OCTOBER: Leadership and governance
NOVEMBER: Our Muslim neighbours
DECEMBER: Reaching out in Europe
ON THE COVER: A Central Asian woman prays in her home.
EDITOR: Jane Knoop
WRITER: Chris Papworth
Registered office: The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7LT.
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PSALM 16:11
“ You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence…”
Dear Friends,
I was reminded of this quote whilst attending the Love Africa annual conference in Zambia this summer. It is hard to describe the dedication, passion and commitment we saw and heard from around 1,000 African Christians who are serving in strategic ministries throughout the continent. From those serving or preparing for service in the countries of the Sahel, all the way down to South Africa, we heard reports of God at work through OM teams and were challenged by the self-sacrificing dedication of so many workers.
Our brothers and sisters need and value our prayers as they reach out and see new groups of Jesus followers established in places where Christ is not known.
Over the next year, we are especially excited to have Logos Hope sailing around the coast of Africa and we pray for the 50 new Africans who will be joining and serving on
board, alongside many from the UK and other nations. Millions are expected to visit the ship in Africa over the next months and we pray that each visitor will draw closer to Jesus and be even more motivated to share their faith with others. Of course, we continue to pray also for Doulos Hope’s ministry in Asia, for our teams in Europe, including the UK, and around the world, who continue to minister and demonstrate the love of God wherever they go.
We work, but primarily we pray – and we continue to value your prayers and partnership in the gospel.
With love and appreciation in Christ,
“When we work, we work. When we pray, God works.” HUDSON TAYLOR
Leadership and governance
Jesus is the supreme model of leadership; demonstrated for us by His words and actions (there is only one record of Him writing anything! See John 8:1-11). Amazingly, He left His mission in the hands of a small group of fearful men and women. But the coming of the Holy Spirit changed everything. Filled with courage, perseverance and His very own presence, those same men and women started taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.
The Holy Spirit continues to develop godly leaders to take the task forward. Praise God for them all!
1 SUN Over the decades OM’s leadership structure has grown and developed to match the needs of a wide-reaching international ministry. Give thanks for godly men and women whose wisdom and insights have helped to bring about our present structure.
2 MON The International Governing Board brings together men and women from a variety of business, banking, industry, ministry and world mission backgrounds. A key role is the appointment and provision of accountability for the International Director. Pray for their family life and local church responsibilities.
3 TUE In daily need of prayer are the many hundreds of men and women, some quite young, who lead large and small OM teams of international workers in over 147 countries and on our two ships.
4 WED All leaders experience the temptations, disappointments and spiritual tests that all other Christians face. Ask that OM leaders will be kept honest and true, walking in the Spirit every day.
5 THU Our International Director, Lawrence Tong, is based in Singapore. He has five Associate International Directors whose specific responsibilities bring watchfulness and influence over the development of OM’s international ministries.
6 FRI OM’s International Report for 2022 revealed 5,411 people, including children, serving with OM. We are 134 nationalities and serve in 147+ countries, plus two ships. Give thanks for this amazing family of people serving with just one purpose – to make Him known among the nations.
7 SAT The number of people who have not heard or understood Christ’s love increases by around 66,000 every day. (Source Jason Mandryk). As mobilisers and disciplers, our holy ambition is to see 25,000 new vibrant communities of Jesus followers being launched every year by 2030.
8 SUN It is all too easy for senior leaders to lose touch with those they serve. Pray that each day leaders will make the effort to be in contact with their teams and hear the heartbeat of our movement.
9 MON Regional Directors have major leadership and pastoral responsibilities. In Europe, Hans Van Baaren’s task covers 35 countries and more than 900 staff. He works mainly with Field Leaders, local boards and teams.
TUE Matthew Skirton is the CEO of OM’s work in the UK and is accountable to the UK Board. The teams he leads cover all aspects of administration, finance, communication, evangelism and training across the country. Uphold him as he seeks God’s wisdom and sustaining presence.
11 WED Almost every OM team is international. This distinctive hallmark sometimes presents challenges to team leaders and team members alike, as they navigate the joys and complexities of cross-cultural working.
12 THU Our Mercy Appeal exists to support the efforts of OM workers when disasters occur. Local workers are often in the best position to respond with appropriate immediate responses and longterm solutions. Pray for workers around the world who are responding to disasters.
13 FRI Relief work often naturally leads to gospel conversations and fruitful long-term ministries in regions where the good news of Jesus is not known. Aleem*, a leader with OM in Pakistan, discovered this when responding to the needs of those affected by catastrophic monsoon flooding in 2022. The team are now working in ten new villages, demonstrating and proclaiming God’s love. (Read more in the latest Global magazine).
14 SAT Pray for teams in Malawi and Mozambique who have been responding to the effects of Cyclone Freddy, which caused wide devastation earlier this year. Many workers themselves were left with damaged properties and no food. They have leaned on the wider OM global community for support through this season as they re-build their lives and prayerfully re-start their ministries.
15 SUN Under it’s exciting, noisy and fun exterior, TeenStreet (TS) is about inspiring and equipping teens to live as serious world changers for Jesus. Pray for the young people who took significant steps in their relationship with God at TS events a few months ago; some are finding the going hard.
*Name changed to protect identity.
Leadership in OM
In OM we have a vast network of leaders – from Global Board members through to apprehensive young men and women who are learning and honing team leadership skills in a Sunday morning meeting.
“The position of the leader is not an enviable one. It is not glamorous. It is not easy. It is a position which requires hard work, continual brokenness, fervent prayer and consistent living.”
Extract from OM’s original 1960s Leadership Manual
16 MON 80 teenagers from different background and cultures, including teenagers from Turkish, Chinese and Nepali churches in the UK, attended TS UK this summer. Through fellowship, teaching, mentoring, Bible study and daily love and encouragement, many lives were transformed through the Holy Spirit. Praise God for His presence among us.
19 THU Global Prayer Day. Prayer is the irreplaceable beating heart without which our efforts are in vain. Some teams will interact with others in prayer over video call, while others, miles away from internet signals, will meet in small groups as they praise and intercede.
TUE In 2022 TS engaged over 10,000 teenagers from 60 countries through year-round small group discipleship, events and programmes in 40+ countries. Where possible, groups of teens continue to support one another, though meetups, video calls and messages. It’s important that teens know they are not alone in their walk with Jesus.
20 FRI More than thirty years ago a quick-thinking young couple took a risk and started TS when they saw a handful of teens hanging around at a summer event for adults. Since then, God has transformed the lives of thousands of young people, many of whom are now serving Him in tough places.
WED Thank God that TS has been a big blessing for many Ukrainian young people who have found themselves unexpectedly spread across Europe. Big efforts have been made to enable them to join a main TS event near them.
21 SAT In North India, a partner ministry of 18 workers live and serve where there are 60 million Muslims. God has brought many to Christ. Pray for the new believers who need guidance and direction to know what comes next.
22 SUN In 2022, OM partners in North India sent out 105 newly trained same-culture leaders all over the region. Remember them as they disciple all those who come to faith.
MON Workers in restricted access countries often offer training so that people might become more employable or equipped to set up their own business. Thank God for many stories of changed family situations, greatly increased selfesteem and transformed communities.
24 TUE Sports ministries often provide opportunities to demonstrate or talk about the gospel. Pray for workers who are seeking to share God’s love in this way.
25 WED Sow Broadly, Mobilise boldly, Engage deeply and Disciple purposefully: these values underline all aspects of our ministry. Teams are continually working out how to incorporate these values into daily practice.
26 THU OM Area Leaders carry huge responsibilities. Each one is in the process of introducing a new and improved system for training and inducting incoming cross-cultural workers to the values and culture of their region. The next European onboarding event will be at the end of January.
FRI OM’s European Leaders will meet in Seville, Spain, from 6-10 November. Pray for safe, timely travel and a real spirit of unity and purpose. Subjects discussed and prayed through this week will have a direct impact on our work all over Europe.
SAT Pray for your own church leaders today; from Sunday School through to youth fellowships, prayer and Bible study groups, pastoral and outreach ministries. Ask that the call to all Christians in the Great Commission will pervade all of church life.
29 SUN Every year we run many leadership training seminars and events. Those planning the content need wisdom about current needs, trends and developments.
Thank you for supporting the Mercy Appeal
When disasters occur, local workers are some of the first to respond. The local language is their mother-tongue, the culture is their own.
MON Sadly, some leaders fall. Whatever the nature of the fall, we must cling to God’s great love and mercy for us all. Restoration must be the focus.
TUE ”Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with His own blood.” Acts 20:28
Supported by OM’s disaster response professionals and enabled by your donations to the Mercy Appeal, local workers are best placed to reach out to those around them. God’s love shines through in these situations, often leading to gospel conversations and fruitful long-term ministries in regions where the good news of Jesus is not known.
Find out more about the Mercy Appeal at uk.om.org/mercy.
Our Muslim neighbours
If you are a regular user of Heartbeat you will notice that some countries – such as Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey – are often mentioned. These largely unreached places have been at the heart of OM since our early 1960s beginnings. Ministry in these countries, through our partner churches and organisations, has been long-term, uphill, costly and, at times, discouraging. Now, however, a harvest is starting – quite a rush amongst Iranians, and an encouraging increase among Turks and Afghans.
But this is only the beginning. God is using life-long service and short-term outreaches with many organisations, along with your prayer, to bring about personal transformation. Please keep praying; “at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).
1 WED God is answering prayers for the Turkish community in London in amazing ways. In recent years there has been great openness and interest with considerable numbers turning to Christ and being baptised. The discipleship model for these fresh young Christians makes them keen to be involved with outreach teams as they share their experience of Jesus with fellow countrymen.
2 THU Training new leaders is a vital part of discipling the growing groups of Turkish believers. Early identification of those with potential and the right spiritual attitude is crucial.
3 FRI Since the earthquake in Turkey earlier this year, workers at the Bible Correspondence Course (BCC) have reported that in recent months tens of thousands of gospel literature had been sent to enquirers in the earthquake zone. Pray that many will find truth and comfort through God’s word.
4 SAT Believers from across Turkey were amongst the first to show up and respond to needs following the earthquake. The reputation of believers and the gospel they share has been growing throughout the area as they serve and listen. Pray for those who are softening to the gospel message.
“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
SUN OM partners in Egypt reach out to the predominantly Muslim population with the life-giving Word of God. They serve as a partnership of local and international workers, supporting the existing Church as they reach out to non-believers.
9 THU Libya’s eight million population has 44 people groups of which 31 are unreached (source: Operation World). However, thank God that sustained and specific prayer is having an effect and the spiritual climate is changing significantly.
13 MON Pray for Algerian believers facing persecution today, for their protection and for the Holy Spirit to continue to move in their communities. Pray that they will be secure in the knowledge that nothing can separate them from the love of God in Jesus Christ.
6 MON The majority of Egypt’s churches are Coptic and exist amidst an Islam-controlled legal and education system. They have endured nearly 2,000 years of persecution but retain spiritual vitality.
7 TUE As the Egyptian church grows and faces great trials, solid leadership is essential, but many evangelical fellowships have no trained pastor. Leadership training is vitally important, and it is not uncommon for team members to move into church leadership.
8 WED Pray for workers in the UK who are engaging with the large number of Arabic speakers from North Africa and the Middle East, many of whom live in our cities. Ask for more workers with a heart for this people group.
10 FRI Thank God that Algeria, Africa’s largest country, is also home to the world’s fastest growing indigenous movement from Islam to Christianity amongst the Kabyle Berbers. Since 1981, when 40 young men decided to follow Jesus during a football tournament, the light of Christ has sparked life into thousands of Algerians, launching countless house groups and churches.
11 SAT Since 2019, the Kabyle Jesus followers have experienced church closures, persecution for individual believers, prison sentences for proselytising, public health restrictions and general suppression of gathering of believers.
12 SUN As Algerian believers stand firm, they have reached out across the country spreading the gospel through leadership training, expansive social media ministries and internet TV programmes airing in Arabic, Kabyle and French.
14 TUE Northern Sudan reaches into the Sahel region of Africa. This entire region suffers with environmental degradation and competition for resources. Despite the Sudanese Peace Agreement signed in 2020, ongoing attacks have included unlawful killings, beatings, sexual violence, looting and burning villages. Only Jesus can bring peace.
15 WED Training workers and equipping leaders is always near the top of the agenda for reaching the peoples of the Sahel. One training programme in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has seen more than 100 Sudanese complete the six-month church planting course. Half have continued to put into practice what they learned on returning home to Sudan.
Pray for Turkish teens
God is moving among young Turks in London. Last Easter, a group of 40 took to the streets after five days of training to share their faith with passers-by. “We were nervous, initially,” Mihail (14) shares, honest about their apprehension, “but we also all felt so motivated to talk about Jesus with people who don’t know Him. We knew there would be some hostility, but this is what Jesus faced, so we’re happy to face it too.”
The passion of these Turkish teens is an inspiration. Many of them attended TS UK this year; their faces were glowing and their enthusiasm for the gospel infectious. Pray for them as they continue to be natural witnesses in their communities at home.
THU Global prayer day. Naturally, prayer goes up from every OM team every day, but one day a month is set aside to join hearts and minds with thousands of co-workers and partners around the world. Join with us today as we cry out to God for the billions who do not know Him.
MON The Baggara are one of the largest of Chad’s 141 people groups, living in the dry central Sahel area. There are not many Jesus followers among these Arab people, despite Christian heritage. Pray for the distribution of the translated New Testament (completed in 2012).
FRI A good number of Christian Sudanese women have attended an intensive two-week training. This course is designed to meet their specific needs, including teaching them how to answer Muslims’ most common questions and how to focus on effective discipleship in their area.
18 SAT Financial support can be a challenge for many workers. The support-models we adopt in the UK (with churches and individuals giving to support workers) is not a cultural norm or a viable possibility in many countries.
SUN Some workers in Sudan have invested in small business initiatives (including a small fleet of tuk-tuks and a coffee shop) to help generate income. Thank God that several of these projects supply regular income and opportunities for purposeful connections.
TUE Ask that Christians from neighbouring communities will be called to share their faith with Chad’s Baggara/Shuwa Arabs. Trust that translated films and radio will be used to strengthen a small emerging church spreading to neighbouring tribes and beyond.
22 WED The Arabian Peninsula (AP) is composed of the nations between the Red Sea and Persian Gulf: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Oman and Yemen. In total, there are more than 60 million people living in the AP. More than 30 million of these people are Arabs, although expatriates make up more than 88% of the population in some countries, including Qatar and the UAE (source: Operation World).
23 THU Despite difficult circumstances, the Church is growing in the AP. Nearly 65% of Arabs in the AP are under the age of 30, and many of them are open to hearing the good news, especially through online Christian resources. In person, Jesus followers are also living out the love of Christ through friendships and workplace relationships.
24 FRI Westerners who want to serve God effectively in Muslim majority countries face enormous social and religious challenges. Pray for new workers who find themselves on steep learning curves as they adapt to the culture and customs.
27 MON Iranians are coming to Christ every day; what great news and reason for praise! Despite fierce persecution, new house churches are being born in Iran. Pray and give thanks for Elam, the specialist Iranian mission organisation.
SAT In Pakistan alone there are more than 176 million Muslims. Some Jesus followers face prejudice and oppression from their communities. Fear keeps many from reaching out to their neighbours with the gospel.
26 SUN India, Pakistan and Bangladesh comprise the region of South Asia and are three of the five nations with the highest number of people who haven’t heard the good news of Jesus.
TUE Many individuals will be seeking God today, reaching out to Him not knowing who He is or how He has revealed Himself in Jesus. Ask that God would reveal Himself to them.
So that all may adore Him
“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’” MARK 16:15 11
WED Pamir Ministries’ programmes are made by Afghans for Afghans to equip and encourage the emerging Afghan Church. Three Afghan radio teams produce in the Dari language. Every day, people respond by phone. Each Friday a special broadcast answers questions raised during that week.
Think about the first time you will sing your favourite Christmas carol this year. Standing shoulder to shoulder with other believers, eyes focused on the Christ child in a nativity scene, joining voices together to adore Christ the Lord. What a wonderful blessing it is!
THU Pray that local Jesus followers will be emboldened and take risks of faith and not give in to fear of sharing the gospel with their Muslim neighbours.
Yet the invitation at Christmas is for all to come and adore Christ the Lord. This Christmas, all financial support raised will equip OM workers to share the good news of Jesus with least-reached communities around the world.
Please pray, as we seek to raise support and awareness, so that all may come and adore Him. Find out more about how you and your church can get involved at uk.om.org/christmas.
Reaching out in Europe
Despite being the birthplace of the Reformation, Europe today is the only continent where the Church is in rapid decline. As well as many nominal Christians for whom nationality and religion are synonymous, the continent is also now home to many refugees and migrants from a variety of cultural and religious backgrounds.
There is a huge opportunity here to reach out both to those who have never heard the name of Jesus before, and to those who have heard it countless times, but without fully understanding the depth of His grace for them personally.
Visit uk.om.org/pray for more prayer resources.
1 FRI Within OM, our Europe area reaches from the Faroes to Siberia and from Portugal to Azerbaijan! Special prayer is needed for the leaders who must watch over spiritual unity in the midst of great diversity.
2 SAT Faroese Christian teens and their gifted leaders have played an important part in the ministry and development of TeenStreet for many years. Give thanks for their creative skills and commitment.
3 SUN It is common for Faroese teens to go to Denmark for advanced education. Pray that these young believers will be faithful witnesses of God’s love in Denmark.
4 MON The OM office in Denmark is the home office for Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland, as well as the Denmark team. Their primary mission is to mobilise believers and churches to get involved in global missions. Pray for those being sent to least reached nations.
5 TUE OM ships Logos, and later Logos Hope were bought in Denmark. Pray for Danish Christians who have been faithfully involved in Ship Ministry for many years.
WED OM in the Netherlands was launched in 1976 and since then has been raising prayer and finances for the work of OM worldwide. The team continues to send out many new workers to regions where Jesus is not known. Resourcing remains an important focus for their ministry.
7 THU OM in the Netherlands’ local focus is on reaching young people and immigrants. Workers run two youth centres in Delft and Emmeloord and also reach out to the immigrant community in Amsterdam, providing practical help and friendship.
8 FRI Belgium needs prayer! It is one of the world’s most atheistic countries. Of 582 official districts, 375 have no protestant or evangelical church. Most people identify as Catholic, but 75% of those say they do not believe in God (source: Operation World).
9 SAT OM in Belgium’s vision is to see churches multiplying, with new church plants across the country. There is a focus on a ‘discipling lifestyle’ where everything learned is immediately passed on, with an emphasis on enabling local believers to build the Church in their own community and micro-culture.
10 SUN Team members are working with local musicians to write indigenous worship music. This will esteem local Belgians and their culture. A dream is to see a ‘European worship voice’ emerge to impact the worldwide Church.
11 MON Everyone joining OM’s work in Europe – wherever in the world they are from – will attend the Europe Area Onboarding Event in Mosbach, Germany, from 22-29 January 2024. This reworked and updated event will replace the GO conference system. Pray for the lasting effectiveness of this induction process.
12 TUE Ten million Spaniards live in communities with no evangelical presence. Spain’s evangelicals (of which two thirds are immigrants), make up less than 1% of the population. Working alongside the local Church, workers engage with communities through teaching English or other languages, playing sport, and sharing art and music. Others hike and share Jesus with walkers on the famous Camino de Santiago.
13 WED After Mexico, OM’s growth took permanent root in Spain. Give thanks for hundreds of Spaniards who have gone out to serve around the world and for many others whose lives of service were first moulded during summer outreaches in Spain in the 60s.
14 THU Global Prayer Day. God left His heavenly reams to become incarnate with us on earth. He entered into our situation, to live among us, be present with us and ultimately reconcile us to the Father. Let us too be incarnate and present in one another’s situations. Pray for all those engaging in incarnate ministry, that is often emotionally and physically costly.
15 FRI Umpteen outreach teams will be hard at work presenting the Christmas story during advent. Some will be sharing in children’s clubs, homes for senior citizens and out on the streets. Pray for many gospel conversations to take place and for opportunities to connect individuals with relevant churches and ministries.
Race Across Europe
Over the summer three girls in their early 20s spent two months interrailing across Europe. Unlike the average interrailing trip, this was a journey with a vision and a focus, to share Jesus’ love with those they met along the way. Travelling through 15 major cities, the girls connected with OM projects and supporting churches as they went along and participating in outreaches.
“I have learned to trust God – and to know that He has called me to mission and He has gone before and is there with me. I am not alone.” Whitney (Race Across Europe participant). Visit uk.om.org/race-across-europe to find out about outreach through interrailing in 2024.
SAT Thank God for all those who joined OM in Portugal’s six-day Fatima outreach during mid-October. Hundreds of thousands of devoted Catholic pilgrims made their way to worship and offer penance to the Virgin Mary at the vast shrine. Huge amounts of gospel literature were distributed.
20 WED OM in Italy’s Anti-Trafficking ministry reaches out on a weekly basis to women caught up in prostitution. Pray for opportunities for the team to build supportive relationships based on sensitivity and love.
SUN The team’s ‘Surf Church’ plant among the surfer, skate and student population in Porto and northern Portugal is now an active and vibrant community of Jesus followers with about 40 members.
21 THU Pray for the three girls who participated in the first Race Across Europe. Following an inspiring, encouraging and at times challenging trip, pray for the girls as they respond to all God did in them and through them.
MON Operation Lighthouse (OL) is focused on supporting French Christians who feel isolated in their faith. In partnership with the local Church, the OL team chat and pray with Christians needing support and help them to perpetuate the gospel dynamic in their village or district.
22 FRI The next Race Across Europe will take place in the spring of 2024. Pray for many young people to take part and be a blessing to the OM fields they pass through, while growing in their faith and developing their own sense of God’s calling.
TUE Praise God that since OM’s ministry to the Turkish community in France began in 2013, seven churches have been planted among previously unreached and isolated French Turks.
23 SAT As we approach our Christmas celebrations, let us carve out time to be still and reflect. Let us take time to enter into the nativity scene, alongside the shepherds and the sheep, to fall down on our knees before the Christ child, with no words, just awe and silence.
SUN “What can I give Him? Poor as I am. If I were a shepherd I would bring a lamb; If I were a wise man I would do my part; Yet what I can I give Him: Give my heart.” (In the Bleak Midwinter, Christina Rossetti).
25 MON Praise God for Jesus! Praise God that He came for us all. He is the only hope for our lost and hurting world. Pray today for those around you who do not know Him yet.
TUE The Building Bridges team reaches out with God’s love to Austria’s immigrants, many of whom are Muslims. Pray for the team as they demonstrate the gospel and talk about Jesus.
WED Over the last few years, OM in Germany has sent out more than 80 workers every year. This effort represents much time given to recruiting, induction, training and administration. Pray for the office staff, praising God for all they do to enable Kingdom growth.
THU The Xenos team in Germany reach out to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in Heilbronn, a city where 46% of the population have a migration background. The International Cafe is very popular and a great place for the team to meet refugees.
“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.” 1 PETER 3:15 15
FRI The OM team in Switzerland has two major ministries; home offices in both French and German speaking parts of the country and the discipleship training project, Hope for Zurich. Like the other European countries we have prayed for this month, Switzerland struggles with a spiritual malaise. Pray for Swiss Christians as they witness in this environment
Beginning now and lasting always
SAT Though one of Europe’s most secularised countries, thousands of Swedes have served with OM around the world. Several OM church planting teams live in areas with high immigrant populations. There is a unique ministry to Somalis in and outside Sweden.
“For a child has been born – for us! The gift of a son – for us! He’ll take over the running of the world. His names will be: Amazing Counsellor, Strong God, Eternal Father, Prince of Wholeness.
31 SUN Thank God for the 3,000 Finns who have served with OM. Working to raise people and funds for mission, the team is also involved with church planting and managing the Bus4Life outreach to eastern Europe.
His ruling authority will grow, and there’ll be no limits to the wholeness He brings. He’ll rule from the historic David throne over that promised kingdom. He’ll put that kingdom on a firm footing and keep it going, with fair dealing and right living, beginning now and lasting always.” (Isaiah 9:6-7 MSG).
Ship Ministry
The ministry of Doulos Hope and Logos Hope is a catalyst to turn the tide of the increasing number of people in our world today who have never experienced the gospel in all of its fulness. Doulos Hope’s primary focus is on ministry across the Asia region, where it is estimated that 70% of the world’s least reached live. Logos Hope has recently begun ministry in Africa, where she will spend the next year.
As Logos Hope sails around Africa, the vision is to support the African church during a time of exponential growth, partnering with OM teams and others to inspire believers to reach out to those in their communities and across the continent who have yet to experience God’s love. Alongside port activities a priority for this season will be enabling African believers to join the crew of Logos Hope, where they can receive training and mentoring for future outreach. Visit uk.om.org/ships to find out more.
1 MON Thank God for the amazing idea of floating book fairs and the many millions of people in hundreds of port cities who have found spiritual and intellectual stimulation while visiting OM ships over the past fifty years.
2 TUE On every continent and on scores of islands, the book fair has been a magnet that has drawn people on board. Many a spiritual journey has started here. Others have found Christian books and resources that have helped them to flourish in their relationship with Jesus.
3 WED A good book keeps on giving. Pray that many who have been blessed will recommend and pass on books that will help others grow in their faith.
4 THU In a tech-savvy world, good literature and Christian books are still very much sought after. As well as meeting needs for high-quality literature, income from sales of books help to cover port visit costs in the local currency.
5 FRI Behind the scenes, down in the book hold, a team picks and sorts titles to replenish shelves as books sell up in the book fair. Back in Florence, South Carolina, a large team of buyers, sorters and packers, source and facilitate bulk supplies.
6 SAT God is always working in the lives of crewmembers. There are frequent moments to learn patience, show love and esteem others. Pray that department and team leaders will be aware and sensitive to the needs around them.
7 SUN Doulos Hope carries 2,000 carefully chosen titles on the book fair and Logos Hope has 5,000 titles, covering topics related to the Christian life, science, medicine, language, sports, cookery, arts, hobbies, and much more. Pray for those who are involved in book curation.
8 MON Many new recruits are needed for Doulos Hope and Logos Hope. There are exciting and challenging openings, especially for those aged 18-30 to join the 1-2 year training programmes. The onboard environment gives unique, eye-opening and life changing experiences.
“As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” JOHN 13:34
9 TUE Do you know someone who is looking to step out in their journey with Jesus? OM’s ships provide a proven environment for growing in Christ and capturing the Father’s global heart. Pray for them by name and point them to uk.om.org/ships.
10 WED The engineering and deck officers who run our ships always need prayer. Some are serving very long term while others are signed on for shorter periods. Captains and chief engineers carry big technical and spiritual responsibilities.
11 THU Jesus said: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Our ships represent more than 65 different nationalities. Pray for more workers from the Global South to impact the nations with the gospel through Doulos Hope and Logos Hope.
12 FRI In OM’s Ship Ministry, change keeps everyone on their toes. There is constant variation in the price of fuel; crewmembers come and go; there are new port cities to adjust to; currencies change; local worship styles and songs must be learned... But our unchanging God goes on loving us and all those we meet. He is the one who remains constant.
13 SAT The small advance preparation teams, working months ahead of port visits, serve under pressure which increases as the arrival date draws closer. They must relate well with key local contacts, plan suitable onboard programmes, obtain permissions, arrange a good berth and organise publicity.
14 SUN We do not take safety for granted. Safety officers are well equipped with training in fire prevention and control, health issues, use of complex tools in confined spaces, complicated deck and engine room machinery, lifeboat and emergency drills, and use of food preparation equipment to name but a few.
15 MON For crewmember, Katie, the importance of the Ship Ministry, and her part in it, is clear. “We know our goal is to share knowledge, help and hope. But it can’t happen without all of us working together. The book fair shares knowledge by selling books, but without finance behind it, there wouldn’t be a book fair. Without people to clean the ship, we couldn’t have guests on board. Without the kitchen team, we wouldn’t have food to eat. We are all needed for this ministry to function effectively.”
16 TUE The onboard schools provide a great education for the children of crew and staff, enabling families to be together and serve for longer. Gifted teachers instruct the children in an unusual environment with ever new opportunities.
Missions: a permanent part of my life
Abigail Chiviya, Zimbabwe, joined Logos Hope in 2021. The term ´least reached´ did not exist in her vocabulary and she knew even less of the large number of people who have never heard the gospel. Since then, God has opened her eyes to the needs of the world. “When I leave the ship, I now know that missions is a permanent part of my life and I intend to seek out opportunities to connect with people from all ethnicities, hear their stories and see what common factor can connect them with God.”
Pray for young people like Abigail who are experiencing God aligning their hearts with His mission to His world.
WED Sports ministries run by the ships give opportunities for relationship building, even in places where it is challenging to speak openly about the gospel. An informal kickabout, or sometimes more serious competition with a local club, easily paves the way for conversation or invitations to attend onboard events.
20 SAT An OM ship is like a microcosm of the world – a place where people from every nation, with diverse skills and life experiences unite to serve God. Pray for crewmembers as they support one another while traveling to some of the world’s most remote communities sharing knowledge, help and hope.
21 SUN Thousands testify that time spent serving on an OM ship has radically influenced their life. Many have continued to serve God through a diverse range of ministries. Pray for current crewmembers who are discerning where God is leading them next.
THU Global Prayer Day. OM’s ships are effective leadership training platforms. Large numbers of young men and women from scores of countries and cultures are nurtured in their spiritual life while being given opportunities to practise new leadership skills.
22 MON In most ports, visits are made to the local Seamen’s Centres. Making reciprocal visits to crews of nearby ships has resulted in many long-term friendships and outreach opportunities.
FRI God has placed Seelan Govender as CEO of OM Ships at a vital time of change and growth. He is based with his family at the Ships office in Mosbach, Germany. Pray for him in his daily walk with Jesus.
23 TUE Onshore events such as international concerts with dances from around the world see hundreds of local people gathering to hear the crew share their cultures and their faith.
WED Pray that those visiting the ships today will find books in their heart language that inspire and encourage them, and will enjoy talking with crewmembers. Ship tours lead to many fruitful conversations.
25 THU Everyone gets a day off. Refreshment on board or ashore may include sports, sight-seeing, shopping or just hanging out. Families have the opportunity for quality time together.
26 FRI Groups with additional needs who may otherwise never be able to visit a ship are often hosted on board. Staff are also blessed by giving them special attention and ship tours.
27 SAT Families normally stay on board for at least two years. Parents often become a vital part of the pastoral support network. These pastoral groups meet together each week for mutual support and encouragement.
“God is shaping me every day and showing me His love and care for others… It doesn’t matter whether you’re working in an office or steering the ship or in the engine room. It depends on the experiences you have, the friendships you make and seeing God work. You are serving Him, but ultimately, He is the one who’s working.” The words of Logos Hope crewmember, Moises Castillo (Panama).
29 MON Each port visit gathers new ministry prayer partners, particularly after they share in a seminar or nights of prayer on board. They join with you in a vast international praying movement.
Pray for more crew!
As the Ship Ministry expands, both ships are urgently seeking more crew to come on board to volunteer. Opportunities range from technical roles such as marine engineers to general crew looking for a GAP year like no other. You can even join for as little as 1 month.
30 TUE Watchkeepers monitor ship safety and emergency plans 24/7. Meanwhile the Holy Spirit carries on His task of deepening faith and relationships through perseverance in daily routines.
WED Praise God for all the lives He plans to touch through the ships this year. Thank Him for the many sudden surprises as men, women and families find salvation and new purpose.
Crew will have the opportunity to travel to some of the world’s most remote communities sharing knowledge, help and hope. All crew are equipped for ministry in near and cross-cultural environments. Do you know someone looking for an opportunity to grow? Join with us in praying for more individuals to be called into Ship Ministry.
Visit uk.om.org/ships to find out more.