Brochure Hicle Family exhibitors

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Madet omeasur est and

NEW! Hi c l eFami l y :exhi bi t i onexper i enc ef orpar ent sandc hi l dr en The‘ Fi et senWandel beur s’cont i nuest oi nnovat e.Fol l owi ngt hecooper at i onwi t hebi ke Chal l engeandMountExpo,wi t hHi cl eFami l ywewi l lal sobeai mi ngsquar el yf r om 2018 onwar dsatf ami l i eswi t hchi l dr enwhohaveanact i veappr oacht ot hei rdai l yt r avel sand r ecr eat i onalact i vi t i es.Nof ewert han2000m²off l oorspacei nFl ander sExpowi l lbe compl et el ydevot edt ocycl i ngandwal ki ngwi t hchi l dr en.Andher et oo,ever yt hi ngr evol ves ar oundexper i ence,i nf or mat i onexchange,compar i sonandt est i ng.

Forpar ent sandc hi l dr en Af t eravi si tt ot hei nf omar ktwi t hexper i enced cycl i ngandhi ki ngMumsandDads,Fami l i es br i mmi ngwi t hi nspi r at i onwi l lpassyourst and. Thi si st hemomentt otseducet hem wi t hyour pr oduct s:chi l dcar r i er s,chi l dr en’ sf oot wear , cl ot hi ng,car r i erbi kes,cycl et r ai l er s,chi l dr en’ s bi kes,chi l dseat sf orbi kes,t r avelpackages ai medatf ami l i es,et c.Not hi ngmustbel acki ng. Andr emember ,par ent swi l lcer t ai nl ybet aki ng t hei rchi l dr enal ongwi t ht hem t ot heexhi bi t i on.

Youngc i t i es Al most54% oft hei nhabi t ant sofGhentar e underf or t yyear sofage.I nUt r echtt hati sabout 65%.Ther emar kabl yl ar genumber sofbi cycl es ont hest r eet sst r ongl yi ndi cat et hatpeopl el ove bei ngont hemove.Wi t hHi cl eFami l ywear e r i ghti nt hemi dstoft hatmot i on.Thei deal oppor t uni t yt or eachyourt ar getgr oupi n2018.

Yourownst and,st andar dst and,af ul l y f ur ni shedst andoramadet omeasur est and? Thechoi cei syour s.Weal sopr ovi de ‘ Col l ect i ve’pavi l i onsf orsmal l ercompani es andor gani sat i onsatver yaf f or dabl epr i ces. Thewhol e?Hi cl eFami l y,avi br antand col our f ulf ami l yf ai r .

Showr oom Youal r eadyhaveast andpl annedf ort he ‘ Fi et senWandel beur s’ ?Thent akeaPr omo Spoti nt heHi cl eFami l yShowr oom.Her ewe of f ert heoppor t uni t yt opr esentyourpr oduct s ont hei rownwi t houtdepl oyi ngper sonnel ,but wi t hacl earsi gnaget oyourst andel sewher e att heexhi bi t i on.Youcanf i toutyourPr omoSpot t oyourownl i ki ng.Wewi l lpr ovi dest ewar dst o i nf or m andgui det hepubl i cwher enecessar y.

Pr i c esineuro,excludingVAT

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Fl ander s

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FREEOFCHARGE 375, 00 425, 00 1275, 00 1600, 00

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150, 00 115, 00

Mor ei nf or mat i on?Cont actJ ur r eBaguet :i nf o@f i et senwandel beur s. be|+32( 0) 494502920

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