OM Global Magazine Jan 2024

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ISSUE 1 2024




A man poses for a photo in Muscat, Oman.


Dear friends,

RJ Rempel

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” R O M A N S 1 0 : 1 3 IN THIS ISSUE:









Three Billion Reasons

Sharing Jesus through sports in Myanmar

Helping hands and an open heart

A disciple making movement in Bulgaria









Three billion reasons to pray

A small country with a big heart

Five reasons why you should join our ships ministry

On the cutting edge


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OM International, images on pages 12–13 ©VisualFlow Creations (James Blake). © Global magazine 2024. No part of this magazine may be copied or reproduced in any form without written approval from the publishers. Country file information taken from Operation World, 21st Century edition.

This is wonderful news! Salvation is found only in the name and through the work of Jesus Christ and it is a free gift for everyone who calls on and believes in his name. As I reflect upon this gift of salvation and recognise that I/we who have called on Jesus are accepted, forgiven, saved and being transformed into the people God wants us to be, I realise that we are so blessed. Somehow, some time, someone told us about God’s love in Christ and we believed and called upon his name and we are being and will be saved. But what about those who cannot call on Jesus because they’ve never believed or even heard of or about him? What about those living in parts of the world where there is no opportunity of even meeting a follower of Jesus? What about those who cannot call on the name of Jesus because they have never heard, or understood what it means to follow him and receive forgiveness and new life? We in OM remain as passionate and committed as ever to do all we can so that every person might have the possibility of calling upon the name of Jesus Christ. This is why we do what we do in the UK. It is the reason why we long to see more teens join our TeenStreet UK program, and why we pray for more individuals and churches from the UK to engage in short term mission assignments. Because we know that when teenage disciples become disciple makers and when short term outreach participants get inspired about longer term cross cultural mission work, then we will see even more Jesus followers grow in vision for, and involvement in, taking the Gospel to and supporting ministry among those who are yet to hear. For how will they hear unless someone goes and tells them? Thank you for your continued partnership and support for the work of OM in the UK and around the world. Yours in Christ, Matthew

Bible references are from the New International Version unless stated otherwise.




How will they hear? The ‘3 Billion Reasons’ tour is a partnership event between eight mission agencies and local churches that challenges followers of Jesus in the UK to consider this question for themselves.

Three Billion Reasons This number is growing by around 60,000 people per day. That’s nearly 22 million people a year – the population of Singapore, London and New York combined.

There are families, communities, and entire groups of people who are living without the knowledge of why they were made and how much they are loved by God. Sadly, many of them have no choice in the matter. They don’t have access to a local church or a Bible. There aren’t any Jesus followers living among them.

Through interactive times of worship, testimony, prayer, and ministry from the Word, each event seeks to remind us of our calling to take the gospel where Jesus is least known. There are 3 billion reasons to play your part in making Jesus known. Will you join us? Look out for a 3 Billion Reasons event near you. Find out more at

Remember Ukraine On 24 February 2022, Russia launched military attacks on Ukraine that have seen thousands killed and millions displaced. Two years on, OM workers continue to serve and support families fractured by war. The war in Ukraine may have slipped out of the news cycle in the UK, but OM workers in the country and across Europe remain committed to showing Christ’s love to those who have been forced to flee. Wayne Zschech, Field Leader of OM in Ukraine, lives in a church building. When the war broke out, the church became a centre for refugees.

“We have helped not only those who were fleeing for their lives to begin with,” Wayne says, “But we have taken on some long-termers who can never go back to their homes in the city of Kherson.” In the midst of the most desperate of circumstances, Wayne is thankful for the prayer and support of OM supporters. “God is doing amazing things. He’s saved lives, and He’s

had His people rubbing shoulders with people that would never step foot in a church or actively seek God.” “Your prayers and your support has allowed us to do so many things.”

Please continue to pray for those affected by the war in Ukraine. You can give to our Ukraine Appeal at




Sharing Jesus through sports in Myanmar *names changed WORDS AVA MOORE

OM’s sports ministry in Myanmar started in 2008 after the country was struck by a massive typhoon. Many lives were lost and many communities destroyed, which led Simon* to join OM to help with the relief efforts. Through the relief work, opportunities opened to serve the community through sports. “Despite the many challenges our country was going through, we would always find groups of young people playing sports in the playing fields,” shared Simon. “They were always ready and excited to attend our organised events. We quickly realised that through these events, we were able to have conversations about life and share our faith.” Soon after, the team partnered with a group of Christian footballers from Brazil who travelled to Myanmar for a short-term outreach. This event was not only welcomed by the community but also by the country’s Football Federation, as a few of the Brazilian footballers were very well known in Myanmar. “It was amazing to see that the national football federation approved for


us to have this big football event, knowing that we were also sharing the gospel. Living in a Buddhistmajority country comes with a lot of opposition from the government and community to share the gospel and to be a Christian,” Simon noted. Since then, Simon and his team have hosted different sporting events around Myanmar and shared the love of Christ with those they meet. “After our sporting events, we discuss life lessons learnt through sports. The participants are very open to talk about life and hear our story. This allows us to share our life values that are biblically based, and that’s how we can slowly introduce our faith,” Simon explained. Regular sports ministry then becomes a key instrument to build trust and foster relationships in the community. GAINING SUPPORT FOR SPORTS MINISTRY

Despite seeing the impact of sports ministry, getting the local church to support Simon’s team is a challenge. Simon explains that for many churches in Myanmar, it is difficult to understand the significance that sports ministry has on making disciples. “They see it as just sports or children playing around and don’t take it seriously,” Simon said. “However, what they don’t see is that it’s an opportunity to get to

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know someone’s true character or personality through these activities. I’ve seen so many times how people open up and share personal things during our discussions that they wouldn’t normally share.” When the sports ministry first started, two nominal believers attended the youth camp. At the end of the camp, they recommitted their lives to Jesus. Since then, they have been active in sports ministry. Simon explained that his passion for using sports to reach out to others comes from the fact that it is very easy to initiate outdoor activities and have fellowship with young people.

“We just have to go to the playing fields, and we’ll find people ready and excited to participate,” he explains. “I was also like them where I would spend a lot of my time on the field playing football.” CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES

It requires patience and time to build credibility and standing in these least-reached areas; team members are sometimes not welcomed or trusted. Over time though, the team has seen small house groups of new believers started and people taking the steps to be baptised.

One of Simon’s team members moved to a new area four years ago, where people regarded him warily as a newcomer. He persevered and continued hosting sporting events and living out his faith for all to see. The community began to accept him and even asked him to prepare a Christmas event for the area. With sports as a catalyst, a few people in the community have come to know Christ, been baptised and started a small group to continue growing in their faith.

Please pray for the local church to support and get involved with sports ministry in Myanmar. Pray that God would continue to open doors in unreached areas and praise Him for the work He is doing there. Pray for more people to join the team in sharing the good news of Christ through sports, and pray for those on the sports fields, that they may know Him.




Helping hands and an open heart Ruth, who now leads Doulos Hope with her husband Nathan, shares her story of obedience to God’s call. Helping people is in Ruth Campos de Schmutz’ blood. As a child growing up in Guatemala, she watched her mother willing to give her last dollar to help others. As a teenager, she made herself available for others to share problems or ask for prayer. Now she and her husband Nathan, both 33, have been appointed as the leaders of Doulos Hope, OM’s latest ship. For Ruth, this is the fulfilment of a decade-long dream to help people all over the world.


“When I was 19,” she recalls, “I remember that I went in front of the church and said, ‘Lord, here I am. I really want to serve You. I want to go wherever You want me.’

“But I understood that [things always happen] in the time of God, not in my time, so I continued serving in my church.” TRUSTING GOD’S TIMING

Ruth began working full-time for OM in 2014. When her and Nathan were approached about leading Doulos Hope, they took two weeks to pray about the invitation. “We needed to ask what the Lord wants for this new ministry. We felt that the Lord was saying to us, ‘Here is the baby that I want to put in your hands. I really want you to guide them and show them the right way,’” Ruth shared. “We received Doulos Hope like a gift, like a baby that we need to care for.” LEARNING NEW THINGS

Ruth is happy to admit she is constantly learning new things about and from God.

I always need His wisdom, His guidance during challenges in our life. So, when I have a challenge I say, ‘What do you want to teach me now? What do you want me to learn?’ “I can’t do things alone; always, always I need His help,” she said. “Always, I need His wisdom, His guidance during challenges in our life. So, when I have a challenge I say, ‘What do you want to teach me now? What do you want me to learn?’” Even after so many years of trusting God to lead her, Ruth says He still surprises her. “The Lord was giving the surprise of our lives that He was inviting us to Doulos Hope... But if the Lord is asking us [to go], He will be with us.”

Pray for wisdom and guidance for Ruth and Nathan as they take on the leadership of Doulos Hope. Pray for the crew members and staff on board Doulos Hope, and ask that more people with the right skills and giftings would join the ship ministry. Pray that God will open doors in Asia, and that the workers on board can demonstrate what it is to be the body of Christ to all those they meet there.

ISSUE 1 2024

A disciple-making movement in Bulgaria In Bulgaria, God is weaving the lives of His disciples together to reach marginalised peoples in Bulgaria and form a vibrant tapestry of Jesus-following communities. Cornel is the leader of OM’s work in Romania. Three years ago, he and his team relocated from an area of the country with a healthy church presence to a location with a large population of Muslim Turks. The people there were so receptive to the gospel that they asked Cornel to visit their friends and relatives in Bulgaria. Following their encouragement, Cornel connected with someone in northern Bulgaria and agreed to visit at Christmas time. When he showed up, the people were amazed. “We thought you were not coming because Christians spend Christmas with their family in their own community,” they told Cornel, “We were testing you…OK, share with us whatever you want to share.” WO R D S T I F FA N Y L I N K

During the visit, Cornel visited three different communities. At the third location, a Muslim lady came forward and told those gathered about her dream from the previous night. A man had come to her and said, “I am Jesus. Follow Me.”

When Cornel spoke about the very man she had dreamt about, she knew she had to follow Him. “That was the spark,” says Cornel, “From there, a lot of people wanted to know more about Jesus. And now it’s like a fire; we cannot stop it.” Over the next few months, three new groups of Jesus followers were formed and connected with Romanian churches near the border. But this was just the beginning. Prompted by the desire to expand the work further, Cornel looked to the south of the country. It was during this time he connected with Nicolay, a follower of Jesus

was born between OM and Nicolay’s foundation. With OM’s help, the foundation has planted six new churches among marginalised communities in the south of Bulgaria. The communities are primarily Muslim Turks, Muslim refugees, Ukrainian refugees and Roma people. In most of the villages, Jesus had never been shared before. There are now seven groups of Jesus followers in the south of Bulgaria, and over 150 people have been baptised. Through the foundation, 20 disciples are being trained to make new disciples. Praise God that this gospel partnership has birthed a disciple-making movement!

from Bulgaria. Nicolay yearned to bring the gospel to unreached areas, and had decided to start a foundation to enable this mission. Sadly, the church didn’t share his vision and wouldn’t support him. He began praying for help. When Nicolay met Cornel, it was an answer to the prayers of both

As the Lord continues to weave the Church together in Bulgaria, pray that He would use His people to reach the 800,000 Turkish Muslims in the country. Pray that more disciples will commit to becoming disciple-makers, and that more workers would come to further the ministry among the unreached in Bulgaria.

men. From there, a partnership 05

Three billion reasons to pray It’s estimated that over 3 billion people around the world have limited or no access to the good news of Jesus. To inspire you in prayer, we have identified five regions where Christ is least known. Pull this map out and put it somewhere visible to help you pray.

The Sahel The Sahel Region is home to the densest cluster of people groups in Africa without access to the gospel. The people living in this 5,000-kilometre belt of land face many difficulties, including violence by extremist groups, ongoing drought and economic insecurity. • Pray that Christians sent out from across Africa to reach the peoples of the Sahel would be showered with support, both in prayer and funds. • Pray that Christian response to ongoing humanitarian crises would be gospel-centred and Holy Spirit-empowered. • Pray that God would show us, too, how we might join His work in this place.

Arabian Peninsula The Arabian Peninsula (AP) is composed of the nations between the Red Sea and Persian Gulf: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Yemen. Despite difficult circumstances, the church is growing in this region. Nearly 65% of Arabs in the AP are under the age of 30, and many of them are open to hearing the gospel. • Pray that Muslims in the AP will receive visions and revelations of the Lord Jesus Christ when they pray in mosques and other places. • Pray that entire families would be open to the message of Jesus, so they can journey in faith together.

Find more prayer resources at


• Pray that Muslims in the AP would engage with good online resources that will guide them to knowledge about Jesus and ultimately connect them to Jesus followers in their local areas.

Europe Despite being the birthplace of the Reformation, Europe today is the only continent where the church is in rapid decline. As well as many nominal Christians, the continent is now home to thousands of refugees and migrants from a variety of cultural and religious backgrounds. • Pray that churches across Europe would be ready to welcome and share God’s love with refugees and people who have been displaced from their homes. • Pray that God would draw to Himself nominal Christians for whom nationality and religion are synonymous, that they would have a living relationship with Jesus. • Pray that believers across Europe would be stirred and emboldened to play their part in the Great Commission.

South Asia South Asia is home to more than 1.5 billion people. India, Pakistan and Bangladesh have some of the highest numbers of unreached people groups in the world, with the equivalent of only 1 full time Christian worker for every 500,000 Muslims. • Pray that local Jesus followers would be bold and take risks of faith, not giving into fear of sharing the gospel with their Muslim and Hindu neighbours.

The North Caucasus Located in the southern part of the Russian Federation, the North Caucasus is an ancient and rugged land where Eastern Europe meets Western Asia. The region is home to more than seven million people, with a vast array of ethnic backgrounds. Each of the territories has its own history, traditions, languages and beliefs.

• Pray that state persecution would cease and allow for an increase in local church and Christian organisation community involvement. • Pray that digital media ministries would grow, sowing gospel seeds among the 600 million Urdu, Hindustani and Bengali speakers.

• Pray that Russian Jesus followers moving to the North Caucasus will have wisdom in communicating the gospel message in their new communities. • Pray that Russian churches will be burdened for the people of the North Caucasus and increase their support of Christians in the area. • Pray that believers in other parts of the world would also be burdened and consider how we might join God’s work in the North Caucasus.




A small country with a big heart


s someone who has never really experienced Christian mission overseas before, it was a privilege to be asked to join a church group on their short term adventure to Moldova. My role as part of the marketing team at OM in the UK usually involves advocating for short term outreach and discipleship by sharing the stories of others. Recently, I was given the amazing opportunity to participate in a short term outreach myself – an experience that changed me profoundly. Matthew Skirton has always been passionate about our ministries in Moldova, having pioneered OM’s


work in the country. It came as no surprise, then, when I found out that Matthew had rallied eight individuals from a church in Sleaford for an impromptu outreach – just 8 weeks before getting on the plane!

The quickly arranged trip provided me and a couple of other colleagues with the opportunity to join them and see what was happening in Moldova for ourselves. Moldova is home to approximately 3 million people. When I arrived, I was struck not only by the country’s natural beauty (and deep snow), but also the infectious enthusiasm radiating from the OM team there. In previous years, OM in Moldova has welcomed around 400 active participants from all over the world to its summer outreaches. However, applications have been affected by war in Ukraine and ongoing challenges of COVID-19. Despite the decline in numbers and financial

support, OM staff remain steadfast in their belief that God will provide people and resources. Although I was in the country for less than a week, I could write so much about my time in Moldova. Today I will be sharing just a few of the many stories from our time there. HANDS OF BLESSING

During the week, we visited a church in Chișinău. After being guided through the city’s streets by Pavel, an OM worker, we were warmly welcomed by the pastors and congregation. Pavel translated for us as we shared our testimonies, words of encouragement and passages from the Bible.

ISSUE 1 2024

these brothers and sisters were blessing us. Moved by generosity, an elderly woman came hurrying to the front, arms stretched wide towards us as she knelt down in front of the altar. I wanted to cry. I held tightly to her hand on the way back to my seat, wanting her to know that I truly saw her and that I cared for her. As the church emptied and food parcels were handed out to cold but grateful congregation members, Pavel reminded us that those who have little are often the most generous ones.

“These were the hands of those who might not alREFUGE FOR CHILDREN ways feel safe in their own Later that afternoon, after a brief country. Yet here they were, but delightful plăcintă* stop (my praying for us!” new favourite food), we visited a After we had all shared, it was clear that the Lord was powerfully at work amongst those gathered. Something amazing was beginning to happen. From across the congregation, shaky, elderly, wise and caring hands were outstretched towards us. These were the hands of those who had suffered great loss in their families through conflict or disease. These were the hands of those who had little money and food. These were the hands of those who might not always feel safe in their own country. Yet here they were, praying for us! Even though there isn’t a war going on next to my home or a lack of heating in my house,

avoid any contact with the church. Even though the centre was closed through the COVID-19 pandemic, the church delivered food parcels directly to the children’s homes so that they wouldn’t go hungry. V I S I B L E T R A N S F O R M AT I O N

As the final day came, I could see that the short time we had spent in Moldova had impacted the church group from Sleaford. It was so encouraging to see the church’s love for God and for Moldova. Already, there are plans for their return in the summer of 2024! I caught up with Veron, an older participant from Sleaford. She exclaimed, “You’re never

children’s centre run by OM and the local church. Nellia, the deacon’s wife, is responsible for managing the centre alongside a dedicated cook who ensures the children get hot meals daily. The centre provides a safe space for children to come after school, which finishes at midday, and do their homework. Over 20 children seek refuge here, many coming from families grappling with alcohol and substance abuse issues. The centre still faces challenges, especially with the lack of parental communication. Sadly, many parents *Traditional Moldovan pastry with either sheep cheese, potatoes or cabbage inside. 09



too old to have a life changing mission experience.” We embarked on a visit to a rehabilitation centre where we encountered a group of men whose lives had been remarkably transformed by God’s grace. As we stepped into their temporary home, eight gentlemen lined up along a sofa in a small living area in anticipation of our arrival. The room quickly became full, and we engaged in an exchange of stories. There were stories of wandering the streets, losing custody of children, fleeing from Ukraine, grappling with addiction, enduring abuse, and bearing the trauma of broken childhoods. Yet, through their often painful journeys, they had each found peace in Jesus. Their unwavering faith and yearning for renewed hope were incredibly moving. Words can’t really describe the depth of emotion I felt that morning. The room quickly became full of music, joy and worship. The atmosphere shifted and we glimpsed something of God’s peace in their lives.

enthusiastic, passionate group of people excited for God’s mission. Lizzie, another participant from the church in Sleaford, has witnessed mission in China, Ukraine and Romania. She said, “I was humbled and blown away by the hospitality that the Moldovans we met have

on a Short Term Outreach team with OM.” Our short time in Moldova will have a lasting impact on all of us who went. I encourage all of you, whatever your age, to go and see first hand the work of OM in this amazing country.

shown us, some of whom have very little materially. It has been a joy to work with a local church in a village, meet with the church community and experience first-hand the

Please keep all these men in your prayers. God is doing something extremely profound in them.

amazing work they are doing in


challenged me on this trip, and

Find out more about our Short Term Out-

Moldova is home to an astonishingly beautiful community of Jesus followers. I have never met a more

I am going back with my heart

reaches in Moldova and across the world at

enlarged and changed. I would


their community.” She adds, “God has definitely

wholeheartedly recommend serving

ISSUE 1 2024

Five reasons why you should join OM’s Ship Ministry W O R D S R U T H TAY LO R

Thinking about joining OM’s Ship Ministry? Here’s why you should take a leap of faith! 1. Serve God and people Everyone in OM’s Ship Ministry is a volunteer. From the captains to the housekeepers, each person is supported financially and in prayer by family, friends and their church back home. They all share a heart for making a difference in the lives of other people. Most would agree that serving is both a humbling and a rewarding experience.

2. Meet a growing need Did you know that an estimated three billion people still haven’t heard about God’s love? And this number is increasing by approximately 60,000 people daily. That’s one football stadium full of people each day! By serving on one of our ships, you will have an opportunity to share the hope of Jesus with the people you meet in each port.

3. Experience growth and change Whether it is emotionally, physically, mentally or spiritually, there is no doubt that serving with OM’s Ship Ministry will stretch and challenge you. From living in a multicultural community, to adapting to changing environments and fast-paced schedules, to being far away from loved ones, the ship experience is not for the faint-hearted. But if you want to grow and build your character, then joining might just change your life!

4. Use your skills and talents for God Perhaps you’re a seasoned professional and qualified in your field. Maybe you’re completely unsure of what to do with your life. Either way, you have a place in OM’s Ship Ministry! There are so many ways you can use your unique skills and talents on board – and you’ll learn lots of new skills along the way, too!

God’s love after their time serving on board. There are opportunities in leadership development, workrelated experience, interpersonal and life-skill development, faithbased training and mentoring. The OM team will help support you as you seek God’s plan for your life.

Bonus: 6. Travel the world! Imagine swimming in clear Caribbean waters, visiting Egyptian pyramids, hiking Montenegrin mountains, eating Mexican street food, exploring Malaysian jungles – and much more! Maybe the better question is, why wouldn’t you join the Ship Ministry?

5. Discover God’s plan

Discover opportunities to get in-

OM’s Ship Ministry trains and equips people to continue sharing

volved with our Ships Ministry at


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T eNeI nT SE tDr eKeItN G D O M U

On the cutting edge

T *names changed WORDS NICKY ANDREWS 12

here’s a warm buzz of conversation and an endless flow of tea and cake at the Asian Friendship Centre (AFC).

English and computer skills to cope

Indian carpets and wall hangings add to the centre’s snug and homely feel, which once served as a furniture shop. For the older Asian men and women who come here on Wednesdays for help navigating modern British life, there’s a real atmosphere of peace. A few of them have discovered the source of this peace, Jesus, for themselves.

AFC great respect in this mainly

Mike from OM explains that the AFC occupies a particular niche. As well as providing advocacy, the centre provides vulnerable and isolated people who lack sufficient

with key areas like benefits, utilities, health services, and tenancy rights. LIVING OUT GOD’S CARE

Two decades of open-hearted service and expertise have won the Muslim area. This is largely due to Mike’s volunteer colleague, Ilyas, who is from Pakistan and was once a Muslim himself. “He’s got an evangelist’s heart, has lived here and served local people all these years, knows everyone and everything, and speaks their languages. Quite simply, he’s embedded,” says Mike, who’s been here with OM for 2 years, providing the project with management and administrative support.

©VisualFlow Creations (James Blake).

Mike has spent most of his working life in the ‘global South’ absorbing different cultural customs and values. Even so, crossing cultures and language barriers can often be exhausting. But he loves the deep involvement he has in people’s lives. There’s passion in his voice as he continues, “Jesus became embedded in the lives of individuals so we just seek to follow Him. That’s why I love to call this ‘incarnate ministry.’” A F R A C T U R E D FA M I LY BACKGROUND

Mike is keen to talk about his friend Abdul*, who will be in later for lunch and the Bible study afterwards (“the highlight of my week,” says Mike, who leads it). Abdul is typical of many of the people who come to AFC. He is a man in his sixties. His marriage has

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broken down, with the adult kids siding with his wife. The ‘close-knit Asian family’ stereotype just didn’t work for him any more. He was lonely and alone in a rented flat, battling chronic health conditions. One day, a utilities letter arrived saying he must pay arrears for fuel he hadn’t used, or risk a penalty. Abdul’s English is limited, and he can’t do much on his smartphone – so he complained to his friend Hasan*, who is also divorced and alone. RECOMMENDED BY THE MOSQUE

Hasan shared with Abdul about his own problems five years earlier, when he had faced eviction. His Imam had told him to go to the AFC. The Christian guys there had given him the advice he needed. Hasan encouraged Abdul that he could just turn up there without any appointment. When he arrived at the AFC, Ilyas listened for two hours while Abdul poured out his life story. He then translated the utilities letter into Urdu so that Abdul could decide what to do for himself.

been following Jesus ever since,” says Mike. REAL SPIRITUAL FOOD

Today, Abdul arrives just to hang out over lunchtime. There’s a lull in the conversation while volunteer Azim prays grace in Urdu. A dozen Pakistani lamb kebab-and-salad wraps are demolished by hungry volunteers and visitors. After lunch, the buzz of conversation resumes. Across the room, another volunteer called Frank is trying (again) to iron out Sudpita’s* council tax situation. In the small kitchen, Ilyas listens as recently-widowed Ahmad* shares his heartache. Seated around Mike’s desk, Abdul, Abbas* and Ibrahim* watch as Mike opens his Bible to explore Jesus’ encounter with the disciples on the Emmaus road. Azim interprets into Urdu, then everyone prays in his own language: Urdu, Gujarati, Bengali, English. After more tea, cake and conversation with Steve – one of the other volunteers – Abdul

shuffles away. But he’ll return on Sunday afternoon to join a dozen others for worship, fellowship and food at the monthly Urdu-language gathering. FUTURE PLANS

“I’ve seen God provide for AFC: practically, financially and spiritually,” shares Mike. “And He’s used my legal and admin experience to get us registered as a charity! Now we can get on a better financial footing, and we’re praying for ten more volunteers from local churches, so we can relaunch English classes and start a homework club. I understand some folks are cautious about ‘South Asian ministry,’” he concludes, “but if they would just come and make friends with people like Abdul, they’d see it’s all about loving them into the Kingdom.”

Want to share the love of Jesus with people in the UK who don’t yet know Him? Find opportunities to serve at

Two years on, Abdul has been back almost every week. Life is still tough, but now he has met Jesus. Mike remembers the day when Abdul came to share a very difficult situation, and Mike and Ilyas asked his permission to pray for him. They then invited Abdul himself to pray. “It was like he just walked into the Kingdom of God and he’s 13

©VisualFlow Creations (James Blake).

Long term mission opportunities OM has Christian mission opportunities in over 100 countries where God can use your gifts and skills. Live, work and serve in a community on a long-term basis, immersing yourself in the culture. See God work as you step out in faith to join in with His global mission. Find out more at

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