fatigue H
ave you been working from home for months or maybe over a year due to the Pandemic? Do you sit at your computer for many hours per day and don’t seem to make progress into the mountains of work that you have. Do you think that the more you do in one stretch will help you finish early? Do you have back to back meetings without a break? Does this weaken focus and engagement? Sadly for many people fatigue starts to set in after only 30 minutes and is compounded by continuing to work through it.
What recent studies have shown Constant virtual meetings have shown that people become exhausted.
internet crashes, causing stress and anxiety and no one around to help you.
When viewing close up recordings of Breaks are important people in virtual meetings there are many people with a hyper-glazed look! It is very important that you take So, how effective can such meetings be? regular short breaks especially between meetings and not just toilet Physical meetings enable you to socially interact before, after or during breaks then rushing back to your seat. but ensuring that you stretch your body a break but that does not appear to happen as much with virtual meetings, out and do some deep breathing too. which means our fundamental need to interact is not being fulfilled.
A break can rest your brain help with energy and improve your focus.
Virtual meetings are effective and can really work well if the right strategies are in place; they can also cause problems when technology fails or the
Resent studies have shown how the brain slows down when focusing in meetings for any lengthy period and performance naturally is not as effective.
H.E.A.L.L JSN Therapies 44
Good things to help are: Standing up and stretching Deep breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth Learn how to power nap by setting your phone timer Ensure you drink plenty of water and stay hydrated
by Jacqui Sayer-Noble H.E.A.L.L / JSN Therapies
If you are suffering from stress or anxiety, I can help you! 0771 785 69 99 I am able to do consultations via Face Time, Skype or Zoom
July 2021