Under Pressure? Sickness? Extra pair of hands? Deadlines? Staff Holidays? Increased workload? Last minute pitch just landed? Fresh ideas?
er raphic design g d te a v ti o m astic and nced, enthusi e ri e p x e n a . m I’ ry experience st u d in rs a ye nsive with over 20 d with an exte e in b m co s ill esign sk le to conceptual d on and I’m ab ti c u d ro p t n I have strong ri rk and p . design, artwo f o e g d ative solution le re c w o ve kn ti c e ff e an ef and deliver f key g a number o interpret a bri in g a n a m f o m capable ’s retail, o’ attitude, I’ -d n a ‘c a sis, whether it a h b it y W a -d o -t y a d projec ts on a accounts and c tor. on or public se ti a c u d e l, a rately – ci finan iftly and accu sw , rk o w te le p ability to com dd value, I’ve a proven a team – to a g in g a n a m r idually o working indiv encies. improve effici d n a s st co pair reduce eed an extra n u o y if , so , ge a new challen I’m ready for of hands...
I can help.
n/ full time desig in ce n e ri e p x nce commercial e ent and freela n a Over 20 years rm e p th o b ons – working creative positi dios. d in-house Stu n a y c n e g A within on. nd art direc ti a d n u ro g k c a ptual b OS, Strong conce solutions for P ve ti a re c g in nce develop and Solid experie ec t mail, logo ir d s, d n a st n , hibitio al, advertising ri te a brochures, ex m g n ti e lopment, mark branding deve ging. rial and packa te a m l a n o r ti o prom shop, Illustrato to o h P , rk a u Q ng s in InDesign, and attempti sh la F Excellent skill e b o d A ing I’m also learn know!). and Acrobat. (Why? I don’t g in m m ra g ro t Objec tive C p ble to interpre a d n a t n e m e g account mana Client liaison, ly. liver effec tive gn, a brief and de at eye for desi re g a h it w g nin e ground run r detail. Able to hit th culous eye fo ti e m a s lu p y pograph layout and ty a. ean cup of te m a e k a m n a C
Sectors Retail Financial Health Education Public Sector B2B Mail Order Exhibition
A few of the accounts I’ve worked on
rk? o w y m d n e m m Who would reco ations Officer ic n u m m o C r Senio .org.uk Laura Roach | ura.Roach@ovh a L | g n si u o H One Vision nager ve Design Ma ti a re C d a e L | Paul Swift k.ey.com | paul.swift@u g n u o Y & st Ern tor | Design Direc tt lli o P e n n a Jo m e@forestuk.co Forest | joann riter irector/Copyw D ve ti a re C r/ e Own om Mark Fraser | etalmagenta.c m rk@ a m | ta n Metal Mage
Suzanne is an extremely talented and creative designer. She really brings ideas to life, is very enthusiastic and goes above and beyond to deliver the best possible results. She is brilliant to work with and I would highly recommend her - so much so, I have even roped her into designing my wedding stationery!
Susanne Frodsham Communications Officer
Some of the work I’ve created...
You can find me here Suzanne Irving Design Manager | Open Creative sue@opencreative.co.uk www.opencreative.co.uk 07803 037 668
Connect with me here @opencreative OpenCreativeDesign Suzanne Irving open_creative