Henry M. Thorton Chairman Emeritus DENTSPLY International
Andrew M. Howe Former Director of Special Projects Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company
Maynard K. Hine, DDS Chancellor Emeritus Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis
Harold Hillenbrand, DDS Executive Director Emeritus America Dental Association
Gerald Timmons, DDS Dean Emeritus School of Dentistry Temple University
Harry Lyons, DDS Dean Emeritus School of Dentistry Medical College of Virginia Virginia Commonwealth University
Raymond Nagle, DMD Dean Emeritus School of Dentistry New York University College
The Foundation for Dental Education incorporates in Indiana, raising $13,600. The name is changed to The American Fund for Dental Education and is reincorporated in Illinois.
The first Dental Teacher Training Fellowship is awarded with funding from American Dental Trade Association (ADTA) member companies. The Fund establishes a Chicago-based office.
The first dental laboratory technology scholarships are awarded. The Fund commits $250,000 over five years to the American Association of Dental Schools (AADS) to establish a Division of Educational Research.
The Fund moves to Chicago’s historical Wrigley Building, on the Magnificent Mile, where it awards the first scholarships to dental assistanting and dental hygiene students.
The Fund becomes America’s Fund for Dental Education. A memorial fund is established to accept donations honoring friends, family members, and colleagues. America’s Fund for Dental Education awards the first of two $1,000 grants to each dental school.
The Fund’s office relocates to the new American Dental Association building. The Fund passes the $2 million mark in funds raised during its first ten years.
W.K. Kellogg Foundation awards the Fund a challenge grant of $177,500 to establish a Minority Dental Student Scholarship for disadvantaged African American students.
The first Hillenbrand Dental Administration Fellowship is awarded with support from the ADA, ADTA, and the Fund. The Minority Dental Student Scholarship is expanded to include other minorities underrepresented in dentistry.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation awards the Fund $4 million to administer a loan and scholarship program to increase the number of dentists practicing in underserved areas.
The Fund’s mission is expanded to include support for research and service programs. The name is changed to the American Fund for Dental Health (AFDH). The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation selects the AFDH to administer a $4.7 million grant to train dental students to treat noninstitutionalized handicapped persons.
The Fund’s twentieth anniversary marks over 750 scholarships awarded to dental laboratory technology, assisting and hygiene students with over 150 fellowships awarded for dental teacher training.
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation selects the AFDH to administer a $2.5 million four-year grant for the National Dental Quality Program.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation selects the AFDH to administer the $6.3 million National Prevention Dentistry Demonstration Program. A Bequest Program enables donors to include the AFDH in their estate planning and wills. The Fund hosts its first Awards Dinner Dance at the Hyatt Regency Chicago.
Annual revenue exceeds $2 million for the first time in the Fund’s history. Grants support ADA’s first health screening program, study the health effects of mercury, and provide data on the practicing trends of women dentists.
The National Conference on Dental Care for the Handicapped is sponsored by the AFDH, AADS, and the ADA with a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The Henry J. Kaiser Foundation gives a $150,000 three-year grant to expand the Minority Dental Student Scholarship.
1980 1983 1985 1987 1988
The Fund is awarded a grant to conduct a national conference on the role of dental hygiene in caring for handicapped patients. With major support from the ADTA member companies, the AFDH helps fund the ADA satellite video conference “Building Your Dental Practice,” and the first ADA OPTIONS program for dental students on dental practice management. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation selects the AFDH to administer a $1.5 million grant to support a study to identify children at risk for dental caries. Grants support studies on fear reduction, sterilization, and safety procedures in dental offices and the development of the National Curriculum for Dental Educators. Major support is provided to the National Foundation of Dentistry for the Handicapped. A five-year strategic plan is approved to expand the Fund’s role as one of the nation’s leading advocates for dental health.
America’s Fund for Dental Education becomes Oral Health America – America’s Fund for Dental Health.
Special Olympics Special Smiles is established. US Olympic Silver Medalist Wrestler Matt Ghaffari kicks off Seal-A-Million Campaign Challenge.
Special Olympics Special Smiles provides athletes with oral exams, instructions, and nutrition information. Dionne Warwick and former women’s #1 ranked tennis champion Tracy Austin attend Special Olympics Special Smiles luncheon.
NSTEP® (The National Spit Tobacco Education Program) is established to prevent people, especially young people, from starting to use spit tobacco, and to help all users quit. Neil Romano signs on as spokesperson.
Oral Health America establishes the National Sealant Alliance to advocate and support programs that improve access to dental sealants.
Garth Brooks becomes a national spokesperson for NSTEP® (The National Spit Tobacco Education Program), as does Hall of Fame broadcaster Joe Garagiola.
A State of Decay
t h e o r a l h e a lt h o f o l d e r a m e r i ca n s
A n O r a l H e a lt h A m e r i c a S p e c i a l G r a d i n g P r o j e c t September 2003 N ati on a l G r a d e : D
Campaign for Oral Health Parity
First ever U.S. Surgeon General’s report on oral health in America is released, and OHA redoubles its efforts to raise public awareness of oral health’s importance to overall health. Oral Health America commits to seal one million teeth by 2010. The first CDC Cooperative agreement is reached. OHA releases first ever state-bystate oral health report card, Missing the Mark.
Filling the Gap, the second state-bystate oral health report, is released.
State of Decay report card is released and a hearing is held with Senator Breaux of LA. Keep America Smiling report card is released.
F u n d e d i n p a r t b y t h e W. K . K e l l o g g Fo u n d a t i o n
Smiles Across America® is born through funding from the Michael Reese Health Trust for the provision of care for non-Medicaid eligible and uninsured children in Chicago.
The A for Effort report card is released to recognize nine state models for oral health care and provides practical steps for improvement.
National Periodontal Disease Coalition formed to recognize the growing problem of periodontal disease among Americans.
Trident signs $1.5M, 3-year agreement with Oral Health America.
National Smile Month is launched. OHA honors Dr. Hazel Harper with the Marvin Goldstein Outstanding Volunteer Award.
Robert Klaus retires after 20 years of leadership. OHA develops new strategic plan focused on access, education, and advocacy. Beth Truett arrives.
Oral Health Kansas commissions OHA to produce a report card, “Keep Kansas Smiling,” on the state of children’s oral health. Oral Health America creates new logo and brand identity. Jennie Garth becomes a national spokesperson for Smiles Across America®. Wisdom Tooth Project® is established. OHA hosts the Collaborative Health Care for Older Adults: A Symposium for Creating Dialogue Medicine and Dentistry.
Fall for Smiles campaign launches.
Smiles Across America® impacts 350,000 children and is ahead of schedule to Seal Two Million teeth by 2020.
Oral Health America moves to current location at 180 North Michigan, Suite 1150.
OHA awards Dr. George Blue Spruce, the first American Indian dentist, with the Marvin Goldstein Outstanding Volunteer Award. Oral Health America fulfills sealing one million teeth by 2010 and launches Seal Two Million campaign at Greater New York Dental Meeting. Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) is honored for his support of oral health in the Affordable Care Act.
SAA awards first-ever Innovation Grants to five organizations across the nation. OHA honors US Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) for his leadership in bringing about policy changes to reduce disparities.
OHA launches first Bernard and Kathleen Beazley Summer Internship Program, funded by the late couple’s planned gift. OHA honors US Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) for his leadership around oral health policy. Oral Health America impacts 400,000 children through Smiles Across America®. OHA supports “2Min2x” Ad Council Campaign with a $100,000 commitment.
OUR MISSION Oral Health America’s mission is to change lives by connecting communities with resources to increase access to care, education, and advocacy for all Americans, especially those most vulnerable.