by Fiyah King and Julie Knox
WHEN MISSION ISN’T WHAT YOU EXPECTED Logos Hope has been travelling the globe for a decade; hosting nine million people on board, while crewmembers reach out to share knowledge, help and hope in communities. But in recent months, coronavirus has halted the ship’s journey and forced drastic ministry changes.
he vessel remains docked in the Caribbean, but is closed to the public and crew are not interacting with people on shore. The floating ‘household’ of 330 members is virus-free and taking all measures to stay that way. With onboard events and local outreaches cancelled and the (mainly young) volunteers so far from home, how does that change ministry for crewmembers, Peter and Ezra?
EZRA “Before I came to the ship, I knew my purpose would be to serve God with strangers who might eventually become my family. I knew I would have to come out of my comfort zone, so I held on to the principle of being flexible, adaptable and teachable and I knew that if I had these things, I would survive ship life.”
Twenty-one-year-old Ezra William (East Asia) works in the marine operations department on board Logos Hope. He joined the ship in Montego Bay, Jamaica, two months ago. “I had a few hurdles to get over before I could come to the ship,” says Ezra. The cost of vaccines, a rejected transit visa and the added expense of insurance hampered his journey to arrive at the foot of the gangway.