October 2015 Oral Health America is a leading national non-profit organization working to educate Americans about the importance of mouth health to overall health and well-being. Our vision is a future free of oral disease and pain. Our mission is to change lives by connecting communities with resources to drive access to care, increase health literacy and advocate for policies that improve overall health through better oral health for all Americans, especially those most vulnerable. It is our vision and mission that guide our public policy priorities with Congress.
OUR PUBLIC POLICY PRIORITIES IMPROVE THE ORAL—AND OVERALL—HEALTH OF OLDER AMERICANS HOUSE: RENEW THE OLDER AMERICANS ACT REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 2015 o 59% of low income older Americans lack dental insurance. Will likely increase with “silver tsunami” o Provide older adults in the aging network with first-time access to oral health prevention screenings at no new expense. o Recognize the importance of oral health and its role in disease prevention and one’s overall well-being o House Members: Take up and pass the Senate bipartisan OAA Bill (S.192) FEDERAL INVESTMENT: BACK OLDER AMERICANS o Restore funding for all programs administered under the Older Americans Act to pre-sequestration levels (at least FY2010) o Ensure Title III-D, Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, is restored to at least $21,000,000 because of the costeffectiveness that health education and prevention programs provide to the system SUPPORT FAMILY CAREGIVERS CO-SPONSOR S.1719/H.R.3099: RAISE FAMILY CAREGIVERS ACT o Join bipartisan efforts to Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers o Back the implementation of a recommendation to develop a national strategy to support family caregivers. There are about 34 million family caregivers currently caring for older adults o Family caregivers help with a myriad of activities for daily living, including performing tasks related to oral health care. Family caregivers need oral health resources and training to help prevent future oral disease of the older adults under their care HELP REDUCE HEALTH DISPARITIES SUPPORT WORKFORCE INNOVATION o Implement the Alternative Dental Health Care Provider Demonstration Grants Program (Section 340G-1 of the Public Health Service Act). [Up to 15, $4 million grants] o Support federal-state-local partnerships that enhance the oral health and overall health of underserved Americans, including older adults o Allow HRSA to analyze workforce innovations that increase access to dental care--all within a state’s scope of practice laws QUESTIONS? For more information, please visit www.oralhealthamerica.org or contact Advocacy Coordinator Bianca Rogers, Bianca.rogers@oralhealthamerica.org.