Sugar Energy Division Forestry Division Events Division
Editora WDS Ltda.
Rua Benjamin Anderson Stauffer, 901 Conjunto 42 14021-617 • Ribeirão Preto • SP • Brazil
William Domingues de Souza Chief Editor
+55 16 99777-7799
WDS@RevistaOpinioes.com.br www.RevistaOpinioes.com.br
Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, August 10th , 2024
To: Mr. Preetham Shivamurthy
General Consul of Consulate of India in São Paulo-BR Avenida Paulista, 925 - 7º andar 01311-100 – São Paulo – SP
Ref: Request for Issuing of Business Visa
Honorable Mr. Shivamurthy,
Much more than competitors, India and Brazil have demonstrated, over the years, that they are real partners in an immense global market. Because it is a product of great strategic importance, all nations in the world produce sugar in their own countries for their inhabitants. However, most of them are unable to supply themselves adequately and supplement their needs with imports. In this market, India and Brazil are the world's largest producers and world exporters of this precious product.
Brazil and India produce more than 30 million tons of sugar/ year, each representing around 23% of global production. Normally Brazil has a small advantage over India, but on several occasions India has placed itself as the world's leading producer. With regard to exports, due to the internal needs of the population, Brazil has an advantage over India, releasing a large part of what it produces for the foreign market, dominating more than 50% of the world market for the commodity.
Brazil and India are not direct competitors, because the world market is always a buyer. Our biggest and unfair competitor are the very high government subsidies given by European countries, notably France, whose producers receive more money from the Government for their sales than from the buyers themselves, causing great losses to India and Brazil.
Opiniões Opiniões
Brazil and India have many reasons to be partners concerned with strengthening the bond of partnership, far beyond fraternity, seeking to intertwine their interests, in the search for the formation of joint ventures.
But if the sugar market is a good business, the ethanol market, sugar's siamese brother, can offer much greater advantages. Due to its advantages and flexibility of use, ethanol is a path of no return for humanity.
Considering that India still has very polluted cities, it is of great importance that it invests in the use of ethanol as a vehicle fuel, supporting research, and expanding cultivation in degraded areas, so that, with a greater amount of raw material, it can be used for there for the production of ethanol and increase the percentage of ethanol in the mixture with gasoline.
Ethanol is used as fuel in two forms: anhydrous and hydrated. Anhydrous is mixed with gasoline at up to 25% to power gasoline vehicles. Hydrated ethanol can be used without any mixing. For many years, Brazil manufactured vehicles for the exclusive use of hydrous. A current version, called flex-fuel, now uses gasoline or ethanol without distinction.
A more current version still available on the market is the so-called Ethanol Hybrid Vehicle, which operates with two engines: one electric and the other combustion. The vehicle itself manages the use of electrical energy and/or ethanol.
Sugar Energy Division
Editora WDS Ltda.
Rua Benjamin Anderson Stauffer, 901 Conjunto 42 14021-617 • Ribeirão Preto • SP • Brazil
William Domingues de Souza Chief Editor
+55 16 99777-7799
WDS@RevistaOpinioes.com.br www.RevistaOpinioes.com.br
In the coming years, production of the Hydrogen vehicle will begin. Instead of the engine, a Fuel Cell is used. The model already developed in Brazil produces hydrogen internally, from the breakdown of the ethanol molecule. The test vehicle traveled 1,200 km with just 43 liters of ethanol.
In aviation, a fuel called SAF, Sustainable Aviation Fuel – has already been approved – a mixture of 50% kerosene with 50% ethanol. The SAF has already been approved by Pratt & Whitney – one of the world's leading aviation engine manufacturers –, in partnership with the Brazilian Embraer – the third largest manufacturer of jets in the world, which competes directly with Boeing and Airbus. SAF can also be used in Maritime Navigation, increasing the ethanol market to Trillions of dollars/year.
Anticipating the great expansion of the sugar/ethanol market, Revista Opiniões – one of the main Brazilian agribusiness publications, specialized in the sugar & ethanol system, with 21 years of operation, also started to be produced in Hindi.
Our purpose is to make the Opiniões Magazine free to receive for all students and professors at agricultural Universities, for all researchers at Research and Development Centers, as well as for all employees and executives of sugar and ethanol producing companies, and for producers of machinery and equipment in this agricultural sector.
In the agricultural and industrial educational area, a movement will be created in favor of the exchange of knowledge and scientific discoveries. In the business area, it will create the opportunity to form joint ventures between companies, because even if one side has greater technology, the other is the one who knows the conditions of their Nation better. The partnership will occur naturally, without government subsidies, with benefits in the social, environmental, educational, business, scientific, agricultural, industrial and financial areas.
For this reason, we are presenting and requesting this honorable Consulate to approve the Visa for the following people:
Mr. Marcelo Gonçalez: Business Researcher, MG@RevistaOpinioes.com.br – responsible for relationships with Producing Companies and Manufacturers of machines and equipment used in the sugarcane agricultural and industry system.
Mrs. Eliete Aparecida Alvez Gonçalez: Marketing Researcher, EG@RevistaOpinioes.com.br – responsible for putting Indian and Brazilian companies in contact, with similar purposes.
Ms. Gabrielle Gonçalez: as Chief Editor Assistant. GG@RevistaOpinioes.com.br – Journalist in training in Brazil and India, responsible for contacting all Indian Universities and Research and Development Centers.
Given that this is a long-term development project involving an expressive investment, before, during and after the establishment of this proposal, we ask that the Consulate issues a long-term Business Visa for the period of five (5) years.
We remain at your disposal for further information. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
William Domingues de Souza, Cheat Editor of the Opiniões Magazine and Operation Director of Editora WDS Ltda, Editora VRDS Brasil e WDS Consulting
Marcelo Gonçalez, Passport GJ403168
Date of birth:Jun 24,1972
Sex: Male
Nationality: Brasileiro
CPF - Fiscal Brazilian Doc:159.994.558-47
Date of Issue: May 21, 2024
Date of Expiry: MAy 20, 2034
Eliete Aparecida Alves Gonçalez, Passport GJ403167
Date of birth:Jan 10, 1967
Sex: Female
Nationality: Brasileira
CPF - Fiscal Brazilian Doc: 081.652.828-40
Date of Issue: May 21, 2024
Date of Expiry: MAy 20, 2034
Gabrielle Gonçalez, Passport GJ403166
Date of birth: Sep 13, 1996
Sex: Female
Nationality: Brasileira
CPF - Fiscal Brazilian Doc: 389.855.098-29
Date of Issue: May 21, 2024
Date of Expiry: MAy 20, 2034
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Forestry Edition:
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More than 4 billion people around Planet Earth speak one of the languages in which Opiniões Magazine is written.
The library containing articles published in the 21 years of Opiniões Magazine's existence is available in 7 languages with free access to all students and professors at universities, all researchers at R&D centers, and all employees and executives of production companies and suppliers of forestry and bioenergy systems worldwide.
Opiniões Magazine: the world magazine of Brazilian agribusiness.