets.


Local Offer


Value for money – This is all about deciding if the amount of money Helena spends on something is appropriate to what tenants get out of it. For example, if a lot of money is spent on a service that only benefits a small number of customers, is that a good use of money or not? If Helena improves the way things are done without spending more money, that would be good value for money. If more money is spent and performance gets worse, it would be poor value for money. Customer Charter – This is where you will find details of the level of service you can expect from Helena and what your responsibilities as a tenant are.

Target – This is the level of performance that Helena aims to achieve in that year. We look at how other similar companies are performing and the Customer Excellence Panel help set the targets.

Customer Excellence Panel Name: Catherine Tenant for: 2 years Member of CEP: since January 2010

6 Annual Performance Report

Your Home In this section, we look closely at the quality of services we provide in your home, which includes things like repairs and maintenance.

On March 31st 2010, we managed: •

11,362 general family homes

1,340 sheltered homes for older people and supported properties

13 homes purchased through shared ownership

347 leaseholders

• We employ more than 600 full-time members of staff.

What matters most to tenants?

You said... •

Focus more on getting repairs right first time.

Offer repairs appointments during evenings and at weekends for those who aren’t at home during the day.

Keep tenants informed about what is happening with their repair or if there is any delay.

Update the customer service standards to reflect what matters most to tenants.

Helena listened...

Tenant feedback about Helena’s repairs service shows that at 88% there is a high level of satisfaction with the service – above the national average.

We: •

Now offer evening appointments up to 6pm on weekdays and 8pm on Wednesdays.

Using the feedback received from tenants through surveys and complaints, the Customer Excellence Panel made some suggestions to improve the service even more, such as focus on the overall customer experience, from the time you report a repair to when it is completed.

Offer appointments up to noon on Saturdays.

Provided every tenant with a Customer Charter outlining the service standards you can expect.

7 Annual Performance Report

The table below outlines how well Helena is performing against the targets we aim to meet over the coming years.


Are the Promises being kept?






How we are doing

We promised to reduce the timescale for ‘planned’ repairs from six months to three months. We promised to try to get a repair right first time and will monitor how we are performing against targets. We promised to introduce a new standard for empty homes – agreed with tenants – to ensure the property is clean and tidy when a new tenant moves in.

We are working with our tenants to agree a standard for empty homes which we will publish soon.

Improving your safety Helena’s gas servicing performance was excellent at the end of December 2010, with all homes up to date with their annual servicing certificate. Gas servicing is something Helena has to do by law every year and the gas team is committed to making sure that our homes and the people who live in them are safe. As a last resort, tenants who refuse to let us into their home to carry out the gas safety check have been taken to court. Having your safety certificate gives you peace of mind that your home is safe.

Customer Excellence Panel says… We reviewed tenant feedback for this area and were impressed with the high level of tenant satisfaction. We are pleased that Helena is tailoring its services to meet the individual needs of tenants.

Almost nine in ten tenants are satisfied with the repairs and maintenance service they receive

Customer Excellence Panel Name: Shirley Tenant for: 27 years Member of CEP: since 2009

8 Annual Performance Report

Your Neighbourhood Helena wants its customers to be happy with the community they live in and not just the quality of their home. In this section we look at your local environment and how we are helping to tackle anti-social behaviour.

Anti-social Behaviour:

You said...

We know that tackling anti-social behaviour is one of the things that matters most to tenants. We do a lot of positive work to both prevent and tackle anti-social behaviour, which is often not well known.

Customer Excellence Panel says‌ We suggested that more should be done to raise awareness of the service and to celebrate the successes achieved. Helena listened to our views and includes a regular update about anti-social behaviour in Helena Headlines and on the website, www.helenahomes.co.uk

Keep us better updated about the progress with anti-social behaviour complaints.

Helena listened and... Provides weekly updates to tenants about their cases and because of this, tenants are now more satisfied with the way anti-social behaviour is being dealt with.

Between January and December 2010, we handled 82 anti-social behaviour cases for every 1,000 properties that we own. 85% of people who reported an anti-social behaviour issue were satisfied with the way their case was handled. 83% were satisfied with the outcome of their anti-social behaviour case.



Are the Promises being kept?

Your Neighbourhood


Promise We promised to contact people reporting anti-social behaviour within 48 hours, and in more serious cases, within 24 hours. We promised to train our staff to provide better support to people involved in more serious cases of anti-social behaviour, including domestic violence and hate crime. We promised to do more to keep young people occupied and out of trouble by providing activities in problem areas, particularly during school holidays. We promised to publish a clear standard for our estate caretaking service, including how we maintain flat blocks. We promised to introduce a new Green Space Service to maintain open spaces across our estates, and publish clear service standards and performance results.

How we are doing

9 Annual Performance Report

CASE STUDY: Liam Burbridge is a member of Helena’s Young Voice Panel, a group of teenagers who give their views about Helena services and help organise positive activities for young people across St Helens. The 18-year-old is also a Young Person Inspector for Helena, looking at our services and suggesting improvements.

Liam Burbridge

Liam said: “I would definitely recommend joining Helena’s Young Voice Panel. It’s been a great opportunity for me to build on my skills and meet with other liked-minded young people. I get to have my say about issues affecting youths and I can express my thoughts about how we can give something back to our local community. I wanted to help make a difference to others – Young Voice lets me do this.”

Improving the environment Throughout 2010, the newly-established Green Space Service has worked closely with local residents to improve the way Helena manages open spaces on our estates. We recently recruited a team of Environmental Inspectors, a group of tenants who are trained to test whether we have met our service standards and whether improvements can be made in local environments. The findings of the Environmental Inspectors will help to improve the services that we provide.

Eight in ten tenants are satisfied with their neighbourhood as a place to live

Did you know? Helena helps people back into work and training by hosting jobs fairs, providing advice on CV writing and interview skills, and help finding training or volunteering opportunities. To find out more about what is on offer, or details about the latest jobs fair (which take place throughout the year), call 01744 63 73 83, go to HHTV or visit www.helenahomes.co.uk

Customer Excellence Panel Name: Jim Tenant for: 44 years Member of CEP: since 2009

10 Annual Performance Report

Your Tenancy In this section we look closely at how we let our empty homes and how the rent that you pay is spent.


How do we spend each £1? (1st Jan 2010 -31st Dec 2010)

The chart below shows how Helena’s rents compare to other associations in St Helens. As you can see, our rent levels are competitive compared to other housing associations with homes in St Helens.

You may wonder how Helena spends the rent that you pay. We are currently spending more money than we receive in rent because we have committed to invest large sums of money in our homes and neighbourhoods. Helena take out loans to cover the difference and these loans will be paid back through future income.

Average Rent Per Week (£) 74 72 70 68 66 64 62










Depreciation such as the loss of value on our homes and other assets

31p Improving your homes through major repairs Housing Associations operating in St Helens Helena




William Sutton HA



17p Management costs such as staffing and offices 26p Planned and routine repairs to your homes 9p

Interest on our loans


Services such as grounds maintenance, care alarms and communal areas


Other Social Housing Activities (neighbourhood activities, supporting people, etc)


Non-Social Housing Activities (Choice-based lettings, learning and development, etc)



11 Annual Performance Report

Empty homes and lettings

You said... 80% of those asked found their rent statement useful, but at a cost of £38,000 to print and mail out every year, almost two-thirds didn’t think it was good value for money. You told us that you would prefer to receive a rent statement once a year.

The time it is taking us to let an empty home is reducing which is good news although we can still get better. See page 18 for more detailed performance information.

Customer Excellence Panel says…

Helena listened and... The Customer Excellence Panel looked at this feedback and recommended that Helena looks to make savings in this service area. • Tenants will now only receive one paper rent statement every year. We will start to develop ways of providing rent statements by email and text for those who would prefer this and later this year, will be able to offer online rent statements via the website, www.helenahomes.co.uk


We asked the Customer Inspectors to visit 11 empty homes that were ready to let. The inspectors found that the homes were all a good standard and they would have happily lived in any of them. In some cases they thought that the houses could be a little cleaner.

Are the Promises being kept?






How we are doing

We promised that all new tenants will be offered a welfare benefits check. We promised that new tenants under the age of 25, and tenants moving into homes specifically for older people, are offered extra support and advice to help them live independently.

Customer Excellence Panel

Helena’s Money Matters Team has helped tenants claim more than £1 million in benefits owed to them since April 2010.

Name: Karen Tenant for: 2 years Member of CEP: since 2009

12 Annual Performance Report

Having your say In this section we look at how we listen and act on what you tell us in order to improve on services.

You said... •

How to make a complaint:

Tell customers how to make a complaint

Make it easier to complain (there is a reminder of how to do this on the right)

Keep tenants informed about progress with their complaint.

Helena listened and...

• Write to us at Helena Partnerships, Alexandra Business Park, Prescot Road, St Helens, WA10 3TT. • Drop your complaint in at a Helena local neighbourhood office. • Phone us on 01744 63 73 83

• Will publish regular features promoting our complaints policy in the tenant newsletter, Helena Headlines. •

Changed the complaints form to make it easier for customers to share their views.

Introduced a new automated complaints process to speed up and improve complaints handling within the company.

Introduced a staff training programme to ensure that complaints are effectively handled.

• Email us at: complaints@helenapartnerships.co.uk • Complete a form on the website – www.helenahomes.co.uk • Complete a form through our digital television site, HHTV, accessible through Sky, Virgin and Nintendo Wii. Find out how to access this on the back page of this document.

Customer Excellence Panel says… Every three months we look at tenants complaints to make sure that Helena learns from the mistakes being made. We are pleased to find that Helena has taken on board the findings of the customer inspectors’ mystery shop of complaints, which has led to an increase in customer satisfaction.



Are the Promises being kept?




How we are doing

We promised to provide you with clear information about how you can have your say and the opportunities to get involved. We promised to publish a new complaints procedure which is clear and easy to use, giving you clear timescales of when you can expect a response and the service standard you can expect. We promised to introduce more services for you to access information about Helena, either through a website or digital TV, and develop text messaging as a way of keeping in touch with tenants.

We’ve launched Helena Homes TV. In 2012 we will develop new features on our website and use text messaging more.

13 Annual Performance Report

Over the past year, Helena has listened to what customers have been saying and… •

Developed a new menu of opportunities for tenants to get involved and have their say.

Recruited a team of six young people to become customer inspectors who will test services to make sure that they meet the needs of younger people.

Established the Resident Involvement Monitoring Group, who meet up to four times a year, to review whether Helena is involving customers well enough in the decisions that it makes.

• The Customer Inspectors and the Customer Excellence Panel carried out reviews of complaints procedures, lettings, empty homes, customer satisfaction and Helena’s performance framework. •

Consulted One Voice on our Promises document, rent statements, repairs receipts, complaints, Menu of Opportunities, resident involvement, empty properties and One Call. Launched a new digital television site, HHTV, in December 2010 to give customers another way to access information from Helena – all from the comfort of your armchair. You can also report repairs or anti-social behaviour using this site, if you have Virgin, Sky or a Nintendo Wii.

Are we listening to you - our customers?

It is not just your feedback that helps us to improve the services that you receive – lessons on how to make things better are also learned from complaints. We reduced our target to respond to complaints from 10 to five working days. Between January 1st 2010 and December 31st 2010, Helena received 363 complaints and responded to 86% within the target time of five days. This is an 18% improvement on last year’s performance.

Customer care: When contacting Helena… •

100% of you found it easy to understand the options you hear when you contact One Call.

87% said staff were able to deal with their problem effectively.

97% were satisfied with the outcome of their call.

Customer Excellence Panel says… Focus on the quality of service, not just on how many calls are answered.

Reviewed how we communicate with customers and made some changes, including offering different versions of our tenant newsletter, Helena Headlines. Now there are different editions aimed at older people and families containing information more relevant to those groups.

Customer Excellence Panel Name: Jennie Tenant for: 17 years Member of CEP: since December 2009

14 Annual Performance Report

How we run the company

John Perry, tenant and Vice-Chair of Helena’s Board I’m really proud to be the vice-chair of Helena’s board. I make a contribution to the positive work that Helena already does and it was great to see that my views and suggestions help to make improvements to Helena services.

Helena Partnerships is run by a Board of Directors which is made up of tenants, local councillors, independent members and co-optees (this means representatives of particular services within the community or experts in their field). The Board directs the work that Helena does. The role of the Board includes: • •

Creating a long term vision for the company and the services it provides. Making sure that the company operates within the law and follows regulation set by the Tenant Services Authority.

Making decisions about policy and strategy.

Managing performance and setting budgets.

Forming links with key partners in the community.

The Board Directors sit on the Board for three years and each Board Director can serve a maximum of three times – so nine years in total. We pay our Board Directors a modest sum to reflect the hard work and significant time commitment which goes into their role. Alongside this payment, they participate in a programme of training and assessments to ensure they have skills required to best support and lead the organisation.


£10,000 per year


£4,000 per year

Independent & Tenant Board Directors

£500 per year plus an additional £1,500 per year for those who also act as Board Champions

Special advisors to Regeneration Committee

£250 per year

Council Board Directors

Do not receive a payment

The Customer Excellence Panel has direct links into Board, with the Chair and Vice-chair attending board meetings and reporting on the findings of all service reviews.

Sandra Binns, Chair of the Customer Excellence Panel, says… Helena’s Board always listens to the views of its tenants and the Customer Excellence Panel is a great way for us to share our suggestions for improvements, which have come direct from tenant feedback.

15 Annual Performance Report

Independent Board Directors

Peter Styche Chairman

Bob Barr

Ken Birch

Ian Clayton

Stephen White

Kath Wilkinson

Council Board Directors

Linda Maloney

Richard McCauley

Tenant Board Directors

Marlene Newman

John Perry Vice-Chairman

Co-optee Board Directors

Peter Mercer

16 Annual Performance Report

Value for money The table below shows you how much you pay each year towards the different services Helena provides.

We have compared our figures with other similar associations so that you can compare whether the costs are too high or too low. Value for money does not necessarily mean getting the cheapest price - it is about getting good quality for a good price. We have also considered the quality of the service provided based on customer satisfaction levels and whether targets that the Customer Excellence Panel set have been achieved.


Cost per home (2009/10)


Value for money (VFM)

What the CEP told Helena to do:

Cost of back office services to support frontline activity


Helena demonstrates good value for money ranking top out of 31 similar organisations.

We are pleased that Helena is managing to put frontline services first while maintaining good central support.

Rent arrears & collection


Despite collecting almost 99% of rent owed to us, the percentage of tenants who owe money is still higher than some other associations and we are working to improve this.

Focus on increasing the amount of rent collected from the people who leave Helena homes but haven’t paid everything they owe.

Resident involvement


This includes keeping tenants informed, as well as consulting and supporting tenant groups.

There is a lot of work being done to involve tenants, and the CEP can see some clear outcomes as a result, such as those outlined in this report. A new Menu of Opportunities, which details the different ways you can get involved, has been written and is available on request. Call 01744 637383 or download a copy at www.helenahomes.co.uk

Helena’s costs rank tenth (out of 31), which means we are low when compared to some other associations. A tenant survey tells us that over 70% of you are satisfied with your views being taken into account, which is very high when compared to other associations nationally.

Anti-social behaviour


This includes dealing with complaints of anti-social behaviour and working with partner agencies, such as the police, on initiatives to prevent anti-social behaviour. Helena ranks 17th out of 31 associations, which means our costs are slightly above average. However, 85% of those who reported anti-social behaviour are satisfied with how their case was handled, which is a significant improvement from last year.

This was a key priority for tenants and therefore the CEP expect costs to be higher than others. Satisfaction is improving so the CEP is pleased Helena is moving in the right direction.

17 Annual Performance Report

Customer Excellence Panel says… We rated Helena in terms of the value for money achieved for each service area. Remember, the green icons mean that we are getting good value for money, amber and red means that Helena needs to improve.


Tenancy management

Cost per home (2009/10) £63


This includes monitoring estates, day-to-day support for tenants in their homes, mutual exchanges, enforcing tenancy conditions and sign-ups for new tenants.

Value for money (VFM)

What the CEP told Helena to do: The CEP is pleased to see that Helena is performing well in this area.

Helena ranks 13th out of 31 associations which means that costs are relatively low. Less than 9% of Helena tenants moved out of their homes last year, which is below average when compared to similar organisations. Responsive repairs


This includes all minor ad-hoc repairs that you may report.

Improve costs providing Helena can maintain high satisfaction.

Helena’s costs are high as it ranks 26th out of 31 when compared to similar organisations. However, your feedback tells us that the quality of service is good, with 83% satisfied with repairs and maintenance, which is well above the national average. Customer access

£23 per hour

In 2010, One Call answered 162,089 calls. It took, on average, 15 seconds to answer a call. Our advisors, on average, handle 65 calls each per day and spend 137 seconds on each call.

The feedback from the mystery shoppers was excellent and the CEP is very happy with the service being provided by One Call.

Overall, 100% of customers said they are satisfied with the service provided.

Customer Excellence Panel Name: Joanne Tenant for: 17 years Member of CEP: since December 2009

18 Annual Performance Report


- Detailed Performance Information

You can keep up with how Helena is performing through our tenant newsletter Helena Headlines, online at www.helenahomes.co.uk and on our digital TV site, HHTV. We will update this information at least four times a year. In addition, we are developing a new website about how tenants are scrutinising our services, which will include detailed performance information, survey results and reports from the Customer Excellence Panel. Look out for our Autumn 2011 edition of Helena Headlines for an update on how we are doing in relation to the service standards set out in your Customer Charter we sent you in October last year.

How we performed locally and against other similar housing organisations 2008/09


2010/11 April December 2010

Performance against Target


How the best associations are performing locally and nationally

REPAIRS % of emergency repairs completed within target time of 24 hours:





99.9% (local)

% of urgent repairs completed within target time of 5 working days:





99.3% (local)

% of routine repairs completed within target time of 20 working days:





98.4% (local)

% appointments kept:





98.5% (local)

% rent collected:





99.8% (local)

% of rent arrears:





2.7% (national)

Average time taken to let an empty home:

45.2 days

43.9 days

39 days

43 days

21.5 days (national)

% turnover of people leaving our homes:





8% (local)

% of empty homes as at 31st March 2011:



Not available at time of going to print

No target set

1% (national)



19 Annual Performance Report

Looking forward

The past 12 months have been positive and eventful for the company, our partners and our communities. We won awards, opened a flagship development for older tenants, we celebrated the achievements of our tenants, and we kept all our Promises from 2002 and made some new ones. Last year, we made a new set of Promises to you based on your feedback, and we continue to work very hard to fulfil them – and indeed we are on target to. We created a dedicated Green Space Service to revitalise our estates; launched a new digital TV site - Helena Homes TV providing another platform for you to get information and access our services; and we held our very first ‘open’ Board Annual General Meeting, demonstrating just how keen we are to promote openness and accountability around Board activities. We also faced a number of unexpected challenges throughout the year, from maintaining services to customers through the hardest winter for many years at the beginning of 2010, through to responding to increased calls for assistance as winter came earlier than expected, as the year drew to a close. 2011 is likely to be even more challenging as massive changes to social and affordable housing, introduced by the Coalition Government, begin to take effect. We are actively considering the impact of these changes on welfare benefits and funding streams. We will continue to keep you informed of any changes and how we can help you.

A brand new state of the art community hub, Helena’s Green Base, will open its doors in Summer 2011 in Thatto Heath, offering people the chance to find out more about our Green Space Service and how to look after their environment. And in Autumn 2011, the company will move into a brand new leased central office in St Helens Town Centre, providing tenants with a neighbourhood office and a community resource centre – again things that you said you wanted. We are committed to making sure that we are meeting your needs and giving you value for money for the rent you pay, so we will be working more closely with you to understand your needs and expectations, to offer you the services you want. I would like to thank the Customer Excellence Panel – and all our tenants – who give us their honest feedback so we know that our services are meeting your needs. We value your comments very highly, so please continue to share your views or take part in one of the many opportunities to get involved.

Rob Young Chief Executive

The coming year is set to be another eventful one for the company, with more new housing developments, a new central office and a brand new community Green Base. Our Ratcliffe Park development of apartments and two and three-bedroom houses is set to welcome the first residents shortly, in the popular area of Rainhill, offering rented accommodation, shared ownership and properties for sale. This confirms our commitment and promise to you to continue to build new and affordable homes.

Customer Excellence Panel Name: Irene Tenant for: 29 years Member of CEP: since September 2010


01744 63 73 83


Helena Homes, 3rd Floor, Court Building, Alexandra Park, Prescot Road, St Helens, WA10 3TT





Digital TV:

Sky viewers: Go to the Community Channel (number 539); press the red button; enter Quick Code 4488. Virgin viewers: Press ‘home’ button; choose ‘interactive’; click on ‘news & info’; click on ‘Looking Local’; enter Quick Code 4488. To access through Nintendo Wii or internet-enabled mobile phones, type this into your browser: http://www.lookinglocal.gov.uk/helena

What do you think of this report? Helena and the Customer Excellence Panel are keen to get your views about this year’s Annual Performance Report to tenants. Have we included too much or too little information? Were you expecting to see something that we have missed out? Let us know using the methods above.

Do you need a copy of this document in larger print, audio tape or on CD? If you do, please get in touch by calling us on 01744 63 73 83 or email us at onecall@helenapartnerships.co.uk. Helena Homes is part of Helena Partnerships Limited. Helena Partnerships is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales. Company Registration No: 4141767. Tenant Services Authority No. L4340. Registered Charity No. 1107073. March 2011

Design: Open Creative 01744 732077

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