Frontline Faith - WWL16 Handbook of Prayer

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2 016 H A N D B O O K O F P R AY E R


TABLE OF CONTENTS Country Profiles 1-10............................................................................................... 3-12 The Increasing Trend of Christian Persecution..................................................13 Country Profiles 11-20............................................................................................. 14-23 Persecution Story: North Korea............................................................................... 24 Persecution Story: Iraq............................................................................................. 25 Country Profiles 21-30............................................................................................ 26-35 Open Doors: Who We Are...................................................................................... 36-37 Country Profiles 31-40............................................................................................. 38-47 Persecution Story: Eritrea......................................................................................... 49 Country Profiles 41-50 ........................................................................................... 50-59 How Can I Help? ...................................................................................................... 60-61 Glossary ..................................................................................................................... 62 World Watch List Map ........................................................................................... 63

HOW TO USE THIS HANDBOOK We believe that caring for the persecuted church should be part of the DNA of every Christian. This handbook is a fantastic introduction to the persecuted church. INDIVIDUALLY You can use this guidebook to pray for Christians who suffer just because they follow Jesus. SMALL GROUPS Christians suffering persecution always tell us how much the prayers of Christians they have never met mean to them. Your group


can pray for Christians in 1 or 2 countries every week. You can find updated country information at CHURCHES Use this handbook to encourage your church to pray for the persecuted (Hebrews 13:3). Individual PDFs of each country’s profile are available at You can use them, or the information in them, in your church bulletin to inspire your church to uphold a country each week in prayer.

1. North Korea


NORTH KOREA 1 REGION: East Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Dictatorial Paranoia POPULATION: 25 million CHRISTIANS: 300,000 MAIN RELIGION: Atheism/Traditional Beliefs GOVERNMENT: Communist Dictatorship LEADER: Kim Jong-Un

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Pressure against Christians at the highest level For the fourteenth year running, North Korea is at the top of the World Watch List. The church is almost entirely underground and most believers dare not share their faith with anyone, including family. Anyone discovered to be a Christian is punished, along with their families, for following a ‘dangerous foreign influence’. A large number of believers are imprisoned in North Korea’s penal labour camps.

P R AY • For the estimated 50,000-70,000 Christians imprisoned in labour camps; ask God to sustain them. • For the many Christians who don’t have enough food to survive and are forced to flee. • That Christians may stand strong in their faith under extreme pressure.


2. Iraq


IRAQ 2 REGION: Middle East MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 37.5 million CHRISTIANS: 250,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Parliamentary Democracy LEADER: Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Impossible to be a Christian under Islamic State Since the early 2000s, the situation in Iraq has been deteriorating. This escalated in June 2014, when Islamic State (IS) invaded many parts of northern Iraq. They implemented strict Islamic rules and are responsible for most of the violence against Christians. MBBs face pressure from their community and family for converting to Christianity. They risk being threatened, abandoned and shamed. Iraqi law forbids Muslims from converting to other religions.


P R AY • For believers living in regions ruled by IS; pray that their faith would be strengthened and that God would use them as light in this darkness. • For the thousands of Internally Displaced People who have fled because of IS. Praise God that He is using His church to reach out to the suffering and lost. • That the gospel of Jesus Christ would be revealed to members of IS.

3. Eritrea


ERITREA 3 REGION: East Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Dictatorial Paranoia/Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 5.3 Million CHRISTIANS: 2.6 Million MAIN RELIGION: Islam/Christianity GOVERNMENT: Authoritarian Presidential Regime LEADER: President Isaias Afwerki

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT A dramatic increase in persecution The government restricts all forms of meetings and free expression. Christians in Eritrea, who don’t belong to registered churches, face massive pressure from the government. Believers found with material that is not from a registered church could suffer violence and imprisonment under horrific conditions. It’s estimated that thousands of Christians have been imprisoned in Eritrea and many have died as prisoners. Many have also been killed while attempting to flee the country.

P R AY • For the hundreds of Eritrean Christians who have been imprisoned for their faith. • For the many Christians who don’t have enough food to survive and are forced to flee. • For wisdom for unregistered churches as they seek to continue gathering to worship Jesus despite the danger.


4. Afghanistan


AFGHANISTAN 4 REGION: South & Central Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 33.3 Million CHRISTIANS: Thousands MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Islamic Republic LEADER: President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Believers must not reveal their faith Islamic extremism has a firm hold on the nation of Afghanistan. The government, the Taliban and Afghanis all regard Islam as the only acceptable form of religion, so Christians must hide their faith. Those whose faith is uncovered face discrimination, hostility and violence. Within Afghanistan, there are individual followers of Christ and small groups of believers, but no organised church. Believers lack education and training; discipleship and leadership is scarce. 6

P R AY • For the very small number of Christians in Afghanistan, who face death if they reveal their faith. • For the small groups of Christians who meet together - that God would protect them, add to their number and provide ways for them to access resources and training. • That the Afghan government will give freedom for Christians to worship.

5. Syria


SYRIA 5 REGION: Middle East MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 18.6 Million CHRISTIANS: 772,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Republic under an authoritarian regime LEADER: President Bashar al-Assad

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Church in a warzone The church is now under intense pressure as Islamic Extremists spread terror. Christians are often targeted in attacks as churches are destroyed and believers taken captive. Islamic extremist groups, including Islamic State and al-Nusra Front pose the greatest threat to Christians. Most of the Christians who remain in the country have fled to areas still under the control of the government. Some Christians remain in active war zones and are constantly at risk.

P R AY • Pray for the Christians who are displaced and rely on local churches, Open Doors and other international organisations to provide for them. • Pray for Syrians who are unable to flee war zones and are at risk from war and Islamic Extremists. • Pray for international powers to work together to end the conflict in Syria.


6. Pakistan


PA K I S TA N 6 REGION: South Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 192.8 Million CHRISTIANS: 3.9 Million MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Federal Republic LEADER: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Christian faith an insult to Islam Christians in Pakistan often face extreme persecution from radical Islamic groups, the government and even friends and family. Laws preventing anyone from speaking against Islam contribute to the hostile environment. Christians are alienated, imprisoned, subjected to brutal violence and forced into menial jobs. There have been several attacks on churches resulting in dozens of casualties. Christian homes have also been destroyed. Hundreds of women have been sexually harassed and assaulted. 8

P R AY • For the Christians who have suffered violence as a result of their faith, that God would bring them peace and healing. • For the many Christians who are fleeing Pakistan, that they would have safe passage to peaceful nations. • For women who face violent attacks because of their faith.

7. Somalia


SOMALIA 7 REGION: Horn of Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 11.1 Million CHRISTIANS: Hundreds MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: in the process of building a Federal Parliamentary Republic LEADER: President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT No place for Christianity Christians must meet in secret, however recently the government has stepped up measures to investigate where Christians meet and find out who is involved in supporting Christians and reaching out to Muslims. MBBs face more severe persecution in Somalia than in other countries. In recent years, MBBs have often been killed on the spot when their Christian faith is discovered.

P R AY • For the Christian converts in Somalia who fear for their lives. • For the underground church in Somalia, that God would sustain it and grant it protection. • For an end to the civil war, famine and drought which has plagued the nation since 1991.

Islamic extremist group al-Shabaab has publicly declared that it ‘wants Somalia free of all Christians’. 9

8. Sudan


SUDAN 8 REGION: North-east Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 41.2 Million CHRISTIANS: 2 Million MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Federal Presidential Republic LEADER: President Omar al-Bashir

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Converting punishable by death Persecution of Christians has increased, particularly in the Nuba region, and MBBs face the worst persecution. Churches, schools and hospitals have been under continuous attack in different parts of the country, causing injury and death. Christians are monitored by Muslim religious leaders and politicians. The punishment for converting from Islam to another religion is death. With over 95% of the population being Muslim, and Christianity perceived to be foreign to Sudanese culture, Christians are regarded as second-class citizens.


P R AY • That the apostasy laws will be abolished. • For Christians who have been detained to remain steadfast in their faith and convictions. • For Christians around the Nuba mountains to be kept safe from bombings and be able to continue meeting together.

9. Iran


IRAN 9 REGION: Middle East MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 80 Million CHRISTIANS: 475,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Theocratic Islamic Republic LEADER: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Life under Sharia law Christians are forbidden to share their faith with non-Christians. Muslims, who generally speak Farsi, are not supposed to visit church services. Evangelism in Farsi can lead to church buildings closing and imprisonment. MBBs are considered apostate—they have no legal protection under Iranian law and are subject to the death penalty under Sharia law. They rely on Christian radio, satellite television, the internet and books in Farsi to grow spiritually.

P R AY • For the many Christians who are imprisoned. Pray for their release, and that they would be unwavering in their faith. • Praise God that He is using imprisoned Christians to spread the gospel in Iran’s prisons. • That many more will come to the Lord through satellite television and other channels.


10. Libya


L I BYA 10 REGION: North Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 6.3 Million CHRISTIANS: 20,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Transitional government LEADER: No recognised authority

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT A state of lawlessness Christian migrant workers are allowed to gather in their own churches, but Libyans are not allowed to attend. Most Libyan Christians are afraid to meet with other believers, as any kind of non-Islamic religious gathering is forbidden for them. Last year there were a number of highly publicised violent incidents against Christians in Libya, including the 21 Egyptian Christians, working in Libya, who were killed by Islamic State.


P R AY • For a peaceful and stable central government to arise in the country. • For Muslim Background Believers who are discriminated against by their families and communities. • For healing for Christians who have suffered violent attacks, torture and abductions.











Libya (79)

Laos (56)

Iran (83)

China (56)

Sudan (84)

Sudan (58)

Somalia (87)

Vietnam (58)

Pakistan (87)

Bhutan (59)

Syria (87)

Maldives (61)

Afghanistan (88)

Somalia (62)

Eritrea (89)

Iran (68)

Iraq (90)

Saudi Arabia (68)

North Korea (92)

North Korea (82)

2006 2016


WWL RANKINGS 2006 & 2016

PERSECUTION IS INCREASING Over the last decade, persecution has increased every year. In 2016 North Korea ranks #1 again, just as it did ten years ago tin 2006. Each year countries are given a score based on a range of factors to determine their rank. In 2006 North Korea had a score of 82 points while in 2016 it has a score of 92. Things are not improving in North Korea. While North Korea maintained its top spot, others have started catching up. In 2006 the #2 country on the list was Saudi Arabia with a score of 68 points a difference of 14 points. In 2016, the #2 country on the list is Iraq with a score of 90 points. In fact countries #2 – #7 are all closing to within 5 points of North Korea.


11. Yemen


YEMEN 11 REGION: Arabian Peninsula MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 24.5 Million CHRISTIANS: A Few Thousand MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Republic (disputed) LEADER: Abd Mansour Hadi/Mohammed Ali al Houthi

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT A small but undefeated church Right now there are just three churches in all of Yemen—two Catholic churches and one Anglican. The few thousand believers are constantly at risk for their faith. Laws also prohibit people from changing their religion. Until recently, the churches in Yemen were used mostly by expatriates, however due to the conflict, few remain. Islamic extremists threaten believers who are discovered in Yemen and a violent branch of al-Qaeda has a strong hatred toward Christians. 14

P R AY • Pray for the few Yemeni believers, that despite the risks they would be bold in sharing their faith. • Pray for an end to conflict in Yemen, and for new freedoms to worship. • Pray for tribal leaders in Yemen to have encounters with Christ.

12. Nigeria


NIGERIA 12 REGION: West Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 187 Million CHRISTIANS: 84 Million MAIN RELIGION: Islam/Christianity GOVERNMENT: Federal Republic LEADER: President Muhammadu Buhari

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Christians face violence, denied basic needs Christian communities are left largely unsupported by the government. Facilities such as clean water, health clinics and roads are denied. Rural Christian villages are scarcely considered for development projects. Believers suffer violence from Islamic militant groups like Boko Haram. Christian girls live under serious threat of abduction and forced marriage. In early 2014, we saw the abduction of the predominantly Christian Chibok schoolgirls, most of whom have not been heard from since.

P R AY • That the schoolgirls from Chibok and the many others kidnapped by Boko Haram will be returned to their homes. • For thousands of Christians who have been displaced in northeastern Nigeria to be reunited with their families and start to heal from this trauma. • For believers who lack access to basic needs, that God would protect them and provide for them. 15

13. Maldives


MALDIVES 13 REGION: South Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 370,000 CHRISTIANS: Hundreds MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Republic LEADER: President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Secret believers in crowded cities Believers in this popular holiday destination must hide their faith or risk being stripped of their citizenship. Following Islam is a condition for citizenship and non-Muslims may not be citizens. The expatriate community has more religious freedom, but churches are under surveillance for fear that they will evangelise the locals. Given the high population density and lack of privacy, it’s difficult for believers to hide their faith. Any Maldivian who does not attend the mosque will be questioned. 16

P R AY • For the few Christians in the Maldives, that they would continue to boldly cling to their faith despite the threat to their citizenship. • That God would change the hearts of the Maldivian government to allow more religious freedom. • For the gospel to miraculously reach those hungry for the Word.

14. Saudi Arabia


SAUDI ARABIA 14 REGION: Arabian Peninsula MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 32.2 Million CHRISTIANS: 1.4 Million MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Monarchy LEADER: King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Growing youth population longing for more freedom Saudi Arabia’s youth population is growing fast and the young people are longing for more freedom, especially women. The youth culture has radically changed under the influence of satellite television, the internet and social media. These digital mediums have also opened a new door to access Christian materials. The majority of Christians in Saudi Arabia are expatriates or migrants, however there are also a few MBBs who live out their faith in deep secrecy.

P R AY • For God to work miraculously among the Muslim community, bringing them to faith in Him. • Being a woman and a Christian increases the severity of persecution; pray for the government to respect women and grant them greater freedom. • For protection from the police for house churches, who meet and worship in secret. 17

15. Uzbekistan


UZBEKISTAN 15 REGION: Central Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 30.3 Million CHRISTIANS: 357,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Authoritarian Republic LEADER: President Islam Karimov

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Paranoia and pressure There is only a small Christian population in Uzbekistan and they face immense pressure from the government. Registered groups may meet and practice religion, however there are strict criteria and no new churches have been registered since 1999. House church meetings are targeted for raids, where Christians are imprisoned and religious materials are confiscated and destroyed. Islam is the dominant religion in Uzbekistan, so believers from Muslim backgrounds face even more pressure. 18

P R AY • That God would unite the many denominations and use them together to advance the gospel. • For new believers who are under pressure to deny Jesus. • That Christians in Uzbekistan would remain strong in their faith, as they face persecution from friends, family and the government.

16. Kenya


K E N YA 16 REGION: East Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 47.3 Million CHRISTIANS: 38.7 Million MAIN RELIGION: Christianity GOVERNMENT: Republic LEADER: President Uhuru Kenyatta

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Sharp increase in violence against Christians While the majority of Kenya’s population are Christian, the Muslim minority has become politically powerful in many areas of the country. The large Muslim population on the north-eastern border with Somalia is smothering the church. Somali Islamic extremist group Al-Shabaab is persecuting the church severely, with a number of attacks in the last few years. Muslim background believers in the north-eastern and coastal region of Kenya will face the risk of deadly attacks if they reveal their conversion.

P R AY • For boldness for Christians to share their faith with Muslims, despite the threat of persecution. • For strength and unity among the church in Kenya. • For peace and comfort for the families of Christians who have been killed for their faith in Jesus.


17. India


INDIA 17 REGION: South Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Religious Nationalism POPULATION: 1.33 billion CHRISTIANS: 63.3 Million MAIN RELIGION: Hindu GOVERNMENT: Federal Republic LEADER: Prime Minister Narendra Modi

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Hindu extremism on the rise Although persecution comes from a number of sources in India, the main one is Hindu extremism. Radical Hinduism has increased steadily after the BJP Hindu nationalist party was elected to power in May 2014, resulting in greater pressure on the church. There have been incidents of Hindu extremists attacking Christians and Muslims all over the country. Despite many obstacles, the church continues to grow.


P R AY • For Christian converts to stand strong in the face of attempts to force them to return to Hinduism. • That hatred against Christians from radical political parties would end. • That the government of Narendra Modi will give Christians the freedom to express their faith without violence in all parts of India.

18. Ethiopia


ETHIOPIA 18 REGION: Horn of Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 101.9 Million CHRISTIANS: 63.8 Million MAIN RELIGION: Christianity GOVERNMENT: Federal Republic LEADER: Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Pressure from all sides In some regions of Ethiopia, radical Islam is growing and Christians are becoming vulnerable. Some Muslims harass Christians and deny them access to communal resources. Some tribes also pose a threat to Christianity, as they demand loyalty from members and see faith as a denial of tribal identity. The Ethiopian government, too, is suspicious of Christianity, as it is frightened of the power that organised groups of people, such as churches, may have against the regime.

P R AY • That Christians under pressure from all sides would stand strong for Jesus. • For unity and peace amongst the denominations of Ethiopia, particularly between the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and protestant churches. • For Muslim background believers who are under immense pressure for their refusal to return to Islam.


19. Turkmenistan


TURKMENISTAN 19 REGION: Central Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 5.4 Million CHRISTIANS: 71,700 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Republic LEADER: President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Opposition from government and community Freedom of religion does not exist in Turkmenistan. MBBs in particular experience pressure from family, friends and their local community, in regional areas. Relatives try to force them to turn back to Islam. This is often accompanied by physical abuse and sometimes local police involvement. Believers have been fired from their jobs and Christian children have been shamed at school.


P R AY • For Muslim background believers who have hardly any freedom to practice their faith. • For unity among the body of Christ in Turkmenistan. • That radio broadcasts and Biblical materials will be made available to believers without government intervention.

20. Vietnam


VIETNAM 20 REGION: Southeast Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Communist Oppression POPULATION: 94.4 Million CHRISTIANS: 8 Million MAIN RELIGION: Atheism GOVERNMENT: Communist State LEADER: President Truong Tan Sang

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Keeping Christianity under control As the Christian minority is growing strongly, the government is trying to keep pace by monitoring churches and Christian gatherings to stop its influence. Churches are required to submit their programmes one year in advance. Christians face pressure from families and friends to recant, which can turn violent. In some areas, Christians have been beaten and churches destroyed, forcing some Christians to flee.

P R AY • That more freedom and protection will be granted to Christians. • For the Christians who are forced to flee, that they would find comfort and stability in the Lord. • For Christian leaders and pastors in the north and central highlands as authorities keep a close watch on their activities.


Story from North Korea

T H E D AY M Y FAT H E R D I SA P P E A R E D … THE DAY MY FATHER DISAPPEARED... As a child Hee Young* had an important role to play in the church in North Korea. It was her job to play outside and keep watch, as her family home was used for secret church services. With the risk of arrest always present, Hee Young and other children would run to the house to warn people if anyone ever came near. Her family illegally possessed three Bibles. To disguise them, they had paper covers with images of Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il. Despite the risks, this went on for years, until Hee Young became a teenager. Heading to school one day Hee Young, said goodbye to her father and the rest of the family as usual. When she came home, her father was not there and the house had been ransacked. Her mother told her, four agents from the National Security Agency had taken her father and one of the bibles. Other Christians were also arrested, having been seen going into her home. Hee Young, her siblings and her mother were all banished to a remote area. But God had prepared a place for them—here they survived a great famine as they were able to grow crops. Years later Hee Young, with the help of a Chinese pastor, managed to escape. She now lives in South Korea, is married and has three children of her own. Together, with other North Korean refugees she prepares to one day return to North Korea. North Korea has been ranked #1 on the World Watch List for 14 years. *Name changed for security reasons


Story from Iraq

NOT COURAGE BUT FAITH… Two men with long beards stand together in a church only 5 kilometres from the front lines of IS. While many would be too frightened to stay, these men both look right at home as they tell us, “Yes, this is dangerous. But our faith enables us to stay. We love to share that with other people.” Residing in a centuries old church, continuously occupied till this day, these Christians will not abandon their home. The church stands solitary on a hillside with only a few Christian villages around. These two men are pastors here and along with 24 others, call the church home. When asked if they are afraid, they say plainly, “Actually, we do not experience a lot of fear. If one… starts to have worries or feelings of fear, we encourage that person to express them. Then the others comfort him. We need this encouragement from each other… we are not afraid because we know God is protecting us.” Since the emergence and rapid expansion of IS, the number of Christians in Iraq has dramatically shrunk. Some have abandoned their faith, while others have fled the country. It is estimated that there are only 210,000 – 250,000 Christians left in the country. Despite this, these two pastors say, “Through these difficulties and bad situations, God is teaching us how we can go back to Him. As a result we testify and experience the love of Jesus.” They are also thankful for the support they have received from other Christians around the world. Iraq is ranked #2 on the 2016 World Watch List. Image above: A family choosing to stay at the church 5km from IS. Image on front cover of this guidebook: The centuries old church overlooking the city of Mosul.


21. Qatar


Q ATAR 21 REGION: Arabian Peninsula MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 2.3 Million CHRISTIANS: 210,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Emirate LEADER: Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Converts face pressure from family, community While Muslims are free to worship in public, other religious groups, including Christians, are restricted to private houses or designated places. Expatriate Christians have more freedom to practice their faith privately, as long as they do not evangelise Muslims. If they are involved in missionary activities, expatriates run a serious risk of being detained and deported. Outward symbols of faith, such as crosses on churches, are illegal.


P R AY • For migrant workers, many of them Christians from Africa who live in poverty, to keep the faith and be able to worship safely in their homes. • That the strict government will relax their restrictions on religious freedom for all faiths. • For Christian converts who face persecution from their own family to remain firm in their faith.

22. Egypt


EGYP T 22 REGION: North Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 93.3 Million CHRISTIANS: 9.1Million MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Republic LEADER: President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Pressure against all Christians Believers from Muslim backgrounds have always been victims of persecution, for abandoning the Muslim faith. They might face being disowned, house expulsion or beatings. Though the indigenous Coptic minority has officially been tolerated by the government, Coptic Christians are often still victims of social exclusion. They face discrimination in education, justice and basic social services. As radical Islam has grown in influence, the threat to all believers has increased.

P R AY • That God would continue to strengthen believers and add to their number. • For protection and perseverance for Christians who face persecution from radical Islamic groups. • For unity among believers and that God would use Christians from all denominations to reach out to their neighbours in love.


23. Myanmar


M YA N M A R 23 REGION: Southeast Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Religious Nationalism POPULATION: 54.4 Million CHRISTIANS: 4.4 Million MAIN RELIGION: Buddhism GOVERNMENT: Parliamentary Government LEADER: President Thein Sein

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Church leaders in need of support Ethnic minorities, of which many are predominantly Christian, are discriminated against. Those of the majority Burmese ethnicity are all by default Buddhist and deviation is dangerous. Many pastors and Christians live in the poorest parts of the country and are seen as outsiders. There also appears to be some movement toward a Buddhist Nationalist agenda.


P R AY • Pray that the transition to the new democratic government would continue to go peacefully. • Pray that Buddhist ideologies would not be too entrenched into the national identity, so Christians can be seen as a positive part of society. • Pray for Christian communities to work with the new freedoms in a way that would bring glory to God and act as a great witness.

24. Palestinian Territories


PA L E S T I N I A N T E R R I TO R I E S 24 REGION: Middle East MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 4.8 Million CHRISTIANS: 42,300 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Provisional Government LEADER: Mahmoud Abbas

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT The church today amidst constant conflict As a result of constant conflict and violence, the Christian community in the Palestinian Territories is caught in a bad situation that looks unlikely to be resolved anytime soon. For the over 40,000 Christians who live here they are assured certain freedoms by political leaders but this is rarely the case. Christians have very little protection and are at risk from Islamic extremists and acts of violence.

P R AY • Pray that Christians from Muslim backgrounds would not experience backlash for following Christ. • Pray for Christians to be representatives of peace in communities split by violence. • Pray for Gods’ continued provision for the 38% of Palestinians living below the poverty line.


25. Brunei


BRUNEI 25 REGION: Southeast Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 429,000 CHRISTIANS: 58,100 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Constitutional Sultanate LEADER: Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT A ban on Bibles and Christmas Christian converts from Islam face pressure to recant their Christian faith from their family, friends and neighbours. Christians are discriminated in their employment and by teachers and students at school. Additionally, they are forced to take Islamic lessons as part of their education. By decree, the import of Bibles and the public celebration of Christmas are banned. Christian pastors and workers are considered enemies and have been targets of aggressive Islamisation. 30

P R AY • For all workers who are risking their freedom in advancing the gospel and discipling new believers. • That Bibles and biblical materials may reach Christians despite the ban on these materials. • That restrictions on Christian worship may be relaxed for the minority believers.

26. Central African Republic


CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC 26 REGION: Central Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 5 Million CHRISTIANS: 3.6 Million MAIN RELIGION: Christianity GOVERNMENT: Republic LEADER: Interim President Catherine Samba-Panza

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Division and violence in the heart of Africa The recent conflict in the Central African Republic has left deep scars on the country. The mostly Islamic extremist Séléka rebels began an insurgency and a group of Christians and animists formed a violent resistance – the Anti-balaka – and fought back. In the northern provinces, where the Séléka still has some influence, the situation for Christians is very dangerous. If the Séléka come into a house and find someone reading a Bible, they often kill that person immediately. In villages where the Séléka attack, they often abduct young girls.

P R AY • For Christians in the parts of CAR still controlled by Séléka, that they would have peace and safety restored to their home. • That God would repair relationships between Christians and Muslims so that Christians are free to worship and evangelise. • That women who have been abducted or sexually assaulted will receive trauma counselling and encouragement from the Christian community. 31

27. Jordan


JORDAN 27 REGION: Middle East MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 7.7 Million CHRISTIANS: 169,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Constitutional Monarchy LEADER: King Abdullah II

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Danger for Muslim background believers Christians from a Muslim background cannot openly practice their faith. Giving any indication to those around them that they may be Christian can have serious repercussions. Muslims who convert to Christianity still fall under the jurisdiction of Sharia courts, which means their marriages can be annulled, they can lose custody of their children, and can be deprived of other civil rights. Christians who support MBBs (i.e. giving practical guidance, counselling and biblical education) face threats and discrimination. 32

P R AY • For the halt of Islamic extremists in the country, including the Islamic State. • For churches working with a large number of refugees from places such as Syria and Iraq. • That Christians who evangelise among Muslims or support Muslim background believers will cope with the growing pressure and tensions.

28. Djibouti


DJIBOUTI 28 REGION: Horn of Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 900,000 CHRISTIANS: 15,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Republic LEADER: President Ismail Omar Guelleh

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Second-class citizens Believers from Muslim backgrounds face intense pressure from family and community when they convert. Islamic extremism is spreading more than ever before, growing in popularity. Christians are considered second-class citizens and some imams are using Friday sermons to ridicule Christians and Christianity. Local authorities do not protect Christians when they are attacked. Tolerance towards the large population of Christians originating from Ethiopia is withering away.

P R AY • For the Christians in Djibouti who are seeking to share their faith, that the Lord would provide opportunities for them to do this boldly and safely. • That God would bring peace and fair governance to Djibouti. • For Muslim background believers who face hostility from even their own families.


29. Laos


LAOS 29 REGION: Southeast Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Tribal Antagonism POPULATION: 6.9 Million CHRISTIANS: 202,000 MAIN RELIGION: Buddhism GOVERNMENT: Communist State LEADER: President Lt Gen. Choummaly Sayasone

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Harassment of Christians In general, Christians have more freedom to worship in major cities. In rural areas, Christians run the risk of being disturbed, harassed or even imprisoned. This pressure can even lead to Christians being expelled from villages. Christian children face discrimination by teachers and fellow students in schools. Christian literature and Bibles are not readily available in minority languages. In the Khmu tribe, more than 50% of the total Christian population still do not have a Bible in their own language. 34

P R AY • That the country’s Communist government will relent in its pressure on the small Christian community. • For protection over the members of the illegal church meetings which are often raided. • For Christians in small villages to stay loyal to their faith despite the threat of being forced from their homes.

30. Malaysia


M A L AYS I A 30 REGION: Southeast Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 30.8 Million CHRISTIANS: 3 Million MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Constitutional Monarchy LEADER: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Fading tolerance While Malaysia has a large and majority Muslim population, it has been fairly moderate and liberal. However, this image is now fading. In one state in particular, Kelantan, there is an effort to introduce Sharia law. Racial tension and religious persecution are closely linked to a growth in Islamic conservatism, and minorities including Christians, are in an increasingly dangerous situation.

P R AY • For the government of Malaysia, that it would maintain freedom of religion and not succumb to pressure from Islamic extremists. • For the Christians who face discrimination in their lives and work, that God would grant them satisfaction and peace. • For the Christians in Kelantan state, where there is an effort to introduce Sharia law. 35

ABOUT OPEN DOORS WHO WE ARE For over 60 years, Open Doors has strengthened the persecuted church in their need for Christian literature, prayer and support. We share their stories to encourage the Malaysian church to pray, give, and engage with those who share our faith but not our freedom. WHAT WE DO Each year, Open Doors provides more than 2 million Bibles and Christian literature; conducts Christian leadership and discipleship training for over 300,000 people; and provides practical support, including relief packages and livelihood training to over 200,000 believers.




GIVE To continue to support the persecuted church, Open Doors needs people in Malaysia to give. The best way to do this is to give monthly. If you can, a one off gift will also help in supporting our ministry and may bless, at exactly the right time, a believer in need. Our ministry only continues with the support of fellow believers giving to the cause of the persecuted church. See page 60 for more information. ENGAGE You can increase your awareness of the needs of persecuted Christians by receiving our prayer emails, signing up to our bimonthly publication Frontline Faith, and regularly read updates at PRAY We believe that if you take the time to engage with the persecuted church it will change you and will inevitably lead you to pray for them. Prayer is a very practical way that you can support persecuted Christians. We hear story after story of people that have been uplifted in their times of greatest need by the knowledge that somewhere in the world, people are praying for them. OUR WEBSITE The persecuted church will change you and grow your faith. Our website has stories of courage, resilience, suffering and faith in the face of the daily struggle to live a life dedicated to Jesus. Find us at SOCIAL MEDIA Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus for the latest stories, pictures and prayer requests from the field. It’s a great way for you to follow and share current issues facing Christians around the world.

FRONTLINE FAITH Our bi-monthly newsletters contain moving articles and photographs directly from the field. We want our supporters to continue to grow in their understanding of what it is like to live in countries where following Jesus means suffering. If you want to receive our Frontline Faith, or order a copy for a friend, go to FUND A PROJECT Does your church like to raise money for a cause that matters? At Open Doors we have many projects that are perfect for church fundraising opportunities. Whether it be providing Bibles and Christian literature, enabling Christian discipleship and leadership training or simply providing basic human needs, we have projects that will suit both large and small churches. If you or your church are interested in this please contact us on +603-3341 8905 for more information. EVENTS At Open Doors we encourage our supporters to join us in fundraising and growing awareness of the existence and needs of the persecuted church. Have you thought of running an event in your home, with your small group or with your whole church? Visit for event information. EMAIL The persecution of Christians can change rapidly. Open Doors sends a regular email that keeps you up to date with the latest developments and needs of our brothers and sisters around the world. Subscribe at


31. Tajikistan


TA JIKISTAN 31 REGION: Central Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 8.7 Million CHRISTIANS: 101,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Republic LEADER: President Emomali Rahmon

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Heavy restrictions on believers No religious activities beyond state-run and statecontrolled institutions are allowed. Members of protestant churches can be regarded as followers of an alien sect with only one goal—to spy on and destroy the current political system. The indigenous church, which was practically nonexistent in 1990, is currently estimated to number as many as 3,000 MBBs. These believers are experiencing a great deal of pressure from family, friends and community to deny their faith. 38

P R AY • That MBBs will be able to meet with other Christians to help them stay strong in their faith. • That Christians will have access to Bibles and Christian materials to help them grow in God’s Word. • For restrictions on Christian worship and meetings to be removed

32. Tunisia


TUNISIA 32 REGION: North Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 11.4 Million CHRISTIANS: 25,500 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Republic LEADER: President Beji Caid Essebsi

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT A new generation of believers Expatriate Christians experience a relative amount of freedom, but public evangelism is not tolerated. Pressure is much higher for MBBs than for the few international churches in the country. National churches cannot register – no new church has been granted official registration since Tunisia’s independence in 1956.

P R AY • For a continuation of the relative stability in Tunisia. • That the next generation of believers will receive guidance as they grow in Christ. • For the churches continual growth in the face of ongoing persecution.

Despite the persecution, there is a growing interest in Christianity that comes through radio, television, internet, and personal witness. 39

33. China


CHINA 33 REGION: East Asia MAIN SOURCES OF PERSECUTION: Communist Oppression & Religious Nationalism POPULATION: 1.39 Billion CHRISTIANS: 97.2 Million MAIN RELIGION: Atheism GOVERNMENT: Communist State LEADER: President XI Jinping

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT More freedom for believers China is opening up more and more and Christians are experiencing greater levels of freedom. However church meetings continue to be disrupted, particularly in western China. Recently, a general campaign against so-called “evil cults”, by the government also affected churches. In the volatile regions of Tibet and Muslim Xinjiang, the situation is getting worse for Christian converts. On top of the government’s restrictions, their families, friends and communities also persecute them.


P R AY • For appropriate church leaders to be found and trained to lead this large body of believers. • For the Tibetan and Muslim background believers. • For continuing change in the national leadership to allow more freedom to the church.

34. Azerbaijan


AZERBAIJAN 34 REGION: Central Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 9.9 Million CHRISTIANS: 316,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Republic LEADER: President Ilham Aliyev

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Christians cannot trust anyone Azerbaijan likes to call itself the “Land of Tolerance”. In reality the level of surveillance is so incredibly high that Christians in Azerbaijan do not know whom to trust anymore. The government of Azerbaijan is deeply suspicious that Christians want to destroy the current political system. Converts from Islam also face extensive persecution from family and community. Believers have to be careful when conducting prayer or worship since they are under constant surveillance.

P R AY • That the government of Azerbaijan would truly foster a “Land of Tolerance” where Christians are free to publicly proclaim the gospel. • For converts from Islam as they seek to avoid unwanted attention and still live faithful lives. • Pray the government would move on from its paranoia and suspicion of organised religion.


35. Bangladesh


BANGLADESH 35 REGION: South Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 162.9 Million CHRISTIANS: 828,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Parliamentary Democracy LEADER: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajed

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Violence has increased Christian converts from Islam or Buddhism face strong pressure from their family, friends and neighbours to recant their Christian faith, even though conversion is not forbidden by law. Christians are discriminated against in both their private and business lives. Children of converts face discrimination and bias by teachers and classmates in schools. At least nine churches were forced to close last year. In general, persecution of the church has become more violent over recent years. 42

P R AY • For ongoing training programs that Open Doors provides for Christian leaders. • That the National Party will stop persecuting religious minorities in the country. • That the government will not give into pressure from Islamic factions.

36. Tanzania


TANZANIA 36 REGION: East Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 55.2 Million CHRISTIANS: 29.6 Million MAIN RELIGION: Christianity/Islam GOVERNMENT: Presidential Republic LEADER: President John Magufuli

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Pressure from community and government In areas where Muslims are the majority, Christians face different kinds of restrictions in their community. Christians can be denied access to public transport and sources of water. The government has taken no measurable action to prevent growing anti-Christian sentiment, and the draft constitution includes provisions for Sharia courts. Christians were threatened by the government not to speak out against these provisions.

P R AY • For the Christians in Tanzania who are discriminated against for their faith, that they would cling to the knowledge of God’s love in times of trouble. • That the Tanzanian government would act strongly against antiChristian sentiment and protect Christians from radical Islam. • Pray for peace in Zanzibar, as the people face an uncertain future. 43

37. Algeria


ALGERIA 37 REGION: North Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 40.4 Million CHRISTIANS: 39,200 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Islamic Republic LEADER: President Abdelaziz Bouteflika

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Converts face severe persecution People who choose to convert to Christianity from Islam face severe persecution from their families. Some converts, especially women, are placed under house arrest by their Muslim families and restricted from watching TV, listening to the radio, or having any contact with Christians. In the Arabic part of the country persecution is even more severe and converts risk being killed.


P R AY • For the churches in Algeria, that God would continue growing them in number and faith. • That God would work in the hearts of those persecuting Christian family members. • That the government continues to allow Christian broadcast over TV, radio and internet.

38. Bhutan


BHUTAN 38 REGION: South Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Religious Nationalism POPULATION: 784,000 CHRISTIANS: 20,000 MAIN RELIGION: Buddhism GOVERNMENT: Constitutional Monarchy LEADER: Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Buddhist kingdom Bhutan’s emphasis on Buddhism as the country’s spiritual heritage makes life hard for the Christian minority. Christian converts from Buddhism or a tribal background face persecution from their family, friends and neighbours to recant their Christian faith and return to the traditional religion of Bhutan. Christians are discriminated in both their private and business lives. Teachers and students in schools are unfair towards Christians, and sometimes they are even denied access to school.

P R AY • For the Christian converts in Bhutan, that they would stand strong in their faith and not give in to pressure to recant. • That God would comfort Christians in Bhutan who suffer because of their faith. • For Christians in remote areas who face the most intense persecution.


39. Comoros


COMOROS 39 REGION: East Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 807,000 CHRISTIANS: 4,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Republic LEADER: President Ikililou Dhoinine

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Sharing of gospel is limited Christians find it difficult to build places of worship and cannot distribute Bibles and other Christian materials. House churches are always spied on by local groups. It is very dangerous for the expat church to allow local visitors to attend church services and foreigners found doing so will be deported. Converts from Islam face intense persecution from their families and communities and might also have limited access to services.


P R AY • For the Comorian expat church, that God would strengthen them and give them boldness to proclaim the gospel despite the risk. • For MBBs who are pressured by their families and communities to give up their faith. • That the rise of radical Islam in Comoros will decrease and that Christians will be able to worship without facing severe pressure.

40. Mexico


MEXICO 40 REGION: Latin America MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Organised Corruption POPULATION: 128.6 Million CHRISTIANS: 121.8 Million MAIN RELIGION: Christianity GOVERNMENT: Federal Republic LEADER: President Enrique Pena Nieto

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Threat of kidnapping There are a number of rural villages that ignore the Mexican constitution, instead abiding by their indigenous laws. They oppose Christians and believe that they are attempting to undermine their culture. Attending church services increases the threat of kidnapping, and youths are at risk of being recruited into gangs. Christians who are involved in drug rehabilitation programs or youth work are perceived as being a threat to the drug trade and cartels. There is widespread surveillance of church activities by members of drug cartels

P R AY • For harmony with indigenous communities. • For Christians experiencing threats and violence, that they will endure in their faith. • For unity among denominations, that God’s church would act as one body of Christ.



FROM A PASTOR’S WIFE... “Sometimes I feel I have to hold it all together so that when my husband comes home he does not have to take more stress at home. He has to deal with forced conversions, abductions of girls from our church, visits from and to the police and a myriad of other issues, like printing of Bibles and presence of western cults who really muddy the waters for Christians in Pakistan. I get tired. Sometimes I just want to take my children and my husband and walk through a closet, like the one in CS Lewis’ Narnia... then I remember I can do that through the Bible and I feel God’s peace flood me and enable me.” - Pastor’s wife, Pakistan

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Story from Eritrea

A HONEYMOON WITH JESUS… Gabrielle* is a Christian in Eritrea. Her petite frame and tender manner can easily cause one to underestimate her inner strength. But as a follower of Jesus Christ and active member of an underground church, she faces constant danger of imprisonment, isolation from family members and forceful attempts to get her to recant her faith in Christ. There are Christians in Eritrea for whom this dedication means martyrdom. A few years ago, she attended a secret gathering for Bible study and prayer at a private residence. Suddenly, security officials invaded the meeting and arrested everyone there. At first, Gabrielle was kept in solitary confinement, and tortured in order get her to recant her faith and give up the names of other Christians in the underground churches. Despite the agony she was going through, Gabrielle refused to deny Christ or to betray her brothers and sisters. She made sure her interrogators understood that she considered it an honour to encounter “all the consequences” for her faith in Christ – she was willing to die for Him. A few pastors visited her after her release. “When we visited Gabrielle at home, we could see that she had suffered much. But despite the weakness, her joy was very visible and quite overwhelming. We asked her to tell us what she had gone through. She simply said, ‘It was a honeymoon with Jesus!’ Eritrea is ranked #3 on the 2016 World Watch List. *Name changed for security reasons


41. Kuwait


KUWAIT 41 REGION: Arabian Peninsula MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 4 million CHRISTIANS: 348,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Constitutional Emirate LEADER: Emir Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Fear to change religion MBBs face severe persecution, especially from family and community. Changing religion is not legally permitted. Converts risk discrimination, harassment, police monitoring their activities and intimidation by vigilante groups. In the past, a significant number of Kuwaitis were tolerant towards non-Muslim residents. However this has changed with Islamic extremist groups increasing in popularity and influence.


P R AY • For the nation of Kuwait, that God would effect change here that will allow true freedom of religion to all people. • That Christians who have converted from Islam may stay strong in their faith. • Pray for Islamic extremist groups to begin losing influence with the people.

42. Kazakhstan


K AZAKHSTAN 42 REGION: Central Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 17.9 Million CHRISTIANS: 4.7 Million MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Republic LEADER: President Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Christianity seen as a threat Conversion is the issue that triggers the fiercest reaction. Converts from Islam will avoid performing Christian rituals or openly displaying Christian symbols in order to avoid drawing attention to themselves. They are frequently pressured into recanting their new faith, if they refuse their family may expel them or take their children. Some government-controlled media portray protestant Christians as a threat to Kazakhstan. Local officials frequently encourage people to have a negative attitude towards Christians.

P R AY • For the continued growth of the church in Kazakhstan, despite the increasing pressure on Christians. • That God would calm political tensions in Central Asia and that peace would come, offering new freedoms to Christians. • For protection for pastors who are especially targeted.


43. Indonesia


INDONESIA 43 REGION: Southeast Asia MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 260.6 Million CHRISTIANS: 30.9 Million MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Republic LEADER: President Joko Widodo

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Continued suffering for minorities Indonesia is a diverse country that claims to be tolerant to all religions, however religious minorities continue to suffer and Christians face problems in registering church buildings. Christians have at times even suffered violent attacks. Islamic by-laws are in place in some regions and territories, with Aceh province ruled by Sharia law. MBBs have to be careful in the way they worship, especially if they are the only believers in their family.


P R AY • For unity among Christians from different regions, denominations and ethnic backgrounds. • That the president, Joko Widodo, would make an effort to secure religious freedom and protection for minorities. • Pray for Christians who have suffered in Aceh province that they may show grace in the midst of persecution.

44. Mali


MALI 44 REGION: West Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 18.1 Million CHRISTIANS: 527,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Republic LEADER: President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT No church in the north In the north of Mali there is still no possibility of normal church life, after an Islamist invasion in 2012 and the resulting intervention from the French military. Christian communities and infrastructure have been largely destroyed with many of the Christians who fled still afraid to return. At the same time, the church in southern Mali has been negatively affected by the increasing visibility of various Islamic extremist groups. While society has generally accepted Christian gatherings, believers feel threatened by the lingering Islamist movements.

P R AY • For Christians living in the north who face more persecution. • For Christians living in fear of Islamic militants, that they will be strong in their faith. • For God to continue to build His church in this country.


45. Turkey


TURKEY 45 REGION: Middle East MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 80 Million CHRISTIANS: 219,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Republican Parliamentary Democracy LEADER: President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Increasing threats The general opinion in the country is that a true Turk is born a Muslim. As such, family, friends and the local community will exert heavy pressure on ethnic Turks who convert away from Islam. The renewed fighting between the government and the Kurdish forces has increased violence and made the situation more dangerous for Christians. The presence of Islamic extremists in Turkey has already proven to be a huge threat for pastors; converts may expect similar treatment.


P R AY • That President Erdoğan will not continue on the path of enforcing Islamic influence and continuing discrimination against Christians. • For courage and boldness among Christians in reaching out to others. • That church attacks will diminish and that Christians may worship in peace.

46. Colombia


COLOMBIA 46 REGION: Latin America MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Organised Corruption POPULATION: 48.6 Million CHRISTIANS: 46 Million MAIN RELIGION: Christianity GOVERNMENT: Republic LEADER: President Juan Manuel Santos

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Christians living in fear In families, conversion from indigenous traditional beliefs to Christianity is not tolerated as it is seen as a threat to the community’s ancestral traditions. For this reason, baptisms and other family-related expressions of Christianity need to carried out in secret. Christians have been killed for their faith by guerrillas, paramilitaries and other criminal organisations. Criminal groups have also ordered the closure of churches, sometimes because these churches have criticised their activity or because they are perceived to be connected to opposing groups.

P R AY • For safety for Christians who are at risk of becoming victims of violence. • That the Colombian government would do more to protect Christians and ensure they can worship in safety. • For the next generation, that they will seek Jesus and follow a new way of life.


47. United Arab Emirates


U N I T E D A R A B E M I R AT E S 47 REGION: Arabian Peninsula MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 9.3 Million CHRISTIANS: 1.2 Million MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Federation LEADER: President Khalifa bin Zayed Alnahyan

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT No religious freedom Freedom of religion is severely restricted in the UAE, and the majority of Christians are expatriates. The law of the kingdom does not recognise conversion from Islam to Christianity, and the legal punishment is death. The government does not allow any education inclusive of religious teaching, other than Islam. Evangelism is prohibited, but non-Muslim groups (mainly expatriates) can worship in dedicated buildings or private homes.


P R AY • That God would strengthen and comfort the converts from Islam who are discriminated against for their faith. • For Christian materials to be available to those who need them. • For the expatriate Christians in the UAE, that they will stand strong when under pressure and boldly live out their faith.

48. Bahrain


BAHRAIN 48 REGION: Arabian Peninsula MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 1.4 Million CHRISTIANS: 179,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Constitutional Monarchy LEADER: King Hamad bin Isa Al khalifa

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Permitted but unwelcome Expatriate Christians are relatively free to worship but the number of church compounds are limited, so dozens of congregations must use the same building. Christians who have converted from Islam face many challenges. For example, public school curriculums include Islamic teachings. Christians are not obliged to take the courses, but anyone who is suspected of conversion is discriminated against. So converts who do not want to reveal their new Christian faith for their safety are still required to attend the Islamic classes.

P R AY • That the church in Bahrain would continue to flourish and grow, despite the pressure placed upon it by the government and the rise of radical Islam. • For Christians from Muslim backgrounds, that they would have faith in God’s goodness when they face challenges. • For tensions to ease between Muslims and Christian so the gospel can be shared. 57

49. Niger


NIGER 49 REGION: West Africa MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 20.7Million CHRISTIANS: 66,600 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Republic LEADER: President Mahamadou Issoufou

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Small population of Christians More than 96% of the population in Niger are Muslims. Only an estimated less than 4% of the population are Christian. Believers in Niger face persecution from Islamic extremism, as there is a growing influence of radical Islam in the country. Nigerian extremist group Boko Haram also operates in the country. Christians face discrimination mainly from their community and family. Converts to Christianity are seen as a threat, and believers are persecuted by their family members as their new faith is made known. 58

P R AY • For the churches that have been attacked and burnt down, that the congregations will continue. • For Christians who have been forced to leave their homes. • For new believers, that God’s love, grace and peace will overflow into their family.

50. Oman


OMAN 50 REGION: Arabian Peninsula MAIN SOURCE OF PERSECUTION: Islamic Extremism POPULATION: 4.7 Million CHRISTIANS: 197,000 MAIN RELIGION: Islam GOVERNMENT: Monarchy LEADER: Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said

COUNTRY SNAPSHOT Legal and social pressure Oman’s legal system is mainly based on Islamic law. All state school curriculums include instruction in Islam. Foreign Christians are allowed to discretely worship in private homes or work compounds. Their facilities are restricted in order not to offend nationals. In recent decades, a number of religious communities have emerged among the expatriate population. Most Christians in Oman are expats, with only a few hundred indigenous Christians.

P R AY • For the Sultan of Oman, that he would continue to govern with the principle of tolerance, and do more to respect the human rights of Christians. • That God would give boldness to expat Christians, so that they would share the gospel with their indigenous neighbours.


GIVE MONTHLY GIVING Sacrificial giving on a monthly basis is the best form of support for the persecuted church. A monthly gift ensures ongoing ministry to those who share our faith but not our freedom. By doing this you are partnering with us on the frontlines.

FUND A PROJECT We have a number of special projects from around the world that you can raise money for. Your small group or entire church can take on a project to support persecuted believers. You could even fund one yourself.

OTHER GIVING Your generous gifts allows Open Doors to continue supporting persecuted Christians in over 60 countries where it is dangerous to follow Jesus. Every gift makes a difference!

FUNDRAISING EVENTS We can help you run an event to raise funds to support the persecuted church. Call us about registering an event in your home or church.

To make your donation, or enquire about our projects and events visit: or call +603-3341 8905

PRAY There are many ways that you can join us and the persecuted church in prayer. USE THIS HANDBOOK Use this handbook to pray for Christians in the most difficult countries throughout 2016. FRONTLINE FAITH Subscribe to our bi-monthly Frontline Faith magazine and Prayer Guide to better understand the needs of our brothers and sisters who suffer. REGULAR UPDATES Subscribe to our email and keep up to date with the latest prayer news and requests from the persecuted church.

WEBSITE Regularly visit our website to read updated information on the World Watch List countries and much more… RUN A PRAYER EVENT Run a prayer event in your small group or church. We can provide you with information and resources to help you. “ THERE ARE NO BORDERS, NO PRISON WALLS, NO DOORS THAT ARE CLOSED TO US WHEN WE PRAY.” - Brother Andrew

ENGAGE You can be involved in practical support to the persecuted church in ways other than prayer and giving. In our Frontline Faith newsletter and on our website there are many ways for you to do this. TRAVEL There are opportunities year-round to visit the persecuted church or go on prayer trips to countries where Christians are persecuted. This provides great encouragement to believers and your faith will never be the same. VOLUNTEER We are always looking for people who can give their time to help us present the needs of the persecuted church to the Malaysian church. Contact us if this is something that interests you.

READ AND SHARE There are many amazing stories of the persecuted church and persecuted Christians available in book form and for sale on our website. Why not read one and share the story with friends. AT TEND AN EVENT Throughout the year, we have a number of events you can attend in different places around Malaysia. Check our website to see if there is an event near you.

To engage in any of these ways or to discover other ways visit or call +603-3341 8905


GLOSSARY Anti-balaka (CAR) - The Anti-balaka are Christian and animist militias formed in the Central African Republic. BJP - The Bharatiya Janata Party is one of the two major parties in the Indian political system. Boko Haram - Islamic Extremist group with allegiance to Islamic State based in Nigeria and active in parts of Chad, Niger and Cameroon. Civil war - a war between citizens of the same country. Constitution - a body of fundamental principles according to which a state or other organisation is acknowledged to be governed. Drug Cartels - a criminal organization with the intention of supplying drug trafficking operations. Imam - the prayer leader of a mosque. Insurgency - a rebellion against authority. Islamic State - Islamic extremist group operating in Iraq, Syria and branching out to other regions, also known as ISIS, ISIL and Daesh. Isolationist - The doctrine that a nation should stay out of the disputes and affairs of other nations.


MBB - Muslim Background Believer. Nationalist - a person who advocates political independence for a country. al-Nusra Front - the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda. al-Qaeda - A global Islamic extremist organization. Seleka (CAR) – Islamic extremist militia terrorising Christians in the Central African Republic. al-Shabaab - al Qaeda's affiliate in Somalia. Sharia Law - the legal framework within which the public and some private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on Islam. The Taliban - An Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan. Zanzibar - a Tanzanian archipelago off the coast of East Africa.

1. North Korea 2. Iraq 3. Eritrea 4. Afghanistan 5. Syria 6. Pakistan 7. Somalia 8. Sudan 9. Iran 10. Libya



11. Yemen 12. Nigeria 13. Maldives 14. Saudi Arabia 15. Uzbekistan 16. Kenya 17. India 18. Ethiopia 19. Turkmenistan 20. Vietnam


37 10










41 48 21 14 47










21. Qatar 22. Egypt 23. Myanmar 24. Palestinian Territories 25. Brunei 26. Central African Republic 27. Jordan 28. Djibouti 29. Laos 30. Malaysia









31. Tajikistan 32. Tunisia 33. China 34. Azerbaijan 35. Bangladesh 36. Tanzania 37. Algeria 38. Bhutan 39. Comoros 40. Mexico






38 23




41. Kuwait 42. Kazakhstan 43. Indonesia 44. Mali 45. Turkey 46. Colombia 47. United Arab Emirates 48. Bahrain 49. Niger 50. Oman







For the last 20 years Open Doors has produced the World Watch List, ranking the top fifty countries where it most difficult to be a Christian This well researched report is compiled by a group of experts, audited by an outside organization specializing in religious freedom and it is credited as the best and most authoritative report of its kind. Through on the ground interviews and data analysis, the list provides an accurate picture of the difficulties persecuted Christians experience around the world. But the list is not just numbers and figures, it represents those who have decided to follow Jesus no matter what the cost may be. In many countries believers encounter intimidation, prison, or in some countries even death. We invite you to learn more and pray for the millions of believers around the world where persecution is a reality.

WWW.OPENDOORSMY.ORG +603-3341 8905

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