Jan - Feb 2014

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News and information about the persecuted church worldwide JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2014 For Internal Circulation Only


A persecuted women in Pakistan being taught literacy to boost their self-esteem

EMPOWERING PERSECUTED WOMEN TO STAND UP FOR THEIR RIGHTS...... When she was only six, Sabrina’s (not her real name) father took her out of school and sent her out to work as a cleaner. She never learned to read or write. In her free time, her mother taught her crocheting, to bring in some extra income. Once she became a Christian her father’s abuse and attacks increased. But her life changed when, aged 15, she found out about the Christian Women’s Centre in Pakistan. “In those early days we met in a shed and in the back of a farm,” recalls Lydia, who ran the centre. “Sabrina came to learn and receive healing, but we soon found she was giving more than we could give her! With all she had been through and continued to go through, she demonstrated Christ’s love and hope to the broken women around her.” The Women’s Centre taught Sabrina to read and write. More importantly, it enabled her to read the Bible, to stand on her own two feet and to have confidence in Christ. No matter how much her father beat her, she would still praise God and make beautiful things that told the story of God in her life. Page 2

Eventually, Sabrina married and left home. But five years later, her husband’s ill health meant that he lost his job, and they had to move temporarily back to her parents’ home. Her father had never stopped hating the Women’s Centre – especially the way that it broke his power over her. So he took the opportunity to gather the local elders and instruct his son-in-law to stop her attending. “She has fought since she was a child,” he said. “You must beat her into submission! It is not good for a woman to be strong-willed.” But, amazingly, her husband stood up for her. “Sabrina loves her work and the Women’s Centre,” he said. “The work and praying community there give her strength to live. She smiles through her day, our children have food and can go to school. The centre has not harmed us, so why should I stop her from going there? “I will not hit my wife. She loves me and she loves God. I will not let you hit her, either. She will go to the centre. She will teach women. She will teach them about God and to stand up to men like you!”

A persecuted women in Africa being provided with a sewing machine to make a living

EMPOWERING PERSECUTED WOMEN TO FIND BLESSING IN SUFFERING FOR CHRIST….. Fatima (not her real name) is 28 years old and lives in Cameroon. About 16 years ago, she gave her life to Christ. One day, she discovered a Gideon’s Bible and opened it to Matthew 5:10, “Blessed are those who are persecuted…..” Not too long after this, aged only 12, she was married off to a Muslim man. She gave birth to three children before the age of 14. Then she had a dream. She saw two rooms, one was filled with light, and the other was completely dark. Fatima found herself in the dark room. A man then told her to leave the dark room and enter the room filled with light and peace. The next moment, she was surrounded by Muslims who threw all kinds of rubbish at her, shouting: “Why have you moved to the other room?” Fatima understood if she left Islam for Christianity, she would be persecuted. It didn’t stop her. She obtained a New Testament, started reading it, invited Jesus Christ into her life and became a Christian.

She tried to keep it secret, but her family found out. She was severely beaten. Her husband divorced her, leaving her and her three children with nowhere to go. She ended up back at home, where her father forced her to take some traditional remedies and ritual baths to cure her from her ‘mental illness’. She refused to give in and was expelled from the family. Initially she was supported by some Christians, but even so, she ran out of money. She was vulnerable. Penniless. Alone. Fortunately for Fatima, a Christian named Esther, who works with Christian women from Islamic background, came into contact with Fatima. She started supporting her spiritually and financially. Esther introduced Fatima to Open Doors. We were able to help Fatima with her health problems (she has serious asthma) and to earn money: we donated a sewing machine to Fatima and paid for training. It’s not much. But after everything Fatima had gone through, she firmly believes in Matthew 5:10: “Blessed are those who are persecuted…….” Page 3

ARE YOU INTERESTED TO SUPPORT PERSECUTED WOMEN? There are millions of Christian women around the world. And many of them are in situations like Sabrina and Fatima: illiterate, unskilled, and at the mercy of oppressive, male-dominated, anti-Christians societies. Open Doors is working with women like these to give them the skills and support they need to be a witness to the world around them and to stand strong. The situation is particularly bad in Muslim-majority countries where state laws are based entirely on Sharia (Islamic Law). In Iran, for example, the Council of Guardians decreed that “A woman cannot leave her home without her husband’s permission, even to attend her father’s funeral.” The Iranian constitution states: “Women who appear on streets and in public without the prescribed ‘Islamic Hijab’ will be condemned to 74 strokes of the lash. “ In these countries, women are traditionally treated as second-class citizens. But female Christians are in an even worse situation, because they are the weakest members of Page 4

an ‘infidel’, outcast group. Whatever abuses Muslim women and girls may suffer – and their wounds are many – the sufferings of Christian women are exponentially more intense and life-threatening. This is because Christians are generally perceived as undesirable minorities and must be eliminated or suppressed. It is estimated that “over 200 million Christians are denied fundamental human rights solely because of their faith.” A new report (Gender-Based Violence as an expression of Christian Persecution in Muslim Lands) by the US Hudson Institute researcher, Lela Gilbert, states that gender-based violence plays a key strategic role in the plans of those who wish to eradicate Christians and Christian belief from Muslim lands. The next few articles will highlight cases of persecution towards women and how Open Doors is coming in to support these women to stand strong in their faith. As part of the Body of Christ worldwide, you have a role to play so that the plans of the devil to eradicate the church in these last days will be foiled.

In Malaysia, we are committed to bring understanding and awareness of our W2W (Women to Women) ministry to you. We believe that as women and as part of the Body of Christ worldwide, we have a role to play in strengthening the faith of our sisters in Christ in facing the onslaught of persecution. The society that they live in will make them feel weak and valueless, yet we, in the Lord, can make them feel strong and precious. This year, we will initiate two programs for our W2W ministry. They are:-



We are looking to organise prayer & bible study groups in various homes for Christian women. We will be gathering to pray and intercede on behalf of nations and persecuted Christians as well as learning some spiritual lessons from the testimonies of these giants of faith. In this way, not only will we bless them with our prayers but we will also be blessed by their testimonies.

Through our special women travel ministry, you will meet with persecuted women to bring them encouragement and hope by just being there. The presence ministry of Open Doors have been a key vital support that helps many persecuted Christians know that they are not alone in their suffering. You will have the opportunity to visit these believers and be there with them to share their pain.

If you are interested to participate in these two programs, do contact our staff, Ms Katherine at 03-33418905 or email to katherinek@od.org for more details.

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The Plight of the Samas

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e Sama MBB Jamila, one of th was life e women, whos empowered d an d me for ns tra by this project.

Sama MBBs dyeing pandan leaves before weaving them into mat products.

Of the 13 Muslim tribes in southern Philippines, the Sama people have it the hardest. Humble in demeanour yet great in number, Samas are dispersed across Mindanao and in various parts of Malaysia. A seaborne people, Samas live in boat-houses or stilted shacks near the coastline. The ocean has been the Samas’ bread and butter for centuries. Their men are fisher folk, boat-makers, and pearl-divers, while their women are clay potters and mat weavers. By nature, Samas already experience prejudice and rejection from other Muslim tribes. This further escalates when a Sama Muslim decides to follow Jesus Christ.

Doubly Persecuted This is the case for Jamila, a 20 year-old Sama MBB from Rio Hondo: Tausug neighbors mock their family when they declare their faith in Isa Almasih (Jesus Christ). Being the most dominant Muslim tribe in Zamboanga, Tausugs have a reputation for being overbearing, born out of their staunch commitment to defend Islam. “My father is also persecuted for being Almasihin (Christian),” adds Jamila. “The Tausugs say they would shoot him if he does not renounce Isa Almasih. Still, my father doesn’t turn his back on Isa,” she continues. “Until now, those who threaten him have not pushed through with their plans.”

The Birth of Kaholatan

EMPOWERING PERSECUTED WOMEN TO BE TRANSFORMED IN CHRIST……. An Open Doors livelihood coordinator shares about the Kaholatan Mat Project and how the Lord uses this program to inspire Sama Muslim-background believers to become more than the Deprived, Oppressed, Maltreated, and Exploited (DOME) people that society perceives them to be. Page 6

To help Sama believers like Jamila endure the everyday oppression, Open Doors begins the Kaholatan Mat Project in 2007. “Kaholatan” means “hope” in Sinama. “We envision hope being restored to the Sama believers through a sustainable income-generating livelihood project,” says the OD worker. “The vision finds its fertile soil among the Sama women who are excellent at weaving. These women can turn stripped, dried, and dyed pandan leaves into colourful sleeping mats.”

“Upon discovery of these women’s God-given skill, we start to develop their craft and provide them with the technology and training to improve the quality of their pandan mats,” she adds. “Then, the Sama women believers go through skills training, where they learn how to sew using high-speed machines,” she says. “From simple sleeping mats, we begin to develop and produce other functional items, such as slippers, placemats and document folders.”

Empowered in Christ Jamila joins Open Doors’ sewing seminar in 2010. Through it, her self-worth is restored, her faith in Christ deepened, and her family provided for. “Because of my involvement in Kaholatan, I have my own income,” Jamila, who has been married since 16, shares. “The allowance I get from sewing is really beneficial to me and my family. I thank God because I don’t worry about our finances anymore. I know we are not alone.” Jamila also shares that she continues to hope and strive for Christlikeness. “When I accepted Isa Almasih as my Lord and Savior, I abandoned my gambling,” she says. “I also started going home early. I wanted to take my bad habits away. It wasn’t easy. It’s easier said than done. It took a long time for me to fully let go of them.” “I hope and pray we can save enough for a house and a sari-sari (variety) store,” Jamila adds. “I pray that regardless of what happens to me, I will never turn away from Isa.” “As He has done in Jamila’s life, the Lord continues to weave a beautiful masterpiece in the lives of other Sama brethren,” says the OD worker. “He has used this endeavour to plant seeds of Kaholatan, seeds of hope, in the Sama people’s hearts.” “Eventually, we desire to see the Sama believers transformed from being Deprived, Oppressed, Maltreated, and Exploited, to being Developed, Overcoming, Motivated, and Empowered people for the glory of God.”

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Church leaders at the Bangui Conference organised by Open Doors


RESPOND: Central African Republic Country Profile Leader : President Michel Djotodia (after successfully deposing the government of François Bozize’s in March 2013) Population : 4.5 million Christians : 3.4 million (or 76% of the population) Main Religion : Christianity “In this situation, Christians are specifically the most affected” – Bangui Declaration. This was a statement made by church leaders at an Open Doors hosted conference in Bangui at the beginning of October. In the statement church leaders urged the international community to fly to the rescue of CAR and prevent “genocidal interfaith civil war.” Open Doors agrees that a significant threat of interreligious conflict looms. The hostility of Seleka towards Christians has raised the fear that the CAR could become a hub for Al Qaeda. Seleka originated and recruited its members in the far north which is predominantly Muslim; Djotodia is CAR’s first Muslim head of state. This group have also attracted many foreign fighters, Page 8

often from countries with larger Muslim communities, particularly Chad. The Catholic Church in the Central African Republic (CAR) in May asked Mr. Djotodia to explain the existence of a letter to the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) in Djeddah (Saudi Arabia) in April 2012 that appears to show his desire to turn CAR into an Islamic republic. In the letter Mr Djotodia introduced himself as the defender of the Muslims’ cause in Chad and the CAR. “If by God’s will, we reach Bangui, we will set up an Islamic regime in order to apply the sharia [law],” he wrote. “Even if we fail to drive out Bozizé, we intend to transform some parts of Central Africa, Chad and Darfur, into a new Islamic republic.” (World Watch Monitor, May)

Catholic Bishops of CAR have stated that in their individual dioceses, the level of destruction, the fury against Christians, Catholics and Protestants and the number of mercenaries in the ranks of the rebellion living off the exhausted populations could only be described as “never been seen before”. “There is not a single day without the discovery of a body in the river Oubangui... We counted in one week in Bangui over 100 murders. And we don’t even speak about the killings in the interior or the continuing rape of women. I cannot keep record of these any more…these scenes overwhelm me. At 18:00 everybody is already at home and in the house. But in spite of this, they come and take away and kill.” – Open Doors worker, Bangui, August 2013 “The social fabric is torn completely. The population has undergone a huge trauma whose consequences are manifested in many cases of suicide and depression.” –Representative of the Archdiocese of Bangui, (Agenzia, Fides 05 July, 2013).

Reason for the Conflict Open Doors has met with church leaders during the early days of the crisis to investigate the reason for this religious aspect to the conflict. These leaders pointed out that it has to be seen in the context of complex socio-political and religious dynamics. • Although CAR is considered a Christian nation, nominalism is widespread. • The Christian testimony has been compromised greatly over the past twenty years by successive so-called Christian governments through corruption, mismanagement and tribalism. • Northern Muslims have faced discrimination from previous so-called Christian governments who failed to recognise them as citizens by granting them birth certificates, identity cards and passports. • Tension has been building over a long period between northern Muslims and previous successive so-called Christian governments. • The Church has failed in her prophetic obligations towards the state by not distancing herself clearly enough from these injustices. Some pastors, deacons and elders have been part of the corrupt systems by filling important government positions.

Believers attending a church service in Bangui Page 9


Women at an OD training sem



Thousands of women have benefitted from the Priscilla Course – a three-year discipleship training program. Many women who have undergone this training professed a renewed sense of purpose and self-esteem.


Open Doors trains women believers who have shown leadership potential and teaching skills so that they, in turn, can teach and minister to women in their churches.


We provide special trauma seminars and workshops for widows and their children, as well as distributing many Women’s Study Bibles.



Egypt Christian materials for women

We work with churches, schools and NGOs to empower women in suppressive communities by providing spiritual nourishment, specialised trauma counselling and leadership development programs.

PRAY • Pray for persecuted Christian women like Sabrina and Fatima all over the world to continue to grow in their faith and become channels of God’s love and hope to other women in their communities. • Pray for Open Doors staff and contacts working to help women understand their identity in Christ. • Pray for the many Open Doors empowerment projects so that Christian women will be strengthened as they take up their God-given roles in the family and society. • The battle for Africa is on right now and there is an Islamic push to turn all Africa into Islamic countries. We need you to stand alongside our suffering brothers and Page 10

sisters to fight this crucial battle to win the soul of the Africans. • Pray for the intervention of God in this region so that any evil plots by violent radical groups such as Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab or Boko Haram to annihilate the Christian faith in Africa will be exposed and foiled. • Pray for the church in CAR to respond in the biblical manner towards the extreme atrocities they are facing. Pray for God’s love to supersede their pain so that they may extend a hand of forgiveness and friendship to their persecutors and convert many Sauls to Pauls.

State your gift as ‘Gift of Hope 2014 No. 1’.

You can empower one Christian women leader with the training of Priscilla Course that will improve their spiritual life and ministry skills in leading the Lord’s sheep in Vietnam’s tribal areas. RM



After many attacks on Christians, many widows are left without a source of livelihood. We provide skills training and micro-loans to help them start their own businesses.

You can provide literacy and training skills in needlecraft (sewing and embroidery) to a Christian women from poor areas in South West Asia to earn a living for themselves and their families.


State your gift as ‘Gift of Hope 2014 No. 2’.


Join our Lion’s Den Seminar What is persecution? Is the Malaysian church facing persecution? Are you prepared for it? We, as Christians in Malaysia, can no longer live under the illusion that our world is carefree and trouble-free. Jesus Himself said otherwise…In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). His followers in many parts of the world experience the truth of His words today. The secret of being victorious over-comers is not the removal of persecution and suffering, but standing strong in spite of suffering. Lion’s Den is a seminar based study program to help prepare Christians for persecution and suffering. We seek to train Christians to have enduring faith even if persecuted. These seminars will cover biblical teaching, contemporary examples from other parts of the world and the forming a biblical response when faced with persecution. We will use handouts, notes, videos, power-points, group discussions etc.

11 months to go

CHAMPIONS “I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do.” Edward Everett Hale Do you want to serve persecuted Christians and be part of our volunteer group to be a voice for the persecuted and share their message and testimonies to Christians in Malaysia? We are looking to recruit Champions, people who are willing to spare time and effort, to go to churches or meet Christians in cell groups, prayer networks etc. As Champions, you can make an impact, among your circle of friends and families, to strengthen their faith and help them be prepared for persecution should it comes to our shores. Call us at 03-33418905 or email to us at ravinds@od.org for more information about being a Champion. We will provide all necessary materials and training required.

Call us at 03-33418905 or email to us at benedictm@od.org if your church or small groups is interested in our Lion’s Den Seminar. Page 11

Prayer guide January 2014 “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth” John 17:17 ESV Wednesday, 1 January – North Korea According to new reports, Camp 22 (a re-education camp) was forced to close down. One of the most likely reasons is that some 20,000 people had died of hunger. The remaining 8,000 were transported to other camps and prisons. Pray for the survivors who are labouring 10-12 hours a day on very low food rations in other camps.

where they learn about Jesus. Pray for these children of believing families to know Christ intimately and follow Him no matter the cost. perception of Evangelical Christians. The government believes that they are key members of an “Eritrean Opposition” that serves foreign masters. It accuses them of peddling lies and exaggerations about the current leadership. Thursday, 9 January – North Sudan Pray for the minority Christian community as they face increasing state sanctioned persecution. Pray that the Lord will use their testimony to draw neighbours and friends to Him.

Thursday, 2 January – North Korea Many North Korean women were forced into marriage with Chinese men in China. Pray for these women and their (abusive) Chinese families, their families who are left behind in North Korea and the workers who ministers to them towards emotional healing.

Friday, 10 January - Kenya Pray for the protection of our partners who are serving in persecution prone areas. Pray for the families of those who have lost loved ones because of their faith. Pray also for the family members of the numerous state security agents killed in targeted attacks by Muslim extremists.

Friday, 3 January – Egypt Pray for Christians who live in villages that are still under the heavy control of the radical Muslims. They are harassed by their neighbours and are held responsible for the fall of Morsi’s regime. Pray for their protection.

Saturday, 11 January – Zanzibar Pray for Lord’s comfort on the congregants and family of Father Mushi who was killed for his faith in February 2013.

Saturday, 4 January – China Training is the most pressing need for Muslim Background Believers (MBB). They desperately need it to equip their leader’s especially female and couple leaders because most of the believers are sisters. Pray for good cooperation with Han Chinese churches for support and help. Sunday, 5 January – India Pray for the Open Doors livelihood project to begin in the states of Gujarat (Amreli), Chhattisgarh (Bastar), East Madhya Pradesh (Dindori), and West Madhya Pradesh (Jhabua). Monday, 6 January – Nigeria Praise God for His faithfulness and His sustaining strength to the Church throughout last year, especially in North East Nigeria. Pray that Christians will continue to trust Him and hold on to the message of hope and spread it wherever they find themselves. Tuesday, 7 January – Mali Praise God that despite all the occurring riots in Northern Mali, Christians were able to hold on to their faith. Thank the Lord for His unceasing faithfulness in the lives of all the families who live as refugees in Bamako and other neighbouring countries. Wednesday, 8 January – Eritrea Pray for the Eritrean government to change their erroneous Page 12

Sunday, 12 January – Tanzania Pastor Mathayo of the Tanzania Assemblies of God in Geita, was killed by a Muslim mob in 2013. Pray for widow Generosa Mathayo and her children, that they will experience the Lord’s embracing comfort and prevailing presence. Monday, 13 January – Indonesia Keep praying for two MBBs brothers in West Java as they have to stay in prison for three years. They are committed to continue sharing the Gospel, even though they are behind bars. Pray for God’s wisdom and blessing for them. Tuesday, 14 January – Brunei Biblical training plays a significant role in strengthening MBBs in Brunei. Many of them thirst for God's Word. Pray for God to pave the way for Bruneian MBBs to be part of training programs, so that they continue in their faith in the Lord. Wednesday, 15 January – Arabian Peninsula Dwayne (not his real name) was recently invited to talk about his Christian faith in a local men's gathering. They were agreeable that salvation must surely be based on mercy and not works. Pray that they will contemplate what was presented and see the necessity of salvation found only in Jesus. Thursday, 16 January – Saudi Arabia Saudi believers' children have to learn to live in two very different worlds at an early age: their very Islamic schools, and at home,

Friday, 17 January – Qatar Pray for the establishment of a group of believers that will enjoy fellowship with one another and will attract more Qatari through the sweet fragrance of their testimony. Pray for a breakthrough in this wealthy country that needs the love of the Lord Jesus so much. Saturday, 18 January – Iran Thank the Lord for the release of Mitra Zahmati and Maryam Jalili out of the women’s ward of Evin prison. They were imprisoned since 2011. Pray for their recovery.

Saturday, 25 January – Southern Philippines At the height of the Zamboanga Siege on September last year, Open Doors helped in the rescue and nurture of 60 MBB families belonging to Sama and Tausug tribes. Some of them have lost their homes, livelihood and even loved ones. Pray for the Lord’s healing on them. Sunday, 26 January – Bhutan Pray for the pastors as most of them haven’t gone through formal theological training. Ask the Lord to give them wisdom in discerning the Scripture. Pray that they will model Jesus in thought, word, and deed. Pray that their preaching would be rooted in the Word.

Sunday, 19 January – Israel and Palestinian Territories Many bibles like the Bible for youth, the so called Action Bible, and other Christian materials have been distributed. Pray that God’s Word will have impact in the lives of those who read it.

Monday, 27 January – Myanmar Pray for Nwin Than (not his real name) and his family who were driven out of their community for believing in Christ. His two small children are not allowed to be enrolled in school. Their neighbours also sent a petition to the local government that they will not allow non-Buddhists to live in their village.

Monday, 20 January – Lebanon A Christian from Lebanon said: “We had a tremendous vision for Syria and reaching out to those in ‘unreached areas’. Now many of them have arrived in the reachable areas of Lebanon.” Praise the Lord that the church is touching the hearts of Christians as well as Muslims.

Tuesday, 28 January – Sri Lanka There has been an upsurge in Buddhist Nationalism in Sri Lanka in the past year and attacks against Christian and Muslim minorities have become more frequent. Pray for God’s protection and that they would remain faithful and hopeful in Jesus in spite of terrible persecution.

Tuesday, 21 January – Iraq The violence in Iraq is rising again in this country. Pray that people will wake up and see the need for a Saviour. Pray for the leadership of the largest church, the Chaldean Church, that it will provide the right kind of leadership at this crucial time.

Wednesday, 29 January – Laos Local pastor Sompone (not his real name) was jailed last March for sharing the Gospel to his relatives. Sompone’s other family members offered to bail him out of prison on the condition of him denouncing his faith in Christ, but he refused. Pray for Sompone and his family.

Wednesday, 22 January – Syria Pray that the believers will come to understand God's plan for the country. Pray that they will be able to remain strong as life has become intolerably hard in most areas of the country; sounds of shooting and bombings, neighbours or loved ones leaving the country.

Thursday, 30 January – Vietnam The government has declared a countrywide internet censorship. Decree 72 bans all content that are critical of the ruling party. Pray for God to soften the hearts of its government leaders so that they would no longer be hostile to freedom of religion and expression.

Thursday, 23 January – Bangladesh This year, Bangladesh will have its general elections. It is foreseen to be a contest between the Islamic-leaning Bangladesh Nationalist Party and the more secular Awami League. Pray for the church to be prayerful and discerning as they choose their country’s leaders.

Friday, 31 January – Nepal Christians in Nepal endure oppression from their families for choosing not to participate in Maoist and Hindu rituals. Pray that God would use the lives of His followers to reveal his Gospel to these families, that they may understand their love for Him.

Friday, 24 January – Maldives Believers in Maldives are so few and isolated. Meeting together for prayer, fellowship, and discipleship is virtually impossible. Under such difficult circumstances, they are also beset with prevalent social ills, such as drug abuse and domestic violence. Pray for them.

Notice To download softcopy of Frontline Faith & Prayer Guide in pdf file: Website: www.dropsend.org Email/user account: malaysia@od.org Password: frontlinefaith Page 13

Prayer guide FEBRUARY 2014 “I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus, that in every way you were enriched in him in all speech and all knowledge.” 1 Corinthians 1:4-5 ESV Saturday, 1 February – Bangladesh Jesus loves the little children and this love is made known to them through His Word. Mobinul, a recipient of a Children’s Bible Storybook says: “I tell my friends that I love Jesus and that He is the best.” Lift children like Mobinul up in prayer that their hearts will be open to receive Jesus. Sunday, 2 February – Maldives Maldives needs faithful Christian workers, teachers, and missionaries who are willing to brave the country's restrictive laws to share Jesus to their people. Pray that Christians with a burden for Maldivians would answer God's call. Monday, 3 February – Southern Philippines Pray for our brothers and sisters in Zamboanga who are picking up the pieces of the three-week skirmish between Moro rebels and the Philippine government. The homes of a number of Sama MBB families have been burned down in the crossfire. Pray for the restoration efforts. Tuesday, 4 February – Bhutan As God reveals Himself through His Word, being able to read is essential to Christians who want to mature in their faith. Pray that opportunities for literacy would be open to believers so that they, themselves, would know Jesus deeper through the Bible. Wednesday, 5 February – Myanmar Pray for an end to the violence between Buddhist and Muslim extremists in southern Myanmar. Christians are also caught in the tension, and are sometimes penalized for helping starving and displaced Rohingya Muslims. Ask God for restoration of peace and protection for His children. Thursday, 6 February – Sri Lanka Reports of believers being threatened, wounded, and killed for their faith have increased. Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), a Buddhist fundamentalist group, said that the country needs to reclaim its spiritual roots. Ask the Lord for His protection as they live for Him in this harsh environment. Friday, 7 February – Laos “After I have heard the truth from the word of God, the way of my thinking has been changed. I will not rely on my Page 14

strength but on the Lord,” says Keo, a leadership training participant. Pray for emerging leaders like Keo, that they may learn to be humble servant-leaders like Christ. Saturday, 8 February – Vietnam Praise God for the Children’s Bibles that have been printed and distributed in provinces across Vietnam. Pray that these Bibles would be used to share the goodness of God to tribal children. Sunday, 9 February – Nepal Coming from Hindu backgrounds, new believers in Nepal tend to list Jesus down as a “plus one,” or a mere addition to their long list of gods and goddesses. Pray that they would accept Jesus as the only God, that they would accept Him as the Truth, the Way, and the Life. Monday, 10 February – China Brother Wang’s (not his real name) wife is from the Hui, a Muslim background ethnic minority group. They have a burden for the Hui’s. Pray that they will have wisdom in their mission so that they know how to serve and share the good news with the Hui ethnic groups. Tuesday, 11 February – Afghanistan In 2014, American troops will pull out of the country. Extremists could seize power or the government will be forced to work with these extremist groups. Pray for the transition to a ‘new Afghanistan’ and that local Christians will get more opportunities to meet each other, not less. Wednesday, 12 February – India LEAD is an effort to give theological and ministerial training to pastors who are theologically illiterate and are working in persecuted or threatened areas of North and Central India. Pray that LEAD would be able to create a major impact in the lives of these pastors. Thursday, 13 February – Central African Republic Pray for Christians to stand strong amidst harsh persecution inflicted by Muslim Seleka rebels. Catholic and Protestant churches held a conference together and signed a document called ‘Call of Bangui’. Join in prayer with Open Doors Advocacy in creating a greater awareness on this situation. Friday, 14 February – Ethiopia The church in Nyangatom is taking responsibility to support displaced believers. It also feels the burden to maintain its existence in a very hostile environment. Pray for the

Nyangatom Christians that the Lord will strengthen and encourage them in the midst of their hardships.

The future is vague with no possibilities of reconciliation. Pray for a miracle to happen.

Saturday, 15 February – Eritrea Pray for strength and grace for believers who face severe state sanctioned persecution. Pray for the hundreds of fragmented families forced to live apart as they seek refuge in various countries. Pray that the government would soften its stand against evangelical Christians.

Sunday, 23 February – Arabian Peninsula Pray for single believers, in these very strict Islamic countries, who would like to marry spouses who share their faith. In a culture where most marriages are arranged by the family and most families do not believe, it can be a challenge. Pray that believing families will meet.

Sunday, 16 February – Sudan Pray for the unity and strength for persecuted Christians. Praise God for strong civil-rights bodies fighting for the oppressed. Pray that the government will heed their requests. Pray for church leaders as they help their congregants adjust to the hostile atmosphere.

Monday, 24 February – Saudi Arabia Pray for Saudi’s to have dreams and visions of Jesus, so that they will start searching for the meaning of those dreams. Pray also for God’s workers in the country that they will not fear people and have boldness in sharing their faith.

Monday, 17 February – Kenya Pray for all believers in the country especially for those stationed close to the Somali border and Coast provinces. May they respond in the love of Christ to the attacks against them and pray for forgiveness and salvation of their persecutors.

Tuesday, 25 February – Iran Pray for Maryam Naghash Zargaran (35 years old) who was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment. Several years ago, Maryam had a heart surgery and the stress of recent years has worsened her condition. She suffered a heart attack in prison. She is said to be in a critical condition.

Tuesday, 18 February – Tanzania Continue praying for the Tanzanian constitution review process. Also pray that the Tanzanian government will act to end Muslim attacks against Christians and church property that increased in 2013. These incidents led to many deaths and injured as well as property damaged.

Wednesday, 26 February – Israel The influence of Judaism is growing, creating more challenges for Messianic Jews. In places like Arad and Ashdod, believers have to deal with acts of resistance regularly, like harassment and situations of abuse. Pray that their testimony will be clear and impact their community.

Wednesday, 19 February – Uganda Pray for the Church in Uganda to continue serving God. Praise God for preserving the lives of Susan Ithungu and Mzee William Masolo (the father to the late Francis Namukubalo). Their testimonies continue to strengthen fellow brethren around the world.

Thursday, 27 February – Syria The message of violence and hatred continues to be proclaimed in all parts of the country. Pray that the Church will continue preaching a message of true love and reconciliation and that the believers will truly live this message in a society, which needs it so desperately.

Thursday, 20 February – South Sudan Pray for the new leadership of the Christian community in South Sudan that God may give them abundant wisdom and boldness to do this important work.

Friday, 28 February – Lebanon More violence is spilling over the borders from neighbouring Syria. Pray for wisdom for the Lebanese politicians as they try to see how they can keep the various factions in Lebanon away from the war in Syria. Pray for the Church as it does an incredibly job in caring for refugees.

Friday, 21 February – Ivory Coast The country is progressively recovering its stability, but the cost of living is becoming higher, especially in Abidjan. Pray for the authorities and for the Church to face these challenges with God’s wisdom. Saturday, 22 February – Egypt Pray for a way out for Egypt from the current political dilemma. The nation is broken between a majority who reject the former president and a violent minority that support him!

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WOMEN OF FAITH The highlight for this month’s magazine will be on persecuted women. Since ancient times, women have always been treated as second class citizens and of inferior value to man. More so, in certain cultures, up to today, they are still treated the same. In the world of persecuted Christians, women are persecuted, not only for believing in Jesus, but also for being a woman in that culture. Because of that, many women feel inferior, useless and have low self-esteem of their worth in their society and consequently in the Body of Christ. Open Doors W2W seeks to change that by using women from the free world to pray and minister to them so that they know they are loved and precious in God’s sight. In the Bible, God used many women to become models of faith to make a great impact on the history of mankind. It is our prayer that women all over the world will know their worth in the Lord and be able to stand strong and trust in Him. We need prayer warriors in Malaysia to stand in the gap to raise intercessory prayers for our persecuted women in Christ. Let us now look at some of the women of faith in the Bible and how they make a difference. Esther’s brave willingness to put her life on the line by using her influence with the king had helped her people from being totally destroyed. God used Tamar to provide a descendant for Judah and ultimately the coming Christ who will save the world. Rahab was willing to risk her own death when she betrayed her people and protected the spies because she

believed in the God of Israel. God heard the faithful prayer of Hannah by giving her Samuel, the greatest in the time of the Judges of Israel. Mary Magdalene was among some of the women who travelled with Jesus and his disciples and supported his ministry out of their own means (Luke 8:3). Women are God’s special gift to the churches and to the Body of Christ. You play a main role in impacting the future, and we ask you to join us in the W2W ministry. You, as part of the Body of Christ and as women, must be willing to bear the burden of every persecuted women and pray that the spirit of the Lord will strengthen them in wherever circumstances they may in. Therefore we would like to encourage all women of faith out there to support us in whatever capacity – in prayer, in travelling to these countries to meet persecuted women and to raise funds for a project. We seek to start women prayer groups in whatever city, town or taman you are in. Contact our W2W staff – Katherine (Tel No: 012-2223678) for further information. Stand up Women of Faith and make history.

Richard Chong Executive Director



Please contact us. Thank you.

Vacancy: Church Supporter Relations (CSR) Chinese Department. Kindly contact office for further information.

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